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tv   Newsnight  BBC News  March 22, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm GMT

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mind, body and spirits. having william by my side is a great source of comfort and reassurance, too. as is the love, support and kindness that has been shown by so many of you. it means so much to us both. a final word now from daniela. firstly, a shout out to the public? very much so and that was of course catherine, princess of wales, speaking directly to the public. the video message i think was her attempt to shut out some of the noise of recent weeks and tell people how she is feeling, what's going on in her life, how she feels about herfamily and children, directly, to try to block out some of the spec collision directly, to try to block out some of the spec collisio- directly, to try to block out some of the spec collision this was kate in her e e of the spec collision this was kate in her eye words _ of the spec collision this was kate in her eye words in _ of the spec collision this was kate in her eye words in a _ of the spec collision this was kate in her eye words in a way - of the spec collision this was kate in her eye words in a way we - of the spec collision this was kate in her eye words in a way we have i in her eye words in a way we have not seen before. find
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in her eye words in a way we have not seen before.— in her eye words in a way we have not seen before. and when struck by the penultimate _ not seen before. and when struck by the penultimate paragraph, - not seen before. and when struck by the penultimate paragraph, we - not seen before. and when struck by the penultimate paragraph, we hope you will understand that as a family, we need time, space and privacy while i complete my treatment code. does this statement finally draw a line under all the stuff we've heard, the conjecture, the wreaths and speculation? i think it aoes a the wreaths and speculation? i think it goes a long _ the wreaths and speculation? i think it goes a long life _ the wreaths and speculation? i think it goes a long life to _ the wreaths and speculation? i think it goes a long life to drawing - the wreaths and speculation? i think it goes a long life to drawing a - it goes a long life to drawing a line under it because we heard directly from her, herself, in her own words. it's an interesting dilemma for the royal family because modern royalty requires the public to be interested in it and at this time, when everything is farfrom normal, there does appear to be a huge amount of sympathy and interest in the royalfamily, helped by kate's message today. the king,
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buckingham palace wants us to... her children have two to three weeks for the school holiday but even then, prince william's priority remains. the picture tells a story, it has been a windy day in the far north of scotland, severe gales across shetland whipping up the seas and expect the wind will play quite a part for the start of the weekend as well. a cold and strong wind coming from the north—west will drive in plenty of heavy showers for saturday, slightly better on sunday, more on that in a moment. low pressure is dominating the story and yes, the sharper shower is closest to the centre of the low so on saturday morning, frequent showers
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in scotland, northern ireland, snow above 500 metres. some showers could be heavy with rumbles of thunder and further showers moving across england and wales as well. accompanied by this strong and brisk winds with gusts in excess of 50 mph in the north again but even to the south, 35 mph gusts will make it feel quite cold. temperatures over nine or 10 degrees but it's quite unusual to be talking about the wind chill at this time of year but five or six and bear in mind thatjust a few days ago we talked about highs of 19 in the south—east. it will be a bit of a shock to the system. but hopefully on sunday the low drifts away, the isobars open and the winds will fall much lighter and it will be sunnier going into sunday and with lighter winds and more sunshine, fewer showers, hopefully, fingers crossed, it will feel a bit more promising. temperatures expected to rise a degree or so so we should see a 9—12 for most of us. what's in store for the weekend?
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maybe it's like the football scores, look away! because the rain is set to return because early next week it will turn unsettled again and it will turn unsettled again and it will stay cold with temperatures just below par for this time of year. thank you, louise. that's it. and there's continuing coverage on our top two stories including the latest on russia and the princess of wales. that is on the princess of wales. that is on the iplayer and the bbc news channel. and newsnight isjust getting under way, over on bbc two. but here on bbc one, it's time to join our colleagues for the news where you are.
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why are we hearing about this now but the number one priority for the family is the three children george is the oldest... so i think that explains the timing and i think you can watch the statement it is relatively positive despite the news been delivered, the message is an upbeat one and the message we should take away is that she feels she's getting stronger. that's what she's told her children and that her medical team expect her to make a full recovery. what we don't have
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though is is any more detail. we know it's a form of cancer but we don't know what type. she's given quite a personal about other cancers and she broadening it out. so we've got some detail but not and interestingly they provided a q and a so that people like me can explain what we do and they have an specific about the type of cancer that has been detected or about the original surgery that she is undergone. we now know she's been
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this was the last official footage of the princess of wales with the royal family, on christmas day at sandringham,
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with her three children who she is now so keen to protect thank you so much, it's very sweet of you to come and say hello to us. very happy christmas. but three weeks later she was admitted to hospital for major abdominal surgery. it was in her post—operative tests that signs of cancer were found. the clamour for information about the princess's condition has been intense. this footage, published earlier this week, filmed by a member of the public, showed her shopping in windsor with her husband last weekend and this photo, released on mother's day, to ease some of the public speculation, did the opposite, with the princess issuing a statement to say she had made some edits to the image. a turning point appears to have been this thanksgiving service in windsor, for king constantine of greece at the end of february. the rest of the royal family were there but the prince of wales pulled out that morning, very suddenly, due to a personal matter. we now know this was around the time the princess was diagnosed and began her treatment. it has been an incredibly turbulent time for the family. the couple's priority has been to protect their children and ensure
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they have time to explain what is wrong to prince george, princess charlotte and prince louis. spend time privately as a family for the easter holiday. the princess will not be back to a full programme of public duty for some time. we might see her occasionally but only when her medical team have approved. for now, the princess of wales wants time, space and privacy to deal with her diagnosis and recovery. daniela relph, bbc news. this is of much is he is so proud of catherine for courage in speaking and she did. prime minister used quite strong language in a tweet earlier. he said, in recent weeks, she has been subjected to
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subjected both said, in recent weeks, she has been subjected both will live off of their love and support to the families is difficult time. alexander, thank you very much for being with us. it's an extraordinary situation where two members of the royal family are situation where two members of the royalfamily are being situation where two members of the royal family are being treated for cancer. �* , royal family are being treated for cancer. ~ , , , royal family are being treated for cancer. , _ ,, cancer. and is terribly sad because we've all heard _ cancer. and is terribly sad because we've all heard the _ cancer. and is terribly sad because we've all heard the news _ cancer. and is terribly sad because we've all heard the news of - cancer. and is terribly sad because we've all heard the news of king i we've all heard the news of king charles's condition. i'm sure i speakfor charles's condition. i'm sure i speak for everyone when i heard the news after six o'clock. it was a gut punch because she's the young woman with young children and she's going through this appalling ordeal. what makes it so much worse is the fastest that few months and weeks, we built this frenzy of speculation that she's had to deal with was the she will have been searching for twitter herself. but she must have known about the ridiculous stories going around. you've got to feel for
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her. i think now, at least, she will be getting the sympathy she deserves. the people who can argue that she should have come forward earlier, but on the other hand, cancer is a horrible illness. it's a very frightening time to go through it. last thing you need to think about when you do it is house is going to plan the public arena. i don't know when this decision would take you to come forward. i don't know who made that decision. whether it was the princess or herself or william or what, but i think now, a lot of people in addition to feeling great sympathy will also be thinking this is the most awful situation that she faces and to have been hillary for not coming forward is unfair. �* , ., , ., ., unfair. and she does mentioned that one of the key _
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unfair. and she does mentioned that one of the key reason _ unfair. and she does mentioned that one of the key reason the... - unfair. and she does mentioned that one of the key reason the... she has taken time for her children, how difficult would be for her to protect them? how difficult will it be for her to protect her privacy? i think it's going to be incredibly difficult because as we've just said there was the photo released on mother's day which was i think an attempt to help things flow smoothly and it did the opposite. the trouble is, howeverthat and it did the opposite. the trouble is, however that was photoshop, whether it was minor tweaks or more substantial, there is still the sense of... because people feel upright or real sense —— make people feel a prior tour real sense... but her status as a mother is something she wants to protect more than anything else. i don't know when she
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broke the news to her children and i can't imagine how they are feeling about it because anyone when a parent has cancer, for young children, is the most frightening experience and you have to remember that for although they have royal in their name, they are also a family and they want to be there for each other. i think what we as a nation must now remember is that they are owed a degree of privacy. the video, the statement, it was very explicit and very clear and notjust about her condition but about the effect it's having on herfamily anything, right, you have an out the full and frank explanation people are been asking for. at least —— the least we can do is leave you alone. in asking for. at least -- the least we can do is leave you alone.— can do is leave you alone. in the ast, can do is leave you alone. in the past. there _ can do is leave you alone. in the past, there was _ can do is leave you alone. in the past, there was never— can do is leave you alone. in the past, there was never complain | can do is leave you alone. in the i past, there was never complain or explain theory of public relations in the past. do you think this has
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reached a completely different stage of how they going to conduct themselves the future? imilli! of how they going to conduct themselves the future? will king charles was _ themselves the future? will king charles was quite _ themselves the future? will king charles was quite frank _ themselves the future? will king charles was quite frank about. themselves the future? will king charles was quite frank about hisj charles was quite frank about his cancer diagnosis, coming out early on in saying what the problem was because it was going to encourage other people because if you are going through cancer, it's a very lonely experience sometimes and knowing that others are suffering and in the same situation as you does give you a sense of solidarity. those around the princess are much criticised about not being clear. on the other hand, sometimes you don't want to come out and say these things and also she was protecting her children. we have to remember we are not alludes an explicit explanation for everything that the royal family are doing. there explanation for everything that the royalfamily are doing. there no contract between them and us that we must be given absolute detail as to their private health conditions. the
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fact that both kate and now charles have come forward to speak about their cancer means the previous era is behind us. their cancer means the previous era is behind us— is behind us. thank you for your thou~hts is behind us. thank you for your thoughts on _ is behind us. thank you for your thoughts on the _ is behind us. thank you for your thoughts on the subject. - is behind us. thank you for your| thoughts on the subject. earlier, is behind us. thank you for your l thoughts on the subject. earlier, i spoke to ben laud and he gave us this analysis. spoke to ben laud and he gave us this analysis-— this analysis. tonight's announcement - this analysis. tonight's announcement has - this analysis. tonight's. announcement has been this analysis. tonight's _ announcement has been incredibly brave, filled with stoicism but it's undoubtedly a reaction to the intense speculation that has become a blazing inferno across social media and strands ofjournalistic media and strands ofjournalistic media over the past few days. and i think it's quite unprecedented but, nevertheless, intimate, personal, carefully crafted, the typical way in which the princess of wales speaks, that common touch that will resonate across the world. [30 speaks, that common touch that will resonate across the world.— resonate across the world. do you think the royal _
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resonate across the world. do you think the royal family _ resonate across the world. do you think the royal family have - resonate across the world. do you think the royal family have had i resonate across the world. do you think the royal family have had to change their strategy in light of whatsapp happened? the amount of disinformation it's been online? it's entirely unprecedented for senior members of the royal family in particular to appear candidly on camera and announce significant personal news. it's unlike anything we've seen and therefore, undoubtedly, is because of what has happened, from mother's day, her appearance out and about in windsor last week and all of the commentary around the editing and enhancement of those photographs, that they will have been a position where she will have been a position where she will have felt compelled to distill this once for —— once and for all. it's unfortunate, but she has shown that stoic bravery. she is requesting
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time to do with the treatment she's been prescribed and is looking to her future and recovery. been prescribed and is looking to herfuture and recovery. we been prescribed and is looking to her future and recovery.- been prescribed and is looking to her future and recovery. we had news about attempts _ her future and recovery. we had news about attempts to _ her future and recovery. we had news about attempts to access _ her future and recovery. we had news about attempts to access her - her future and recovery. we had news about attempts to access her private | about attempts to access her private medical records. do you think that kind of intrusion will die down or do you think that sort of thing will continue to happen? i do you think that sort of thing will continue to happen?— do you think that sort of thing will continue to happen? i think matters surrounding — continue to happen? i think matters surrounding the _ continue to happen? i think matters surrounding the royal— continue to happen? i think matters surrounding the royalfamily, - continue to happen? i think matters surrounding the royal family, it's . surrounding the royalfamily, it's not foreign that there's been intense inquisitiveness about their lives, we've seen that the 30—a0 years, and beyond but technology and new media has evolved so interest has increased. people will, it seems, will stop at no boundaries to seems, will stop at no boundaries to see what they can find, to be able
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to thrust into the public domain. so, it's no surprise that those governance issues at the london clinic that are being investigated will have played a part in what was broadcast tonight.— broadcast tonight. what about her su ort broadcast tonight. what about her support network? _ broadcast tonight. what about her support network? she _ broadcast tonight. what about her support network? she mentions i broadcast tonight. what about her| support network? she mentions in broadcast tonight. what about her - support network? she mentions in her statement, having william by my side is a great comfort and statement. presumably, there is also her immediate family. tell us how they'd rally round in a situation like this. i rally round in a situation like this. ., �* , rally round in a situation like this. ~' �* , . ., rally round in a situation like this. ~' �*, . ., ., this. i think it's quite clear that the princess _ this. i think it's quite clear that the princess of— this. i think it's quite clear that the princess of wales - this. i think it's quite clear that the princess of wales is - this. i think it's quite clear that the princess of wales is a - this. i think it's quite clear that . the princess of wales is a member this. i think it's quite clear that - the princess of wales is a member of the princess of wales is a member of the royal family the princess of wales is a member of the royalfamily and the princess of wales is a member of the royal family and they have included the middleton family into their world and make sure —— made sure they are protected. it's clear that the princess's own family, she
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has a close relationship with them all, they will want to rally round her accordingly, just as much as the immediate family on william's side so we can very much expect them to be on hand and close by. it's quite unprecedented for the prince of wales to be enduring right now. not only has he had to provide additional support for his father's diagnosis but he now has to do the same for his wife while maintaining that public duty and outlook, but feeling this as a husband and a father to protect his family as he needs to in the hours and days ahead. ., , , needs to in the hours and days ahead. ., ,, ., ., ahead. perhaps one of the most ublic ahead. perhaps one of the most public figures — ahead. perhaps one of the most public figures in _ ahead. perhaps one of the most public figures in the _ ahead. perhaps one of the most public figures in the country, . ahead. perhaps one of the most. public figures in the country, how well it —— might how difficult will it be for him to access that
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supports? do you think he will get supports? do you think he will get support and that situation where he is no longer close to his brother, who you would think would be a source of support, when both his father and wife have cancer. the ro al father and wife have cancer. the royal family _ father and wife have cancer. the royal family are _ father and wife have cancer. iie: royal family are still people father and wife have cancer. "iie: royal family are still people and therefore what they endure in other aspects of their private life, such aspects of their private life, such as their health, they are entitled to receive the same level of compassion and empathy that any other person would be going through on a similarjourney and i'm very much assured as i'm sure everyone else will be is that those taking care of the princess of wales one will not only be taking care of her
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but those immediately close to her. i'm sure they will be times when the prince of wales would rather be staying at home but has royal commitments to be elsewhere but nevertheless, the internal workings of the royal household, coupled with the medical teams, again part of the royal household in the specialty of looking after the princess will make sure all of their needs are met and cared for to the best level possible. cared for to the best level possible-— cared for to the best level ossible. ., ., , ., possible. how important is it for both the princess _ possible. how important is it for both the princess of _ possible. how important is it for both the princess of wales - possible. how important is it for both the princess of wales and i possible. how important is it for i both the princess of wales and the king that this shines a light on the condition or a disease that is so prevalent in the country? what condition or a disease that is so prevalent in the country? what this demonstrates _ prevalent in the country? what this demonstrates is _ prevalent in the country? what this demonstrates is that _ prevalent in the country? what this demonstrates is that a _ prevalent in the country? what this demonstrates is that a disease - prevalent in the country? what this demonstrates is that a disease like | demonstrates is that a disease like cancer is completely indiscriminate, irrespective of whether you can afford some of the best private type of health care which is no different in quality in what we see through our national health service, i think
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it's quite clear that this is a completely indiscriminate condition and therefore will resonate throughout the world with people going through their cancerjourney going through their cancer journey is going through their cancerjourney is right now, all who may have gone through previously and it will have a deep touch to everybody who has endured it. so i think it's fair to say that the royals will be adjusting and adapting in the same way that anybody else who receives such harrowing diagnosis does. the prime minister has sent his support to the princess of wales. he says, she has shown tremendous bravery with a statement today and i are, along with this country wish her a full and speedy recovery and look
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forward to seeing her backing action when she is ready. we spoke to laura lee of magis which provides cancer care and support. it’s lee of magis which provides cancer care and support-— lee of magis which provides cancer care and support. it's a courageous statement she's _ care and support. it's a courageous statement she's made _ care and support. it's a courageous statement she's made and - care and support. it's a courageous statement she's made and it's - statement she's made and it's wonderful, particularly towards the end, where she is taking courage and inspiration from others who have been affected by cancer and offered them the message of hope that they are not alone, a very powerful message that she has given today. a cancer diagnosis has a ripple effect and, i think what we know is that from what she has shared she needs to take the time for herself to understand her own diagnosis and that's what we would often recommend to people, you need to adjust to the information yourself and then with the support of your loved ones around you and then work out the
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timing and how you want to talk to your children. and it's often helping parents understand that they know their children best. so the royal children are different ages and they will need to be given different information at different times. if they are vulnerable to rumours then it is better to have an open discussion. i think she has shared today that her primary focuses in supporting herself through her own treatment and with william and making sure her children are well cared for. find william and making sure her children are well cared for.— are well cared for. and now an u date are well cared for. and now an update on _ are well cared for. and now an update on the _ are well cared for. and now an update on the death _ are well cared for. and now an update on the death toll - are well cared for. and now an update on the death toll in - are well cared for. and now an j update on the death toll in the shooting in moscow which has gone up to 62 people. that is from a russian news outlet, quoted by reuters, and
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thatis news outlet, quoted by reuters, and that is the incident at the crocus city hall where gunmen attacked the concert venue. we were bringing more on that story in a couple of minutes. do stay with us on bbc news. it's going to feel that we've stepped back into winter, and that's due to the strength and direction of the wind, and north—westerly which will feed in a rash of frequent, heavy showers. we've got low pressure that is pushing this way in the north and east and spiralling around that low in an anti clockwise direction. tightly packed isobars with the further wins in the north. the temperatures will fall away and a chilly start saturday morning. as
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we start saturday, a frequent rash of showers in the north but we will see them pushing across wales and central and southern england as we go through the morning. some of the showers are heavy with rumbles of thunder. through the middle part of the afternoon, some showers across england and wales, frequent further north and west and northern ireland up north and west and northern ireland up into scotland. elevation of 500 metres means we could see some snow as well. the wind will play its part. it will be a strong north — north—westerly, 40-55 mph and in further south, 30—35 mph. your thermometers may suggest 9—10 c but unusual to be talking about what it feels like this time of year but the wind — chill will mean it feels colder, really cold considering
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resort temperatures peaking at 19 celsius a week ago. the showers will continue to fade as that low pulls away and we can see the ridge of high pressure. i have good news, sunday should be a quieter day before the next batch of rain wakes in the wings. here, on the north sea coast, a little bit more of a breeze and more sunshine coming through and it will be a drier day, 9—12 c the highs, feeling a little warmer. rain will gather out to the west and look what's in store for the week ahead. unsettled, with a glimpse of something more promising as we head towards easter.
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hello, i'm lauren taylor. you're watching bbc news. the russian security services say at least a0 people been killed and more than a hundred injured at a concert hall near moscow in what the authorities have called a terrorist attack. the building is now engulfed in flames, with a huge column of black smoke reaching up into the sky. high winds have reportedly limited the ability of fire engines and helicopters to douse the blaze. russian news agencies say at least three people dressed in camouflage opened fire at the venue, crocus city hall.
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russian news agencies say at least three people dressed in camouflage opened fire at the venue, crocus city hall. this video supports those reports. you can see several people all appear armed there in the hall. russian media report that up to 6,200 people were attending a concert at the time — that's how many tickets had been sold — they were there for the famous russian rock band picnic. in a statement, moscow's mayor said a huge tragedy had occurred. our russia editor steve rosenberg has this report, from moscow. screaming. gunshots. a russian concert hall under attack. gunshots. gunmen had stormed the venue near moscow, the crocus city hall. they went on the rampage, shooting their way through the building... ..and into the auditorium. there was supposed to be a rock concert here. shooting. instead, this.
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the attackers walked through the stalls, firing indiscriminately.


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