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tv   BBC News  BBC News  February 26, 2024 1:45pm-2:01pm GMT

1:45 pm
ryanair�*s original forecast for the year to the end of march 2025 was that it would carry 205 million passengers, but it says with fewer planes than expected it may have to revise that down to 200 million. it's predicting fare increases of between 5 and 10%. boeing has been under tight scrutiny from the aviation authorities in the us after part of one of its planes in the alaska airlines fleet came off in midair injanuary. it said it was taking the necessary time to make sure every aircraft it delivered met all customer and regulatory requirements. it deeply regretted the impact on ryanair. but higher prices will come as a blow to passengers facing cost of living challenges. ryanair says it hopes it will get some compensation from boeing, but its primary focus is on making sure planes are delivered. simon jones, bbc news.
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a wedding photographerfrom lincoln is calling on the clergy to be more considerate to those taking pictures at church weddings. rachel roberts has launched a petition and written to various church leaders in a bid to come up with a solution. well, i'm joined by rachel now. what is the source of the conflict this has been an issue that has been ongoing for a long time. i’m this has been an issue that has been ongoing for a long time.— ongoing for a long time. i'm part of vafious ongoing for a long time. i'm part of various forums _ ongoing for a long time. i'm part of various forums online _ ongoing for a long time. i'm part of various forums online and - ongoing for a long time. i'm part of| various forums online and whenever this topic ever comes up, hundreds and hundreds of photographers jump on it and share their experiences in their droves. last week at tech talk when faro were a wedding photographer started recording our vicar laying into her, really, as the wedding was about to start where he was being aggressive and really rude in front of the whole church full of wedding guests. that tick—tock has amassed over 2 million
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views. i saw that intimate felt familiar. i thought, views. i saw that intimate felt familiar. ithought, we views. i saw that intimate felt familiar. i thought, we need to get wedding photographers and videographers and church leaders on the same page so we are all singing from the same hymn sheet. [30 the same page so we are all singing from the same hymn sheet.- from the same hymn sheet. do you normally have _ from the same hymn sheet. do you normally have conversations - from the same hymn sheet. do you normally have conversations with i from the same hymn sheet. do you normally have conversations with a | normally have conversations with a member of the clergy before you cover the wedding?— member of the clergy before you cover the wedding? yes, absolutely. as a professional— cover the wedding? yes, absolutely. as a professional that _ cover the wedding? yes, absolutely. as a professional that is _ cover the wedding? yes, absolutely. as a professional that is essential, l as a professional that is essential, to get in touch with the church leader and introduced yourself and have a chat about what is and isn't allowed. churches are increasingly making their couple is aware of there are strict rules, which means that the couple will often hear the day after the wedding from the photographer or videographer to say, by the way, we were only allowed to take one photo of the entire ceremony. i have had it before where on the day church leaders have changed their tune about what we have previously agreed. when i am there in the moment there is very
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little i can do. fire there in the moment there is very little i can dw— there in the moment there is very little i can dm— little i can do. are you looking therefore _ little i can do. are you looking therefore standardised - little i can do. are you looking therefore standardised rules l little i can do. are you looking | therefore standardised rules or little i can do. are you looking - therefore standardised rules or what sort of agreement can you come to? first of all, i need to be really clear in saying this is not all church leaders. i have worked with some incredible priests and vicars who are very relaxed and personable and said to me before the wedding, you need to do what you need to do and we will work together. but it is becoming more and more common that vicars and priests are being rude and aggressive to photographers and videographers. i am and aggressive to photographers and videographers. iam not and aggressive to photographers and videographers. i am not church bashing, i want to have an open conversation between the two parties for the sake of our couples. we live in a digitalage for the sake of our couples. we live in a digital age and couples do want loads of coverage of the gorgeous ceremony and we can work with police and vicars to do that, but without being too intrusive.—
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being too intrusive. thank you so much. there's a warning people living with a rare eating disorder are being overlooked by the health service in england. one charity says calls to its helpline about avoidant—restrictive food intake disorder, known as arfid, are seven times higher than they were five years ago. they say it's vital people with the condition receive support and that extra funding is available for eating disorder services. abi smitton reports. the sheep is gone. the sheep has gone, yes. the sheep has gone. the sheep. sheep, baa. he was the most happiest, smiliest little boy i've ever come across. his soul was just kind, and he was soft and he was just so beautiful. on the bus. 0h, on the bus. the sheep went on the bus. you cheeky monkey. there are memories of lucy's son, alfie anthony, everywhere
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you turn in their house. he was diagnosed with autism when he was three. although alfie was behind on a lot of things that i was aware of as a mother, the one thing that always, always worried me was his eating. he struggled to eat anything with texture or lumps, relying on just a few safe foods. and i kept voicing. he's losing weight. he wasn't alfie. he just wasn't alfie, he was a poorly, poorly boy. and again, he... it got put down to his autism. lucy asked for help, but didn't receive support. i was really fighting. like i thought, like, i don't know what i thought. ijust thought... it was in my head, or like, nobody�*s... like i'm screaming out and nobody was listening. in 2021, he passed away at the age of seven. his cause of death was malnutrition. it was only after he died that alfie was diagnosed with arfid, an eating disorder that can be caused by sensitivity
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to food textures or smells. an inquest found healthcare professionals didn't pay enough attention to his diet. together we were invincible. no one else could come close. i shut myself away from those who i love the most. poetry has helped jess cope since she developed arfid. you have become my biggest secret, but i couldn't keep it up for long. she has a phobia of vomiting. one day she was sick after a meal. pretty much overnight, i stopped eating. my relationship with food automatically changed overnight, in, while everyone else needed food in order to survive, all of a sudden i was learning how to survive without it. she went for three years without support until she met gemma from the eating disorder charity seed.
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hello, how are you? i'm good, how are you? oh, god, it's been too long. i feel like i'm starting to get back on track again. obviously, there's going to be ups and downs, but i feel like i'm feeling positive again and i've got a bit of a spark back. it's about treating the person and not the eating disorder, i and that it's so important - to like remember thatjess isjess. recovery is not a one—way street, like it's a recovery _ after recovery after recovery. so i'm just really proud of you. ijust can't thank you all enough for saving my life. so we need to get a meeting in then, i guess, ideally this week. nicole and stacey both have loved ones with arfid. they were shocked at the lack of awareness and support available. in response, they set up the first dedicated arfid charity in the uk. if you can imagine going online and there being basically nothing about arfid,
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it was an information black hole, essentially. that was part of the frustration that i was experiencing is that i was dealing with doctors, paediatricians, dietitians who had never actually heard of arfid before. ready? steady. since alfie's inquest, stockport nhs trust has said they're deeply sorry they missed opportunities and have introduced new guidelines. hello. come here. lucy is now calling for better awareness of arfid, especially around its links to autism. i really, really want a pathway for understanding and knowledge for children on the spectrum. i don't want it to happen to anybody else. so although this hopefully will help other families. i will continue being his mum, and i'll keep being his voice.
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just sadly i wasn't heard then, but i'll make sure i'm heard now. patients in north devon have lauched a social media campaign to find their own doctor. the communities of lynton and lynmouth are hoping their advert goes viral because they only have until the end of april before their current healthcare provider pulls out. it would leave them facing a 40—mile round trip to see a doctor. andrea ormsby has the story. selling lynton and lymouth to tourists has never been difficult, but now it could be a matter of life and death. the jewels in exmoor�*s crown are desperate to attract a doctor to save their surgery. the current health care provider is pulling out at the end of april — and with the threat of a reduced service or no service, locals are taking dramatic action.
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there was panic, everyone is frightened to death. we have an sos out there that we have put out on social media and we hope this will go viral, go right round england, the world, and i have own doc marten or martino will see it and come and see what a beautiful part of the country we are in and take us on. rhi wood and her husband rely on the surgery. we moved here about two years ago and we _ we moved here about two years ago and we would not have moved here if there _ and we would not have moved here if there was_ and we would not have moved here if there was no — and we would not have moved here if there was no gp, so if it grows or even _ there was no gp, so if it grows or even if— there was no gp, so if it grows or even if it— there was no gp, so if it grows or even if it reduces, that is a problem _ even if it reduces, that is a problem and it fills me with a lot of worry— problem and it fills me with a lot of worry because we use the gp on a weekly— of worry because we use the gp on a weekly basis. as the commissioner for local gp services, nhs devon says it's actively pursuing a suitable alternative to ensure gp provision remains available locally. the youngest resident here at garson house care home is 86.
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the oldest is 105. the idea of the gp surgery closing or even reducing service is worrying for them. very much because if we had to go beyond here for my treatment, i could die. the clock is ticking — people here are hoping if this sos on social media goes viral it could be the answer to their prayers. andrea ormsby, bbc spotlight, lynton. now it's time for a look at the weather. hello there. good afternoon. still rather blustery today towards the south of the uk, but there is a lot of dry weather around, especially in the west. lots of blue skies, sunshine here today in swansea, as recorded by our weather watcher. further east, although there will still be some sunny spells, expect to see some showers blow in from the north sea. there's more of the same as we head through the rest of the afternoon too.
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some of these showers making their way as far west as eastern areas of wales. but across western scotland, northern ireland, western wales and the south—west of england it is largely dry. a bit of wind chill to factor into those temperatures towards north sea facing coast with a brisk north—easterly wind. it will feel a little colder than this out towards the east. highs between seven and ten degrees celsius. the strong winds across the channel islands eventually easing down as we head through the evening. overnight tonight, a couple of weather fronts just approaching the far north—west of scotland, northern ireland, north—west england. high pressure topples further southwards. here the winds will lighten and there will be some fog patches developing into tomorrow morning. for many a touch of frost, but temperatures will rise slightly as we head through the small hours of tomorrow morning. we'll start the day off with many of our temperatures just slightly above freezing. the fog lingering on across south—east england and then gradually clearing away. this weather front gradually slipping further southwards and eastwards bringing some outbreaks of rain, but gradually petering out as it comes into the area of high pressure. behind it the skies will brighten
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again towards the north and the west, but expect to see a few showers, possibly a bit wintry over the higher ground. as we head through tuesday and into wednesday another warm front approaches. so, again, a touch of frost for many on tuesday night into wednesday. this weather front is going to drag behind it some milder—feeling air, but it's quite a wet start to the day across western scotland, northern ireland, down through western wales, north—west england. drier and likely to stay dry for much of the day further east, with again some hazy sunshine, but clouding over. we'll see temperatures creep back up again into double figures as that milder air starts to take hold. then, as we head through thursday, colder air follows behind the second weather front that's going to sweep in from the west again. some of the showers on thursday could turn a bit wintry, particularly over the higher ground, but there'll also be some spells of brightness and sunshine too. the milder hangs on in the south and the east. bye— bye.
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good afternoon. you're watching bbc news. chaotic scenes in brussels. police fired water cannon as fun bring
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parts of the belgian capital to a standstill. these are live pictures on the east streets of brussels right now. eu agriculture ministers are meeting to consider their response to the protests. benjamin netanyahu says an assault on rafah will go ahead. the un secretary—general says nothing can justify what he called the collective punishment of the palestinian people in gaza. israeli offensive on _ palestinian people in gaza. israeli offensive on the _ palestinian people in gaza. israeli offensive on the city _ palestinian people in gaza. israeli offensive on the city would - palestinian people in gaza. israeli offensive on the city would not. palestinian people in gaza. israeli i offensive on the city would not only be terrifying for more than a million palestinian civilians sheltering there, it would put the final nail in the coffin of our aid programmes. final nail in the coffin of our aid programme— final nail in the coffin of our aid rourammes. . ., ., ., .. , .,, programmes. wrong and unacceptable, prime minister — programmes. wrong and unacceptable, prime minister rishi _ programmes. wrong and unacceptable, prime minister rishi sunak _ programmes. wrong and unacceptable, prime minister rishi sunak condemns l prime minister rishi sunak condemns comments from the suspended mp about london has near sadiq khan. —— london's may. i am lewis vaughan jones. welcome lewis vaughanjones. welcome to bbc news now. i'm going to take you
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straight to brussels. these are live


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