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tv   BBC News  BBC News  April 13, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm BST

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state of alert earlier was put on a state of alert earlier this evening. the former deputy chief of mission at the embassy is with us at the moment. when we get to this point, a security alert, what tends to happen? first to this point, a security alert, what tends to happen? first of all, we are seeing _ what tends to happen? first of all, we are seeing that, _ what tends to happen? first of all, we are seeing that, as _ what tends to happen? first of all, we are seeing that, as your - we are seeing that, as your correspondent has been saying and the reporting has projected, this is going to take a few more hours. perhaps 12 midnight gmt. and therefore, that gives enough time for preparation and actually the israeli air defences are right now in a state of alert. when incoming
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missiles into israeli territory, then they sound off the sirens and that will instruct ordinary civilians to take cover, either run to the protected rooms, or bomb shelters or other places. and so radars and satellites and all these very sophisticated equipment are monitoring as we speak the movement and progress of these incoming drones and uavs or perhaps missiles or aircraft that are on their way. so there is enough time for israelis to prepare in anticipation of such an attack. once it enters israeli territory, then the drill is to run into protected spaces, areas, so as to be protected during such an attack. but it's not even clear at this point whether all these
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incoming drones will arrive into israeli territory. they may be intercepted on the way. so there is still time to look at this and see. do you think that iran know that? they know there are so many possible points along the journey to israel in which these drones will be shut down. do you think this is just to be seen to be doing something? i think they of course know it and i think they of course know it and i think that's why they did it. i think that's why they did it. i think they wanted to send a message that we have moved one stage up. iran is confronting israel directly without any proxies. we are making israel pay a price for what it did to a forces in syria. still, it's not going all the way. it is not sending cruise missiles or any more sophisticated missiles which take a much shorter time to reach israel.
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so the very nature of this attack actually also points to the fact that iran is looking at it as a limited reaction to what israel did rather than all—out outbreak of war. they don't want this to spill over, to have a widening scope of this conflict. they want this to be kind of a retaliation for what israel did and that would be it from their point of view. the question is, and as other speakers have alluded to, what will the us do? what will israel do? israel from my point of view, i don't think israel can sit idly by and not respond to such an attack on its sovereignty and soil, evenif attack on its sovereignty and soil, even if missiles do not drop in israeli territory, i think israel will have to do something because if it doesn't respond effectively and strongly, then this will become a regular modus operandi of the iranians. and so we can enter this
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attrition when iran and paralyse israel and continue with these threats to israeli citizens. so there is a lot to look out for. obviously the us has warned israel that it needs to rethink its strategy within gaza itself. but a run and de—escalation, and you did say earlier that iran paused before it launched this attack. why would it launched this attack. why would it pause, is what i want to try and flush out. what are its interests despite all the strong words, the warnings, the rhetoric? what are its interests in not escalating this conflict in the middle east? i think that iran recognises _ conflict in the middle east? i think that iran recognises the _ conflict in the middle east? i think that iran recognises the limits - conflict in the middle east? i think that iran recognises the limits of l that iran recognises the limits of its power. and while it can pose a
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threat to israel or provoke israel, i don't think that they believe they can actually win in a war in a confrontation with israel, therefore i think their response is calculated, it is step—by—step, inching towards a certain result. but i don't think they are looking at... i but i don't think they are looking at... . ., , but i don't think they are looking at... ., , �* but i don't think they are looking at... ., ., , �* ., but i don't think they are looking at... ., , �* ., ., but i don't think they are looking at... ., , �* ., , at... i apologise, i'm going to step in very quickly. _ at... i apologise, i'm going to step in very quickly. i — at... i apologise, i'm going to step in very quickly, i will— at... i apologise, i'm going to step in very quickly, i will come - at... i apologise, i'm going to step in very quickly, i will come back i at... i apologise, i'm going to step in very quickly, i will come back to| in very quickly, i will come back to you on this point, please, so you may have to repeat a bit more of what you said, ijust need to cross to the united states to speak to our correspond in there to update us on the latest regarding president biden returning to the white house. what can you tell us, will?— can you tell us, will? president biden has _ can you tell us, will? president biden has returned _ can you tell us, will? president biden has returned to - can you tell us, will? president biden has returned to the - can you tell us, will? president| biden has returned to the white house. he cut his weekend away in delaware short to return to washington to have urgent meetings with national security officials regarding those events in israel and we have had a statement from the us
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national to cancel that says iran has begun an airborne attack against israel. president biden is being regularly updated on the situation by his national security team who are in constant communication with israeli officials. it says this attack is likely to unfold over a number of hours. unnamed us official speaking to american media have said that iran may launch missiles later, it may synchronise the drone attack with missiles that will be launched at a later time. present biden and other senior us officials have said repeatedly over the last few days that american support for israeli security is ironclad and we know that us forces in the region are on alert and are ready to assist the israelis with protecting their territory. intelligence officials here reportedly believe that iran will target multiple sites inside israel, but importantly they are not
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expecting them to target us forces in the region directly because that of course would be a dangerous escalation and if any americans are killed in the middle east then of course the us would retaliate against iran and nobody wants that. that is the real fear that they could be some sort of tit—for—tat escalating the conflict that could ignite a wider war.— escalating the conflict that could ignite a wider war. before we leave ou, in ignite a wider war. before we leave you. in terms— ignite a wider war. before we leave you. in terms of— ignite a wider war. before we leave you, in terms of an _ ignite a wider war. before we leave you, in terms of an allied - ignite a wider war. before we leave you, in terms of an allied response to this, is it essentially the us that would lead this? and has there been any indication of the options on the table?— been any indication of the options on the table? there has not. i think it is too early _ on the table? there has not. i think it is too early for _ on the table? there has not. i think it is too early for that, _ on the table? there has not. i think it is too early for that, frankly. - it is too early for that, frankly. we heard earlier from it is too early for that, frankly. we heard earlierfrom the israelis naming their partners and their friends and allies. the us of course, israel's most important ally, but also great britain and france. i'm sure the americans would want to wait to analyse this attack
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when it actually comes to a conclusion before taking any steps after that. conclusion before taking any steps afterthat. i'm conclusion before taking any steps after that. i'm sure that they want to calibrate their response to ensure that it's proportionate and not rush into any retaliation straightaway.— not rush into any retaliation straiahtawa . ~ ., ., ~ straightaway. will vernon, thank you ve much straightaway. will vernon, thank you very much for— straightaway. will vernon, thank you very much for that. _ straightaway. will vernon, thank you very much for that. i _ straightaway. will vernon, thank you very much for that. i know _ straightaway. will vernon, thank you very much for that. i know you're - very much for that. i know you're busy at the moment, monitoring events the us. dan arbell is from the centre for israeli studies and also a former deputy chief of mission at the embassy of israel in washington, dc itself. before i come to you, let me update you on the latest, you may not have access to this, but reuters is reporting that media, local media in israel, channel 12 tv, reporting that iran has launched a total of around 100 drones and cruise missiles at israeli targets on saturday. some have been shot down flying over
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syria orjordan. so a total of 100 drones and cruise missiles targeting israel from iran, some have been shot down over syria and jordan. dan, let's unpick that. first off, the number that we are learning about here, 100 drones, what do you make of that? this about here, 100 drones, what do you make of that?— make of that? this is very serious, it is uuite make of that? this is very serious, it is quite significant. _ make of that? this is very serious, it is quite significant. there - make of that? this is very serious, it is quite significant. there is - make of that? this is very serious, it is quite significant. there is a - it is quite significant. there is a difference between a few dozen and 100 or more and as your correspondence and a few minutes ago, a second wave is expected. and certainly this is very serious, it is an assault on the state of israel and a threat to israeli security, despite what we have spoken about a
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few minutes ago. israel needs to look at this very seriously and to contemplate the proper response because definitely if it does involve cruise missiles as this report quotes, and if it does into israeli territory, but it is quite significant. it israeli territory, but it is quite significant-— israeli territory, but it is quite significant. it seems there are also, significant. it seems there are also. earlier— significant. it seems there are also, earlier we _ significant. it seems there are also, earlier we had _ significant. it seems there are also, earlier we had only - significant. it seems there are i also, earlier we had only learned what is now being described by the iranian revolutionary guard as operation true promise, part of its punishment for israeli crimes, is what we are learning. there were cruise missiles as part of this wave of munitions sent to israel. using a cruise missile, what does that tell us? how does it differ to a drone? first of all it is more lethal and it has a much higher speed and it
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can reach israel. if a drone takes 7-9 can reach israel. if a drone takes 7—9 hours, cruise missile can reach is really a space within two hours. and so we are really seriously looking at the need to respond more swiftly and more effectively and with proper israeli air defence systems that are aimed exactly at intercepting such cruise missiles. israel does have the ability to intercept cruise missiles, as it has shown when intercepting houthi missiles coming in from yemen over the red sea into israeli territory and israel used that to intercept those missiles. clearly israel has the defensive capabilities but then onceit the defensive capabilities but then once it knows exactly which weapons are being fired at it, then it can actually prepare the proper response.
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actually prepare the proper resteeme— actually prepare the proper resonse. ~ ., ., ~ actually prepare the proper resonse. . ., ., ~ ., response. what do you think of the a- roach? response. what do you think of the approach? just _ response. what do you think of the approach? just from _ response. what do you think of the approach? just from unpicking - response. what do you think of the | approach? just from unpicking what we have learned from that report in terms of the number and where reportedly some of those have been shot down, shot down over syria and overjordan, what do you make of how they are trying to aim towards israel? clearly heading north—west into syria, heading directly west acrossjordan, but into syria, heading directly west across jordan, but as yet into syria, heading directly west acrossjordan, but as yet no report of a possible track southwards to saudi arabia. what do you make of that multipronged approach? it’s that multipronged approach? it's ve that multipronged approach? it�*s very interesting to watch the movement of the root of these missiles and these drones. i have to say that it looks like it is primarily focused at israeli military targets rather than some civilian population centres within the centre of israel. rather more to the centre of israel. rather more to
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the areas of northern israel or eastern israel and not areas where it is heavily populated. this is very interesting. to see, first of all, the number which is really more than expected. we see a movement in terms of growing numbers of systems being used by iran. this multipronged approach is certainly made to make israel aware that iran has capabilities, that it is willing to use it, that it is not shying away from a direct conflict with israel but at the same time, while it may be one notch up in terms of how iran is responding, it is still not a full confrontation or a full war that we are seeing right now i
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think iran is hoping to limit this to this one night, or perhaps another day of these attacks, but i don't think it is looking at this as a widening conflict, but rather limiting this as a response to what israel has done in syria more than a week ago and then take it from there. but it is very serious. and as the report has suggested, the numbers are surprising the way i see it. bill numbers are surprising the way i see it. �* , , ,., it. all right. reuters is reporting via an american _ it. all right. reuters is reporting via an american reporter- it. all right. reuters is reporting via an american reporter on - it. all right. reuters is reporting via an american reporter on the | it. all right. reuters is reporting l via an american reporter on the x platform that we could well be hearing from president biden addressing the nation from the oval office at some point this afternoon local time, washington of course. we're hearing that our prime minister here rishi sunak has issued a statement on events taking place in the middle east. dan, if i could
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just read this to our viewers. "i condemn in the stronger terms the iranian regime's reckless attack against israel. these strikes risk inflaming tensions and destabilising the region. iran has once again demonstrated that it is intent on sowing chaos in its own back yard. the uk will continue to stand up for israel's security and that of all our regional partners, including jordan and iraq, alongside our allies we are urgently working to stabilise the situation and prevent further escalation. no one wants to see more bloodshed." so that statement coming from the uk prime minister and number 10, possibly hearing from president biden in an address to the nation later this afternoon. dan arbell is
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from the center for israeli studies and he is with me. he is also the former deputy chief of mission at the embassy of israel in washington, dc. we are looking at the tel aviv skyline. if you're just dc. we are looking at the tel aviv skyline. if you'rejustjoining us on bbc news, the news that iran has launched up to 100 drones and cruise missiles targeted at israeli territory. forthe missiles targeted at israeli territory. for the president to make a state of the nation address from the oval office, as a former diplomat, what does that tell us? we have diplomat, what does that tell us? - have to remember it is a saturday, the president was on vacation and he cut his vacation short and rushed to the white house. and certainly coming out and speaking to the nation on a saturday afternoon, washington time, is very rare. it is reserved for emergency or very special occasions. and so this is
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very serious. the us is treating this very serious. let's not forget just yesterday at a press event the president was asked about it and he told the iranians don't think about it, don't do it, don't attack israel. he warned them. and therefore, the word of a president carries weight and if iran defied the president in how it acted or what it promised behind—the—scenes, then we are seeing certainly a deterioration in the position of, in the situation which requires a very effective, serious and tough us approach. and so i think we are going to see the president coming out, if the report is correct, and speaking to the nation. and he will certainly notjust speaking to the nation. and he will certainly not just worn speaking to the nation. and he will certainly notjust worn iran, but i think this would be kind of very much a harsh warning and also making
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iran aware that there will be consequences for iran for its actions by the us, notjust by its allies but by the us itself. fiifi allies but by the us itself. 0k, dan, i'm allies but by the us itself. 0k, dan. i'm going _ allies but by the us itself. 0k, dan, i'm going to _ allies but by the us itself. 0k, dan, i'm going to give - allies but by the us itself. 0k, dan, i'm going to give you a chance to catch your breath for a moment there. dan arbell is from the center for israeli studies. also speaking as a diplomat, a former diplomat who was the deputy chief of mission at the embassy of israel in washington, dc. you are not going away, dan. just have a drink of water. i'll be coming back to you shortly. giving us a lot of context and insight as to what is going on. let's speak to siavash ardalan from bbc persian who is in our newsroom at the moment. siavash ardalan, just to let you know and i'm sure you're following this from the news room, lebanon has now closed its airspace as those
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attacks, the drones and cruise missiles, we understand, targeting israel from iran. what more do we know? what are the latest developments? the what more do we know? what are the latest developments?— latest developments? the latest development — latest developments? the latest development is _ latest developments? the latest development is the _ latest developments? the latest development is the irgc - latest developments? the latest - development is the irgc statement, the first official confirmation by iran that it has launched these attacks until a few minutes, or up to half an hour before official confirmation iranians media and media outlets affiliated with irgc, that's the iranian revolutionary guards, were covering the news as a claim made by israeli media. when that official confirmation came through a statement read by irgc on iranian state tv, it said that dozens of drones and cruise missiles hit israeli territory. they used the term already hits, as if they have already collided with their targets, which was very curious given they haven't even reached israeli soil command according to some reports,
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some were even intercepted. but the name of this operation, as the irgc called it, is called true promise, and so far that is all we have had in terms of the confirmation of what is happening. in terms of what is going on inside iran, just to give you a sense of the public mood in the country, a lot of people were buying into the narrative that iran will not respond, that iran is not serious, that iran does not have the power to respond. so a lot of people were not taking this seriously. and if you looked at iranians state tv coverage, if we look at some of the media outlets affiliated with the iranian government, until two hours ago you wouldn't have had any indication that an attack is imminent. you didn't get that sense of anxiety or panic which was probably either an effort to either try to maintain an element of
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surprise or maybe not create public panic, or may bejust surprise or maybe not create public panic, or may be just to lower expectations of what is to come. but in response to some of the public panic that may have been created, because there are some reports coming out of iran inside tehran, the iranian capital, that there are some queues forming already along petrol stations inside the iranian capital, and we have had a statement from one iranians official who said who assured the public there are enough petrol reserves in the country, there is no need to panic and no need to queue up. probably trying to bring down any sense of anxiety in the public.— anxiety in the public. siavash ardalan, there _ anxiety in the public. siavash ardalan, there had _ anxiety in the public. siavash ardalan, there had been - anxiety in the public. siavash ardalan, there had been a i anxiety in the public. siavash - ardalan, there had been a question mark whether president biden, as reported by local media, would be addressing the nation from the oval
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office. i saw pictures earlier of him entering the white house via the former rose garden. the white house, though, via reuters have now confirmed president biden is not expected to speak to the nation. what we do know, though, is he is going to be sitting down with his national security team to assess the latest developments. in the meantime, we're also hearing from reuters and the afp news that israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu is also holding a war cabinet meeting. that was confirmed via the prime minister's office. so various leaders speaking to their defence teams in their reaction to what is taking place at the moment. to remind you what has happened, iran has fired up to 100 drones at
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israel. we also believe that that wave of munitions includes cruise missiles heading towards israel. we understand that a number have been shot down. so as you can see via the map on your screen, the drones would have left iran. we know that they did cross iraqi airspace. that was confirmed by iraq itself. jordan further to the west announced fairly early on it was closing its airspace. and later saying any drones entering its airspace will be shot down. we know that some of those drones, as reported locally, were shot down overjordanian airspace, entering jordanian airspace. but also, reportedly, unconfirmed report, but local media saying that some drones have also
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been shot down travelling across syrian airspace to the north on that north—western border with iraq and north—western border with iraq and north of israel as well. so that is the territory and the geography of what is taking place at the moment. tel aviv, this is the skyline live from israel. it appears everything is calm at the moment. we had been told by daniel hagari that, should there be a threat, entering israeli territory the sirens would sound. we have been hearing from various guests tonight that there would be a number of steps that would then be followed. i wonder if i could then come back to our correspondent in the newsroom, siavash ardalan. in terms of the middle east at the
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moment, just how tense and perilous are things? in moment, just how tense and perilous are thins? , ., ' are things? in the past ten or 15 ears of are things? in the past ten or 15 years of this _ are things? in the past ten or 15 years of this war _ are things? in the past ten or 15 years of this war of _ are things? in the past ten or 15 years of this war of words, - are things? in the past ten or 15 years of this war of words, this | years of this war of words, this covert war between iran and israel, it's been described in different ways, this is the biggest escalation, that is the doomsday scenario. many iranians inside the country are worried. this is just setting aside the middle east itself, inside iran this attack is coming at a very critical time because coming off the back of nationwide protests that rocked the system just two years ago and it is suffering and legitimacy crisis, it doesn't have a lot of popular support, in the attacks it is carrying out today. lots of people are questioning, a lot of iranians are questioning, a lot of iranians are questioning, a lot of iranians
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are questioning the government's overall strategic objectives, its enmity with israel. this couldn't come at a worse time for iranians. just today the government began a new, believe it or not, round of crack down on the hijab issued by the iranian police which has left a lot of national security experts inside even iran baffled as to why they would do this at a time when they would do this at a time when they need maximum amount of popular support. but when you were talking about the news of these meetings between western officials and wall cabinets in israel and the us and so on and so forth, in iran we have not heard anything about any such meeting is taking place. the only indication we had was from the irgc communique that was read as a statement on iranian state tv that the decision was adopted by iran's high security council, high national security council, which is the highest authority after the supreme leader to take these decisions. and
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it seems like it wasn't a decision that was taken lightly. it is a decision that has been described by some pro—regime supporters and some scholars in iranian think tanks as a decision that comes with the expectation that the equation, the strategic geopolitical equation will change in the middle east. siavash ardalan, thank _ change in the middle east. siavash ardalan, thank you _ change in the middle east. siavash ardalan, thank you very _ change in the middle east. siavash ardalan, thank you very much - change in the middle east. siavash . ardalan, thank you very much indeed. thank you, dan arbel is from the center for israeli studies and former chief of mission at the embassy of israel in washington, dc. —— dan arbell. president biden is now at the white house. he is convening, we understand, some of the meetings taking place in israel. diplomatically, what happens next? i think there are very close consultations, phone conversations taking place right now between senior american officials and senior israeli officials, just like there
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are with senior british officials and senior french officials. i think there is a discussion right now taking place in tel aviv of the israeli cabinet, security cabinet, and they are looking at different ways to assess this and respond effectively. but they are doing so in coordination with the united states. israel can protect its borders and its civilians. yet as you have mentioned in the last hour, these missiles, these cruise missiles and these drones are going over middle east airspace over different countries, whether it is syria, jordan, iraq where us forces are located or us missile defence capabilities are located, and therefore there is a need to coordinate the response, the initial response to this attack. and also looking once this attack is over,
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what to do then. so clearly there is a lot of back—and—forth on this. and i think that the us, britain, france are encouraging israel for a standing with israel but also trying to hold israel's hand and have israel respond in an effective manner but not to lead to something that then will be hard to contain, rather not to limit this confrontation rather than have this escalated into a regional war, or god forbid an even larger fighting arena. so i think they want to contain this. not let iran off the hook, respond effectively, but not allow this to go too far and broad within the region. i}i(. allow this to go too far and broad within the region.— allow this to go too far and broad within the region. 0k, dan, thank ou for within the region. 0k, dan, thank you for that- _ within the region. 0k, dan, thank you for that. let's _ within the region. 0k, dan, thank you for that. let's update - within the region. 0k, dan, thank you for that. let's update to - you for that. let's update to viewers on the response from the uk prime minister rishi sunak who has released a statement in response to iran launching drones.
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that was the statement from the uk prime minister. will vernon is monitoring developments for us in washington, dc. and what have been the key developments from your side? well, president biden has returned
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urgently to the white house. he is having a


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