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tv   BBC News  BBC News  March 23, 2024 10:00am-10:31am GMT

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princess of wales, is catherine, princess of wales, is undergoing treatment for cancer. hello, i'm lukwesa burek. we begin in russia where is being reported that 11 people suspected of involvement in a brutal attack on one of moscow's biggest music halls have been arrested, including four assailants. this is according to russia's fsb security service. already at last 115 people are believed to have been killed when gunmen targeted the building on friday evening. more than 120 others are believed to have been injured in the asssault on the crocus city hall on the outskirts of the city. a large fire broke out in the building — that caused most of the roof to collapse. as armed forces rushed to the scene —
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an islamic state group claimed it was behind the attack. the united states believes this is credible — and says it had warned russia about large gatherings in moscow being vulnerable. will vernon reports. the fsb security agency says some of the fsb security agency says some of the suspects had fled towards ukraine and had contacts there. gunfire. a rock concert that turned into a massacre. gunfire. thousands of people had gathered at the venue near moscow when gunmen broke in and began shooting. outside the hall, more casualties as the attackers gunned people down, apparently at random. panic ensued as people ran for the exits. soon, the whole building was ablaze. this is one of the largest and most popular music venues in russia.
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far from the city centre, security here would have been light. an easy target for the attackers. translation: i heard gunshots, saw the terrorists come - in and started shooting people. they threw petrol bombs and everything started burning. helicopters were brought in to douse the flames. russia says this was an act of terror. translation: investigators - are seizing weapons and ammunition from the crime scene which are currently being examined. genetic fingerprint and ballistic examinations are being carried out on the evidence and specialists have begun to review recordings from cctv cameras. president putin has reportedly wished the injured a speedy recovery. the authorities haven't yet said whether any of the gunmen are still at large or who they believe is behind this brutal attack. but late last night, a branch of the islamic state group claimed responsibility for the killings. us officials say their intelligence confirms that. and earlier this month, the us government warned of possible
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terrorist attacks in moscow, specifically mentioning concerts. the state department put out a notice to all americans in moscow to avoid any large gathering, concerts, shopping malls, anything like that. the deadliest attack in almost 20 years has shocked the nation. billboards across the russian capital are now showing this simple message. we mourn. will vernon, bbc news. we saw mobile phone pictures from inside the music hall in that report — bbc verify�*s, merlyn thomas has been looking at what they tell us. videos have been emerging on social media on the attack at a venue near moscow. we have been analysing footage and putting together the unfolding events. people have been videoing
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the dramatic events inside the hall. gunman burst in and started shooting. one video we verified begins as people start leaving the hall, something appears to have gone very wrong. suddenly there is screaming and people running as gunshots rang out, someone can be heard shouting close the door, others drop to the floor and hide behind the chairs as gunshots continue. it's difficult at this point to know how many people are involved in the incident but in this video we see a large number of people in the hall. in another video one man says they have set the hall on fire, the hall is on fire. you can see what appears to be the beginning of a fire. another video zooms in on gunmen shooting indiscriminately. witnesses have said the shooting started inside the lobby. you can hear loud gunfire ringing out and see people crawling away on the floor.
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another video filmed on a balcony overlooking the lobby shows the gunmen shooting as they move further into the building. we have also seen another video, people are shifting and several people lying motionless on the floor and we have verified videos of buildings on fire. this is clearly emerging as one of the most serious attacks in moscow in years. let me show you the statement which has come from the foreign secretary lord cameron, saying... that was the latest statement from the british foreign secretary david cameron and he paid tribute to the
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many victims. we understand the death toll from the attack last night has climbed to 115. let's hearfor bbc monitoring'sjihadism specialist, mina al—lami. the so—called islamic state group has apparently claimed responsibility for that but there are many branches of it. what can you tell us?— you tell us? last night, the statement _ you tell us? last night, the statement was _ you tell us? last night, the statement was put - you tell us? last night, the statement was put out, - you tell us? last night, the statement was put out, it l you tell us? last night, the i statement was put out, it was you tell us? last night, the - statement was put out, it was very brief, it did not have many details, saying why they did the attack at this time against russia, it came from the so—called news agency of the islamic state, it said they carried out the attack, that there were soldiers of the islamic state that were involved and it said they attacked a crowd or crowds of
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christians, that is how they describe it and they said the attackers then fled the scene safely, in their words, that no one was called killed in the attack, it did not say how many attackers were involved so that was really the extent of the claim. it did not attribute the attack to any of its regional branches as you said, as mick state has global branches around the world and there's been a lot of speculation that the afghanistan focused province branch which is widely known as isis k was behind the attack but it's important to say that the islamic state itself has not indicated that that branch orany has not indicated that that branch or any other branch was responsible for orchestrating that attack, it simply put out a general claim of responsibility. simply put out a general claim of resoonsibility-— simply put out a general claim of resonsibili .~ ., ., , ., ., responsibility. what does that mean? the are responsibility. what does that mean? they are just — responsibility. what does that mean? they are just saying _ responsibility. what does that mean? they are just saying it _ responsibility. what does that mean? they are just saying it is _ responsibility. what does that mean? they are just saying it is under- responsibility. what does that mean? they are just saying it is under the . they are just saying it is under the islamic state umbrella, is that what they are saying?—
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they are saying? they are likely to issue a follow-up _ they are saying? they are likely to issue a follow-up claim _ they are saying? they are likely to issue a follow-up claim to - they are saying? they are likely to issue a follow-up claim to detail. issue a follow—up claim to detail which branch was responsible. the way the media operates is in many cases it attacks outside its area of activity, outside syria, iraq, activity, outside syria, iraq, activity, the so—called news agency of islamic state would put out an initial, very brief and general claim with no details of the branch and then that would be followed with and then that would be followed with a detailed claim assigning a certain branch, sometimes it willjust mention the country and say for example paris or london, like i said in cases where it does not have a branch but it is worth mentioning in that region, in russia, islamic state games to have a branch called the caucasus province branch according to islamic state and it has been active since 2015, i say active, the activity is very low with very rare attacks especially in russian republics like dagestan and
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chechnya but not in mainland russia. islamic state has carried out a number of attacks over the years, many years ago in mainland russia but these very small, low—key attacks, a stabbing here, small attacks, a stabbing here, small attack there but nothing on the scale of the attack we saw yesterday. scale of the attack we saw yesterday-— scale of the attack we saw esterda . . �* , ., yesterday. that's quite a reminder of how sophisticated _ yesterday. that's quite a reminder of how sophisticated some - yesterday. that's quite a reminder of how sophisticated some of- yesterday. that's quite a reminder| of how sophisticated some of these terror organisations are. as islamic state in russia, please give us some context. ., , ., , ., . context. the group has a branch there, it context. the group has a branch there. it calls — context. the group has a branch there, it calls the _ context. the group has a branch there, it calls the caucasus - there, it calls the caucasus province, a number of militants that pledged allegiance in 2015 but it's almost gone dormant in recent years, it has not managed to pull off any sophisticated attacks in the region, like i said, very small attacks here and there, mostly against security forces in russian republics like chechnya and dagestan, against police forces. there was an attack on a church years ago, on a
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supermarket again years ago but nothing on this scale and it indicates to me because people say why now and white russia and why is russia being tackled now, it's more to do with an opportunity, it's not that there's a new strategy against russia specifically in the context of what's happening around the world. i don't think russia would be the key target for islamic state but i think it happens have operatives there currently who are active, who are willing and capable and it has used that to orchestrate this attack. earlier in march we saw there was a shootout with russian authorities and russian authorities said they killed a number of islamic state linked or suspected militants who were planning attacks in russia so we know that there are operatives out there and resort supporters earlier this month circulate a video claiming to show an operative pledging allegiance to islamic state
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and saying to the leadership carry out attacks, we are behind you and we have your back and we are loyal soldiers in that region. so i think it's more of an opportunity, they have operatives who are capable and willing. i have operatives who are capable and willina. . ., , ., willing. i imagine many foreign governments _ willing. i imagine many foreign governments will _ willing. i imagine many foreign governments will be _ willing. i imagine many foreign governments will be watching l willing. i imagine many foreign - governments will be watching closely and thinking about their own security but what of the islamic state supporters? what have they been saying on any social media channels that they use? the supporters _ channels that they use? the supporters are _ channels that they use? tue: supporters are mostly channels that they use? tta: supporters are mostly active channels that they use? "tt9 supporters are mostly active on channels that they use? tt9 supporters are mostly active on the messaging app telegram and they have beenin messaging app telegram and they have been in celebration mode since yesterday because this counts as a very big propaganda boost for the group and its profile. last year they suffered a lot of setbacks, the attacks went down, it had leadership deaths so the group was struggling last year and with this, the leadership came out and put out a very strong message calling for attacks around the world, calling on its militants and supporters and
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followers and loyalists to revive the attacks, the heydays of the caliphate, revive those attack so it seems that some of the militants are indeed responding to the call. thank ou ve indeed responding to the call. thank you very much _ indeed responding to the call. thank you very much for — indeed responding to the call. thank you very much for that _ indeed responding to the call. thank you very much for that update. - you very much for that update. turning our attention to the uk. our main story remains the wellbeing of the princess of wales after she revealed yesterday she is in the early stages of treatment — after a cancer diagnosis. our presenter ben thompson is at windsor castle and has more on the story. good morning and welcome to windsor castle, business as usual as far as the tourists are concerned but we are here of course because this is the home of prince william and princess catherine and their family, they have a cottage on the estate, schools and the children not far
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from here but messages from around the world as news ricocheted around the world as news ricocheted around the world as news ricocheted around the world of the announcement by princess catherine that she is undergoing treatment for cancer. kensington palace very keen to point out that she is undergoing the treatment but is expected to make a full recovery but it perhaps answer some of the questions about why we have not seen her in public. the palace very keen to point out that she will not return to public duties until she is well enough and until her medical staff tell her that she can do so. we will assess some of the implications of that in a moment from here in windsor but with the story of the day and a look at the very personal message from the princess yesterday, here is my colleague daniela relph. my medical team therefore advise that i... personal, direct and vulnerable — a princess as we've never seen her before, speaking directly to the public. this, of course,
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came as a huge shock. and william and i have been doing everything we can to process and manage this privately for the sake of our young family. as you can imagine, this has taken time. it has taken me time to recoverfrom major surgery in order to start my treatment. but most importantly, it has taken us time to explain everything to george, charlotte and louis in a way that's appropriate for them, and to reassure them that i'm going to be ok. as i've said to them, i am well and getting stronger every day by focusing on the things that will help me heal in my mind, body and spirits. before the video message, this had been the last official footage of the princess of wales on christmas day at sandringham with her three children, who she is now so keen to protect after going public with news of her diagnosis. back in december, all had seemed well as she spoke to the crowds. thank you so much. that's very sweet of you to come and say hello to us. have a very happy christmas. three weeks later,
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she was admitted to hospital for major abdominal surgery. it was in her post—operative tests that signs of cancer were found. last night, buckingham palace issued a statement on behalf of the king. he said he was so proud of catherine for her courage in speaking as she did, and that he remained in the closest contact with his beloved daughter—in—law throughout the past weeks. he also said that he and the queen will continue to offer their love and support to the whole family through this difficult time. a message too from california. the relationship may still be strained, but the duke and duchess of sussex issued their own statement. harry and meghan said... but perhaps the most personal message of all came from the princess's brother on instagram. james middleton posted a childhood photo with his sister and wrote...
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the clamour for information about the princess's condition has been intense. this footage published earlier this week, filmed by a member of the public, showed her shopping in windsor with her husband last weekend. and this photo released on mother's day, to ease some of the public speculation, did the opposite, with the princess issuing a statement to say she had made some edits to the image. a turning point appears to have been this thanksgiving service in windsor for king constantine of greece at the end of february. the rest of the royal family were there, but the prince of wales pulled out that morning very suddenly due to a personal matter. we now know this was around the time the princess was diagnosed and began her treatment. it has been an incredibly turbulent few weeks for the family. they now hope the speculation will stop as they spend time privately during the easter break.
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for now, the princess of wales wants time and space to deal with her diagnosis and recovery. daniela relph, bbc news. there will now be hoped that that announcement yesterday will draw a line under some of the speculation we have seen in recent weeks and passages from world leaders referencing that, we heard from the prime minister yesterday saying when it comes to matters of health like everybody else, catherine must be afforded the privacy to focus on her treatment and be with her loving family. the labour leader also talking about that, referencing the scrutiny catherine had faced and remarking the added stress of receiving her diagnosis amid the red speculation was still there. but as we said, messages from around the
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world, world leaders, pouring in after the announcement. earlier, i wasjoined by our royal correspondent sarah campbell who told me that messages of support have been pouring in for the princess. it started almost immediately, the statement was published in terms of from health and cancer charities. just talking in the same way, as when the diagnosis of the king was made public, saying it's hugely helpful, this is something that families across the world are going through, cancerwill families across the world are going through, cancer will affect one in two of us throughout our life and many public figures such as the king or catherine, much younger at the age of 42, a mother of three, when they come out and talk about the fact they are going through the and in her statement she makes reference to the fact those going through a similar thing, to the fact those going through a similarthing, do to the fact those going through a similar thing, do not lose faith and hope, you are not alone, cancer
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charity saying very clearly this is usually helpful and comforting for millions of people going through the same thing. pa, millions of people going through the same thin. : , ,:, millions of people going through the samethina. : , same thing. a very powerful message to end the video _ same thing. a very powerful message to end the video yesterday. _ same thing. a very powerful message to end the video yesterday. but - same thing. a very powerful message to end the video yesterday. but we i to end the video yesterday. but we should also be clear in our communication sheet will not be seen in public in any official capacity until she is well enough to return to public duty. until she is well enough to return to public duty-— to public duty. absolutely right, until her medical _ to public duty. absolutely right, until her medical team - to public duty. absolutely right, until her medical team make i to public duty. absolutely right, until her medical team make it| until her medical team make it absolutely clear that she can do that. i think she makes it clear in her statement that she wants to come back to work, i think there is a positive message coming from the statement that her team expect to make a full recovery but they cannot predict as and when that will be. i think in the immediate, for the next three weeks or so, the children are away from school and so it's very much about family time so not only will we not see the princess of wales, we will not see prince william in an official capacity either because their focus is 100%
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on george, charlotte and libby. after that point, the prince of wales will need to come back and start undertaking official duties because let's not forget, his father is out of action and so there is a gap at the top of the royal family, there are duties that need to be undertaken and it cannot all be left to the queen but when we will see the princess of wales, kensington palace will not say that other than the fact that it will be purely down to her physical state but she certainly wants to come back and is expecting to make a full recovery plan that will be as and when it is possible. plan that will be as and when it is ossible. :. :. . plan that will be as and when it is ossible. :, :, , :, plan that will be as and when it is ossible. :, :,, :, :, possible. that was our royal correspondence _ possible. that was our royal correspondence sarah - possible. that was our royal - correspondence sarah campbell talking to me earlier about when we should expect to see catherine back at her official capacity, back on public duties. joining me now is alisa anderson, a former press
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secretary to the late queen elizabeth ii from 2001 until the end of 2013. we spoke about the impact of that statement last night but i wonder this morning about your impressions of how that message has been received around the world? because the message — received around the world? because the message was — received around the world? because the message was so _ received around the world? because the message was so personal - received around the world? because the message was so personal and i the message was so personal and unprecedented and it was compassionate, her vulnerability, unprecedented and it was compassionate, hervulnerability, i compassionate, her vulnerability, i think compassionate, hervulnerability, i think the message has landed incredibly well both in the uk and internationally and the outpouring of support from the public, from heads of state, world leaders, it has been extraordinary. i do have to say i think the messages that really touched me were those from the king talking about his beloved daughter—in—law and that message from james middleton, talking about climbing many mountains together and as a family we will climb this one
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as a family we will climb this one as well. i think that will resonate with many families who are also going through the cancer battle. what struck me about both of those messages were that it's a real reminder that whilst we see catherine as the princess of wales in a public role, they are real people and members of a family, a close family and as those messages made clear, they will tackle this together as a family but crucially, they will do so privately. absolutely. and everyone is afforded their own privacy when going through a health condition. cancer is the ultimate leveller, as i've heard doctor saying previously. 3 million people are living with cancer at the moment, it will affect one into people so whether you are a member the royal family people so whether you are a member the royalfamily or an ordinary person like me, it is a leveller and
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i think we are all entitled to privacy while we are undergoing treatment. privacy while we are undergoing treatment-— privacy while we are undergoing treatment. :, , , :, treatment. some of the messages of su ort treatment. some of the messages of support that — treatment. some of the messages of support that came — treatment. some of the messages of support that came in _ treatment. some of the messages of support that came in yesterday - treatment. some of the messages of support that came in yesterday from | support that came in yesterday from world leaders, from both the prime minister and leader of the opposition, they referenced that lack of privacy and that speculation on social media in recent weeks. surrounding the princess. i also want to remind people, we have heard from the ceo of x, formerly twitter, sent it was a brave message from princess catherine delivered with her signature grace and an attempt to protect children and move forward with out and the speculation seems like a reasonable request to respect but some would also say a certain irony to the message given that the platform allowed a lot of speculation and rumour to spread? absolutely. but, going forward, i do hope people heed those comments and
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actually give her a break and i've been saying this over the last two weeks when social media has got out of control with the conspiracy theories. i do hope now people have theories. i do hope now people have the grace and dignity to let the princess starter road to recovery. and briefly, we are not expecting to see catherine back in the public eye until her doctors tell her they can do so, until she is feeling well enough to do so and one hopes this draws a line under the worst of the speculation and allows the family to get on with this in private. t get on with this in private. i totally agree and i think the timing of the announcement is very key to this, the three children have broken up this, the three children have broken up for their easter holidays so it will give them time to be as a family unitand will give them time to be as a family unit and to process this information and ask those questions information and ask those questions in the sanctuary of their own home without speculation going forward further. 50 without speculation going forward further, :, :, without speculation going forward
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further. :, ., ~ :, further. so good to talk to you aaain. further. so good to talk to you again. former _ further. so good to talk to you again. former press _ further. so good to talk to you again. former press secretary | further. so good to talk to you l again. former press secretary to further. so good to talk to you - again. former press secretary to the late queen elizabeth ii. from here in windsor we will have continuing coverage through the day and we will leave you of that picture, a rather busy winter as tourists make their way around the castle, it is business as usual. goodbye for now. we have been getting used to some very mild weather over the past week or more, temperatures reaching nearly 19 degrees some days ago but a different feel to the weather, it is windy and cold and we will see a mixture of sunshine and showers, a better prospect for more sunshine as we head into sunday. this cold air out to the north of the uk bringing strong winds and the air source coming from the north—west, iceland and greenland, hence it is feeling cold but this afternoon, showers rattling through especially in the north and west, wintry on the hills.
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we could see some hail and thunder across the midlands. winds gusting in excess of 50 miles an hour across the north of the uk. on the thermometer temperatures reading 7—10 but when you factor in the strong north/north—westerly wind, it will feel like these temperatures suggest, quite a chilly feel. as we head into this evening and overnight it looks like the showers continue, blustery for all but towards the end of the night the showers fading through central and southern areas so clear skies develop. because of the breeze it will not be too cold for many of us. for sunday, the reason we see a change is the area of low pressure pulling away and this ridge of high pressure building and you will notice through the afternoon fewer isobars on the chart so turning less windy but to start the day, the north and east will see most of the showers, wintry on the hills but in the afternoon the wind turns lighter,
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increasing amounts of sunshine before it clouds over from the west. lighter winds, more sunshine, feeling warmer for many of us, looking at around 9—13 . heading into next week and the run—up to easter it looks like low pressure will be sticking close by bringing fairly strong winds at times, outbreaks of rain, you could even see some hill snow across scotland as colder air looms to the north of the uk, so a rather unsettled new week to come and as i mentioned, the run—up to easter, temperatures slowly picking up near the end of the week.
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this is bbc news, the headlines... the death toll of a mass shooting at a concert hall near moscow is revised up to 115. russia says it's detained 11 suspects following the attack, which also injured more than 100 people. the islamic state group says it carried out the attack — a claim that's been backed by the us, which had warned americans in russia of a threat. there's been an outpouring of support for the princess of wales after she revealed she was being treated for cancer. in a video message released on friday, catherine said the disease was discovered after she underwent abdominal surgery injanuary.
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prince harry and meghan have also sent a message wishing health and healing for catherine and the family. and in the middle east, the un secretary—general is preparing to visit the egyptian—gaza border to call again for a humanitarian ceasefire. israel is under mounting international pressure to allow more aid into gaza, amid warnings of imminent famine. at least 115 people are known to have been killed when gunmen opened fire on crowds at a concert near moscow. over 140 others were injured. the islamic state group has claimed responsibility for the attack at the crocus city concert hall. four people involved in the attack are among 11 detained,


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