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tv   BBC News Now  BBC News  February 9, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm GMT

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the headlines: prince harry s phone—hacking legalfight with the publishers of the daily mirror returns to the high court in london. early results in the pakistan election show a tight race — with at least two parties claiming victory. an israeli air strike on a residential area in rafah — hours after the us said it wouldn't support an offensive that failed to prioritise civilian lives. president putin has insisted that russia has no interest in invading poland, latvia or other nato countries, calling such a scenario "absolutely out of the question". the comments were made during a lengthy interview that was conducted in the kremlin with former fox news host tucker carlson. the interview was broadcast on the tucker carlson network. mr putin accused nato member states of trying to intimidate people with what he called an imaginary russian threat. he said however that the atlantic alliance must accept moscow's territorial gains in ukraine, which he invaded in 2022.
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he again claimed it was an artificial country. he also said that russian defeat in ukraine was "impossible". on evan gershkovich, the wall streetjournal reporter detained in russia, mr putin said an "agreement" could be reached for his release. here's the moment vladimir putin was asked by carlson whether he'd invade a nato country such as poland. can you imagine a scenario where you sent russian troops to poland? translation: only in one case, if poland attacks russia. - why? because we have no interest in poland, latvia or anywhere else. why would we do that? we simply don't have any interest. the bbc�*s russia editor steve rosenberg said vladimir putin revealed nothing particularly new in the interview. we have heard most of what vladimir putin had to say before,
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this was a platform for him to put across his recent narrative about the war in ukraine and his worldview, the world according to vladimir putin to an american audience, to the us political establishment, to the west in general, knowing that he would not be challenged very much on his answers. and the world according to vladimir putin is one in which russia is the victim and the west is the aggressor — nato, america, ukraine. he never accepts any responsibility for what has happened so that's kind of the picture we got in this interview yesterday. tucker carlson some days ago claimed not a single western journalist had been bothered to request an interview with vladimir putin since the invasion of ukraine. that is not true at all. the bbc and many other broadcasters, western broadcasters, have requested repeatedly and interview with the kremlin leader but it's been a no.
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but it's clear that tucker carlson was chosen as the interviewer because he had made many pro—russia comments in recent times. he did not challenge vladimir putin on many of the things he said. on the alternative reality that was painted by the kremlin leader about what has happened with the war in ukraine and i would imagine the kremlin will be pretty pleased. there's been a media circus in russia over this interview. it's almost been like a pop star has arrived to interview vladimir putin, such has been the level of interest in tucker carlson. please have swear at police. ashley
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ward was arrested on suspicion of dangerous dog form protests are spreading across europe. demonstrations are planned in poland, hungary and italy today. italy's government has promised tax breaks to ease hardships for farmers italy's government has promised tax breaks to ease farmers ed tax breaks to ease hardship for farmers — after hundreds began rallying with their tractors this week, on motorways outside rome and turin. this was the scene on thursday. farmers from agricultural regions such as tuscany headed south towards the capital, flying the italian flag and carrying hand—written signs with slogans
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including "no farmer, no food". let's speak to our rome correspondent, mark lowen, who is on the outskirts of rome where the farmers are. this is the latest battle line being drawn between your�*s farmers added policy makers. we are just outside rome were italian farmers and contractors are coming to protest, more common by the hour to the stations here in a show of strength to show they have important complaints that they want the government to listen to. they say they will blockade the ring—road around rome unless they get listened to by the government. their complaints are very much shared by their counterparts right across europe, that there are excessive eu environmental regulations on allocating land for nonagricultural use, pesticide and fertiliser plant that they say are completely unsustainable amid soaring costs and plummeting prices. they want income tax breaks. they want the cuts in imports that are coming in from ukraine and elsewhere that they say are undercutting their profits. they say they will continue and escalate their protest unless they get a
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meeting with the agriculture minister and the prime minister, which has been offered but not yet confirmed. they said they will go into your room and keep up their protests unless they get that. this all feeds into a political movement in europe with eu elections injune which could see a rapid rise in far right parties which are capitalising on this anger of the farmers, the sense of an urban elite policymaker against the rural areas that are not being listened to. several eu governments have backtracked on some targets hoping to placate the protests and that, for these italian farmers, will be the hope here as well. for now a few tractors have been allowed to go towards rome as a show of strength to some extent. all roads lead to rome and these ones are paved with protesters. some breaking news from the high court and that is that prince harry
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has settled the remaining part of his phone hacking claim against mirror group newspapers. that is what his barrister has told the high court. we don't have the exact figure of the settlement but we are told it is substantial damages. the high court had heard that the company had accepted an offer to settle the claim made by the prince. at the end of last year the court ruled that prince harry had been hacked. that was for 15 out of 33 claims he had brought. so, we have just heard that prince harry has now settled those remaining parts of his phone hacking claim. we will get you the details on that as soon as we have it. a national shortage of drugs for adhd is causing "real difficulties" for children and young people in the uk. the royal college of psychiatrists is calling for schools to make reasonable adjustments for students
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who are struggling. in september, a national patient safety alert was issued around the shortage of three major adhd medications. joining me now is the ceo and founder of adhd uk, henry shelford. hello to you, henry. this is affecting all people who suffer from adhd. are you able to talk us through with the impact has been on the shortages generally? the through with the impact has been on the shortages generally?— the shortages generally? the impact has been enormous. _ the shortages generally? the impact has been enormous. the _ the shortages generally? the impact has been enormous. the rug - the shortages generally? the impact has been enormous. the rug was - has been enormous. the rug was pulled out from under people in september. suddenly people, including myself, found there was no medication. this medication is life changing. myself included. it is like taking a wheelchair away from a disabled person. if you do that, they don't die, but they can't work in the same way, they can't be with
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their friends and family in the same way, they can contribute in the same way, they can contribute in the same way and that is been exactly what has been happening for people who have adhd, suddenly they can't work, they can go to school in the same way and it has caused about —— enormous problems. adhd affects every aspect of your life and certainly don't have the capability to live your life to that same capability. literally within days you find you can do what you are expected to do. no one has been able to know exactly how long it will be. that national patient alerts at this programme would be over in december, and it's not. flan programme would be over in december, and it's not. . , ., ., and it's not. can you tell me more about how — and it's not. can you tell me more about how personally _ and it's not. can you tell me more about how personally you - and it's not. can you tell me more about how personally you feel? is| and it's not. can you tell me more i about how personally you feel? is it how much you are able to focus on things? how much you are able to focus on thins? ., ., i. how much you are able to focus on thins? ., ., y” how much you are able to focus on thins? ., ., ,, .,, �* things? how do you feel? i wasn't able to get _
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things? how do you feel? i wasn't able to get my — things? how do you feel? i wasn't able to get my proper _ things? how do you feel? i wasn't| able to get my proper medication, one of we reckon about a people. i have been able to get a different medication but in different strengths, one of the ii%. my focus cascades from one thing to another. at the end of the day i haven't done what i needed to do. or i have periods of hyperfocus, this faulty focus work in german for hours and hours and hours and i can suddenly p0p hours and hours and i can suddenly pop out and i have done something but it is not what i needed to do. not having that control of my focus to do what i know i have to do, it is brutal. it is really, really hard. it makes doing anything extraordinarily difficult. nearly 90% of people set their work has
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been impacted, 43% think they are at risk of losing theirjob. this is so hard this changes. it's a third of people in full—time education have had to pause their education because of this, if they are adults. 50% of people in part—time education. these are life changing things and it is wonderful that the royal college have highlighted the need for adjustments. schools are supposed to put things in place to help children with adhd and to know that more help is needed because there is no medication, but they haven't. we have been hearing stories of students being put on exclusion pads rather than getting help. it is
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wonderful what the royal college is doing. one of the major asks is to make permanent changes. this is a short—term issue, don't exclude someone, don't remove them from the school, for people who work, don't fire them. let's get through this. thank you so much for talking to us. i really appreciate your time. a statement from the department of health and social care says it is working closely with the nhs, the industry and others in the supply chain to help resolve any issue with adhd medication as soon as possible. let's go back to the news that it is broken in the last few minutes that prince harry has settled part of his phone hacking claim against mirror new —— mirror group newspapers. charlie rose is outside the city courthouse in london. we have had a statement from mirror group newspapers. in
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statement from mirror group newsnapers-_ statement from mirror group news--aers. , , newspapers. in the past few minutes inside the court _ newspapers. in the past few minutes inside the court the _ newspapers. in the past few minutes inside the court the duke _ newspapers. in the past few minutes inside the court the duke of- newspapers. in the past few minutes inside the court the duke of sussex l inside the court the duke of sussex has won further substantial damages after settling the rest of his phone hacking claim against mirror group newspapers. the high court heard the company had accepted an offer to settle the claim made by the prince. mirror group newspapers have responded, send we welcomed the judgment in december that gave the business the necessary clarity to move forward from the events of many years ago. a historicalfrom doing took place have apologised fully, and paid compensation. it says we are pleased to have reached this agreement, which gives our business further clarity to move forward from events that took place many years ago and for which we have apologised. we know that at the end of last year prince harry and his legal team won 15 of 33 sample
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claims made against the mirror group newspapers, accusing them of unlawful information gathering and that include phone hacking, hacking into his personal e—mails. getting personal information in an unlawful way. prince harry and the duke of sussex and his legal team say that was just beginning and they were going to make many more claims, 115 claims. today they were trying to make a settlement to those claims. that is what was happening this afternoon. some of these stories in the newspapers that were being referred to involved prince harry's relationship and he was much younger with a young lady called chelsy davy and the stories in the newspapers refer to their relationship, they
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referred to arguments they might have had, dates they went on and even tatties. prince harry was saying that he struggled to lead a normal life. it was an intrusion into his private life. what was waiting to be decided today was whether these outstanding claims, 115 claims, were going to go to trial or whether there would be a settlement. now we know there has been a settlement. just to reiterate what has happened in the past few minutes, the duke of sussex has one further substantial damages after settling the rest of his phone hacking claim against mirror group newspapers and the high court heard the company had accepted an offer to settle the claim made by the prince. we are just settle the claim made by the prince. we arejust going settle the claim made by the prince. we are just going to take a short break we will be back with you in a moment. around the world and across the uk, this is bbc news. we have been hearing that the duke
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of sussex has settled the remaining parts of his phone hacking claim against mirror group newspapers and we have been told the amount of damage is substantial. he already has received £1a0,000 previously at the end of last year when this was ruled on. i'm just reading that is lower in confirming the settlement had been reached between thejerk and mirror group newspapers said the publisher would make an interim payment of £400,000, but we don't know what the full figure race. the statement from mgn says that they welcomed the judgment in december that give the business the necessary clarity to move forward from events that took place many years ago when historical wrongdoing took place. we apologise unreservedly, have taken full responsibility and pay compensation, so we are pleased to have reached this agreement which gives our business full clarity to move forward from events that took place. you are life with bbc news.
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let's go back to charlie at the high court. prince harry not in court today, but as we were sent previously this is a huge issue for him. this isn't the end of it for him. this isn't the end of it for him by any means, but it isjust the end of this particular one. yes. end of this particular one. yes, that's right- — end of this particular one. yes, that's right. during _ end of this particular one. yes, that's right. during the - end of this particular one. yes, that's right. during the trial- end of this particular one. yes that's right. during the trial last year prince harry spoke about him being able not to trust anybody because people were hacking into his phone, his voice mail. mirror group newspapers hacking into his phone to get information by unlawful means to write stories. when the judgment came down at the end of last year that prince harry one 15 of those 33 sample cases his legal team described it as a great deal for truth and accountability. we are waiting for his legal team to come
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out and give a statement. he is going to be responding and give more information to the news that we heard in the last few minutes that has been going on in the courtroom behind me that prince harry has one further substantial damages after settling the rest of his phone hacking claim against mirror group newspapers. the high court had heard that the company had accepted an offer to settle the claim made by the prince. we don't know what the settlement is or how much money we are talking about but what we do know is that the end of last year when prince harry won those 15 claims against mirror group newspapers he was awarded damages are just over hundred and newspapers he was awarded damages arejust over hundred and £40,000. the damages in this case is likely to be significantly more than that. we are waiting to hear from david sherborne, who leads the legal team for prince harry, he is going to
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come out and gave a statement to reporters. mirror group newspapers have responded said they welcomed the judgment have responded said they welcomed thejudgment in december have responded said they welcomed the judgment in december that came to the business the necessary clarity to move forward from the events that took place many years ago. they say we are pleased to have reached this agreement today regarding the settlement following an offer from regarding the settlement following an offerfrom prince harry and his legal team. that agreements gives our business further clarity to move forward from events that took place many years ago and for which they have apologised. they have apologised more than once. they apologised more than once. they apologised before this latest trial took place but they originally said that they weren't responsible for what happened with prince harry but then the judgment came down at the end of last year and now that judgment came down in favour of prince harry and now this settlement has been reached. we don't know the value of the settlement at this
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stage but perhaps we will get more information in the last few minutes when david sherborne, the head of the prince harry legal team gives a statement we will keep orion those microphones outside the court. let’s microphones outside the court. let's brina in microphones outside the court. let's bring in our — microphones outside the court. let's bring in our media _ microphones outside the court. let's bring in our media lawyer now. matthew, are you surprised by this. prince harry had previously said it really wasn't about the money, it was about the principle. i really wasn't about the money, it was about the principle.- was about the principle. i think harry has _ was about the principle. i think harry has had _ was about the principle. i think harry has had his _ was about the principle. i think harry has had his day - was about the principle. i think harry has had his day in - was about the principle. i think harry has had his day in court, | was about the principle. i think. harry has had his day in court, he has had thejudgment harry has had his day in court, he has had the judgment on the principle and the court saying that the mirror group where widespread using unlawful methods are gathering information about him to produce these articles, including phone hacking. i imagine harry feels he has got everything he wanted and is now happy to settle this claim. the 'ud . e now happy to settle this claim. the judge talked in december about the practice being widespread and also
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that many news executives knew about it, so i think that would have been important to prince harry as well. i do think that is important. i think it is important that the court gave judgment and said look, not only was harry's from being hacked, but the bones of his close friends were also being hacked to find stories on him. as well as —— as well as other unlawful means of gathering information about harry. that was the damning judgment against mirror group newspapers that harry would have been pleased to have seen. in terms of the test case on this, where our things at? so many people would have been watching that's in terms of its implication for others. can you explain the test case aspect on this? . , can you explain the test case aspect on this? .,, , ., .., can you explain the test case aspect on this? ., , , ., _, ., on this? last year the court made some decisions _ on this? last year the court made some decisions are _ on this? last year the court made some decisions are more - on this? last year the court made some decisions are more general| some decisions are more general themes. for example, that senior
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executives were aware that phone hacking was taking place at the mirror. those findings are helpful to the hundred other claimants who have got claims against the mirror group because they may help to settle some of those claims because there isn't this general overarching issue of whether the mirror was involved in hacking. we now have a judgment that says that they were. could more people come forward? where does it stand in terms of other people? i where does it stand in terms of other pebble?— where does it stand in terms of other people?— other people? i think it is likely that some _ other people? i think it is likely that some other— other people? i think it is likely that some other claimants - other people? i think it is likely that some other claimants may| other people? i think it is likely - that some other claimants may come forward, howeverthe that some other claimants may come forward, however the time is running out on those claims. we have a limitation period in this country of normally six years, so if you had been aware of the potential case for phone hacking within the last six years, that time is running down. we don't have the exact figure yet of the settlement, but i was just
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saying that david sherborne, prince harry's lawyer, is said that the publisher would make an interim payment of £400,000. this £400,000 will go well to help them with all the other cases he still has going, won't it? , , ., i: i: i: i: i: won't it? yes, but that £400,000 interim payment _ won't it? yes, but that £400,000 interim payment is _ won't it? yes, but that £400,000 interim payment is in _ won't it? yes, but that £400,000 interim payment is in respect - won't it? yes, but that £400,000 interim payment is in respect of i interim payment is in respect of harry's legal costs. to be honest, those are his legal costs and that is what he has sought to recover. that 400,000 will go simply to paint the costs of this claim. but you're right, he will have settled for a significant sum of money, like the summer in the region of 300 300— £500,000 in relation to the claims of these hundred and 15 articles. it may well be that harry does use those damages to continue to fight against the other newspapers that he
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accuses of phone hacking. in against the other newspapers that he accuses of phone hacking.— accuses of phone hacking. in terms of this being _ accuses of phone hacking. in terms of this being harry's _ accuses of phone hacking. in terms of this being harry's life's - accuses of phone hacking. in terms of this being harry's life's work, . of this being harry's life's work, we talked a little bit about it a month ago, but talk us through how much it has impacted upon him previously. he talked about it in his book. it had a big impact on his life. i his book. it had a big impact on his life. ~' . , his book. it had a big impact on his life. ~ ., , ., . life. i think harry gave evidence last ear life. i think harry gave evidence last year where _ life. i think harry gave evidence last year where he _ life. i think harry gave evidence last year where he explains - life. i think harry gave evidence j last year where he explains that because those around him were being hacked and unlawful information gathering was used to gather stories about harry in this way, he did feel that it couldn't trust anyone, even those closest to him because stories about his life for getting to the media through these unlawful measures that were being used by publishers such as the mirror to write stories about him. for example, we heard during the course of the proceedings that harry went
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to meet caroline flack on a potential dates and when he arrived at the destination, it was secret only known between three people were harry was going to be going, there was a photographer on the doorstep. that level of intrusion really affected his life. to that level of intrusion really affected his life.— that level of intrusion really affected his life. to stay with us, matthew. affected his life. to stay with us, matthew- we _ affected his life. to stay with us, matthew. we are _ affected his life. to stay with us, matthew. we are waiting - affected his life. to stay with us, matthew. we are waiting for- affected his life. to stay with us, | matthew. we are waiting for david sherborne to come out. we will go straight to that when david sherborne does come out. we will say goodbye to people watching around the world. if you watching in the uk stay with us because we will be continuing our coverage and anyone watching any can tune into the bbc website to get more information. whitney still is matthew gale, a media lawyer. in terms of his
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relationships and the strain it took on them, and as you say, that questioning of his friends and the way he probably lost a lot of friends because of this distrust that they had on people. yes. friends because of this distrust that they had on people. yes, that's riaht, and that they had on people. yes, that's right. and the _ that they had on people. yes, that's right, and the scale _ that they had on people. yes, that's right, and the scale of— that they had on people. yes, that's right, and the scale of intrusion - right, and the scale of intrusion into his life didn'tjust include phone hacking, but also accessing his medical records through contacting people who might be able to be persuaded to give information to be persuaded to give information to the newspapers and there were other instances, for example chelsy davy, his former girlfriend, it was found had her phone systematically hacked by the mirror so many stories were being published about his private relationships in the newspapers that represented a massive intrusion into his life.
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what impact does this had on mirror group newspapers? has it had any impact in terms of losing readers? i think it does have a reputational impact. i'm not sure that it's resulted in a drop of leadership, but certainly the mirror group saying this is historic and these practices finished a long time ago and they have moved on from that period of their history. financially how are they doing? this is a huge and very significant thing financially for the mirror group. the cost in harris case we have heard of at least £400,000 and we would expect that the damages they are paying to him may be a similar number, so in his case alone represents almost a million, probably more in terms of cost to the mirror group. there are a hundred other claimants. harry is
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likely to be the most significant and one of the claimants with the highest number of articles written about them, but there are other people bringing claims and the mirror will be keen to settle as many of them as possible. the cost of settling claims by 100 people will be extremely high.- will be extremely high. could it ruin them? _ will be extremely high. could it ruin them? i'm _ will be extremely high. could it ruin them? i'm not _ will be extremely high. could it ruin them? i'm not aware - will be extremely high. could it ruin them? i'm not aware of. will be extremely high. could it l ruin them? i'm not aware of their financial position _ ruin them? i'm not aware of their financial position right _ ruin them? i'm not aware of their financial position right now, - ruin them? i'm not aware of their financial position right now, but l financial position right now, but certainly the costs of settling these claims could exceed £50 million and that is a really significant sum of money for a newspaper to stomach. just for eo - le newspaper to stomach. just for people here — newspaper to stomach. just for people here may _ newspaper to stomach. just for people here may be _ newspaper to stomach. just for people here may be just - newspaper to stomach. just forj people here may bejust joining newspaper to stomach. just for - people here may bejust joining us, people here may bejustjoining us, just to repeat it, the duke of sussex has settled the remaining part of his phone hacking claim against the mirror group newspapers. just talk us through what happened in december. it was 15 claims that
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the ruling was about. in in december. it was 15 claims that the ruling was about. in december at the ruling was about. in december at the 'udue the ruling was about. in december at the judge ruled _ the ruling was about. in december at the judge ruled that _ the ruling was about. in december at the judge ruled that out _ the ruling was about. in december at the judge ruled that out of— the ruling was about. in december at the judge ruled that out of the - the ruling was about. in december at the judge ruled that out of the 33 - the judge ruled that out of the 33 articles that the judge was to review and make decisions on, 15 of those articles were the product of unlawful information gathering. by that we mean phone hacking, blagging of information and other unlawful methods. that was a really damning judgment for the mirror.— judgment for the mirror. there was no doubt about _ judgment for the mirror. there was no doubt about the _ judgment for the mirror. there was no doubt about the senior - judgment for the mirror. there was i no doubt about the senior executives knowing about it. thank you so much. i hope you will be able to stay with us because we will stay on this story plenty more through the next hour or so. his lawyer told the court prince harry had agreed further
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"substa ntial" damages. junior doctors are to strike again walking out forfive junior doctors are to strike again walking out for five days from february the 20 forth. vladimir putin gives his first interview to western media for more than two years — saying russia cannot be defeated in ukraine. the red bull formula 1 team in the spotlight as boss christian hornerfaces a complaint of inappropriate behaviour. and — red, yellow...and blue? could there be another sanction for bad behaviour on the football pitch? and coming up in sport on bbc news. more brilliance from david warner helps australia beat west indies in hobart as the hosts take a 1—0 lead in their t20 series.
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hello and welcome to the bbc news at one.


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