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tv   Verified Live  BBC News  April 1, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm BST

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level in two years. germany partially legalises cannabis — authorities say they're trying to tackle the black market trade in the drug. a tradition that's lasted since the 1870s — the white house easter egg roll — gets under way. hello, i'm kylie pentelow, welcome to verified live, three hours of breaking stories and checking out the truth behind them. we start with the latest from gaza. after two weeks of heavy bombardment, israel says it has completed its military operation in and around the biggest hospital there and all troops have left the area. much of the site of the al—shifa hospital in gaza city is now in ruins, following the two—week assault. hamas officials say dozens of bodies have been found at the complex. during the operation
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at the hospital in northern gaza, the idf says it killed several militant commanders and insisted it was "preventing harm" to civilians. our middle east correspondent yolande knell reports. left in ruins. this was once the beating heart of gaza's health care system, but israel says that it had become a terrorist base. two weeks ago, its troops returned to al—shifa hospital for a second time — launching a surprise attack. they say they shot dead 200 palestinian gunmen and arrested top hamas figures without harming civilians. palestinians say many innocents were hurt and killed. translation: there are so many bodies here. - we've been getting them out ever since this morning. it's shocking. we've never seen anything like it. the fierce fighting entered al—shifa's wards and razed homes nearby. israel's military sees this as one of its most successful operations of the war so far,
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dealing the enemy a major blow. but critics say it's also a worrying sign of the ability of hamas to regroup in areas that israel previously conquered, and it shows the need for a convincing postwar strategy. questions over how this war is being waged are now bringing israelis back onto the streets. after the deadly 7th of october attacks, months of mass anti—government demonstrations abruptly stopped in a show of national unity. now, israel's political divisions are back on full display. police turning skunk water on people blocking this main road. protesters accuse the prime minister of putting his own political survival before a deal to bring home the hostages held by hamas. he denies it. translation: the calls for elections now in the middle of the war, - just before the victory, will paralyse israel for at least six months — eight months, in my estimation.
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they will paralyse the negotiations for the release of our hostages that will bring the war to an end before the completion of its objectives, and the first to bless it will be hamas — and that says everything. back at al—shifa hospital, palestinians take in the latest destruction. the battle here is now over, but an end to israel's longest and bloodiest ever war in gaza still looks a long way off. your land now there. —— yolande kneu your land now there. —— yolande knell there. our correspondent hugo bachega is injerusalem and has more on the situation at the al—shifa hospital we had an update from the israeli government saying that on top of the 200 people who were killed during this operation, people that the israeli authorities have described as terrorists, they had arrested 500 people suspected of being members of groups, including hamas and islamichhad. now, we've seen images of the complex and buildings have
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been completely destroyed. images from inside those buildings, rooms, wards show that almost nothing really will be recovered, so complete destruction of the al—shifa hospital. the israeli authorities are saying that this was a very successful operation, that this happened after those hamas fighters and other groups returned to al—shifa. this has been a recurring accusation by the israeli authorities that hospitals across gaza are being used as bases by these groups, but it also shows that these groups have the ability to regroup and use those buildings as bases, so perhaps critics are going to say that this shows that the israeli authorities lack a long—term strategy because once israeli soldiers left those places, those groups returned.
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hugo bachega there injerusalem. to turkey now — where president erdogan�*s governing party has suffered its biggest defeat in local elections. the main opposition party, the chp, won in the six largest urban centres, including istanbul. mr erdogan has promised to respect the decision of the nation. before the election, he had said that this would be the last time he led his party into municipal elections. his term as president is due to end in 2028. in the last general election, nine months ago, president erdogan�*s party narrowly retained power, but it seems his support is starting to wane. the main opposition chp retained control of ankara, istanbul, izmir, adana and antalya, and won control in bursa and balikesir. among the key reasons perhaps is turkey's stubbornly high rate of inflation, which stood, according to some measurements, at an annual rate of 67% in february. esra yalchinalp from the bbc turkish service gave us the latest from istanbul.
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national implications. it looks like nobody really expected these results. first of all, president erdogan�*s ruling akp had a shocking defeat. this was their first defeat, first election defeat in their 22—year rule of the country. 0n the other hand, when we look at the main opposition party, republican people's party, chp, they also did not expect this historic win. in addition to securing five more years of government for istanbul and the capital ankara, they also gained a lot of different provinces beyond their traditional strongholds. and with these results, the chp has become the country's first party for the first time in 47 years. this is since 1977.
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energy prices in england, wales and scotland have fallen to their lowest level for two years today, as the regulator's new quarterly price cap comes into force. household using a typical amount of energy will see their bills fall by £238 compared to the previous cap. the price drop will affect 29 million households. standing charges — that's a fixed daily charge covering the costs of connecting to a supply — have risen to 60p a day for electricity and 31p a day for gas, although they vary by region and supplier. energy prices in northern ireland are not controlled by the price cap — the government provides support directly to customers. despite this new support for other parts of the uk, charities say customers still owe billions of pounds to suppliers. with more, here's our cost of living correspondent, kevin peachey. spring has arrived in the gardens of this east kent community centre, promising warmer months ahead. i love the daffodils.
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but locals are still feeling the chilling impact winter bills had on their finances and lifestyle. it's been quite a harsh winter and i haven't been able to afford to have the central heating on, so it's been rather challenging, and so i've been using hot water bottles, i invested in a battery—operated vest. inside the centre we find caz, who's found ways to stay warm too. wrap up in a blanket or one of those big snoods that you get now, and big fluffy slippers. and how paying the bills has been a juggling act. some months you rob peter to pay paul, and that'sjust the way it is. and as long as you let people know that you're struggling and that... i'm not the only person who's struggling. there's thousands and thousands. quite a few of my friends are struggling, as well, you know? but hopefully, fingers crossed, things are going to start coming
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down now, which is going to make it a lot more manageable with everything. manageable because today the cost of each unit of gas and electricity in the home has come down. energy prices are now at their lowest level for two years. but at the same time, some government support is being wound down, and other bills — water, council tax, phone and broadband — are on the way up. financial pressures aren't over, theyjust look a bit different. that will pay for itself on the energy saving. that's why this former mining community is part of a project sharing good habits to save energy and money. if you use more energy, you pay more. so sarah, who leads the discussion, says simple tips are best even at this time of year. three tips would be... 0ne, your hot—water setting. if it's too hot to wash your hands with, your boiler�*s too high. two — your draughts, from your chimney to your windows and your doors, manage those draughts. and three, your showers. you need to stick to four minutes.
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find a four—minute song — less bohemian rhapsody — in the shower. and, again, that's £70 a year just on water and energy that you could save. 0ne water charity has even compiled a four—minute—song playlist, keeping people here and around the country to time, and their finances on song. kevin peachey, bbc news. a new and controversial hate crime law has come into effect in scotland. the law creates a new offence of stirring up hatred in relation to personal characteristics, including age, disability, religion and sexual orientation. the government says it will protect minority groups from prejudice and hatred. but critics argue it will undermine freedom of speech and police fear the legislation could be weaponised for political purposes. here's first minister humza yousaf commenting on this new bill. the only concern you should have when it comes to the new stirring up offences is if your behaviour is threatening or abusive and intends to stir up hatred.
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and by the way, even if that is the case, there are some defences such as the reasonable person defence, and so on and so forth. so unless your behaviour is threatening and abusive and intends to stir up hatred, then you have nothing to worry about in terms of the new offence that has been created. if your behaviour is threatening or abusive and does intend to stir up hatred, againstjews or muslims or disabled people or gay people, then i think the law should protect those people from being victims of that potential hatred. i think that is really important. so whether what is happening online or twitter lists that are being created, all of that frankly is irrelevant. what is relevant is the threshold for criminality which will apply in terms of the act that is coming into force. humza yousaf there. 0ur correspondent david wallace lockhart has been following the story from glasgow and sent this update. well, this legislation was actually passed in 2021, but it's taking effect today. hence the big public information campaign encouraging people to report hate crime. now, what this law does is it consolidates some other
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pieces of legislation. for example, stirring up racial hatred is already illegal in scotland, but it's brought in to this legislation and there are aspects that are expanded upon. so it now criminalises threatening and abusive behaviour which is intended to stir up hatred against someone based on other certain characteristics. these include age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, transgender identity and whether someone is intersex. but the legislation has been criticised on a number of fronts. so there are some critics who feel that biological sex should have been included in those lists of protected characteristics, that women aren't given enough protection here, but the scottish government says it will legislate separately when it comes to misogyny. there's also concerns from some in the police about how much increased workload this legislation could potentially lead to, whether or not officers have had enough training and if they have enough resources to deal with this. the scottish government says that they have had enough training,
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that they know how to deal with vexatious complaints, that's not something that will be new to them and that they have more resources than they've ever had. but that's another quite controversial area at a time where police scotland says it will investigate every allegation under a hate crime legislation but doesn't actually investigate every other crime, including some low—level thefts. david wallace lockhart there in glasgow. around the world and across the uk, this is bbc news.
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easter festivities haven't finished just yet. it's time for the 144th annual white house easter egg roll. it's a tradition that's lasted since the 1870s where children push brighly coloured, hard boiled eggs across the white
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house south lawn with wooden spoons. this year's theme is egg—ucation — with the lawn transformed into a school community full of fun. this will be president biden and first ladyjill biden�*s third time hosting the easter festivities. approximately 40,000 visitors are expected, and 64,000 eggs rolled, hunted and eaten. we are keeping an eye on the white house as we speak to see ifjill biden and joe biden appear at any point. it is a little bit rainy there at the moment, but i'm sure they are still having a great time. let's speak to judy kurtz, in the know columnist for the hill. she has been. what is it like there? today, it is a rather dreary and wet on the south lawn of the white house, but this is typically an event that a lot of kids especially in the dc area, military families, veterans look forward to every year. it is a two on the south lawn, let me tell you! a lot of children, a lot of children scratch make thing
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going on. that egg—cation pun, the theme. going on. that egg-cation pun, the theme. �* , ., ., , theme. i'm 'ust going to interrupt ou, we theme. i'm just going to interrupt you. we can _ theme. i'm just going to interrupt you. we can just _ theme. i'm just going to interrupt you, we can just see _ theme. i'm just going to interrupt you, we can just see that - theme. i'm just going to interrupt you, we can just see that jill - theme. i'm just going to interrupt you, we can just see that jill and l you, we can just see thatjill and joe biden, the president of the united states appearing with two bunnies. let's listen, if we can hear, them speak.— bunnies. let's listen, if we can hear, them speak. welcome to the white house _ hear, them speak. welcome to the white house easter— hear, them speak. welcome to the white house easter egg _ hear, them speak. welcome to the white house easter egg roll. - hear, them speak. welcome to the| white house easter egg roll. happy easter, everybody! iam white house easter egg roll. happy easter, everybody! i am a teacher, so i love any time when we can turn the white house into a classroom. and that is what we are doing today. the south lawn is transforming into our learning playground and a school community, and that there is so much to discover will stop listening to a story in the reading nook, explore
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space, make circuit breakers, write notes to our troops, take a field trip to a farm, hunt for dinosaur fossils, and so much more. education expands our horizons and transports us into new worlds. just like these are it allows all students are to sewer and reach unimaginable heights —— to soar. -- to soar. that is jill biden there and we are _ -- to soar. that is jill biden there and we are speaking _ -- to soar. that is jill biden there and we are speaking to _ -- to soar. that is jill biden there and we are speaking to judy - -- to soar. that is jill biden there | and we are speaking to judy kurtz. and we are speaking tojudy kurtz. it goes on something like 12 hours? this is one of the longest easter egg rolls at the white house has ever had. their hosting more people than they ever had in history, 40,000 people will visit today for
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the easter egg roll. usually around 30,000, so a lot of folks visiting. listen, it is an excellent opportunity for president biden to host a very positive family friendly event and it is politics to come out as contrasting this friendly atmosphere with the mudslinging and general partisan food fights that we have here in dc, showing his family friendly site here. find have here in dc, showing his family friendly site here.— friendly site here. and he has 'ust -aeekin , friendly site here. and he has 'ust peeking. so fl friendly site here. and he has 'ust peeking. so [mi friendly site here. and he has 'ust peeking, so let's briefly �* friendly site here. and he hasjust peeking, so let's briefly listen. i peeking, so let's briefly listen. and our nation's egg farmers for those _ and our nation's egg farmers for those. they have done a greatjob. thank_ those. they have done a greatjob. thank you — those. they have done a greatjob. thank you for making a special tradition— thank you for making a special tradition possible. it all began in 1878 because they wanted to have easter_ 1878 because they wanted to have easter egg roll on the park grounds, but they— easter egg roll on the park grounds, but they weren't allowed to do it. so the _ but they weren't allowed to do it. so the president then said, let's have _ so the president then said, let's have it _ so the president then said, let's have it at — so the president then said, let's have it at the white house lawn, they can — have it at the white house lawn, they can stop that. it has been going — they can stop that. it has been going on— they can stop that. it has been going on since then. easter reminds us of— going on since then. easter reminds us of the _ going on since then. easter reminds
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us of the power of hope and renewal, sacrifice _ us of the power of hope and renewal, sacrifice and — us of the power of hope and renewal, sacrifice and resurrection, but mainly— sacrifice and resurrection, but mainly love and grace toward one anotheh — mainly love and grace toward one another. , �* another. president biden there. jud . another. president biden there. judy. very _ another. president biden there. judy. very briefly. _ another. president biden there. judy, very briefly, if— another. president biden there. judy, very briefly, if you - another. president biden there. judy, very briefly, if you can. i another. president biden there. i judy, very briefly, if you can. this is a community event where people get to experience the white house for themselves?— for themselves? absolutely. it is a lottery system _ for themselves? absolutely. it is a lottery system to _ for themselves? absolutely. it is a lottery system to get _ for themselves? absolutely. it is a lottery system to get free - for themselves? absolutely. it is a lottery system to get free tickets | lottery system to get free tickets to the event. tens of thousands of people enter this lottery and that they do them out. as a kid growing up they do them out. as a kid growing up in i was lucky enough to be able to go to the easter egg roll one year, as many dc families do, so it is a good time had by all and a very friendly environment and a great chance for the white house to show off it's stuff that is a time. judi; off it's stuff that is a time. judy kurtz, we _ off it's stuff that is a time. judy kurtz, we appreciate _ off it's stuff that is a time. judy kurtz, we appreciate your time here in bbc news.
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back to our top story now — to gaza, where after two weeks of heavy bombardment, israel says it has completed its military operation in and around the biggest hospital there and all troops have left the area. i'm joined now byjuliette touma, communications director at the united nations relief and works agency for palestine refugees. in light of recent events, what is the situation there on the ground like? it the situation there on the ground like? ., , , , ., , the situation there on the ground like? .,, , , ., , ., like? it has been six months and it feels a bit like _ like? it has been six months and it feels a bit like it _ like? it has been six months and it feels a bit like it is _ like? it has been six months and it feels a bit like it is on _ like? it has been six months and it feels a bit like it is on repeat, - feels a bit like it is on repeat, except that it is real life with real people, hospitals turning into death stones, children emaciated, dying by the day from malnutrition, and a lack of water. we are talking really about the basics and have a nation is on the verge of famine, so much more needs to be done if we would like to have the situation. is
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there any movement on that it situation? not much. the most significant is the order from the international court ofjustice from a few days ago that asked for the facilitation of humanitarian system scratch make assistance into gaza, including the north. you see on what is now banned by the israeli authorities for taking trucks of food and nutrition supplies, including four children to northern gaza. that must change —— other ways of delivering aid to gas are lethal and quite dangerous, although the safest and fastest most efficient way, cheaper way is to give assistance via the road to the united nations, including two unwra.
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we are adjusting pictures of airdrops from the air. is it the situation that actually makes matters worse because people are having to go into water to get the eight? 0r having to go into water to get the eight? or is it the case it is worth it because some people are getting aid? would you prefer not to see ada drops from the air? i aid? would you prefer not to see ada drops from the air?— drops from the air? i would prefer to see a safeway _ drops from the air? i would prefer to see a safeway for— drops from the air? i would prefer to see a safeway for people - drops from the air? i would prefer to see a safeway for people to - drops from the air? i would preferj to see a safeway for people to get the humanitarian assistance, including food —— a safe way. you put food on tracks and you drive them a few kilometres from the south to the north, should not be very complicated and that is the safest way if there was a political will from the israeli authorities. what from the israeli authorities. what is the situation _ from the israeli authorities. what is the situation like _ from the israeli authorities. what is the situation like for _ from the israeli authorities. what is the situation like for people in that area around at the hospital? we others is there of the al—shifa hospital in ruins. do you know the
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situation of people who, the survivors of what happened there? in northern gaza, we are talking about just over a quarter of a million people who have been isolated, deprived of the basics, including food supplies, as one example, unwra was less able to deliver food more than two months ago so people are struggling, they are starving. this is the pockets of guys that have been identified by the united nations as buckets of starvation, pockets on the verge of famine, so there needs to be if you things that happen right away. versavel, a ceasefire to abide by the un security council resolution —— first of all. to follow the international court ofjustice and to allow
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humanitarian aid flow into northern gaza, including via unrwa by the road. . ~ gaza, including via unrwa by the road. ., ,, i. gaza, including via unrwa by the road. ., ~' ,, , gaza, including via unrwa by the road. ., ,, i. , . gaza, including via unrwa by the road. ., ,, , . . ., road. thank you very much, director of communications _ road. thank you very much, director of communications of _ road. thank you very much, director of communications of the _ road. thank you very much, director of communications of the unrwa . of communications of the unrwa speaking to me there. next we will stick on a rather easter theme here on the programme. next you need an egg—cellent aim for this challenge. residents of the german town of horhausen have taken part in their annual easter egg throwing challenge. they have to chuck the brightly coloured, hard boiled eggs, as far as they can. the record stands at 73 metres. any egg that doesn't survive a hard—landing is used as bird feed. lets mistress take you back to the white house now. —— let'sjust take you back to the white house, where the easter egg roll is happening on the easter egg roll is happening on the south lawn. we are just waiting for presidentjoe biden to appear on
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the lawn. there are various bands that play during the event. it takes about 12 hours for all those people to get the chance to have a go at rolling a hard—boiled easter egg with a wooden spoon across the land also it is all about education this year because jill also it is all about education this year becausejill biden was a teacherfor year becausejill biden was a teacher for 30 year becausejill biden was a teacherfor 30 years and year becausejill biden was a teacher for 30 years and can deciding scratch may continuing —— containing her theme of education. there are also getting a bit of education while having fun. we will keep across that here on the programme. don't forget to keep up—to—date with all the latest news on the website and stay with us here in bbc news. hello there. today we have seen some rain moving very slowly northwards, followed by some sunshine and some showers. that pattern will continue over the next few days. we will keep those colder east or north—easterly winds in scotland, whereas much further south,
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the winds are south—westerly, bringing milder conditions, and that is where the wet weather will be coming in from. these are our temperatures this easter monday afternoon. probably making 15 in east anglia and the south—east. a bit more chilly underthe rain in northern england and southern scotland. the rain is continuing to move northwards this evening. the showers that follow tend to fade away but we will keep some showers running eastwards across southern counties of england. that rain in northern england and northern ireland pushes further north into scotland. the lowest temperatures tonight will be as the cloud breaks up in the north—east of england. we still have some patchy rain tomorrow in scotland, particularly in the north—east of scotland. early showers in the south—east will be followed by some sunny spells. cloud will build up, showers likely to develop, and then we will see some further rain in the south—west in the afternoon. temperatures are more widely going to reach 14—15 in the midlands and eastern parts of england with some sunshine and the showers, but quite a bit more chilly in the stronger wind in the north—east of scotland.
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we have got some rain in the south—east during the afternoon, that is pushing northwards on tuesday night. this area of low pressure will be sitting over the uk on wednesday, keeping it very unsettled. showers or longer spells of rain moving northwards across england and wales, into scotland and northern ireland. southern parts of england and wales probably turning drier with more sunshine during the afternoon. that will give the temperatures a bit of a boost. 0nly 7—8 celsius with the cold north—easterly wind in scotland and also the rain as well. these are the upper level winds, the jet stream pattern. this is going to be maintained over the next few days. the jet stream picking up areas of low pressure and then sliding them up from the south—west, together with the weather fronts bringing the spells of rain. so we have some wet weather to begin on thursday in northern scotland. another band of rain moves northwards, followed by some showers, and then we see some further longer spells of rain arriving in southern parts of england and wales during thursday afternoon. temperatures show the same sort of theme, milder in england and wales.
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colder in that wind and rain in the north and east of scotland.
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this is bbc news. the headlines — most of a hospital in gaza left in ruins after a two week raid by
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israel's military which said it was targeting a hamas base there. shock results in turkish elections, the opposition party claiming its largest victory in half a century. and a lower energy price cap comes into force, ticking bills in england, wales, scotland to their lowest level two years. germany partially legalises cannabis to tackle the black market trade. a special report coming up. results in local turkish elections have dealt a surprising low took president erdogan and his governing ak party. the economy was a major issue for voters, with inflation close to an eye watering 70%. i spoke to somebody about this
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