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tv   BBC News  BBC News  April 13, 2024 11:00am-11:31am BST

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would appear that this f acted it would appear that this person has acted alone. i am content that there is no continuing threat. and this is the scene live outside the shopping centre — police are still outside. multiple people are in hospital, including a young child. welcome to the programme. we start this hour with breaking news out of australia. these are live pictures, police looked on still in place outside that shopping centre. this is the westfield shopping centre, police have been in control of that for the last four hours or so. we had an
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update from the police in the last 30 minutes, number of people killed, thatis 30 minutes, number of people killed, that is six people killed, after a man stabbed multiple people in that shopping centre this afternoon at about 3:30pm. as well as the six people that are being killed, there are multiple people in hospital with different conditions. this is australia, we can see sydney there and this is a very busy, very popular shopping centre, westfield bondi shopping centre, everybody in sydney will know it and it was very busy at the time this happened. we can see pictures from this afternoon, this was four or five hours ago, these people being evacuated from the shopping centre. so many families there, as you can imagine, hundreds of people on different floors, different levels,
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we have been hearing different eyewitnesses talking us through what exactly they saw. 0ne father carrying his two kids under his arms said people around him had been split up from family members as everyone tried to get out, you can imagine the horror of not knowing where your family members are in that situation. hundreds of people thankfully outcome evacuated safely. you can see here the very quick, extremely rapid armed response, plenty of those police officers are still at the scene. interestingly, just a single police officer who responded straightaway. she was guided into the shopping centre by eyewitnesses who had seen and heard what was going on, on her own she approached the attacker with the knife and when the knife man lunged towards her, he was shot dead. so
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the attacker is dead and six others killed. just a short time ago, we heard from the prime minister responding. let's take a listen. for all of us tonight, the devastating scenes at bondi junction are beyond words or understanding. australians will be shocked this evening. this was a horrific act of violence, indiscriminately targeted at innocent people going about an ordinary saturday doing their shopping. tonight, the first thoughts of all australians are with the victims of these terrible acts and their loved ones. our nation offers our deepest condolences and sympathies to all those who are grieving for someone they have lost. and we send our strength to those who have been injured. and all of us are thinking of the dedicated doctors, nurses and health care workers who will be
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working through the night to save lives and to care for their fellow australians. today, bondi junction was the scene of shocking violence, but it was also witness to the humanity and the heroism of our fellow australians, our brave police, ourfirst responders and of course everyday people who could never have imagined that they would face such a moment. and some of the footage is quite extraordinary. staff for whom this should have been a normal shift. shoppers peacefully going about their lives. and yet for these australians, their first instinct in the face of danger was to help someone else. that is what we hold on to tonight as australians. that's confirmation of who we are — brave, strong, together.
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the work of the new south wales police and the australian federal police is ongoing. but what we can say for sure tonight is this — to any australian affected by this tragedy, every australian is with you. before i hand to commissioner kershaw, i can say that i've also spoken with the new south wales acting premier tonight and the commonwealth stands ready to assist in every way possible. that was the update in the last hour also from prime minister. live to the scene, the area still locked down, many hundreds who were evacuated from the shopping centre. a huge crime scene, understandably, and the media and press at the bottom of those pictures, and that
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red w, that is the sign for the westfield shopping centre and so many people cross that area of australia and will know it. emma cropper is australia correspondent for newshub. it is starting to calm down here. the chaos and folded here this afternoon, people were fleeing from the mall, that has no countdown. there is still a major police presence here, the police command centre has come here because the mall is now a crime scene. it is the centre of a very large investigation. this afternoon, those doors you can see behind me, people were fleeing from it for their lives and you cannot help get a feeling of how terrifying it must have been in the mall, not knowing which way to
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runaway danger was. there were people in tears on the street trying to find loved ones or friends or family members who had been inside the mall. they had been reunited out on the street. this afternoon, you can still see a few people still around, many shoppers are trying to get back inside to pick up personal belongings, their cars in the car park, this is still very much lockdown here at westfield bondi. lockdown still in place, we conceivably presence behind you and in our various live feeds coming into us. could you walk is through the chronology of what we understand happened and when this afternoon. it wasjust an ordinary happened and when this afternoon. it was just an ordinary afternoon in sydney, people going about their days, at 3:30pm, saturday afternoon,
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this man walk inside the mall, police say he then walked back in 20 minutes later and started attacking people. witnesses inside the mall say he was not targeting anyone specific, it was like he was attacking people at random. we had heard written witness accounts and have seen videos, one image stands out a man trying to fend off this man inside the mall with a pole to try and fend him off and protect people. we will hear more stories of this act of heroism in the coming hours and days.— hours and days. that was a little earlier. with me is our news reporter courtney bembridge. we have just heard from new south wales police with an update, updating the number of fatalities, so now there are six fatalities plus the alleged attacker, who was also shot dead at the scene. this is the
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latest from the new south wales police, saying six people were fatally stabbed, a is shot by police, it happened around 3:30pm and an officer attended was allegedly confronted by a man with a knife. the statement says, the man allegedly lunged at the officer before he was fatally shot and then the officer conducted cpr until medics arrived and then work on the man but he could not be revived. this is the latest information we have from police and we are expecting to hear from them in a little over 20 minutes' time with an update. it hasjust little over 20 minutes' time with an update. it has just gone 8pm there so they will be another update at 8:30pm local time. earlier they did in initial press conference where they laid out some of the details and the death toll has now been updated since, metabolism. —— let's have a listen. we can hear that
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shortly. we are just waiting to hear from the new south wales police earlier in the day outlining what happened in this incident. itruiiiilie earlier in the day outlining what happened in this incident. while we wait for that. _ happened in this incident. while we wait for that, i _ happened in this incident. while we wait for that, i will _ happened in this incident. while we wait for that, i will explain - happened in this incident. while we wait for that, i will explain these i wait for that, i will explain these pictures, because there is the night—time image on the right—hand side of the screen which is the live pictures, because it hasjust side of the screen which is the live pictures, because it has just gone apm at night. the incident itself took place about 3:30pm in the afternoon, which is why we were seeing people from a little earlier ducking under police tape after being evacuated by police. i think we do now have that press conference from police, when darkness had fallen, just a couple of hours ago. about 3:10 this afternoon, a male walked into westfield at bondi junction. he left the centre very shortly
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after and returned about 3:20. as he moved through the centre, he engaged with about nine people. it is clear that during that engagement he caused harm to those people. we believe by stabbing them with a weapon he was carrying. very clearly, a range of reports were made of the incident, police attended promptly. a single unit officer inspector of police was nearby, attended, went into the centre directed by a range of people. she confronted the offender who had moved by this stage to level five, as she continued to walk quickly behind him to catch up with him, he turned, faced her, raised a knife, she discharged a firearm and that person is now deceased. i'm advised that there are five victims.
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who are now deceased as a result of the actions of this offender. there are more than several other people who have been conveyed to hospital. a number of those are in serious and or critical conditions at this stage, and i do not have further information in relation to descriptions of those people. i know one of them is a small child. as is the case in these incidents, a critical incident has been declared, and investigations in relation to the matter have commenced and are continuing both at the scene and a number of hospitals in the nearby area. from preliminary inquiries, it would appear that this person has acted alone.
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i am content that there is no continuing threat. police, as i've said, have commenced investigations into the matter, which will continue through the evening. as i have said, i do not have details of victims who have been killed by this individual nor those who have been conveyed to hospital for treatment. so i cannot provide you further information in relation to them, only to say that very clearly our hearts go out to all of them, as they do to anyone touched by this terrible incident this afternoon. i do not have information in relation to the offender. i do not know at this stage who he is. you would understand this is quite raw. enquiries are very new and we are continuing to make attempts to identify the offender
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in this matter. that was the most recent update from police on camera. as courtney our reporter still with us was reporting, and update unfortunately the number of people killed from five to six. we are expecting the police press conference soon and we have been hearing from those who were actually there. lats have been hearing from those who were actually there.— were actually there. lots of accounts — were actually there. lots of accounts coming _ were actually there. lots of accounts coming into's - were actually there. lots of. accounts coming into's here, were actually there. lots of - accounts coming into's here, and people describing the scenes as a very busy afternoon in one of sydney's busiest shopping centres, people said were lots of people panicking, running, we heard from a witness earlier that pic of his two children and run as soon as he heard the shot. —— that picked up his two children. witnesses have explained the terror as they gathered outside. let's listen to what some told us. i
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saw a man eight woman lying on —— i saw a man eight woman lying on —— i sawa_ saw a man eight woman lying on —— i we woman— saw a man eight woman lying on —— i saw a woman lying on the floor. it was the _ saw a woman lying on the floor. it was the worst thing ever. who does that to _ was the worst thing ever. who does that to people? we was the worst thing ever. who does that to neonate?— that to people? we were coming in and not that to people? we were coming in and got told _ that to people? we were coming in and got told by _ that to people? we were coming in and got told by a — that to people? we were coming in and got told by a woman _ that to people? we were coming in and got told by a woman not - that to people? we were coming in and got told by a woman not to - that to people? we were coming in and got told by a woman not to go | that to people? we were coming in i and got told by a woman not to go in but we _ and got told by a woman not to go in but we didnt— and got told by a woman not to go in but we didn't believe _ and got told by a woman not to go in but we didn't believe her. _ and got told by a woman not to go in but we didn't believe her. reason. and got told by a woman not to go in but we didn't believe her. reason so| but we didn't believe her. reason so went but we didn't believe her. reason so want in_ but we didn't believe her. reason so want in anyway— but we didn't believe her. reason so went in anyway and _ but we didn't believe her. reason so went in anyway and we _ but we didn't believe her. reason so went in anyway and we saw- but we didn't believe her. reason so. went in anyway and we saw somebody injured _ went in anyway and we saw somebody injured and _ went in anyway and we saw somebody injured and everybody _ went in anyway and we saw somebody injured and everybody was _ went in anyway and we saw somebody injured and everybody was looking, i injured and everybody was looking, and we _ injured and everybody was looking, and we saw — injured and everybody was looking, and we saw these _ injured and everybody was looking, and we saw these people _ injured and everybody was looking, and we saw these people running l and we saw these people running towards — and we saw these people running towards us — and we saw these people running towards us and _ and we saw these people running towards us and we _ and we saw these people running towards us and we heard - and we saw these people running towards us and we heard a - and we saw these people running towards us and we heard a shot, | and we saw these people running i towards us and we heard a shot, my husband _ towards us and we heard a shot, my husband dragged _ towards us and we heard a shot, my husband dragged us— towards us and we heard a shot, my husband dragged us into _ towards us and we heard a shot, my husband dragged us into a - towards us and we heard a shot, my husband dragged us into a nearby. husband dragged us into a nearby shop _ husband dragged us into a nearby shop and — husband dragged us into a nearby shop and a — husband dragged us into a nearby short and a lady— husband dragged us into a nearby shop and a lady then _ husband dragged us into a nearby shop and a lady then tried - husband dragged us into a nearby shop and a lady then tried to - husband dragged us into a nearby shop and a lady then tried to lock| shop and a lady then tried to lock the doors — shop and a lady then tried to lock the doors and _ shop and a lady then tried to lock the doors and she _ shop and a lady then tried to lock the doors and she couldn't - shop and a lady then tried to lock the doors and she couldn't lock. shop and a lady then tried to lock i the doors and she couldn't lock the frorrt— the doors and she couldn't lock the front door— the doors and she couldn't lock the front door so — the doors and she couldn't lock the front door so we _ the doors and she couldn't lock the front door so we went _ the doors and she couldn't lock the front door so we went into - the doors and she couldn't lock the front door so we went into the - front door so we went into the office — front door so we went into the office which _ front door so we went into the office which was _ front door so we went into the office which was locked, - front door so we went into the office which was locked, and l front door so we went into the i office which was locked, and then front door so we went into the - office which was locked, and then we were irr— office which was locked, and then we were in there — office which was locked, and then we were in there until— office which was locked, and then we were in there until the _ office which was locked, and then we were in there until the police - office which was locked, and then we were in there until the police came. i were in there until the police came. ten were in there until the police came. terr of— were in there until the police came. terr of us _ were in there until the police came. terr of us hiding _ were in there until the police came. ten of us hiding. with _ were in there until the police came. ten of us hiding. with the - were in there until the police came. ten of us hiding. with the two - were in there until the police came. ten of us hiding. with the two kids, yeah _ ten of us hiding. with the two kids, eah. ., ten of us hiding. with the two kids, eah. . . , , ten of us hiding. with the two kids, eah. ., .,, , ., yeah. that was “ust some of the eo - le, yeah. that was “ust some of the people. and — yeah. that was “ust some of the people. and a — yeah. that was just some of the people, and a little _ yeah. that was just some of the people, and a little earlier - yeah. that was just some of the people, and a little earlier i -
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yeah. that was just some of the i people, and a little earlier i spoke to the mayor of the city of clarence in tasmania, who was there. our thoughts and prayers are with the families of those deceased who sadly won't be going home to their loved ones this evening. i was at westfield bondi junction early this afternoon with my two children, and thankfully we're all safe. but it was a terrifying experience for anyone that was there today. the thousands of people that heard the gunshots ring out, obviously more so for those who witnessed the knife wielding perpetrator. and sadly, as we've learnt in recent hours, there's been five or so who have sadly died. so this is not something that we're used to in australia. this is not the australia that i know and this is extraordinarily sad on so many levels, but particularly for those families where loved ones
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won't be with them this evening. just talk us through again, if you can, what it was like being there — what you noticed, what you saw, what you heard. well, to be honest, quite surreal. it was a belated birthday lunch for my children and myself. we had done some shopping after lunch, we're at the top of the escalators at the ground level floor. we'd been downstairs buying some books from the bookstore, and i heard two gunshots ring out. and i grew up on a farm, so i didn't hang around to ask what the noise was. i grabbed the kids under either arm and just ran to the doors across the road, and then, with hundreds of other people, entered nearby stores — it was bedlam. it was something that we're not used to here in australia, and it's not something i'd wish upon anyone
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to experience ever again. i was fortunate that i had my loved ones with me. there were others outside who were extraordinarily distraught because they had been separated from their loved ones and there wasn't a great deal of understanding as to what was going on, except to say that the first responders, the new south wales police force, the new south wales ambulance service, were extraordinarily quick to be on the scene, and the special tactical response unit from new south wales police was also there within 20 to 30 minutes. and as we've since learned, that lone female police inspector brought down the alleged perpetrator. so it's not something, as i say, that we're used to here in australia. it's sad on so many levels, but particularly for those who won't be with their loved ones this evening because they're sadly deceased. indeed. and i was captivated by your description there, just trying to imagine —
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you said their other people had been separated from their loved ones. what were the people around you saying and what kind of conversations were you able to have? there's the noise from the police and the ambulance sirens, there's the helicopter in the air, the special tactical response unit, there's the two gunshots that we heard. clearly, there's pandemonium at this time. you know, primal instincts hit in. and those that don't have loved ones there, ithink, tend to think the worst, just the unknown. but sadly for some, though, they did lose loved ones today. and as i say, this is not something that we're used to here in australia at all. and it's a bit of a wake—up call, i think, for many of us.
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we don't know what the motivation was and i'm sure that will come to light in coming weeks, but a lot of distressed individuals. this is a saturday afternoon, 2a degrees, beautiful sydney day, and the last thing you'd expect is for a knife wielding individual to mercilessly hack down and kill at least five individuals. it's so sad on so many levels. you could hear just you could hearjust some of the details about what it was like to actually be in that shopping mall at the time, and clearly thoughts with others who have lost loved ones this afternoon in sydney, or those being treated in hospital right now. we will take a quick moment to look at the security implications here. i spoke earlier to our security correspondent, frank gardner. he shared his analysis of the police response so far. the
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he shared his analysis of the police response so far.— response so far. the initial -riori response so far. the initial priority is _ response so far. the initial priority is to _ response so far. the initial priority is to find _ response so far. the initial priority is to find out - response so far. the initial priority is to find out if - response so far. the initial. priority is to find out if there response so far. the initial- priority is to find out if there was anybody else involved, another attack and police are saying that he was a sole operator. the next thing is to try and find out his motive. harder to do because he has been shot dead, but he will have left a trail, they will quickly try to find out what his residence was, id, where he has been. i have gotten update i will give you from a contact of mine who is there, saying westfield bondi is one of the most high—profile shopping centres with a large affluentjewish community and customer base, so there is a fear, although not confirmed, that the motivation could be middle east taste, but that is not confirmed yet. the police say it is not helpful to speculate further, but
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people will be looking at terrorism motive simply because the attack is similar to previous mass stabbings or multiple stabbings we have seen. there is a parallel here in terms of how it was fended off, with the fishmongers hall attack in london in 2019, if you remember there was somebody released from prison who was attempting a prison release conference in fishmongers hall five years ago and he then started attacking people with a knife, killed a number of people, and he was fended off by a member of the public, two actually, at least. 0ne public, two actually, at least. one had a marble whale tusk he grabbed from fishmongers hall, and in this case in sydney, there was some incredible footage doing the rounds online, there is no reason to think it is not true, because the perpetrator matches same image the
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lee shot dead, and he is being fended off with what looks like a traffic bow are. an incredible act of heroism. there have been other stories of people who have managed to rush into a shop, where the shop staff have pretty locked the doors. any attack like this is absolutely terrifying and it brings to mind another attack in the westgate, a shopping mall attack in nairobi some years ago. in that case, there were a number of gunmen, and that was even bloodier. a very poorly handled case by the police and army at the time. in this case, the policing to have reacted very quickly indeed. partly as a result of the mumbai attack in 2008, which lasted over
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two days and kill over 160 people, and a number of people had come from pakistan with kalashnikovs, high—powered assault rifles and it prompted police, including in britain, to think, what if that happened here in the heart of london? simply would not have enough firearms and fire power to deal with that. there was a complete revamp in australia as well, and that supposedly now, if a terror attack were to take place, we don't know if this is one, a knife attack was to take place and terrorism was suspected in the heart of london, police would be it on the scene in eight minutes and that is the goal they have set themselves. and the australian police reaction was very quick, very fast, very effective. thank you to thank for that. i want to show you some pictures we have
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here into the building from inside the shopping mall. it seemingly shows a shopper heading towards the attacker. let's take a look. it seems there, you can see the shopper in the white t—shirt, holding something that looks like a ballard of some description, a poll, a post, and our security correspondent was talking about that, seemingly blocking the way there are the attacker. stay with us, plenty more coverage, this is bbc news. hello again. we've got some warmer weather again for the southeast of england today, but elsewhere it's going to turn chillier compared to yesterday. temperatures will be dropping down.
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that was the scene this morning in london. some pretty grey skies here, but i'm hopeful that we'll see something a bit brighter developing into the afternoon as that cloud disappears from the southeast, perhaps still a little bit foggy around the english channel coast. some cloud across wales, the midlands into northern england with some showers, rain spreading eastward across scotland and northern ireland, replaced by heavy, potentially thundery showers this afternoon. gusty winds to go with that as well. and notably cooler, 10 to 13 degrees celsius compared to 20 celsius yesterday in the north east of scotland, but still up to 20, 21 degrees in the south east of england. with that sunshine, it's going to feel really quite pleasant. but as we go through tonight, you'll notice the milder, warmer air starts to move away to the southeast as we go into sunday. that colder air will start to replace it. and we'll notice that chillier weather coming into the south east through tomorrow. but overnight tonight, still some showery outbreaks of rain across scotland, northern england, tending to clear away. and then with clear skies tonight, temperatures dropping down close
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to freezing in the glens of scotland, but generally speaking, about 5—8 degrees celsius. but it means that actually sunday morning should be a fine start to the day. plenty of blue skies and sunshine, some cloud building up across wales, northern england, maybe the odd shower here. more significant showers, though, for northern ireland and scotland where again, they could be heavy, perhaps even a bit thundery into the afternoon with blustery winds. temperatures here again about 10, 11, 12 degrees for the southeast, 1a or 15 degrees celsius. so that cooler air moving on into the new working week. we've got this area of low pressure to the north and northwesterly winds will bring the threat of some wintry showers. notice we have got some white blobs on the map here. so we're talking about some hail, sleet, even some snow of the higher ground of scotland, northern england, north wales. those showers will take a while to drift into southern areas. there'll be one or two into the afternoon, but staying a little bit drier here, with some sunny spells and temperatures
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on monday, about 9—13 degrees celsius, right about the average, maybe a bit below the average for the time of year. staying a bit more unsettled for tuesday, wednesday. but by the end of the week, signs are that it should be drier, perhaps a bit brighter as well, with temperatures of 15 or 16. bye— bye.
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this is bbc news, the headlines. at least six people are dead in sydney after a man stabs multiple people
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in a busy shopping centre. it would appear that this person has acted alone. i am content that there is no continuing threat.— is no continuing threat. these are the live pictures _ is no continuing threat. these are the live pictures from _ is no continuing threat. these are the live pictures from outside - is no continuing threat. these are the live pictures from outside the | the live pictures from outside the shopping centre. police are still outside. multiple people are in hospital, including a young child. welcome to the programme. we start this hour with breaking news out of australia. these are live pictures. you can see the police van pulling into a shop there, a huge police presence there, a critical incident still in place. this isjust outside a critical incident still in place. this is just outside the westfield shopping centre. you can see the red w in the right corner. it was packed
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with shoppers,


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