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tv   BBC News  BBC News  April 7, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm BST

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continent in a mammoth challenge taking him across 16 countries, has reached the finish line of his year long quest. hello, i'm lukwesa burak. the israeli military says it has withdrawn all its ground troops apart from one brigade from southern gaza, to focus on other offensives including rafah. it's six months since hamas gunmen stormed into southern israel, killing 1,200 people and kidnapping more than 250. the attack sparked what's become the deadliest and most destructive israel—gaza war, killing over 33,000 palestinians. 0ur international editor, jeremy bowen, has more from jerusalem.
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0ver six months, gaza has been ravaged by war, disease, death and now imminent famine, caused by israel's siege. the un calls it "a betrayal of humanity." kibbutz nir oz, right on israel's border with gaza, feels like a time capsule stuck in the horrors of the 7th of october. hamas broke in at dawn. they killed and took hostage a quarter of the 400 or so israelis who lived here. sayed was laying there dead. you could see that he was trying to hold the door closed and actually the door was locked. the army opened the door later. ron and his family survived in their safe room. then he recovered dead friends and neighbours, some in pieces. in this house, you know, that was the first time that we realised that we are not looking for only bodies, because the beginning, you know,
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we took a lot of bodies. the interrupted, terminated lives — laundry neatly folded the night before the attack give israelis a sense of moral clarity. going around this place, you can understand why israelis believe very strongly that they're fighting a just war in gaza. of course, their allies feel the same. their quarrel is with the methods that israel has been using that have cost so many innocent palestinian lives. and as for the family who lived here in this house, they're dead. israelis support the war. many are also back on the streets, demanding the resignation of the prime minister. netanyahu's stated war aims — total victory over hamas, as well as freeing the hostages — have not been achieved. the demonstrators say that's because they come second to his own political survival. nava rosalio leads
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a movement called shame. netanyahu has an interest to lengthen the war as much as he can because as long as the world is still going on, he can say that now is not the time to know elections. now is not the time to look for who is responsible. which is he. everyone here faces uncertainty, sometimes fear and a forbidding future. israelis and palestinians look at each other with horror. since the 7th of october, the old city ofjerusalem, the heart of their conflict, has been mostly quiet. during ramadan, many palestinians under 55 need police permission to join the crowds moving to the holy mosque. palestinians were already convinced that their lack of rights under israeli occupation amounted to apartheid. israel denies that allegation, and another, considered plausible by the world court, that it is committing
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plausible by the world court — that it is committing genocide in gaza. both sides believe that the other has carried out inhuman, unforgivable crimes since the 7th of october. new wounds on a century of scars. dimitri diliani, a palestinian christian activist, says israelis are in denial. killing children is killing children. it doesn't matter who is the child that's being killed, it doesn't matter who is doing the killing. i do sympathise with the holocaust. i recognise the holocaust. but that does not mean a green light for israel to commit genocide against my people or any other people. this is ramallah on the west bank. polls show palestinians have strong support for the hamas attacks, but like most israelis, they deny that their side commits atrocities.
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what happened on october 7th wasjust one, one... what's the word? one thing that happened in a long... many years of oppression. so again, i'm going to repeat myself that our struggle will continue until we are free. that's what any people under occupation, under oppression, under colonial settler, colonial settlers will do. we can report first—hand here on the occupied west bank, just as we can from israel. but foreign journalists are not allowed into gaza by israel or egypt. the bbc commissioned a palestinian freelance in rafah to film ii—year—old rima getting food for her family. translation: if we get - there early, we get some food. but if we're too late, the food runs out so we won't have anything to eat. the food we bring is only enough for one meal. this has become a daily ritualfor the children, like rima, who fled to this part of rafah with their families. much less aid reaches northern gaza,
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where famine is imminent. israel, under us pressure, is letting more food in, but it's also insisting that it can't finish off hamas without attacking this town, where 1.4 million palestinians, including rima, are sheltering. she says getting her family food makes her happy. but rima's pot is all seven people have to eat in a single day. six months on, the gaza war is not over. a wider middle east war threatens. this could get worse. jeremy bowen, bbc news, jerusalem. the israeli cabinet has approved sending a delegation to cairo to renew talks with hamas. but prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, said a ceasefire would not be agreed until israeli hostages were released. translation: the achievements of the war are great - _ we eliminated 19 out of 2a of the hamas battalions,
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including senior commanders. we killed, wounded or captured a significant number of hamas terrorists. we purged shifa and many other terrorist headquarters as well. we destroyed factories manufacturing rockets, control rooms, weapons, ammunition, and we continue to systematically destroy what is underground. we are one step away from victory. israel is not the one preventing a deal. hamas prevents a deal. its extreme demands were intended to bring about an end to the war and leave it intact, meaning to ensure its survival, its rehabilitation, its ability to endanger our citizens and our soldiers. surrendering to hamas demands will allow it to try to repeat the crimes of october 7th again and again, as it promised to do. hamas hopes that the pressure from outside and inside will make israel surrender to these extreme demands. it will not happen. israel is ready for a deal. israel is not ready to surrender.
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two days ago the world health organization was granted access to what remains of the al—shifa hospital in gaza's north. these are pictures from the world health organization which they have now released which show the scale of devastation. most of al shifa's medical complex has been left in ruins. the israel defense forces said it had killed 200 "terrorists", detained over 500 more and found weapons and intelligence "throughout the hospital" after a two—week raid. earlier, we spoke to tarik yasarevic, a spokesperson from the world health organization in geneva about his team's mission. al—nassr medical complex has stopped to function and now
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and now al—shifa as well, al—shifa was the largest hospital and the main referral centre, with more than 700 beds, 26 surgical theatres, 32 intensive care units, there is nothing left. there is no more patients and there is no really anyway that in a short period, in the short—term, this hospital could be revived. whatever teams have seemed, it is reallyjust the devastation and most of the buildings being reduced to rubble. they have also seen bodies, just like limbs sticking out of the ground and the smell of bodies. it is just utter devastation and again, it leaves people in gaza without access to health care, there is only ten out of 36 hospitals right now providing some basic, really, medical care for more than 70,000 people who have been injured during the bombardment on top of people with chronic diseases, pregnant women and people suffering from infectious diseases.
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so there is more people in need of medical care, there is less medical care available and really, the worst part of this is that our teams that are trying to get to these hospitals and trying to bring medical supplies are facing on a regular basis delays. denial of missions and something that really is what we're seeing is the humanitarian space that we need is shrinking. we really need that humanitarian space to continue our work. you are saying your experience
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of deconfliction with the idf has been less than straightforward. i'm thinking about what happens with the health workers, it would have given them protection normally. what have you experienced? deconfliction is a mechanism that is not new. this is where who, we say this is the way we want to go, this is the route we are taking, please make sure we can get there in time. over half of our missions until april have been either denied, they are being delayed, or they are being impeded in a way we had to this is not acceptable. last week we had one of the drivers being detained and that slows down completely our work. here in the uk, the foreign secretary has warned that the uk's support for israel is "not unconditional."
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writing in the sunday times, lord cameron said there was "no doubt where the blame lies," warning it "must never happen again," after three british men were among seven charity workers killed when their convoy was hit in gaza last week. however, the deputy prime minister, 0liver dowden, defended the uk's continued arms sales to israel. he's rejected calls for the government to publish the legal advice it's had about whether israel's conduct in the war has breached international law. with the latest here's our political correspondent helen catt. he was pushed on this morning. and, yes, he said that israel's war was legitimate. he also said that it was the uk government's assessment that it was still legal for british companies to sell arms to israel. now, if a british company wants to do that, it has to get an export licence from the government and that takes into account criteria like the uk's international law obligations and the risk that any goods or products that are being sent to a country could be
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used to violate human rights. now what mr dowden said was that the government's assessment of that hadn't changed, that it was still legal. he also suggested that if that changed and israel was found to have broken international law, then those exports could stop. but he insisted, and speaking to the bbc�*s laura kuenssberg earlier, that israel was being held to high standards. of course we have concerns about the way in which israel is conducting itself. that is why we have raised issues, for example, in relation to aid and getting more aid in, and that's why we've raised issues in relation to deconflicting, but that is in the context of of a legitimate conflict that israel is pursuing. and helen, what did he say specifically about any legal advice that the government had received? well, there's been a big question about this, because what i've set out
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for you just now is the government's assessment, the government's position. but there's been lots of questions asked over the last week about what advice the government has been given by lawyers on which it's come to that conclusion and come to reach that. and mr dowden didn't directly deny a claim that was made by a conservative mp earlier this week that at least some of the advice that lawyers had given government was that israel had broken international law. instead, he said that the government wasn't intending to publish any of this advice. labour, the main opposition party in the uk, has said that that is the wrong call. the shadow foreign secretary, david lammy, told the bbc earlier that he believed they should be publishing a summary of that advice, so that people could be certain that international law was not being broken. this is a very serious issue. it's now gone on for six months. 0n issues of proportionality. and precaution and distinction, there are real concerns notjust. from judges, from the intelligence community, but the broader public. for that reason, let us be sure
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that we are not in breach. - now, labour is not calling for arms exports to be suspended as some other parties in the uk like the liberal democrats and the snp are. but what david lammy said he wanted was for the foreign secretary, lord cameron, who plays a key role in setting out and deciding the government's position, to be asked more questions about this in the house of commons. lord cameron is a member of the house of lords. that means he doesn't usually get asked them. he can't go into the commons to be asked questions by mps in the usual way, but there is a way of doing it, working with the convention and david lammy wants to see that happen. ceremonies are being held across rwanda to mark three decades since the start of the genocide against ethnic tutsis and moderate hutus. injust 100 days, 800,000 people were killed in 1994. rwanda's president, paul kagame, said the international community failed his country. france has acknowledged that it could have stopped the genocide, along with its allies,
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but lacked the will power to do so. bbc�*s senior africa correspondent anne soy has been following the occasion from nairobi. well, a very symbolic lighting of the flame of remembrance by president paul kagame in kigali and this flame will burn for the next 100 days to signify the duration of a genocide. in 100 days, more than 800,000 people, mostly of the tutsi ethnic minority, were killed. and moderate hutus as well. now, the events from the 7th of april 1994 and for the next 100 days were triggered by the downing of the plane of the then president habyarimana, over kigali, who was hutu. therefore, we had the hutu forces
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doing the rampage across rwanda, and the tutsu forces which were led by paul kagame, then went on to take over the country within100 days and ended that massacre. there has been a lot of reflection on what the international community could have done better. un peacekeepers had just been downsized in the country and they stood by and watched as this slaughter was going on. and therefore, today has been a moment to reflect on that, to reflect on what happened in 1994. the un secretary—general said that we must never forget, the world must never forget that, and it must never be repeated anywhere. and now that acknowledgement from france, a very significant step towards the recovery of rwanda as a country. earlier we spoke to linda melvern, an investigative journalist whose extensive archive of documents on the planning of the rwandan genocide formed part of the evidence used by the prosecution. i began by asking about what she thought of the response by nations on the anniversary
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of the genocide. well, i think firstly with france, there was really no alternative. for many years, france has been accused of complicity in this genocide and finally the archives were opened about two years ago and there has been a report, a presidential commission of 14 historians to have a look at the role of france and it's absolutely damning. belgium too has conducted an inquiry some years ago and apologised to the people of rwanda. there is no doubt that the security council of the un did fail rwanda in 1994. i think that all inquiries have shown that. i think there has also been a lot of criticism, been a lot
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of criticism, hasn't there, or rather still a lot of pain, that not everyone can remember the dead equally. i wonder if you could explain that to our viewers. i do think that the crime of genocide and recognised as it has been, in rwanda in 1994, was notjust one more episode in a long line of bloody episodes — it stands out by its magnitude, its scale, its speed and also in the failure of the security council, which is central to the application of the genocide convention. the failure to heed the warnings beforehand, to provide an inadequate peacekeeping mission and then to fail to recognise that genocide was under way once it began, i find quite astonishing.
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it is a big scandal of the last century. some breaking news coming from mozambique _ some breaking news coming from mozambique on _ some breaking news coming from mozambique on the _ some breaking news coming from mozambique on the eastern - some breaking news coming from mozambique on the eastern coastj some breaking news coming from i mozambique on the eastern coast of africa. more than 90 people reportedly have died after a makeshift ferry sank of the north coast of mozambique. it was overcrowded, there has been reported by local authorities via the afp news agency described as a converted fishing boat that had been carrying 130 people that ran into trouble as it tried to reach an island. 90 people have died following that overcrowded makeshift ferry which sank after it ran into trouble. more as we get it. we understand an
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investigation team is working to find out because of the disaster. a southwest airlines aircraft was forced to return to denver international airport in the us state of colorado on sunday morning when part of its engine cover broke off and hit the wing. america's federal aviation authority said the crew of the boeing 737—800 reported a piece of the cover had fallen off and struck the wing flap during take—off. the faa said it would investigate. there were no injuries reported. a british man hasjust become the first person to run the entire length of africa. 27—year—old russ cook, an ultra marathon runner, who calls himself the hardest geezer, has finally reached the finish line after a year on his feet. his epicjourney had pitfalls along the way — it ended in the last half an hour in tunisia.
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now, solar eclipse fever is building. millions of people in north america will be able to witness a rare solar eclipse on monday, hoping to spend around four minutes in total darkness, as the moon's shadow blocks the sun's light. emma vardy reports from texas. so one of the main things that we are trying to do here is we are trying to get the best quality data, so usually if we want to see the corona, because it's so dim compared to the solar disk, we need to use instruments called corona grams. these are highly technical instruments but they have their issues. the eclipse provides us with a very unique and very high—quality opportunity to observe the solar corona, so we are expecting to get information about the temperature, the density and the magnetic field,
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which are also very important to be able to predict space weather, huge solar eruptions and massive injections. nasa have got four projects running using scientists around the world, and there been a lot of talk about cern and them running their projects with the large hadron collider, that is nothing to do with the solar eclipse, does it? probably not, yeah. fundamentally they are both very much physics projects but they have nothing to do. i do expect that some of the people from, cern, maybe some of them have flown to the us and gotten it glimpse of the total solar eclipse but the experiments themselves are probably very different. i know that in past solar eclipses, there have been some significant scientific discoveries, including helium. nasa is using citizens scientists as part of a listening party. what is that all about? yeah, so there's a couple
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of different nasa experience experiments, some of the listening parties i've heard of include sonification, this is basically taking things like the images that we see or the light that we are seeing and converting it into sound so that people that might have limited vision or blindness can actually experience as well the eclipse, nonetheless we have experiments like the citizen cape project, through the full top path of totality people are going to be observing the solar clip were not only getting four and a half minutes of data like we're going to get over here but we might get hours. an hour or two of data that we can as you said, spend the next couple of months looking at and seeing all the different things we can learn about the solar corona. that was a fascinating conversation that i had. he is from the university of colorado, travelled to texas, one of the states we
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understand is going to lie in total, going to be in the path of totality of the solar eclipse. we will be covering it on bbc news on monday evening. make sure you tune in. this is bbc news. it was a windy weekend but the wind will be lighter on monday because strong kathleen is weakening and moving away. more cloud from the south across england and wales. this area of but we are seeing more cloud coming in from the south, across england and wales and this area of low pressure is taking a bit of rain northwards as well. clear skies, scotland and northern ireland will mean a chilly start here. we've got the early rain in north wales and northern england moving northwards and largely petering out across southern scotland. later in the day we'll see some rain
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arriving in northern ireland. this rain in the south—west of england pushes back into wales and some showery bursts of rain arrive in southern england and later into the midlands. but ahead of that we'll get some sunshine for a while in the midlands and eastern england. so temperatures back up to a healthy 17 or 18 degrees. now, if you're hoping to get a view of the partial solar eclipse in northern and western parts of the uk — well, it could be spoiled by all this cloud that's coming in and the outbreaks of rain as well. now we've seen the back of one area of low pressure, but there's another one arriving. this is one that's going to sit around overnight and into tuesday and it's going to take the rain northwards all the way into scotland by tuesday morning. the rain curving back into england and wales around the low, turning to drift away eastwards into the north sea, allowing brighter but more showery weather to come into southern and western areas and the winds will be picking up as well. we're looking at gale force winds around some southern and western coast of england and wales. and with the winds picking up and that cloud and showery rain around, temperatures are going to be a lot lower. it's going to be a cooler day on tuesday. our top temperatures are only 11 or 12 degrees and that's because we're seeing this
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north—westerly wind picking up on tuesday into tuesday night. but i don't think that cool air is going to last long. out in the atlantic there is milder air and that's following this weather front, which is going to bring cloud and rain in from the west. ahead of that, though, eastern areas starting dry on wednesday with some early sunshine but soon clouding over. rain in the west pushes eastwards, heavy rain for a while northern ireland, the hills and north—west england and also into scotland. lighter rain as you head further south across the uk. but it's gradually getting a little bit warmer on wednesday despite all that cloud — 14, maybe 15 degrees. but the wind direction is changing — we're getting a south—westerly wind. that is going to bring warmer weather back across the whole of the uk towards the end of the week and temperatures could be back up to around 20 celsius at best.
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this is bbc news, the headlines. israel says it has withdrawn more ground troops from southern gaza. the move was announced as benjamin netanyahu claims his troops are �*one step from victory�*. the israel gaza war reaches its six month mark. hamas attacked israel killing about 1,200 people and taking hundreds hostage in october. in the war that has followed, the gaza health ministry says at least 33,000 palestinians have been killed. events are being held across rwanda to mark three decades
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since the beginning of the genocide against ethnic tutsis and moderate hutus. and a man who has been running the entire length of africa in a mammoth challenge across 16 countries, has reached the finish line of his year long quest. now on bbc news — it's newscast. newscast. newscast from the bbc. hello, it's paddy in the studio. and laura in the studio, and.... hello, i'm injerusalem. hello, it's paddy in the studio. and laura in the studio, and.... hello, i'm injerusalem. it's great to have you with us. so it's hard to know where to start, isn't it? the story is so enormous. shall we start with what's been happening in the last 24 hours? there's an awful lot going on at the moment. i mean, there are loads of strands to this.
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first of all, inside israel, big demonstrations because the two


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