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tv   BBC News at Ten  BBC News  February 2, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm GMT

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we have breaking news — the us has begun air strikes against iranian—backed groups in syria and iraq. us central command released a statement saying in part "us centcom forces conducted airstrikes in iraq & syria against iran's islamic revolutionary guards corps quds forces. us military forces struck more than 85 targets. the airstrikes employed more than 125 precision munitions." it comes after three us soliders were killed in an attack on a us base in north—easternjordan on sunday by iran—backed militant groups. iran has denied involvement. us presidentjoe biden took part in the dignified transfer ceremony for the three in delaware, as their remains returned to the us friday. he also met with their families. the three soldiers, sergeants kennedy sanders, breonna moffett, and williamj rivers died in the strike near the border with syria on sunday. a0 more were wounded. with me is our state department
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correspondent, tom bateman. what more at this point to be know about these tricks? we what more at this point to be know about these tricks?— about these tricks? we know over the last hour there _ about these tricks? we know over the last hour there were _ about these tricks? we know over the last hour there were a _ about these tricks? we know over the last hour there were a lot of- about these tricks? we know over the last hour there were a lot of local - last hour there were a lot of local reports, this is the desert area on the iraq syria border. there is a quarter of towns that were in parallel with the euphrates river. a collection of towns on the border there. this appears to be around the area of activity. people are hearing loud explosions being reported there. a lot of drone activity over there. a lot of drone activity over the last hour or two. what central command, the us military force in that part of the world have said in the last 15 minutes or so as they have confirmed that air strikes attack took place in iraq and syria. they say against iran's islamic revolutionary guards corps quds forces, the elite fighting force of the islamic revolutionary guards corps. that matters. consistent with
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some threats made by us officials earlier this week. that person personnel would be targeted to iranian facilities. so they are talking about more than 85 targets being hit. the us says numerous aircraft including long—range bombers flowed from the united states and then they really list the sites were hit. they talk about command—and—control operation centres, rockets and missiles, so weaponry, drone storage. we had talked specifically about this because it was, according to us officials, a iranian built drone fired by iranian facts militia that hit the us base injordan over the weekend. so that has a specific mention in there. they also talk about supply chain and facilities for these militia groups and their islamic revolutionary guards corps sponsors. so that statement is meant to sound pretty big and it does. in terms of what they have done so far. of course we know earlier this week the iranians were saying they would
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say this leave respond decisively if their interests were hit in the regions and now we wait. we're going to come back — regions and now we wait. we're going to come back to _ regions and now we wait. we're going to come back to this _ regions and now we wait. we're going to come back to this but _ regions and now we wait. we're going to come back to this but what - regions and now we wait. we're going to come back to this but what about l to come back to this but what about the timing of this scene visa strikes today?— the timing of this scene visa strikes toda ? . , ., strikes today? clearly there have been some _ strikes today? clearly there have been some kind _ strikes today? clearly there have been some kind of _ strikes today? clearly there have been some kind of delay. - strikes today? clearly there have been some kind of delay. we - strikes today? clearly there have | been some kind of delay. we had these briefings in the back on yesterday but for the epic was meant to be some sort of explanation for the delay. talking about cloud cover in the inability to target when the weather was bad. now, in the inability to target when the weatherwas bad. now, obviously in the inability to target when the weather was bad. now, obviously it has happened a few hours after the repatriation of the remains of the three referral service to shoulders today. that you are just mission. —— reservist soldiers. it would not happen in the immediate run—up to that event so here we are. a few hours after that these tricks have not taken place.— hours after that these tricks have not taken place. thank you so much for the update _ not taken place. thank you so much for the update we _ not taken place. thank you so much for the update we will _ not taken place. thank you so much for the update we will come - not taken place. thank you so much for the update we will come back. for the update we will come back to you a little later in the programme. for now... live now to gina abercrombie winstanley former ambassdaor to malta and president of the middle east policy council. all was good to have you on bbc news. i want to get your thoughts on
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the simultaneous strikes on targets in syria and iraq.— in syria and iraq. clearly we all knew that _ in syria and iraq. clearly we all knew that they _ in syria and iraq. clearly we all knew that they were _ in syria and iraq. clearly we all knew that they were coming. l in syria and iraq. clearly we all- knew that they were coming. when you have three soldiers killed as we did injordan, than the president had no choice but to respond. all it was, waiting on, was a calculation of how much and how far and when. certainly the communication from our side and the communication from our side and the iranian side is that we do not want this to escalate further. so although this was a large strike, i suspect it was punishing, in breadth and width, it would also stay within the confines of not escalating. there has been comments, commentary from the iranians but in part of that commentary has been that they would respond, but a significant part of the commentary is that they
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do not want to escalate this conflict. i do not want to escalate this conflict. ., ., ., , ., conflict. i want to ask you, investor. _ conflict. i want to ask you, investor, with _ conflict. i want to ask you, investor, with salt - conflict. i want to ask you, . investor, with salt statements conflict. i want to ask you, - investor, with salt statements from us officials, 80 something targets just the first in the course of our, what can we take away, that this indeed will be a prolonged operation? indeed will be a prolonged operation?— operation? while there is significant _ operation? while there is significant pressure - operation? while there is significant pressure on i operation? while there is| significant pressure on the president to send a decisive signal. to make clear that the united states will not take these hits without responding. there is no point in having the fire power and the military stream that we have if we are not willing to use it. to protect our own. so if he is under significant pressure from republicans and of course from the american people. so the strikes, i expect they may continue a bit longer. we will see. but that they are going to be punishing. you mentioned _ are going to be punishing. you mentioned some _ are going to be punishing. you mentioned some commentary from iran, are you at all concerned given the breath of the strikes across iraq and syria on iranian back to sites that we could see some sort of
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response from iran, what are your thoughts? i response from iran, what are your thou~hts? ., ., . , thoughts? i would not necessarily exect a thoughts? i would not necessarily exnect a direct — thoughts? i would not necessarily expect a direct response - thoughts? i would not necessarily expect a direct response from - thoughts? i would not necessarily i expect a direct response from iran, although, they too, will be under the same sort of pressure that the president is under. every state has a responsibility to protect its citizens. so they will have pressure there. but more importantly, what everyone who has been observing the region, commenting and analysing this conflict since october the 11th, we have all been very aware and flagging the possibility for miscalculation. the possibility for missiles, air activity that was not under control of iran or the united states for that matter, that could cause in escalation. how much control iran has over its proxies in the region, whether it is the houthis, whether it is malicious on the border with lebanon or in a rock
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or syria, how much d control they haveis or syria, how much d control they have is still a question. and as the president has that, it is not that iran carried out the straight, it is that iran provides the weapons, the money, the training. so there is the possibility of its getting out of hand in spite of efforts being made by the united states leadership and in spite of efforts that may be made by iranian leadership.— by iranian leadership. really good oints by iranian leadership. really good points there- _ by iranian leadership. really good points there. stay _ by iranian leadership. really good points there. stay there. - by iranian leadership. really good points there. stay there. we - by iranian leadership. really good points there. stay there. we will i points there. stay there. we will come back to a little bit. let's go to our senior international correspondent. 0ur senior international correspondent 0rla guerinjoins me now from irbil in northern iraq. very good to see you. tell us the latest you are hearing there on the ground. we latest you are hearing there on the round. ~ ., �* ., ., , latest you are hearing there on the round. ., ., ground. we don't have any confirmed information get _ ground. we don't have any confirmed information get about _ ground. we don't have any confirmed information get about the _ ground. we don't have any confirmed information get about the damage i information get about the damage that has been done by visa strikes or the casualty toll that they have inflicted. we know that 85 targets have been struck and that us bombers
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were involved in a long distance message from the united states. undoubtedly, the president biden wanted to send a loud and clear message with these strikes. they had to be different to american action before. previously, what america has been retaliating against these iranian fact militia here in syria and iraq, the target has at least been quite familiar. safe houses, weapons storage, places of that order. america has tried to go up a gear, but in a very controlled way. president bite and has been trying to square the circle, to deliver a response that would be strong enough to satisfy public opinion in the us in an election year after the killing of three us servicemen. strong enough to keep the republican pressure at bay, but not so strong that it triggers a further escalation. either by iran itself or by its proxy militias. we had a
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statement from the us secretary of defence saying the situation can be managed, as he put it, and such a way that things do not escalate out of control. well, now we will see if thatis of control. well, now we will see if that is in fact the case. certainly, the intention is there on the part of the white house and it appears to be there on the part of the iranian leadership that a bad situation should not get much worse. the iranian leader said today that iran would not start a war, but if anyone tried to believe it, there would be a strong response. so the mood music if you like from iran and the white house is quite similar but that does not mean that there is no possibility of an uncontrolled escalation. these things can have a way of obtaining their own momentum. that is what we just heard from the ambassador we spoke to. i want to bring a statement we have seen now from the white house from president bite and sync this afternoon, and my direction, a us military force
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struck targets at facilities in iraq and syria that the islamic revolutionary guards corps in affiliated militia cues to attack us forces. 0ur response began today, it will continue at times and places of our choosing. so, very much what we had heard, it echoes what we had heard from the defence secretary earlier in the week. we were speaking about the fact that this could be the start of a longer operation from the us. can you tell us a bit more about the significant of the exact sites that we have seen struck so far and wide these were important to the us?— struck so far and wide these were important to the us? what the us officials have _ important to the us? what the us officials have been _ important to the us? what the us officials have been saying - important to the us? what the us officials have been saying during l officials have been saying during the week is that it would be a multitiered response. it could be in several locations over several days and that the first thing we see would not be the last thing we see evil stopping other words, there would be continuous action over a period of time. now, it asserts that president biden has no choice but to go after these targets. the
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ammunition systems, the weapons in storage, the safe houses, the training basis associated with it these pro iranian militia but one thing worth mentioning, when we arrived here this afternoon in northern iraq and there was already a lot of tension in the region. people have been counting down since last sunday. we are not dealing here with the element of surprise. it was very clear that the us would have to retaliate and retaliate in a markedly different way after three us service people were killed. we heard reports today on social media that well—known figures, well—known pro iranian militia leaders in baghdad had disappeared from view in the last few days and certainly were not sitting there regular locations weeding for american strikes to come. certainly, there will be some questions about whether or not what the americans call high—value targets will have been hit with the strikes. at this stage we simply do not have that level of detail.
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undoubtedly, the americans will have wanted to target senior figures in these militia groups. equally, they will have known for the past few days that these strikes in this kind of retaliation was coming.- days that these strikes in this kind of retaliation was coming. before we let ou no, of retaliation was coming. before we let you go. of— of retaliation was coming. before we let you go, of course _ of retaliation was coming. before we let you go, of course we _ of retaliation was coming. before we let you go, of course we will - of retaliation was coming. before we let you go, of course we will come . let you go, of course we will come back to you, but tell us how this is all tied to the current israel gaza war. we know the secretary of state will be heading to the region once again to pressure for a cease—fire. some of these militias have said, that they are carrying out strikes because of this war.— because of this war. while all of this is interconnected. - because of this war. while all of this is interconnected. it - because of this war. while all of this is interconnected. it is - because of this war. while all of this is interconnected. it is part| this is interconnected. it is part of the reason why the us secretary of the reason why the us secretary of state and that the biden administration has been making these desperate efforts to try to secure a cease—fire in gaza. because if that can be achieved, the hope is that it will take off the pressure, if you like. and reduce the volume of the violence elsewhere in the region.
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currently, we have the iranian backed houthis in yemen who are paralysing from shipping going through the red sea. we have iranian backed hezbollah treating fire with israelis across the border in the israelis across the border in the israeli assault with a devastating death toll of palestinian civilians in gaza. all increasing tension and anger in the region in the middle east at this point is a tinderbox. so the white house is hoping to be able to try to produce a period of calm with a cease—fire which would enable the flames to go down, if you like. the flames are not simply burning in gaza. it is across the region at this point. there was a statement by us secretary of state antony blinken a few days ago saying, this is the most dangerous time in the middle east since the i973 time in the middle east since the 1973 arab—israeli war. i think many people who have been studying the region for that long would agree with him will stop it is an
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extremely unpredictable and dangerous time and i think the main effort the white house is engaged in now, while carrying out these strakes on the iranian backed militia, it is simultaneously trying to get some kind of cease—fire on the table in gaza that would reduce the table in gaza that would reduce the level of tension in the region. thank you so much for that. i appreciate it. he will speak you little bit later. let me bring back the ambassador. i saw you nodding a bit as we were listening to our correspondent there on the ground. i want to get your thoughts on what she shared. i think she's exactly right. and of course president biden is in an extremely difficult position. and perhaps the iranians as well. keeping in mind, as the strakes are carried out, iran calling its senior folks out from syria, clearly understood that the united states was going to retaliate. with his statements that it does not want an escalation, but again, we go back to
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who controls who. even after the united states has carried a multiple strakes against the houthis, they continued to carry out attacks against shipping and the red sea. we have had statements from the iranian backed groups in iraq that they intend to continue to carry out strikes against the united states. so, where is the tipping point where it is enough without expanding this conflict? that is the threat, the needle rather that president biden is trying to thread. with people on the other side, do not have the same calculations, same responsibilities, there is no election coming up among iranian backed groups. they have different calculations and it is hard to get into those heads to see what will change it. that brings all of the attention back to the
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conflict in the gaza strip. as it was said, it has all combined and interwoven and we see whether all of these things are truly connected, if there is indeed a cease—fire, do these attacks against shipping, american forces in the region? so that will remain to be and that puts additional pressure on secretary of state, blinken, to bring a cease—fire in get it in place. state, blinken, to bring a cease-fire in get it in place. good oint cease-fire in get it in place. good point there- _ cease-fire in get it in place. good point there- i _ cease-fire in get it in place. good point there. i should _ cease-fire in get it in place. good point there. i should mention - cease—fire in get it in place. good point there. i should mention in that statement from president biden was a little bit earlier, he repeated, the us does not seek a wider conflict in the middle east. 0ne wider conflict in the middle east. one more question on this, the question has been asked here in washington, how much control does iran have over these proxy groups? iran have over these proxy groups? iran has said that it was not involved in these attacks and it did not give the green light. the use of course, washington says, that it arms and trains these groups. yes. that is exactly _ arms and trains these groups. yes. that is exactly right. _ arms and trains these groups. yes. that is exactly right. that - arms and trains these groups. jazz that is exactly right. that is what makes the situation so terribly
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dangerous right now. i indeed question how much control, at this point, the control really comes to if you are in tuned to arm, train and provide financing. if the iranians stop because they do not control them, they still have weapons. they still are trained and they still have resources that would allow them to carry on attacks. i don't know for how long, depending on what the strakes achieve that are being carried out by the united states, but i don't think anyone thinks that the strakes carried out, evenin thinks that the strakes carried out, even in 85 different places, are going to completely wipe out their ability to do something. so the question about the control is a real one. i'm sure it has iran extremely nervous right now and i suspect we will continue to see statements that they are not in control of these forces and are not trying to escalate this conflict.- forces and are not trying to escalate this conflict. and pastor, thank ou escalate this conflict. and pastor, thank you for— escalate this conflict. and pastor, thank you for those _ escalate this conflict. and pastor, thank you for those thoughts. - escalate this conflict. and pastor, l thank you for those thoughts. then
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we will come back to you in a bit. joining us now from abu dhabi is mina al—0raibi, editor in chief at the national newspaper. good to have you on bbc news. let's get your thoughts on these announced strakes that we have seen confirmed from the president also from central command. what do you make of them? we have been expecting the strakes ever since news of the three american soldiers were killed in jordan. the us administration has put everyone on notice, so to speak, that there would be action. it is interesting that these are 85 targets have been struck at long range bombers have been used will stop the announcement from the us made a point of saying that these are bombers that have come in from the us for subs so they are notjust using planes and equipment that is here in the region, but actually coming in from the us meaning this is a white or a military strike than what has been seen with certain
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limited attacks since the cost of the 7th of october. brute limited attacks since the cost of the 7th of october.— the 7th of october. we saw in the statement _ the 7th of october. we saw in the statement from _ the 7th of october. we saw in the statement from president - the 7th of october. we saw in the statement from president biden, | the 7th of october. we saw in the . statement from president biden, our response began today, it will continue at times and places of our choosing. how do you think i will be perceived there in the region? for concern, perceived there in the region? for concern. is. _ perceived there in the region? fr?" concern, is, of course, these proxies, the iranian backed proxies in iraq and syria that were struck today, of course do not occur in isolation. these are civilian populations around these areas are really the first victims of any of the strakes. the strikes happen, we see them very sanitised from the air, but there are people on the ground that are reliving the trauma of war after war. especially when you think about iraq. 0ne of war after war. especially when you think about iraq. one time on the border has been struck repeatedly so we have to take a moment to think about those on the ground who have no choice it in being there when you have these proxies. iran wants to distance itself from these proxies but the reality is they cannot operate in
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the way that they do if it was not for the training and support they get from iran. however, we are entering very difficult political moment because for the iraqi government there is a lot of tension now where the us has struck inside of a rock, now where the us has struck inside ofa rock, iran now where the us has struck inside of a rock, iran struck inside a only two weeks ago, where your correspondent was just speaking to you about when to go, so the situation on the ground is tenuous. before the strakes were announced, we heard that secretary of state antony blinken will be visiting the region, again to try to bring a cease—fire or at least an end to the situation in gaza which is really fuelling a lot of what we are seeing at the moment.— fuelling a lot of what we are seeing at the moment. what can you tell us about these — at the moment. what can you tell us about these proxy _ at the moment. what can you tell us about these proxy groups _ at the moment. what can you tell us about these proxy groups in - about these proxy groups in particular, this group in a rock that claim response ability for the strike, what do we know about their strength, their numbers? the numbers are very hard — strength, their numbers? the numbers are very hard to — strength, their numbers? the numbers are very hard to get _ strength, their numbers? the numbers are very hard to get a _ strength, their numbers? the numbers are very hard to get a foothold - strength, their numbers? the numbers are very hard to get a foothold of. -
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are very hard to get a foothold of. again, these are very difficult groups to really understand, on purpose. they want to remain vague and opaque and they have some foot soldiers that are based on monthly payments to join at certain times. some are very ideologically stuck in, but you are talking about thousands. what matters is some proxies are saying they will continue to strike at the united states, while one group, incredibly powerful, saying they will hold a text saying that they feel that the united states will be targeting them directly after the killing of the three american soldiers injordan. so again, this is going to be a political moment where these proxy groups has to decide if they continue with their modus operandi which is targeting us wherever possible than the strakes will get stronger. what is clear is that the leadership of these groups are going to go underground because they are
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scared that there will be a repeat of 2020 when of course, the head of the quds forces force of iran and also one of their men were killed in the target in baghdad. so as long as the target in baghdad. so as long as the head of these groups are not seeking out, they will continue to operate. to seeking out, they will continue to oerate. ., ., ., , seeking out, they will continue to oerate. ., ., ., ., operate. to follow up on that. i saw a tweet from _ operate. to follow up on that. i saw a tweet from a _ operate. to follow up on that. i saw a tweet from a congressman - a tweet from a congressman criticising president biden for waiting five days since he was her first members were killed for carrying out the strakes saying the leaders of these strakes would have already gone underground. is there any truth to that, what do we know about that?— any truth to that, what do we know about that? ., , ,., , , , about that? there was some surprise, i have to about that? there was some surprise, i have to say — about that? there was some surprise, i have to say in _ about that? there was some surprise, i have to say in the _ about that? there was some surprise, i have to say in the region _ about that? there was some surprise, i have to say in the region that - about that? there was some surprise, i have to say in the region that the - i have to say in the region that the timing of the strakes was really announced by the administration. so there are concerns that if you really do want to take out the leadership, you don't necessarily give a heads up of when you expect to use strakes to happen. having said that, i think they went underground soon after that attack was the point of the things proxies have always been his try to avoid
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killing american servicemen and women because they know that is when president biden has to react. the question is does it really have to take american soldiers to get killed in order to respond to these proxy groups that are wreaking havoc? 3c} groups that are wreaking havoc? 30 seconds or so left. how do you think iran will be looking at these strakes, will it warrant a course against such strakes? it strakes, will it warrant a course against such strakes?_ strakes, will it warrant a course against such strakes? it didn't warn a . ainst against such strakes? it didn't warn against such _ against such strakes? it didn't warn against such strakes _ against such strakes? it didn't warn against such strakes but _ against such strakes? it didn't warn against such strakes but as - against such strakes? it didn't warn against such strakes but as long as| against such strakes but as long as purchase concerts long as they are not happening within its own boundaries, it can take the hit. relative to your perspective on this story. interesting insights there. think you so much forjoining us. just a reminder of our breaking story. the use asserted air strikes against iranian backed groups in syria and iraq. central command forces sing the strakes happen against the islamic revolutionary guards corps also affiliated groups. they struck 85 targets including command and control operations, intelligent such as in weaponry.
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that comes after three us soldiers were killed in an attack on us base in the north—east ofjordan on sunday. so for all the reviewers on pbs, washing problems america. thank you so much for staying with us. this is now our continuing coverage of the strikes that have been announced. i wanted to bring back our state department correspondent tom bateman who is looking at the latest. i see various statements coming in. tell us what you are attracting at the moment. aha, coming in. tell us what you are attracting at the moment. a talk about what _ attracting at the moment. a talk about what we _ attracting at the moment. a talk about what we do _ attracting at the moment. a talk about what we do know. - attracting at the moment. a talk about what we do know. and - attracting at the moment. a talk i about what we do know. and what attracting at the moment. a talk - about what we do know. and what we don't know. so what we know is that these strikes have hit the middle ground of what was being talked about, anticipated, speculated around. they have targeted iraq and syria. that was part of the threat. they have had iranians facilities and they have talked about targeting the quds forces force of the islamic revolutionary guards corps. that is significant for something is the elite of fighting unit entrance and
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arms these militias both in iraq and syria. it has huge symbolic importance for the iranian regime. its commander was soleimani killed by president trump in a back in 2020. so they have specifically talked about president biden talking about the islamic revolutionary guards corps. going after them. what they have not done his hit iranian soil. and they have not hit, they are rather sort of big eruptions like this in iranian worship of the red sea so it seems they are not part of the target. so it is, what the us is trying to signal here to the us is trying to signal here to the iranians is, this is what we are starting with the subject is notable in the statement from president biden, he says, our response began today, it will continue at times and places of our choosing post that he is saying that there is more to come. the application will be there. that they will escalate if they feel they need to. they're trying to get they need to. they're trying to get the iranians to back off, of course the iranians to back off, of course the coming hours and days, it will become clear whether or not the
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iranians will now stick to their threat for a decisive response if their facilities were hit. threat for a decisive response if theirfacilities were hit. i threat for a decisive response if their facilities were hit. i should note that we — their facilities were hit. i should note that we have _ their facilities were hit. i should note that we have also - their facilities were hit. i should note that we have also received| their facilities were hit. i should i note that we have also received a statement from the defence secretary would austin. that very much it mirrors the words that we saw from president biden as well. thank you so much. we'll come back in bit. let's speak now to live now to robin wright who is a distinguished scholar at the woodrow wilson center and a columnist at the new yorker. what you think of the strikes the target selected in the scale of them. it target selected in the scale of them. ., ., ,, target selected in the scale of them. ,, .,, target selected in the scale of them. ,, ., them. it looks like most of the oriainal them. it looks like most of the original attacks, _ them. it looks like most of the original attacks, the _ them. it looks like most of the original attacks, the 85 - them. it looks like most of the original attacks, the 85 are - them. it looks like most of the original attacks, the 85 are in l original attacks, the 85 are in syria. remember, of the 160 attacks by iranian backed militia, the majority have been in syria. more than 90 on us forces still based in syria and more than 60 attacks on us forces in iraq. i suspect you will see action in iraq. united states is trying to send a very strong message to iran without hitting iran. for
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the first time hitting its forces that are based in iraq and syria, not far from where are. that that are based in iraq and syria, not far from where are.- that are based in iraq and syria, not far from where are. that is a really interesting _ not far from where are. that is a really interesting point. - not far from where are. that is a really interesting point. just - not far from where are. that is a really interesting point. just ask| really interesting point. just ask you about the pressure that the president has been under. we keep hearing this over and over in the last hour. tell us more about winning to weighing in on the decision on when and where to strike. i decision on when and where to strike. .. . decision on when and where to strike. ~ ., ., ., , ., strike. i think a lot of things had to be ut strike. i think a lot of things had to be put in _ strike. i think a lot of things had to be put in place _ strike. i think a lot of things had to be put in place to _ strike. i think a lot of things had to be put in place to protect - to be put in place to protect american forces in there. we are pretty thin in syria and iraq. 900 and syria, 225 in a rock. and of course there is the r injordan that was hit that has about 215 americans. so there are issues of when you hit but also how to protect american forces. so if there is retaliation, that there are not americans killed in the process. so i think the time was probably the intelligence involves keeping track of these people who may have known that they would be targets after the americans may have been moving. so there are a lot of pieces in motion
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when something like this haskins and a president has to make a decision. we keep hearing the last few days of this would be a multitiered operation. lasting several days. tell us what you think we can expect to see in the coming days, perhaps weeks? i to see in the coming days, perhaps weeks? .. . to see in the coming days, perhaps weeks? ~' , , ., weeks? i think this will play out over a significant _ weeks? i think this will play out over a significant period - weeks? i think this will play out over a significant period of - weeks? i think this will play out | over a significant period of time. because the us wants to stop these attacks. a member, it is notjust the 160 something since the gotze were broke out, live a long history of iranian backless is the united states, dating back to over a decade. the united states has occasionally taken a retaliatory stance and it kills the commander of the iranian elite force, but that has not determined the iranians at all. northeir has not determined the iranians at all. nor their militia arms. so, this is a moment that the united states what's to signal and an important election year, that the united states has the upper hand militarily. flan united states has the upper hand militaril . . . united states has the upper hand militaril . . , , ., militarily. can i just get your militarily. can i 'ust get your thoughts that _ militarily. can i just get your thoughts that we _ militarily. can i just get your thoughts that we are - militarily. can i just get your thoughts that we are seeing | militarily. can i just get your - thoughts that we are seeing some reaction from republicans secure in
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the us. 0ne reaction from republicans secure in the us. one from congressman baron donald's, republican from florida saying, these strikes should have occurred the same day service members were killed. the weakness that president biden is shown to preserve the past three years has and power to bad actors across the middle east. this and power to bad actors across the middle east-— middle east. this is an election ear and middle east. this is an election year and it _ middle east. this is an election year and it is — middle east. this is an election year and it is a _ middle east. this is an election year and it is a political- middle east. this is an election| year and it is a political climate. so it is likely that whatever the united states did or whatever the current ministration did, there were criticism. that has been true of all administrations in recent history. i suspect there will be some backlash will stop remember, there are a lot of considerations that go into a massive attack like this. you have to be prepared to commit to be targeted, have to keep up the intelligence on the ground and that is a tough task.— is a tough task. good to get your thou . hts is a tough task. good to get your thoughts on _ is a tough task. good to get your thoughts on the _ is a tough task. good to get your thoughts on the story. _ is a tough task. good to get your thoughts on the story. thank - is a tough task. good to get yourj thoughts on the story. thank you so much. aair a air strikes aairstrikes in a air strikes in syria and iraq, central command forces sing the
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strikes happened against iran's revolutionary guard, we do have a statement from lloyd austin who has responded, saying, the president has directed additional actions to hold the eye arejuicy directed additional actions to hold the eye are juicy and affiliated militias accountable for their attacks on us and coalition forces, these will unfold at times and places of our choosing, we do not seek conflict in the middle east or elsewhere but the president and i will not tolerate attacks on american forces, we will take all actions to defend the united states, our forces and interests, actions to defend the united states, ourforces and interests, let's speak more about this. joining me live from baghdad is bbc world service correspondent nafiseh kohnavard. i understand there has been back channel communication, tell us more about what you know. yes.
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channel communication, tell us more about what you know.— about what you know. yes, in the ast few about what you know. yes, in the past few days. —


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