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tv   The Context  BBC News  March 22, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm GMT

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you personally for all the say thank you personally for all the wonderful messages of support and for your understanding whilst i've been recovering from surgery. it has been recovering from surgery. it has been an incredibly tough couple of months for our entire family but i've had a fantastic medical team who have taken great care of me for which i'm so grateful. injanuary i underwent major abdominal and at the time it was thought that my condition was noncancerous. the surgery was successful. however, tests after the operation found cancer had been present. my medical team therefore advised that i should undergo a course of preventative chemotherapy and i will. this of course came as a huge stock and william and i have been doing everything we can to process and manage this privately for the sake of our young family.
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as you can imagine, this has taken time. it has taken me time to recover from major surgery in order to start my treatment. but most importantly, it has taken us time to explain everything to george, charlotte and louis in a way that's appropriate for them, and to reassure them that i'm going to be ok. as i've said to them, i am well, and getting stronger every day by focusing on the things that will help me heal, in my mind, body and spirit. having william by my side is a great source of comfort and reassurance, too, as is the love, support and kindness that has been shown by so many of you. it means so much to us both. we hope that you'll understand that, as a family, we now need some time, space and privacy while i complete my treatment. my work has always brought me a deep sense ofjoy, and i look forward to being back when i'm able. but for now, i must focus on making a full recovery. at this time, i'm also thinking of all those whose lives have been affected by cancer.
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for everyone facing this disease, in whatever form, please do not lose faith or hope. you are not alone. the princess of wales with a personal message. we are told that was filmed on wednesday in windsor. our royal correspondent daniela relph has the latest. this was the last official footage of the princess of wales with the royal family come on christmas day at sandringham with her three children who she is now so keen to protect after going public with news of her diagnosis. back in december all seemed well as she spoke to the crowds. . ~ seemed well as she spoke to the crowds. ., ~ , ., ,., seemed well as she spoke to the crowds. . ~' , ., . seemed well as she spoke to the crowds. ., ~ . ., �*, crowds. thank you so much, that's very sweet — crowds. thank you so much, that's very sweet of— crowds. thank you so much, that's very sweet of you _ crowds. thank you so much, that's very sweet of you to _ crowds. thank you so much, that's very sweet of you to come - crowds. thank you so much, that's very sweet of you to come and - crowds. thank you so much, that's very sweet of you to come and say| very sweet of you to come and say hello to us. very happy christmas. but three weeks later she was admitted to hospital for major abdominal surgery. admitted to hospital for major abdominalsurgery. it was admitted to hospital for major abdominal surgery. it was in her post—operative tests that signs of cancer were found. the clamour for information about the princess's
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whereabouts has been intense. this filmed by a member of the public earlier this week showed her shopping in windsor with her husband last weekend. and this photo released on mother's day to ease some of the public speculation did the opposite, with the princess issuing a statement to say she had made some edits to the image. the turning point appears to have been this thanksgiving service in windsor for king constantine of greece at the end of february. the rest of the royal family were there but the prince of wales pulled very suddenly due to a personal matter. we now know this was around the time the princess was diagnosed and began her treatment. it has poor. cecil sure to george, princess charlotte and prinsloo e. they now hope the spec illusion and rumours as they spend time privately as a family for the
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easter holiday. the princess will not be back to a full programme of public duty for some time. racing internet including king charles's comments about the princess of wales. he says his majesty is so proud of catherine for her courage in speaking as she did. his majesty remained in close contact with his beloved daughter—in—law throughout the both prince charles and queen cole miller will continue to offer their love and support to the whole family through this difficult time. our royal correspondent sarah campbell and medical editor fergus walsh are with me. good evening to you both. starting with that statement from buckingham palace, we have to
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remember here it is princess catherine facing cancer treatment and also king charles.— and also king charles. yes, “ust underlining fl and also king charles. yes, “ust underlining that, i and also king charles. yes, “ust underlining that, talking h and also king charles. yes, just underlining that, talking about | and also king charles. yes, just i underlining that, talking about the fact they were in hospital together because there news first broke in mid—january when the king was undergoing a procedure for an enlarged prostate and he was in the london clinic at exactly the same time as catherine was in for her major abdominal surgery. and of course subsequent to that at the time it was reported that that was noncancerous in terms of guidance. and of course what happened subsequently is that there were post—operative tests which found that cancer had been present and so we are where we are in terms of her cancer treatment. we are where we are in terms of her cancertreatment. but we are where we are in terms of her cancer treatment. but yes, that statement reiterating that both the king and catherine, princess of wales being treated for cancer. fergus, it is probably worth at this point talking about what we know and also what we don't know. there are clear distinctions. figs also what we don't know. there are clear distinctions.— clear distinctions. as sarah says, the cancer _
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clear distinctions. as sarah says, the cancer was _ clear distinctions. as sarah says, the cancer was detected - clear distinctions. as sarah says, the cancer was detected after- clear distinctions. as sarah says, | the cancer was detected after the successful surgery in january. it wasn't — successful surgery in january. it wasn't expected to be found but the post—operative tests found she had cancen _ post—operative tests found she had cancen so — post—operative tests found she had cancer. so she began late last month a course _ cancer. so she began late last month a course of— cancer. so she began late last month a course of preventative chemotherapy. chemotherapy is an umbrella _ chemotherapy. chemotherapy is an umbrella term for any drug treatment to kill_ umbrella term for any drug treatment to kill cancer cells. it can be given— to kill cancer cells. it can be given to _ to kill cancer cells. it can be given to mop up any remaining cells after cancer — given to mop up any remaining cells after cancer has successfully been removed — after cancer has successfully been removed. and to try to prevent it coming _ removed. and to try to prevent it coming back to reduce the risks of it coming — coming back to reduce the risks of it coming back. it comes in many different— it coming back. it comes in many different forms. we tend to think of chemotherapy in the traditional way, an infusion_ chemotherapy in the traditional way, an infusion given by drip into the arm that— an infusion given by drip into the arm that can come with some quite heavy— arm that can come with some quite heavy side—effects. but drug treatment can also come in the form
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of targeted _ treatment can also come in the form of targeted drugs given as tablets taken _ of targeted drugs given as tablets taken at _ of targeted drugs given as tablets taken at home which often have much fewer— taken at home which often have much fewer side—effects. we are not being told what _ fewer side—effects. we are not being told what type of chemotherapy she is having _ told what type of chemotherapy she is having. and we are also not told what _ is having. and we are also not told what type — is having. and we are also not told what type of cancer she has, nor what _ what type of cancer she has, nor what stage — what type of cancer she has, nor what stage it was caught at. i'm not going _ what stage it was caught at. i'm not going to _ what stage it was caught at. i'm not going to speculate on that at all. but its— going to speculate on that at all. but it's very clear from that video statement — but it's very clear from that video statement the tone is very has said she has— statement the tone is very has said she has told the children i'm well and getting stronger every day. and that i'm _ and getting stronger every day. and that i'm going to be ok. there and getting stronger every day. and that i'm going to be ok.— that i'm going to be ok. there will be some reassurance _ that i'm going to be ok. there will be some reassurance that - that i'm going to be ok. there will be some reassurance that if - that i'm going to be ok. there will be some reassurance that if we . that i'm going to be ok. there will| be some reassurance that if we are told this is early stages and she is, what, 42, relatively young, but we know that cancer touches are so
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successful. and there will be 1000 people in the uk today who got a diagnosis of cancer. many of them will be mothers with young children or fathers with young children and then have to have that very difficult discussion about what they say. survival rates for cancer have doubled in the last 50 years and there are 3 million people in the uk living with cancer. i thought the very moving statement at the end where she said i'm also thinking of all those whose lives have been affected by cancer. everyone facing this disease in whatever form, please do not lose faith or hope, you are not alone. a difficult conversation for anyone to have with their family, but particularly of course when it is the royal family and
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particularly of course when it is the royalfamily and in particularly of course when it is the royal family and in the particularly of course when it is the royalfamily and in the public eye like this. this is what we have seen over the last six weeks. we know that social media hates a vacuum. catherine, one of the most photographed and well—known women in the world, her last public engagement she undertook was at christmas. we are just seeing the pictures at christmas at sandringham. and hadn't been seen in public since. so social. that was one thing to deal with. at the time we were told she would be expected to undertake any public engagements until at least after easter. and then now we know she was also undergoing this treatment and having to process the fact that she was also having to undergo treatment for cancer, this preventative chemotherapy. so she has had a lot to deal with, and on top of that having to deal with all that speculation frenzy on social media
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which i can only imagine how difficult that's been. shat which i can only imagine how difficult that's been.- which i can only imagine how difficult that's been. at the same time, difficult that's been. at the same time. fergus. — difficult that's been. at the same time, fergus, we _ difficult that's been. at the same time, fergus, we know— difficult that's been. at the same time, fergus, we know king - difficult that's been. at the same - time, fergus, we know king charles, six weeks or so into his treatment for cancer. do we have any sense of what catherine's treatment involves? you say it is preventative. this term preventative _ you say it is preventative. this term preventative chemotherapy is rather _ term preventative chemotherapy is rather unusual. she talks about cancer — rather unusual. she talks about cancer in — rather unusual. she talks about cancer in the past tense, they found that i_ cancer in the past tense, they found that i had _ cancer in the past tense, they found that i had cancer, and i think it's very— that i had cancer, and i think it's very much— that i had cancer, and i think it's very much that catherine's cancer honefutty— very much that catherine's cancer hopefully is gone now and preventative chemotherapy is about, as i said. _ preventative chemotherapy is about, as i said, either mopping up any potential— as i said, either mopping up any potential remaining residues that were not— potential remaining residues that were not caught and preventing it recurring — were not caught and preventing it recurring. but the message here is very unheat— recurring. but the message here is very upbeat from catherine, princess of wales _ very upbeat from catherine, princess of wales. and whilst it is a shock, she calls — of wales. and whilst it is a shock, she calls it— of wales. and whilst it is a shock, she calls it a — of wales. and whilst it is a shock, she calls it a shot for her family, it will_ she calls it a shot for her family, it will he — she calls it a shot for her family, it will he a — she calls it a shot for her family, it will be a shock for people
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everywhere, but it will be applauded by families in a similar position, the way— by families in a similar position, the way in — by families in a similar position, the way in which she has been so open _ the way in which she has been so open about— the way in which she has been so open about what she is going through _ open about what she is going throu:h. ., ,. open about what she is going throu:h. ., ., ~ through. sarah, you talked about those pictures — through. sarah, you talked about those pictures we _ through. sarah, you talked about those pictures we were _ through. sarah, you talked about those pictures we were looking . through. sarah, you talked about| those pictures we were looking at through. sarah, you talked about i those pictures we were looking at of christmas, the last time we saw catherine in an official capacity, but the palace very keen to not stipulate dates, when we might expect to see her again in public, it is very much when she is well enough. it is very much when she is well enou:h. , ,~ it is very much when she is well enouh. i. , , enough. absolutely and completely and utterly on _ enough. absolutely and completely and utterly on the _ enough. absolutely and completely and utterly on the advice _ enough. absolutely and completely and utterly on the advice of- enough. absolutely and completely and utterly on the advice of her- and utterly on the advice of her medical team. and utterly on the advice of her medicalteam. so and utterly on the advice of her medical team. so they are not going to give, that she will be here, or any particular dates, they will row back from doing anything along those lines because simply things could change and it might also be that she appeared at something but that doesn't mean to say that she is then starting herfull programme doesn't mean to say that she is then starting her full programme of royal engagements. 0ne starting her full programme of royal engagements. one would imagine it is going to be a managed return back to duties. and at the moment the priority, as we have been saying, is
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very much with the family, recovering with the family, taking that time to recover privately with the children now that they are not at school, now that they can all be at school, now that they can all be at home together, that is absolutely the priority at the moment. i don't think there is going to be any talk of official duties any time soon. there had been a lot of chatter about whether we would see her at easter with the st george's chapel service in., and you touched on this, importance of someone open with cancer. this, importance of someone open with cancer-— with cancer. cancer charities have already come _ with cancer. cancer charities have already come out _ with cancer. cancer charities have already come out and _ with cancer. cancer charities have already come out and applauded. with cancer. cancer charities have i already come out and applauded her for what _ already come out and applauded her for what she has done. as they did with the _ for what she has done. as they did with the king. he said if you have any concerns, go and seek medical helu _ any concerns, go and seek medical helu i_ any concerns, go and seek medical helu ithink— any concerns, go and seek medical help. i think that openness will really— help. i think that openness will really resonate with people affected by this _
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really resonate with people affected by this. as i said, it touches pretty— by this. as i said, it touches pretty much every family. fergus, sarah, pretty much every family. fergus, sarah. for — pretty much every family. fergus, sarah, for now, _ pretty much every family. fergus, sarah, for now, thank— pretty much every family. fergus, sarah, for now, thank you. - pretty much every family. fergus, sarah, for now, thank you. good i pretty much every family. fergus, | sarah, for now, thank you. good to have you with us to analyse some of the implications of that announcement. if you'rejustjoining announcement. if you're just joining us, announcement. if you'rejustjoining us, we are covering the news that the princess of wales has announced that she is undergoing treatment for cancer. her message has been released in the last hour or so which explains what's been happening to her in recent weeks. i wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you personally for all the wonderful messages of support and for your understanding whilst i've been recovering from surgery. it has been an incredibly tough couple of months for our entire family, but i've had a fantastic medical team who've taken great care of me, for which i'm so grateful. injanuary, i underwent major abdominal surgery in london, and at the time, it was thought that my condition was non—cancerous. the surgery was successful. however, tests after the operation found cancer had been present.
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my medical team therefore advised that i should undergo a course of preventative chemotherapy, and i'm now in the early stages of that treatment. this of course came as a huge shock, and william and i have been doing everything we can to process and manage this privately for the sake of our young family. as you can imagine, this has taken time. it has taken me time to recover from major surgery in order to start my treatment. but most importantly, it has taken us time to explain everything to george, charlotte and louis in a way that's appropriate for them, and to reassure them that i'm going to be ok. as i've said to them, i am well, and getting stronger every day by focusing on the things that will help me heal, in my mind, body and spirit. having william by my side is a great source of comfort and reassurance, too, as is the love, support and kindness that has been shown by so many of you. it means so much to us both.
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we hope that you'll understand that, as a family, we now need some time, space and privacy while i complete my treatment. my work has always brought me a deep sense ofjoy, and i look forward to being back when i'm able. but for now, i must focus on making a full recovery. at this time, i'm also thinking of all those whose lives have been affected by cancer. for everyone facing this disease, in whatever form, please do not lose faith or hope. you are not alone. a very personal end to the video message from catherine, princess of wales. 0ur correspondent helen wilkinson was meant to release this announcement on a friday evening at this time? i
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announcement on a friday evening at this time? ~ , , announcement on a friday evening at this time? ~' , , . ., this time? i think it is very clear from that _ this time? i think it is very clear from that very _ this time? i think it is very clear from that very personal- this time? i think it is very clear. from that very personal statement released in the last couple of hours by the princess of wales talking about her cancer diagnosis, the treatment that she has started for it and the need she says for privacy now, for her to be able to continue with that treatment. but in terms of the timing of it, it's the start of the timing of it, it's the start of the easter holidays for her three young children, her and prince william's three young children. and as catherine said in her statement, they have had to take time to explain to their children about the cancer diagnosis that catherine has had, the treatment she is undergoing. that must have been a very difficult conversation for them and for her as a mother, for prince william as the children's father. trying to get the children to understand something that must be very upsetting and confusing for
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them. so they have taken time to do that, this very clear from her statement that the children are very much the priority here. and so given that they are now on their easter holidays, they will have a break for about two to three weeks. now that the news has been made public, the family and the children can be away from school and with their parents while this news has now been made public. of course windsor is their home, they live in the grounds of windsor castle about half a mile away or so from here in adelaide cottage. it's a very private place, of course, tranquil, it is where the princess of wales has spent the last month and a half or so recovering what she has tonight described as major abdominal surgery that she had injanuary ata major abdominal surgery that she had in january at a hospital major abdominal surgery that she had injanuary at a hospital in london. so very much the focus on the children. her recovery. and the wish
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from the princess of wales that she would want that to be undertaken in private and she hopes that everyone will understand that. yes. private and she hopes that everyone will understand that.— will understand that. yes. in that statement _ will understand that. yes. in that statement very _ will understand that. yes. in that statement very clear _ will understand that. yes. in that statement very clear about i will understand that. yes. in that statement very clear about the i will understand that. yes. in that i statement very clear about the need to process and manage this privately, she says. something that you have alluded to but something that has been so difficult to do in recent weeks.— that has been so difficult to do in recent weeks. yes, of course. we know that — recent weeks. yes, of course. we know that there _ recent weeks. yes, of course. we know that there has _ recent weeks. yes, of course. we know that there has been - recent weeks. yes, of course. we know that there has been a i recent weeks. yes, of course. we know that there has been a hugel know that there has been a huge amount of speculation, particularly online, often at times while the speculation about the princess of wales's health, and inaccurate speculation that's been put out there in the public domain on social media since she had her surgery in january. the last time that she was seenin january. the last time that she was seen in public was on saturday actually not far from here at a farm shopin actually not far from here at a farm shop in windsor with prince william by her side. she looked well, she looked happy on saturday. the hope of course will be now, given the
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seriousness of the situation for the princess of wales and her young children and also prince william supporting her as she goes through this treatment, very much in the hope is from the family's point of view that they can be left in private and hopefully all of that speculation will now go away. hello now, nood speculation will now go away. hello how. good to _ speculation will now go away. hello now, good to have _ speculation will now go away. hello now, good to have you _ speculation will now go away. hello now, good to have you in _ speculation will now go away. hello now, good to have you in windsor. helena wilkinson live outside windsor castle. we can talk to charles anson, a former royal staff member having worked as queen elizabeth ii's press secretary between 1990 and 1997. charles anson, good evening, thank you for being with us. talk to me about the logistics of making such a statement so publicly. what will have gone into getting where we are tonight? i into getting where we are tonight? i think we live in such an intensive media age with 24—hour news, second
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by second, minute by minute. and of course there is huge interest in these big stories and the royal family, and particularly the prince and princess of wales are particularly popular members of the family, and therefore major developments on their front, whether it to be to do with all their health or whatever is of interest. hagar it to be to do with all their health or whatever is of interest. how does the r0 al or whatever is of interest. how does the royal household _ or whatever is of interest. how does the royal household balance - or whatever is of interest. how does the royal household balance thosel the royal household balance those two conflicting needs? that need that the public has to see the royal family, to hearfrom them, to be updated about what they are up to against the need for privacy at a time like this when two members of the royalfamily are time like this when two members of the royal family are facing such difficult treatments and undergoing such significant moments in their life. i such significant moments in their life. ~' such significant moments in their life. ~ . ., , ., such significant moments in their life. ~ _, , ., ., life. i think the constant need to strike a balance _ life. i think the constant need to strike a balance between - life. i think the constant need to strike a balance between giving | strike a balance between giving information and also providing some
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privacy for them as a family. they have both public duties but also a young family. so there is that balance to be struck and it's a balance to be struck and it's a balance that is struck literally each day, each week, each month, and sometimes you get it exactly right and sometimes it's a bit slow or whatever it may be. but i think on this occasion, not at the end, but at this point in her treatment and being back at home, the value of having a statement that is reasonably frank, which is exactly what the princess of wales did and was made skilfully and bravely, being able to speak publicly about her illness which has been a major illness, and of course her recovery as well as having to look after a young family. so it is a difficult balancing act. and i think she did it brilliantly. she remained calm,
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she appeared to be resilient and she seemed to be optimistic about their own future. but also had the time to think of other people who have these conditions because cancer unfortunately spreads wider and wider to more and more groups of people of all ages. you wider to more and more groups of people of all ages.— wider to more and more groups of people of all ages. you touched on in there, famously _ people of all ages. you touched on in there, famously said _ people of all ages. you touched on in there, famously said that - people of all ages. you touched on in there, famously said that the i in there, famously said that the royal family needs to be seen for it to continue to exist. what do you think the rationale, thinking would have been at kensington palace to be a video message, that the public wanted to see catherine delivering this message herself? it wasn't a printed statement, it wasn't something released perhaps to the news agencies or to media organisations, it was a video filmed on wednesday. organisations, it was a video filmed on wednesday-— organisations, it was a video filmed on wednesday. yes, and i think again there is a great _ on wednesday. yes, and i think again there is a great difference _ on wednesday. yes, and i think again there is a great difference between i there is a great difference between there is a great difference between the sort of fleeting photograph and donein the sort of fleeting photograph and done in a shopping mall, or in a car, orwhatever, done in a shopping mall, or in a car, or whatever, to a stand—alone
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interview together face—to—face where those who are interested in the state of the royal family are able to listen and make a judgment and perhaps derive some sort of comfort from the fact that she was able to speak on something so sensitive as her own illness and recovery with a young family and was able to speak publicly and in a calm and reassuring way both for her family and those who are interested in members of the royalfamily and the succession of the monarchy. you talk about speaking so honestly there. is the royalfamily talk about speaking so honestly there. is the royal family aware of there. is the royal family aware of the impact that they will have about talking about difficult issues such as this? we know for example william and catherine are very involved in mental health charities, raising the profile of those charities, and the importance of discussing it amongst young people. they must also be aware of the public value of talking about what they are going through. i
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think that's correct. we live in a much more open society and unfortunately we live in a society where there is more and more cancer conditions. and i think it is very comforting for other people to see those in public life who are dealing with an illness like this, an immense comfort to be able to share it perhaps with other people and put a focus and spotlight on both the condition and the treatment. and i think that is very helpful to people. i think in information turns it strikes a balance between saying something helpful and also buying a bit of time for privacy. because anyone with a serious medical condition does need conditions of quietness to recover and also of course for their family, especially where there are young children
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involved, as the case is with the wales is. . , involved, as the case is with the wales is. ., , ~ ., wales is. charles anson, grateful for our wales is. charles anson, grateful for your being — wales is. charles anson, grateful for your being with _ wales is. charles anson, grateful for your being with us _ wales is. charles anson, grateful for your being with us tonight. i for your being with us tonight. thank you for your time. i thank you for your time. pleasure. i want to return _ thank you for your time. pleasure. i want to return to _ thank you for your time. pleasure. i want to return to the _ thank you for your time. pleasure. i want to return to the other - thank you for your time. pleasure. i want to return to the other main i want to return to the other main story we are following. you can see it on your screen, reports coming to us tonight from moscow that suggest a number of people have been killed and wounded during a shooting at a concert hall. dramatic pictures have been posted online. the bbc has now been posted online. the bbc has now been able to verify them. a warning that this video shows gunmen firing inside the venue. gunfire russian news agencies say at least three people dressed in camouflage open fire at the venue. it is called the crocus city hall, as you can see that video confirming reports we had
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earlier, several people in the video appear to be armed in the hole. russian media report that 6200 people were in attendance at that concert. that's certainly how may tickets they had sold for it for a famous russian rock band. in a statement the mayor of moscow said a huge tragedy had occurred. this man was in the building when the shooting happened. translation: i was sitting in the hall upstairs where the balconies were. we heard gunshots. at first we didn't understand what was happening. then i personally saw how the terrorists came in and started shooting everyone. in the end they threw a petrol bomb and everything was set on fire. we were led to the exit. it turned out the exit was locked. we ran all over the kroker city trying to find an exit but to no avail and we went into the basement of the crocus city hall and waited for the
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emergency services and got out. fine emergency services and got out. one e ewitness emergency services and got out. one eyewitness speaking to us there. the situation is changing all the time. with the very latest here is our russia editor steve rosenberg. all we know is that this evening, shortly before the start of a rock concert, a number of gunmen stormed into the concert hall, crocus city hall, which is near moscow, quite a prominent concert venue, and began shooting. we don't know yet how many gunmen there were or there are. some reports say at least four orfive, possibly more. we don't have any official figures yet about casualties, how many people were killed or injured? there have been all kinds of reports on social media. we do know that 70 ambulances were called to the scene, which gives some idea of the concern that casualty figures could be high after this shooting and the situation still continuing. so the latest information is that a number of special force groups have gone into the building, have stormed the building.
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the building is on fire. crocus city hall is on fire. some reports say there's concern that one of the floors could collapse and concern that there are still people trapped inside. so this is very much, as you say, an ongoing situation. the moscow mayor, sergei sobyanin, has called this a terrible tragedy. the russian foreign ministry has called it a bloody terrorist attack. all sporting, cultural events, mass public events have been cancelled in moscow in light of this and security has been stepped up at airports and train stations, places like that. and some reports suggest that possibly at least one of the gunmen may have escaped and is being looked for now by police. again, a chaotic situation, not clear exactly what is happening right now. what is clear is that there
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are going to be a lot of casualties from this and certainly a shocking incident in moscow tonight. we are also looking at some of the images posted on social media to give us a sense of what that concert hall looks like inside in give us a sense of what that concert hall looks like inside— hall looks like inside in terms of the chaos in _ hall looks like inside in terms of the chaos in the _ hall looks like inside in terms of the chaos in the immediate i the chaos in the immediate aftermath. there are lots of images on social media we will not show for obvious reasons. they are distressing. but there will be big questions tonight. just another line here suggesting that the roof of that concert venue has now collapsed because as you were telling us that has been on fire. the russian tass news agency saying more than 100 have been injured in this attack. there will be big questions tonight about how this was able to happen in moscow. yeah, absolutely. how was it that armed men were able to get inside a very prominent venue, quite a famous venue, where you would imagine that security would be tight.
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i mean, that particular concert hall, i think up to 6,000 people can fit in. i don't know how many tickets were sold for this particular concert, but potentially several thousand people could have been inside that that hall. so you would have thought that security would be tight, especially considering everything that's going on right now. but they got in and started shooting. and as i say, although we don't know for sure how many people were killed, the actual official casualty figures, it seems as if the death toll is going to be quite high. i want to take you to the scene live in moscow, as you get a sense, the emergency services still in attendance and it is difficult to get a clear picture of exactly what is going on there tonight early
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reports suggest some of the government were still inside


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