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tv   The Context  BBC News  February 16, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm GMT

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partner at the brunswick group as us pollster robert moran. we have two main stories this hour. breaking news in the past hour or so — a usjudge has ordered donald trump to pay more than $350 million in a fraud case and banned the former president from conducting business in new york for three years. our other big story today — international outrage over the death of leading kremlin critic alexei navalny in jail in russia, with president biden saying vladimir putin was responsible. huge reaction from world leaders. we'll bring you that. navalny�*s wife, yulia, has called for the world to unite in holding what she calls the "evil"
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regime in moscow to account. plenty regime in moscow to account. more from moscow i we regime in moscow to account. will start with the fu donald we will start with the future of donald trump's family business after a judge in new york delivered a ruling in a civil trial. the former president has been ordered to pay over $350 million in penalties for overstating his wealth to get favourable loan terms. he also been banned from serving as a director of any new york corporation for three years. some reaction from the trump organisation which says... . the legal spokesperson for donald trump said this in a statement.
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let's cross live now to new york. let's cross live to new york and our north america correspondent nada tawfik. this just thisjust in the this just in the last hour or so, what is the latest? thisjust in the last hour or so, what is the latest?— thisjust in the last hour or so, what is the latest? yeah, 'ust going throu~h what is the latest? yeah, 'ust going through more — what is the latest? yeah, 'ust going through more oft what is the latest? yeah, 'ust going through more of that _ what is the latest? yeah, just going through more of that verdict. - what is the latest? yeah, just going through more of that verdict. of- through more of that verdict. of course the top lines they are the fact that donald trump has been ordered to pay more than $350
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million, a massive financial blow for him because it is far more than the cash he has on hand. many people are unaware, an orderfor donald trump to appeal this decision, he has to first prove to the court that that money is available, put it in a trust with the court to show that he can pay it, so that will open up many questions for him. will he have to sell assets? will he be able to secure a bond in order to avoid pay that full amount? many questions can be but what's clear is that this is a massive financial blow to donald trump. now he did kind of avoid the worst of the penalties that were envisioned here. thejudge has gone back on his original order to cancel the business certificates of the trump organisation. he says that thatis trump organisation. he says that that is no longer necessary. that was regarded as the corporate death penalty and would have seen donald trump having to dissolve parts of
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his company, assess potential but thatis his company, assess potential but that is no longer necessary. instead the judge is setting that is no longer necessary. instead thejudge is setting up that is no longer necessary. instead the judge is setting up what he calls a two—tiered oversight. independent monitor is already in place within the organisation to report to the court. he is also say that a director of compliance will have to be instated as well. and then another part where donald trump made off better than he could have, the attorney general had wanted donald trump barred for life from the new york real estate industry. instead the judge has ordered the new york real estate industry. instead thejudge has ordered him to be banned from doing business in new york or serving on a corporation for three years, and he banned his two eldest sons, who are currently running the company, for two years. so a little bit of a mixed bag there, but nevertheless, as he read, that kind of fiery statement from the trump organisation calling this
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an injustice. we have heard from donald trump's lawyer, donald trump jr, his eldest son saying again and repeating their claims that this was all politically motivated, saying that they will appeal this decision. we are also later expecting a statement from the attorney general letitia james. she'll be doing a press conference we will hear her take on this. but certainly from the judge, in very clear terms, hejust found donald trump off my arguments throughout this case unconvincing. he said that the defendants did not show remorse, that the fraud was clear and that there was an interest to protect the marketplace given new york if the financial capital of the world. ,, . , york if the financial capital of the world. ,, ._ , ., york if the financial capital of the world. ,, , , ., . world. stay there if you will and i want to bring _ world. stay there if you will and i want to bring in _ world. stay there if you will and i want to bring in one _ world. stay there if you will and i want to bring in one of _ world. stay there if you will and i want to bring in one of our - want to bring in one of our panelists, robert moran, republican strategist and pollster. what do you make of this? 50 strategist and pollster. what do you make of this?— make of this? so it's certainly a blow to the _ make of this? so it's certainly a blow to the trump _ make of this? so it's certainly a blow to the trump family - make of this? so it's certainly a blow to the trump family and l make of this? so it's certainly a| blow to the trump family and to truck_ blow to the trump family and to truck businesses. politically it's an open— truck businesses. politically it's
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an open question. you know, all of his financial — an open question. you know, all of his financial or all of his legal problems— his financial or all of his legal problems over the last couple of years _ problems over the last couple of years have actually helped him in the republican primary. and there appears _ the republican primary. and there appears to— the republican primary. and there appears to be sort of a backlash among — appears to be sort of a backlash among sort of his supporters that has actually created a railing effect — has actually created a railing effect where they feel like he is being _ effect where they feel like he is being unfairly treated. and so we have _ being unfairly treated. and so we have to _ being unfairly treated. and so we have to see. it could hurt him among the general— have to see. it could hurt him among the general election swing voters, but it's_ the general election swing voters, but it's not— the general election swing voters, but it's not clear yet if that's the case _ but it's not clear yet if that's the case and — but it's not clear yet if that's the case. and right now he is leading president — case. and right now he is leading president biden by somewhere between 1-4 points— president biden by somewhere between 1—4 points in seven of the last 11 surveys — 1-4 points in seven of the last 11 surve s. p, h 1-4 points in seven of the last 11 surve s. . h ., 1-4 points in seven of the last 11 surves. ., ~ surveys. that's fascinating. and i wanted to ask _ surveys. that's fascinating. and i wanted to ask about _ surveys. that's fascinating. and i wanted to ask about any - surveys. that's fascinating. and i wanted to ask about any kind - surveys. that's fascinating. and i wanted to ask about any kind of. wanted to ask about any kind of precedent for this because there is very little to refer back to, is there? ., ., �* ., , ., ., there? no, we don't really have a precedent — there? no, we don't really have a precedent here. _ there? no, we don't really have a precedent here. we _ there? no, we don't really have a precedent here. we had - there? no, we don't really have a precedent here. we had other- precedent here. we had other challenging candidates, and we've had duels — challenging candidates, and we've had duels in the 19th century in a
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number— had duels in the 19th century in a number of— had duels in the 19th century in a number of things but we have not had anything _ number of things but we have not had anything quite like this.— anything quite like this. robert, think ou anything quite like this. robert, think you very — anything quite like this. robert, think you very much _ anything quite like this. robert, think you very much for- anything quite like this. robert, think you very much for that. i anything quite like this. robert, i think you very much for that. let's return to new york, and i know you mentioned this, but do repeat it because it is important. can you just mark our card for us? what are we it's pretty now either in the hours ahead and who we may or may not hear from, hours ahead and who we may or may not hearfrom, but hours ahead and who we may or may not hear from, but also what happens now with this legal process heading into the weeks and months and years ahead, you tell me?— ahead, you tell me? yeah, well, you know, we ahead, you tell me? yeah, well, you know. we are — ahead, you tell me? yeah, well, you know, we are still _ ahead, you tell me? yeah, well, you know, we are still waiting _ ahead, you tell me? yeah, well, you know, we are still waiting to - ahead, you tell me? yeah, well, you know, we are still waiting to hear - know, we are still waiting to hear from the attorney general leticia james. she'll be speaking to the press in a few hours. they put out an alert to say that. now she did not get everything she asked for, but certainly as i mentioned a huge financial blow to donald trump as she wanted to see. but we are continuing to getjust reaction, i think emma from supporters of donald trump, the defendants themselves. you know it's interesting that we spoke and you spoke there about the
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kind of political implications because donald trump has been using this line that the banks were paid, that there was no victim to kind of a rally his supporters. whereas under this new york statute, it's very clear that the attorney general is allowed to take action if there was fraud, even if there was not a victim. again this idea of needing to protect the marketplace. now donald trump has already signalled that he will appeal this decision through his lawyers, so that will be a process in and of itself. but again, what are the grounds for appeal? you know, many legal experts have speculated that if the judge did go as far as to dissolving those business certificates and cancelling them, once known as the corporate death penalty, that that could have given donald trump grounds for an appeal, kind of artery to the judge had gone too far. and i think when you look at this verdict, it very
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much signals that the judge was conscious of not wanting to be reversed on appeal. defending every part of his order. so interesting to see on what grounds exactly donald trump's team feels they can appeal this and we will certainly have to be something beyond that this is politically motivated. although they signalled throughout the trial that they will try to argue that the judge was biased against them. but as i say, kind of the big issue for donald trump facing him immediately now is the fact that within 30 days he will have to deposit with the court this penalty in full if he wants to appeal. they can try to secure a body to die to pay that in full, but given not many people will see that he is good on collateral and because of the amount of interest and fees, that could be quite a complicated endeavour it for donald trump. there is also the question if he could fund raise this money and we have seen one of his
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super pacs already paying tens of millions of dollars in legal fees, but to raise that type of money in just 30 days will certainly be difficult. . ~ just 30 days will certainly be difficult. ., ~ , ., . just 30 days will certainly be difficult. ., ~ . ., difficult. thank you so much for that. difficult. thank you so much for that- she'll _ difficult. thank you so much for that. she'll be _ difficult. thank you so much for that. she'll be staying - difficult. thank you so much for that. she'll be staying there - difficult. thank you so much for that. she'll be staying there forj difficult. thank you so much for i that. she'll be staying there for us keeping across any reaction or to the elements we get out of new york, thanks to our panelists robert and he will be back a little bit later. now the very latest on our other hugely significant story this hour. alexei navalny dead in prison, says the russian prison service. in moscow, people have been placing flowers at a memorial dedicated to victims of "political repression". the russian prosecutor's office has warned people against taking part in mass protest in the capital. but take a look at this. 0fficers immediately approached stop a one—woman demonstration.
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they stepped in to stop her. the sign she carried read, "alexei navalny died today," but the police wouldn't allow it. they took her away as people continued to lay flowers, interestingly. there was officers at you so that physically stopping another man's protest, too. he was dragged away. 0ur russia editor steve rosenberg reports from moscow. smiling, crackingjokes. this was alexei navalny yesterday as he gave testimony from prison by video link. even court officials cracked a smile. today, russia's prison service announced that mr navalny was dead, claiming he'd lost consciousness inside this penal colony.
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russian tv rarely mentions alexei navalny. it read out the prison service statement about his death and moved on to other news. he was vladimir putin's most vocal critic, a protest leader, an anti—corruption campaigner who'd long clashed with the kremlin. i remember this six years ago. alexei navalny is russia's most prominent opposition figure and president putin's most vocal critic. he's been barred from running in the presidential election. he's now being arrested by police. in 2020 in siberia, he'd been poisoned with a nerve agent and airlifted to germany for life—saving treatment. he accused the kremlin of trying to assassinate him, but as a politician, he felt he couldn't stay away from russia. when he returned the following year, he was arrested on arrival.
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he'd been in prison ever since. his friends and family fearing for his safety. just hours after alexei navalny was reported dead, his wife, yulia, made a dramatic appearance at the munich security conference. she couldn't confirm his death, but... translation: if it's true, iwant putin and his whole entourage, l his friends and his government to know that they will be held responsible for everything they've done to our country, to my family and to my husband. and this day will come very soon. president putin, too, made an appearance today, meeting industrial workers. he made no mention of alexei navalny. alexei navalny was one of the most charismatic political figures in russia in modern times and the only opposition leader here who appeared capable of bringing large crowds on to the streets to protest
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against the authorities. and for that reason, the kremlin saw him as a threat. he knew that by taking on the authorities, he was taking a risk. my message, for the situation when i am killed, is very simple — not give up. in memory of russia's most famous prisoner, some here lay flowers. by this simple act, their message — we will not forget. steve rosenberg, bbc news, moscow. reaction has poured in from leaders around the world. let's hearfrom some of the most high—profile. make no mistake, putin is responsible for navalny�*s death. putin is responsible. what has happened to navalny is yet more proof of putin's brutality. we should hold putin accountable for this, and no—one should be in any doubt about the dreadful nature
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of putin's regime in russia. russia has serious . questions to answer. alexei navalny has been i a strong voice for freedom, for democracy for many years, and nato and nato allies have| called for his immediate release for a long time. | the world has lost a freedom fighter in alexei navalny. we will honour his name, and in his name, we will stand up for democracy and for our values. translation: putin does not care who dies as long - as he retains his position, and that is why he must not keep anything. putin must lose everything. he must not retain anything. he must be held accountable for what he has done. 0ur chief international correspondent lyse doucetjoins us now from the munich security conference. first of all could you just explain
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to us where you are and its significance today?- to us where you are and its significance today? to us where you are and its sianificance toda ? , ., ., ._ significance today? yes, what a day of histo , significance today? yes, what a day of history. what _ significance today? yes, what a day of history, what an _ significance today? yes, what a day of history, what an extraordinary i of history, what an extraordinary day here — of history, what an extraordinary day here in— of history, what an extraordinary day here in munich _ of history, what an extraordinary day here in munich at _ of history, what an extraordinary day here in munich at the - of history, what an extraordinary day here in munich at the annualj day here in munich at the annual munich— day here in munich at the annual munich security— day here in munich at the annual munich security conference, i day here in munich at the annual. munich security conference, where 'ust munich security conference, where just at— munich security conference, where just at the — munich security conference, where just at the moment _ munich security conference, where just at the moment earlier- munich security conference, where just at the moment earlier today . just at the moment earlier today where _ just at the moment earlier today where defence _ just at the moment earlier today where defence chiefs, _ just at the moment earlier today where defence chiefs, top- just at the moment earlier today where defence chiefs, top of- just at the moment earlier today where defence chiefs, top of thej where defence chiefs, top of the mats, _ where defence chiefs, top of the mats, presidents— where defence chiefs, top of the mats, presidents and _ where defence chiefs, top of the mats, presidents and prime i where defence chiefs, top of the i mats, presidents and prime ministers were coming — mats, presidents and prime ministers were coming up— mats, presidents and prime ministers were coming up to— mats, presidents and prime ministers were coming up to the _ mats, presidents and prime ministers were coming up to the front _ mats, presidents and prime ministers were coming up to the front of- mats, presidents and prime ministers were coming up to the front of this i were coming up to the front of this elegant _ were coming up to the front of this elegant hotel— were coming up to the front of this elegant hotel in _ were coming up to the front of this elegant hotel in the _ were coming up to the front of this elegant hotel in the kind _ were coming up to the front of this elegant hotel in the kind of- elegant hotel in the kind of limousines _ elegant hotel in the kind of limousines you _ elegant hotel in the kind of limousines you see - elegant hotel in the kind of limousines you see behindl elegant hotel in the kind of- limousines you see behind me. the hails _ limousines you see behind me. the hails were — limousines you see behind me. the halls were crowded. _ limousines you see behind me. the halls were crowded. the _ limousines you see behind me. the halls were crowded. the agenda i limousines you see behind me. thel halls were crowded. the agenda was packed _ halls were crowded. the agenda was packed to _ halls were crowded. the agenda was packed to discuss _ halls were crowded. the agenda was packed to discuss wars _ halls were crowded. the agenda was packed to discuss wars of _ halls were crowded. the agenda was packed to discuss wars of our - halls were crowded. the agenda was packed to discuss wars of our time, i packed to discuss wars of our time, ukraine, _ packed to discuss wars of our time, ukraine, gossett, _ packed to discuss wars of our time, ukraine, gossett, sudan, _ packed to discuss wars of our time, ukraine, gossett, sudan, and i packed to discuss wars of our time, ukraine, gossett, sudan, and thenl ukraine, gossett, sudan, and then the date _ ukraine, gossett, sudan, and then the date was — ukraine, gossett, sudan, and then the date was knocked _ ukraine, gossett, sudan, and then the date was knocked sideways- ukraine, gossett, sudan, and then. the date was knocked sideways went news shot _ the date was knocked sideways went news shot like — the date was knocked sideways went news shot like a _ the date was knocked sideways went news shot like a ball _ the date was knocked sideways went news shot like a ball of _ the date was knocked sideways went news shot like a ball of electricity. news shot like a ball of electricity that alexei — news shot like a ball of electricity that alexei navalny— news shot like a ball of electricity that alexei navalny was - news shot like a ball of electricity that alexei navalny was dead. i news shot like a ball of electricity. that alexei navalny was dead. after that, what _ that alexei navalny was dead. after that, what any— that alexei navalny was dead. after that, what any major— that alexei navalny was dead. after that, what any major world - that alexei navalny was dead. after that, what any major world leader. that, what any major world leader took to— that, what any major world leader took to the — that, what any major world leader took to the states, _ that, what any major world leader took to the states, they— that, what any major world leader took to the states, they began i that, what any major world leader. took to the states, they began with condolences — took to the states, they began with condolences to _ took to the states, they began with condolences to the _ took to the states, they began with condolences to the family - took to the states, they began with condolences to the family of - took to the states, they began with condolences to the family of alexei j condolences to the family of alexei navalny _ condolences to the family of alexei navalny and — condolences to the family of alexei navalny and just _ condolences to the family of alexei navalny. and just some _ condolences to the family of alexei navalny. and just some of- condolences to the family of alexei navalny. and just some of the i navalny. and just some of the comments _ navalny. and just some of the comments you _ navalny. and just some of the comments you heard - navalny. and just some of the
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comments you heard also i navalny. and just some of the i comments you heard also holding president — comments you heard also holding president putin— comments you heard also holding president putin responsible. i comments you heard also holding president putin responsible. but. president putin responsible. but then there — president putin responsible. but then there was _ president putin responsible. but then there was the _ president putin responsible. but then there was the moment i president putin responsible. but. then there was the moment which president putin responsible. but- then there was the moment which will live long _ then there was the moment which will live long in _ then there was the moment which will live long in memory, _ then there was the moment which will live long in memory, when— then there was the moment which will live long in memory, when yuliya i live long in memory, when yuliya navalnaya — live long in memory, when yuliya navalnaya went _ live long in memory, when yuliya navalnaya went to _ live long in memory, when yuliya navalnaya went to the _ live long in memory, when yuliya navalnaya went to the door- live long in memory, when yuliya navalnaya went to the door and l navalnaya went to the door and turned — navalnaya went to the door and turned up — navalnaya went to the door and turned up on _ navalnaya went to the door and turned up on the _ navalnaya went to the door and turned up on the main - navalnaya went to the door and turned up on the main stage, i navalnaya went to the door andi turned up on the main stage, on navalnaya went to the door and i turned up on the main stage, on a world _ turned up on the main stage, on a world stage — turned up on the main stage, on a world stage of— turned up on the main stage, on a world stage of stunting _ turned up on the main stage, on a world stage of stunting an - turned up on the main stage, on a. world stage of stunting an audience already— world stage of stunting an audience already reeling _ world stage of stunting an audience already reeling from _ world stage of stunting an audience already reeling from that _ world stage of stunting an audience already reeling from that news i world stage of stunting an audience already reeling from that news andl already reeling from that news and here was _ already reeling from that news and here was a — already reeling from that news and here was a woman _ already reeling from that news and here was a woman now, _ already reeling from that news and here was a woman now, a - already reeling from that news and here was a woman now, a widow, i already reeling from that news and i here was a woman now, a widow, and a time of— here was a woman now, a widow, and a time of such— here was a woman now, a widow, and a time of such grief— here was a woman now, a widow, and a time of such grief so— here was a woman now, a widow, and a time of such grief so composed - here was a woman now, a widow, and a time of such grief so composed and i time of such grief so composed and spoke _ time of such grief so composed and spoke so _ time of such grief so composed and spoke so clearly— time of such grief so composed and spoke so clearly to _ time of such grief so composed and spoke so clearly to everyone - spoke so clearly to everyone watching, _ spoke so clearly to everyone watching, not— spoke so clearly to everyone watching, notjust _ spoke so clearly to everyone watching, notjust in - spoke so clearly to everyone watching, not just in this i spoke so clearly to everyone | watching, notjust in this hall spoke so clearly to everyone i watching, notjust in this hall but around _ watching, notjust in this hall but around the — watching, notjust in this hall but around the world. _ watching, notjust in this hall but around the world. it _ watching, notjust in this hall but around the world. it was - watching, notjust in this hall but around the world. it was an i around the world. it was an absolutely _ around the world. it was an absolutely extraordinary i around the world. it was an - absolutely extraordinary moment, a poignant _ absolutely extraordinary moment, a poignant personal— absolutely extraordinary moment, a poignant personal story _ absolutely extraordinary moment, a poignant personal story which - poignant personal story which brought— poignant personal story which brought home _ poignant personal story which brought home so _ poignant personal story which brought home so powerfully. poignant personal story which i brought home so powerfully one of the main _ brought home so powerfully one of the main political— brought home so powerfully one of the main political stories— brought home so powerfully one of the main political stories of- brought home so powerfully one of the main political stories of our- the main political stories of our time _ the main political stories of our time and _ the main political stories of our time. and that— the main political stories of our time. and that is— the main political stories of our time. and that is how- the main political stories of our time. and that is how it- the main political stories of our time. and that is how it does. the main political stories of our. time. and that is how it does the world _ time. and that is how it does the world deal— time. and that is how it does the world deal with _ time. and that is how it does the world deal with russia? - time. and that is how it does the world deal with russia? and - time. and that is how it does the world deal with russia? and this| time. and that is how it does the l world deal with russia? and this is in the _ world deal with russia? and this is in the essence _ world deal with russia? and this is in the essence of _ world deal with russia? and this is in the essence of what _ world deal with russia? and this is in the essence of what this - in the essence of what this conference _ in the essence of what this conference is— in the essence of what this conference is all— in the essence of what this conference is all about, i in the essence of what this| conference is all about, the in the essence of what this - conference is all about, the munich security— conference is all about, the munich security conference _ conference is all about, the munich security conference rooted - conference is all about, the munich security conference rooted in - conference is all about, the munich security conference rooted in the l security conference rooted in the importance — security conference rooted in the importance of— security conference rooted in the importance of the _ security conference rooted in the importance of the strength - security conference rooted in the importance of the strength of - security conference rooted in the | importance of the strength of the transatlantic _ importance of the strength of the transatlantic relationship, - transatlantic relationship, confronting _ transatlantic relationship, confronting russia -
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transatlantic relationship, confronting russia in- transatlantic relationship, confronting russia in its. transatlantic relationship, - confronting russia in its full—scale invasion— confronting russia in its full—scale invasion of— confronting russia in its full—scale invasion of ukraine. _ confronting russia in its full—scale invasion of ukraine. that - confronting russia in its full—scale invasion of ukraine. that was - invasion of ukraine. that was brought— invasion of ukraine. that was brought home _ invasion of ukraine. that was brought home today- invasion of ukraine. that was brought home today ever - invasion of ukraine. that was brought home today ever sol brought home today ever so powerfullv _ brought home today ever so powerfully-— brought home today ever so powerfully. and what are we exnecting — powerfully. and what are we exnecting to _ powerfully. and what are we expecting to happen - powerfully. and what are we expecting to happen now- powerfully. and what are we | expecting to happen now and powerfully. and what are we - expecting to happen now and next to? we know for example the lawyer for alexei navalny heading up towards that prison. what are we expecting in the hours and days ahead? yes. that prison. what are we expecting in the hours and days ahead? yes, i su ose in the hours and days ahead? yes, i sunpose that _ in the hours and days ahead? yes, i sunpose that we. — in the hours and days ahead? yes, i suppose that we, everyone - in the hours and days ahead? yes, i suppose that we, everyone has - in the hours and days ahead? yes, i | suppose that we, everyone has been responding _ suppose that we, everyone has been responding to — suppose that we, everyone has been responding to this _ suppose that we, everyone has been responding to this news _ suppose that we, everyone has been responding to this news which - suppose that we, everyone has been responding to this news which came | responding to this news which came from the _ responding to this news which came from the prison— responding to this news which came from the prison services. _ responding to this news which came from the prison services. world - from the prison services. world leaders — from the prison services. world leaders have _ from the prison services. world leaders have been— from the prison services. world leaders have been reacting - from the prison services. world leaders have been reacting to l from the prison services. worldl leaders have been reacting to it, but even — leaders have been reacting to it, but even yuliya _ leaders have been reacting to it, but even yuliya navalnaya - leaders have been reacting to it, but even yuliya navalnaya when| leaders have been reacting to it, - but even yuliya navalnaya when she took to _ but even yuliya navalnaya when she took to the — but even yuliya navalnaya when she took to the states _ but even yuliya navalnaya when she took to the states that _ but even yuliya navalnaya when she took to the states that she - but even yuliya navalnaya when she took to the states that she had - but even yuliya navalnaya when she took to the states that she had to i took to the states that she had to wait for— took to the states that she had to wait for confirmation— took to the states that she had to wait for confirmation of— took to the states that she had to wait for confirmation of this - wait for confirmation of this horrible _ wait for confirmation of this horrible news. _ wait for confirmation of this horrible news. the - wait for confirmation of this horrible news. the family. wait for confirmation of this i horrible news. the family says wait for confirmation of this - horrible news. the family says they have not— horrible news. the family says they have not treen— horrible news. the family says they have not been informed _ horrible news. the family says they have not been informed directly, i horrible news. the family says they| have not been informed directly, so if you _ have not been informed directly, so if you say. — have not been informed directly, so if you say. one _ have not been informed directly, so if you say. one of— have not been informed directly, so if you say, one of the _ have not been informed directly, so if you say, one of the lawyers - have not been informed directly, so if you say, one of the lawyers is - if you say, one of the lawyers is making — if you say, one of the lawyers is making this _ if you say, one of the lawyers is making this long _ if you say, one of the lawyers is making this long trek _ if you say, one of the lawyers is making this long trek to - if you say, one of the lawyers is . making this long trek to this penal colony— making this long trek to this penal colony in _ making this long trek to this penal colony in the — making this long trek to this penal colony in the arctic _ making this long trek to this penal colony in the arctic circle - making this long trek to this penal colony in the arctic circle to - making this long trek to this penal colony in the arctic circle to come| colony in the arctic circle to come track— colony in the arctic circle to come back with — colony in the arctic circle to come back with the _ colony in the arctic circle to come back with the proof _ colony in the arctic circle to come back with the proof that _ colony in the arctic circle to come back with the proof that will- back with the proof that will confirm _ back with the proof that will confirm absolutely - back with the proof that will confirm absolutely for - back with the proof that will confirm absolutely for her, i back with the proof that will. confirm absolutely for her, for their— confirm absolutely for her, for their children _ confirm absolutely for her, for their children and _ confirm absolutely for her, for their children and for- confirm absolutely for her, for| their children and for everyone confirm absolutely for her, for - their children and for everyone who is waiting _ their children and for everyone who is waiting and — their children and for everyone who is waiting and watching _ their children and for everyone who is waiting and watching to - their children and for everyone who is waiting and watching to see - their children and for everyone who is waiting and watching to see what comes— is waiting and watching to see what comes next— is waiting and watching to see what
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comes next in— is waiting and watching to see what comes next in russia _ is waiting and watching to see what comes next in russia and _ is waiting and watching to see what comes next in russia and indeed i is waiting and watching to see what| comes next in russia and indeed all the countries — comes next in russia and indeed all the countries now— comes next in russia and indeed all the countries now commenting - comes next in russia and indeed all the countries now commenting on. the countries now commenting on russia _ the countries now commenting on russia today~ _ the countries now commenting on russia today-— the countries now commenting on russia toda . . ,, . ., russia today. thank you so much for that, russia today. thank you so much for that. thank — russia today. thank you so much for that, thank you. _ around the world and across the uk, this is bbc news. let's look at some other stories making news. voting has begun to select mark drakeford's successor as the leader of welsh labour and the next first minister of wales. members of the welsh labour party and affiliated trade unions will choose between two current ministers, vaughan gething and jeremy miles. the ballot closes on the 14th of march. it looks like uk high streets are bouncing back after record poor sales in december. official figures suggest that retail sales rose 3.4% last month. food sales at supermarkets rose strongly, while department stores reported a positive impact from january sales. but inflation remained elevated, with people paying more for less. a rare harry potter book that was anonymously donated to a charity shop may fetch up to £10,000 at auction.
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the unread first edition copy of the philosopher's stone was given to an rspca shop in the isle of wight and will go under the hammer on the 26th of february. funds from the sale will go towards the charity's isle of wight branch, with a dog named harry among the beneficiaries. you're live with bbc news. i want to replay pictures we had a few minutes agojust i want to replay pictures we had a few minutes ago just to get some absolute clarity on what we were watching here. there has been a feat of life pictures from moscow, people coming out and laying flowers and this is after the news of the death of alexei navalny. but then there was one incident with a woman holding up a sign. let's take a look at that. officers immediately they're stepping in. she was holding they're stepping in. she was holding the sign in that sign read alexei navalny died today. the police would
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not allow it and they took her away. and then this is a separate incident, just to be absolutely clear. looks like the police more physically there stopping another man's protest. he, too, it was dragged away said to different people involved there, just to be clear. let's bring in our panel now. former labour mp caroline flint, robert moran, republican strategist and pollsterjoining us from washington, and sam greene, professor of russian politics at king's college london. thank you all for being with us. sam, can i start with you? what is your assessment of what has been an extraordinary day? taste your assessment of what has been an extraordinary day?— extraordinary day? we are in this continuous _ extraordinary day? we are in this continuous position _ extraordinary day? we are in this continuous position i _ extraordinary day? we are in this continuous position i think - extraordinary day? we are in this continuous position i think of - extraordinary day? we are in this i continuous position i think of being shocked and not surprised. it is hard at the same time to not being moved and highly disturbed and not to feel that this is a turning point of sorts. and yet of course navalny
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knew that he was heading into a dangerous situation, knew that it was likely he would not survive prison. i think all of his supporters and family members knew it was like that he would not survive, and he of course is not the first russia opposition leader or journalist or crusader for democracy and freedom who has met this kind of and freedom who has met this kind of a fate. but it is brazen, as your report was saying earlier. nobody has posed that kind of a challenge to putin that navalny has. let’s to putin that navalny has. let's brint in to putin that navalny has. let's bring in our _ to putin that navalny has. let's bring in our panel. _ to putin that navalny has. let's bring in our panel. caroline, . to putin that navalny has. let's bring in our panel. caroline, what do you make of thatjustice sam was outlining there, the extraordinary bravery of the man?— bravery of the man? incredible brave . bravery of the man? incredible bravery- so — bravery of the man? incredible bravery. so so _ bravery of the man? incredible bravery. so so many _ bravery of the man? incredible bravery. so so many have - bravery of the man? incredible bravery. so so many have left| bravery of the man? incredible - bravery. so so many have left russia to continue _ bravery. so so many have left russia to continue their opposition from afar, _ to continue their opposition from afar. but— to continue their opposition from afar, but he went back after let's not forget — afar, but he went back after let's not forget being poisoned and then receiving _ not forget being poisoned and then receiving treatment in berlin. he then— receiving treatment in berlin. he then went —
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receiving treatment in berlin. he then went back into russia, and sadly— then went back into russia, and sadly he — then went back into russia, and sadly he is— then went back into russia, and sadly he is of the first and he probably— sadly he is of the first and he probably is not the last opponent to putin's_ probably is not the last opponent to putin's regime that is going and we are going _ putin's regime that is going and we are going to hear about. and what is so awful— are going to hear about. and what is so awful about this, it just exposes once again — so awful about this, it just exposes once again the brutal stranglehold that putin has over russia, how he completely— that putin has over russia, how he completely seems to disregard any condemnation from the international community— condemnation from the international community for his actions both on this today— community for his actions both on this today it but also other ways in which _ this today it but also other ways in which he _ this today it but also other ways in which he has shown himself to be not a democrat— which he has shown himself to be not a democrat by any stretch, but also a democrat by any stretch, but also a completely destructive force in international politics.— international politics. robert, let's to international politics. robert, let's go to — international politics. robert, let's go to un _ international politics. robert, let's go to un the _ international politics. robert, let's go to un the us - international politics. robert, let's go to un the us was - international politics. robert, let's go to un the us was a l let's go to un the us was a completely destructive force in international politics. robert, let's go to un the us. president biden clearly say in his remarks that vladimir putin is responsible. that's right. it's hard to imagine us - _ that's right. it's hard to imagine us - russian _ that's right. it's hard to imagine us — russian relations— that's right. it's hard to imagine us — russian relations sinking . us — russian relations sinking further— us — russian relations sinking further into _ us — russian relations sinking further into the _ us — russian relations sinking further into the abyss, - us — russian relations sinking further into the abyss, but - us — russian relations sinking i further into the abyss, but here us — russian relations sinking - further into the abyss, but here we are. further into the abyss, but here we are and _ further into the abyss, but here we are and we — further into the abyss, but here we are and we are _ further into the abyss, but here we
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are. and we are sinking _ further into the abyss, but here we are. and we are sinking further- further into the abyss, but here we | are. and we are sinking further into the abyss _ are. and we are sinking further into the abyss in — are. and we are sinking further into the abyss in terms _ are. and we are sinking further into the abyss in terms of— are. and we are sinking further into the abyss in terms of us— are. and we are sinking further into the abyss in terms of us — - the abyss in terms of us — russian relations — the abyss in terms of us — russian relations and. _ the abyss in terms of us — russian relations. and, you _ the abyss in terms of us — russian relations. and, you know, - the abyss in terms of us — russian relations. and, you know, it - the abyss in terms of us — russian relations. and, you know, it is - the abyss in terms of us — russian relations. and, you know, it is an. relations. and, you know, it is an interesting — relations. and, you know, it is an interesting sort _ relations. and, you know, it is an interesting sort of _ relations. and, you know, it is an interesting sort of truism - relations. and, you know, it is an interesting sort of truism of- interesting sort of truism of history— interesting sort of truism of history that _ interesting sort of truism of history that dictators - interesting sort of truism of history that dictators truly i interesting sort of truism of. history that dictators truly do struggle _ history that dictators truly do struggle with _ history that dictators truly do struggle with martyrs, - history that dictators truly do struggle with martyrs, and l history that dictators truly do struggle with martyrs, and ii history that dictators truly do - struggle with martyrs, and i think that will— struggle with martyrs, and i think that will be — struggle with martyrs, and i think that will be true _ struggle with martyrs, and i think that will be true in _ struggle with martyrs, and i think that will be true in this _ struggle with martyrs, and i think that will be true in this case as i that will be true in this case as well _ that will be true in this case as well. �* . . , that will be true in this case as well. . , , , ., , well. and 'ust briefly, robert, on the lace well. andjust briefly, robert, on the place of _ well. andjust briefly, robert, on the place of it — well. andjust briefly, robert, on the place of it with _ well. andjust briefly, robert, on the place of it with the _ well. andjust briefly, robert, on the place of it with the us - well. and just briefly, robert, on | the place of it with the us election upcoming, thatjoe biden— donald trump if it is a choice, what is the impact on that relation if any? i impact on that relation if any? i don't see it having much of a impact on the _ don't see it having much of a impact on the elections _ don't see it having much of a impact on the elections come _ don't see it having much of a impact on the elections come up _ don't see it having much of a impact on the elections come up to - don't see it having much of a impact on the elections come up to thickeri on the elections come up to thicker going _ on the elections come up to thicker going to _ on the elections come up to thicker going to be — on the elections come up to thicker going to be decided _ on the elections come up to thicker going to be decided by— on the elections come up to thicker going to be decided by domestic. going to be decided by domestic economy, — going to be decided by domestic economy, but— going to be decided by domestic economy, but it _ going to be decided by domestic economy, but it does _ going to be decided by domestic economy, but it does put - going to be decided by domestic economy, but it does put even i going to be decided by domestic- economy, but it does put even more pressure _ economy, but it does put even more pressure on — economy, but it does put even more pressure on members _ economy, but it does put even more pressure on members of— economy, but it does put even more pressure on members of congress . economy, but it does put even more . pressure on members of congress who see the _ pressure on members of congress who see the truth _ pressure on members of congress who see the truth about _ pressure on members of congress who see the truth about this _ pressure on members of congress who see the truth about this moment. - pressure on members of congress who see the truth about this moment. and | see the truth about this moment. and so i see the truth about this moment. and so i do _ see the truth about this moment. and so i do think— see the truth about this moment. and so i do think it — see the truth about this moment. and so i do think it matters _ see the truth about this moment. and so i do think it matters within- see the truth about this moment. and so i do think it matters within the - so i do think it matters within the walls _ so i do think it matters within the walls of congress. _ so i do think it matters within the walls of congress.— so i do think it matters within the walls of congress. sam come if you can come back _ walls of congress. sam come if you can come back to _ walls of congress. sam come if you can come back to you, _ walls of congress. sam come if you can come back to you, your- can come back to you, your opening remarks were about shocked but not surprised. what do you see happening now with the dealing of political
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opponents, with international reaction? i have an interviewjust in the last 90 minutes or so talking about the potential options, and beyond sanctions, some are scratching their head about what the international community actually does. �* ~ international community actually does. ,, . , does. and i think that mostly will be art of does. and i think that mostly will be part of putin's _ does. and i think that mostly will be part of putin's considerations | be part of putin's considerations full to the reality is that there is not a whole lot more at the moment that he feels the west can do to him. he also feels in his own opposition is quiet in her as well, suppressed them a much of it is in exile and much of the park is not in exile and much of the park is not in exile is in prison. i think though there is a job of work to do for western governments and western civil societies. the reality is that navalny was not the only put up a prisoner in resin and by most gas there are at least 500 and you would think about people and other opposition leaders, journalists like evan garza and also more than two or
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300 crimea tartar prisoners taken from ukraine, sol 300 crimea tartar prisoners taken from ukraine, so i think we need to probably relearn some of the lessons maybe from the cold war... sam. maybe from the cold war... sam, sor to maybe from the cold war... sam, sorry to interrupt _ maybe from the cold war... sam, sorry to interrupt but _ maybe from the cold war... sam, sorry to interrupt but we - maybe from the cold war... sam, sorry to interrupt but we are - maybe from the cold war... sam, sorry to interrupt but we are in . maybe from the cold war... sam, | sorry to interrupt but we are in the last few seconds of the programme but thank you very much for coming on bbc news. hello there. it looks like things will be turning even milder as we head into this weekend. and where we get some sunshine, it really will feel quite spring—like. but there will be some rain in the forecast this weekend, particularly late on saturday during saturday night, and for england and wales, perhaps for sunday morning as well. so we're all into that milder air mass. as you can see, these darker orange colours introducing something a little bit warmer still as we move into saturday and sunday. but it does look like tonight, maybe a little bit cooler than it's been the last few nights. mostly dry and in any thicker cloud in the north and the west, there will be some spots of rain. and temperatures will dip close
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to 1—2 degrees across the far north—east of scotland. for most, though, 6—8 celsius. so saturday starts off largely fine. this weak weather front will bring a band of clouds, some spots of rain, but it's these weatherfronts moving in behind later on which will bring the more substantial rain, with stronger winds here. so quite a lot of cloud, scotland, northern england, some splashes of rain with that weak weather front there. there will be some holes in the clouds to allow for some sunny spells again, but then the rain, stronger winds push into northern ireland. that spreads across the irish sea into western britain as we head into the afternoon. the temperatures could be up to ia, maybe 15 degrees in the warmest spots, but all areas will be in double figures. then through saturday evening, saturday night, that rain, wind spreads across the country. it will tend to clear from scotland and northern ireland, bar the odd shower, but it will take its time to clear away from england and wales. so it could stay quite wet by the end of saturday night across the south—east. temperatures coming down a little bit in the north, double figures in the south.
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sunday, then, these weatherfronts will take their time to clear england and wales. bit of a question mark on the speed they do clear, but at the moment, it looks like it could be quite cloudy and wet to start sunday across much of england and wales. slowly, skies will brighten from the west, but there could be a hangback of that rain across parts of eastern england, east anglia and the south—east. but elsewhere, not a bad—looking day, i think, to come for sunday with some sunshine around. temperatures maybe a degree or so down in the north, but again, at 14—15 degrees across the south, so well above where we should be for the time of year. into the new week, it does stay on the mild side. increasing chance of rain and stronger winds towards the end of the week, where we'll also start to see temperatures coming down a little bit.
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hello, i'm lewis vaughanjones. you're watching the context on bbc news. donald trump is ordered to pay more than $350 million in penalties in a landmark civil fraud case in new york. we start with that news. a new york judge ordered the former president to pay more than $350 million in his civilfraud trial. it's to pay more than $350 million in his civil fraud trial. it's for overstating his net worth to fraud
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