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tv   BBC News  BBC News  March 1, 2024 11:00am-11:31am GMT

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and we saw images of the crowds gathered, lining the church. we also saw a snippet of the youtube channel thatis saw a snippet of the youtube channel that is being run by mr novelli's team because obviously russian tv, viewers will not be surprised to hear, they are not covering mr navalnyοΏ½*s funeral, so it is his team thatis navalnyοΏ½*s funeral, so it is his team that is providing a live stream. that is footage that has come directly from their youtube channel. that is what they are putting out. within the past hour, there are 130,000 people tuning in and watching their streaming, their footage of that. but what we understand is that in terms of what is able to be streamed from within the church because as i said, there are lots of people lining the church there, but we understand that the investigative media outlets reported that there is a warning posted at
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the church entrance banning photography and any video recording of the ceremony, so it will be interesting to see what the youtube channel is able to stream and put out, and as you mentioned a lot of the, there is a heavy police presence, with a lot of the pedestrian walk to the church under police supervision with police patrols and document checks taking place, so tell is a little bit more about what the authorities have said in terms of what people are allowed to do and how we are seeing people, supporters of mr navalny pushing against what the authorities are allowing. 50 against what the authorities are allowinu. ., ,., ., allowing. so from the point of view ofthe allowing. so from the point of view of the authorities, _ allowing. so from the point of view of the authorities, we _ allowing. so from the point of view of the authorities, we have - allowing. so from the point of view of the authorities, we have to - of the authorities, we have to remember that president putin and his spokesman, they have always been reluctant to even utter alexei navalnyοΏ½*s name. they called him that activist or that gentleman and that was it, so from the point of view of
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what the official media machine is saying, it is nothing. it does not exist, this whole event. so it is youtube and social media platforms where russians have to go to to see what is going on at the pictures that alexei navalnyοΏ½*s team have been streaming on youtube, they come from outside the church. apparently there are restrictions on filming from inside the church. we will see if that changes. and there are also reports of mobile can being unreliable, possiblyjammed, in the area. that is not confirmed. and the hundreds, maybe thousands, of people who turned out for the ceremony, it is an act of defiance in it self because these people will be aware that in the past few weeks, hundreds of people were arrested after they laid flowers, these improvised memorials that sprung up across
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russia shortly after alexei navalnyοΏ½*s death two weeks ago. so this is an act of bravery, and on the other hand the kremlin would be reluctant to start arresting people at the church or at the cemetery because, well, it is a government whose ideology is so firmly rooted in what it calls traditional or conservative values. arresting people at the church would look bad. and we are just hearing that the funeral has begun, so for viewers who arejustjoining us, it is the funeral of the russian opposition leader, alexei navalny, that is taking place in moscow, and as we mentioned a little earlier, any streaming or footage mentioned a little earlier, any streaming orfootage or mentioned a little earlier, any streaming or footage or photography from within the church has been prohibited by the rational parities, according to a sign that is reportedly placed on the church entrance, but as you can see there are crowds that have been lining up to go and show their support to
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lineβ€”up on the path leading towards the church. and you were just mentioning the restrictions that are being placed on what crowds can do. but we have heard from what some of the people attending, queueing up, have been saying from a russia editor, steve rosenberg. he was speaking to some of the people queueing up outside the church. . speaking to one pensioner and she had said that mr navalny was our help. he was the same age as our children. ifeel like i am burying my son. there was someone else who is also queueing to attend the church said alexei navalny was the only person i can trust. i was dreaming he would become president. it is a huge tragedy for me and for russia. that captures the legacy that mr navalny had for a lot of russians. οΏ½* ., ., ,
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that mr navalny had for a lot of russians. οΏ½* . ., , ., , ., russians. alexei navalny was more outhful russians. alexei navalny was more youthful than _ russians. alexei navalny was more youthful than president _ russians. alexei navalny was more youthful than president putin, - russians. alexei navalny was more youthful than president putin, had| russians. alexei navalny was more | youthful than president putin, had a knack for connecting with younger people, energising huge crowds, speaking the language that young people in russia speak, leading the people in russia speak, leading the people against the policies pursued by the kremlin and so many of his supporters are saying now that this is what he had to pay the ultimate price for his effectiveness as an opposition leader, and in the past five minutes, a key associate of alexei navalny, he is saying that people have started being admitted to the present comedy territory around the church where the ceremony is about to begin. not the church itself,, the supporters who have turned up there. so it looks like it
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is not certain itself who exactly will be allowed into the church to attend the religious ceremony for alexei navalny. find attend the religious ceremony for alexei navalny.β€” attend the religious ceremony for alexei navaln . οΏ½* . οΏ½* ., alexei navalny. and we haven't heard word et alexei navalny. and we haven't heard word yet from β€” alexei navalny. and we haven't heard word yet from mr _ alexei navalny. and we haven't heard word yet from mr navalny's _ alexei navalny. and we haven't heard word yet from mr navalny's wife. - word yet from mr navalny's wife. people may but that on the day that his death was announced, she was attending the munich security conference. she was there giving a speech and she received a really long, resounding standing ovation and she gave quite a powerful speech there and it is believed that she is abroad at the moment and we haven't heard from her. but it is a good moment to talk about what her response has been in terms of who was behind mr navalny's death. she is sa in: was behind mr navalny's death. me: is saying that she was behind mr navalny's death. sie: is saying that she will continue her late husband's work from abroad, it is is to be understood. just like many of alexei navalny's supporters,
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she is blaming vladimir putin personally for her husband's death. i would be extremely surprised if she came back to russia to attend the funeral or do anything else because her activity since his death has violated so many of russia's repressive laws passed recently, targeting freedom of speech, dissent and many manifestations of opposition activity that if she came back to russia, she would face near certain arrest, which is what happened to her late husband. we don't know where exactly she is. social media accounts have been silent so far. we understand that alexei navalny's mother is still in russia and may be attending the ceremony, the funeral today. find ceremony, the funeral today. and 'ust to ceremony, the funeral today. and just to reiterate _ ceremony, the funeral today. and just to reiterate for viewers who are just
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just to reiterate for viewers who arejustjoining us, this is the scene where the funeral of alexei navalny, the russian opposition leader, is taking place, and as we mentioned, we understand mobile phone coverage has been disrupted. that is what alexei navalny's team there in moscow is saying and we are yet to see live footage of visitors. you can see that on the live page company. there is an image that has been shared by alexei navalny's team's youtube channel. that is a channel that they are broadcasting and we will see potential you
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footage earlier. what you're seeing our images of mr navalny's often being removed from that fan and the pallbearers proceeding towards the church there so that is footage that we have seen. that is from a little bit earlier because as i mentioned the arrival of the owners if you minutes ago. let's pick up on what we were talking about earlier in terms of the suppression of any particular protest or anything because you will remember on the day of his death being announced police were very quick to clamp down on any mourners unfurling banners and the message that is being reiterated todayis message that is being reiterated today is any such gatherings will violate the law. we heard from the kremlin spokesman saying anyone
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participating in those unsanctioned gatherings will be held accountable. and it is clear why the kremlin would try and make sure the ceremony and the funeral do not become a rallying point for what is left of the opposition inside russia. the fact is that this opposition has all but been quashed. all of the key opponents are either in exile, in jail, or dead, so when russia holds its presidential election in two weeks' time, his victory and another sixβ€”year term of office is all but guaranteed because he is in full control of the security operators, of election authorities and there is absolutely no one to challenge and
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within russia. so we are seeing this youtube channel and what is being broadcast now is what they are putting out. this is from his team's youtube content. let's have a listen and see what is being said. lots content. let's have a listen and see what is being said.β€” what is being said. lots of doubts into the murder _ what is being said. lots of doubts into the murder of _ what is being said. lots of doubts into the murder of this _ what is being said. lots of doubts into the murder of this major- into the murder of this major politicalβ€” into the murder of this major political figure. into the murder of this major politicalfigure. i into the murder of this major political figure. i am into the murder of this major political figure. lam happy into the murder of this major political figure. i am happy that all thatβ€” political figure. i am happy that all that isβ€” political figure. i am happy that all that is past history and that we now have β€” all that is past history and that we now have a β€” all that is past history and that we now have a lot of analysts saying that they β€”
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now have a lot of analysts saying that they were, he was poisoned, he was poisoned with novojock and his healthβ€” was poisoned with novojock and his health wasβ€” was poisoned with novojock and his health was certainly damaged by that _ they specifically and very understandably was poisoned and it is not _ understandably was poisoned and it is not a _ understandably was poisoned and it is not a question of... so understandably was poisoned and it is not a question of. . ._ is not a question of... so that is bein: is not a question of... so that is being streamed, _ is not a question of... so that is being streamed, what _ is not a question of... so that is being streamed, what you - is not a question of... so that is being streamed, what you do i is not a question of... so that is| being streamed, what you do so there, is being streamed from the team of alexei navalny. it is their youtube channel and now we are switching back to the live images of outside the church where alexei
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navalny's funeral is taking place. you can see the huge crowds who have gathered, trying to pay their respects. let's bring in my colleague. you can see huge crowds of people attending, within the parameters of what the authorities are allowing. how much do you think the spirit of mr navalny's opposition has allowed this gathering, has shown their support, how much of the student is going to continue in the aftermath of this, despite the clampdown by the kremlin? it is really hard to believe what is going to happen but these scenes are definitely impressive because we know for a fact that at least several people who are laying flowers to the
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monuments of political prisoners at the date of alexei navalny's death, they have to face significant repercussions. some of them lost theirjobs with a clear identification of this happened because of their political position. 0thers because of their political position. others were detained and had to spend some time behind the bars. so those people were together today near the church and beside the cemetery, they are clearly taking significant risks but we see that they have come despite the warnings and when the car with alexei navalny's body was arriving to the church, they started shouting his name and surname. they got quickly warned by the police but very fact that they are doing it shows how determined they are to continue to show their support to alexei navalny and his cause. stay with us just a moment. that is a bbc russian correspondent. stay with us just a moment but we will pause to say around the world and across the uk,
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this is bbc news. just to recap for any viewers who are justjoining us now, what you're seeing is some remarkable scenes outside a church in moscow where the funeral of the russian opposition leader is taking place in the huge crowds of mourners there who are turning up despite a heavy police presence and warnings from russian authorities that any unsanctioned gatherings and any political slogans and messages would be dealt with harshly and this shows the legacy of mr navalny. we had a little bit earlier about some of the comments from some of the people gathering. 0ur editor steve rosenberg talking about how they were commenting on how important his legacy was an how his death felt like the death of russia to some of them because that is how big an
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opposition leader and figure alexei navalny was in russian politics, so those are the images you're seeing live now of moscow. your life with us here on bbc news, where i am joined by my colleagues. 0lder, us here on bbc news, where i am joined by my colleagues. older, you are mentioning how remarkable these images are to show the quantity of support and the huge crowds turning up. how unusual is this, in your experience? well, i guess the amount of people arriving, it was usual. it is usual and expected if this would be happening ten or 12 years ago. now, after the russian invasion in ukraine, the laws have been made more harsh and the authorities have
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sent several very clear message is that any show of public protest, any public support or opposition would be harshly punished and bearing in mind the amount people who gathered near the church and cemetery, it is quite remarkable. and ijust want to bring you some information that has just come in. we are hearing that outside the church, as the hearse carrying mr navalny's coffin arrived, that was taking place about 15 minutes ago or so, crowds could be heard clapping and chanting, you were not afraid and we are not afraid. and how big a step is that, in terms of showing opposition? i think you can hear now. they are shouting. they were also shouting his name, which is also quite brave
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nowadays in russia. this is quite risky for them because as soon this started happening, they started getting warnings from the police saying that this is already breaching all those harsh laws which were introduced in russia. they started issuing warnings which means that if they continue to do so, certain people might be detained. but we see that people are not leaving the pavement. crowds are still gathering. which shows that people are determined to show their support despite all the challenges and hardships which they are facing. yes, that's right. we saw those images live their way could still see people chanting and clapping and that began from when the hearse arrived carrying mr navalny's coffin. that is where the crowds started their chanting and clapping. so we can show you those images from a little bit earlier. as i said, the
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hearse arrived within the past 20 minutes and that is where the crowds began to show support through chanting, as i said, the phrase, you were not afraid and we are not afraid. and that is where the clapping and the chanting began. now what you're seeing his footage from a little earlier, the arrival of mr navalny's coffin there as it was loaded, and you may have heard as earlier talking about some of the issues that mr navalny's team had. well, we have had another update from alexei navalny's team. in the past hour, key associate of alexei navalny has said on social media that he doesn't know what is happening inside the church, whether the church service has begun or not. so this tells us that this shroud of
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secrecy is still there. the uncertainty continues around what is going on with mr navalny's body. some people have apparently been allowed into the church compound but not key members of his team, who would then pass on this message. de minaur who has been allowed into the church? we minaur who has been allowed into the church? ~ ., οΏ½* , , church? we don't. it is believed that the people _ church? we don't. it is believed that the people who _ church? we don't. it is believed that the people who have - church? we don't. it is believed l that the people who have entered church? we don't. it is believed - that the people who have entered the church could be alexei navalny's relatives, but nobody really knows, maybe because there are problems with mobile medications outside the church. the whole area is tightly controlled by police. β€”β€” mobile communications. we are seeing some live images from outside the church. you can see there are people
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gathering there. we saw the crowds lined up on the other side there. now is a good time to bring in all again. 0lga, in terms of what the tally has mentioned, this being shrouded in secrecy, one of the other things we are not aware of really is what more we might hear from the kremlin because a little earlier when a kremlin spokesman was asked about it, the response from the kremlin spokesperson was, the kremlin doesn't have anything to say to mr navalny's family on the day of his funeral. are we likely to expect any more statements about mr navalny, or do we think it is likely to be in keeping with the way things were before, where they didn't even really acknowledge his existence quite often? yeah, i think we can be quite often? yeah, i think we can be quite sure that kremlin won't say anything else. if we look at the broader context, in the past several
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years, putin has never named mr navalny by his name or surname and it is not likely to change at the moment. i think the spokesperson was quite clear about the fact that nothing else from the kremlin would be coming today concerning that topic. and ijust wanted to bring in one more thing for the context briefly. i think it is important to understand that all of those crowds, all of those hundreds and hundreds of people who came to the church and to the cemetery, they came bearing in mind that there are zero guarantee they would have a chance to see alexei navalny's body, so they came the understanding that they came the understanding that they might not be allowed to move anywhere further than the exit from the tube station, so all of these people came there taking risks and understanding that they might not even have a chance to reach the church or the cemetery, and there are still questions whether members of the public would be allowed to
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the cemetery because, as we have heard from segment was 19, seen as the body has arrived, it is a paper appeared on the gates of the cemetery saying that unfortunately today due to a number of reasons access to the cemetery is not allowed. and we can actually see now, viewers at home are seeing live images of what looks like the front of the door of the church that seems to have a sign with an image suggesting, there is someone standing in front of it now, joe day symbol of a camera with a red line through its reiterating what we mentioned earlier which is that there were reports that no filming or photography, no streaming of any of the service inside, was allowed. and ijust want of the service inside, was allowed. and i just want to bring of the service inside, was allowed. and ijust want to bring you something that has just come through from reuters because you may have heard, we were talking earlier about how there is such a shroud of secrecy that some of the alexei navalny team weren't even sure if
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the service had become yet because thatis the service had become yet because that is how little information was coming out but i can bring you information that has come through in the past couple of minutes from reuters saying that an ally of mr navalny has said that the service is under way so that is some information that has come through that seems to be confirmed. that is from an ally of mr navalny. and we also mention about the chanting by the crowds earlier in terms of what they were saying, they were saying, you were not afraid, we are not afraid. and we are getting reports that there are loud chants of people shouting his name as the coffin arrived as well. 0thers pick up on the point that all gap mention a little moment ago, which is about the risks of all of the people turning up against the wishes of the authorities. can you spell outjust briefly in a couple of sentences,
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what are the risks?β€” briefly in a couple of sentences, what are the risks? well, the risks are mainly β€” what are the risks? well, the risks are mainly that _ what are the risks? well, the risks are mainly that they _ what are the risks? well, the risks are mainly that they can _ what are the risks? well, the risks are mainly that they can be - what are the risks? well, the risks i are mainly that they can be arrested and spent some time, a few days, may be, injail, and then find, but given the political climate in russia, all of that can change and if the authorities want to send somebody to jail for a if the authorities want to send somebody to jailfor a long if the authorities want to send somebody to jail for a long time, they will find a way to do it. vasily, thank you. to stay with us on bbc news. all of this to come. hello to those of you justjoining us and welcome. what you're seeing our live images from moscow, which is a church where the funeral of the russian opposition leader alexei navalny is taking place. you can see there that someone is just walking through the doors now. but entry has
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been restricted and we heard from vasily that some of mr navalny's own team were not allowed to enter the building there. so, vasily, just on that point, what are we expecting later? because later on there will be the burial taking place at the cemetery and presumably similar levels of tight security and clampdown by police. the levels of tight security and clampdown by police. levels of tight security and clamdown b olice. , ., , ., clampdown by police. the plan is for the burial to β€” clampdown by police. the plan is for the burial to take _ clampdown by police. the plan is for the burial to take place _ clampdown by police. the plan is for the burial to take place in _ clampdown by police. the plan is for the burial to take place in an - clampdown by police. the plan is for the burialto take place in an hour. the burial to take place in an hour and a half, which may be delayed, given the continuing uncertainty around the church service that may or may not be happening inside that church as we speak. the hundreds and possibly thousands of people attending the proceedings are really careful not to display any overtly political slogans. they have chanted his name but that is where it
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stopped. it is a very brave act, just to be there, given the fact that over the past couple of weeks, we understand about 400 people were arrested for laying flowers in memory of alexei navalny at various memorials that sprung up across russia. sojust being memorials that sprung up across russia. so just being there is a memorials that sprung up across russia. sojust being there is a bit of a risk but equally, it has to be said that the kremlin has been successful in making sure that this is not seen or doesn't become a political event because the moment political event because the moment political opponents organise themselves into an effective political force, themselves into an effective politicalforce, that themselves into an effective political force, that is when the kremlin's repressive security machine kicks in and makes sure that this organised political force machine kicks in and makes sure that this organised politicalforce is there no more.
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this organised political force is there no more.β€” this organised political force is there no more. well, let's bring in ola there no more. well, let's bring in olga now. β€” there no more. well, let's bring in olga now, because, _ there no more. well, let's bring in olga now, because, olga, - there no more. well, let's bring in olga now, because, olga, how- 0lga now, because, 0lga, how successful have they kremlin been in stopping this becoming a political event? because we have already heard chanting, haven't we? yes, we have heard chanting but we haven't heard any slogans except for you are not afraid and we are not afraid. i guess it is a very thin line and we definitely see that at the moment, the situation here, the church and the situation here, the church and the closest tube station, it is peaceful but tense. the police presence is increased and definitely we see the authorities are trying to make sure that the minimum footage possible is going to leak out, and we have seen that earlier in 2023... not comparing people, but i am comparing situations, so when the head of the private military company
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dared to challenge the kremlin on a number of points, when he suddenly died in an air crash, during his funeral, the kremlin managed to organise it so that until now there is no footage from the barrel itself and there was only one photo of the grave on the day. β€”β€” from the burial itself. and that is the level of exposure. so i guess as long as it doesn't... 0lga, sorry to interrupt you, just stay with us here on bbc news. as we welcome back our viewers from around the world, what you are seeing now is live images from the huge crowds gathered outside the church where the funeral of alexei navalny is taking place. initiators business i have a presence of police and guards
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outside the doors of the church β€”β€” and there is a heavy presence of police and guards. suggestions that any delay by any photography or images from inside the church is banned. i willjust come back to you in a moment, 0lga buti banned. i willjust come back to you in a moment, 0lga but i willjust get the latest from euro, vitaly. the latest we have from alex navarro and the's team and associates, they still do not know what is happening inside that church β€”β€” alexei navalny's team. there has also been a planned shared of the cemetery where his body is to be laid to rest later today. apparently the grave is located right next to the entrance. it would be relatively easy to find and presumably this would make it easier for and presumably this would make it easierfor his and presumably this would make it easier for his supporters who have gathered in moscow today to come and pay their final respects to the late
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russian opposition leader.


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