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tv   Sportsday  BBC News  February 27, 2024 1:30pm-1:46pm GMT

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him, an asks me whether i agree with him, an immediate pause to get the hostages out and get incredibly badly needed aid in, leading to a sustainable ceasefire. he raises the position on humanitarian visas and humanitarian workers. there is nothing between us on that. we are doing everything we can to advance that position. he asks me about the recent humanitarian entry position. i can tell on that on sunday the 25th, 94 trucks got in bed on the 22nd of february, moore got in. that was the highest number since january the 17th and those figures show that it is possible to get this vital humanitarian need in. we must do everything we can to make sure that those higher levels continue. finally, he asked me about the
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hostage negotiations. there has been a great deal in the press over the weekend. he asks whether i am optimistic. the answer is that i am neither optimistic nor pessimistic but i can tell them that the british government is doing everything it can to ensure that those negotiations are successful. i am sure the minister— negotiations are successful. i am sure the minister agrees - negotiations are successful. i —n sure the minister agrees that it is profoundly in the british interest that there should be a properly functioning system of international rules and laws and that the international court ofjustice is central to that system. so what concrete steps as the government taking to enforce its ruling with regard to this can affect —— conflict, enforcing the ruling and in relation to the assault on rafah, is at the minister's view that the assault and the impact it will have on the civilians, and as he points
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out, 600,000 children, that that would be in role with the lining —— in line with the rolling of the icj? the right honourable gentleman had what i said in the statement and as the whole house knows, the law is a binding and should be respected. the recent podcast by law and disorder with three other uk's most experienced journalists, including two senior members, concluded that it is not possible to declare that israel is in breach of international humanitarian law at the time when they made their pod cast. i humanitarian law at the time when they made their pod cast.- they made their pod cast. i thank they made their pod cast. i thank the minister _ they made their pod cast. i thank the minister for _ they made their pod cast. i thank the minister for the _ they made their pod cast. i thank the minister for the statement i they made their pod cast. i thank. the minister for the statement and we welcome the news that a ceasefire deal may be edging closer. a ceasefire and hostage release deal which we have been calling for since it became apparent that israel's
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self defence had actually turned into a war against an entire civilian population, a war in, 2 million displaced, now 500,000 innocent people facing starvation. not because the food isn't available but because of a premeditated decision to impose a collective punishment, which one has deliberately stopped food getting to those need it. yet throughout this unimaginable horror, the uk continues to profit from this by selling weapons to israel. shamefully, there has been no real desire or attempt on the part of the uk to make this slaughter stop. they seem happy to continue to provide support to a legal obligation and oppression and now ethnic cleansing.
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if and when we get a us deal to the un, what action will the uk government take? because voting for a ceasefire cannot exist in isolation. while the uk government stop selling weapons to israel? will it finally get behind the international court ofjustice investigation and will it fund an international criminal court investigation into the conflict? whatever happens, the sorry episode will be remembered for being one of the most shameful in the history of british foreign policy. what we have witnessed is a complete dereliction of all moral and legal responsibility for a government and the parliament who at the time of greatest humanitarian crisis, have simply looked the other way. and quite rightly history willjudge them harshly for it. i
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quite rightly history will “udge them harshly for ith quite rightly history will “udge them harshly for it. i simply don't think the idea _ them harshly for it. i simply don't think the idea that _ them harshly for it. i simply don't think the idea that the _ them harshly for it. i simply don't. think the idea that the government has looked the other way carries any possible credibility at all. i must say to him that in all his remarks, he might remember that the source of all of this was october the 7th, it was the pogrom committed against the israeli people and it was the worst act, of killing ofjewish people at any time since the end of the second world war. i think there needs to be some balance on what is said but i also think that the language he uses is not helpful in the central aim of all of us to try and bring about a ceasefire. and the ability to get the hostages out and to get aid in. i also think that he should remember
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that britain has the toughest weapons regulation arms export regime anywhere in the world. he talks about a collective punishment but the point that he misses is that our determination since day one has been to get as much food as we possibly can into israel. as he looks back at everything, we have been working as hard as anyone to get that humanitarian relief into gaza. i submit that beneath the sound and fury of what he has said, there is more substantial agreement between his party and the government than he is recognising. i between his party and the government than he is recognising.— than he is recognising. i thank my riaht than he is recognising. i thank my right honourable _ than he is recognising. i thank my right honourable friend _ than he is recognising. i thank my right honourable friend for- than he is recognising. i thank my| right honourable friend for coming to the house today and setting out what i think is a very clear and principled statement that as he knows is thoroughly aligned with that and our partners, the ones who
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are involved in very serious and sensitive negotiations right now to see an end to the fighting. i wonder if i could ask if he gets a bit more about the concrete steps to reform which he mentioned with regards to the palestinian authority? he reference to regulation of prime minister yesterday, does that include things like an end to the endemic corruption, and enter incitement of violence through the school curriculum and an end to the terrible policy of paying convicted terrorists having carried out murder? . ., , , terrorists having carried out murder? , , ., terrorists having carried out murder? ,, ., , murder? he recognises that but there will be significant _ murder? he recognises that but there will be significant changes _ murder? he recognises that but there will be significant changes in - murder? he recognises that but there will be significant changes in the - will be significant changes in the approach that we have made many of those changes. the british five—point plan encompasses most of what he believes should happen. the release of all israeli hostages, the formation of a new palestinian government for the west bank and gaza, accompanied by an
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international support package which would recognise many of the things that he has said, removing hamas's capacity to launch attacks against israel, hamas no longer in charge of gaza and a political horizon which offers a two state solution. within those five points rests are answered almost every point that he raised. my almost every point that he raised. my committee and i were at the gaza border last week trying to get first—hand testimony of the 2 million stories of suffering that now represent gaza. what can i say to this house is only a tiny fraction of what is going on out there but minister, i wonder if he could clarify one thing, we spoke to a senior un security person who said that the drones flying over or gathering data which ai algorithms translate into the targets. we know
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that civilian, humanitarians and medics are being killed so could he urged the israeli defence to make sure the algorithms protect the people they are supposed to under international humanitarian law? that is a very good _ international humanitarian law? that is a very good point and i am looking forward to meeting her later today to discuss this and other matters. the point that she makes, i believe it is addressed by the fact thatjust believe it is addressed by the fact that just as believe it is addressed by the fact thatjust as in the uk military, so targeted in israel is the subject of lawyers being present in the room and legal advice and i believe that should give her some comfort on the specific points she makes about drone targeting. fin specific points she makes about drone targeting. on post-conflict governments _ drone targeting. on post-conflict governments of _ drone targeting. on post-conflict governments of both _ drone targeting. on post-conflict governments of both the - drone targeting. on post-conflict governments of both the west i drone targeting. on post-conflict i governments of both the west bank and gaza, does the minister share some concern with me that whilst the prime minister of the palestinian authority has resigned, there are
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still key fat people still in place, he will know in 2020, it was rejected, and we all know where that ended up, on october seven. why does he think that it is part of the post—conflict governance solution for both west bank and gaza. it is an important _ for both west bank and gaza. it is an important and interesting point. the new government on the west bank, which has resulted from the resignation of the prime minister over the weekend, this is an interim government and many of these points will be able to be addressed in the interim government before we move to a new structure and government on the west bank. i a new structure and government on the west bank-— the west bank. i welcome the minister calling _ the west bank. i welcome the minister calling publicly i the west bank. i welcome the minister calling publicly for i the west bank. i welcome the i
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minister calling publicly for israel to limit its military operations to military targets. in turn, we should recall that hostagetaking is strictly prohibited under international humanitarian law and the icrc should be granted access to captives held by hamas. in the long term, i believe israel will be more secure following a successful negation based on a two state solution. does he agree with us that negotiations should begin from a place by the palestinian state should be based on 90 67 borders? that is a good point but he will see ed set out in a government's amendments last week a very clear process going forward and i very much hope his party will be able to support it. i much hope his party will be able to su ort it. ~ ., , support it. i know the government is doinu support it. i know the government is doing everything _ support it. i know the government is doing everything it — support it. i know the government is doing everything it can _ support it. i know the government is doing everything it can to _ support it. i know the government is doing everything it can to get - support it. i know the government is doing everything it can to get food . doing everything it can to get food and that we are now getting increasing reports of malnourishment, even salvation, as
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adults and children. while the governmentjust say to adults and children. while the government just say to the israelis that there really is no acceptable reason not to allow that food in now? ~ , reason not to allow that food in now? g ., ., .,, reason not to allow that food in now? g ., ., , now? my honourable friend is right, there is no acceptable _ now? my honourable friend is right, there is no acceptable reason i now? my honourable friend is right, there is no acceptable reason and i there is no acceptable reason and thatis there is no acceptable reason and that is why the government is fighting so hard to get additional humanitarian support into the southern part of gaza but also into the northern part of gaza as well. the minister recently told the snp spokesperson that there needs to be some balance, yet the word accountability seems to be menacing bowling missing from his statement. the uk government recognises the icj, which is of course investigating the alleged war crimes by the israeli government in gaza. as a champion of international law and human rights, will the minister confirm his government recognises that israel has an obligation to
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comply with the icj ruling of 26th of january and the comply with the icj ruling of 26th ofjanuary and the uk will support the court decision, examining the legality of the occupation? fin the court decision, examining the legality of the occupation?- legality of the occupation? on his first point. _ legality of the occupation? on his first point. we — legality of the occupation? on his first point, we are _ legality of the occupation? on his first point, we are very _ legality of the occupation? on his first point, we are very much i legality of the occupation? on his first point, we are very much in l first point, we are very much in favour of accountability and transparency. it is part of the reason why both parties have been strong supporters of the international criminal court and he will be aware of the legal position i set out a moment or two ago in respect of the rulings of the icj. my respect of the rulings of the icj. my mac and attempting to build confidence for humanitarian pause, we have to remember that the last time it was negotiated, hamas broke it, we armed and started firing again and stole the international aid that was going and help those poor palestinians. so aid that was going and help those poor palestinians.— aid that was going and help those poor palestinians. so what measures is m riaht poor palestinians. so what measures is my right honourable _ poor palestinians. so what measures is my right honourable friend - poor palestinians. so what measures is my right honourable friend going l is my right honourable friend going to take to make sure that the preconditions of the release of
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hostages, the international aid actually gets in the people who need it and is not diverted by hamas and ensuring that hamas respect such humanitarian pause? mr; ensuring that hamas respect such humanitarian pause?— humanitarian pause? my right honourable — humanitarian pause? my right honourable friend _ humanitarian pause? my right honourable friend is _ humanitarian pause? my right honourable friend is correct i humanitarian pause? my right honourable friend is correct in| humanitarian pause? my right i honourable friend is correct in what he says and he underlines the great difficulty of negotiating and agreeing a pause or ceasefire with one of the party being absolutely clear that they do not want one and wish to replicate the events of october seven. that is the official 0ctober seven. that is the official position of hamas. october seven. that is the official position of hamas.— position of hamas. what is the minister's _ position of hamas. what is the minister's assessment - position of hamas. what is the minister's assessment on i position of hamas. what is the minister's assessment on the i position of hamas. what is the i minister's assessment on the uk's abstention in the last week security council vote on the us and their position? we are working towards a further united nations security council resolution. britain is continuing as
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it has from the start to try and bring people together to the common position which i set out earlier this afternoon and we will continue to do so in respect of future united nations security resolutions whenever we can.— nations security resolutions whenever we can. tomas is a terrorist _ whenever we can. tomas is a terrorist organisation -- i whenever we can. tomas is a i terrorist organisation -- hamas is a terrorist organisation —— hamas is a terrorist organisation —— hamas is a terrorist organisation —— hamas is a terrorist organisation and that cannot be overlooked in these conversations. the reality is that the gaza area has had hundreds of millions of dollars in currency invested in it. i associate myself with everything he says and the rebuilding, can i make sure that as part of the rebuilding, the aid money can be used to make this a prosperous area when it is free of these terrorists? mr; prosperous area when it is free of these terrorists?— these terrorists? my honourable friend sets _
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these terrorists? my honourable friend sets out _ these terrorists? my honourable friend sets out very _ these terrorists? my honourable friend sets out very well - these terrorists? my honourable friend sets out very well the i these terrorists? my honourable friend sets out very well the key| friend sets out very well the key aspects of


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