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tv   BBC News  BBC News  April 3, 2024 9:00am-9:31am BST

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police say three men suspected of being involved in the stabbing of an iranian tv host in london have left the uk. and the new film starring kirsten dunst warns of the threat to democracy posed by populism and polarisation. we start this hour in the middle east. israel is under increasing international pressure after seven aid workers, including three uk citizens, were killed in an israeli airstrike in gaza. president biden has said he's outraged and heartbroken by the deaths. in a highly critical statement, the president said israel was not doing enough to protect civilians. world central kitchen released these pictures of the seven aid
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workers killed when a convoy carrying staff from the charity was hit on monday. three british men — john chapman, james henderson and james kirby — were among them. israel said the strike was unintended and vowed to investigate. there've been calls for britain to stop selling arms to israel following the deaths. prime minister, rishi sunak, said he was appalled by the israeli attack, while the foreign secretary, david cameron, said israel had to make changes to ensure safety of aid workers. our first report this hour is from our correspondent graham satchell. the pictures tell their own devastating story. the team from the charity world central kitchen was travelling in a convoy of three cars — you can clearly see their logo. each car was hit in what looks like a precision — targeted — attack. the charity has now paid tribute to the seven workers who lost their lives — including three british nationals. 57—year—old john chapman —
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who is believed to have served in the royal marines — was working for the charity as a security adviser. james henderson, who was 33, is also understood to have served in the marines. james kirby was a7, and another armed forces veteran. all three men were trying to protect their colleagues. the charity described them as heroes. "these seven beautiful souls were killed by the israeli defense forces. theirsmiles, laughter and voices are forever embedded in our memories. we are reeling from our loss, the world's loss." world central kitchen was providing vital food aid in gaza, supplying millions of meals. the consequences of the attack will be felt here first. the charity has paused its operations, putting immediate stress on an already desperate situation. that's going to put civilians at risk — at greater risk — of famine. people are already starving to death. and what we really need now is for aid to get in quickly and to be able
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to be distributed safely. the israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, said the attack was tragic and then said "this happens in war". overnight, the head of the israeli army was far more conciliatory. we are sorry for the unintentional harm to the members of wck. we share in the grief of the families, as well as the entire world central kitchen organisation, from the bottom of our hearts. despite that apology, there has been global condemnation. america described the attack as an outrage. britain said the deaths were completely unacceptable. australia has demanded accountability. injerusalem, more protests on the street, as israelis demand the safe return of their hostages. pressure is growing at home and abroad — but, so far, the israeli government has been impervious to calls for a ceasefire, and is determined to continue its fight against hamas. graham satchell, bbc news.
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well a former head of the foreign office here in london, lord ricketts, has this morning told the bbc the uk should stop selling arms to israel. i think there's abundant evidence now that israel hasn't been taking enough care to fulfill its obligations on the safety of civilians. and a country that gets arms from the uk has to comply with international humanitarian law. that's a condition of the arms export license. so honestly, i think the time has come to send that signal. it won't change the course of the war. it would be a powerful political message and it mightjust stimulate debate in the us as well — which would be the real game changer if the americans began to think about putting limits, restrictions on the use of american weapons in israel.
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let's speak to our international editorjeremy bowen, who's in northern israel. i wonder if you could update us on the latest on what the israelis are saying about the attack? fix, the latest on what the israelis are saying about the attack?- the latest on what the israelis are saying about the attack? a few more details are coming _ saying about the attack? a few more details are coming out _ saying about the attack? a few more details are coming out in _ saying about the attack? a few more details are coming out in the - saying about the attack? a few more details are coming out in the press. | details are coming out in the press. there are reports which i cannot personally confirm about the circumstances in which this happens. some suggestions that it might be the activities of a unit at the tactical level, rather than getting orders from on high. the thing is, all of this depends on getting some kind of investigation of the sort that the americans and others have been calling for. what happened should not come as a great surprise, bearing in mind the numbers of people israel has been killing in the last six months in gaza, despite repeated structures from president
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biden downwards that they should not be doing that, and that also includes more than 200 palestinians who have been working for the un in its aid operations. you who have been working for the un in its aid operations.— its aid operations. you mention president biden, _ its aid operations. you mention president biden, him _ its aid operations. you mention president biden, him saying . its aid operations. you mention president biden, him saying he i its aid operations. you mention l president biden, him saying he is outraged. also saying that israel had not done enough to protect aid workers generally. is that going to make any difference, and the rest of the international pressure, to what benjamin netanyahu does? lip to the international pressure, to what benjamin netanyahu does? up to now, he's been charging _ benjamin netanyahu does? up to now, he's been charging on. _ benjamin netanyahu does? up to now, he's been charging on. there _ benjamin netanyahu does? up to now, he's been charging on. there are - benjamin netanyahu does? up to now, he's been charging on. there are a - he's been charging on. there are a lot of critics here in israel who say that his priority is to actually prolong the war, it's more important to him, they say, than bringing back israeli hostages, definitely much more important than preserving the lives of palestinian civilians, which is israel's obligation under international international law. that is all because they say that he wants to prolong the war to pull off the moment of reckoning, where he
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faces, among other things, calls for accountability in mistakes he made in the run—up to the october to seventh attacks, that allowed hamas to sense there was an opening for them. the really big lever that president biden has is weapons supplies. you have to temper everything the white house and the president has been saying about the need for israel to follow international law, do not kill as many civilians, to allow aid workers to operate properly, saying all of that, israel is ignoring it. on the other hand, the americans are continuing to supply the weapons that israel is using to do all of those things. so, that is the big lever that the americans have to decide to use. should they put conditions on the use of the weapons? orshould conditions on the use of the weapons? or should i say, you know what, we are just going to stop now. i think that is highly unlikely, by
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the way. i think that is highly unlikely, by the wa . ., . ., , the way. lord richards in the uk sa in: the way. lord richards in the uk saying that _ the way. lord richards in the uk saying that the _ the way. lord richards in the uk saying that the uk _ the way. lord richards in the uk saying that the uk should stop l saying that the uk should stop selling arms. he's also saying that sometimes in conflict you get a moment that crystallises action internationally. he was suggesting maybe this is it. do you think that might be the case?— might be the case? well, in other wars i have _ might be the case? well, in other wars i have reported _ might be the case? well, in other wars i have reported on _ might be the case? well, in other wars i have reported on over- might be the case? well, in other| wars i have reported on over quite might be the case? well, in other l wars i have reported on over quite a few years, that israel has been involved in, they normally have ended when, not after months and months, but after a matter of weeks, from time to time they have ended with an event that has been so awful that the americans particularly have said, right, enough. they have sort of said that a few times already. but they haven't quite said it with the force that the earlier administrations might have used. one example was when there was a war in lebanon in 1996, that ended after outrage at the israelis killing more
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than 100 civilians in one attack who were sheltering in a un base. you know, it is possible, based on past evidence. but i think this one is different, because of the way the hamas attack did kill so many israelis, the shock and trauma that caused within israel, the support of the war still has. as well as that, the war still has. as well as that, the israelis have alienated their closest allies. and that is something where there are critics in this country who say it is unnecessary and should not have happened. they should have gone about things, they say, in a different way.— about things, they say, in a different way. about things, they say, in a different wa ., , �* ., ., different way. jeremy bowen, our international— different way. jeremy bowen, our international editor, _ different way. jeremy bowen, our international editor, as _ different way. jeremy bowen, our international editor, as always, i international editor, as always, thank you for our live your insight. i'm joined now by hiba tibi who is the west bank and gaza director of care international — the organisation oversees aid workers operating in gaza. thank you forjoining us. i wondered if i could first get your reaction
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as care international and soppy who has worked in gaza to the deaths of the aid workers?— has worked in gaza to the deaths of the aid workers? good morning, first of all, condolences _ the aid workers? good morning, first of all, condolences to _ the aid workers? good morning, first of all, condolences to their _ of all, condolences to their families and also for all of the british people for the heroes, the people we consider heroes in palestine, who put the needs of people before themselves and went to gaza, to support the people there. unfortunately, the immediate reactions that come to my mind is an organisation two things. first of all, the people in the north, world central kitchen was the biggest distributor for aid and food in the north for people who are massively in need of aid. secondly, unfortunately, the safety and security of our staff currently working in gaza. what we all do, including world central kitchen, we coordinate our movements, de conflicts the location staff are
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staying in and make sure we have visibility to show that these vehicles or people that are wearing vests with logos, to just make sure the minimum safety and security is for them. again, they have confirmed there is nothing safe in gaza, unfortunately, including aid workers. , , ., ., unfortunately, including aid workers. , ., ., workers. just explain to our audience. _ workers. just explain to our audience, do _ workers. just explain to our audience, do you _ workers. just explain to our audience, do you talk- workers. just explain to our audience, do you talk to - workers. just explain to our i audience, do you talk to israeli military sources about where you're going to be operating, so they know you are there? in going to be operating, so they know you are there?— you are there? in the coordination unit, all of— you are there? in the coordination unit, all of the _ you are there? in the coordination unit, all of the international - unit, all of the international organisations, humanitarian organisations, humanitarian organisations, they would have communication with them. we coordinate our offices, we coordinate our offices, we coordinate the convoys we are going to receive, and when we are going to receive them. and we have what is called green areas, green zones, in between the different distribution points. you would not have these
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green points. you would cross those points. in the case of world central kitchen, this was coordinated fully, as we understood, including the departure between the south and the north. this is something that is unique about this attack, unfortunately.— unique about this attack, unfortunately. are you now reassessing _ unfortunately. are you now reassessing your _ unfortunately. are you now reassessing your operation | unfortunately. are you now. reassessing your operation in unfortunately. are you now- reassessing your operation in gaza? the heroic team that i have, and also very similar to colleagues from world central kitchen, we were assisting organisations that are putting their operations on pause. when we discussed, i am telling you, in the future you will see will several kitchen workers going back to help the people in gaza. what we are doing now, while we are not operating directly on the north, we are still going to continue our work in the south. we are working with our partners in the north, trying to give them more advice on how to pay attention to safety and security —related practices. but we are not
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going to suspend it in the country. it does not mean that if the situation becomes very harsh, that it will not have an application for our work in the future. already it's very dangerous for the teams on the ground to do what they want to do, what they are mandated to do, to help the people. in the future, i cannot guarantee what will be the situation. so far, we are not pausing. situation. so far, we are not pausing-— situation. so far, we are not ausinu. ., ., , . situation. so far, we are not ausinu. ., ,, , . ., pausing. thank you very much for our time pausing. thank you very much for your time today. _ pausing. thank you very much for your time today. thank _ pausing. thank you very much for your time today. thank you. - around the world and across the uk. this is bbc news.
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taiwan's government says at least seven people have died and more than 700 others have been injured after an offshore earthquake struck the east coast of the island.
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a magnitude of 7.4. the deaths all occured in hualien county — a mountainous region near the epicentre — with many killed by falling boulders. some buildings in hualien city are leaning dangerously and some train lines have been damaged. there have been warnings of potential aftershocks. tsunami alerts issued for nearby japanese islands and the northern coast of the philippines have been downgraded. the bbc�*s rupert wingfield—hayes is in taiwan's capital, taipei. he described what happened. it hitjust before 8:00 this morning. and i was in my kitchen and the whole building — i live on the eighth floor — and the whole building really started to shake very, very violently, very wildly. and it was moving side to side in a very violent manner. so much so that actually i had to grab on to the the kitchen countertop to to steady myself. pots and pans were coming out of cupboards. so, stuff being sort of thrown all around the place. now bear in mind, i'm in taipei, which is about 100 miles or more from the epicenter.
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and so you can imagine, over on the east coast of taiwan, just how much more violent the shaking was. this was a very shallow earthquake and a very powerful earthquake. and the shaking intensity that they use here is a scale of one to seven, and it was seven. so this is a very, very intense shaking indeed. and because of that, it has done a lot of damage. particularly, we've now seen many hundreds of landslides and rockslides in the mountains of eastern taiwan, unleashed by this quake, that has caused a lot a lot of damage. well, taiwan is pretty well equipped to deal with with disasters because it lives on the pacific ring of fire. earthquakes are a fact of life here, as are typhoons and other disasters. the military is already deeply involved. they are surveying the area with helicopters. we understand that japan, which is taiwan's closest neighbor, has also offered aid. so i would expect to see japan, which has many specialist search teams, and very well equipped for dealing with earthquakes, will be asked to come in and help. but it's mainly a case of the logistics of getting into these remote areas. and that's going to mean mainly, i think, the military
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going in by helicopter. because the east coast of taiwan is very, very rugged, it's very mountainous. there are many narrow, craggy valleys. and those, many of them, now will be blocked because of landslides. roads have been brought down, bridges have been brought down. the railway is currently out. so that's going to be the main problem here now, is getting to people. earlier we heard from nga pham who was in taipei at the time the earthquake struck. it happened around 8am, so i was making my coffee, the first thing i do every day when everything starts shaking and rattling. it was really, really scary. i have to admit that i was, like thinking, "what should i do? what should i do?" normally, before an earthquake, we receive so called presidential alert from the the office of the president telling us what to expect and what to do.
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but this time there was nothing from them. so it adds to the scariness of the situation. i was holding on my onto my bookcase, trying to steady myself, because everything else was falling off the bookcases, the books and my glassware and plates, etc. and i could hear people screaming, you know, they were also frantically looking for information and trying to decide what to do. so it was really, really scary for about five, ten minutes, actually. i mean, for me, it actually lasted much longer because inside my head it was like, "what to do, what to do?" luckily, when everything calmed down and i went outside and i saw that the damage was actually not as bad as expected. more damage is inside of people's houses than outside. so it was quite lucky for all of us. i'm so impressed with the people's attitude and behaviour. they've been so helpful towards each
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other, ready to help. i went outside and, you know, the mrt, the subway, was suspended for about one hour. and people start queuing to get back in when they start running again, and they actually formed a very orderly queue. i mean, things you've never seen other extreme disaster situations in other countries, but people were cautious and helpful. and that proves once again that the town is very resilient. they're very well—prepared for such scenarios. you know, in taiwan, we see earthquakes, like, every two or three months. this time it's really big, but it doesn't make people feel like their lives have been at risk. they're very confident, how they are capable to to cope and to deal with such a situation. let's go live to our correspondent shaimaa khalil who is in tokyo. what is the latest on the operation in taiwan? we
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what is the latest on the operation in taiwan? ~ ~' ., what is the latest on the operation in taiwan? ~ ~ ., ., in taiwan? we know that the prime minister has _ in taiwan? we know that the prime minister has issued _ in taiwan? we know that the prime minister has issued a _ in taiwan? we know that the prime minister has issued a statement. i in taiwan? we know that the prime | minister has issued a statement. he sent a message of support and solidarity to taiwan. on his social media, on his twitter account, he offered any necessary assistance to taiwan, describing it as our neighbour across the sea, and any necessary assistance at the time of difficulty. remember, japan and taiwan constantly help each other out because these are two places that see tsunamis, they see earthquakes and typhoons quite often. also remember that it taiwan was one of the biggest contributors to japan, to was one of the biggest contributors tojapan, to aid injapan during the 2011 catastrophic earthquakes, tsunami and the nuclear leak as well. so, we understand that the assistance has been offered from japan, and of coursejapan being used to many earthquakes, having experienced a catastrophic one in
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2011, is quite prepared, given that we had tsunami alarms earlier today. i would imagine they will be offering just a also technical assistance in evacuation and recovery. i think what rupert alluded to is that the challenge thatis alluded to is that the challenge that is going to be facing any teams coming from here, from japan, or teams in taiwan as well, it is accessed, given how rugged the area is on the east coast of taiwan, and given that the landslides have unleashed this huge amount of rocks and boulders, notjust into the ocean, but into the valleys, blocking access to areas. we've seen some dramatic— blocking access to areas. we've seen some dramatic pictures. _ blocking access to areas. we've seen some dramatic pictures. you - some dramatic pictures. you mentioned these tsunami alert, you were injapan in tokyo when they happen. what was the mood injapan and the wider region? it is happen. what was the mood in japan and the wider region?— and the wider region? it is a very tense day — and the wider region? it is a very tense day here, _ and the wider region? it is a very tense day here, they _ and the wider region? it is a very tense day here, they very - and the wider region? it is a very tense day here, they very tense l tense day here, they very tense morning. i woke up to tsunami on my telephone, and we have heard from residents in okinawa, in the
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south—western area, about alarms sounding very loudly in their neighbourhood, about alarms sounding loudly on their phones, and some people saying we felt very scared. remember thatjapan experienced a remember that japan experienced a powerful earthquake remember thatjapan experienced a powerful earthquake in the very first day of the year this year, 7.8, in centraljapan, that caused a great deal of damage. and deaths as well. so people are on high alert as it is. but i also think it was extra concerning because, for the first time in more than a decade, a tsunami warning has been issued for the okinawa prefecture and the areas around it in the south—west coast of japan, triggered by that earthquake. and also, given the fact that some areas in okinawa, in the south—west, areas in okinawa, in the south—west, are very close to taiwan, the island that was hit by a 30 centimetre wave, it is very close to taiwan. on a clear day, even the taiwanese coast from that area. given how big and powerful the earthquake is in
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taiwan and how fluid the situation is, the meteorological agency has lifted the tsunami warning, but it is urging people here to stay on high alert for potential tidal changes, but also for potential aftershocks. and a reminder we have a special live page with the latest on the earthquake in taiwan — along with some of the dramatic video of the moment it hit — on the bbc news website or app. three men suspected of being involved in the stabbing of an iranian tv presenter in south london have left the uk, according to metropolitan police. pouria zeraati was stabbed outside his home in wimbledon on friday afternoon. he's since been discharged from hospital. detectives believe the suspects travelled to heathrow airport and fled the uk — our correspondent tom symonds has more details. we spoke to eyewitnesses who describe two people running away in dark clothing and somebody driving them off in a car.
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we know there's cctv in the area. we know that the police would have had access to the number plate because that was given to them by an eyewitness. and tonight, the met�*s counter—terrorism command has said that this was an attack involving two men in this residential street. the car that drove them off was a blue mazda three, which was found three or four miles away in new malden. and from there, they tracked these suspects to heathrow airport, where they left the country. now, of course, at some point, a passport in somebody�*s name would have been used. so they do say we have identified three suspects. what they haven't said is what the motive for this attack was. now they say that there could be a number of explanations and that they're keeping an open mind. but this is being investigated by the counter—terrorism police. as for zarate, he says that the suspects purposefully planned this attack. he will have spoken to liaison officers from the police, but he also says he's been discharged from hospital. he's recovering and he's feeling better.
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now i want to show you some pictures out of south korea. hundreds of people braved heavy rain to bid a tearful farwell to the first giant panda born in the country. fu bao has left the zoo she was born in 2020 in a high tech non—vibrating climate controlled truck to return to china. last month thousands of visitors queued up to see her before she departed. stay with us here on bbc news. hello again. as we go through the next few days, in fact for the rest of this week, low pressure is really in charge of our weather. we've got low pressure after low pressure system rattling in from the atlantic, into the southwest, and pushing north eastwards. each one bringing some rain, some heavy rain at that. and as we head into the weekend, you can see the squeeze on isobars. it's going to be windy,
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particularly so in saturday with some of us having some gales. so, with all that rain and the rainfall accumulation chart, you can see a lot of dark blues and also some of the lighter greens. so we're looking for some parts in excess of 50 millimetres, two inches of rain. what we have at the moment is a slow moving weather front across the north of the country, slowly pushing out of northern england, into southern and central scotland. rain easing across northern ireland, brightening up a touch behind before the next band of rain comes in from the southwest, with strengthening winds. still brisk winds accentuating the cool feel across the northeast, where we'll hang on to cloud and rain on and off through the day. now through the evening and overnight, a lot of this rain peters out, but there'll be a lot of cloud around, still some mountain top snow and the rain in the southwest will continue to push slowly northwards and eastwards. temperature—wise, it's going to be cold in the north, twos, threes and fours. come further south and we're looking at between six and a milder ten degrees. so tomorrow we start with this rain across southern england and wales. it's going to be pushing in the direction of the south
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east and east anglia. a lot of cloud, producing some drizzle, some showers. and then more rain comes in from the southwest as the next area of low pressure arrives. temperatures still chilly in the brisk wind in the northeast at six in lerwick, to 15 in london. as we head on into friday, further rain to come across the north of the country. it's going to be windy. this rain is going to be heavy and persistent in scotland. northern ireland, there'll be some showers around as well. temperatures five in the north to 16 or 17 as we push down towards the south. so, more of us will be in the milder air, the air coming up from the south, as it will do on saturday. on saturdaym quite a lot of dry weather around. some showers in the west. the rain continuing to edge for the north, but it is going to be a windy day. gales with exposure, gusty winds wherever you are. and you could well see 20 degrees somewhere in the southeast and east anglia.
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we are discussing the situation in gaza, the killing of the aid worker, seven aid workers killed. three of
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whom were british and we are getting your reactions to that. as say, it is quite a quest during this conflict to find that middle ground, to find people who of course believe in israel's right to exist. but also, believe we should be heading to a two—state solution, and condemn unreservedly the atrocities of october 7th but condemn unreservedly what is playing out in gaza. and let us go to some what is playing out in gaza. and let us go to some callers. what is playing out in gaza. and let us go to some callers. let what is playing out in gaza. and let us go to some callers. let us what is playing out in gaza. and let us go to some callers. let us hear as many voices as we can between knob and 10.00. i welcome our guests. important to hear from those who work in aid at the moment. his patrick, richard, debbie, patrick you go first? morning. how you doing. i hope all is well
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with you.


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