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tv   HAR Dtalk  BBC News  March 6, 2024 4:30am-5:01am GMT

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migrating story, indian sakes migrating to the english midlands wanted him to look afresh at the impact of the british empire, both on britain and the vast territories colonised and controlled from london. the british empire really do so much to shape the world of today? sathnam sanghera, welcome to hardtalk. ll sathnam sanghera, welcome to hardtalk. , a l, , hardtalk. it is nice to be back. hardtalk. it is nice to be back- it _ hardtalk. it is nice to be back. it is _ hardtalk. it is nice to be back. it is great - hardtalk. it is nice to be back. it is great to - hardtalk. it is nice to be back. it is great to have i hardtalk. it is nice to be . back. it is great to have your back. it is great to have your back and _ back. it is great to have your back and you _ back. it is great to have your back and you are _ back. it is great to have your back and you are back - back. it is great to have your back and you are back with l back. it is great to have your back and you are back with ai back and you are back with a new book which i have here, empire world. it is your take onjust how massive
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empire world. it is your take on just how massive the impact of the british empire was and still is on the world. you certainly don't undersell your idea, subtitled how british imperialism has shaped the globe. i imperialism has shaped the lobe. . , imperialism has shaped the lobe. ., , ., , globe. i really do believe that. i believe _ globe. i really do believe that. i believe the - globe. i really do believej that. i believe the british empire explained so much about people's daily lives around the world, tea drinking in india and britain, patterns of tax avoidance, even the bbc world service used to be known as the bbc empire service. explain so much about our daily news. there is a border dispute in guyana that goes back to empire, israel—palestine that has its roots in empire but also there is a gap between the way in which britain sees itself in the world sees britain through the prism of its history and i think we need to remember what we did before we go around pontificating on things like democracy and environment and human rights and we need to remember our distinct records on those things during the age of empire. things during the age of emire. ,, things during the age of emire. ~'
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empire. do you think your perspective _ empire. do you think your perspective is _ empire. do you think your perspective is driven - empire. do you think your perspective is driven in i empire. do you think your i perspective is driven in part by your own background, you are of indian heritage, born and raised in the united kingdom, so britain and india matter particularly to you, you know them particularly well. ijust wonder if you are watching this in tokyo, beijing, brasilia, are you really going to buy the concept that the british empire, as opposed to any other empire, has been this global force, would you say about on the internet, you cannot think of anything else which influences the world so much? absolutely. it affects south america, something like 60% of the countries who ended up playing football got it indirectly or directly through the british empire. english language. christianity. these are things that we need to understand through the prism of the history. 50. understand through the prism of the history-— the history. so, many historians _ the history. so, many historians who - the history. so, many historians who have i the history. so, many - historians who have spent decades looking at the british empire seemed to feel an impulse to treat it as some sort of accounting exercise, they look at what was positive about it, they look at what was
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negative and they try and sort of come to an overall conclusion, good or bad. we attempted to do that as well? i think initially because that is the only way we have talked about empire in britain until recently. what i realise with empire world travelling to mauritius and nigeria and barbados and india is at the legacies are profoundly contradictory. the british empire resulted in quite a lot of democracy around the world, australia, singapore and so on and resulted in a hewitt fashion a huge amount of geopolitical chaos, it spread slavery and antislavery and spread the free press, spread press —— press censorship and destroy the environment in massive ways but led to the birth of modern environmentalism. these legacies are much more contradictory than i expected when i started myjourney into this history. when i started my “ourney into thishistomh this history. some of that 'ust happenstance i this history. some of that 'ust happenstance and i this history. some of thatjust happenstance and unintendedj happenstance and unintended consequences. surely you are trying to get to sort of core motivations for the british imperial experience? there were
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an core imperial experience? there were any core motivations _ imperial experience? there were any core motivations in - imperial experience? there were any core motivations in the - any core motivations in the senseit any core motivations in the sense it was a sprawling history that covered such a wide geographical area. it is very hard to generalise whatever you say about the british empire, you can say the opposite to a certain degree. a man in india in early 20 century might have had experience with colonialism in the morning, a police officer helping him sort out a dispute but in the evening he might have had a horrible experience of imperial racism. 0pposite things can be true at the same time and i think that is a really powerful way to understand history. what you think to be — understand history. what you think to be telling _ understand history. what you think to be telling us - understand history. what you think to be telling us is - understand history. what you think to be telling us is what | think to be telling us is what we shouldn't look at the empire and its legacies through prejudiced eyes, we shouldn't bring our own bias is to it, we should just confront the truth as best we can discover it from this historical record, and goodness knows you spent a lot of time researching this. but it seems to me there is one dwelling quote at the beginning of your book which does give you an overarching motivation and perhaps give you a sense of being on one side. you say, i
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mean, you don't say it, you quote an african proverb the beginning of the book and the proverb says, "until lions have their own historians, tales of their own historians, tales of the hunt will always glorify the hunt will always glorify the hunter". i the hunt will always glorify the hunter".— the hunt will always glorify the hunter". ~ ., ., the hunter". i think what that is alluding — the hunter". i think what that is alluding to _ the hunter". i think what that is alluding to for _ the hunter". i think what that is alluding to for me - the hunter". i think what that is alluding to for me anyway l the hunter". i think what that | is alluding to for me anyway is the fact that the british concealed a lot of the facts on what happened. i concealed a lot of the facts on what happened.— what happened. i don't want to... i what happened. i don't want to... | stuff _ what happened. i don't want to... i stuff up. _ what happened. i don't want to... i stuff up. absolutely. l to... i stuff up. absolutely. when they _ to... i stuff up. absolutely. when they left _ to... i stuff up. absolutely. when they left india - to... i stuff up. absolutely. when they left india there l to... i stuff up. absolutely. i when they left india there was a pall of smoke over delivers all the documents that were being burnt. if you look into the founders of nigeria, they went out of their way to destroy evidence of what they were doing. even now, the personal records of lord mountbatten, the final visor of india are still officially sacred. it has taken a lot of time historians to catch up with what happened. you have only had one view of history which has been the view of the colonisers, but now we're getting perspectives finally. what you seem to be saying as
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well, though, and again, you havejust well, though, and again, you have just told well, though, and again, you havejust told me i am open to both the contradictions and the complications of empire, what you seem to be saying more than anything else, correct me if i am wrong, is that there was a driver, a motivation with that man behind british imperialism, and that was out and out racism. to quote you before you begin your answer, this is an important quote, "the british empire was a signal voice significant incubator, refiner and propagator of white supremacy in the history of the planet". supremacy in the history of the lanet". ., . supremacy in the history of the -lanet". ., , , planet". that is absolutely true for what _ planet". that is absolutely true for what empire - planet". that is absolutely true for what empire was l planet". that is absolutely i true for what empire was like at the height of empire, but at the same time, because things can be true at the same time, visually british empire was nonracist, at the same time imperialist london were taking on the racism of australian cognizance and saying you should moderate yourself. there is absolutely no question that the british empire...- the british empire... start to convoluted — the british empire... start to convoluted the _ the british empire... start to convoluted the argument. i l the british empire... start to i convoluted the argument. i get a little confused. it was a prime motivator things force,
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racism or not?— racism or not? absolutely at the height — racism or not? absolutely at the height of— racism or not? absolutely at the height of empire. - racism or not? absolutely at the height of empire. when | the height of empire. when racial science emerged in the 19th century, had a distinctly british flavour. it became something else in germany and america but it was pretty much pretty racial signs. the british empire became a kind of beacon for what is the premise around the world. you see it in the programme by roger kipling written by miss imperialist than that probe —— poem is about encouraging people in the philippines or the british david brown people across the world. .,, david brown people across the world. ., , ., world. those historians, and there are — world. those historians, and there are any _ world. those historians, and there are any of _ world. those historians, and there are any of them, - world. those historians, and i there are any of them, andrew roberts and many others who critique your history for being far too negative and condemnatory about british imperialism, they point out that what you failed to do consistently is look at other forms of imperialism was for example, otherforms of example, other forms of european example, otherforms of european imperialism by practice by the belgians in the congo war the germans in southwest africa, namibia as it
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now is, which were more brutally overtly racist than the british empire ever was. i don't know how you measure racism. there is not a unit of racism. there is not a unit of racism but they have a bit of a point in that country with the biggest problem with imperialism, nostalgia at the moment is not written, it is rush up because jackie has a problem as well, the dutch in the recent survey were found to be more nostalgic about their empire that we are. bud be more nostalgic about their empire that we are. and usually couldn't argue, _ empire that we are. and usually couldn't argue, in _ empire that we are. and usually couldn't argue, in this _ couldn't argue, in this argument about racism and importance of british empire, that somehow, british imperials racism wasn't incubator russian... racism wasn't incubator russian. . ._ racism wasn't incubator russian... , ., , russian... absolutely not, they are separate. _ russian... absolutely not, they are separate. the _ russian... absolutely not, they are separate. the whole - russian... absolutely not, they are separate. the whole point i are separate. the whole point of our are separate. the whole point of your book _ are separate. the whole point of your book is, _ are separate. the whole point of your book is, to _ are separate. the whole point of your book is, to quote - are separate. the whole point of your book is, to quote the i of your book is, to quote the subtitle again, our british imperialism shape the globe. and i wonder whether you are overreaching?— overreaching? no, the british em - ire overreaching? no, the british empire was — overreaching? no, the british empire was a _ overreaching? no, the british empire was a british - overreaching? no, the british empire was a british empire i overreaching? no, the british. empire was a british empire -- empire was a british empire —— biggest empire in history. that is why it matters perhaps more than the belgian of the dutch history. the legacies are real and profound, notjust within a
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25% of the world that we colonised but beyond that, because the world had to deal with us. so i don't think there has been any kind of process of truth and reconciliation without history.- truth and reconciliation without history. what about consideration _ without history. what about consideration of _ without history. what about consideration of the - without history. what aboutj consideration of the worlds, the societies, cultures that the societies, cultures that the british empire impose itself upon? there isn't so much in the book about the way, for example, nigerian society worked in all of its complex, of course it wasn't nigeria then, but that part of west africa work before the british imperialists arrived. you can say the same about other imperial projects that you don't spend too much time looking at what came before, and indeed, you don't spend that much time looking at the 75 years of history that went after british empire. it is bi after british empire. it is a big enough _ after british empire. it is a big enough book _ after british empire. it is a big enough book already! i big enough book already! 350,000 words long. first, talking what life was like... isn't that important to much because by assuming that so
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much of what we see in those different territories is all about the british empire, you may be missing elements of culture, society that were impaired judgement important for the british ever arrived. i do use an analogy in the middle of the book about how the british empire was not like a school, there was a temptation that it was like a school with the headmaster in london, the classrooms representing the colonies, but actually because it took nine months to get a message between headmaster in the classroom, often the classroom behaviour in its own way. the teacher did what they wanted. 0ften way. the teacher did what they wanted. often they already have rules which continued to activated and were only corrected when there was a crisis. i do think the book relentlessly acknowledges the complexity of history. h0. relentlessly acknowledges the complexity of history.- complexity of history. no, it does constantly _ complexity of history. no, it does constantly reference i complexity of history. no, it does constantly reference a| does constantly reference a complexity. how would you explain the fact that your own grandfather, for example, had a great thought of admiration for the british and their empire, and you could look across the empire, from singapore where it
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is pretty obvious, to hong kong where again it is pretty obvious, countries like nigeria where there is a substantial number of people inside nigeria today look back with a degree of admiration, fondness on things that the british empire gave them. things that the british empire gave them-— things that the british empire ave them. ., ., , ., gave them. how do you explain that? i gave them. how do you explain that? l think _ gave them. how do you explain that? i think that _ gave them. how do you explain that? i think that is _ gave them. how do you explain that? i think that is what - gave them. how do you explain that? i think that is what it - that? i think that is what it was. even candy, the most famous empire at one side of his life was quite into that when he was a lawyer. empire was different things in different times of the day in india. it was different things in different parts of empire, it was definitely different things in different parts of people bothered lives. your dad arrived from _ people bothered lives. your dad arrived from india, _ people bothered lives. your dad arrived from india, a _ people bothered lives. your dad arrived from india, a punjabi - arrived from india, a punjabi seat, actually very little education, pretty much functionally illiterate, he watched your rise as a writer and historian and i wonder what he makes of your take on both the country he came to when the country life behind.— country life behind. sikhs have a very close —
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country life behind. sikhs have a very close relationship - country life behind. sikhs have a very close relationship with i a very close relationship with empire. i didn't really... i don't think i really understand seekers without understanding the british empire because the seek identity was supercharged by the british. this idea that we are a martial race, something you might trouble when looking at my physique, but that was created by the british. demographics are hugely shaped by the british empire because the british fetishised us with a lot of conversion to seekers in the 19th century. so i might not be here if it wasn't for the british empire. i might not exist. i definitely would be living in a multicultural country if it was not for british empire because we are a multicultural country because we had a multicultural empire. is there a danger that some leaders, i'm thinking of politicians with power, in some post— british colonial countries would find something rather helpful in your book? in a way, you are saying there are deep—rooted impacts, and many of them are a result of the british empire that are very
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difficult to reach out of the societies, and take an example, take zimbabwe, we know robert mugabe, a authoritarian, tyrant let's be honest, he blamed the white man and he blamed the imperial legacy for many things, frankly, many people would look at his own door as a result of corruption and mismanagement.- result of corruption and mismanagement. result of corruption and mismanaaement. , ., , , mismanagement. yes, it has been weaponising _ mismanagement. yes, it has been weaponising india _ mismanagement. yes, it has been weaponising india by _ mismanagement. yes, it has been weaponising india by modi - mismanagement. yes, it has been weaponising india by modi who - weaponising india by modi who is trying to get rid of all evidence of british colonialism but also the mughal empire, so using it to be islamophobic. doesn't your whole take on empire and its legacy, doesn't it rob these nationstates which have, after all, been independent for 70, 80 years, it robs them of agency in the sense of responsibility. to it robs them of agency in the sense of responsibility.- sense of responsibility. to a aood sense of responsibility. to a good tree — sense of responsibility. to a good tree there _ sense of responsibility. to a good tree there has - sense of responsibility. to a good tree there has been i good tree there has been inspiring with done in the name of decolonisation recently the renaming of places in tasmania, suicide by the sight of an aboriginal massacre now has an
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indigenous name, hugely did i to do. the return of ghani and luke to the vfa is hugely important to the national psyche. important to the national -s che. . ., important to the national -s che. , ., psyche. these are powerful symbols do _ psyche. these are powerful symbols do they _ psyche. these are powerful symbols do they make i psyche. these are powerful symbols do they make any| symbols do they make any difference?— symbols do they make any difference? , . ~ ., difference? they make a huge difference _ difference? they make a huge difference like _ difference? they make a huge difference like learning - difference like learning medicine as is happening in india to teach medicine in indigenous languages can be a really important part of your rising self—confidence as a nation. there is a limit to what you can do with decolonisation because it is baked into the world, you can't stop cricket played in india you can't get of christianity in africa, you can't undo entire nations made by the british like niger, australia and pakistan.— british like niger, australia and pakistan. ~ ., _ ., and pakistan. about agency and responsibility — and pakistan. about agency and responsibility you _ and pakistan. about agency and responsibility you make - and pakistan. about agency and responsibility you make a - and pakistan. about agency and responsibility you make a point| responsibility you make a point one specific point of talking about the anti—gay laws, much tougher and draconian in recent years in some parts of africa and you tight explicitly to the
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british empire and has said the way in british rulers in these countries insured that laws were toughened up against homosexuality for example, you are piling on the blame, if you look at a country like uganda today, or garnet which hasjust toughened up its anti—gay laws, the responsibility and agency lies with the governments which have been in powerfor many years which are truly utterly independent.— years which are truly utterly independent. absolutely i've met some — independent. absolutely i've met some lgbt_ independent. absolutely i've met some lgbt workers i independent. absolutely i've| met some lgbt workers who independent. absolutely i've i met some lgbt workers who put the blame purely on their current governments, what you got there is a very paradoxical situation because the majority of anti—gay legislation that exist in the world in 2018 came directly or indirectly from the british empire. equally the western governments in britain are doing quite a lot to help lgbt people in the modern age. isn't the point you are saying here was fresh and and through the 18th and 19th century it
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posed its well and values upon the world in as you say and overtly racist form in many ways. but the point surely as britain over the last 70 years has changed massively, the sword —— social mores and attitudes and legislation for those things in britain has changed and all sorts of ways, that's about agency and these countries which we left long ago have those same agency. you don't seem to pinpoint that? i agree due to a degree, someone who wrote a very negative book about indian i think rob's agency from indians who did not just take it all they responded to imperialism in various ways some did well out of it is is a deeply paradoxical situation my point that opposite things can be true at the same at the same time. , ,.,, , be true at the same at the same time. , time. opposite things can be true it can — time. opposite things can be true it can all _ time. opposite things can be true it can all be _ time. opposite things can be true it can all be nuanced i time. opposite things can be | true it can all be nuanced and
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contradictory a guy come back to the point you have written a polemical book, it is that mismatch in a way you are saying much of the previous history of empire is lacked nuanced, it has either been empire good, or empire bed, it has been binary you want the nuanced but there is one way you are not nuanced, use a debt good or ill the british empire mattered more than anything else. i mattered more than anything else. ., �* ~' mattered more than anything else. ., �* ~ ., , else. i don't think that is polemical _ else. i don't think that is polemical equally - else. i don't think that is polemical equally i i else. i don't think that is polemical equally i get i else. i don't think that is i polemical equally i get told all the time i have been too negative about empire or two positive about empire. who positive about empire. who tells you — positive about empire. who tells you you _ positive about empire. who tells you you have - positive about empire. who tells you you have been i positive about empire. who tells you you have been two positive?— positive? the hard left i did an interview _ positive? the hard left i did an interview with _ positive? the hard left i did an interview with media i positive? the hard left i did an interview with media on | positive? the hard left i did i an interview with media on the far left and they felt i had been two positive to say, you know like i have said britain resulted in a disproportionate amount of democracy. it depends on what you thought about empire be my book up. it hasn't been easy _ empire be my book up. it hasn't been easy for — empire be my book up. it hasn't been easy for you _ empire be my book up. it hasn't been easy for you the _ empire be my book up. it hasn't been easy for you the aftermath of writing first in thailand
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and now empire world, because you have stirred controversy as you have stirred controversy as you say some people have been very upset because they feel you have been far too negative about the british imperial experience in a sense you have been talking down britain and its values and its reputation. how serious have you had to take the abuse, the threats. what has happened? it take the abuse, the threats. what has happened?- take the abuse, the threats. what has happened? it has been re what has happened? it has been pretty horrible- _ what has happened? it has been pretty horrible. i— what has happened? it has been pretty horrible. i have _ what has happened? it has been pretty horrible. i have had - pretty horrible. i have had stalking situations. and occasionally had to worry about my personal security. 0nline or physical? i started doing book events because the shouting and screaming. a historian has to have a personal bodyguard. and queen fellow historian who wrote a report for the national trust about colonialism she talked about having to call the police about being too scared to walk down the street this
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should not happen and because all we are doing is trying to promote knowledge but that has happened. ifeel at promote knowledge but that has happened. i feel at the same time the culture war has led to all this behaviour is kind of over. ., , all this behaviour is kind of over-- it _ all this behaviour is kind of over.- it has - all this behaviour is kind of over.- it has not i all this behaviour is kind of. over.- it has not really over. ready? it has not really been tested _ over. ready? it has not really been tested at _ over. ready? it has not really been tested at an _ over. ready? it has not really been tested at an election, i i been tested at an election, i feel like the politicians engaged with that have lost heart, we had keir starmer... as you say that i am eyeing a quote from rishi sunak, the promised britain with indian heritage who said a few days ago that extremists are spreading a poison, they want us to doubt our country's history and achievements. they want us to accept a moral equivalence between us and some despicable regimes in the world. i'm thinking when he talks about extremists who want us to doubt our country's history and achievements, i'm not saying you are an extremist but somebody inviting us to be a little bit sceptical about the received wisdom britain 's achievements? he the received wisdom britain 's achievements?— the received wisdom britain 's achievements? he said all sorts of silly things — achievements? he said all sorts
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of silly things he _ achievements? he said all sorts of silly things he said _ of silly things he said historians should stop rewriting street which is literally what they do stop he is on his way out of you look at the survey something like two—thirds of british people think it's a good idea to teach kids about colonialism and slavery stop a survey last year found 44% of people think the royal family should pay reparations for slavery which i thought was very high given i don't think most people even know the royal family were involved in slavery. ifeel quite optimistic the population are over this culture war before the politicians. do you want british people to feel a sense of gilt, shame, responsibility. sense of gilt, shame, resonsibili . , ., responsibility. absolutely not, it has nothing _ responsibility. absolutely not, it has nothing to _ responsibility. absolutely not, it has nothing to do _ responsibility. absolutely not, it has nothing to do with i it has nothing to do with pride, shame, yourfeelings are irrelevant, history is an intellectual exercise. it is about having therapy as a nation and about caring yourself and the world in a more grown—up way at a time because of brexit where we have to re—establish our international relationship. therapy taking it from the
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political therapy is taking responsibility, whether it be political rulers or the general public, to sort of have a sense of responsibility for this past. of responsibility for this aast, ., ,y of responsibility for this aast, ., , , , of responsibility for this ast. . _ , ., of responsibility for this ast. . ,, , ., . past. therapy is not about - ride past. therapy is not about pride or— past. therapy is not about pride or shame, _ past. therapy is not about pride or shame, i - past. therapy is not about pride or shame, i pet i past. therapy is not about i pride or shame, i pet therapy and written a memoir about my family and discovered very dark things about my family, it me love them in less? no, it made me love them even more because looking into the history and taking the time to find out can be an act of patriotism. there are things like apologies coming from the top for example from the royalfamily coming from the top for example from the royal family or from the prime minister of the country and it has been complicated, we have sort of said sorry but not quite a full apology to nations for slavery and then there is the practical issue of reparations. are you having been historian that has dug deep into the history of empire and of slavery are you an advocate now of absolutely
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paying up reparations to those countries which suffered so much as a result of slavery? when you use the word reparation in written people clutched the pills and i get it there was a judge at the internationaljustice who recently said we owe 18 trillion pounds and that is an unrealistic amount of money and will not happen, at the same time we have started the process, our relationship with ireland has been reimagined in recent decades through postcolonial truth and reconciliation, through the good friday agreement there was money paid out and apologies, same with kenya we will by a court to pay £20 million i would say those were reparations, we made an apology, our relationship with kenny at this as a result, church of england set aside £100 million possibly more. individualfamilies are £100 million possibly more. individual families are paying reparations, gladstone 's, trevelyan 's, your colleague alex renton. ifeel like we have embarked upon the of reparations without really
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thinking about it. we just need to do it more countries. final thought. _ to do it more countries. final thought. your— to do it more countries. final thought, your books - to do it more countries. final thought, your books including one you have written for children are read at precious schools you have made thousands of them have been sent to schools across the uk. do you think the next generation of british kids will have a very different view of what the british empire was and what it meant? i british empire was and what it meant? ., �* british empire was and what it meant? . �* , meant? i haven't personally sent them. _ meant? i haven't personally sent them, my _ meant? i haven't personally sent them, my publisher i meant? i haven't personallyi sent them, my publisher did, meant? i haven't personally i sent them, my publisher did, i could not audit stop i feel young people have got no time for the culture war, they deal with this history in a frank and honest way, they feel the way about museums that we used to feel about zoos as kids, and they have not got any time for they have not got any time for the backlash, they arejust interested in having a grown—up relationship with the world. sathnam sanghera, thank you for coming back on hardtalk stop thank you.
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hello there. we could see more sunshine around for wednesday than what we had on tuesday, particularly across eastern areas. so i think a brighter afternoon to come, but there will be some scattered showers around, especially across england and wales, and winds will generally stay quite light. we'll have high pressure anchored over scandinavia, low pressure out in the atlantic, trying to push this weather front ever closer towards our shores, but it could reach the west country as we move through the latter parts of this morning. elsewhere, we're starting off with a lot of cloud across the east of the country. that will tend to melt away, though. it stays cloudy for eastern scotland, northeast england. some sunshine for east anglia and the southeast, a few showers into the afternoon, east wales and the midlands, and temperature—wise, up to around 10—11 degrees, single digits along the north sea coasts, where we have the cloud and the breeze. now, as we head through
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wednesday night, it looks like it stays dry for many. the showers fade away. we start to see some cloud rolling in to central and eastern areas, so where we have the cloud, more of a breeze, temperatures 2—5. under clearer skies further north and west, there could be a touch of frost. for thursday, then, we have low pressure anchored out towards the west and the southwest, that area of high pressure over scandinavia just edging a bit further westward, so influencing our weather more. could start to see an east, southeasterly wind picking up further, though, so quite a breezy day to come. plenty of sunshine around away from the east coast and there will be some afternoon showers again, particularly england and wales. probably the best of the sunshine, western scotland into northern ireland, western wales — top temperatures again, 11, maybe 12 degrees. into friday, you see more isobars on the charts. it's going to be windier, a strong east—southeasterly wind. that'll take the edge off the temperatures, push in some cloud to northern and eastern areas, particularly the northern half of the country. england and wales could at this stage see quite a bit of sunshine, but there'll always be showers loitering close to the southwest. and a windy day to come for all — gusty winds,
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particularly windy across the south and the east thanks to that southeasterly wind. so, chillier along eastern coastal areas, up to around 11 or 12 further west. into the weekend, low pressure loiters to the southwest of the country, trying to push its way northwards, so it will introduce further showers or even longer spells of rain for southern and western areas. we could start to see a few showers developing further north and east as well. it will remain quite windy, with our wind coming in from the east or the southeast. that's it for me. take care.
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live from london, this is bbc news. in the us, the polls are now closed in the biggest day — so far — in the race for president. a rematch between these two — presidentjoe biden and donald trump — seems almost certain. we are live in california where both donald trump and joe biden 's victory, as expected. we are looking at how immigration has shaped the debate. —— swept to victory. and here in the uk, the chancellor is expected to announce a cut to national insurance the rate to boost a flagging economy.
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hello, and a very warm welcome to the programme. it is an extremely busy day today, we will be talking about the budget shortly, but first of all its focus on what has been going on in the us. where super tuesday is wrapping up with the final polls now closed. it is the biggest day so far in the race for the white house. voters in 15 us states, and one territory, have now had their say on their choice for candidates for president. as we go to air, polling stations in alaska are closing. the most popular candidate in each state will be awarded delegates. candidates need to win a certain number to get their parties nomination for the presidential election in november. joe biden and donald trump have ended super tuesday in dominant fashion. the two men are almost certain
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to face each other again in november's election.


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