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tv   BBC News  BBC News  March 30, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm GMT

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near the israeli border. in a statement, the un said it was investigating the origin of the blast and that the targeting of its observers was "unacceptable." a second ship carrying food aid to the gaza strip has set sail from cyprus. the vessel is towing a platform loaded with 400 tonnes of supplies. on the first maritime mission, a ship carrying 200 tonnes moored alongside a makeshiftjetty off the gaza coast. affected by the arrest and resignation of the dup leader, sirjeffrey donaldson, after allegations of rape and historical sex offences, which he denies. the new interim leader of the dup says the revelation has been devastating. let's get more now on northern ireland, where politics has been thrown into turmoil with the news that the leader of the democratic unionist party,
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sirjeffrey donaldson, has resigned after being charged with rape and other historical sexual offences. he was arrested on thursday along with a 57—year—old woman, who's been charged with aiding and abetting additional offences. they'll both appear in court next month. sirjeffrey is northern ireland's longest—serving mp at westminster. he says he'll contest the charges. earlier i spoke to ben lowry, editor of the unionist newspaper the belfast news letter. i asked him how the dup have reacted to the news. well, in a way, it is difficult to find out, because i do edit a unionist daily newspaper, so we have good contacts with dup, and we were trying yesterday to phone everybody we could think of, and most of the phone calls were ringing out. so there wasn't enthusiasm to talk to the press, even to elements of the press that they speak a lot with. but we did of course get hold of some people in dup. and i think the easiest way to describe it is they are reeling. i mean, this is a real bolt from the blue.
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and i think when you arrest... i actually talked to somebody who was talking to sirjeffrey at the beginning of the week, found him in great form, he was optimistic about northern ireland, he was in good form and so on, so when there are conspiracy theories that this was all known about, or known about by the government, even when we have talked to people who have a very good sense of what has happening in the undergrowth, there was no sense of this coming, and the fact that the police arrived at sirjeffrey�*s house at six o'clock in the morning does rather suggest that they wanted an element of surprise, so everyone is shocked and trying to come to terms with it. so there is an interim leader who has been appointed. how is gavin robinson going to manage to deal with a party which wasn't particularly all united in backing the deal that then restored stormont? i think it's fair to say that unionism has been in really serious confusion for quite a few years. there are a lot of things going on.
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remember that there's the possibility that we have a border poll as well, we had an independence vote in scotland ten years ago and there's always the possibility of scotland leaving the uk, which would be a very big problem for unionists here. so there were already pre—existing problems that were exacerbated by brexit with unionists. some supporting brexit, most, i should say, and many not, thinking it was a risk to the uk. and then there was this division into three, because there were other things going on. there's attitudes to matters such as same—sex relationships and so on, and abortion, and a big divide within unionism between liberals and conservatives, and this has played out into three parties, which was difficult enough for the dup, it has remained the biggest party. and then you have a split within the party, as you say, over the huge matter of an irish sea border, this is an internal barrier to trade in the uk, something which would have been unthinkable for the first 100 years of northern ireland's existence. and a big disagreement about whether or not to go stormont. and then on top of that, you have the leader
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suddenly resigning. so, in very long answer to your question about the interim leader, gavin robinson, this a young, intelligent man, a barrister, not he's not even a0 yet — he has one heck of a job ahead of him. and in that respect, how much of a blow is this to the wider unionist movement? i think it's a very significant blow. i did say that i edit a unionist paper, and i don't think unionist morale is great and i don't think it has been for years and i wouldn't make it any worse. but it is a very big blow, i think it's a shock to northern ireland. sirjeffrey donaldson is a highly respected figure. i think it's important to continue to talk in the present tense about that, because as we have found with mps, at least one of whom has actually gone to trial and been acquitted, everyone is innocent until proven otherwise. but it is a blow for northern ireland, he was a very diplomatic figure, and it is an immense blow for unionism.
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i suppose you could say unionism is in something of the turmoil that the conservative party is in. it has challenges from reform uk, it has liberals within it, it is facing a very difficult election. but these darkest moments for parties, the conservative party went there in 1997, are followed by much better moments, often followed by much better moments, so yes, it is a blow for unionism. this year, easter coincides with ramadan and both are taking place under the shadow of the israel—hamas war. this was the scene on good friday injerusalem, with fewer pilgrims walking the route through the walled old city that christians believe jesus took to his crucifixion. earlier i spoke to the reverend dr munther isaac, who is the pastor of the evangelical lutheran christmas church in bethlehem. he spoke about how different it is this year for christians. it is a very, very difficult for easter, given the war in gaza, and the difficulties
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that our siblings and friends are going through with the severity of the war and the starvation. and here in bethlehem it is not easy as well. restrictions are harder than ever. every year it is hard to getjerusalem, but this year we have been under a strict siege in bethlehem since the war began on october 7th, which left a very heavy toll, notjust on the economy, but spiritually and psychologically on us, again especially with the war that is happening in gaza. how has the church decided to manage the situation? we are trying our best to encourage the faithful, prayer and faith seem to be the only thing we have as palestinians these days. because this war has taken so much from us, especially in gaza.
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and so easter gives us the opportunity to think of the meaning, not just of suffering, absolutely the cross obviously is the symbol of suffering and pain, but it is suffering with a purpose, and a suffering that we know would ultimately lead to life and light and resurrection. so we are trying to encourage the faithful, inspired by our faith, and by the easter story itself. tell us more about the restrictions in place at the moment, and whether people are trying to get to the places of worship, or whether they have just decided to give up on it. you can't, you need a permit from the israeli military. we still live under israeli occupation. this is one of the things that many people don't get in the west, that the israeli military control is almost everything here. to go tojerusalem from bethlehem, and jerusalem is literally 20 minutes away from where i live,
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there is a wall that separates bethlehem from jerusalem, and there are checkpoints. and to get through the checkpoint tojerusalem you need a permit from the military, and it is not easy to get. i do not have that permit these days. the majority of palestinians do not have it. even in previous years it has always been difficult to get it unless you have work, or you can prove that you work with an international agency. but even restrictions to go to ramallah are difficult. the roads connecting palestinian towns right now, which are also controlled by israel, have seen restrictions, and new checkpoints, blockades on some roads that we cannot drive. this has been more difficult since october 7th than it was before then. in terms of christians celebrating easter, what are your plans? we are going to church.
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we can go tojerusalem. so everyone will celebrate in their own towns and cities. usually, especially on palm sunday and holy saturday, we have more celebrations in the streets, more celebrations with scout groups, none of that is taking place this year. 0ur prayers and coming together as families will be the focus of this year's easter. we will try to encourage those who have loved ones still in gaza and are concerned about them by being a family away from family for them here in bethlehem. a plethora of household bills are due to increase on monday, in what some are calling "awful april". while energy prices are expected to fall, everything from internet charges, to water bills and council tax are due to go up.
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0ur cost of living correspondent colletta smith has more details. council tax at the moment is... we are working out what the bills will mean next month for her family. there is a huge chunk of money coming outjust to live her. it is just something that is hanging over us every month. rachel is on maternity leave, so price rises are hitting them hard. it's so pennypinching, there isn't a gap at all in the salary of my husband and everything goes towards the house. what you could go back on, you do not have. totally, and that's a scary place to be. it's definitely taken away our reserves at such a crunch time. the energy might be coming down but other bills are going up, council tax over £200 every month. that's a huge hit. most councils in england
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are increasing their rate by 5% from the 1st of april like here in southport, but some councils in dire financial straits have been allowed to increase it by more than that. scotland is freezing council tax but in wales some areas are set for a much bigger increase. you will look like sandra bullock at the end of it. i live in a three—bedroom semi—detached house, i pay roughly £120 every month. it's a big outlay out of my pension. compared to some of my friends who live down south, _ we are paying a lot more in a lesser house. - whatever is going on in your council there will be discounts and reductions available, around 25% off if you live alone but if you have certain types of disability or if some people in your household are full—time students it's worth finding out if you qualify for a discount. when it comes to mobile and
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broadband charges, most companies are upping prices by around 8% from the start of april, if you are on a deal which allows for mid—contract rises. it's cheeky changing it. when you're in the middle of a fixed deal. _ yes, what you have signed on to and everything — having a mobile phone bill that will stay the same every month, guaranteed not to go up is a godsend. the key to beating this is to find out whether you are beyond the end of your contract. for a phone it's pretty easy, send a text to 85075 and you will get a message telling you your contract details and if you are beyond your contract or nearly there the likelihood is you could shop around for a better deal. for broadband, you are much more likely to have to ring them or log on to your account. when it comes to water bills in england and wales, average charges are going up by an extra £28 per year but as well as cutting back on usage, there are schemes to help.
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every water company offers a social tariff for people on lower incomes that can reduce your bills. what is on offer and who it applies to varies so it is worth finding out but in england and wales there is a scheme called water sure and that can reduce your bills if you're on certain types of benefit and you need to use lots of water for medical reasons or because you have three or more children of school age in the house. it's more of a worry. it's hard. everything is going up. i'm on a fixed income, i've been retired for 15 years, the money has got less and less. you can't go out for a tea and cake any more because even that has i become too expensive. round and round the garden... while gas and electricity prices are falling in april, rachel and her family expect no extra cash in their pocket and so many other price increases are coming.
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it's the hit �*90s show that's been revived and taken saturday nights by storm — tonight sees the grand final of this series of gladiators. the reboot made its debut to an audience of more than eight million injanuary, and tonight the lycra—clad contenders will be taking on tests of speed and strength as they aim to lift the trophy. let's take a look at the show. contender, ready? well, she's set off at a great speed here, has marie louise, and she is straight away into zone three. in red, it's finlay. all he has to do is keep his balance and get up that travellator. wesley looking more thoughtful, and he's been tackled. that'll be game over. can marie louise fare any better?
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she is holding her own here and she has knocked fire to her knees. burst straight into her stride straightaway and the edge proving no match for her. three points turns into six. finlay nearly got there, he might yet if he can get free. he has, he's not going to close that gap on marie louise. she is nearly at the top already. this has been some climb. she is going to get ten points. brilliant effort from marie louise. smiling wesley enjoyed himself up on that podium in the quarterfinals where he lasted 23 seconds and he is putting up a good fight again. he is already taking giant further than he has ever been in duel. joining me now is warren furman, perhaps better known as ace — one of the 1990s gladiators. and i'm alsojoined by dreya beckett, a former contestant who won her series to become a gladiators
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champion in 1996. welcome to you both. ijust welcome to you both. i just want to ask you first, dreya, have you watched the new show? hat ask you first, dreya, have you watched the new show? not all of them but i — watched the new show? not all of them but i have _ watched the new show? not all of them but i have watched - watched the new show? not all of them but i have watched a - watched the new show? not all of them but i have watched a lot - watched the new show? not all of them but i have watched a lot on | them but i have watched a lot on catch up, particularly the last semifinal was brilliant. how catch up, particularly the last semifinal was brilliant. how does it com are semifinal was brilliant. how does it compare with _ semifinal was brilliant. how does it compare with what _ semifinal was brilliant. how does it compare with what you _ semifinal was brilliant. how does it compare with what you were - semifinal was brilliant. how does it compare with what you were in? i i compare with what you were in? i think it is really close and i think they have the best bits, the fun bits, the characters and the games. i am so glad to see they kept quite a few of the best games, because they are iconic.— they are iconic. warren, is it something _ they are iconic. warren, is it something you _ they are iconic. warren, is it something you gelled - they are iconic. warren, is it something you gelled with l they are iconic. warren, is it i something you gelled with this they are iconic. warren, is it - something you gelled with this time round? ~ , ,., , something you gelled with this time round? ~ ,,., , ., , round? absolutely, for me it is the gladiators though, _ round? absolutely, for me it is the gladiators though, i _ round? absolutely, for me it is the gladiators though, i think - round? absolutely, for me it is the gladiators though, i think they - round? absolutely, for me it is the gladiators though, i think they are | gladiators though, i think they are bigger. _ gladiators though, i think they are bigger, better, bowed out, but they are good— bigger, better, bowed out, but they are good which sounds like a contradiction, a paradox if you like _ contradiction, a paradox if you like -- — contradiction, a paradox if you like. —— they are bigger, better, haddeh —
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like. —— they are bigger, better, badder. gladiators is a reality tv show. _ badder. gladiators is a reality tv show. but — badder. gladiators is a reality tv show, but it is unique in that it brings— show, but it is unique in that it brings families together. instant gratification, competition, bringing out the _ gratification, competition, bringing out the best in each other, and i think_ out the best in each other, and i think collective culture benefits from _ think collective culture benefits from that. , ,~ ., think collective culture benefits from that. , ., , ., ~' from that. dreya, do you think there is an element _ from that. dreya, do you think there is an element of— from that. dreya, do you think there is an element of nostalgia _ from that. dreya, do you think there is an element of nostalgia that - is an element of nostalgia that helps to unite different generations of audience for this? yes. helps to unite different generations of audience for this?— of audience for this? yes, i think so. i of audience for this? yes, i think s0- i think _ of audience for this? yes, i think so. i think people _ of audience for this? yes, i think so. i think people my _ of audience for this? yes, i think so. i think people my age - of audience for this? yes, i think - so. i think people my age remember it really well and to get their kids into it themselves it is kind of that on saturday evening sit on the sofa and watch gladiators, it was just iconic back in its day and it is still brilliant.— just iconic back in its day and it is still brilliant. have you spotted any differences _ is still brilliant. have you spotted any differences really _ is still brilliant. have you spotted any differences really between i is still brilliant. have you spotted l any differences really between the shows? , ., , , ., , ., shows? obviously the new games are different, but — shows? obviously the new games are different, but the _ shows? obviously the new games are different, but the old _ shows? obviously the new games are different, but the old games - shows? obviously the new games are different, but the old games and - different, but the old games and obviously the eliminator, i had a couple of differences in mine, i had spaghetti elastic band thing at the beginning as well as the over and
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unders, and we had a rolling beam we had to run over instead of the trapeze, so that is slightly different, and the zigzag, we had a straight beam, so a couple of differences but not many. warren, if ou are differences but not many. warren, if you are advising _ differences but not many. warren, if you are advising anyone _ differences but not many. warren, if you are advising anyone on - differences but not many. warren, if you are advising anyone on the - differences but not many. warren, if| you are advising anyone on the show, what advice would you give them? i have enjoyed watching wesley and i think he _ have enjoyed watching wesley and i think he has the right attitude, he goes _ think he has the right attitude, he goes in _ think he has the right attitude, he goes in there with a bit ofjoy, bounce — goes in there with a bit ofjoy, bounce in— goes in there with a bit ofjoy, bounce in his step. he is not letting — bounce in his step. he is not letting fear drain him and he is 'ust letting fear drain him and he is insta— letting fear drain him and he is just a good sportsman and i think that is— just a good sportsman and i think that is important. again, with competition, it is about bringing the best— competition, it is about bringing the best out in other people sol think— the best out in other people sol think to — the best out in other people sol think to he — the best out in other people sol think to be relaxed and have fun while _ think to be relaxed and have fun while you — think to be relaxed and have fun while you are doing it is key. tell me about you. — while you are doing it is key. tell me about you, what did it mean in terms of your life and what he went on to do? , ., , . , on to do? yes, it was incredible. i was literally _ on to do? yes, it was incredible. i was literally thrust _ on to do? yes, it was incredible. i was literally thrust into _ on to do? yes, it was incredible. i was literally thrust into the - was literally thrust into the limelight, a real rags to riches story— limelight, a real rags to riches story for— limelight, a real rags to riches story for me and show business was great, _ story for me and show business was great, but _ story for me and show business was great, but also a double—edged sword. — great, but also a double—edged sword, not all it's cracked up to be. sword, not all it's cracked up to
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he i_ sword, not all it's cracked up to he i found _ sword, not all it's cracked up to be. i found when the show finished i was a _ be. i found when the show finished i was a hit _ be. i found when the show finished i was a hit of— be. i found when the show finished i was a hit of a — be. i found when the show finished i was a bit of a lost soul, i went on a real— was a bit of a lost soul, i went on a real spiritual search, iwent was a bit of a lost soul, i went on a real spiritual search, i went on what _ a real spiritual search, i went on what was — a real spiritual search, i went on what was called in alpha course put on by _ what was called in alpha course put on by the _ what was called in alpha course put on by the church where you can ask the big _ on by the church where you can ask the big questions and it was on that course _ the big questions and it was on that course nine — the big questions and it was on that course nine years ago someone explained — course nine years ago someone explained the gospel to me and that the only— explained the gospel to me and that the only way to find god is via the cross _ the only way to find god is via the cross so _ the only way to find god is via the cross so i— the only way to find god is via the cross so i responded to the gospel and i_ cross so i responded to the gospel and i encountered the person of jesus _ and i encountered the person of jesus christ so now i am still a gladiator— jesus christ so now i am still a gladiator but the only difference is i gladiator but the only difference is i make _ gladiator but the only difference is i make gladiator for god. gladiator but the only difference is i make gladiatorfor god. | gladiator but the only difference is i make gladiator for god. ijust i make gladiator for god. i 'ust want to bring i i make gladiator for god. i 'ust want to bring dreya * i make gladiator for god. i 'ust want to bring dreya in, i i make gladiator for god. i just want to bring dreya in, what i i make gladiator for god. i just want to bring dreya in, what isj i make gladiator for god. inst want to bring dreya in, what is your experience? —— i am a gladiatorfor god. iii} experience? -- i am a gladiator for god. i: , ., , experience? -- i am a gladiator for god. :: , , , experience? -- i am a gladiator for god. :: , , god. 70 people sent cards after the show, i god. 70 people sent cards after the show. i went _ god. 70 people sent cards after the show. i went on _ god. 70 people sent cards after the show, i went on the _ god. 70 people sent cards after the show, i went on the local _ god. 70 people sent cards after the show, i went on the local news, - god. 70 people sent cards after the| show, i went on the local news, but people spoke to you and people would open up to you about things they have done and people would say they climbed everest and shared their stories and for me that was really nice to find out other people's
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experiences and what they have done and they felt they could share because they felt they knew me a bit. ., ~ because they felt they knew me a bit. . ~ , ., , because they felt they knew me a bit. . ~ i. , . ., because they felt they knew me a bit. . ~ , . ., ., ~ bit. thank you very much for talking to us. bit. thank you very much for talking to us- thank — bit. thank you very much for talking to us. thank you. _ and you can watch the gladiators final tonight at 5.50pm on bbc one and bbc iplayer. marvin gaye was a soul legend who helped shape the sound of the �*60s and �*70s. now, nearly a0 years after his death, there's a claim that previously unheard music has been found. he lived in belgium towards the end of his life, and now a lawyer representing the people he lived with says they've found a huge collection of his belongings, including costumes and audio cassettes. kevin connolly reports. # make me blue. # with some other guy that you knew before...# marvin gaye, seen here in the legendary performance at montreux, made some of the greatest records in pop history. but what if there are more songs, maybe more classics,
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that no—one has ever heard? these are the tapes that we found... this belgian lawyer says there is just such a track, although he's keeping it under wraps for now. he'll describe it to us but he won't play it to us. it's an amazing song, a great tune, great lyrics, catchy, and i thought, "this is a planetary "alightment moment". i'm interested to hear them. the jazz musician and marvin gaye expect gary crosby is looking forward to hearing any new songs. undiscovered marvin gaye tapes would be a gift to the world - of music at this present moment — from my perspective, you know? i because we don't know — until we hear the tapes, i we actually don't know. but we are talking about - marvin gaye, one of the greatest artists of all time. there's bound to be - something of value in there. we did, though, hear a sample of ours, of private recordings.
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# ..but to those who wait and those... marvin gaye's voice is tuneful, his mood sometimes playful. is the tape on? thank god, because i would never remember that again! a vast collection of memorabilia has turned up in belgium because in the early �*80s, the seaside town of 0stend was a place of refuge for marvin gaye, whose life in london had spiralled out of control. when he left, the family he lived with say he left them box after box — audio cassettes, documents, notebooks, lyrics and stage costumes — theirs to dispose of as they pleased. it's a book full. that red jacket is the one marvin wore in montreux. under belgian law, the family's lawyer says they have the absolute right to sell it.
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the clothes and the accessories, they will be sold. any new music, though, could only be sold with the permission of marvin gaye's children. compromise is called for, says alex trappeniers. i want to reach my hand to the family because when you exploit the copyright which is in the tapes, you can't do that without the authorisation of the estate which is his three children. if his kids become aware of this — marvin gaye's children, who are his heirs — and theyjust say, "that's our dad "and, like, and morally, you should give this back"? well, morally, i'd prefer to work with them on this. if there are to be negotiations over any new material, they have yet to start. but there is at least a chance that new marvin gaye music may one day emerge to add to the legend of one of the great names
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in the history of pop. kevin connolly, bbc news, 0stend. # to keep me from getting to you, babe.# it's been one of the world's best known amateur sporting events since it first took place in 1829. and now, this year's oxford—cambridge boat race is just about to start. -- is —— is under way. crews from both universities are gearing up to compete on the river thames for the 2024 title. let's listen in. you'd think with the power they have there is something left in reserve but what a move cambridge have put on her. i think you have to remember what a tough _ think you have to remember what a tough race — think you have to remember what a tough race this is physically... let's speak to our reporter pierre—antoine denis who is live for us in london. tell us what the atmosphere is like there. the atmosphere is ecstatic. i
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am by the boat club and this is where after the finish line the rowers are back here and getting the atmosphere and reactions and emotions have been running very high after the women's race. i have seen after the women's race. i have seen a lot of oxford rowers that 0xford have not win the race, the reserve team win for oxford and then the men's team to — one and now we are into the men's race so let's have a dip in again because we are getting very close to the end of the race now. ., , ., ., ., ., , now. the two seat of oxford harry lookin: now. the two seat of oxford harry looking round _ now. the two seat of oxford harry looking round and _ now. the two seat of oxford harry looking round and at _ now. the two seat of oxford harry looking round and at this - now. the two seat of oxford harry looking round and at this level- now. the two seat of oxford harry looking round and at this level he| looking round and at this level he will not _ looking round and at this level he will not be — looking round and at this level he will not be able to see cambridge and that— will not be able to see cambridge and that is pretty disheartening for them _ and that is pretty disheartening for them. tate— and that is pretty disheartening for them. ~ ., �* , , them. we don't see it with this view. them. we don't see it with this view- the _ them. we don't see it with this view. the police _ them. we don't see it with this view. the police are _ them. we don't see it with this view. the police are coming, i them. we don't see it with this - view. the police are coming, keeping an eye _ view. the police are coming, keeping
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an eye on _ view. the police are coming, keeping an eye on everything _ view. the police are coming, keeping an eye on everything on _ view. the police are coming, keeping an eye on everything on the - view. the police are coming, keeping an eye on everything on the bank. . an eye on everything on the bank. huge _ an eye on everything on the bank. huge crowds— an eye on everything on the bank. huge crowds watching _ an eye on everything on the bank. huge crowds watching in - an eye on everything on the bank. huge crowds watching in the - an eye on everything on the bank. i huge crowds watching in the spring sunshine _ huge crowds watching in the spring sunshine and _ huge crowds watching in the spring sunshine. and puddles _ huge crowds watching in the spring sunshine. and puddles are - huge crowds watching in the spring sunshine. and puddles are being. huge crowds watching in the spring . sunshine. and puddles are being sent down towards — sunshine. and puddles are being sent down towards them _ sunshine. and puddles are being sent down towards them because - sunshine. and puddles are being sent down towards them because oxford l sunshine. and puddles are being sent. down towards them because oxford are now having _ down towards them because oxford are now having to _ down towards them because oxford are now having to come _ down towards them because oxford are now having to come through _ down towards them because oxford are now having to come through that - now having to come through that dirty water~ _ now having to come through that dirty water~ i_ now having to come through that dirty water. i didn't _ now having to come through that dirty water. i didn't expect - now having to come through that dirty water. i didn't expect it to i dirty water. i didn't expect it to be dirty water. ididn't expect it to be best— dirty water. i didn't expect it to be best kind _ dirty water. ididn't expect it to be best kind of— dirty water. i didn't expect it to be best kind of lead, _ dirty water. i didn't expect it to be best kind of lead, we - dirty water. i didn't expect it to be best kind of lead, we saw. dirty water. i didn't expect it to i be best kind of lead, we saw them coming _ be best kind of lead, we saw them coming under— be best kind of lead, we saw them coming under hammersmith - be best kind of lead, we saw them coming under hammersmith and l be best kind of lead, we saw them . coming under hammersmith and you didn't— coming under hammersmith and you didn't think— coming under hammersmith and you didn't think it — coming under hammersmith and you didn't think it would _ coming under hammersmith and you didn't think it would be _ coming under hammersmith and you didn't think it would be that - coming under hammersmith and you didn't think it would be that margin i didn't think it would be that margin at this— didn't think it would be that margin at this stage — didn't think it would be that margin at this stage but _ didn't think it would be that margin at this stage but cambridge - didn't think it would be that margin at this stage but cambridge had - didn't think it would be that margin . at this stage but cambridge had done at this stage but cambridge had done a massive _ at this stage but cambridge had done a massive move _ at this stage but cambridge had done a massive move on _ at this stage but cambridge had done a massive move on them. _ at this stage but cambridge had done a massive move on them. the?- at this stage but cambridge had done a massive move on them. they have, i think that is — a massive move on them. they have, i think that is a — a massive move on them. they have, i think that is a testament _ a massive move on them. they have, i think that is a testament to _ a massive move on them. they have, i think that is a testament to that - think that is a testament to that movement. he hasjust been saying trust in _ movement. he hasjust been saying trust in what you are doing and it is working — trust in what you are doing and it is working. he is having to look around — is working. he is having to look around his— is working. he is having to look around his shoulder to see what is going on — around his shoulder to see what is going on. looks quite relaxed there, i going on. looks quite relaxed there, i would _ going on. looks quite relaxed there, i would say — going on. looks quite relaxed there, i would say. and i think in this oxford — i would say. and i think in this oxford crew, all you have to do now is trust _ oxford crew, all you have to do now is trust in _ oxford crew, all you have to do now is trust in your rhythm and trust you have — is trust in your rhythm and trust you have been prepared well, your rhythm _ you have been prepared well, your rhythm will— you have been prepared well, your rhythm will carry you back and trust in the _ rhythm will carry you back and trust in the cox, — rhythm will carry you back and trust in the cox, he has to try and convince _ in the cox, he has to try and convince his crew they are still in the race — convince his crew they are still in the race by— convince his crew they are still in the race. by no means relaxed, my heart _ the race. by no means relaxed, my heart is _ the race. by no means relaxed, my heart is still — the race. by no means relaxed, my heart is still quite high, we should not switch — heart is still quite high, we should not switch off yet. this will be
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something quite special. don't switch off. _ something quite special. don't switch off, anybody. _ something quite special. don't switch off, anybody. big - something quite special. don't switch off, anybody. big lead i something quite special. don't switch off, anybody. big lead for cambridge — switch off, anybody. big lead for cambridge and _ switch off, anybody. big lead for cambridge and you _ switch off, anybody. big lead for cambridge and you like - switch off, anybody. big lead for cambridge and you like at - switch off, anybody. big lead for cambridge and you like at the i switch off, anybody. big lead for. cambridge and you like at the last five results. — cambridge and you like at the last five results, cambridge _ cambridge and you like at the last five results, cambridge have i cambridge and you like at the lastl five results, cambridge have borne four~ _ five results, cambridge have borne four~ there — five results, cambridge have borne four~ there was _ five results, cambridge have borne four. there was that _ five results, cambridge have borne four. there was that when - five results, cambridge have borne four. there was that when for i five results, cambridge have borne l four. there was that when for oxford in 2022, _ four. there was that when for oxford in 2022, both— four. there was that when for oxford in 2022, both crews _ four. there was that when for oxford in 2022, both crews are _ four. there was that when for oxford in 2022, both crews are very - in 2022, both crews are very impressive _ in 2022, both crews are very impressive, olympians i in 2022, both crews are very impressive, olympians in i in 2022, both crews are veryl impressive, olympians in the in 2022, both crews are very - impressive, olympians in the cruise, and this— impressive, olympians in the cruise, and this year— impressive, olympians in the cruise, and this year a — impressive, olympians in the cruise, and this year a lot _ impressive, olympians in the cruise, and this year a lot of— impressive, olympians in the cruise, and this year a lot of very— and this year a lot of very experienced _ and this year a lot of very experienced university. and this year a lot of very- experienced university rowers it and this year a lot of very— experienced university rowers it but they are _ experienced university rowers it but they are not — experienced university rowers it but they are not olympians _ experienced university rowers it but they are not olympians but - experienced university rowers it but. they are not olympians but cambridge have come _ they are not olympians but cambridge have come together— they are not olympians but cambridge have come together so _ they are not olympians but cambridge have come together so well _ they are not olympians but cambridge have come together so well again. i have come together so well again. they may— have come together so well again. they may not _ have come together so well again. they may not have _ have come together so well again. they may not have the _ have come together so well again. i they may not have the international experience — they may not have the international experience but they have the boat race experience and i think any race where _ race experience and i think any race where awareness of the tactics of the race — where awareness of the tactics of the race are important, that is what we are _ the race are important, that is what we are seeing play out here, and understanding of the water and an understanding of the water and an understanding of the boat race. the
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understanding of the boat race. tips. fla- --in, understanding of the boat race. the flagging, that is where you have to be the _ flagging, that is where you have to be the effective _ flagging, that is where you have to be the effective persuader- flagging, that is where you have to be the effective persuader that i flagging, that is where you have toj be the effective persuader that you can still— be the effective persuader that you can still do— be the effective persuader that you can still do this. _ be the effective persuader that you can still do this. but _ be the effective persuader that you can still do this. but starting - be the effective persuader that you can still do this. but starting to i can still do this. but starting to close _ can still do this. but starting to close about _ can still do this. but starting to close about but _ can still do this. but starting to close about but you _ can still do this. but starting to close about but you just - can still do this. but starting to close about but you just have . can still do this. but starting to| close about but you just have to keep _ close about but you just have to keep saying. _ close about but you just have to keep saying. you _ close about but you just have to keep saying, you almost - close about but you just have to keep saying, you almost have . close about but you just have to keep saying, you almost have itj close about but you just have to i keep saying, you almost have it to believe _ keep saying, you almost have it to believe him — keep saying, you almost have it to believe him as— keep saying, you almost have it to believe him as well. _ keep saying, you almost have it to believe him as well. you _ keep saying, you almost have it to believe him as well.— believe him as well. you have no choice, if — believe him as well. you have no choice. if you _ believe him as well. you have no choice, if you sit _ believe him as well. you have no choice, if you sit there _ believe him as well. you have no choice, if you sit there saying i believe him as well. you have no. choice, if you sit there saying they are rowing — choice, if you sit there saying they are rowing away from us you are doing _ are rowing away from us you are doing a — are rowing away from us you are doing a terrible job. listening to his cause — doing a terrible job. listening to his cause he is definitely trying to keep— his cause he is definitely trying to keep the — his cause he is definitely trying to keep the rhythm alive. it looks a bit like _ keep the rhythm alive. it looks a bit like oxford are starting to fly, the timing — bit like oxford are starting to fly, the timing of their blades going into the — the timing of their blades going into the water is starting to look less neat — into the water is starting to look less neat which would suggest they are starting to tire. you see that on some — are starting to tire. you see that on some of— are starting to tire. you see that on some of their faces. youngest in the crew, saxon. _ on some of their faces. youngest in the crew, saxon. william _ on some of their faces. youngest in the crew, saxon. william denegri . on some of their faces. youngest in the crew, saxon. william denegri is the crew, saxon. william denegri is the cox, _ the crew, saxon. william denegri is the cox, but— the crew, saxon. william denegri is the cox, but this _ the crew, saxon. william denegri is the cox, but this will _ the crew, saxon. william denegri is the cox, but this will be _ the crew, saxon. william denegri is the cox, but this will be hard - the crew, saxon. william denegri is the cox, but this will be hard to i the cox, but this will be hard to take _ the cox, but this will be hard to take for— the cox, but this will be hard to
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take for oxford _ the cox, but this will be hard to take for oxford because - the cox, but this will be hard to take for oxford because they. take for oxford because they believed _ take for oxford because they believed they _ take for oxford because they believed they had... - take for oxford because they believed they had... not i take for oxford because they believed they had... not a i take for oxford because they- believed they had... not a wonderful crewm _ believed they had... not a wonderful crewm let's— believed they had... not a wonderful crew... let's hear— believed they had... not a wonderful crew... let's hear this _ believed they had... not a wonderful crew... let's hear this chat. - believed they had... not a wonderful crew... let's hear this chat. do - believed they had. .. not a wonderful crew... let's hear this chat.- crew... let's hear this chat. do you auree crew... let's hear this chat. do you agree with — crew... let's hear this chat. do you agree with that? _ crew... let's hear this chat. do you agree with that? you _ crew... let's hear this chat. do you agree with that? you are _ crew... let's hear this chat. do you agree with that? you are watching | agree with that? you are watching the boat agree with that? you are watching the itoat race _ agree with that? you are watching the boat race live, _ agree with that? you are watching the boat race live, if— agree with that? you are watching the boat race live, if you - agree with that? you are watching the boat race live, if you want i agree with that? you are watching the boat race live, if you want to | the boat race live, if you want to keep watching you can on bbc one. stay with us on bbc news, a couple of minutes we will have a full round—up of the day's news. goodbye for now. live from london. this is bbc news. the un warns the targeting of its peacekeepers is unacceptable — after three observers were injured
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by an explosion in southern lebanon. with warnings of famine looming in much of gaza — our correspondentjoins a us aid drop. they're just opening the hatch ready to release the aid down into gaza. there is no organised distribution system down there. there it goes. political leaders promise stability in northern ireland won't be affected by the arrest and resignation of the dup leader. and — hearing it through the grapevine — the lost music of marvin gaye — discovered in belgium. hello. the un peacekeeping mission in lebanon — unifil — says three of its observers and a translator were injured by an explosion near the israeli border. it said the peacekeepers were on a foot patrol when the blast happened —
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they've been taken to hospital.


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