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tv   Verified Live  BBC News  March 25, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm GMT

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live from london, this is bbc news. for the first time, the un security council votes for an immediate ceasefire in gaza. the voting is as follows — 1a votes in favour. zero votes against. one abstention. applause. the draught resolution has been adopted as resolution 27—28. the us abstained on the vote, provoking anger in israel. benjamin netanyahu has pulled a high—level delegation due to discuss the war in washington. the uk parliament is told china is behind a wave of cyberattacks. a number of measures including sanctions are announced against china and the us and other countries plan to speak out as well. the cyber threats posed by china
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affiliated — the cyber threats posed by china affiliated actors is real and it is serious — affiliated actors is real and it is serious. but it is more than equalled _ serious. but it is more than equalled by our determination and resolve _ equalled by our determination and resolve to — equalled by our determination and resolve to resist it. a twin legal threat for donald trump, as he appears at court in new york. we'll get the latest from our correspondent. four gunmen accused of carrying out the moscow concert hall attack are charged with terrorism. we'll get the latest from our russia editor. hello, i'm matthew amroliwala, welcome to verified live, three hours of breaking stories, and checking out the truth behind them. the un security council has passed a resolution, which, for the first time, calls for an immediate ceasefire in gaza. it was passed with all members voting in favour, apart from the us, which abstained. the development has angered israel, which said it was pulling out of a planned visit by a high—level delegation to washington. the white house says it is disappointed by that development. four previous attempts to vote for a ceasefire had been vetoed,
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three by the us, while russia and china vetoed a draught presented by the us itself last friday. here's the moment the latest vote was tallied in new york. the result of the voting is as follows — 1a votes in favour. zero votes against. one abstention. applause. the draught resolution has been adopted as resolution 27—28. at the security council, the us ambassador, linda thomas—greenfield said the release of hostages by hamas is key to any lasting ceasefire agreement.
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certain key edits were ignored. _ including the inclusion - of the condemnation of hamas. and we did not agree _ with everything in the resolution. for that reason, we were - unfortunately not able to vote yes. however, as i've said before, we fully support some - of the critical objectives in this non—binding resolution, - and we believe it was important for the council to speak out - and make clear that| our ceasefire must — any ceasefire — must come - with the release of all hostages. earlier, i got the reaction to the vote from our north america correspondent, john sudworth, who is in new york. the symbolism made clear by that applause. a sense of relief, i think, for many members of the security council that this vote finally went through. 1a votes in favour, one abstention. that abstention, of course, notably from the united states.
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but, you know, the significant thing is it wasn't a veto, every other attempt — and there have been many — to get that phrase, in particular, the immediate the call for the immediate ceasefire, have all failed as a result of objections from permanent members to the security council. the united states using its veto on three occasions on the last attempt on friday last week that resolution put forward by the us vetoed by russia and china. so this has been, as is often the case in the security council nowadays, a long road, hard fought, fraught with politics, diplomatic wrangling, even today, last—minute delays. as you know, phrases were passed and individual words were substituted in and out. but nonetheless, it finally went through. and i think more than anything else, matthew, this will be seen, the idea
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that the united states has let this through today, this will be seen as a another sign of the growing frustration here in america about the way israel is prosecuting the war and those growing humanitarian concerns. well, we'll get the latest from another of our correspondents in the region on that, john, in a moment. but where does this now take us? the un secretary—general saying this resolution must be implemented, failure would be unforgivable. presumably, the focus shifts to qatar and the peace talks, because nothing really can happen unless there are hostage releases? i think that's right. i think we have to accept that this is a symbolic moment far more than it is likely to have practical effect in terms of what the united nations has done today. i mean, of course, in principle, un security council resolutions are largely thought to have the force of international law. but, you know, history is littered with examples of when those resolutions have been ignored by various subjects and parties to them.
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so, you know, i don't think many people expect this to change much on the ground. israel is making very clear that it believes its war is not yet over. it is still pushing ahead, it says, with its plans for that ground offensive in rafah, those negotiations for the hostage releases continuing behind the scenes, all of those moving parts complicate the picture. so what we have today, i think, is largely a moment of high symbolism, but it is one nonetheless, as i say. and, you know, going back to that sense of there being something very significant in this moment, it is one that will be welcomed by many. this was a resolution brought forward by the non—permanent members of the security council, and one of them after the vote, the un ambassador from algeria spoke and he said in his view, this is finally the security council showing that it is shouldering its responsibility.
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as we have been reporting, israel's defence minister to as we have been reporting, israel's defence minister to is as we have been reporting, israel's defence minister to is actually already in washington. he has said since we saw those events at the un security council at he will tell the white house israel will operate against hamas everywhere including in places where we have not yet been. a reference there to rafah and he has already gone on to say we have no moral right to stop the war in gaza until we return all the hostages home. of course the defenceman is in washington. supposed to be a delegation heading to washington to discuss perhaps tactics around the plan to go into rafah. that delegation has now been pulled as a direct response to the us not vetoing that resolution at the un security council, something the un security council, something the white house has already said is disappointing. those are some of the
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latest lines coming as we get more reaction to what we have seen at the un security council. the uk has blamed china for being behind what it says were two malicious cyber campaigns, targeting democratic institutions and politicians. the attacks, which took place in 2021 and 2022, hit the electoral commission, which holds the personal details of a0 million voters and uk parliamentary accounts. here's the uk's deputy prime minister, oliver dowden, outlining the case against beijing and those who he says were working on its behalf. ican i can confirm today chinese state affiliated actors were responsible for two malicious cyber campaigns targeting both our democratic institutions and parliamentarians. first the compromise of the united kingdom electoral commission between 2021 and 2022. which was announced last summer. second, attempted
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reconnaissance activity against uk parliamentary accounts in a separate campaign in 2021. let's speak to charles parton, a former chinese diplomat and a senior fellow at the council on geostrategy. welcome to the programme. the prime minister early today making it absolutely clear his views on the nature of the threat china, talking about it almost being an existential threat. do you share that level of concern? i threat. do you share that level of concern? . . , threat. do you share that level of concern? . ., , ., ., ~ concern? i certainly do and i think we should — concern? i certainly do and i think we should keep _ concern? i certainly do and i think we should keep up _ concern? i certainly do and i think we should keep up our _ concern? i certainly do and i think we should keep up our levels - concern? i certainly do and i think we should keep up our levels of i we should keep up our levels of protection and defences. while of course _ protection and defences. while of course trying to cooperate with china _ course trying to cooperate with china in — course trying to cooperate with china in areas which are not so sensitive _ china in areas which are not so sensitive lt— china in areas which are not so sensitive-— sensitive. it is not 'ust the uk china sensitive. it is notjust the uk china relationship, _ sensitive. it is notjust the uk china relationship, is- sensitive. it is notjust the uk china relationship, is it? - sensitive. it is notjust the uk china relationship, is it? we i sensitive. it is notjust the uk i china relationship, is it? we are hearing the same sort of statements coming out of washington. we know france has been na similar situation, belgium too. what is your
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assessment of what the chinese are actually doing? in assessment of what the chinese are actually doing?— assessment of what the chinese are actually doing? in essence, they are t in: to actually doing? in essence, they are trying to change _ actually doing? in essence, they are trying to change our— actually doing? in essence, they are trying to change our government's l trying to change our government's policies _ trying to change our government's policies towards china and make them more amenable to their own interests. you are right it is a widespread problem. one particular instance _ widespread problem. one particular instance was canada where the chinese — instance was canada where the chinese consul general there are claims _ chinese consul general there are claims to— chinese consul general there are claims to have unseated to people in their general election by mobilising against _ their general election by mobilising against candidates, in one case a sitting _ against candidates, in one case a sitting candidate, regarded by the chinese _ sitting candidate, regarded by the chinese as anti—china. and by mobilising _ chinese as anti—china. and by mobilising voters got rid of them. you can— mobilising voters got rid of them. you can see — mobilising voters got rid of them. you can see a uk context and say taffin — you can see a uk context and say taffin in _ you can see a uk context and say taffin in a _ you can see a uk context and say taffin in a constituency where the number— taffin in a constituency where the number of— taffin in a constituency where the number of votes between candidates are very— number of votes between candidates are very tight, if you could get out 100. _ are very tight, if you could get out 100, a _ are very tight, if you could get out 100, a couple hundred of voters onto the ballot _ 100, a couple hundred of voters onto the ballot boxes, you might be able to sway— the ballot boxes, you might be able
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to sway a _ the ballot boxes, you might be able to sway a vote against what they might _ to sway a vote against what they might consider an anti—chinese candidate. i think it is definitely something that we need to defend ourselves— something that we need to defend ourselves against. is something that we need to defend ourselves against.— ourselves against. is that the likely purpose _ ourselves against. is that the likely purpose of— ourselves against. is that the likely purpose of the - ourselves against. is that the likely purpose of the heart i ourselves against. is that the likely purpose of the heart of| ourselves against. is that the - likely purpose of the heart of the electoral commission and also why has it taken so long to call it out? there may be a wider purpose than 'ust there may be a wider purpose than just what— there may be a wider purpose than just what i— there may be a wider purpose than just what i have described. the chinese — just what i have described. the chinese are gathering data of all manner— chinese are gathering data of all manner in— chinese are gathering data of all manner in orderto chinese are gathering data of all manner in order to help them target various— manner in order to help them target various people for various purposes, sometimes — various people for various purposes, sometimes espionage, sometimes recruitment for other purposes. this is a serious — recruitment for other purposes. this is a serious attack, not a serious for instance _ is a serious attack, not a serious for instance as the american office for instance as the american office for personal management which stole millions— for personal management which stole millions and millions of records of american — millions and millions of records of american civil servants, including financial— american civil servants, including financial and other personal details _ financial and other personal details. but put together with other data they _ details. but put together with other data they have gotten hold of legitimately otherwise you can draw pictures—
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legitimately otherwise you can draw pictures of people in whom you are very interested, maybe they are valuable — very interested, maybe they are valuable to approaches or whatever it is. ., ., ., . ., it is. how do we balance what quite clearl is it is. how do we balance what quite clearly is an — it is. how do we balance what quite clearly is an obvious _ it is. how do we balance what quite clearly is an obvious threat - it is. how do we balance what quite clearly is an obvious threat with - clearly is an obvious threat with what is also the desire, the fostering of the economic relationship with china? the first thin to relationship with china? the first thing to be _ relationship with china? the first thing to be clear _ relationship with china? the first thing to be clear is _ relationship with china? the first thing to be clear is what - relationship with china? the first thing to be clear is what exactly l thing to be clear is what exactly our strategy is. not only do our own government— our strategy is. not only do our own government and departments and business — government and departments and business etc no where we're coming from _ business etc no where we're coming from but _ business etc no where we're coming from but also the chinese know where we're _ from but also the chinese know where we're coming from. so we have got to make _ we're coming from. so we have got to make it _ we're coming from. so we have got to make it clear— we're coming from. so we have got to make it clear we are very keen to co-operate — make it clear we are very keen to co—operate on all things that are legitimate and where there is no hlowhack — legitimate and where there is no blowback on our defence or security. 0r our— blowback on our defence or security. 0r our values. otherwise, we blowback on our defence or security. 0r ourvalues. otherwise, we are very— 0r ourvalues. otherwise, we are very prepared to work with them. that will— very prepared to work with them. that will require, i'm afraid, in the face — that will require, i'm afraid, in the face of— that will require, i'm afraid, in the face of what is really the prime minister's — the face of what is really the prime minister's right, a hostile power that we —
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minister's right, a hostile power that we raise our defences and act in a much — that we raise our defences and act in a much more respect reciprocal manner— in a much more respect reciprocal manner towards china and make it clear— manner towards china and make it clear we're — manner towards china and make it clear we're not going to put up with the sort _ clear we're not going to put up with the sort of— clear we're not going to put up with the sort of behaviour, which the government today has done but as you rightly— government today has done but as you rightly say, _ government today has done but as you rightly say, somewhat belatedly. we have rightly say, somewhat belatedly. we. have to rightly say, somewhat belatedly. have to live rightly say, somewhat belatedly. - have to live there, thank you joining us. donald trump was due to pay £500 million today, after he was found to have inflated his net worth to secure better deals on loads. but in the last hour, a judge has granted mr trump's request to get an extension on the bond, and has reduced the sum down to $175 million that need to be paid within 10 days. mr trump is in court in new york, but on a different case. a pre—trial hearing on the hush money trial. thejudge may announce a date of his trial, over the payment to the adult film actress stormy daniels,
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before the 2016 election. mr trump's lawyers will ask the judge to delay or throw out this trial altogether. our new york correspondent nada tawfik has more on what exactly that court is deciding on today. this was the first criminal case that donald trump was charged in and the trial was actually set to begin today, matthew. but less than two weeks before jury selection, the defence team — donald trump's lawyers — say that they had received, along with the district attorney, over 100,000 documents from federal prosecutors. and so donald trump's team accused the district attorney of misconduct. they want this entire case thrown out. they also, if the judge didn't agree to throw out the case, wanted a delay of at least 90 days to the trial. the district attorney hit back saying they would agree to a 30—day delay.
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and so what we've been having behind me in court today is a kind of back and forth debate between both sides about whether this trial should be delayed as long as donald trump's team wants orjust a short delay. and prosecutors are saying, look, out of this big new tranche of tranche of documents, there's only about 270 that are actually relevant to this case. but donald trump's team says they want to go through each and every page of that. so, matthew, that could push this trial back quite a bit if the judge agrees to that timeline. and the big question that remains is, will this get going before the november election? will voters be able to know if donald trump is either a convicted felon or acquitted of the charges against him before they go to the polls? we have an answer to that question because we have just heard that the judge has said in that court hearing that the hush money criminal trial
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will start on the 15th of april. we have a date for the start of one of the trials that donald trump is facing — april the 15th. thatjust coming from the court hearing in new york. we will bring you more in the next while. around the world and across the uk, this is bbc news.
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the four terror suspects were dragged into court russia has charged four men it says attacked a concert hall near moscow on friday, killing at least 137 people. the french president, emmanuel macron, has warned russia against trying to exploit friday's deadly militant attack on a moscow concert venue to blame ukraine. four suspects appeared in court in moscow charged with terrorism. the islamic state group has said it carried out the attack, in which at least 137 people were killed. the kremlin has refused to comment on the is claim, saying the investigation
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is still ongoing. the bbc�*s russia editor, steve rosenberg told us that linking the attacks to ukraine was politically beneficial to russia. if the russian authorities come out and say this was an attack by islamic state, then some people in russia might say, "hang on a minute, if radical islam is the real threat, then why hasn't russia been focused 100% on fighting that threat? why has russia chosen a different enemy to fight for the last two years?" ukraine. plus claiming that ukraine was behind this, further demonises ukraine in the eyes of the russian people, and it gives the authorities possible pretext for any future escalation in its war against ukraine. now, the media here has been promoting this narrative that ukraine was some way linked to this. i mean, the russian papers this morning, quite extraordinary, blaming ukraine without any evidence.
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in one paper, a russian mp said, "we now have and destroy the terrorist threat." there 5 been a concerted campaign in russia to blame ukraine for the deadly concert hall attack that claimed the lives of over 130 people on friday, an allegation that ukraine has dismissed as "absurd . bbc verify�*s olga robinson has been looking into these russian claims and how they spread. russia has repeatedly blamed ukraine for the deadly moscow concert hall attack despite the islamic state group claiming responsibility and ukraine's denials. let's unpick what russian officials and its media have said so far. accusations against ukraine came almost immediately after reports of the attack. several bloggers put the blame squarely on ukraine like this post on the telegram messaging act calling it the terrorist territory of ukraine to be destroyed. this. who claimed without evidence the attack was likely organised from kyiv. a few
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hours later, when russia's main tv channels showed this clip saying a top security official in ukraine publicly confirmed the country's involvement and in this video he appears to say is promising more attacks. but the video is fake. we found the clip is actually a composite of these interviews on the ukrainian tv that were both published in the last week. you can see the same background and people wearing the same clothes in both original videos. the original audio has also been replaced with what he never said any original interview. audio analysis done for bbc verified by liverpool university suggests the new audio was manipulated. as you can see these black areas in the audio frequency indicate the audio has been edited in some way. on
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saturday the official accusation against ukraine came in that mmp can's address. he said the assailants were caught as they were trying to flee to ukraine where a window for crossing the border was prepared for them. yet we have verified this video of the arrest of one of the suspects and we know it was filmed here which is around 90 miles away from the ukrainian border when following, when you follow the most direct road. we cannot independently confirm when exactly they were heading and so far russia has presented no evidence that it was any window to let the attackers through. we have also seen several statements from the islamic state itself claiming responsibility for the concert hall attack and this includes a picture of four attackers, this picture with their faces blurred. this very graphic video exclusively released by iis found from the perspective of one
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attacker we have verified as genuine because multiple details like features of the concert hall and guns used by the attackers, videos used online at the time of the attack, yet it did not stop russian accusations against ukraine. here is one of the country's top media managers casting doubt on the attackers being iis members. she saysin attackers being iis members. she says in this post on twitter that the attackers were not wearing suicide vests and had no intention to die. isi has repeatedly warned loan actors against getting caught alive but there have been cases of attackers escaping for example in may 2020 two, one militant involved in an attack here in kabul managed to escape and later carried out a suicide attack according to some media. we have not seen any credible evidence of the ukrainian involvement that russian officials
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and media outlets appear keen to continue pushing this narrative. scientists at europe's centre for particle research, cern, have approved a £100 million experiment which could prove the existence of particles that haven't yet been found. they want to identify what are known as ghost particles. researchers believe 95% of the particles which make up the universe remain hidden. here's pallab ghosh. the world around us is made up of very tiny particles, even smaller than an atom. they link up to form everything we can see on earth and in space, too. but recently, scientists have discovered that the tiny particles we know about make up only 5% of the universe. some scientists think there might be other ghost particles that can't be detected by earthly instruments. if we could detect these ghost
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particles, it would really transform our understanding of fundamental science. we could really try and start to understand why the universe is the way it is, what the missing matter is, or how some of these properties come about and therefore why we are here at all. researchers have been searching for the missing 95% of the universe deep under the swiss—french border at the large hadron collider. they have been smashing the insides of atoms together harder than they have been smashed before. but so far, they have had no luck. all attention was given to the large hadron collider during the few past decades, and the other possibility was somehow forgotten. then we proposed our experiment, this makes us believe that our chances for success are really big. the ghost particles appear extremely rarely. so to increase the chances of spotting one, the researchers are building a brand—new instrument.
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normally in particle accelerators, bunches of particles are sent on a collision course, but only one in a billion hit each other. the new instrument crashes them against a block of material, so they all get smashed into tiny bits. and this greatly increases the chances of creating ghost particles. the discovery of the missing particles would shed new light on the true nature of the universe and their detection, would be one of the biggest breakthroughs in physics of all time. let's return to our main story. for the first time almost six months into the war in gaza the un security council passing a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire. the unp was not ambassador says it hindered the negotiations of the remaining hostages saying all of those member states that voted for it have voted
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for a shameful resolution also more reaction in a moment. hello there. good afternoon. some very unsettled weather conditions as we head through this week towards the easter bank holiday weekend. so wet and windy at times. but this morning, there was some early brightness and sunshine across east anglia. low cloud elsewhere, with outbreaks of rain affecting devon, cornwall and into south wales too. it's across the far south west of england where we could see some of the highest rainfall accumulations, as we head through the next five days. some very wet weather here, maybe leading to some flooding, but as you can see, a lot more rain to come in the forecast wherever you are across the uk. and a couple of weather fronts to keep an eye on today. the cold front bringing the rain to the southwest and a warm front just pushing northwards and eastwards, bringing more heavy rain across northern ireland. also into southern and central areas of scotland, with snow on the leading edge towards the north. so we will see some more wintry weather across the grampians. the cairngorms above a50 metres. freshening southeasterly winds across irish sea coasts in particular,
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some rain affecting northern england, perhaps easing through the afternoon and drier further south and east. it's a little cooler than it was yesterday. temperatures between six and 12 degrees celsius. now, as we head through this evening and overnight, our warm front will continue to push out into the north sea, taking that heavy rain with it. still some wintriness over the hills of scotland towards the north. our cold front will still bring some outbreaks of rain across the south west and into western wales as well. it's gradually pushing further eastwards. it's a largely frost—free start to tomorrow morning, but watch out for some icy stretches where we've seen the wintry weather across the north of scotland. these showers likely to continue, gusty winds across the northern... isles and our cold front is pushing northwards and eastwards bringing rain into central southern england, the midlands, eastern areas of wales, possibly into north west england and northern ireland. temperatures slipping once more. these temperatures are at orjust slightly below the seasonal average. low pressure rolls in from the southwest. and as we head through wednesday, there'll be strong gusty winds strengthening south westerly winds and bands of more organised showers. some of those showers again could turn wintry over the tops of the hills. another dip in temperature for most of us as we head through wednesday and going into thursday, there'll be some severe gales perhaps towards channel coast. so some very windy weather
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on thursday with more bands of heavy showers to come in the forecast. dry on good friday. low pressure rolls in from the southwest. and as we head through wednesday, there'll be strong gusty winds strengthening south westerly winds and bands of more organised showers. some of those showers again could turn wintry over the tops of the hills. another dip in temperature for most of us as we head through wednesday and going into thursday, there'll be some severe gales perhaps towards channel coast. so some very windy weather on thursday with more bands of heavy showers to come in the forecast. dry on good friday.
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this is bbc news, the headlines... for the first time, the un security council votes for an immediate ceasefire in gaza. benjamin netanyahu pulls a high level delegation which had been due to go to washington amid anger at the us decision not to veto the resolution. the british government accuses china of being behind a wave of cyber attacks amid calls for a tough response from british politicians. the cyber threat posed by china affiliated — the cyber threat posed by china affiliated actor is real and it is serious — affiliated actor is real and it is serious that it is more than equalled _ serious that it is more than equalled by our determination and resolve _ equalled by our determination and resolve to — equalled by our determination and resolve to resist it. a twin legal threat for donald trump
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as he appears at court in new york — we'll get the latest


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