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tv   BBC News  BBC News  April 3, 2024 1:45pm-2:01pm BST

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today. james was only ”53 years james today. james was only 33 years old when he was a former refer from here in cornwall. he said. she is in the royal marines, according to social media. he left the military in 2016 for a securityjob, like the one in gaza. reacting to the news, this is what nick pollard had to say. it this is what nick pollard had to sa . , this is what nick pollard had to sa , , ., , , this is what nick pollard had to sa. , say. it is appalling news, the loss of life and — say. it is appalling news, the loss of life and that _ say. it is appalling news, the loss of life and that israeli _ say. it is appalling news, the loss of life and that israeli air - say. it is appalling news, the loss of life and that israeli air strike. l of life and that israeli air strike. we need a full investigation into who is responsible and who will be accountable. we need an immediate humanitarian ceasefire. too many people are being killed, civilians and aid workers. we need are fighting to stop so we can get hostages out and the adm. we fighting to stop so we can get hostages out and the adm. we have a note from the — hostages out and the adm. we have a note from the security _ hostages out and the adm. we have a note from the security firm _ hostages out and the adm. we have a note from the security firm which - note from the security firm which employed james and the other british
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people killed in the strike. matthew harding says the men were all valued team members, to whom we were very close. it was a tragic loss. he and the men were working as security and safety advisers to the convoy and they were returning to the compound after delivering food aid. he said their roles were to ensure that the convoy followed its safety procedures and stays on the correct route and to be on hand should anything untoward occurred. he adds that the man would also have worked to remove people from immediate danger should the convoy had come underfire. here in cornwall, the flag and the rugby football club where james henderson played, is flying at half mast today in his memory. internationally, there has been widespread condemnation of the strike and world leaders are calling for an explanation. the foreign secretary lord cameron has spoken to the media
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about the deaths of the aid workers. here's what he had to say. the dreadful events at the last two day is our moment when we should mourn the loss of these brave humanitarian workers, including the three british citizens who were tragically killed. we should also send condolences to their families and our thought should be with them. i welcome what the israeli foreign minister said yesterday to me about a full, urgent and transparent inquiry into how this dreadful event was allowed to happen and we want to see that happen very quickly. i also welcome the fact he spoke about much more aid getting into gaza, up to 500 trucks a day. that is essential. we have been promised these things before and it really needs to happen, including longer opening times and vital crossing points. the extra eight will not work unless
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there is proper deacon flexion, an ice age can be taken around gaza and we avoid the dreadful incident like we avoid the dreadful incident like we have seen in the last couple of days. that is vital in britain will be watching very closely to make sure that happens. thank you very much. our correspondent duncan kennedy is in poole, dorset, outside solace global, the company that the british three men killed in the strike worked for. well, i think we could sum it up with just two words, really, disbelief and sadness. i had a quick word with somebody from solace global a few minutes ago, and he said they were all devastated there. these three men who died, these three british men, were all security advisers who were working alongside those aid workers. just in the past few minutes we've heard from the managing director of solace global, somebody called emily roberts, who said that she drove more than 12 hours yesterday to inform each member of those families in person about what had happened. she said that the men were incredibly proud of what they did and accepted the dangers involved.
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some of the three men, some of the three british men, have asked for privacy at this moment. but the family of james kirby have issued a statement in the past couple of hours or so, and they say that, as a family, we are utterly heartbroken by the loss of our beloved james kirby alongside the other six individuals who tragically lost their lives, he will be remembered is a hero. the statement says that james served in the armed forces, doesn't say what branch, and that he had also served for the british armed forces in places like bosnia, afghanistan. the statement says that he understood the risks of what he was doing in gaza and that they were incredibly proud of what he achieved. the sense here overall, as reflected by that statement, is one of complete devastation and really deep sadness at the loss of these three men. duncan kennedy reporting. and a reminder we have a special
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live page with the latest reaction to the deaths of the seven aid workers including as we've heard three britons on the bbc news website or app. now a line—up breaking news. a serial six attacker has had his latest request for release turned down by the parole board. kirk reid, now 59, was sentenced to 28 offences, including two rates was to [one women in london. the parole lone women in london. the parole board has said he should not be moved to an open prison. police believe he could have been responsible for over 100 attacks
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over 23 years. he was jailed for life in 2009 with a recommendation he should serve a minimum of 7.5 years. the parole board has turned down his request for release. the serial six attacker kirk reid. in other news... a grieving man has been told that ashes he believed were his late wife's are not hers. richard shaw used legacy independent funeral directors in hull after losing his wife rita last year. 35 bodies have been removed from the firm by police officers following concerns raised by members of the public. ellie price has this report. richard shaw got the call on good friday — police had found his wife rita's ashes in a mortuary. they were not in the urn in their home, as he had believed they were. and he's angry with those responsible, as he told my colleague peter levy. words cannot describe him — or the person — who has done the deeds. and it must be awful for other people, as well. it's unbelievable, you know? you trust a person,
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and you trust them because it's somebody you'd never go to — it's a last resort — and it's... it's hard to describe, peter. richard doesn't know whose ashes are in his urn, but he says he'll treat them with dignity. i can either keep the ashes or i can get them back — ring them up or something like that. so i says, "well, personally, i want to keep them," and i'm going to look after them because i've looked after them for all this time. and i'm going to... i've got a bit of a garden around the back, peter, and when i do the ashes and stuff for rita, i'm going to put them in there because they can't trace who they're for. his story is depressingly familiar. a few weeks ago, we reported the case of peter welburn, who paid almost £2,000 to legacy independent funeral directors in hull, and was given ashes by a funeral director four weeks before his wife was actually cremated. well, i think he'sjust give me some
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ashes to keep me peaceful and the bairns all happy over christmas, which is disgusting. they've just give me anybody's ashes. last month, 35 bodies and a quantity of ashes were removed from legacy independent funeral directors by police following concern for care of the deceased. a 46—year—old man and a 23—year—old woman who were arrested on suspicion of prevention of a lawful and decent burial, fraud by false representation, and fraud by abuse of position, remain on police bail. ellie price, bbc news. an advert posted on instagram by katie price has been banned by the advertising watchdog. in the ad, which promotes a low—calorie diet, the former model detailed her meals adding up to only 755 calories a day. the advertising standards authority said the ad was irresponsible and must not appear again. our correspondent aruna iyengar has more from the newsroom. well, the ad, which was on instagram and featured katie price
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having her breakfast in the morning, it was a video of her, and extolling the virtues of this low—calorie diet that she was advertising. and the advertising standards authority, which monitors adverts and can come down with...and look at complaints and decide whether the advert should be withdrawn or not, decided that this was a misleading advert because it said first of all that the advert should be clearly flagged, and it said that you had to actually engage in the ad, you had to watch it in order to realise that at the bottom of the post, where it said #ad, and that was only really at the bottom of the advert. so, in order to get to that point you would have had to have fully engaged in the advert before you actually saw that, so it was not clearly flagged enough. it was also said to be irresponsible, because it showed katie price taking around 775 calories a day, and it said that that was irresponsible, to be promoting a diet which was less than 800 calories a day, and it said that really, she should have been guiding her viewers towards medical
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advice before they took such an extreme diet and that she should have really emphasised that the diet should only be taken for a short period of time. katie price has withdrawn the advert now. 0k, and there is another advert in the news today, this one about nationwide, that features the actor dominic west. that's been banned, what was the decision there and why? right, so, again, the advertising standards authority said the advert was misleading. this featured dominic west, the actor. he was the bad boss of a fictional bank, and basically it was criticising other banks for bank closures. this has been happening over the past couple of years, where larger banks have been closing banks on the high street because people are changing the way that they are banking. and the nationwide took out this advert between october and november last year, and the asa said it was misleading because it led viewers to believe that nationwide had completely
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stopped closing its bank branches and that it would not be doing that any more. and that it said was misleading because nationwide had actually said that it would not close any more branches until 2026, and before the adverts went out, it had closed two branches in the previous year. so, it said that was misleading. there was around 228 complaints about this, and one of the people who complained was the leading bank, the large bank santander. now, it's time for a look at the weather. hello there. we've got some windy weather on the way by the end of the week and some warmer weather, too, but still some spells of rain. everything is sprinting across from the atlantic. this area of cloud bringing rain later, this one bringing rain overnight. and that cloud has brough rain today across scotland. it's been wettest in central and southern parts of scotland. with the north—easterly wind in scotland, it still feels on the cold side.
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it's more of a south—westerly wind elsewhere, which is why we're seeing higher temperatures. but the rain is all coming from the south—west. some rain into this evening still in scotland. then some showery outbreaks of rain pushing into england and wales overnight. some heavier bursts of rain in southernmost parts of england. the risk of thunder and strong winds in the channel. that will keep temperatures up here. still chilly air we've got in scotland overnight. it could be cloudy, grey and even a damp day in scotland, possibly for northern ireland and the far north of england. elsewhere, further south, once the overnight rain clears away, we should see some sunshine with the odd shower around and more rain arriving in the south—west later. temperatures ahead of that could reach 15, 16. but still feeling cold across northern and eastern scotland in particular. rain coming into the south—west, getting pushed northwards overnight by that area of low pressure. wet weather as we head into friday in scotland and northern ireland, maybe even some snow over the mountain tops. that will push through. then lots of showers following in on behind.
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these will be heavy and blustery as a southerly wind starts to strengthen. still cold in the north of scotland. temperatures elsewhere could make 17 to 18 in eastern areas of england. the next area of low pressure arriving for the start of the weekend. this one could be more threatening because it is deeper and it will mean much stronger winds as we head into saturday. rain from overnight on the weather front soon moves away from scotland. then again we will see sunshine and showers. the low itself is tracking to the west of ireland and bringing in a southerly wind. it will be a windy day on saturday with the strongest winds out towards western areas. but because it is a southerly, even the temperatures in scotland will be higher. but we could reach 20 degrees across east anglia, and that would make it the warmest day of the year so far.
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live from london, this is bbc news. outrage from president biden at the deaths of seven international aid workers in an israeli air strike on gaza. the three british aid workers killed in the strike have been named. foreign secretary david cameron called for a full, urgent and transparent investigation. the dreadful events over the last
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two days are a moment when we should mourn the loss of these brave humanitarian workers, including the three british citizens that tragically were killed. taiwan is hit by its biggest earthquake in 25 years — nine people are dead, and at least 800 injured. and 100 people are still trapped. hello, iam lucy hello, i am lucy hockings. welcome to bbc news now. israel is under increasing international pressure after seven aid workers — including three uk citizens — were killed in an israeli air strike on gaza. president biden has said he's "outraged and heartbroken" by the deaths. the uk foreign secretary david cameron said it's a "dreadful" event, and he paid tribute to those killed, calling them "brave humanitarian workers". and rishi sunak said he was appalled as well by the attack.
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world central kitchen released these pictures of the seven aid workers


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