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tv   BBC News  BBC News  April 13, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm BST

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we re were four females deceased in the she - - in . - were four females deceased in the shopping centre, _ - were four females deceased in the shopping centre, one _ - were four females deceased in the shopping centre, one male, - - were four females deceased in the shopping centre, one male, and| the shopping centre, one male, and subsequently another female passed away in hospital. hello. welcome to programme. we start this hour with breaking news out of australia. this is the scene in the last few moments. it is still a critical incident, police are still at the shopping centre, in lockdown, however, the attacker is believed to have been shot dead by police and there is no longer an ongoing threat. unfortunately, six people are now known to have been killed inside that shopping centre, around 3:30pm this afternoon. several others are injured, including very
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young child. a little earlier we saw these pictures from inside the shopping centre which seemed to show the attacker on black on the and a work—out or somebody inside in white, briefly with a ballard it seems trying to block the path of that attacker. in the last 30 minutes or so, we had our second update from police. let's have a look now at what we know so far. emergency services arrived at around 340 54 -- 3:45 emergency services arrived at around 340 54 —— 3:45 piano time. —— local time. at least six people have been killed by a man with a knife, five women & one man.
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eight people are in hospital, being treated for various injuries, including a nine—month—old baby. the attacker has been shot dead, and police say he was a 40—year—old man known to police. police say it's too early to make an assessment on what could have been the attacker�*s motivation. he was shot dead by a female police officer who was in the area at the time — the prime minister anthony albanese praising her for her heroic efforts which saved lives. last hour we heard from karen webb, commissioner of the new south wales police force. about 3:30pm this afternoon, and male with a knife entered westfield shopping centre at bondi junction and attacked a number of people. police were called and a police officer responded and faced batman and neutralised that thread within that shopping centre. —— faced that man. witnesses, shopkeepers and others in the shopping centre will help to move on from the shopping
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centre, and as a result, there were four female centre, and as a result, there were fourfemale women centre, and as a result, there were four female women deceased in the shopping centre and one male, and subsequently another female passed away in hospital, taking it to a total of six plus the death of the offender. there are about eight people in hospitals around sydney being treated for different injuries associated with being attacked in the hospital, at the shopping centre, sorry, including a nine—month—old infant that has been in surgery. police have secured the crime scene, which you can imagine is expansive, inside a very big, busy commercial shopping centre in sydney. and the crime scene remains ongoing. and it will remain ongoing for a number of days. the shopping
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centre will in fact be closed tomorrow for trade, and westfield will work with police to assist in the removal of vehicles from shopping centre tomorrow. but in the meantime, shopping centre will remain a crime scene. later this evening, we became aware of who we believe the offender is and we believe the offender is and we believe that he is a 40—year—old man, however, we're waiting to formally identify him and cannot speculate yet on his identification. but let me assure you that we are confident that there is no ongoing risk and we are dealing with one person who is now deceased. other
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any questions?— any questions? what do you know about this man this _ any questions? what do you know about this man this stage? - any questions? what do you know about this man this stage? i - any questions? what do you know about this man this stage? i will. about this man this stage? i will actually hand — about this man this stage? i will actually hand over _ about this man this stage? i will actually hand over to _ about this man this stage? i will actually hand over to the - about this man this stage?“ actually hand over to the deputy commissioner. we know a little about this person but we are waiting to confirm his identification. and if in fact it is the person believe it is, we don't have fears that person hasn't ideation. in other words, it is not a terrorism incident. our sydney correspondent katy watson has the latest from the scene. the attacker entered the shopping center and then left before returning and maiming people in his path. as well as those who have died, several people were injured and were taken to hospital, some of those in critical condition, including a small child. now, the attacker was then shot dead by a lone police officer.
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this has taken a lot of people by surprise. of course, it was a busy time for the shopping center — saturday afternoon, the start of the holidays, the school holidays. and it's an affluent part of sydney, close to bondi beach. of course, one of the top tourist attractions in the city. i spoke to one shop assistant who said that he saw a shopper try and ward off the attacker and try and stop any further attacks. there was a lot of bravery involved as well among those who remained in the shopping centre. but really, this is about a huge shock in a nation that really is not used to seeing violent attacks of this sort. thanks to katie for that. with me is our news reporter courtney bembridge. we had that latest update from police and got basically new information about the alleged attacker, the victims, the officer involved. let's go through that
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because we did learn involved. let's go through that because we did [earn enough to build a much clearer picture about what happened. let's start with the victims. can you talk is through what information we have got? police have said that — what information we have got? police have said that four _ what information we have got? police have said that four women _ what information we have got? police have said that four women were - have said that four women were killed at the scene, along with one man, and later another woman who was also stabbed in that incident died in hospital, as well as the offender who was shot dead at the scene. so far, we have six victims plus the offender, that has been updated and... ., ,., offender, that has been updated and... ., ., , , and... forson clarification, this is and... forson clarification, this is an assumption. _ and... forson clarification, this is an assumption, but _ and... forson clarification, this is an assumption, but the _ and... forson clarification, this is an assumption, but the original. an assumption, but the original figure we were given was five ——, and the assumption is five people killed was the first figure we were given, because they were declared dead at the scene. then one woman declared dead subsequently, which takes the number to six. that explains that discrepancy between those two numbers. as for the
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injured? those two numbers. as for the in'ured? ., , those two numbers. as for the in'ured? . , ., injured? that is right, that will mistake to _ injured? that is right, that will mistake to hospital— injured? that is right, that will mistake to hospital and - injured? that is right, that will mistake to hospital and died . injured? that is right, that will. mistake to hospital and died there and police were asked earlier, we know there was a baby victim among them, a nine—month—old and police were asked about rumours that the latest woman to die was the mother of a child and they said, they are not confirming anything at this stage. details still coming in, family being told, an awful time, as well as those victims who died in this incident, there have been 11 others taken to hospital, including that nine—month—old baby, we are told has been in surgery to the injuries. police said earlier everyone, the victims taken to hospital where in serious or critical conditions so not out of the woods, very serious situation, 11 we know have been taken to ii we know have been taken to hospitals. we 11 we know have been taken to hositals. ~ ., 11 we know have been taken to hospitals-— 11 we know have been taken to hositals. ~ ., ., ., , hospitals. we also got our first information _ hospitals. we also got our first information from _ hospitals. we also got our first information from an _ hospitals. we also got our first information from an official- hospitals. we also got our first . information from an official source about the attacker.— information from an official source about the attacker. police say they had a 40-year-old _
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about the attacker. police say they had a 40-year-old offender- about the attacker. police say they had a 40-year-old offender that l about the attacker. police say they i had a 40-year-old offender that they had a 40—year—old offender that they believe was involved but he is yet to be formally identified. they said that if it is the man they believe it is, they don't believe it is linked to terrorism, they don't believe he halt ideation, selenium believe he halt ideation, selenium believe this incident is —— so they don't believe this incident is linked to terrorism. this man is known to police, it is not known what interactions he previously had. but police said they don't believe any victims were targeted deliberately and it was more of a random attack. police will be spending many days piecing together what went on, many interviews going on, lots of witnesses, but the police officer will also be interviewed tomorrow for what she saw. �* , ., ., interviewed tomorrow for what she saw. �*, ., ., ., , saw. let's move on to her. very senior officer — saw. let's move on to her. very senior officer who _ saw. let's move on to her. very senior officer who has _ saw. let's move on to her. very senior officer who has been - saw. let's move on to her. very . senior officer who has been praised for her courage. we senior officer who has been praised for her courage.— senior officer who has been praised for her courage. we know this woman is a very senior _
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for her courage. we know this woman is a very senior officer, _ for her courage. we know this woman is a very senior officer, an _ is a very senior officer, an inspector, and she was nearby and police have praised ever showing enormous courage. what happened was a witness alerted her to the danger, she went towards it, followed the man, he turned and lunged at her, and at that moment she discharged herfirearm and in their and at that moment she discharged her firearm and in their words neutralised the threat. in our words, he was shot dead at the scene. that happened very quickly after the situation, and then following that, other police came in and paramedics arrived. they tried to revive the suspect but initially the police officer also tried to arrive the suspect. she was giving cpr to other victims of too. a lot of people, the prime minister, authorities saying this is an awful situation that could have been much worse without the bravery of that police officer.— worse without the bravery of that police officer. thank you for that. take a moment _ police officer. thank you for that. take a moment to _ police officer. thank you for that. take a moment to hear— police officer. thank you for that. take a moment to hear from - police officer. thank you for that. | take a moment to hear from those inside the shopping centre around the area, plenty of eyewitnesses
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because it was such a busy shopping afternoon. i saw a woman lying on the floor in chanel. it's just like the worst thing ever. like, who does that to people? it's all a blur. we were coming in and we got toldl by a woman not to go in, but we did believe her for some reason. so we went in anyway- and we were just looking, somebody was injured down there. we're just looking because everyone |was looking to see what's going on. | then we saw all these people running |towards us and then we heard a shot| and my husband dragged us l into the shop and then we got the lady there trying, locked - the doors and then she couldn't lock the front door. so we went into the office which was all locked. - and then we were in there until the police came. - ten us hiding inside this office with the two kids.
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that gives you some sense of what was happening inside. this footage is also inside the shopping centre. in black on the left of that is believed to be the attacker and on the right, a member of the public with a bollard. blocking the way of the alleged attacker. it is a remarkable thing to be doing. that gives you a flavour of what was happening inside the shopping centre. as you can imagine, the attention it has drawn, plenty of political reaction, we have heard from the prime minister. for all of us tonight, the devastating scenes at bondi junction are beyond words or understanding. australians will be shocked this evening. this was a horrific act of violence, indiscriminately targeted at innocent people going about an ordinary saturday doing their shopping.
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tonight, the first thoughts of all australians are with the victims of these terrible acts and their loved ones. our nation offers our deepest condolences and sympathies to all those who are grieving for someone they have lost. and we send our strength to those who have been injured. and all of us are thinking of the dedicated doctors, nurses and health care workers who will be working through the night to save lives and to care for their fellow australians. today, bondi junction was the scene of shocking violence, but it was also witness to the humanity and the heroism of our fellow australians, our brave police, ourfirst responders and of course everyday people who could never have imagined that they would face such a moment. and some of the footage
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is quite extraordinary. staff for whom this should have been a normal shift. shoppers peacefully going about their lives. and yet for these australians, their first instinct in the face of danger was to help someone else. that is what we hold on to tonight as australians. that's confirmation of who we are — brave, strong, together. the work of the new south wales police and the australian federal police is ongoing. but what we can say for sure tonight is this — to any australian affected by this tragedy, every australian is with you. before i hand to commissioner kershaw, i can say that i've also spoken with the new south wales acting premier tonight and the commonwealth stands ready to assist in every way possible.
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that was the prime ministerjust a little earlier. i spoke to brendan blomeley the mayor of the city of clarence in tasmania, who was at the scene of the incident in sydney. he gives a detailed account of the panic of what he did and the people around him did. he wasn't there in any professional capacity but was just on the scene in sydney. let's take a listen. my thoughts and prayers are with the families of those deceased who sadly won't be going home to their loved ones this evening. i was at westfield bondi junction early this afternoon with my two children, and thankfully we're all safe. but it was a terrifying experience for anyone that was there today. the thousands of people that heard
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the gunshots ring out, obviously more so for those who witnessed the knife wielding perpetrator. and sadly, as we've learnt in recent hours, there's been five or so who have sadly died. so this is not something that we're used to in australia. this is not the australia that i know and this is extraordinarily sad on so many levels, but particularly for those families where loved ones won't be with them this evening. just talk us through again, if you can, what it was like being there — what you noticed, what you saw, what you heard. well, to be honest, quite surreal. it was a belated birthday lunch for my children and myself. we had done some shopping after lunch, we're at the top of the escalators at the ground level floor.
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we'd been downstairs buying some books from the bookstore, and i heard two gunshots ring out. and i grew up on a farm, so i didn't hang around to ask what the noise was. i grabbed the kids under either arm and just ran to the doors across the road, and then, with hundreds of other people, entered nearby stores — it was bedlam. it was something that we're not used to here in australia, and it's not something i'd wish upon anyone to experience ever again. i was fortunate that i had my loved ones with me. there were others outside who were extraordinarily distraught because they had been separated from their loved ones and there wasn't a great deal of understanding as to what was going on, except to say that the first responders, the new south wales police force, the new south wales ambulance service, were extraordinarily quick to be on the scene, and the special tactical response unit
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from new south wales police was also there within 20 to 30 minutes. and as we've since learned, that [one female police inspector brought down the alleged perpetrator. so it's not something, as i say, that we're used to here in australia. it's sad on so many levels, but particularly for those who won't be with their loved ones this evening because they're sadly deceased. indeed. and i was captivated by your description there, just trying to imagine — you said there other people had been separated from their loved ones. what were the people around you saying and what kind of conversations were you able to have? there's the noise from the police and the ambulance sirens, there's the helicopter in the air, the special tactical response unit, there's the two gunshots that we heard. clearly, there's
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pandemonium at this time. you know, primal instincts hit in. and those that don't have loved ones there, ithink, tend to think the worst, just the unknown. but sadly for some, though, they did lose loved ones today. and as i say, this is not something that we're used to here in australia at all. and it's a bit of a wake—up call, i think, for many of us. we don't know what the motivation was and i'm sure that will come to light in coming weeks, but a lot of distressed individuals. this is a saturday afternoon, 24 degrees, beautiful sydney day, and the last thing you'd expect is for a knife wielding individual to mercilessly hack down and kill at least five individuals. it's so sad on so many levels.
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that account gives you some idea of what it was like for those caught up in the shopping centre at the time, the panic, confusion, noise as many were evacuated, many after having witnessed horrendous scenes there. emma cropper is australia correspondent for newshub. she was at the scene of the attack and gave us an update on the situation there. this is westfield bondi, very well—known shopping centre in sydney, and just outside that of building, a short time ago, i spoke to emma. it is starting to calm down here this evening, the scenes of panic and chaos that unfolded here this afternoon as people were fleeing from the mall, afternoon as people were fleeing from the mail, that has now calmed down. there is still very much a major police presence here, the
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police command centre has come in, because this is now the centre of a very large investigation, and crime scene, but this afternoon, those doors, people were fleeing for their lives out of that door and you cannot help but get a feeling of how terrifying it must have been inside that mail, not knowing which way to run, which way danger may have been. there were people in tears outside on the streets trying to find their loved ones or friends or family members who they had been with inside the mall, they were reunited out on the street, but this afternoon, you can still see some people around here, many shoppers this afternoon trying to get back inside to pick up personal belongings, the cars inside the car park, but this is still very much locked down here at bondi junction. the lockdown is still in place and we can see the police presence
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behind you and in our various live feeds coming into us here. can you walkers through chronology of what we understand happened? and when, this afternoon? it we understand happened? and when, this afternoon?— this afternoon? it was “ust an ordinary saturday h this afternoon? it wasjust an ordinary saturday afternoon, | this afternoon? it wasjust an - ordinary saturday afternoon, people going about their day, at 3:30pm, this man walked inside the mall, police said he then walked out and walked back a second time 20 minutes later, which is when he started attacking people. witnesses inside the mall say he wasn't targeting anybody specific, he was attacking people at random. we have had witness accounts and videos, one is a man trying to defend, fend off the man with a security, with a poll, to fend him off and protect people. we
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will hear more stories of those acts of heroism in the coming hours and days. of heroism in the coming hours and da s. ., ~ of heroism in the coming hours and da s. . ,, , ., of heroism in the coming hours and da s. . ,, i. ., . of heroism in the coming hours and da s. . ,, ., . ., . of heroism in the coming hours and da s. . ., . ., . . days. thank you to emma for that. we will be back— days. thank you to emma for that. we will be back in — days. thank you to emma for that. we will be back in sydney _ days. thank you to emma for that. we will be back in sydney in _ days. thank you to emma for that. we will be back in sydney in just - days. thank you to emma for that. we will be back in sydney in just a - will be back in sydney in just a moment. iran says it's seized an israeli—linked vessel and is transferring it to its territorial waters. the seizing happened in the straight of hormuz — just in front of the iranian coast and near the uae and oman. and we can show you these pictures, which we have not verified ourselves, purportedly showing the boarding of a container ship in the straight of hormuz. that does line up with some of the details that have been reported on uranium estate media. iran state news agency said its revolutionary
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guards had seized the ship, with links to israel. a helicopter boarded the portuguese flagged vessel and seized it. we have this update from james lansdale, who notified us of this from the company involved. that ship has been bored by uranium authorities by helicopter as she passed straight of hormuz. 25 crew on board. they are trying to ensure the well—being of the ship. we have had in the last few moments since that statement and update, basically a response from israel, clearly given the current state of the hostilities and conflict in the middle east. quote, iran will bear
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consequences if it escalates violent in the region, iran will bear the consequences for choosing to escalate the situation any further. this is an israel spokesperson, quote, israel is on high alert, we have increased our readiness to protect israel from further iranians aggression and we are also prepared to respond. this is in the backdrop of fears of an escalation in the region. that statement there from israel in response to those reported actions of iran. more on that to come. this is bbc news. a wind of change on the way.
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yesterday was the warmest day of the year, temperatures exceeded 20 celsius in a number of areas and the outlook is looking different, it is turning colder with cutting wind on the way. looking at the satellite picture, you can see this area of wind. it is coming from the north atlantic and it will be coming in from the arctic regions. that blue—collar, the colder air mass invades the uk, squeezing warm air towards the south. this process has already begun because this afternoon, temperatures in some spots will struggle to reach double figures, still the warmth across the bulk of england, just about in excess of 20 celsius across east anglia and south—east. showers are in the forecast across scotland, northern ireland, but this evening, for most of us will be clear and will turn chilly on sunday morning,
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a touch of frost in the highlands, two or three degrees in rural spots. here is the outlook for sunday. it starts with sparkling blue sunshine but through the morning into the afternoon, a cargo bubble up and showers are possible, frequent in northern ireland and scotland, —— cloud will bubble up. the further south you are, the dryers will be. 15 degrees in london, ten in glasgow, which is not the average for the time of year. on monday pressure sweeps in, a a day of april showers on monday. some will bring hale, thunder, rainbows as well, and even the chance of winter in this fulsome. it will feel cold. temperatures may not reach double figures across scotland and northern ireland and in the south below par as well. it looks like a will say
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chilly through most of the week, there's april showers, but hints of things turning a little milder towards the end of the week. goodbye.
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this is bbc news, the headlines. at least six people are dead in sydney —
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after a man stabs multiple people in a busy shopping centre. there were four female women deceased in the shopping centre and one male. and subsequently another female passed away in hospital. and iran says it's seized and israeli—linked vessel in the straight of hormuz and is transferring it to its territorial waters. welcome to the programme. we start this hour with breaking news out of australia. it is heading into night time there. that police presence still in place around the shopping centre, six people killed as a man with a knife entered the shopping centre at half past three, many others are in hospital injor, including a very


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