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tv   BBC News  BBC News  March 18, 2024 1:45pm-2:01pm GMT

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�*enough that you didn't lead quickly enough on this issue about donations, that he said that these alleged comments were racist after you said they were racist, but until you spoke out he didn't, he was following your lead. i disagree with that. i believe that they were establishing the facts of they were establishing the facts of the matter. i gave a personal opinion and i don't want a prime minister who is going to be lurching out and making comments every five minutes in response to the media. he is not following the lead of the media and i am pleased that he agreed with me but i was making my comments in a personal capacity as the only black woman in the cabinet, which was last tuesday. the uk's broadcasting regulator has found that five programmes on gb news featuring tory politicians acting as news presenters broker
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broadcasting impartiality rules. ofcom rules say a politician cannot be a newsreader, a new centre news reporter unless there is editorial justification. it found that two episodes ofjacob rees—mogg's episodes of jacob rees—mogg's programme, episodes ofjacob rees—mogg's programme, two episodes of friday morning with esther and phil and one episode of saturday morning with esther and philfailed to episode of saturday morning with esther and phil failed to comply with the broadcasting code. in response to this decision, gb news said it is deeply concerned by the ruling and that it will raise it directly with the regulator in the strongest possible terms. the media group called it a chilling development of free speech as it said ofcom acknowledge that the programme was deemed impartial but viewers might think otherwise. gb news said this will continue to feature german politicians hosting programmesjust feature german politicians hosting programmes just as other ofcom regulated services have in the past and still do. to explain more on
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this here is our media correspondent david stiletto. if you are an acting serving politician you can present a programme on british television. you can also present a current affairs programme, but you can't do news and thatis programme, but you can't do news and that is what this is all about. gb news says that these programmes were essentially general programmes, discussion programmes, not the news, so there was this analysis of five of them over may and june of last year and on five occasions gb news is said to have essentially, these politicians, jacob rees—mogg, esther mcvey and philip davies crossed the line into doing news. let's look at jacob rees—mogg. there were instances where they said there was breaking news about donald trump. he was there going to reports that were
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breaking at the time, essentially they said he was acting as a news presenter. also comments about king charles and his alleged political views. there were these moments where they said they crossed from commentary and debate into presenting the news. gb news says it was entirely impartial and it was absolutely right and i believe there is huge uncertainty in these rules about what is allowed and not allowed. they believe that they didn't break the rules. the phrase that they use today was it was chilling on the impact it would have a media diversity. no fine or sanction for gb news because ofcom says this is essentially happened a year ago over a specific period of time and i had no serious complaint since then. so no sanctions, but if it happens again, they will be
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fined. despite a lot of discussion in recent years about the merits of heat pumps, the update by homeowners has remained low. that is according to the spending watchdog stop the national audit of the says sales would have to increase 11 fold if the government is to achieve its climate change targets. we can speak now to an energy analyst. thank you forjoining the programme. what is your reaction to this report from the national audit office? figs your reaction to this report from the national audit office? as she hinted at, the _ the national audit office? as she hinted at, the nio _ the national audit office? as she hinted at, the nio report - the national audit office? as she hinted at, the nio report today . the national audit office? as she hinted at, the nio report today is quite a detailed sorry saga for the government and it outlined several occasions where the government has been very slow at making decisions and introducing policy and even last week we saw another example of this with the government delaying its flagship policy to roll out heat
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pumps. really, the shelving of this policy can only be in response to a really heavy lobbying from the border industry. there are companies that make gas boilers that would have been obliged to start selling heat pumps under this policy and they were lobbying to delay it and get rid of it but the government has chosen to delay byjust one year. in response to these criticisms, the government has told the bbc it is ready to launch a campaign which provides information on heat pumps as well as making it easier for households to get grants to take up heat pumps. what is your response? i think fuel poverty charities will be quite pleased by that, but i think a lot of people will think that is a little bit too little too late. lots of countries across the world have been rolling out heat pumps as soon
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as the gas started —— the gas crisis started a couple of years ago. with heat pumps, because they run on electricity, that means that as we build more and more offshore wind in the uk, build out more solar, increasingly that electricity will come from british soil so they really help that energy independence. i think this is one step forwards but there will be many more steps along the way if we are going to hit or heat pump targets. so the government is far off its target of 600,000 installations a year by 2028. walk and turn things around? ., ., , ., around? there are a few things that need to happen- — around? there are a few things that need to happen. we _ around? there are a few things that need to happen. we do _ around? there are a few things that need to happen. we do have - around? there are a few things that need to happen. we do have one i need to happen. we do have one scheme which is called the border upgrade scheme which is basically a 7500.1 for swapping your gas boiler to a heat pump, but really that is the only policy currently in place.
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0ne the only policy currently in place. one of the flagship policies that would apply which the boiler manufacturers to start making heat pumps has been shelved for a year. lots of consumer groups are trying to push out accurate information about heat pumps, but we also have a very strong gas industry they don't want away from using gas boilers and the gas grade because they want to protect their assets. the government has up to that lobby and saying that the rest of the world is moving towards electrification, heat pumps because they are good for our energy security our bills. thank you very much. an artwork that appeared on the side of the building near finsbury park in north london is by the world—famous graffiti artist banksy. he has claimed the euro as his own on an instagram post. it shows a
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mass of green has been painted behind a cut back mature tree to look like foliage with a sense of a person holding at pressure whose next date. this is the mural that appeared in north london and has had everyone asking the same question — is it a banksy? well, we now know that it is. but while there was still a lot of speculation going on this morning, the bbc heard from james peake. he's the creator of the radio 4 series the banksy story. he pointed out a few clues that made him sure that it was legitimate. the first one is that there's a clear message. he says the message is that nature is struggling and we need to help it. it's spring, there's no leaves on this tree and that's what the artist has chosen to paint on the wall. the second thing he points out is the colour of the paint. it's the same as the local council street signs. he says that that's the level of detail that banksy is known for. now, as usual, the possibility of a banksy brought a lot of excitement and speculation to the local area, both in person
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and on social media. 0ne local resident posted this photo because she woke up and this was painted on the side of her flat. you can actually see she looks pretty excited just on her balcony smiling over there. the speculation cannot come to an end because banksy has posted on instagram. this is the before and this is the after. now, if you are a* wars fan or an avid coin collector this might be of interest to you. a fictional starship has landed on a 50p coin here in the uk with the roman unveiling its latest collectible star wars pieces. collectors and fans will enjoy a feature on the coin depicting our picture of the millennium falcon.
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coming after —— coming up after two o'clock annita mcveigh will have all of the headline news. our top story next hour is reaction to vladimir putin because my victory in the russian election. you can take a look at our russian election live stream right now on the bbc iplayer. now it is time for a look at the weather. hello there. it's felt quite warm out there for many of us today, particularly where we've had the blue skies and the sunshine, but the weather is changing again and changes are happening out to the west because this cloud is coming in from the atlantic. the winds are picking up. we're going to see some rain arriving, as well. ahead of that, we've got some mild air. it could make 15 degrees around the murray firth and 16 is quite likely in the south—east of england. we do see that rain coming in, together with stronger winds into northern ireland and we'll see one band of rain pushing eastwards overnight, followed by a second band of rain that's developing. eastwards overnight, followed by a second band
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of rain that's developing. that one could be quite heavy rain with gusty winds, gales likely in the far north of scotland. it will be a pretty mild night out there, milder than it was last night. temperatures no lower than nine or ten degrees. those two bands of rain that we start with in england and wales willjust tend to fade away and it will brighten up in many places, leaving just a few showers. a few showers will continue in northern ireland, but the earlier, heavier showers in scotland will move away, sunshine will come out and the winds will ease, as well. temperatures still reaching 12 or 13 degrees in scotland and northern ireland, but again peaking at 16 in the south—east of england. we could see a bit of rain developing in the south—west of england by the end of the day. that weather front is going to move back northwards again overnight and into wednesday, taking rain northwards too. some of that rain for a while affecting northern ireland, perhaps some southern and eastern parts of scotland. most of the rain more likely from the south—west into wales,
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through the midlands and across northern england. scotland and northern ireland turning drier and brighter through the day. across the south—east of england it may stay dry, as well. here it is still quite mild, 16 or 17 degrees, but behind the rain to the north things are cooling off a little bit now. we're all going to see some rain over this week ahead, but there may not be too much rain across the north—east of scotland and we're probably going to miss most of the rain in the south—east of england. it's going to be wetter in the west, particularly across western parts of scotland. as we head into thursday, we will see the winds picking up across northern areas and these weather fronts bringing more rain into scotland and northern ireland in particular. as we move into the end of the week and into the weekend, it's staying windy, but the wind direction is changing, eventually coming to the north—west or the north. that will bring colder weather and lots of showers.
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live from london, this is bbc news. vladimir putin says he'll prioritise the war in ukraine during his fifth term as president. western leaders say the poll was neither free nor fair. israel raids gaza's al—shifa hospital, saying hamas is hiding there. hamas says the raid violates international law. the idf is conducting a high
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precision operation in limited areas of shifa hospital following concrete intelligence that they of shifa hospital following concrete intelligence that demanded immediate action. after a fact—finding mission sparked by the death of a young woman, the un accuses iran of "crimes against humanity" in its treatment of women and girls. hello, i m annita mcveigh. welcome to bbc news now, three hours of fast—moving news, interviews and reaction. we begin in russia, where vladimir putin has vowed to strengthen the armed forces and prioritise the war in ukraine, after yet another landslide victory in an election that western leaders have criticised as neither free nor fair. exit polls give him 87.8% of the vote in the presidential election — which was tightly controlled by the kremlin, with no credible opposition candidate allowed to run.


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