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tv   BBC News  BBC News  April 8, 2024 9:00am-9:31am BST

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welcome to bbc news. we start in the middle east, where israel appears to be moving to a new phase of its military operation in gaza. displaced people from the southern gazan city of khan younis have started to return home, after the israel defence forces said they have withdrawn all of their maneuvering ground forces from that area — leaving just one brigade. israel's defence minister yoav gallant said troops have been pulled out to prepare for future missions, including into the now overcrowded city of rafah. much of khan younis is now in ruins after months of bombardment and heavy conflict between israeli troops and fighters from palestinian militant groups. sunday marked six months since hamas, designated a terrorist organisation by the us, uk and other countries, attacked israel, killing about 1,200 people and taking more than 250 hostages.
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israel's prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, vowed to "crush and destroy hamas" so that it no longer posed any threat, and said he would secure the release of the remaining hostages still being held in gaza. in the war that has followed the 7th of october attacks, gaza's hamas—run health ministry says more than 33,000 people have been killed there. on sunday, tens of thousands of protesters in israel called for the israeli government to strike a deal to bring the hostages home and for mr netanyahu to resign. 0ur international editor jeremy bowen has been reflecting on six months of the war, and sent us this special report. 0ver six months, gaza has been ravaged by war, disease, death and now imminent famine, caused by israel's siege. the un calls it "a betrayal of humanity." kibbutz nir oz, right on israel's border with gaza, feels like a time capsule — stuck in the horrors of the 7th of october.
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hamas broke in at dawn. they killed and took hostage a quarter of the 400 or so israelis who lived here. sayed was laying there dead, nearthere. you could see that he was trying to hold the door closed, and actually, the door was locked. the army opened the door later. ron and his family survived in their safe room. then he recovered dead friends and neighbours, some in pieces. in this house, you know, that was the first time that we realised that we are not looking for only bodies, because the beginning, you know, we took a lot of bodies. the interrupted, terminated lives — laundry neatly folded the night before the attack, give israelis a sense of moral clarity. going around this place, you can understand why israelis believe very strongly that they're fighting a just war in gaza.
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of course, their allies feel the same. their quarrel is with the methods that israel has been using that have cost so many innocent palestinian lives. and as for the family who lived here in this house, they're dead. israelis support the war. many are also back on the streets, demanding the resignation of the prime minister. netanyahu's stated war aims — total victory over hamas, as well as freeing the hostages — have not been achieved. the demonstrators say that's because they come second to his own political survival. nava rosalio leads a movement called shame. netanyahu has an interest to lengthen the war as much as he can because as long as the world is still going on, he can say that now is not the time to know elections. now is not the time to look for who is responsible, which is he.
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everyone here faces uncertainty, sometimes fear and a forbidding future. israelis and palestinians look at each other with horror since the 7th of october. the old city ofjerusalem, the heart of their conflict, has been mostly quiet. during ramadan, many palestinians under 55 need police permission to join the crowds moving to the holy mosque. palestinians were already convinced that their lack of rights under israeli occupation amounted to apartheid. israel denies that allegation, and another, considered plausible by the world court — that it is committing genocide in gaza. both sides believe that the other has carried out inhuman, unforgivable crimes since the 7th of october. new wounds on a century of scars. dimitri diliani, a palestinian christian activist, says israelis are in denial. killing children. is killing children.
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it doesn't matter who is the child that's being killed, _ it doesn't matter who is doing the killing. i do sympathise with the holocaust. i recognise the holocaust. but that does not mean a green light for israel to commit _ genocide against my people or any other people. - this is ramallah on the west bank. polls show palestinians have strong support for the hamas attacks, but like most israelis, they deny that their side commits atrocities. what happened on october 7th wasjust one, one... what's the word? one thing that happened in a long... many years of oppression. so, again, i'm going to repeat myself that our struggle will continue until we are free. that's what any people under occupation, under oppression, under colonial settlers will do. we can report first—hand here on the occupied west bank, just as we can from israel.
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but foreign journalists are not allowed into gaza by israel or egypt. the bbc commissioned a palestinian freelance in rafah to film ii—year—old rima getting food for her family. translation: if we get - there early, we get some food. but if we're too late, the food runs out, so we won't have anything to eat. the food we bring is only enough for one meal. this has become a daily ritual for the children, like rima, who fled to this part of rafah with their families. much less aid reaches northern gaza, where famine is imminent. israel, under us pressure, is letting more food in, but it's also insisting that it can't finish off hamas without attacking this town, where 1.4 million palestinians, including rima, are sheltering. she says getting her family food makes her happy. but rima's pot is all seven people have to eat in a single day.
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six months on, the gaza war is not over. a wider middle east war threatens. this could get worse. jeremy bowen, bbc news, jerusalem. let's speak to our correspondent hugo bachega, who is in jerusalem. tell us a little bit more about what is happening in gaza right now. we know the israel defence forces have withdrawn some of their troops. what have they hinted is the plan behind that? ., , ., ., ., , that? yeah, the israeli authorities are sa in: that? yeah, the israeli authorities are saying their— that? yeah, the israeli authorities are saying their mission _ that? yeah, the israeli authorities are saying their mission in - that? yeah, the israeli authorities are saying their mission in khan . are saying their mission in khan younis has been accomplished and that these troops are now being prepared for future operations in gaza. i think the israelis are under a lot of pressure, especially from the americans, to de—escalate the conflict. i think the big question here is about what will happen in
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rafah. because the israelis have been saying that it is essential to launch a major offensive into rafah. this is why they say hamas still has four active units and they say it is imperative to enter rafah to destroy those units and to be able to claim victory. the problem is more thani million palestinians are now sheltering in rafah in overcrowded camps, in crowded shelters. there have been concerns that any kind of major military offensive in rafah could lead to a humanitarian catastrophe. i think virtually everyone outside israel is against the idea of a major military offensive in rafah. the israelis say they have a plan to evacuate civilians. the americans say this is not enough, they think the israelis should instead launch targeted operations against hamas to prevent another major displacement of
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civilians. so we still don't know what is going to happen next. to give you a sense of how this announcement, the reaction to this announcement, the reaction to this announcement, earlier today the national security minister, itamar ben—gvir yeah, a far right member of prime minister netanyahu plasma coalition, said... to end the war without a major offensive in rafah, it would mean prime minister netanyahu would not have a mandate to continue as prime minister. hugo bacheaa in to continue as prime minister. hugo bachega in jerusalem, _ to continue as prime minister. hugo bachega injerusalem, thank you. the head of the un's nuclear watchdog has condemned a drone attack on the russian—occupied zaporizhzhia power plant in ukraine. rafael grossi said no one could benefit from such attacks. russia's nuclear agency said three people were injured when a canteen was hit, and blamed ukraine for the attack. ukraine has denied responsibility. let's speak to our eastern europe correspondent sarah rainsford, who is in kyiv.
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what do we know about the specifics of this attack? the what do we know about the specifics of this attack?— of this attack? the iaea, the un's atomic energy _ of this attack? the iaea, the un's atomic energy watchdog, - of this attack? the iaea, the un's atomic energy watchdog, has - of this attack? the iaea, the un'sl atomic energy watchdog, has been talking about a very significant threat, and a very significant attack on this nuclear power facility. rafael grossi has talked about three direct hits on facilities, he described it, calling it reckless, saying this cannot happen. he said it was a major escalation of security dangers there. we have also seen a report that refers to iaea staff on the ground at the power facility. they talk about hearing explosions during the day as well as a rifle fire. they saw the remnants of drones, they have described that. they also said there were blood stains at one site, suggesting at least one person, one casualty, one person injured there. but all of the iaea statements have said there is no
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structural damage to the power plant, no increased risk from this attack. in terms of who is actually responsible,, there is complete confusion on that. russian officials in charge on the ground are saying this is a ukrainian drone attack. ukraine's military intelligence agency, the g you are, is denying that, saying it was not involved, they wouldn't endanger a facility on civilian populations and are blaming russia for it, saying it is an attack carried out by russia in order to blame it on ukraine. it has highlighted the risk around this power plant right on the front line, and where there have been since the start of the full scale invasion, numerous occasions where the atomic agency, the nuclear agency, the iaea, has talked about concerns. but these statements today are particularly stark and strong. share particularly stark and strong. are those warnings likely to? at - particularly stark and strong. are those warnings likely to? at the l those warnings likely to? at the moment, those warnings likely to? at the moment. as _ those warnings likely to? at the moment, as we _ those warnings likely to? at the moment, as we say, _ those warnings likely to? at the moment, as we say, it - those warnings likely to? at the moment, as we say, it is - those warnings likely to? at the moment, as we say, it is pretty| moment, as we say, it is pretty difficult to know who is
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responsible, with both sides blaming the other. it is difficult to know what changes. i don't think ukraine is looking for a nuclear accident, but there are drones flying around that area, it is an active front line and the danger is real. it's an attempt by the iaea to underline how dangerous this kind of attack is and to make sure all sides understand that and refrain from any kind of putting the facility at any kind of risk. .. ., putting the facility at any kind of risk. ,,., ., ., , ., ., , risk. sarah rainsford, eastern eumpean _ risk. sarah rainsford, eastern european correspondent - risk. sarah rainsford, eastern european correspondent in . risk. sarah rainsford, eastern i european correspondent in kyiv, thank you. police are trying to trace a man suspected of stabbing a woman to death in bradford. the attack happened on saturday afternoon. officers say habibur masum was known to the 27—year—old victim. they're appealing for witnesses and asking any drivers in the area at the time to examine dashcam video. let's speak to our north of england reporter, rowan bridge.
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this happened right in the centre of the city, a busy place at a busy time. what are police saying about the potential for witnesses there? time. what are police saying about the potentialfor witnesses there? i the potential for witnesses there? i think they are going to be key to what happened here. as you say, they are appealing for witnesses, who may have seen what happened. as you may see behind me, iam have seen what happened. as you may see behind me, i am standing have seen what happened. as you may see behind me, iam standing by have seen what happened. as you may see behind me, i am standing by what is quite a major arterial road on the outskirts of bradford city centre. they are hoping there may be drivers who have dashcam footage that might be useful to them as part of this investigation. these incidents all happened on saturday afternoon at around 3.20. a27—year—old woman was walking with her baby in a pram before a man ran up her baby in a pram before a man ran up to herand her baby in a pram before a man ran up to her and stabbed her several times before running off. the woman died later in hospital. police have named 25 habibur masum as a man who is wanted on suspicion of murder as a result of that on saturday.
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habibur masum is from 0ldham in manchester, about one hour drive from where we are at the moment. he has connections to other parts of the north west of england. west yorkshire police, who are leading the investigation, are liaising with other police forces across the north of england as part of this manhunt. they say they have recovered a knife from the scene but don't know if habibur masum is still armed and they have warned people not to approach him but ring the emergency services if they see anybody. they have also appealed for information about what happened and have confirmed the woman who was attacked did know habibur masum but they have not gone into any detail about the nature of that relationship. police also say they understand that the events of saturday afternoon have caused great shock and anxiety in the local community here, as you might expect. they say there will be an increased police presence in the area. as part of that police investigation and also to provide
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reassurance to people in the area after what has been a shocking weekend. ., ., �* weekend. rowan bridge live in the centre of bradford, _ weekend. rowan bridge live in the centre of bradford, thank - weekend. rowan bridge live in the centre of bradford, thank you. - around the world and across the uk. this is bbc news.
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the next phase of the uk post office horizon public inquiry begins this week. it will be the second to last chapter of an independent investigation into one of the nation's biggest miscarriages ofjustice. our business correspondent emma simpson has been looking at the story so far. fenny compton. fenny? compton. just the place to start i really annoying the hell out of the post office. she chuckles. the moment in the itv drama where former subpostmaster alan bates picks the spot for the fightback. alan! jo hamilton is there to meet him. they'd no idea how many would come for the first meeting —
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but come, they did. hello, jo! hello! the realjo hamilton remembers it well. it galvanised me, certainly — made me so angry when we all told exactly the same stories, and you realised we'd all been shafted. in the beginning, we were just a little circle in the middle. but it ended up — the word spread, and more and more postmasters came. and, er, yeah, we... look where we are. it's been a long road, though. that first campaign meeting in fenny compton was in 2009. eight years later, alan bates took legal action against the post office, and his group eventually won. in 2021, the court of appeal quashed the convictions of 39 subpostmasters in a landmark ruling. the year after, the public inquiry began hearing evidence — starting with the victims. the next phase starts in this room tomorrow. the inquiry has slowly been trying to join the dots, and it's now focusing on who knew
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what at the top. centre stage will be former post office boss paula vennells. here she is in parliament defending the horizon it system. if there had been any miscarriages ofjustice, it would have been really important to me and the post office that we actually surface those. and, as the investigations have gone through so far, we've had no evidence of that. of course, there'll be dozens of other witnesses — from board members and barristers, to key politicians and government officials. first up, though, in the witness chair, will be alan bates. people have got to be held accountable. i see no sign of it yet, er... but i think, after the inquiry, then i think that's definitely the next stage. and then we start looking at prosecutions. notjust that, as well — i mean, huge bonuses have been paid to people over the years. some of that should be clawed back. all eyes are now on what this
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inquiry is about to uncover. we've done the groundwork. we've found out the system was broken and that people knew the system was broken. so now we're going to find out what the leaders of the post office did with that information. we are deeply concerned that there is growing evidence that there was a cover—up. victims will be watching. they want accountability, too — as well as full and fair compensation. emma simpson, bbc news. millions of people in north america are gearing up for a total solar eclipse today. the path of totality — the area that will be plunged into darkness when the moon blocks the sun's light — will extend across parts of mexico, the usa and canada. our north america correspondent, nomia iqbal, reports. music. this park has turned into a family music festival. there's a stage for dancing, food stalls, bouncy castles, and people camped out. the big star everyone is here to see is in the sky.
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we wait for things like this — to be able to be outside and not stuck inside on doing something, or school, or whatever is going on. to be able to spend time together as a family is amazing — especially to see something so cool. the one in 2017 was the first one i had experienced — or the first total one that i had experienced — and, yeah, it was... it was pretty mind—blowing. the moon will move in front of the sun, blocking its light and plunging the earth into darkness for up to four minutes in most places. there will be a total eclipse of the heartland — the path of totality will stretch from mexico, across the us and through to canada. the weather is sadly looking cloudy, but everyone is trying to be upbeat. even if you have clouds, you will be able to see the drop in light, the drop in temperature. but one of the great things about a total solar eclipse is you can see the corona — or the outer atmosphere — of the sun, which is this beautiful, stunning thing we don't normally get to see. and, unfortunately, if there's clouds, we won't see that. last time this celestial phenomenon
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happened in the us was in 2017. you may remember this moment. to view the sky safely, definitely don't do what mr trump did there, and stare right at the sun — these solar eclipse glasses are your best friends. they are much, much darker than regular sunglasses. they block out the light and radiation. they should also carry this authentic label, which means they meet a high standard of safety. but what if you're visually impaired? scientists have made sure you won't miss out using this box that converts light into sound. if we think about, you know, my finger crossing over as, like, the moon... pitch decreases. ..then it'll slowly change pitch as that light is being blocked into lower and lower pitches, and a slower sound, too, once we hit totality in this case, when that sensor is fully blocked. as we exit back out of that, we can hear it increase in the pitch. pitch increases. the total solar eclipse is not
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just something you see, but experience with your whole body. you feel temperatures drop, you hear nocturnal animals wake up as day becomes night for several breathtaking minutes. nomia iqbal, bbc news, texas. let's get more on this and speak to professor emily brunsden — chair of the board of studies for the school of physics at the university of york. thank you forjoining us. sadly you will not get to see this in person, but what can you learn and get from it when you are not in the path of totality? it when you are not in the path of totali ? , , ., ., , ., totality? this is unfortunately not an ecli se totality? this is unfortunately not an eclipse for _ totality? this is unfortunately not an eclipse for us _ totality? this is unfortunately not an eclipse for us here _ totality? this is unfortunately not an eclipse for us here in - totality? this is unfortunately not an eclipse for us here in the - totality? this is unfortunately not an eclipse for us here in the uk . an eclipse for us here in the uk unless you are very lucky to be very very north and able to catch itjust as the sun sets. otherwise, scientifically we are really looking for lots of different ways to study parts of the sun we can't normally see because we have to block out the centre from the solid disc. it’s centre from the solid disc. it's really key. _ centre from the solid disc. it's really key, isn't _ centre from the solid disc. it's really key, isn't it, it makes it
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enormously hard to study the sun in normal time, so this provides a little window to be able to do that in a far better way.— in a far better way. yeah, the son doesnt in a far better way. yeah, the son doesn't step _ in a far better way. yeah, the son doesn't step at — in a far better way. yeah, the son doesn't stop at the _ in a far better way. yeah, the son doesn't stop at the edge - in a far better way. yeah, the son doesn't stop at the edge of- in a far better way. yeah, the son doesn't stop at the edge of where in a far better way. yeah, the son . doesn't stop at the edge of where we see it, it has this extended atmosphere called the corona, which is a really fascinating part of the sun because it is even hotter than the surface of the sun. we don't fully understand why that is. when the moon passes in front we get an eclipse that blocks out the disc and we can see this corona and make measurements of its structure, temperature and things like that. for you i guess it's one of those exciting moments where people get into science and it's something everybody can see and be involved with. .,. , ~ everybody can see and be involved with. , . �* everybody can see and be involved with. j . g with. exactly. when you're in the ath of with. exactly. when you're in the path of totality — with. exactly. when you're in the path of totality it _ with. exactly. when you're in the path of totality it is _ with. exactly. when you're in the path of totality it is truly - path of totality it is truly magical, even scientists will tell you it is a magical experience, because you are in the daylight, it suddenly goes dark and everything changes. the sounds around you
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change, the temperature changes, the light changes, it is a fascinating thing. it's that personal connection with our own solar system that makes it really interesting. this with our own solar system that makes it really interesting.— it really interesting. as with so many things — it really interesting. as with so many things in _ it really interesting. as with so many things in life, _ it really interesting. as with so many things in life, at - it really interesting. as with so many things in life, at the - it really interesting. as with so l many things in life, at the mercy it really interesting. as with so - many things in life, at the mercy of the weather as well.— the weather as well. yeah, it's alwa s a the weather as well. yeah, it's always a shame _ the weather as well. yeah, it's always a shame when - the weather as well. yeah, it's always a shame when the - the weather as well. yeah, it's - always a shame when the weather comes in just that these wonderful events but fingers crossed some people will get to see a wonderful eclipse today. it is people will get to see a wonderful eclipse today-— people will get to see a wonderful eclipse today. it is around four and a half minutes, _ eclipse today. it is around four and a half minutes, is _ eclipse today. it is around four and a half minutes, is that _ eclipse today. it is around four and a half minutes, is that right? - eclipse today. it is around four and a half minutes, is that right? that| a half minutes, is that right? that is the maximum, _ a half minutes, is that right? that is the maximum, yeah, _ a half minutes, is that right? t�*isgt is the maximum, yeah, that's right. it will vary a little bit depending on where you are. it gets down to about one minute in parts of canada. brilliant, enjoy it, professor, and i hope you get to appreciate it and get as much scientific information as possible. thank you forjoining us, chair of the board of studies for the school of physics at the university of york. we will follow this on bbc news throughout the day. if you are not in the path of totality then don't
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worry, we have correspondence across the us, and if you look at the bbc news website there is loads of good stuff on there. if you want to know where you can see it, how long it will last, how you can watch it, and you can see people there with special glasses, keep following along with us on bbc news. hello again. we're in for another changeable week of weather. yes, there'll be some sunshine at times, but we're also looking at some wet and windy conditions. it's going to be cooler, especially so on tuesday. and then it turns that bit warmer later in the week. by the weekend, london, for example, could be back up to 20 degrees. now, this low pressure to the northwest of scotland is what's left of storm kathleen pulling away. but we have another area of low pressure which is bringing in weather fronts with rain attached to them. you can see a weak weather front pushing northwards, producing some showers. but we've got some heavier rain moving north across parts of wales, northern england and also northern ireland with showers following on behind.
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they're going to be pushing eastwards, some of those heavy and thundery. the brightest skies across the north of scotland, with the wind continuing to ease here, and temperatures 10 to 18 degrees north to south. if you're hoping to see the partial solar eclipse tonight, well, you'll be lucky. it's likely to be in the west, but there's a lot of cloud and rain around. you might see it in the western isles, possibly the west of northern ireland as well. but as i mentioned, a lot of cloud and rain around. temperatures falling away to between it and 9 degrees. heading on through tomorrow, then, we've got all this rain, some of it still heavy and persistent, drifting towards the east. for a time, there'll be snow in the mountain tops in the highlands and behind it, sunshine and showers, but blustery showers. it's going to be windy wherever you are with coastal gales in wales and the english channel coasts as well. temperatures cooler than today, 8 to about 12 degrees north to south. as we head on into wednesday, well,
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we start off on a bright note with some sunshine, but the cloud will build quite quickly. this is a warm front bringing in rain. behind it, the winds change direction to more of a southwesterly, which is a milder direction for us, so there'll be a change in the temperatures, they're going back up. we're looking at 8 in lerwick to 15 as we push down towards norwich. into thursday, thursday's looking like a bright and breezy day. there'll be a few showers knocking around and at times large areas of cloud as well, but for the most part it's going to be dry with a fair bit of sunshine, and temperatures continuing to climb, 17 in aberdeen to 19 in norwich and london.
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this is bbc news, the headlines: displaced palestinians start returning to the gazan city of khan younis. israel says it has withdrawn nearly all ground troops as it regroups for the next stage of war. the bbc finds hundreds of rohingya muslims
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the next phase of the post office horizon public inquiry begins this week, as former subpostmasters tell the bbc those responsible must be held to account. and the life and music of amy winehouse is the subject of a new film, back to black. the bbc has found that in recent weeks hundreds of muslim ethnic minority rohingyas have been conscripted to fight for myanmar�*s embattled militaryjunta. this is despite the fact that rohingyas are denied citizenship, and are subjected to a range of discriminatory restrictions, including a ban on travel outside their communities. let's speak to our south east asia correspondent, jonathan head. tell correspondent, jonathan head. me about the peop been tell me about the people you have been speaking to to unearth the story. been speaking to to unearth the sto . ~ . been speaking to to unearth the sto .~ ., , ., been speaking to to unearth the sto .~ ., .,, story. we have spoken to seven different people _ story. we have spoken to seven different people in _ story. we have spoken to seven different people in different - different people in different counts. millions of rohingya have left, driven out of the dreadful attacks on them in 2017, described


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