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tv   BBC News Now  BBC News  March 1, 2024 2:45pm-3:01pm GMT

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again in a 2010 but returned again in a by—election in 2012, this time for bradford west. some supporters feel his finest moment came in the us senate, when he took on accusations he had profited from illicit oil deals. 1 he had profited from illicit oil deals. . ., ._ he had profited from illicit oil deals. . ., , . , deals. i am here today, but last week, deals. i am here today, but last week. you've — deals. i am here today, but last week, you've already _ deals. i am here today, but last week, you've already found - deals. i am here today, but last week, you've already found me | week, you've already found me guilty. you introduced my name around the world —— traduced —— without having asked me a single question. fin without having asked me a single cuestion. �* . , , ., ., . ., without having asked me a single cuestion. ., ., . ., . , , question. an appearance on celebrity bic question. an appearance on celebrity bia brother question. an appearance on celebrity big brother while _ question. an appearance on celebrity big brother while an _ question. an appearance on celebrity big brother while an mp, _ question. an appearance on celebrity big brother while an mp, here - big brother while an mp, here pretending to be a cat, provided a memorable moment of a different kind. in 2019, he was sacked as a presenter on talk radio over anti—semitism accusations and joined russia today, the kremlin backed tv channel. george galloway is undoubtedly a powerful public speaker, but one whom his critics say arouses division. the polling expert who is professor of politics
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at the university of strathclyde gave me his reaction to the result. the honest truth is that this is a truly remarkable outcome. let me give you a couple of statistics. this is now the second time that george galloway has managed to win a by—election in a muslim constituency representing a party that is not currently represented inside the house of commons. that has only happened on six occasions in the whole of the post—war period, and george galloway is now responsible for two of them. the second is that, of those who showed up, only one in five voted for either labour or the conservative party, the two principal parties in the united kingdom. that is very easily an all—time low. so, you can see that this is a very unusual result. the question we are really asking ourselves now is, is this a unique by—election result in unique and
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unusual circumstances? 0r, by—election result in unique and unusual circumstances? or, does it have potentially wider ramifications for the future of british politics as we head towards a general election probably in the autumn? now, it is three years since two brothers from blackburn in the north... i'm going to stop that right now. we go live to other prime minister is talking in scotland. is michael gove assures me, the nightlife capital, t. laughter it is especially great to be with all of you. i am proud to lead the conservative and unionist party, and i'm so proud of how the scottish conservatives under douglas's strong leadership are the one party standing upfor leadership are the one party standing up for the people of scotland and trying to move scotland forward. applause just look at the record. it was the scottish conservatives who stood up
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to the absurdities of the scottish nationalist proposed and labour backed gender recognition reforms, and it was our secretary of state, the brave and far—sighted and clear—sighted alisterjack who issued the section 35 order that stopped this nonsense in it's track. thank you for doing everything you do to keep our union strong, alister jack. it is the scottish conservatives who were opposing the snp, making scotland the most taxed part of the united kingdom, while the conservative government is cutting tax for every work in britain, the nationalists are raising tax on everyone who earns more than £28,000 per year. and, it is only the scottish conservatives who are defending our energy security. and the thousands ofjobs here in the north—east depending on the oil and gas sector. a vote for
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anyone else is about to shut down this industry. —— is a vote to shut down at this industry. applause what the nationalists in hock to negri alli is —— green allies cannot see, is that if you destroy the industry we have now, if you will being home to the industries of the future. as for labour, it's s0 being home to the industries of the future. as for labour, it's so much for them that they do not want to ban all oil and gas, only british oil and gas with their ban on north sea exploration. it so clearly shows that their values are not our country's values, that they put virtue signalling ahead of our nation's energy security. it also shows that for all their spirits on other issues, keir starmer and anas sarwar are united other issues, keir starmer and anas sarwarare united in other issues, keir starmer and anas sarwar are united in wanting to shut down this industry. labour and the snp would mean fewerjobs here in
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the north—east, and douglas, thank you to you and all of your team in holyrood for standing up to this madness. applause we should all be incredibly proud, because united kingdom has a great record on renewable energy. we are the first major economy to have halved our emissions, and, thanks to the north—east of scotland, the uk is a world leader when it comes to offshore wind. we have to get this transition right. i'm not going to damage our competitiveness or load gusts on the hard—pressed households in an ideological quest to go faster than the technology allows. labour is blinded by their own seal on this issue. first, you remember they were committed to spending £28 billion a year is to decarbonise the grid by 2030. then, they dropped the policy,
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but it turned out that they kept the policy and only wanted to drop the price tag. we all know what that means: highertaxes price tag. we all know what that means: higher taxes and higher energy bills. that is what we have to stop, and that is what the conservatives will do. now, i know how tough the last couple of years have been for everyone. covid, the russian invasion of ukraine, we have scene energy prices soarjust as we thought we were through the pandemic. as both councillor and chancellor, i sought to protect people across the uk. during covid, ibis not interested in having a political rally with the scottish government, but protecting jobs, which we did, almost1 millionjobs here in scotland supported their inferno. last winter, we paid around half of a typical family's energy bill to shield people from the
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impact of putin's energy price spike. and we... the most important thing we could do to create the conditions for sustainable growth. now, with inflation half, our economic policy can change gears. we have already provided a uk wide £9 billion tax cut for workers across the country, and we have cut taxes for businesses for business investment to the tune of £11 billion. so, the choice before the country is a clear one: stick to our plan that is starting to deliver the change of people want to see, or go back to square one with labour. here in scotland, the choice is even more stark: if labour were to take the uk back to square one, the snp were to take scotland back literally 300 years. laughter look, i know that the snp have not had their troubles to seek over the
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last year, but nobody should be in any doubt over the continuing threat they posed in scotland and the rest of the united kingdom. if you want to see better schools, more economic growth, safer streets, and a government that works for the whole of scotland, then every day that the snp remain in power is a wasted day. applause i was reflecting that they have actually been in power at holyrood since before the smartphone was invented, and what does scotland have to show for it? all too little children being failed as their schools fall down international league tables, workers having to pay hundreds of pounds more in tax than their english counterparts, and still, no ferries for the islands. their obsession with tearing scotland out of our united kingdom is all consuming, and it simply
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crowds out everything else. in fact, they are so obsessed with difference for the sake of difference, that when we banned xl bullys, they said no, we will go our own way. this political posturing has tragic consequences, and itjust shows you that they put division above even the safety of our streets. astonishingly, after leaving 16 different papers on independence, they still cannot answer basic questions: what is the currency going to be? what happens to pensions? what happens to trade? it is their obsession with independence thatis is their obsession with independence that is holding scotland back. applause i recently saw the news often experience in glasgow leaving customers unhappy, demanding refunds, and i thought that the
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parallels with the snp are anything but wonky. now, i want to see those better schools, a flourishing economy, and safer streets in scotland. so does everybody in this hall, and so do millions of other people across scotland. as with nicola sturgeon, as long as humza yousaf is in bute house, separatism will be put above the interests of all scots. conference is to get scotland moving again, we finally need to move the snp on. applause that will be the choice here in scotland when the election comes, remain stuck in a constitutional time warp with the snp while schools, hospitals, and the economy are neglected, or wracked to kick out nationalist mps. and, as has been shown at every general election over the past decade, the strongest
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vote you can cast against the snp is a vote for the scottish conservative and unionist party. applause that is the best way to end the snp monopoly, put the constitutional debate to bed, and get scotland moving again. i believe so passionately that we are stronger together as one united kingdom, and i know people here in scotland want to see all of their politicians putting their shoulder to the wheel for the common good. that is why we have worked constructively with the scottish government to deliver to green in freeport. 0ur shared prosperity fund is backing hundreds of prospects across scotland, and we and councils across the nation are improving lives together. just here in the north—east, we have provided £20 million for strengthening aberdeen's town centre. and £18 million for a cultural quarter in
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peterhead. and, we are funding a new ferry to pharaoh. applause —— fair isle. the united kingdom is a great country. we are the most successful multiethnic and multi—faith and multinational democracy on earth. i will defend that every day that i am in office, confirmed for this. i will have no truck with a nationalistic desire to set scott against scott and scott against the english. i know we are stronger together will stop our country is an enormous force of good in the world. we have led the world in the world. we have led the world in supporting uk, our lines in australia keeping peace in the pacific for decades to come. 6 million people in africa are receiving their first ever malaria vaccine thanks to british funding
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and research. so, in conclusion, let us stand up for our country, our united kingdom. let us give it a brighter future united kingdom. let us give it a brighterfuture it united kingdom. let us give it a brighter future it deserves. united kingdom. let us give it a brighterfuture it deserves. let stand the nationalists back home to think again. thank you. applause studio: that was rishi sunak�*s a speech at the scottish spring conference in aberdeen. the prime minister talking there about the investment of the conservative party, his government, which put into oil and gas, and emphasising thejobs it would into oil and gas, and emphasising the jobs it would create while talking about labour wanting to ban new north sea exploration. he talks about keir starmer, the leader of the opposition, wanting to shut down the opposition, wanting to shut down the industry, which would mean fewer jobs. rishi sunak there very much emphasising thejobs in oil and gas
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that he says his party would protect. unsurprising in aberdeen, a place where there are so many oil and gasjobs. he also place where there are so many oil and gas jobs. he also talked about the fact that there were some positives in what renewable energy would bring, he was talking about being proud of the uk being the world leader in offshore wind, but, he talked about not wanting it to be a burden on people's purses. let us see if we can listen in to the conversation that they are having now. it you have brought the weather with you. aberdeen has never looked so bright and sunny. i have been in meetings with you and an issue that came up quite a lot when you were speaking to the press, and i know comes up with mps and councillors is taxation. we have a question from
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david in aberdeen who asks what you are doing to reduce taxes. 1anthem david in aberdeen who asks what you are doing to reduce taxes.— are doing to reduce taxes. when it comes to the _ are doing to reduce taxes. when it comes to the weather, _ are doing to reduce taxes. when it comes to the weather, i _ are doing to reduce taxes. when it comes to the weather, i hope - are doing to reduce taxes. when it comes to the weather, i hope i - are doing to reduce taxes. when it| comes to the weather, i hope i can take some — comes to the weather, i hope i can take some of the weather back to london _ take some of the weather back to london because it is that way around today _ london because it is that way around today we _ london because it is that way around today. we have been talking about taxation_ today. we have been talking about taxation and that is because there is a clear— taxation and that is because there is a clear contrast between what the snp government is doing in scotland and the _ snp government is doing in scotland and the uk government is doing across_ and the uk government is doing across the — and the uk government is doing across the country. i talked a little — across the country. i talked a little about it. right now, the snp government has made scotland a high tax capitat— government has made scotland a high tax capital of the uk. anyone earning — tax capital of the uk. anyone earning over 28,000 houses paying more _ earning over 28,000 houses paying more tax _ earning over 28,000 houses paying more tax in — earning over 28,000 houses paying more tax in scotland than in england~ _ more tax in scotland than in england. in contrast, what we are doing _ england. in contrast, what we are doing is— england. in contrast, what we are doing is delivering one of the biggest — doing is delivering one of the biggest tax cuts in recent times and everyone _ biggest tax cuts in recent times and everyone in— biggest tax cuts in recent times and everyone in work is receiving a card on average — everyone in work is receiving a card on average around £450 on an average salary— on average around £450 on an average salary of— on average around £450 on an average salary of 35— on average around £450 on an average salary of 35 k _ on average around £450 on an average salary of 35 k because of the cuts to nationat— salary of 35 k because of the cuts to national insurance and as alistair— to national insurance and as alistair is _ to national insurance and as alistair is keen to remind the
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chancellor, it is a uk wide tax,


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