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tv   BBC News at Six  BBC News  March 22, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm GMT

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the surgery was successful. however, tests after the operation found cancer had been present. my medical team therefore advised that i should undergo a course of preventative chemotherapy, and i'm now in the early stages of that treatment. this of course came as a huge shock, and william and i have been doing everything we can to process and manage this privately for the sake of our young family. as you can imagine, this has taken time. it has taken me time to recover from major surgery in order to start my treatment. but most importantly, it has taken us time to explain everything to george, charlotte and louis in a way that's appropriate for them, and to reassure them that i'm going to be ok. as i've said to them, i am well, and getting stronger every day by focusing on the things that will help me heal, in my mind, body and spirits.
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having william by my side is a great source of comfort and reassurance, too. as is the love, support and kindness that has been shown by so many of you. it means so much to us both. we hope that you'll understand that, as a family, we now need some time, space and privacy while i complete my treatment. my work has always brought me a deep sense ofjoy, and i look forward to being back when i'm able. but for now, i must focus on making a full recovery. at this time, i'm also thinking of all those whose lives have been affected by cancer. for everyone facing this disease, in whateverform, please do not lose faith or hope. you are not alone. the princess of wales with a very personal message that was filmed on wednesday in windsor. our royal correspondent daniella relph is here. a huge shock to catherine —
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it will be a shock to millions of others, too. that's right, a huge shock to the princess of wales and clearly, very deeply upsetting time for her and herfamily in recent deeply upsetting time for her and her family in recent weeks. deeply upsetting time for her and herfamily in recent weeks. what deeply upsetting time for her and her family in recent weeks. what is very clear from hearing from the team around the prince and princess todayis team around the prince and princess today is this has been entirely driven by trying to protect the children, that has been the focus of the prince and princess of wales in recent weeks which is why the news has come out today, when prince george, princess jallet and prince louis break up from school for the easter holidays —— princess charlotte. they are now able to protect them as parents from the scrutiny and spotlight that might have been going on at they've still been at school. they now have to or three weeks to spend time privately at the family and the prince and princess of wales wanted to tell the children properly, appropriately about the diagnosis and give them time to take it in so that is why it is today we have found out. the tone
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ofthe is today we have found out. the tone of the message. _ is today we have found out. the tone of the message, she _ is today we have found out. the tone of the message, she says, _ is today we have found out. the tone of the message, she says, "i - is today we have found out. the tone of the message, she says, "i am - of the message, she says, "i am well, i want to make a full recovery." that is very much the tone. ~ ., ., , , recovery." that is very much the tone. ., ., , , , tone. we are told she is very ositive tone. we are told she is very positive and _ tone. we are told she is very positive and hopeful- tone. we are told she is very positive and hopeful of- tone. we are told she is very l positive and hopeful of making tone. we are told she is very - positive and hopeful of making a full recovery. i think anybody was just watched that message will see her vulnerability and how difficult things have been for her but i also think that it has clearly been a difficult time in terms of speculation and rumour and that video is catherine in her own words, donein video is catherine in her own words, done in her own way with the hope that she will now be able to perhaps quell some of the more outlandish rumour and speculation about her condition. find rumour and speculation about her condition. �* . , , . condition. and a very difficult time for the monarchy, _ condition. and a very difficult time for the monarchy, being _ condition. and a very difficult time for the monarchy, being all- condition. and a very difficult time for the monarchy, being all about| for the monarchy, being all about stability? for the monarchy, being all about stabili ? . �* , �* , ., for the monarchy, being all about stabili ? . �*, �*, ., , stability? that's right, it's a very unstable time _ stability? that's right, it's a very unstable time for— stability? that's right, it's a very unstable time for the _ stability? that's right, it's a very unstable time for the monarchyl stability? that's right, it's a very i unstable time for the monarchy and the british royal family unstable time for the monarchy and the british royalfamily but unstable time for the monarchy and the british royal family but we will not see the princess of wales for some time or any kind of normal schedule of public duty and we are also not seeing the king very much either as he undergoes his own cancer treatment so there are two key significant figures from public life missing and it's very
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noticeable but at the royal family say that both are doing well and want to focus on their recovery, having some privacy and they will be backin having some privacy and they will be back in business on royal duty soon. and you have looks back over the last few weeks and the impact this has been having on the royalfamily, we can see your report now. this was the last official footage of the princess of wales with the royal family, on christmas day at sandringham, with her three children who she is now so keen to protect up to going public with news of her diagnosis. in december, all seemed well as she spoke to the crowd. thank you so much, it is very sweet of you to come and say hello to us. very happy christmas. but of you to come and say hello to us. very happy christmas.— very happy christmas. but three weeks later— very happy christmas. but three weeks later she _ very happy christmas. but three weeks later she was _ very happy christmas. but three weeks later she was admitted i very happy christmas. but three weeks later she was admitted to hospital for major abdominal surgery. it was in her post—operative test that signs of cancer were found. the clamour for information about her condition has been intense point of this footage from earlier this week filmed by a member of the public showed her shopping in windsor with her husband
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last weekend and this photo, released on mother's day, to ease some public speculation did the opposite, with the princess issuing a statement to say she had made some edits to the image. a turning point appears to have been this thanksgiving service in windsor, for the king of greece in february. the rest of the royal family were there but the prince of wales pulled out that morning, very suddenly, due to a personal matter. we now know this was around the time the princess was diagnosed and began her treatment. it has been an incredibly turbulent time for the family. the couple's priority has been to protect their children and ensure they have time to explain what is wrong to prince george, princess charlotte and prince louis. they now hope the expectoration and rumours will stop as they spend time privately as a family for the easter holiday. of the princess will not be back to a full programme of public duty for some time. we might see her occasionally but only when her
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medical team have approved. for now, the princess of wales once time, space and privacy to deal with her diagnosis and recovery. daniela relph, bbc news. joining me now is our medical editor, fergus walsh. as with king charles, we have been given very little information about what exactly is she is being treated for but from the few details we have, what more can you tell us? we are not have, what more can you tell us? - are not being told what type of cancer this is, nor what stage it was caught at. both of those are crucial factors and i'm was caught at. both of those are crucialfactors and i'm not was caught at. both of those are crucial factors and i'm not going to speculate on either of those. but the tone of the princess of wales' statement is very positive in terms of recovery. what we have been told is that the cancer was found after she had this successful abdominal surgery, and it was discovered once the post—operative tests had been completed and the results had been reviewed. she is now undergoing a
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course of what she described as preventative chemotherapy. that began late last month. chemotherapy is an umbrella term for any drug treatment to kill cancer so it can either be given to mop up any remaining cancer cells that might remaining cancer cells that might remain behind once there has been successful surgery to remove the cancer, or to ensure that the cancer does not return in the future. it can be given as an infusion but increasingly, it can be given as tablets, daily tablets, and the treatment for cancer has transformed in recent years. much of the daily tablet treatment can be taken at home. in terms of the future, catherine is stressing she is well and getting stronger every day. she is 42 ears and getting stronger every day. she is 42 years old, onlyjust turned 42 so how unusual is it for a woman of
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her age to be treated for cancer like this? ., . her age to be treated for cancer like this? . . ., . , , like this? cancer touches the lives of every family. — like this? cancer touches the lives of every family, one _ like this? cancer touches the lives of every family, one in _ like this? cancer touches the lives of every family, one in two - like this? cancer touches the lives of every family, one in two of - like this? cancer touches the lives of every family, one in two of us l of every family, one in two of us will get cancer and it is more common, the older we get, but thousands of people every year are diagnosed at a younger age. 1000 people per day in the uk are given a cancer diagnosis. it is obviously a huge shock, a cancer diagnosis, for any family, but 3 million people in the uk are living with cancer, and i think the message at the end, when catherine urged others affected by cancer not to lose faith or hope, i think that is a key message this evening. think that is a key message this evenina. ~ , , think that is a key message this evenina. , ,_,, evening. absolutely, fergus walsh, thank ou. helena wilkinson is in windsorfor us. that is where the family live and the easter holidays are approaching, and the princess of wales made it very clear that the focus very much
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now for her is her family at home. that's absolutely right. the news here in windsor, the number of tourists outside the castle just starting to hear about the news of the princess of wales's cancer diagnosis, it will come as a shock across the world but also to people who visit this tourist town and residents here because, as you said, the princess of wales and her family, their three young children, lived here in windsor at adley cottage which is about half a mile from where we live and very personal statement from catherine that we had in the last ten minutes or so, where she spoke about how she and prince william have had to talk to their three young children, george, charlotte and louis, in probably very careful words and very well thought out words about her cancer diagnosis. because for young children to hear that their mother
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has cancer will no doubt be very devastating and probably confusing as well. what they will be trying to do at a family is stay very close and keep very private here at their home in windsor. 0n the whole, while catherine has been recovering from what she has had this evening had been major abdominal surgery, she will continue her recovery here in windsor and as you said, the easter holidays is just getting windsor and as you said, the easter holidays isjust getting under way for her three children and the family felt like this was the right time to go public with the news. now they clearly want space for her to continue with the preventative chemotherapy that she has been undertaking and started very recently. undertaking and started very recentl . . . ~ recently. helena wilkinson in windsor. _ recently. helena wilkinson in windsor, thank _ recently. helena wilkinson in windsor, thank you. - recently. helena wilkinson in windsor, thank you. we - recently. helena wilkinson in windsor, thank you. we willl recently. helena wilkinson in i windsor, thank you. we will of course return to that story later in the programme but right now we will bring you some more of today's news and some breaking news coming out of
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russia, and the news agency tass has reported there has been a shooting inside a concert hall in moscow. gordon corera is with me, very early stages and details but what can you tell us? it stages and details but what can you tell us? , . , , ., , stages and details but what can you tellus? , . v“, ,, tell us? it is early stages but it a- ears tell us? it is early stages but it appears to _ tell us? it is early stages but it appears to have _ tell us? it is early stages but it appears to have been - tell us? it is early stages but it appears to have been a - tell us? it is early stages but itj appears to have been a serious incident at a concert hall in moscow, pictures on social media that are unverified yet but reports from the scene in a number of gun men, perhaps between three and five in camouflage gear with automatic weapons going into this console and appear to have started firing. there are scenes of apparent panic, people trying to escape and as we can see from some of these videos, signs of black smoke rising over at that concert halljust on the outskirts of moscow. you can see on the inside as well, people were running and hiding it seems. possible that the gunman also through some kind of incendiary bomb which might have started the fire and you can hear
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some gunfire and hear some panic people at what was going on. we do not yet know who was involved or behind this attack. it is worth saying that a couple of weeks ago at the us embassy in moscow, they issued a warning to its citizens are saying there were concerns, some kind of intelligence about extremist attacks and warning people to avoid crowded places including concerts so that might have been some kind of concern about this in recent weeks about some kind of attack but as i said, we don't yet know who is behind this or how serious it is. but russian officials are suggesting there were a number of casualties. as we said, an ongoing situation and we will come back to that as we get it with more information later in the programme but thank you for now, gordon. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been meeting the us secretary of state antony blinken in tel aviv as part of his latest efforts to secure a ceasefire in gaza. 0ur middle east correspondent lucy williamson is injerusalem. how did that meeting go?
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she also spoke about her young family about her medical condition before making a more public announcement. is want to take this opportunity to take you personally while i have been recovering from surgery. i have had a fantastic medical team who have taken great care. injanuary, i underwent major abdominal surgery in london, and it was thought my condition was not cancerous. the surgery was successful. however, test after the operation, found cancer had been present. my medical
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team there advised that i should undergo. this of came as a huge shock and william vai —— women i have doing every thing i can do versus privately for the sake of our young family. as a taken time, both of most importantly, it is taking us time for us to explain everything to george, charlotte and louis in a way that's appropriate for them and to reassure them i'm going to be ok. as i said, i am well, and getting stronger every day and focusing on the things that will help me heal. having william by my side is a great source of comfort and reassurance. it means so much. we hope you
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understand that as a family, we now need some time, space and privacy all they complete my treatment. my work has always brought me up deep sense ofjoy, and i look forward to being back when i may, but for now, i must focus on making full recovery. i'm also thinking of all those whose lives have been affected by cancer. for everyone facing this disease, in whateverform, please do not lose faith or hope. you are not alone. that video recorded by the princess of wales on wednesday issued within the last half hour. already a lot of reaction, as you would expect. this coming as a shock. we had a statement from downing street coming from the prime minister tweeting that his thoughts are with the princess of wales. he says in
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particular, herthree princess of wales. he says in particular, her three children at this difficult time. he also went on to criticise some of the scrutiny that she has faced. we talked about that she has faced. we talked about that in recent days. suggesting she's been unfairly treated by certain sections of the media. he has asked for privacy to focus on her treatment and be with her loving family. also reaction from the first ministerfrom family. also reaction from the first minister from wales, tweeting family. also reaction from the first ministerfrom wales, tweeting he is deeply saddened after hearing the news of the princess of wales undergoing that treatment for cancer. he said on behalf, he would like to send his love and support to the princess and herfamily. he says his thoughts are with them as they continue your treatment.
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spokesperson outside the white house said their thoughts are with the princess of wales and her family and friends during this incredibly difficult time. she also echoes the thoughts, it's important we respect your privacy. we'll bring you up—to—date with all the reaction as we get it. let's bring in sarah campbell. this coming is a big shock for many, not least for those watching that statement just within the last half—hour. watching that statement 'ust within the last half-hounh the last half-hour. yes, it's worth reiterating — the last half-hour. yes, it's worth reiterating as _ the last half-hour. yes, it's worth reiterating as well _ the last half-hour. yes, it's worth reiterating as well that _ the last half-hour. yes, it's worth reiterating as well that the - the last half-hour. yes, it's worth reiterating as well that the news i reiterating as well that the news that has broken just in the last few minutes or so that catherine the princess of wales... let's go back to january. she said that abdominal surgery. at the time, guidance from the palace was that this is noncancerous. but what it appears is
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that the test of the time did not show kempster cancers. —— show cancers. since late february, the princess has been undergoing preventative chemotherapy. the statement really makes clear that, as the princess shares, this came as as the princess shares, this came as a huge shock to her, but william and l, a huge shock to her, but william and i, she says, have been doing everything we can to processes privately for the sake of our young family. princejust ten privately for the sake of our young family. prince just ten years old, is eight and prince louis isjust five. people will still be asking lots of questions about this, and thatis lots of questions about this, and that is because the three children broke up from school today and the absolute priority is protecting the children as much as possible. they
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will know that when this story was released, it would go global, the questions were being asked everywhere, as they have been over the last six weeks or so. their priority was to be at a time when they could protect, they could shield the children and protect them. i think that explains the timing today. pm them. i think that explains the timing today-— them. i think that explains the timing today. them. i think that explains the timin: toda . �* ., , timing today. an important point she soke of, timing today. an important point she spoke of. that _ timing today. an important point she spoke of, that need _ timing today. an important point she spoke of, that need to _ timing today. an important point she spoke of, that need to process - spoke of, that need to process and manages privately. something you allude to their that has been very difficult in recent weeks.- difficult in recent weeks. almost impossible- _ difficult in recent weeks. almost impossible. we _ difficult in recent weeks. almost impossible. we don't _ difficult in recent weeks. almost impossible. we don't need - difficult in recent weeks. almost impossible. we don't need to i difficult in recent weeks. almostj impossible. we don't need to go through all the conspiracy theories, but there has obviously, because she hasn't, is one of the most prominent members of the royal family globally, she hasn't been out and about. we knew she was recuperating from this abdominal surgery, but questions it started to be asked. social media hates a vacuum of information, and so they started to fill in the blanks. itjust became — i hate to use the word ridiculous,
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but that is exactly what is become — and cruel and hurtful, some things that have been set online. i'm sure the palace, the prince, the princess will be hoping that by coming out, not answering all the questions but answering some of the questions, giving some detail that they can have what they want to have, which is time and space and privacy. yes. is time and space and privacy. yes, and what can _ is time and space and privacy. yes, and what can be _ is time and space and privacy. yes, and what can be read _ is time and space and privacy. yes, and what can be read into - is time and space and privacy. yes, and what can be read into the tone of this statement? because she talks about reassuring the children that she's going to be ok. she sounds very upbeat. find she's going to be ok. she sounds very upbeat-— she's going to be ok. she sounds ve ubeat. �* ~ ., ., very upbeat. and i think we have to take from that _ very upbeat. and i think we have to take from that what _ very upbeat. and i think we have to take from that what we _ very upbeat. and i think we have to take from that what we can - very upbeat. and i think we have to l take from that what we can take from that. we have to take a look at the statement and the fact that she was well enough to sit there and was filmed and bbc studios have released a statement talking about the fact that this wasn't an edited film and they have no editorial control. this was filmed in windsor earlier this week. she's talking very clearly to camera, she's talking about the fact
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as you say that she said to her children, "i am well, i'm getting stronger every day by focusing on the things that will help me heal." let's not forget that it's not only chemotherapy, and chemotherapy as we know can affect different people in different ways, but she is also recovering from the original major abdominal surgery which we were told at the time would take at least — that wasn't a definite date. that was the earliest date. she's had these two things to contend with, and from a mental perspective, also having to deal with what she thought it's very hard to switch off when there is such a frenzy of attention around her. there is such a frenzy of attention around her-— there is such a frenzy of attention around her. ., ., ~ ., around her. you talked about those official engagements _ around her. you talked about those official engagements last _ around her. you talked about those official engagements last seen - around her. you talked about those official engagements last seen in i around her. you talked about those | official engagements last seen in an official engagements last seen in an official capacity on christmas day
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and since then, recovering from that original surgery. what have we learnt in any of these statements about any possible return to public life? i about any possible return to public life? ~' about any possible return to public life? ~ ., , life? i think the palace are being ve clear life? i think the palace are being very clear to _ life? i think the palace are being very clear to not _ life? i think the palace are being very clear to not give _ life? i think the palace are being very clear to not give any - life? i think the palace are being| very clear to not give any definite returns for the simple reason that when that maybe doesn't happen, that immediately starts ringing alarm bells. i don't think we're going to get anything specific. i think since we get to the palace is the princess wants to get back as soon as possible. she wants to recover as soon as possible. we may start seeing her going to events, but there is no timescale and we shouldn't take that just there is no timescale and we shouldn't take thatjust because she's made an appearance, that things are back to normal. i don't suspect that at all. it will be a managed return, but clearly that is the aim, for her to come back when she can. it has to be when she is absently healthy and feels up to it. and a brief word. prince william, now in a position where his father
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is undergoing cancer treatment, and now his wife also facing this cancer treatment. she talks in that message about the support from william. but about the support from william. but a very difficult time for him, too. i can't imagine. hugely difficult time. as you say, we had that day where, injanuary, we learned on the same day that the king was having a procedure on an enlarged prostate, and that's when we learned about catherine, that she had been in hospital to undergrowth surgery. we then found out about the king because my cancer diagnosis, and now six weeks later, we find out about catherine. 0n six weeks later, we find out about catherine. on a completely human level, regardless of his status, that he has all this responsibility, on a human level, it must be a hugely difficult time.— on a human level, it must be a hugely difficult time. sarah, for now, hugely difficult time. sarah, for now. thank— hugely difficult time. sarah, for now, thank you. _ hugely difficult time. sarah, for now, thank you. stay _ hugely difficult time. sarah, for now, thank you. stay with - hugely difficult time. sarah, for now, thank you. stay with us i now, thank you. stay with us throughout the evening and keep us
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up—to—date on all the reaction. another major story — reports from moscow suggesting a number of people have been killed and wounded during a shooting at a concert hall. videos posted online also show smoke appearing to emerge from the crocus concert hall. russian news agency say at least three people dressed in camouflage open fire at the venue. in a statement, moscow's mayor has said a huge tragedy has occurred. there have also been reports that the roof of the theatre building is now on fire, people are still inside that building. look at the very latest with steve rosenberg in moscow. just bring us up—to—date on what we know about what's going on so far. , , ., what we know about what's going on sofar. , so far. this is a developing story. it's still so far. this is a developing story. it's still going _ so far. this is a developing story. it's still going on. _ so far. this is a developing story. it's still going on. this _ so far. this is a developing story. it's still going on. this is - so far. this is a developing story. it's still going on. this is what i so far. this is a developing story. it's still going on. this is what we know so far. earlier this evening, a number of armed men burst into a concert hall in moscow. the crocus
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city hall. the hall was packed with visitors and mobile phone footage shows scenes of chaos. you can hear the shots ringing out. there are no official figures yet as to how many people have been killed, but reports of at least 12 people are having been killed in this attack. the building is on fire, possibly a third of the building is on fire, and we believe that dozens of people may still be trapped inside the building. also reports that a number of the gunmen may have barricaded themselves inside the building. this is still going on very much. russian special forces have been deployed to the scene. also 50 ambulances have been called to the scene. the casualty figures could well rise. no official figure yet as to how many people have been killed, but already
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reports suggesting that quite a few people may have been killed in this attack. ,, , ., _, attack. steve, 'ust a line coming into this here. — attack. steve, just a line coming into this here. you _ attack. steve, just a line coming into this here. you may - attack. steve, just a line coming into this here. you may be - attack. steve, just a line coming l into this here. you may be looking at the same sources, but reshmin services say they have evacuated 100 people from the basement of that building where the shooting and explosions occurred. they say there are still people on the roof. we're also getting a sense that people are still inside. if those gunmen have barricaded themselves in there, it seems this may turn into some sort of hostage situation. very few details of the moment, but do we know that some people have been able to get out? know that some people have been able to net out? ., �* know that some people have been able to net out? . �* , .,, to get out? yeah, we've seen mobile -hone to get out? yeah, we've seen mobile phone footage _ to get out? yeah, we've seen mobile phone footage of _ to get out? yeah, we've seen mobile phone footage of people _ to get out? yeah, we've seen mobile phone footage of people who - to get out? yeah, we've seen mobile phone footage of people who did - to get out? yeah, we've seen mobile phone footage of people who did get| phone footage of people who did get out, who managed to get out to safety to the car parks. people have got out from the incident. also reports coming over another explosion from inside the building. we don't know what's going on there right now, but obviously, this is a
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very serious situation. as i said, special forces have been deployed there. the fsb also has gone to the scene. emergency services, too. so we'll follow the story through the evening into the night. stan; we'll follow the story through the evening into the night.— evening into the night. stay with us, 'ust evening into the night. stay with us. just one _ evening into the night. stay with us, just one moment, _ evening into the night. stay with us, just one moment, steve. i evening into the night. stay with - us, just one moment, steve. further details coming to us now. reuters reported more than 70 ambulances at the place of that shooting. we don't know how many people are able to help there. very few details at this stage, because this is very much an ongoing situation. the latest line there that some people are still on there that some people are still on the roof, perhaps hoping they might be able to get out. also suggesting that up to 100 people were evacuated using the underground system of the basement. giving a sense that the
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securities will be doing, what they may know about what is happening and what help they may be able to offer. i would imagine it's quite a chaotic situation. this came completely out of the blue. interesting how a number of armed men were able to get into what is quite a prominent concert hall in moscow, the crocus city hall. you would imagine there would be tight security there, especially at this time. but obviously, these five men were able, if there were five, to get inside. we don't know who they are. interesting reports that men in camouflage, armed men, went into the hole and began shooting. so, we don't know who they are and perhaps more information will come out through the evening about who the attackers are actually are, and also
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about the casualties. no official figures, lots of numbers appearing on social media which we cannot confirm. as i say, the fact that 50 ambulances have been called to the scene suggest that the authorities fear that the casualty toll could be quite high. fear that the casualty toll could be cuite hiuh. ,, ., ., ., ~ quite high. steve, for now, thank ou. quite high. steve, for now, thank you- we'll— quite high. steve, for now, thank you- we'll let _ quite high. steve, for now, thank you. we'll let you _ quite high. steve, for now, thank you. we'll let you know _ quite high. steve, for now, thank you. we'll let you know and - quite high. steve, for now, thank you. we'll let you know and find l you. we'll let you know and find out further information. gratefulfor you joining us so soon. rochelle editor there in moscow. we'll keep a very close eye on events as they unfold, but if you're joining very close eye on events as they unfold, but if you'rejoining us, i want to remind you of the other breaking story. news that the princess of wales has announced that she is undergoing treatment. her message has been released in the past half hour, explaining what's been happening in recent weeks. i wanted to take this opportunity to to say thank you, personally, for all the wonderful messages of support and for your understanding
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whilst i've been recovering from surgery. it has been an incredibly tough couple of months for our entire family but i've had a fantastic medical team who have taken great care of me for which i am so grateful. injanuary, i underwent major abdominal surgery and lender, and at the time it thought my condition was noncancerous. the surgery was successful however tests after the operation found cancer had been present. my medical team therefore advised that i should undergo a course of preventive chemotherapy and i am now in the early stages of this treatment. this of course it came as a huge shock and william and i have been doing everything we can to process and manage this privately for the sake of our young family. as you can imagine, this has taken time, it has taken me time to recoverfrom major time, it has taken me time to recover from major surgery in order to start my treatment, but most importantly it has taken us time to
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explain everything to george, charlotte and louis,


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