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tv   BBC News  BBC News  February 10, 2024 10:00am-10:31am GMT

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when it comes to the flour, people are actually using animal feed. even the animal feed is starting to get scarce in the market and people are not finding it. a six—year—old girl missing in gaza has been found dead, as well as the two paramedics despatched to rescue her. leaders of rival parties in pakistan claim victory after the general election, even though the final results are yet to be announced. police in london prepare to start searching the river thames for the body of a chemical attack suspect. and the year of the dragon is here. celebrations around the world to mark the start of the lunar new year.
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we begin this hour in the middle east. there's growing concern over food shortages in gaza, with the united nations warning of looming famine. people living in isolated northern areas have told the bbc that children are going without food for days, and that animal feed is being used to make bread. with renewed fighting and aid convoys still regularly blocked from reaching some areas, half of gaza's population is now in a food emergency, according to the un. it says one in four households is facing a catastrophic lack of food. we start our coverage with this special report from our middle east correspondent lucy williamson. in the middle of a war, a battle for survival. men sent to fight over cans of beans and sacks of flour. the un is warning that
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famine is coming fast, famine is coming fast to gaza's northern areas, as aid arrives more slowly. this, the first aid to arrive here for 11 days, brings crowds surging close to israeli forces. who fire to push them back. in northern areas, residents say children aren't eating for days. in some places they are tapping waterfrom underground pipes. translation: we are back to the stone age, 30, - 40, 50,000 years ago. we dig water out, filter it from sand and use it for cooking. the un says israel's army blocked more than half the aid deliveries to northern areas last month, and that child malnutrition has spiked.
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when it comes to the flour people are actually using animal feed. however, even the animal feed is starting to get scarce in the market and people are not finding it. when it comes to canned food, there is nothing left in the market, literally. what we had was actually from the six to seven days of truce we had at the beginning of this war, and whatever aid was allowed into gaza and the north of gaza has actually been consumed by now. the world food programme told us that four out of its last five deliveries to northern gaza were blocked by israel. this shouldn't be a logistics crisis, it shouldn't be a logistic problem. we are in the mediterranean, there is enough food around this region to feed 2.4 million people and prevent a famine in the gaza strip. the issue is access, the issue is being able to get that food to people.
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israel says it needs to control aid to prevent food and fuel reaching hamas. for some israeli protestors that is not enough. they have been blocking border crossing points to try to force hamas to hand over israeli hostages. even with talk of a hostage deal, protestors are demanding a siege. aid is a lifeline for gaza, but here they say it's a lifeline for hamas. three miles from the israeli border, european planes air drop supplies to thejordanian hospital in gaza city. solutions here are getting more extreme. military planes over gaza point to its devastation. even when they are carrying aid in place of bombs. lucy williamson, bbc news, jerusalem.
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we wa nt we want to bling you a developing we want to bling you a developing story fro gaza. the grandfather of a six—year—old girl, hind rajab, who went missing while under fire in gaza city last month, says she has been found dead. hind made a desperate call for help to the palestinian red crescent from a mobile phone, while in a car with her uncle's family — all of them had been killed — and she said her car was surrounded by israeli tanks. the family was fleeing the fighting in gaza city when their car appears to have come underfire at the fares petrol station. the palestinian red crescent say two of their staff, sent to rescue hind, were also killed at the same location, and have accused israeli forces of deliberately targeting them. live now to our correspondent, nick beake, injersualem. nick, nick beake, in jersualem. nick, nick beake, injersualem. first of all what do we kr about nick, first of all what do we know about the six—year—old girl who has been found dead as well as the two paramedics? 50 been found dead as well as the two paramedics?—
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been found dead as well as the two aramedics? . ., , , paramedics? so much human suffering in this war, paramedics? so much human suffering in this war. on — paramedics? so much human suffering in this war, on october _ paramedics? so much human suffering in this war, on october 7th _ paramedics? so much human suffering in this war, on october 7th the - paramedics? so much human suffering in this war, on october 7th the more i in this war, on october 7th the more than 1200 people who were killed, the hostages who were taken, and of course the more than 27,000 people in gaza, according to the health ministry there who have been killed in the past three or four mounts but there has been one story that has got a lot of attention, that is the story of six—year—old hind, there was this incredible recording of her talking to people from the emergency services, this emergency call, in which she describes how she is trapped in her uncle's vehicle, with her relatives around her who have been killed. it seems the vehicle had come face to face with an israeli tanks, for three hours she was talking to the emergency responders over the phone at one points, the conversation is patched through so she can talk to her mother and hind becomes increasingly upset during this time. we know that there was an ambulance that was despatched after that three hours or
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so, with two paramedics, but then nothing more was heard of the paramedics or six—year—old hind but as you say, catherine, what we are hearing today from her grandfather is her body has been found, we have some information from the palestinian red crescent and they have said today that their two staff were killed. they have accused the israelis of deliberately targeting the vehicle, they say this ambulance was found burned out a few metres grey the family vehicle. and they say this is despite the fact there had been co—ordination conversations with the idf, the israeli defence forces about getting the emergency medics to that location. now, we have approached the israeli army for a response to this, but as of yet nothing from them.— a response to this, but as of yet nothing from them. nick, thank you for bringing — nothing from them. nick, thank you for bringing this _ nothing from them. nick, thank you for bringing this up-to-date - nothing from them. nick, thank you for bringing this up-to-date on - nothing from them. nick, thank you for bringing this up-to-date on that| for bringing this up—to—date on that but please a with us, there have been further developments on the situation in gaza, but first let us give viewers a bit of context on
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what has been happening over the past few hours. in the south of the gaza strip, the us, the eu and the un have all warned israel that invading the city of rafah would be a disaster. it comes after the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu ordered his military to prepare to evacuate civilians from the city, ahead of what it says is an expanded offensive against hamas there. two million people live in gaza, and more than 80% are now displaced, with most heading to the city of rafah, near the egyptian border. the palestinian authorities say that two years ago rafah�*s population was about 260,000. but since israel began its war on gaza, with the population in the north ordered to evacuate to the south, it's now shot up to 1.4 million, and it's already come under attack from israeli airstrikes. let's hear from palestinians in rafah, talking of theirfear
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and frustration, ahead of that expected israeli invasion. translation: here is netanyahu and his government, _ threatening to invade rafah. to pressure us to migrate to egypt? where shall we go if they try to pressure us to migrate to egypt? we will not go, we will return to gaza and die in gaza or anywhere on gaza's land, and we will not migrate to egypt or any other place. we are so afraid, where will we go? to where? we are so worried. i don't want to migrate. i want to die in my own country, i want to stay here and i won't leave here. let israel do whatever it want, i am staying in my tent, i won't go anywhere and i will die here. what about us? where will we go? we don't know where to go. we have no—one, our home is in gaza, we want to return there, _ that is all we want. we have a tent made
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of nylon and wood. . we have never left our home before and the shelling shakes _ the tent when it happens. i will not move south towards egypt, no matter what happens, because egypt will not be a substitute for my home land. also we are not ready to accept leaving one day, but if it happens we will return to our homes, no matter the cost. if death is inevitable, we will die in our homes, and die in our land. live now to our correspondent, nick beake, injersualem. nick, do we have any more detail on the israeli army plan for rafah, and where the civilians would go? we don't. we where the civilians would go? - don't. we know that the israeli prime minister netanyahu has asked the military to come up with a plan, he talks about a dual track plan, so on the one hand, an operation, a military operation going into the city of rafah, right in the south of
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gaza, to eradicate the hamas fighters there, he talks about there being four remaining battalions he says must be destroyed, but also, he is asking his generals to basically come up with a plan to move the people from rafah, now, we know that more than 1.2 million people are in rafah. really worth stressing t, the vast majority have come from other parts of gaza because they were told that rafah would be a relatively safer place, and there has been intense fighting in the places they have left behind. we were talking to one family who said they were in five places before they arrived in rafah, there is now that bleak situation there, the hospitals, the doctors, aid agency s also crucially the people themselves, say there is a lack of food, water, medicine, one charity actionaid says people have resorted to eating grass because they are so hungry, a really dire situation there, is no indication yet from the israelis where these
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people will go. how do you move more than one million people and to where do you direct them? this is the concern of the americans in particular, the white house saying this week it would be disastrous to embark on any such mission, without a clear plan. and i thinkjust talking about the six—year—old girl hind who we now know has been kill confidence. heifer grandfather has given us that news, it is important to stress that she and her relatives were leaving the part of gaza city where they used to live, because they have been instructed to by the idf, the israeli defence force, and so they were trying to move to a safer place, and off course in the context of what we are told is going to happen in rafah, that is really important, because it underlines just how dangerous it can be, people moving anywhere in gaza. hick. just how dangerous it can be, people moving anywhere in gaza. nick, thank ou ve moving anywhere in gaza. nick, thank you very much — moving anywhere in gaza. nick, thank you very much for _
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here in the uk, police are expected to start searching the river thames this morning for the body of the man they believe carried out a chemical attack on a mother and her two children in south london. officers have been searching for abdul shokoor ezedi for nearly ten days, but say they now believe he went into the river shortly after the incident. 0ur correspondent louisa pilbeam is on chelsea bridge. what more do we now about this search operation by the police, that is meant to be happening where you are? , ., , ., are? yes, we have 'ust heard in the last few minutes, — are? yes, we havejust heard in the last few minutes, an _ are? yes, we havejust heard in the last few minutes, an update - are? yes, we havejust heard in the last few minutes, an update about. last few minutes, an update about this search. now, we have heard from the met police, that at low tide this morning at 9am they started this morning at 9am they started this search, by boat, of the waters around here at chelsea bridge, but interestingly, we are in the middle of chelsea bridge, and we can't see that police operation yet, i suspect they are coming, we have been told they are coming, we have been told they are coming, we have been told they are starting on the west side
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of the river and they will be coming through, so, that is as much, that is the latest of what we know so far, the marine policing unit are those heading up this search, they will be in charge of it and have been hearing from police experts about the fact they believe that abdul ezedi could not have survived a fall they believe he went off here, in the middle of the bridge, on the railings from here, he went over into the water, and police believe that he is probably dead. another piece of information that has come to me this morning, is that a fundraising campaign has been set “p a fundraising campaign has been set up for the 31—year—old woman involved in the chemical attack, the victim of the attack and her two young children. that woman, the 31—year—old woman, is still in hospital, she is still sedate add. now, this fundraising page has now raised more than £30,000 for that
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family. it is on a go fund me page, you can get to that on the internet. look for that. now, as i mentioned the 31—year—old is still in a very bad condition in hospital, police are said they haven't been able to question her. and that is why they are going on their theory that this was a relationship that broke down, and that was the motive they believe for abdul ezedi attacking her. but here on chelsea bridge, as i said, just having one more look round for this police activity, they are said to have been doing this at low tide because of course that is the time when it would be easier to find a body, but their experts have pointed out to us it could take up to a month, it has been ten days since abdul ezedi went missing, it could take up tow a month to find a body, at any time, especially at this time of year, and they have pointed out the police, they may never find this
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body. the police, they may never find this bod . . ~ the authorities in ukraine say a russian drone has hit a petrol station in the city of kharkiv, killing seven people the regional governor says three of them were children. the attack caused a fire which spread to nearby residential buildings. at least 50 people were evacuated from their homes. kharkiv has been targeted more frequently by russian forces in recent weeks. iraq's foreign minister has told the bbc there is a danger his country could be pushed into conflict because of the latest deadly tit—for—tat attacks by iranian—backed militias and us forces. in the past week, the united states has carried out a series of air raids that killed 17 iranian—backed militiamen in iraq as well as a precision drone strike in the capital baghdad, that killed a senior commander.
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dr fuad hussein spoke to our senior international correspondent, 0rla guerin and told her he hoped both sides would stop their attacks —and leave iraq to be ruled by iraqis. from the government point oft view, of the iraqi government do you want the us troops out? we of the iraqi government do you want the us troops out?— the us troops out? we want to have to start the — the us troops out? we want to have to start the negotiation, _ the us troops out? we want to have to start the negotiation, on - the us troops out? we want to have to start the negotiation, on the - to start the negotiation, on the basis of the negotiation it will be decided. 0f basis of the negotiation it will be decided. of course, the end of the negotiation must be clear. the majority of iraqi people, they do not want to have foreign forces on iraqi soil. but not want to have foreign forces on iraai soil. �* , ., iraqi soil. but it is iraqi government _ iraqi soil. but it is iraqi government policy - iraqi soil. but it is iraqi| government policy now iraqi soil. but it is iraqi - government policy now that the troops should go and it is just a question of when? the troops should go and it is 'ust a question of when?�* troops should go and it is 'ust a question of when? troops should go and it is 'ust a auestion of when? , , ., ._ question of when? the troops one day must leave- —
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question of when? the troops one day must leave. this _ question of when? the troops one day must leave. this country, _ question of when? the troops one day must leave. this country, at _ question of when? the troops one day must leave. this country, at the - must leave. this country, at the end, must be free from having foreign bases, some has been invited are. and that is for the american side. some has now been invited. going back to the issue of the us strikes that happened, the americans say they were targeting iraqi militia that are pro iranian, that are on your soil, and from your soil they are carrying out attacks on us forces. do you accept that there are militias here that are officially part of your security forces, but in fact are armed and trained by iran, that are carrying out these attacks? those militias, they themselves they are announcing their attacks, and they are also well—known, that they are, or they have connection with the iranian side. this is
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well—known, i cannot deny it. that is true. figs well-known, i cannot deny it. that is true. �* , , ., is true. as we sit here now, minister. — is true. as we sit here now, minister. is _ is true. as we sit here now, minister, is it _ is true. as we sit here now, minister, is it the _ is true. as we sit here now, minister, is it the case - is true. as we sit here now, minister, is it the case that| is true. as we sit here now, - minister, is it the case that your government does not have control over these pro iranian militias, they are doing their own thing and you cannot stop them? i they are doing their own thing and you cannot stop them?— they are doing their own thing and you cannot stop them? i think if now the see, you cannot stop them? i think if now they see. they _ you cannot stop them? i think if now they see, they will— you cannot stop them? i think if now they see, they will take _ you cannot stop them? i think if now they see, they will take with - you cannot stop them? i think if now they see, they will take with many . they see, they will take with many political leaders, they started to talk about this. many people they didn't dare to talk about. this is also a part of the reality in this country, but now we are talking about it, and we are saying to them, people dare to say, to those guys, it is enough. i think all of them, they got the message that if they will continue, they will, in the first place, destroy their political process in iraq, and they will push this country into a war while it is not our war, this country into a war while it is not ourwar, and this country into a war while it is not our war, and also the iranians got that message.—
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not our war, and also the iranians got that message. how real is that dancer got that message. how real is that danger that _ got that message. how real is that danger that the _ got that message. how real is that danger that the tit-for-tat - got that message. how real is that| danger that the tit-for-tat between danger that the tit—for—tat between the americans and iranians could push this country into— push this country into conflict? that is main — push this country into conflict? that is main problem - push this country into conflict? that is main problem to - push this country into conflict? that is main problem to be - push this country into conflict? - that is main problem to be honest. the tension nowadays between iran and united states is very high. sol hope both sides will stop their attacks on iraqi soil and they are not going to solve their problem on iraqi soil. we paid a very big price. it iraqi soil. we paid a very big rice. , ., , . ., price. it is no secret that the iranian influence _ price. it is no secret that the iranian influence here - price. it is no secret that the iranian influence here has. price. it is no secret that the i iranian influence here has been growing for years are, and many outsiders would say at this point tehran is dictating more of the policies here than baghdad, what would you say to that? he. policies here than baghdad, what would you say to that?— would you say to that? no, deny that, this is _ would you say to that? no, deny that, this is not _ would you say to that? no, deny that, this is not true. _ would you say to that? no, deny that, this is not true. no - that, this is not true. no influence? _ that, this is not true. no influence? no _ that, this is not true. no influence? no i- that, this is not true. no influence? no i am - that, this is not true. no influence? no i am not. that, this is not true. no - influence? no i am not saying no influence? no i am not saying no influence but _ influence? no i am not saying no influence but dictating _ influence? no i am not saying no influence but dictating policy - influence? no i am not saying no influence but dictating policy in l influence but dictating policy in baghdad is not true. share influence but dictating policy in baghdad is not true.— influence but dictating policy in baghdad is not true. are you worried are about agree _ baghdad is not true. are you worried are about agree of— baghdad is not true. are you worried are about agree of iranian _ baghdad is not true. are you worried are about agree of iranian influence. are about agree of iranian influence here? i are about agree of iranian influence here? ., ., ., ,.,
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are about agree of iranian influence here? ., ., ., ., ., here? i am worried about agree of all influence _ here? i am worried about agree of all influence surrounding - here? i am worried about agree of all influence surrounding us, - here? i am worried about agree of all influence surrounding us, not l all influence surrounding us, not only iranian, iraqis must taking the decision, the decision about iraq must be taken in baghdad, and it must be taken in baghdad, and it must be taken by the iraqis in baghdad. let's speak to renad mansour who is a senior research fellow at chatham house and the project director of the iraq initiative. thank you forjoining us on the programme. just listening to that interview with the foreign minister, his clear point is their rack should be able to make decisions, about its future, why do you think it needs to make that point?— make that point? yes, at the heart of this matter _ make that point? yes, at the heart of this matter is _ make that point? yes, at the heart of this matter is the _ make that point? yes, at the heart of this matter is the issue - make that point? yes, at the heart of this matter is the issue of - of this matter is the issue of sovereignty, and the foreign minister's clearly trying to make the point their rack is a sovereign
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nation, a sovereign country, and that it should be the ones that dictates its policies is, however, the challenges for the prime minister, for the foreign minister and the prime minister and the entire government of iraq is its sovereignty is, isn't100%, and it is a reality that countries like iran, like the us, like turkey and others have at times pushed against iraq's sovereignty so it is very difficult for this government to, to engage, engage internationally or have to come to stick politics when the reality is that sovereignty is almost a sort of a big challenge for the ministers, so i would say that is the clear message the iraqi government is trying to put forward but we need to question the reality. and the reason iraq is being caught in the cross hairs of this conflict, as it were, is because of the presence of pro iranian militia groups in the country. country. the
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minister there saying there is iranian influence in iraq but he denies it dictates policy, how accurate is that statement from the minister? it accurate is that statement from the minister? , , , . ., minister? it is very difficult to sa , minister? it is very difficult to say. mine _ minister? it is very difficult to say. mine i — minister? it is very difficult to say, mine i think _ minister? it is very difficult to say, mine i think certainly, i minister? it is very difficult to i say, mine i think certainly, iran minister? it is very difficult to - say, mine i think certainly, iran as the minister says has tremendous influence in iraq, itself certainly the most influential external actor, in iraq, that is not to say that the iraqi government or even some of these groups at times they mehdi verge from what iran want, it is a very complicated relationship and it is one that goes back many years and it is in a relationship that is constantly being negotiated. you are have times iran, but nonetheless what is clear is iran is the most influential foreign what is clear is iran is the most influentialforeign power what is clear is iran is the most influential foreign power in what is clear is iran is the most influentialforeign power in iraq. and viewers might be left with the question how much agency does the iraqi government have in all of this, because it is questioning its
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relationship with the us, its relationship with the us, its relationship with the us, its relationship with iran, but what can it do about that?— it do about that? exactly. and you know, the it do about that? exactly. and you know. the iraqi — it do about that? exactly. and you know, the iraqi government - it do about that? exactly. and you know, the iraqi government and l it do about that? exactly. and you i know, the iraqi government and also the iraqi peopleroom tired of their country being this battleground, of being this playground for this wider dispute between iran and the us, it is often that this dispute plays out on iraqi soil, the us attacks iraqi soil, iran retaliates and back—and—forth. 50 soil, iran retaliates and back-and-forth.- soil, iran retaliates and back-and-forth. , , ., back-and-forth. so the issue of the fact that the — back-and-forth. so the issue of the fact that the iraqi _ back-and-forth. so the issue of the fact that the iraqi government - back-and-forth. so the issue of the fact that the iraqi government is . fact that the iraqi government is too weak to stand up to any of these influences? i too weak to stand up to any of these influences? ~ . too weak to stand up to any of these influences?— influences? i think that you know, 20 ears, influences? i think that you know, 20 years. 21 _ influences? i think that you know, 20 years. 21 years _ influences? i think that you know, 20 years, 21 years since _ influences? i think that you know, 20 years, 21 years since regime i 20 years, 21 years since regime change, the iraqi government is very weak, and the prime minister, the foreign minister, the are not the decision maker, you would be have wider elite, stronger political parties in iraq, linked to the governments as well, that are the decision makers so the prime minister and foreign minister, they are there and they need to kind of present themselves, as the state, and present themselves as being, as
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having sovereign but they are not the decision makers in the process. thank you very much. you are watching bbc news. stay with us, we have more headlines, after this we area we are a quiet weekend of weather compared to the last few day, there are numerous flood warnings in force across england and wales, after all
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that rainfall we have had rushing down into the river, this morning has been quiet serene, beautiful, in wigan with a few bright spell, this is the image through this morning, you can see the swirl of cloud, this issen area of low pressure that, will throw in showers but you can see there are breaks in the cloud to give us some sunshine, generally speaking it is mild as well but in the far north of scotland we still have pretty cold air, so this morning there has been a bit of snow, that will clear away, and for many parts of scotland it will be fairly cloudy, some showers moving in, some cloud developing with rain affecting some central and south—eastern area, heavy showers into the south—west. maximum temperatures nine to 12 degrees but maybe three to five in the far north of scotland. tonight this area of rain will continue to develop and move northwards into eastern scotland. some gusty wind to go with the showers as well. further north, the showers as well. further north, the west, it is quieter, clear spells, maybe one or two fog patches
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and overnight temperatures down 3—7. this area of low pressure is still with us as we go into sunday, bringing further showers and this little feature here, running up towards the north and east, that will bring outbreaks of rain on sunday morning it will move away to the north east, then there will be sunny spells followed by showers moving in from the west and maximum temperatures round about 7 listen 11, not as cold across the far north of scotland, we lose thatter air. going for the rest of the week. that area of lop moves away, we have the influence of the atlantic, low pressure is close by, for monday for most it is looking relatively dry e there will be sunny spell, showers come into the north from the west, those will be wintry on higher ground, maximum temperatures about 7-10. ground, maximum temperatures about 7—10. just a bit below the average for the time of year, and then during the rest of the week, temperatures perhaps coming up a
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bit, 14 celsius in the south, mixed though as we can see with some areas of rain at times but also some sunny spells. that is it from me.
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this is bbc news, the headlines:
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the united nations warns of looming famine in gaza. people living in isolated northern areas tell the bbc of their desperate situation. when it comes to the flour people are using animalfeed, when it comes to the flour people are using animal feed, however animalfeed is starting are using animal feed, however animal feed is starting to become scarce in the market and people are not finding it. growing panic in rafah, after israel's prime minister orders the military to prepare for an offensive in the southern gazan city — where 1.5 million people are trapped. ukrainian officials say a russian drone attack has killed seven in the north—east city of kharkiv — three of them young children. police in london start searching the river thames for the body of a chemical attack suspect. as we've been reporting us, the eu and the un have all warned


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