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tv   BBC News  BBC News  March 23, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm GMT

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hello, i'm rich preston. welcome to the programme, it is good to have your company. we begin in russia. this is live in moscow, it'sjust gone 6pm, where it's being reported that 11 people suspected of involvement in an attack on one of moscow's biggest concert venues have been arrested, including four of the assailants. that's according to russia's internal security service, the fsb. in the last hour, russia's interior ministry has said the four suspected gunmen detained are all foreign citizens. officials in russia say the death toll from the attack has risen to 133 people. in a statement a short time ago, russia's president, vladimir putin, called the attack a "barbaric terrorist act". he announced that the 24th march would be a national day of mourning. the president said "all those
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responsible will be punished". translation: all those _ who were shooting and killing people were found and detained. they tried to hide and were moving towards ukraine where, according to preliminary information for them from the ukrainian side, a window to cross the border had been prepared. altogether, 11 people were detained. federal security services of russia, other services work on finding the whole base of support of the terrorists. those who provided transport for them planned the ways to leave the scene of the crime, prepared the hiding places with weapons and ammunition. ukraine's andriy yusov, a representative of the gur military intelligence agency in ukraine, has responded to the allegations, labelling them "absurd". translation: ukraine has clearly stated that it has i
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nothing at all to do with this terrorist attack. and moreover, everything showed that putin's regime was interested in these events. if we talk about the information that those who carried out this terrorist attack were supposedly moving towards the ukrainian—russian border, that looks absolutely absurd, because the russian regions bordering ukraine are today full of military and special services. considering the latest events in the belgorod and kursk regions, where military actions are currently under way, these are front line regions. if we are to suppose that the people who committed this terrorist attack were moving in that direction, then that means either they're stupid or suicidal, or they wanted to be caught. earlier, we spoke to mina al—lami — ourjihadi specialist from bbc monitoring — about what the islamic state group has said. in the last hour, is released a follow—up statement offering more details
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about its claim of responsibility. so, as you know, yesterday, it released a very brief and generic claim just to say that it was responsible for the attack. and just now, it released a statement giving more details. saying, for example, four militants were involved in the attack. they did not... it did not clarify what their current fate is. yesterday, it said that they had escaped safely. today, it didn't say so. it also did not indicate which of its global branches or regional branches was responsible for the attack. and in terms of the motive, it said that this comes as part of the normal context of the war between the so—called islamic state and countries that are fighting islam, in its own words. so, that was the motive. it didn't tie it to anything specific against russia. it said "part of the ongoing war" between is and its enemies. mina, i wonder if you can give us a bit more detail.
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when you say this is what you've seen and these are the statements that have been put out, where does is put this information out? does it attribute it to a particular spokesperson or a group leader? how do you come across this information? so, is operates mostly through outlets on the messaging app telegram and it has mirror accounts that push out the same content, for the sake of resilience. and in the cases of attacks where the group is normally present, like syria and iraq, you would immediately get a claim of responsibility, with the branding of that specific brand. so it would say an attack on syria, by the syria branch. but in this case, where the attack is in a country where is doesn't normally carry out attacks or has a clear presence, the claim came out and would come out by is�*s so—called news agency, amaq. so this is more of a kind of general outlet that puts out information on behalf of the group.
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usually, we would get a follow—up account from is giving some details, maybe if there is a branch, the branch responsible. but we didn't get that in this case. and is seems to be deliberately delaying linking this attack to, for example, it has the khorasan branch active in afghanistan or, indeed, the caucasus branch that is active in, well, that is known to be active in russia. the caucasus branch was responsible for past attacks in russian republics like dagestan and chechnya and small attacks in russia, but nothing on this scale. mina al—lami. ourjihadi specialist from bbc monitoring. let's recap what we know about the attack. gunmen targeted the building on friday evening. officials in russia now say 133 people were killed. more than 140 others were reportedly injured in the asssault on the crocus city hall, on the outskirts of russia's capital. a large fire broke out in the building, which caused most of the roof to collapse. armed forces rushed to the scene.
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the islamic state group has claimed responsibility for the attack. the united states says it believes this claim is credible, and says it has warned russia about large gatherings in moscow being vulnerable. but russia's fsb says some of the suspects fled towards ukraine, and that they had contacts there. our russia editor, steve rosenberg, is outside the concert hall. so the building behind me is the crocus city hall, and the first thing that you notice when you come here isn't the sight of the building, it's the smell. the air is still thick with smoke because the concert hall was burning all night. this was one of the most famous concert venues in russia but, yesterday, it became a bloodbath, when gunmen went on the rampage here, killing dozens of people and leaving russia in shock. now, throughout the morning, russians have been coming here, bringing flowers, laying the flowers at a makeshift shrine and trying to, well, comprehend what has actually happened here.
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and among the people here are russians who saw the news on television and felt they had to come. there are people who had friends here yesterday, and there are also people who were here themselves during the shooting. i spoke to one woman who recounted her nightmare, the nightmare she went through. she told me that she managed to get out and the first thing she did when she got home was to hug her children tight. steve rosenberg there. from moscow. here in the uk, the wellbeing of the princess of wales remains one of the top stories, after she revealed yesterday that she's in the early stages of treatment for cancer. charlotte gallagher is at windsor castle for us. give us a sense of the scene there. it isa it is a very busy day in windsor today. lots of people going to see the castle, lots of tourists and locals going out and doing their
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shopping on a saturday, so very much business as usual in some ways. but everyone is really talking about this news that came from the princess of wales yesterday, that real shock. princess of wales yesterday, that realshock. i princess of wales yesterday, that real shock. i was so shocked when i saw that video, her very emotional and seeming very vulnerable and revealing her cancer diagnosis and pleading for time really, privacy with herfamily to pleading for time really, privacy with her family to come to terms with her family to come to terms with her family to come to terms with her diagnosis and get on with her treatment in peace. so a lot of shock from people i have been speaking to here. because kate and her family, speaking to here. because kate and herfamily, the princess of speaking to here. because kate and her family, the princess of wales and herfamily are residents of windsor, this is their home town and they are a mile from where i am standing. but this is their century, the locals know them and they see them at the windsor farm shop and out in the park at windsor so they feel like members of the community and people in windsor are incredibly protective of their family and how they have chosen to have windsor as their home. a real sense of shock and sadness here and my colleague has been following developments about what has been happening.
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the last official appearance of the princess of wales with the royal family at sandringham on christmas day, when she stopped to speak to the crowds. thank you so much. that's very sweet of you to come and say hello to us. yes, well, have a very happy christmas. three weeks later, catherine was in hospital for major abdominal surgery. as we now know, it was in post—operative tests that cancer was found. but in the weeks after surgery, speculation mounted. this mother's day photo that prompted conspiracy theories and further speculation led to the princess saying that she had edited the image. there was also the sudden change of plan at the end of february, when prince william pulled out of his godfather�*s memorial service, king constantine of greece. we now know this was around the time catherine would have received her diagnosis and treatment plan. since catherine released herfilmed statement, there has been
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an outpouring of support from around the world and closer to home in the uk. i think we really feel for her, and i think she's very brave. and the fact she said giving hope to other people with cancer, when she's in so much pain herself, it says a lot for her. ijust feel for them. i think i wouldn't want. to wish that on anyone. and i think the whole country, l whether you're a royalist or not, should be with them from a humanitarianj point of view and think- about how they're feeling, and their children as well. she's a good advert for st andrews and so is prince william as well. so good wishes to all of them, including king charles, yeah, hopefully, they all get well soon. i've had bowel cancer myself a couple of years ago and it's a tough thing, and it's a tough thing for yourfamily, as well as yourself. so, yeah, i wish her all the best. just goes to show you that no matter who you are, this horrible disease can get anyone. doesn't matter whether you're
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famous, who you are. it's just devastating for them. hopefully, she'll get through it. it was, yeah, it was a real big shock. i and hopefully, she can pull through and have i the treatment and get better. that's all that i'm sure - the great british public want. she's one of my favourite royals, so i was really sad to hear about it, actually. yeah, so whatever treatment she needs, i really hope it works for her and she recovers well. we're quite in on the social media, so we've seen some horrible things go on and be said, and people are having different opinions, different comments, and people just really need to respect their privacy and what she's going through. it's absolutely heartbreaking. and i know quite a lot of people that have gone through cancer, and ijust feel like people really need to back off and just appreciate the time and let them be. for the prince and princess of wales, the priority has been to protect their young children — prince george, princess charlotte and prince louis — and they will spend time privately over the easter holidays as a family. there won't be a return to official duties for the princess until she has taken the time and space she needs. laura trant, bbc news.
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lots of supportive voices. some people touching on the social media element of this. because this very public announcement of a very private matter does, after a couple of weeks of lots of speculation, especially on social media about the whereabouts of the princess. there hope now that this update, this news, this formal announcement might put that speculation to bed? i think that certainly. _ put that speculation to bed? i think that certainly, what _ put that speculation to bed? i think that certainly, what the _ put that speculation to bed? i think that certainly, what the royal - that certainly, what the royal family will be hoping and that has been echoed by a lot of the people we have been speaking to today in windsor, they want this speculation to end, these wild conspiracies about the whereabouts of the princess of wales. the royal family were obviously aware of what was being said on social media. some really crazy things being said about the royal family, so they knew what was being said. and now we know the princess of wales was dealing with a diagnosis of cancer and thinking of ways to tell her three young
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children and herfamily, so she must have been going through the most awful time. the shocking news she had been diagnosed with cancer and then knowing that online, people were coming out with really crazy conspiracy theories about her whereabouts. so i think that will obviously have compounded what she has been going through. so lots of people now want that speculation to end and for the family to be left in peace, essentially, and have that privacy as kate continues her treatment. i should say we are here in windsor, this is windsor castle, the hometown of the princess of wales and her family. the hometown of the princess of wales and herfamily. but the hometown of the princess of wales and her family. but the family are farfrom here. they live inside the windsor estate, about a mile from here in adelaide cottage. the media, tourists are nowhere near where the family live. they have their private sanctuary in windsor where they can get on with a normal life essentially. we see them going to the shops, talking to people in windsor and they are very much part of the community here. hopefully, a lot of people will be thinking they
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can get on with their life now and the princess of wales can continue to focus on her treatment and getting better. we to focus on her treatment and getting better-— to focus on her treatment and caettin better. ~ ., , ., , ., getting better. we have seen lots of well-wishers — getting better. we have seen lots of well-wishers coming _ getting better. we have seen lots of well-wishers coming to _ getting better. we have seen lots of well-wishers coming to windsor - well—wishers coming to windsor castle and people handing over flowers to police officers for them to take inside the gate. we have also had more public messages, including from the king and reportedly as well harry and meghan. yes, the king has talked about his beloveds and daughter—in—law, as he described the princess of wales. really hailing her courage about speaking about her cancer diagnosis so openly, releasing that video online yesterday evening. prince harry and meghan have sent their wishes we believe to the prince and princess of wales, wishing her recovery and to get well soon. joe biden the us president, he sent his well—wishers along withjill biden his wife, emmanuel macron, the prime minister of australia. the list goes on and on. the prime minister rishi sunak here and the leader of the labour opposition party keir starmer have sent a good wishes. and when you go on social media, lots of
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people are talking about this and many people just saying, i wish this family well. lots of people who have had experience with cancer as well and people that had to tell their own children that they have been diagnosed with cancer talking about just how difficult that was for them doing that privately, let alone doing that privately, let alone doing that privately, let alone doing that in the public eye essentially and knowing your diagnosis is being beamed around the world. you could turn on the tv and probably any country in the world yesterday evening, and this story would be on that no matter where it was in the world, people were talking about the princess of wales and her cancer diagnosis. definitely true, and her cancer diagnosis. definitely true. really — and her cancer diagnosis. definitely true, really personal— and her cancer diagnosis. definitely true, really personal story, - and her cancer diagnosis. definitely true, really personal story, but - and her cancer diagnosis. definitely true, really personal story, but it. true, really personal story, but it is sparking conversation. charlotte gallagher at windsor castle, thank you very much. let's go to the middle east now. the un secretary—general antonio guterres has visited rafah crossing, which links gaza and egypt, to again call for an immediate ceasefire. hundreds of trucks waiting are waiting at the border crossing to bring much—needed aid into gaza.
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here's a little of what the un chief had to say. nothing justifies the horrific attacks by hamas on october 7th. and nothing justifies the collective punishment of the palestinian people. now, more than ever, it is time for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire. it is time to silence the guns. palestinians in gaza — children, women, men — remain stuck in a nonstop nightmare. communities obliterated, homes demolished, entire families and generations wiped out, with hunger and starvation stalking the population. our middle east correspondent hugo bachega is also in egypt near the rafah crossing. he sent us this update on the aid trying to get into gaza.
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this is the egyptian side of the rafah crossing with gaza, and one of the main entry points for humanitarian assistance into the territory. and here, hundreds of trucks are waiting to be allowed to enter gaza. now, western officials, aid groups have been criticising israeli authorities for this inspection process. they say that it is extremely slow and they say some of the strokes have been turned away because they have been carrying some items that have been banned by the israeli authorities, such as medical equipment and sleeping bags. some of these tracks have been here for weeks waiting for these inspections. and the un says more than 1,500 trucks are here in egypt. and obviously, the humanitarian situation in gaza is worsening. today, antonio guterres is bakeer,
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the un chief is again calling for a humanitarian ceasefire in gaza —— is back here. to do —— for israeli authorities to do more to allow more humanitarian aid into gaza. this visit happensjust humanitarian aid into gaza. this visit happens just days after a un backed report says half of gaza's population 2.2 million people faced catastrophic levels of hunger and that famine in northern gaza was imminent if there was no pause in fighting and a surging aid. i spoke earlier to dr nick maynard — he's returning to gaza soon. i asked him what he expects to find there. the situation is significantly worse than when i was there a few weeks ago. i think the major difference is the progression of the malnutrition that i talked about when i came out of gaza early injanuary, and that has now progressed and has become very severe. so much so that the ibc
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has now categorised the malnutrition status in northern gaza is the most extreme category but which they say is catastrophic, and famine is imminent now in northern gaza and is likely to spread down to southern gaza. and that has huge implications for the deaths that we are seeing. we talk daily about the death toll exceeding now well over 30,000. and of course, those are deaths due to trauma, due to bombings mainly and some shootings. but the excess deaths, they will dwarf that figure. we became very familiar with the term excess deaths during covid. these are deaths due to communicable infectious diseases or non—communicable diseases like heart disease or diabetes. and the deaths we are going to see from malnutrition will dwarf the deaths we are seeing so far. that malnutrition will dwarf the deaths we are seeing so far.— malnutrition will dwarf the deaths we are seeing so far. that was my
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count . we are seeing so far. that was my country- -- _ we are seeing so far. that was my country- -- that — we are seeing so far. that was my country. -- that was _ we are seeing so far. that was my country. -- that was dr— we are seeing so far. that was my country. -- that was dr nick- country. —— that was dr nick maynard. there is still no truce in sight in sudan, where a conflict between two rival generals has been raging for nearly a year throwing the country into chaos. since the start of the war, more than half a million refugees have arrived in neighbouring chad. experts also warn that in darfur, in the west, a repeat of what the us called "genocide" 20 years ago may be starting again. top un officials have said the conflict has plunged sudan into "one of the worst humanitarian nightmares in recent history" and could trigger the world's largest hunger crisis as widespread famine looms. during his trip to egypt, un secretary general antonio guterres is also calling for an end to the violence in sudan. he's expected to meet sudanese refugees who fled the fighting for a meal breaking the daily ramadan fast. let's speak to christos christou. he's a surgeon and international president
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of medecins sans frontieres, one of the organisations that's working with sudanese refugees. hejoins us now from chad, where he's been assessing the situation in recent days. thank you for being with us, what is the scene like on the ground in chad where you are?— the scene like on the ground in chad where you are? thank you for having me and giving _ where you are? thank you for having me and giving us _ where you are? thank you for having me and giving us this _ where you are? thank you for having me and giving us this opportunity - where you are? thank you for having me and giving us this opportunity to | me and giving us this opportunity to exactly explain what is the situation here. as you said, it has been almost a year since the war started and more than half a million people have fled in east chad. and right now in the countryside, there is a place very close to the border where more than 120,000 people are still living, while others have been relocated in places all around. i have spoken to several of our patients, our colleagues and also people whose said to me in three words, what they need is water, food, dignity. there is not much
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water, the water supply, doctors without borders art supply most of the water in most of these places. the food distribution is also something that is an unresolved issue. and of course, dignity. there are people who have started fleeing from violence. they all have horrific stories to share. and they do so with resilience. but when they come here and they expect to be treated with dignity and this does not happen, this is the moment when they break down. you not happen, this is the moment when they break down.— not happen, this is the moment when they break down. you are with msf, a relatively well- known _ they break down. you are with msf, a relatively well-known aid _ they break down. you are with msf, a relatively well-known aid group - they break down. you are with msf, a relatively well-known aid group who l relatively well—known aid group who have been working with other aid groups on the ground. but we are talking about being in chad here, a country which is hardly one of the wealthiest nations in the world. is its government able to do anything to offer support to these people, or are we entirely reliant here on aid groups such as your own?- groups such as your own? you're riuht. groups such as your own? you're right- we — groups such as your own? you're right- we have — groups such as your own? you're right. we have to _
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groups such as your own? you're right. we have to acknowledge i groups such as your own? you're i right. we have to acknowledge that the chad government has opened their arms and all the hosting communities here have very generously welcomed all the people fleeing from the violence. however, they were already in a very challenging situation. there were many emergencies before even this war started and now there is a crisis on top of a crisis. so they cannot of course respond and we need many, many more actors, we need the international community to calm activities and provide for the people water, food and the dignity that they are missing. you mentioned the international _ that they are missing. you mentioned the international community. - that they are missing. you mentioned the international community. it - the international community. it feels sometimes like the international community is preoccupied with issues going on elsewhere, whether it is russia and ukraine, israeland elsewhere, whether it is russia and ukraine, israel and gaza. two people in sudan and people who fled sudan to chad, do they feel forgotten about? ., , ., , , to chad, do they feel forgotten about? ., , .,, , ~ , about? -- do people. yes. and my oint is about? -- do people. yes. and my point is that _ about? -- do people. yes. and my point is that they _ about? -- do people. yes. and my point is that they are _ about? -- do people. yes. and my point is that they are people, - about? -- do people. yes. and my point is that they are people, they| point is that they are people, they are human beings, they have their lives. they led from places where
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they have theirjobs. i met people here that they were about to finish their medical school. they have left everything behind. and what they need is the very basic things. so i think it is a moral responsibility of everyone in this world to respond to these basic needs. the same way we did that when we saw the refugees fleeing from ukraine. the same way that we are concerned today about the humanitarian needs and the starvation happening in gaza. so this is another crisis that we have to do things and uphold standards. joining us from chad from medecins sans frontieres, thank you for being with us. and a reminder of the scene in moscow where it is coming up to half past six in the evening. these are the live pictures. officials in moscow say 133 people are now confirmed to have been killed after friday evenings attack on the concert venue just outside the
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capital. 11 people have been detained, including four of the assailants. russia says they were foreign nationals. we will bring you more on that story as we have it. stick with us on bbc news. good afternoon. some impressive cloud scapes out there today. yes, some spells of sunshine, but these big shower clouds bringing some very heavy downpours of rain, a bit of thunder and lightning thrown in. some of the showers have been wintry over high ground in the north. here it is on the satellite picture. these lumpy shower clouds pushing south—eastwards across the uk. just about wherever you are through the rest of the day, you could see a shower. some of the showers heavy, with hail and thunder. still wintry over the highest ground in scotland — say, above 500 or 600 metres elevation. windy out there, particularly gusty for western and northern coasts. and so, that is affecting
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the feel of the weather. temperatures on the thermometer, nine or ten degrees, factor in the strength of the wind, it feels like temperatures — which include the wind chill — around five or six degrees. so as we head into the evening, still a few showers around. in fact, some more persistent rain and mountain snow across some parts of eastern and north—eastern scotland. elsewhere, i think most of the showers will fade through the night. it will stay fairly blustery. the winds easing down a little bit across western parts, but staying windy enough to stop the temperatures dropping too far — three, four or five degrees for most of us into tomorrow morning. now, we start tomorrow with this very weak ridge of high pressure just trying to build its way in. that will give us a window of drier and quieter weather. still quite windy close to the east coast as we start the day, with one or two showers. we'll keep some showers in northern scotland, wintry over high ground. and then through the afternoon, cloud will gather out towards the west. that mayjust bring a little bit of rain into western
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counties of northern ireland through the second half of the afternoon. temperatures a little bit up on where they are today, actually, around 11 or 12 degrees. now, through sunday night and into monday, this frontal system tries to push its way in from the west. there is still a little bit of uncertainty about how much progress this front will make northwards and eastwards. i think the greatest chance of rain on monday is across south—west england, also parts of wales, northern ireland. but it may be that this wet weather ends up pushing a little bit further north. and if it gets into scotland, well, that could give some snow. at this stage, it looks like just some wintry showers in northern scotland. many eastern parts of the uk largely dry. but through the week ahead, we will see showers or longer spells of rain. the chance for some snow, especially over high ground in scotland. temperatures slowly creeping upwards.
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president putin vows
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they will be punished. this is bbc news. the headlines... all four suspects arrested — after at least 133 killed in last night's mass shooting in moscow. russian president vladimir putin says the suspects were trying to flee to ukraine and promises they will be punished. the islamic state group says it was responsible — and have released a photo of those it claims were involved. an outpouring of support for the princess of wales — who's revealed she's in the early stages of cancer treatment. she says the disease was discovered after she underwent abdominal surgery in january. prince harry and meghan say they've sent a message wishing health and healing to catherine. and the un
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secretary—general antonio guterres makes a renewed call for an immediate ceasefire in gaza. speaking from the egyptian side of the rafah border crossing, he said it was time for the guns to fall silent. much more to come on all of those stories. now it's time for a look at today's sport with gavin. we're under way at the six nations, as france take on ireland in le mans. the french in the lead in le mans as they begin their campaign as favourites to topple and all—conquering england — who play tomorrow against italy. later today, though, wales are at home to scotland — in what's expected to be a tight encounter. jo currie is in cardiff for us. scotland looking to cement their status as one of the most improved sides in the competition? yes, we have already had torrential
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rain, bright sunshine and just


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