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tv   BBC News  BBC News  April 3, 2024 9:30am-10:01am BST

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a re are getting whom were british and we are getting your reactions to that. as say, it is quite a quest during this conflict to find that middle ground, to find people who of course believe in israel's right to exist. but also, believe we should be heading to a two—state solution, and condemn unreservedly the atrocities of october 7th but condemn unreservedly what is playing out in gaza. and let us go to some what is playing out in gaza. and let us go to some callers. what is playing out in gaza. and let us go to some callers. let what is playing out in gaza. and let us go to some callers. let us what is playing out in gaza. and let us go to some callers. let us hear as many voices as we can between knob and 10.00. i welcome our guests. important to hear from those who work in aid at the moment. his patrick, richard, debbie, patrick you go first? morning. how you doing. i hope all is well
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with you. how you feeling about this, what is your reaction to the deaths of the aid workers? well, the deaths of the aid workers? well, the deaths of the aid workers? well, the deaths of the — deaths of the aid workers? well, the deaths of the aid _ deaths of the aid workers? well, the deaths of the aid workers _ deaths of the aid workers? well, the deaths of the aid workers are - deaths of the aid workers? well, the deaths of the aid workers are being, | deaths of the aid workers are being, you know, revulsion and being rightly condemned but let us not forget, adds a small point, there have been over 200 palestinian aid workers murdered by the israelis here, also. this isn't a new phenomenon, we are seeing here. the aid workers have been killed in their hundreds, by the israelis, and their hundreds, by the israelis, and the point i would like to make this morning is i think people need to be taking the lead from what the south africans have done, and i am singling out the uk government, because obviously that is the government nearest me, that these people need to be held to account. they are supplying the arms to the israeli regime, which is carrying out these atrocities in the gaza strip. so everyone can condemn
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israel until they are blue in the face, doesn't make it a matter of, not a single dam does netanyahu care about that, because netanyahu needs this assault to continue, to keep himself out of jail. this assault to continue, to keep himself out ofjail. people shouldn't lose sight of that fact. he's going to prison once this conflict, sorry, this assault ends. so i think people need to be looking at their own governments, and taking, taking the lead that south africa have provided, and start holding their own governments, the governments, the uk... {1371 governments, the uk... of course, thank yom — governments, the uk... of course, thank you. patrick, _ governments, the uk... of course, thank you. patrick, thank— governments, the uk... of course, thank you. patrick, thank you, - thank you. patrick, thank you, forgive me, i don't mean to be rude, i want to hear as many people as possible. appreciate that, there is is a truth and reconciliation process in south africa. if only. richard in leeds, have your say, sir. thank you nicky, i a degree wholeheartedly with what patrick has
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just said. i think that all the west, the governments of the world, notjust west, the governments of the world, not just the west west, the governments of the world, notjust the west but west, the governments of the world, not just the west but all of them should make a formal trial of the leadership of hamas, and the leadership of hamas, and the leadership of hamas, and the leadership of the israeli government, and they should be on trial at the international criminal court justice, trial at the international criminal courtjustice, in exactly the same way as karadzic was jailed or whatever happened to him, i don't know, i don't know if he was found guilty, because until there is that action, words are useless here and it will just continue action, words are useless here and it willjust continue so it needs to stop, and we need to, everybody needs to see the shame of what they are doing, both in hamas and in israel. and israel isjust are doing, both in hamas and in israel. and israel is just not helping itself at all. at all. a
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nation that has traditionally had the support of the west, understandably, isjust degenerated understandably, is just degenerated into understandably, isjust degenerated into murders and than is not acceptable and we need to show we don't accept it, and there needs to be that the appropriate action taken in a court ofjustice. be that the appropriate action taken in a court ofjustice._ in a court ofjustice. richard, thank yom — in a court ofjustice. richard, thank you. that _ in a court ofjustice. richard, thank you. that is _ in a court ofjustice. richard, thank you. that is my - in a court ofjustice. richard, thank you. that is my view. | in a court ofjustice. richard, i thank you. that is my view. and in a court ofjustice. richard, - thank you. that is my view. and we not it. thank you. that is my view. and we got it- thank _ thank you. that is my view. and we got it. thank you _ thank you. that is my view. and we got it. thank you very _ thank you. that is my view. and we got it. thank you very much. - thank you. that is my view. and we got it. thank you very much. if - thank you. that is my view. and we got it. thank you very much. if you | got it. thank you very much. if you hear views here that you absolutely disagree with and want to virulently disagree with and want to virulently disagree with, you think this is an unfair representation, get in stanley tucci and have your say as well. we are representing the calls coming in, we have no editorial agenda, we have another call and it is debbie and i will come to text as well. debbie in rugby, what are your feelings? my well. debbie in rugby, what are your feelinas? g , well. debbie in rugby, what are your feelinas? y , ., well. debbie in rugby, what are your feelinas? g , ., ., , feelings? my feelings today are 'ust one of feelings? my feelings today are 'ust of despair. fl feelings? my feelings today are 'ust one of despair, complete �* feelings? my feelings today are 'ust one of despair, complete and h feelings? my feelings today are just one of despair, complete and utter| one of despair, complete and utter despair around i have to say i i
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degree wholeheartedly with what your previous two callers said and what was mentioned before and that was my point i raise if my text message, i think the only option available to the world right now is for the united nations, to step up, and do what they were formed for, and to sendin what they were formed for, and to send in a peacekeeping force, into gaza. forthe send in a peacekeeping force, into gaza. for the israelis to withdraw, for as true splitisation or diplomatic situation to be discussed and involved. and i think there are so many conflicting issues round this, with one of your callers yesterday, mentioned that if there was a regime change in israel that would destabilise the area more, so while i agree that what binyamin netanyahu and his government have the actually done, is just way over what any normal human being would caught right, based on what happened on october 7th i was just awful,
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absolutely awful, ijust on october 7th i was just awful, absolutely awful, i just feel, on october 7th i was just awful, absolutely awful, ijust feel, i fearfor absolutely awful, ijust feel, i fear for my grandchildren's future i fear for my grandchildren's future i fearfor fear for my grandchildren's future i fear for the world, fear for my grandchildren's future i fearfor the world, i fear for my grandchildren's future i fear for the world, i think our politicians need to get their big boys pants on and just think, we may have in the us and the uk elections this year, but they need to take second place to actually put something in place now, via the united nations. a supposedly neutral offerings and just stop this, it has got to stop. —— organisation. it’s a got to stop. -- organisation. it's a complicated _ got to stop. -- organisation. it's a complicated organisation - got to stop. -- organisation. it's a complicated organisation but - got to stop. —— organisation. it's a complicated organisation but thank you very much indeed. certain amount of unanimity from our first three callers in this section of the programme. a lot of people by text pointing out the paradox of the situation thatjoe biden is saying look, do not invade rafah before you have properly, the assault in rafah, binyamin netanyahu says will go ahead, he says hold back on that, do not do it, you have not ensured the
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safety of civilians in that area, while at the same time saying here are the weapons to enable you to do that. people are pointing that out, quite a lot this morning. gershonbaskin, wham is your reaction to what happened and what needs to happen now? i to what happened and what needs to happen now?— happen now? i think it is quite clear that _ happen now? i think it is quite clear that almost _ happen now? i think it is quite clear that almost six _ happen now? i think it is quite clear that almost six months l happen now? i think it is quite i clear that almost six months into this war, this war must end and the israelis and hamas can end it by themselves, there needs to be pressure on israel and hamas to put an end to the war. i think it's correct that the nation that apply —— supplying weapon, they are receiving them. i would caveat by saying if israel is attacked by iran or iranian promiscuity —— psis that the supply of weapons would continue be the war effort in gaza must come to an end, hamas must release the hostages that it is holding, 134
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israelis are being held by hamas still, we estimate that maybe half of them are no longer alive. the military pressure that israel has exerted that said we will free the hostages is clearly not working, the international community needs to apply its leverage and pressure on hamas, that means that qatar needs to inform the hamas leadership if they don't comply they will no longer be welcome in qatart egyptians need to be told they must secure the border, and remove any possibilities of smuggling additional weapons into gaza, either above ground or below ground. the israeli public and the palestinian public need to hold our leaders account bel. i heard the talk about the international criminal court, i would much prefer to see our leaders and palestinian leaders held to justice by the israeli and the palestinian people. that means new elections in israel immediately, that means giving the palestinians the chance to select leaders they haven't had a choice of that since
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2006. hamas can no longer survive, it lost its ability and right to exist, but the way to deal with hamas is politically, and diplomatically and the defeat of hamas is through advancing the real two state solution, which leads us to the uk, it is time for the uk to recognise the state of palestine, along with other oecd nation, the veto on statehood needs to be removed from israel and these two peoples need to be put on the path too peace, but not a 30 year open ended peace process like we has in oslo, it needs to be real, and the palestinians need to know they are going to get liberty and dignity, and the israelis need to know they are going to get security. this conflict is no longer limited to the borders of the jordan conflict is no longer limited to the borders of thejordan river and the head trainian sea, it is has extended beyond into the region, it affects global shipping, international security, and the international security, and the international community must be much more serious about making peace here
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than ever before.— than ever before. debbie in rugby, i think her phrase _ than ever before. debbie in rugby, i think her phrase was _ than ever before. debbie in rugby, i think her phrase was put _ than ever before. debbie in rugby, i think her phrase was put on - than ever before. debbie in rugby, i think her phrase was put on their - think her phrase was put on their big boy pants. you think her phrase was put on their big boy pants-— think her phrase was put on their bi bo ants. ., ., ., , big boy pants. you want to see some the women — big boy pants. you want to see some the women leaders _ big boy pants. you want to see some the women leaders in _ big boy pants. you want to see some the women leaders in the _ big boy pants. you want to see some the women leaders in the world - the women leaders in the world working. the women leaders in the world workinu. ., ., , the women leaders in the world workin. ., ., working. that was the caveat i was about to put _ working. that was the caveat i was about to put in. — working. that was the caveat i was about to put in, those _ working. that was the caveat i was about to put in, those were - working. that was the caveat i was about to put in, those were the - about to put in, those were the words of debbie. whoever else wants to get in touch. peter you worked with world central kitchen in ukraine, peter not real name. my goodness me, how do you feel about what happened? qm. goodness me, how do you feel about what happened?— what happened? ok, so i didn't work directl for what happened? ok, so i didn't work directly for charity, _ what happened? ok, so i didn't work directly for charity, what _ what happened? ok, so i didn't work directly for charity, what we - what happened? ok, so i didn't work directly for charity, what we did, - directly for charity, what we did, we would take in supplies into front line areas that were receiving incoming where they count get drivers to go. yeah, i mean, being blown up is not nice, don't like it. importantly, you get a lot of ngos running round unsafely, world
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kitchen are a professional organisation, they have worked tirelessly to do their work around the world, they are exceptional people, the second point, and that based on my experience, directly of them. ., ~ ,, the based on my experience, directly of them._ the second - based on my experience, directly of| them._ the second point, them. thank you. the second point, ou them. thank you. the second point, you cannot. — them. thank you. the second point, you cannot. you _ them. thank you. the second point, you cannot, you don't, _ them. thank you. the second point, you cannot, you don't, they - them. thank you. the second point, you cannot, you don't, they don't i you cannot, you don't, they don't accidentally hit these aid workers in many cases, particularly where a drone, there is is a clear command system for drone operation there, is a very clear targeting system, they would be very aware of the, it can't be described as an accident. these weapons are very advanced, they are not fully autonomous, you need a green to fire from a senior command, and that is all the evidence you need. it is is a blatant assassination of more aid workers, maybe this time we are talking about it more because i don't know, they
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are light skinned aid workers they are light skinned aid workers they are not palestinians but they have been murdering red crescent, unrwa, they have been murdering world central kitchen, and that is not an accident, it does not work like that, we... accident, it does not work like that, we. - -_ accident, it does not work like that, we. - -— accident, it does not work like that, we... , . ., , that, we... israel are saying they are carrying _ that, we... israel are saying they are carrying out _ that, we... israel are saying they are carrying out an _ that, we... israel are saying they are carrying out an investigation, tell me more about that, just very briefly, peter, not real name, somebody controlling the zone is in a very cool calm and collected environment, they are not in the frenetic situation of the war zone, so they make you say a very clear sighted decision. that so they make you say a very clear sighted decision.— sighted decision. that is correct. all ri . ht. sighted decision. that is correct. all right. thank _ sighted decision. that is correct. all right. thank you _ sighted decision. that is correct. all right. thank you very - sighted decision. that is correct. all right. thank you very much . sighted decision. that is correct. | all right. thank you very much for that. we have karen in devon who has worked with world central kitchen before, we have karen and shaz. thank you again. shaz in london in a second. let us go with karen in
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north—west london, ursula in north wales coming up as well. karen what is your reaction and shas ask come off the back of that. mr; is your reaction and shas ask come off the back of that.— off the back of that. my reaction is obviously what _ off the back of that. my reaction is obviously what happened - off the back of that. my reaction is obviously what happened was... . off the back of that. my reaction is obviously what happened was... i | obviously what happened was... i think the world has to remember what hamas did on 7th october. i mean, the world you are talking about butchering the palestinian, they butchered the israelis, innocent people, in kibbutz living a quiet life and they have still got over 100 hostage, living in the most appalling situation, and surely that should be the priority to release the hostages first. yes, if it has to be a ceasefire i agree with that but i think the world has forgotten what hamas did and they did start all this, agree that possibly what the israelis are doing is out of proportion but they didn't start it and it is getting more out of control, so surely, wouldn't it be
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much easier to release the hostages, have a ceasefire, and then talk? let us aet a have a ceasefire, and then talk? let us get a reaction to that from has. don't go anywhere karen.- us get a reaction to that from has. don't go anywhere karen. sure. you make a point— don't go anywhere karen. (re you make a point represented by what a lot of listeners are saying, although i have to say a lot are saying what i believe shaz may well be saying. hi saying what i believe shaz may well besa inc. . ., .,�* be saying. hi nicholas, i don't thinki be saying. hi nicholas, i don't think i am _ be saying. hi nicholas, i don't think i am going _ be saying. hi nicholas, i don't think i am going to _ be saying. hi nicholas, i don't think i am going to be - be saying. hi nicholas, i don't i think i am going to be addressing her response, because i think, i want to talk a bit about one of your listeners earlier on, who was talking i think one of the friends of israel, but the thing is if you want to do things in a fair way, he has been on your programme a few times before, i know he has because i have listened to your programme every day. the i have listened to your programme eve da . , ., ., i have listened to your programme eve da. ,., ., i, every day. the first half hour, yes. sorry that — every day. the first half hour, yes. sorry that is _ every day. the first half hour, yes. sorry that is for _ every day. the first half hour, yes. sorry that is for people _ every day. the first half hour, yes. sorry that is for people on - every day. the first half hour, yes. sorry that is for people on the i every day. the first half hour, yes. sorry that is for people on the tv, | sorry that is for people on the tv, thatis sorry that is for people on the tv, that is the first thing, second thing i want to talk about for years
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i have been going on demos against palestinian and those sort of times, wouldn't get on tv, because really it is palestinians dying and no—one really cared. channel 4 would do it once in a while and then it would go quiet, but because the horrible attack on, and it's a horrendous attack on, and it's a horrendous attack on, and it's a horrendous attack on 7th october, because it was not palestinians, because it was such a big issue from the west, because west are friends with the israel, it made worldwide new, it is horrendous, but then we don't carry on that anger towards, someone else's doing it, and they are doing more than they i should, if that makes sense i am trying to explain, am trying to say... d0 makes sense i am trying to explain, am trying to say- - -_ am trying to say... do you there is am trying to say... do you there is a dereliction _ am trying to say... do you there is a dereliction of— am trying to say... do you there is a dereliction of duty _ am trying to say... do you there is a dereliction of duty by _ am trying to say... do you there is a dereliction of duty by the - am trying to say... do you there is a dereliction of duty by the media, but we see the we see the scenes played out on itv, channel 4, bbc, skye. played out on itv, channel4, bbc, s e. ., played out on itv, channel4, bbc, s e. . ., ., ,
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skye. the media, the media have been weak in this country _ skye. the media, the media have been weak in this country for— skye. the media, the media have been weak in this country for the _ skye. the media, the media have been weak in this country for the the - weak in this country for the the last 20 year, weak in the sense they don't stand up. if there is something morally wrong with an mp thatis something morally wrong with an mp that is speaking to they they won't say stop. we stilt don't do it now, we don't take them to task, it is the duty of the media, to take them to task, if the media, you know, we look at the polling round how many people in the uk want an immediate ceasefire. 70%. isn't that what the people are talking about? the prime minister saying this is not what the people want. the people want an immediate ceasefire. d0 people want. the people want an immediate ceasefire.— immediate ceasefire. do you any the... i immediate ceasefire. do you any the--- i hear— immediate ceasefire. do you any the... i hear you, _ immediate ceasefire. do you any the... i hear you, do _ immediate ceasefire. do you any the... i hear you, do you - immediate ceasefire. do you any the... i hear you, do you think . immediate ceasefire. do you any i the... i hear you, do you think the tide is turning, and maybe it does take what has happened, and that is just... take what has happened, and that is 'ust. .. ~ , take what has happened, and that is 'ust...~ ,, ,, take what has happened, and that is 'ust... ~ , , ., , take what has happened, and that is just- - -— that - take what has happened, and that is just- - -— that is - just... why should it be? that is the uua just... why should it be? that is the quay of _ just... why should it be? that is the quay of the _ just... why should it be? that is the quay of the world _ just... why should it be? that is the quay of the world it - just... why should it be? that is| the quay of the world it shouldn't be the way _ the quay of the world it shouldn't be the way of _ the quay of the world it shouldn't be the way of the _ the quay of the world it shouldn't be the way of the world. - the quay of the world it shouldn't be the way of the world. because they were white? i be the way of the world. because they were white?— be the way of the world. because they were white? i know, i know. i know. they were white? i know, i know. i know- but — they were white? i know, i know. i know- but i _ they were white? i know, i know. i know- itut i am — they were white? i know, i know. i know. but i am just _ they were white? i know, i know. i know. but i amjust saying... i they were white? i know, i know. i. know. but i am just saying. .. anyone know. but i am 'ust saying... anyone who is not know. but i am just saying. .. anyone who is not white. _ know. but i am just saying. .. anyone who is not white. i _ know. but i am just saying. .. anyone who is not white. i am _ know. but i am just saying. .. anyone who is not white. i am not _ know. but i am just saying. .. anyone who is not white. i am not saying i who is not white. i am not saying
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that. the who is not white. i am not saying that- the way — who is not white. i am not saying that. the way of _ who is not white. i am not saying that. the way of the _ who is not white. i am not saying that. the way of the word. i who is not white. i am not saying that. the way of the word. yourl who is not white. i am not saying i that. the way of the word. your are sa in: the that. the way of the word. your are saying the way _ that. the way of the word. your are saying the way of — that. the way of the word. your are saying the way of the _ that. the way of the word. your are saying the way of the world. - that. the way of the word. your are saying the way of the world. so i that. the way of the word. your are | saying the way of the world. so that means... , , , means... listen, listen, listen, listen to _ means... listen, listen, listen, listen to me, — means... listen, listen, listen, listen to me, listen _ means... listen, listen, listen, listen to me, listen to - means... listen, listen, listen, listen to me, listen to me, i means... listen, listen, listen, i listen to me, listen to me, listen to me. it is whatever, whatever, ok, you can, you can decry and castigate quite rightly priority, but, do you think and i am going to move on to ursula in a second, i want to hear more from you first, albeit briefly, do you think this could be a turning point? condemnation from biden, condemnation from cameron, from sunak, from trump.— condemnation from cameron, from sunak, from trump. words don't mean nothin: do sunak, from trump. words don't mean nothing do they- _ sunak, from trump. words don't mean nothing do they- i _ sunak, from trump. words don't mean nothing do they. i can _ sunak, from trump. words don't mean nothing do they. i can condemn, i sunak, from trump. words don't mean nothing do they. i can condemn, doesl nothing do they. i can condemn, does that mean i believe in it?— that mean i believe in it? thank ou. that mean i believe in it? thank you- ursula _ that mean i believe in it? thank you- ursula in — that mean i believe in it? thank you. ursula in north _ that mean i believe in it? thank you. ursula in north wales, i that mean i believe in it? thank you. ursula in north wales, hi, | that mean i believe in it? thank i you. ursula in north wales, hi, and jean in faversham. ursula you go first. ., jean in faversham. ursula you go first. . ., ., ., first. hi. ok, i have heard a few of the comments _ first. hi. ok, i have heard a few of the comments but _ first. hi. ok, i have heard a few of the comments but not _ first. hi. ok, i have heard a few of the comments but not all - first. hi. ok, i have heard a few of the comments but not all of i first. hi. ok, i have heard a few of| the comments but not all of them, but i first of all would like to say that there are thousands or tens of thousands of people in the uk, who
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do stand by israel. i agree with the last caller, that the media have been responsible for causing a lot of division, and they have been reporting and really the media are mouth piece for hamas, it is hamas, journalistling, that feed into reuters and ap, so unfortunately the majority of people in this country who just listen to the bbc or other, you know, all the mainstream channels actually, are just hearing very one—sided stories. [30 channels actually, are just hearing very one-sided stories.— channels actually, are just hearing very one-sided stories. do you think the bbc is a — very one-sided stories. do you think the bbc is a mouth _ very one-sided stories. do you think the bbc is a mouth piece _ very one-sided stories. do you think the bbc is a mouth piece for- very one-sided stories. do you think| the bbc is a mouth piece for hamas? yes, i do, the bbc is a mouth piece for hamas? yes, ido, i'm the bbc is a mouth piece for hamas? yes, i do, i'm sorry. the bbc is a mouth piece for hamas? yes, ido, i'm sorry. because the bbc is a mouth piece for hamas? yes, i do, i'm sorry. because that is what they are reporting, because hamas is not allowing reporters into gaza. ~ ., hamas is not allowing reporters into gaza. . . . hamas is not allowing reporters into gaza. ~ . ., ., . , gaza. what about the aid agencies are they mouth — gaza. what about the aid agencies are they mouth piece _ gaza. what about the aid agencies are they mouth piece for- gaza. what about the aid agencies are they mouth piece for hamas? | gaza. what about the aid agencies i are they mouth piece for hamas? no, obviousl , are they mouth piece for hamas? mfr, obviously, what, oh, well, 0k. are they mouth piece for hamas? no, obviously, what, oh, well, 0k. they. obviously, what, oh, well, 0k. they are confirming _ obviously, what, oh, well, 0k. they are confirming the _ obviously, what, oh, well, 0k. they are confirming the casualties as are the un and the aid agencies. right,
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what i would _ the un and the aid agencies. right, what i would say _ the un and the aid agencies. right, what i would say obviously, - the un and the aid agencies. right, what i would say obviously, in i the un and the aid agencies. right, what i would say obviously, in this | what i would say obviously, in this situation, there are accidents and i think whey happened yesterday was awful, and as you say there is an investigation but what i would say is israel have a defence force, they do not kill in cold blood, the army is highly trained, highly targeting, they want to take out hamas, the reason why is because they want to free the gazan population from hamas, they have been under their control since 2005. can hamas, they have been under their control since 2005.— control since 2005. can i ask a cuick control since 2005. can i ask a quick question, _ control since 2005. can i ask a quick question, points - control since 2005. can i ask a quick question, points are i control since 2005. can i ask a i quick question, points are coming across, being made, this is about giving voice to our listeners and our viewers and of cows, people may hear things they disagree with but people they disagree with pay the license fee, let me ask you one question. destroying hamas, how can you do that? is what is happening now and we have seen this in other conflicts no the most powerful
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recruiting sargent for generations of hamas fighters, whatever you want to call them, militant, terrorist r for generations to come?- to call them, militant, terrorist r for generations to come? yeah, you are sa in: for generations to come? yeah, you are saying by _ for generations to come? yeah, you are saying by killing _ for generations to come? yeah, you are saying by killing hamas - for generations to come? yeah, you are saying by killing hamas it - for generations to come? yeah, you are saying by killing hamas it is i are saying by killing hamas it is making more people will want to join hamas? making more people will want to 'oin hamas? , making more people will want to join hamas? yes. that is what you are sa in: hamas? yes. that is what you are saying yes? _ hamas? yes. that is what you are saying yes? it _ hamas? yes. that is what you are saying yes? it is _ hamas? yes. that is what you are saying yes? it is incredibly difficult, but israel have been been surrounded by people who want them destroy for 75 years you see. [30 surrounded by people who want them destroy for 75 years you see.- destroy for 75 years you see. do you su ort a destroy for 75 years you see. do you support a two-state _ destroy for 75 years you see. do you support a two-state solution? i destroy for 75 years you see. do you support a two-state solution? no, l support a two-state solution? no, no, i support a two-state solution? no, no. i don't — support a two-state solution? no, no. i don't support _ support a two—state solution? mfr, no, i don't support two state solution because that is not what the palestinian authority want. they want israel destroyed. they don't, they have never wanted a two—state solution, they don't want it. ursula, there are different voices on both sides, thank you for getting in touch. i do appreciate it. babu in touch. i do appreciate it. babu in wolverhampton, jean in faversham, babu, good morning, what is your point. babu, good morning, what is your oint, , babu, good morning, what is your oint, ., , babu, good morning, what is your oint. ., , ., ., point. good morning, first of all, ou are point. good morning, first of all,
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you are one _ point. good morning, first of all, you are one of— point. good morning, first of all, you are one of the _ point. good morning, first of all, you are one of the best - point. good morning, first of all, i you are one of the best presenters, i really like you your present style and you are one of my heroes. that. and you are one of my heroes. that, ou are and you are one of my heroes. that, you are right — and you are one of my heroes. that, you are right now — and you are one of my heroes. that, you are right now one _ and you are one of my heroes. that, you are right now one of— and you are one of my heroes. that, you are right now one of mine. - and you are one of my heroes. that, you are right now one of mine. thank you are right now one of mine. thank you very much for that. what would you very much for that. what would you like to say, what is your reaction?— you like to say, what is your reaction? g ., , , reaction? my reaction is both sides need to exist _ reaction? my reaction is both sides need to exist in _ reaction? my reaction is both sides need to exist in peace, _ reaction? my reaction is both sides need to exist in peace, i _ reaction? my reaction is both sides need to exist in peace, i think - reaction? my reaction is both sides need to exist in peace, i think the l need to exist in peace, i think the best way forward is a two—state solution. like us, us, we needed to make sure that we achieve a two—state solution. israel has the right to exist, so does the palestinian people. i think i can come from a war—torn previously war—torn island of sri lanka, war, both civilians and combatants get destroyed. i think we need to stop the war. yeah, i mean, there are no winners and babu thank you very much. and
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jean,in and babu thank you very much. and jean, in faversham, miriam, county down. hellojean, it is allures as you say, you can say what you want to say. honestly. 0k, to say. honestly. ok, then, nicky, alll to say. honestly. ok, then, nicky, all i can tell you is that i sit here and i watch my television and i watch the french news, bbc, itv and i watch al—jazeera so i get a broad view of everything that is going on and all i can say to you when i see 15 or 14,000 i can say to you when i see 15 or ili,000 children being killed in gaza, i tell you what i am so depressed over the whole thing it is unbelievable. it is no point in the west sending arms to israel with one hand, and aid to feed them on the next. it doesn't make sense. this war will not solve anything, all it will do is cause another war, because one war leads to another war, we really must have peace, and i think the west, and also the arab nations must stand up, somebody must say this has to end. i mean it is
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crazy. i reallyjust don't know what else to say. crazy. i really 'ust don't know what else to say.— else to say. you have said it very well. miriam _ else to say. you have said it very well. miriam is _ else to say. you have said it very well. miriam is in _ else to say. you have said it very well. miriam is in county - else to say. you have said it very well. miriam is in county down. | else to say. you have said it very i well. miriam is in county down. let me tell you that viewers for bbc news are with us at the moment and listeners to bbc radio 5 live, after 10.00 we have three politicians to answer your questions and i imagine there will be questions on this, of course, we will carry on this discussion and there is much else to discussion and there is much else to discuss after ten. hello miriam. what would you like to say? hello nic , what would you like to say? hello nicky. firstly _ what would you like to say? hello nicky, firstly would _ what would you like to say? hello nicky, firstly would like _ what would you like to say? hello nicky, firstly would like to - what would you like to say? hello nicky, firstly would like to say regarding the killings of the aid workers is horrific, but really my thoughts are with the fact that this is not, should not be a shock to the world of because of what the idf have been doing, killing innocent people. ifind it is have been doing, killing innocent people. i find it is difficult the talk about it because it is such a higher motive topic, but i also
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think, and the lady on earlier she was talking about 7th october which i was horrific, however, 20 years prior to this 7th october the palestinian people are oppressed people, living in open prison, with no real rights, and you know when you are an oppressed people you tend to go to look for help elsewhere, i believe this is where hamas have came from, you cannot say the war started op 7th october because it didn't. it was going on prior to this, and, you know, what has happened since and this whole shock about what has happened here w the aid workers which is horrific, but there has been so many people killed in the last five, six months at the hands of the israeli government, with the help of the british government and the help of the usa. so you know, why are people so shocked now? you know, these are an oppressed people, i
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shocked now? you know, these are an oppressed people, lam shocked now? you know, these are an oppressed people, i am speaking from a bit of experience myself, oppression leads to reaching out, you know and ijust feel... fiend oppression leads to reaching out, you know and i just feel... you know and i 'ust feel... and they do say that — you know and i just feel... and they do say that those, _ you know and i just feel... and they do say that those, i _ you know and i just feel... and they do say that those, i mean _ you know and i just feel... and they do say that those, i mean they - you know and i just feel... and they do say that those, i mean they are l do say that those, i mean they are not comparable conflict of course, every conflict is different and i am not making a crass parallel between the troubles and what happened here. something like bloody sunday was the most powerful recruiting are janet for the irish republican army, wasn't it? i think we have lost miriam, that is a point made. have ou lost miriam, that is a point made. have you lost me _ miriam, that is a point made. have you lost me i _ miriam, that is a point made. have you lost me i have _ miriam, that is a point made. have you lost me i have got _ miriam, that is a point made. have you lost me i have got you - miriam, that is a point made. have you lost me i have got you back, i l you lost me i have got you back, i have ou you lost me i have got you back, i have you back- — you lost me i have got you back, i have you back. i _ you lost me i have got you back, i have you back. i am _ you lost me i have got you back, i have you back. i am talking - you lost me i have got you back, i have you back. i am talking abouti have you back. i am talking about sewing the sides of hatred. yes. have you back. i am talking about sewing the sides of hatred. yes, and when ou sewing the sides of hatred. yes, and when you any _ sewing the sides of hatred. yes, and when you any about _ sewing the sides of hatred. yes, and when you any about the _ sewing the sides of hatred. yes, and when you any about the 7th - sewing the sides of hatred. yes, and when you any about the 7th 0ctober| when you any about the 7th october which was horrific, what happened, a few miles away there was oppressed people living, you know, you know, there really needs to be some common—sense here and people need to go back further to see what caused this here. ., .,
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go back further to see what caused this here. ., ,, , ., go back further to see what caused this here. ., ~' ,, ., go back further to see what caused this here. ., ,, i. ., ., this here. thank you for saying that and of course _ this here. thank you for saying that and of course it _ this here. thank you for saying that and of course it is _ this here. thank you for saying that and of course it is a _ this here. thank you for saying that and of course it is a conflict - this here. thank you for saying that and of course it is a conflict that i and of course it is a conflict that goes back depending on your particular perspective for gen. generation two sequenceration, 100 year, a thousand years and more, and shad in middlesbrough, could be the last caller, who know, morning, and you are saying what a lot of people are saying so say it.— you are saying what a lot of people are saying so say it. good morning. yes, m are saying so say it. good morning. yes. my basic _ are saying so say it. good morning. yes, my basic point _ are saying so say it. good morning. yes, my basic point is _ are saying so say it. good morning. yes, my basic point is i _ are saying so say it. good morning. yes, my basic point is i find - are saying so say it. good morning. yes, my basic point is i find it - yes, my basic point is i find it amazing that the prime minister has come out and said all these things now, in my mind, because three british people have been murdered and that is the simple terms, murdered, not any other way yet when the palestinian people were killed, and in a drone mistake i found it amazing that the prime minister, has only taken action now because is three british people involved, where has all the compassion gone when the palestinian civilian, children, women were being killed? then it was
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a case of, it's, israel has the right to defend itself, i mean, that is not defence, that is simple murder. ., ., ., ., ., murder. hold that thought. hold that thoulht, murder. hold that thought. hold that thought. 0k. — murder. hold that thought. hold that thought. ok. i— murder. hold that thought. hold that thought, 0k, iwant _ murder. hold that thought. hold that thought, ok, i want to _ murder. hold that thought. hold that thought, ok, i want to say _ murder. hold that thought. hold that thought, ok, i want to say goodbye l thought, ok, i want to say goodbye to our listeners on bbc news, good to our listeners on bbc news, good to see you again, thank you very much, our discussion goes on we have our politicians coming up hello again. as we go through the next few days, in fact for the rest of this week, low pressure is really in charge of our weather. we've got low pressure after low pressure system rattling in from the atlantic, into the southwest, and pushing north eastwards. each one bringing some rain, some heavy rain at that. and as we head into the weekend, you can see the squeeze on isobars. it's going to be windy, particularly so in saturday with some of us having some gales. so, with all that rain and the rainfall accumulation chart, you can see a lot of dark blues and also some of the lighter greens. so we're looking for some parts in excess of 50 millimetres, two inches of rain. what we have at the moment is a slow
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moving weather front across the north of the country, slowly pushing out of northern england, into southern and central scotland. rain easing across northern ireland, brightening up a touch behind before the next band of rain comes in from the southwest, with strengthening winds. still brisk winds accentuating the cool feel across the northeast, where we'll hang on to cloud and rain on and off through the day. now through the evening and overnight, a lot of this rain peters out, but there'll be a lot of cloud around, still some mountain top snow and the rain in the southwest will continue to push slowly northwards and eastwards. temperature—wise, it's going to be cold in the north, twos, threes and fours. come further south and we're looking at between six and a milder ten degrees. so tomorrow we start with this rain across southern england and wales. it's going to be pushing in the direction of the south east and east anglia. a lot of cloud, producing some drizzle, some showers. and then more rain comes in from the southwest as the next area of low pressure arrives. temperatures still chilly in the brisk wind in the northeast at six in lerwick, to 15 in london. as we head on into friday, further rain to come across the north of the country. it's going to be windy. this rain is going to be heavy and persistent in scotland. northern ireland, there'll be some showers around as well.
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temperatures five in the north to 16 or 17 as we push down towards the south. on saturday, quite a lot of dry weather around. some showers in the west. the rain continuing to edge for the north, but it is going to be a windy day. gales with exposure, gusty winds wherever you are. and you could well see 20 degrees somewhere in the southeast and east anglia. live from london. this is bbc news president biden expresses his outrage at the deaths of seven international aid workers in an israeli air strike in gaza. the three british aid workers killed in the strike have been named as prime minister rishi sunak says he's appalled by their deaths. taiwan is hit by its biggest earthquake in 25 years — nine people are dead,
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at least 700 injured. uganda's constitutional court has refused to overturn a controversial anti—homosexuality law, considered one of the toughest in the world. and the new film starring kirsten dunst warns of the threat to democracy posed by populism and polarisation. we start this hour in the middle east. israel is under increasing international pressure after seven aid workers, including three uk citizens, were killed in an israeli airstrike in gaza. president biden has said he's outraged and heartbroken by the deaths. in a highly critical statement, the us president said israel was not doing enough to protect civilians. world central kitchen released these pictures of the seven aid workers killed when a convoy
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carrying staff from the charity was hit on monday.


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