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tv   The Media Show  BBC News  April 13, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am BST

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we start with breaking news. iran has launched an attack against israel. iran's revolutionary guard says it is targeting specific locations within israel with drones and missles. local israeli media are reporting the attack is expected to reach israel by 2am local time. the white house has said the strike could �*unfold over a number of hours.�* this is a live look now at tel aviv. israeli forces have been put on high alert, with dozens of combat planes in the air. all israeli schools have been ordered to close. in an an address to the nation, the israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, said defence systems were deployed and the armed forces were ready to respond in kind. he's advised israelis to listen to the directions of the military. tehran has said the attack is "punishment for israeli crimes." iran had been threatening
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to retaliate for a deadly israeli air strike on an iranian diplomatic compound in syria two weeks ago. here are some of the latest news lines we are getting in at this hour — lebanon and iraq have both closed their airspace. lebanon's iran—backed hezbollah says it has fired rockets at the israeli—annexed golan heights. in yemen, rebels have reportedly launch drones at israel in coordination with iran. and an israel army official has said, the country expects more �*waves of drones�* from iran. earlier, we heard from daniel hagari, spokesperson for the israel defence forces. iran has launched a direct attack from iranian so you looked towards from iranian soil towards
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the state of israel. we are closely monitoring iranian killer drones that are en route to israel sent by iran. this is a severe and dangerous escalation and our defensive and of readiness ahead of this large—scale attack from iran. together, with our partners, the israel defense forces are operating at full force to defend the state of israel and the people of israel. this is a mission that we are determined and ready to fulfil. i want to bring you this latest news lenders coming in from reuters news agency, it says us military has shot down an iranian drone aircraft which was headed towards israel, that is according to two us officials, just to remind you of that line from
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reuters, saying that an iranian drone has been shut down, one that was headed towards israel, shut down with us involvement there, as the situation continues to unfold. i just want to bring you as well reaction coming from leaders across the world watching us. we�*ve got a statement from the white house security council spokesperson adrian watson, saying... this statement came out a little earlier.
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uk prime minister rishi sunak has released a statement in response to iran launching drones, this is what he had to say. that statement they are from british prime minister rishi sunak. will to talk more about all of this, the us response as well, i�*m joined here in the studio by our north america correspondent will vernon.
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the bbc�*s partner in the us, be cbs news it says american fighter planes, navalassets news it says american fighter planes, naval assets are in position ready to help the israelis shoot down any missiles. it does mention missiles. the israelis don�*t mention missiles, they mention drones. the iranians said in their statement they did launch ballistic missiles. we saw that update from reuters that possibly the us was involved in shooting down iranian drones, we have to see whether there�*s confirmation of that. here in washington, president biden is now back at the white house, he cut short a weekend away at his beach residence in delaware to attend these urgent national security council meetings. we think they are happening around about now. we heard in that statement, didn�*t we, that the team there are in close communication with these israelis.
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before this broke, lloyd austin spoke to his israeli counterpart reiterating once again america�*s unwavering support for israel and port security and that�*s a message that�*s been very clear from washington. that's been very clear from washington.— that's been very clear from washington. that's been very clear from washinuton. ~ ., ., ., washington. will vernon, our north america correspondent _ washington. will vernon, our north america correspondent keeping - washington. will vernon, our north america correspondent keeping us. america correspondent keeping us updated, thank so very much. live now to retired lieutenant general mark schwartz who served as united states security coordinator of the israel—palestinian authority. thank you so much for being with us, we do appreciate you taking the time. ijust want we do appreciate you taking the time. i just want to start what i getting your assessment about what we are seeing right now, about the scale, about the scope as well, in your assessment.— your assessment. great to be with ou. i your assessment. great to be with yom i think _ your assessment. great to be with you. i think the _ your assessment. great to be with you. i think the initial— your assessment. great to be with you. i think the initial response i your assessment. great to be with you. i think the initial response byj you. i think the initial response by iran with the launch of these assessed hundred or so drones coming
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out of irani and sovereign territory towards israel is expected, we can also expect that as they approach, israeli airspace, that you will see a response or, really, actions about lebanese hezbollah to try and overwhelm the israeli air defence and acquisition radars that are defending its own territory. the us, obviously well before this incident but certainly shortly thereafter, the 1st of april attacks that took place in damascus against the leadership there have been working very closely with israeli defence forces, the minister of defence and we saw this thursday with the general from we saw this thursday with the generalfrom us central we saw this thursday with the general from us central command meeting with minister gallant to really synchronise the defensive effort for this forthcoming attack which we are being seeing playing
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out right now. which we are being seeing playing out right "ow-— which we are being seeing playing out riaht now. ~ ., ., ~' ., ., out right now. what do we know about the weaponry — out right now. what do we know about the weaponry that _ out right now. what do we know about the weaponry that iran _ out right now. what do we know about the weaponry that iran is _ out right now. what do we know about the weaponry that iran is employing i the weaponry that iran is employing right now? the the weaponry that iran is employing riaht now? ., ., , ., right now? the ma'ority of the drones right now? the ma'ority of the stones that h right now? the ma'ority of the drones that iran _ right now? the majority of the drones that iran has, - right now? the majority of the drones that iran has, in - right now? the majority of the i drones that iran has, in essence move at about 100 mph, so it�*s 1000 miles from tehran to tel aviv, approximately, so it takes some time for those drones to arrive. 0bviously for those drones to arrive. obviously the cruise missiles move much faster, ballistic missiles if they were lunch, there�*s been reports of that but we certainly have not seen any impact so that may be verbal posturing by iran with respect to the continued employment of capabilities against israel, but what�*s happening right now is we�*ve got for reports of us aircraft, us
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acquisition intercepting some of the drones had reportedly israel has also moved and they�*ve got an error and trying to intercept these drones as they approach israeli airspace. i want to ask more about the involvement of us military assets, we know they are moving around the region right now, with that in mind how might us military personnel to be impacted? what kind of footing are they on right now? in be impacted? what kind of footing are they on right now?— are they on right now? in my exnerience. _ are they on right now? in my experience, they _ are they on right now? in my experience, they are - are they on right now? in my experience, they are at - are they on right now? in my experience, they are at the l experience, they are at the highest level of alert possible. they are reducing their risk by making sure they are in hardened facilities across all the bases where the us is present predominantly in iraq and jordan where there have been and currently are operating. and then
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remember the combined task force led by the united states to address the attacks by the houthis on maritime shipping. there are also other allies and partners of israel supporting this overall umbrella defence that they�*re trying to put up defence that they�*re trying to put up in terms of air capabilities flowing into, or targeting, excuse me, israel. flowing into, or targeting, excuse me. israel-— flowing into, or targeting, excuse me, israel. ~ ., me, israel. so, mark, then we have the revolutionary _ me, israel. so, mark, then we have the revolutionary guard _ me, israel. so, mark, then we have the revolutionary guard involved, i the revolutionary guard involved, then there are proxies in the region whether that�*s hezbollah, or the houthis for example. what kind of involvement do you think we could potentially see for them, how does that complicate things for israel? is there than the potential for multiple fronts to be opened up? you brine u- an multiple fronts to be opened up? you. bring up an excellent point. i do believe that�*s what we will see happen. as these drones were lunch,
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and there is certainly verification of this both in the united states as well as israel, out and open reporting, i think as they approach sovereign is really airspace that you will see a significant launch of rockets from lebanese hezbollah from the north and also potential late from additional drones. we don�*t believe, at least what i know, of the houthis having long—range rockets that can reach israel sovereign territory but they certainly have drone capability and they�*ve tried to do that before. i think you�*re correct, but you�*re going to see an integrated attempt to overwhelm israeli air defences. in terms of the rockets, they could potentially come through this air defence umbrella, that�*s the principle concern for the israeli government right now. fiend
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principle concern for the israeli government right now. and what about with retards government right now. and what about with regards to — government right now. and what about with regards to what _ government right now. and what about with regards to what iran _ government right now. and what about with regards to what iran could - government right now. and what about with regards to what iran could be - with regards to what iran could be facing, if there is this response from israel and one that is supported by allies, is there the risk here for iran that this could be a miscalculation, how ready are they for a kind of response? i think as mentioned _ they for a kind of response? i think as mentioned with _ they for a kind of response? i think as mentioned with respect - they for a kind of response? i think as mentioned with respect to - they for a kind of response? i thinkj as mentioned with respect to israel and the united states central command�*s level of alertness and status, iran is in the same position right now. i think if in fact if they launch missiles or cruise missiles from their sovereign territory i believe see israel struck back. one, it�*ll be a time of their choosing, may be immediately but if there�*s significant mass casualty event or major infrastructure destroyed as a result of these forthcoming drone, drones
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that are headed towards israel sovereign territory that you could see israel respond into iran which will only increase the likelihood that we are going to see further escalation as the days go forward. mark, just to let our viewers know what we are saying on our screen right now, that is the live view on to jerusalem where right now, that is the live view on tojerusalem where i�*ve been informed that in the past minute or so we have been seeing flares as we see that camera panned around into the night sky right there in jerusalem. we can�*t say exactly what thatis jerusalem. we can�*t say exactly what that is or what part of the strategy that is or what part of the strategy thatis that is or what part of the strategy that is but we can see it right now. but mark, i want to come back to you because i want to talk about the backdrop of all this and essentially how this began of course which is the war between israel and hamas. we know that benjamin netanyahu had set
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a date had been set for the operation and rafah, but in light of what we�*re seeing right now, where you think this leaves the war how mass and leaves the war in gaza? i think since october seven is clear resolve on behalf of the netanyahu government and the israeli defence forces as well as the israeli people. while the principalfocus is on this existential threat which is iran to israel in response to the 1st of april attacks in damascus, as the days go forward i think israel will certainly continue on with their military operations. i am pleased to say, if you can say that in terms of the level of comfort, we�*ve seen since october seven but israel seems to be taking a different approach in terms of their
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operations inside the gaza strip since really the beginning of ramadan and now that it�*s complete and at the end of ramadan but i do believe israel will not lose its resolve in terms of its strategic objective to remove hamas as a governing body inside the gaza strip. governing body inside the gaza stri -. ~ �* ., governing body inside the gaza stri. ~ �* ., ., governing body inside the gaza stri.~ �* ., .,~ , governing body inside the gaza stri.~ �* ., ., ~ ,. ., , strip. we've got to keep civilians in mind for— strip. we've got to keep civilians in mind for all— strip. we've got to keep civilians in mind for all of— strip. we've got to keep civilians in mind for all of this, _ strip. we've got to keep civilians in mind for all of this, how- in mind for all of this, how dangerous do you think it is for them? ., , ., , them? for the israeli populace, it's extremely dangerous. _ them? for the israeli populace, it's extremely dangerous. while - them? for the israeli populace, it's extremely dangerous. while iran i extremely dangerous. while iran certainly has precision guided munitions to include with their every air, ground to air or ground to ground capability whether it�*s their drones, cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, they are still a
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great margin of error and even if some of these drones are taken down over is really airspace, the fallout of that is going to endanger the civilian populace of israel and the west bank, certainly, with respect to gaza we know that an estimated 33-34,000 to gaza we know that an estimated $354,000 palestinians have to gaza we know that an estimated 33—34,000 palestinians have been killed, many of those certainly are hamas militants about the vast majority has been objectively reported by the international media are innocent palestinian civilians, unfortunately the loss of innocent life is going to continue and now this evening in israel, but eventually israeli civilians in addition to what we seen since october seven.— addition to what we seen since october seven. lieutenant mark schwartz, former _ october seven. lieutenant mark schwartz, former us _ october seven. lieutenant mark schwartz, former us security i schwartz, former us security coordinator between israel and the palestinian authority, thank you
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very much for bringing us your assessment here on bbc news, we appreciate it. you canjust see on the screen goes live pictures of the scene right now injerusalem where in the last 5—10 minutes what we�*ve seen on our screens is flares there on that night sky. it is approaching two there injerusalem local time. we have been told by the white house and by us intelligence drones could start hitting targets by around 2am local time there in israel, and we also know by the reuters news agency at least two us officials have said they have shut down at least one of those drones. in the meantime, we can go nowjoined bbc persian reporter siavash ardalan from london.
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here is a tweet that we�*ve gotten. conducted on the strength of the un charter pertaining to legitimate defence, iran�*s military reaction is against... matter can be deemed concluded but should the israeli regime and make another mistake iran�*s response will be considerably be more severe. basically it means iran is saying this operation because concluded, that it�*s no longer firing any drones or missiles towards israel even though we still don�*t have any indication that those cruise missiles have been fired towards
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israel. what we have confirmation of is the shooting of several, or dozens, of drones towards israel. what the irani permanent mission to the un said is really a reflection of what�*s going on on the ground, because it�*s contradictory to media reports that we are getting inside iran from the revolutionary guard affiliated news websites thatjust iran from the revolutionary guard affiliated news websites that just a few moments ago have said that once the drones approach israel, the first phase of iran�*s complicated operation will begin. now when you were saying that around 2am local time is when the drones are expected to reach israel, the uranian media said that they expect the drones to have reach israel at 1:20am which carry symbolic significance for iran, that�*s reportedly went
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solely —— soleimani was killed by us forces some years ago. whether this is part of a longer operation whether that involves just drones, not just cruise whether that involves just drones, notjust cruise missiles but also get attacks from proxy groups in houthi, in yemen, which getting reports of but also shots fired from hezbollah in lebanon towards the golan heights. if the matter is concluded as far as iran is concerned, obviously knock the ball is in israel�*s court. the iranians and the country are watching this very closely. they weren�*t taking this very seriously because when you watched until a few hours ago
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uranian state tv and looked at uranian state tv and looked at uranian news websites that you do not get a sense that an attack was imminent. they were either trying to maintain an element of surprise or they wanted to lower expectations or they wanted to lower expectations or they didn�*t want to create some... didn�*t want to create a public panic which seems to have happened because we�*re getting reports from inside iran and images are surfacing on social media but uranian users that long lines of cars have formed outside petrol stations in iran with the public fearing that this confrontation might result in fuel shortages. -- iranian. how prepared are iranians _ -- iranian. how prepared are iranians for _ -- iranian. how prepared are iranians for something - -- iranian. how prepared are iranians for something like i -- iranian. how prepared are - iranians for something like that? civilians there have been living with a truck for far longer, they�*re
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used to going to shelters for example, but what about in iran? taste example, but what about in iran? we have example, but what about in iran? - have two reports in iran where supporters are out in the streets now, celebrating calling the government to take firm action to draw the red line in the sand so to speak, and many other iranian, originated in iran if years ago and that public move against government still exists which questions every foreign policy of the islamic regime including enmity towards israel. there�*s not a lot of support among the iranian public for the palestinian cause and for this work, but there is a lot of fear what this work could bring if it�*s just an attack or retaliation by israel on
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iran�*s military facilities, those affiliated with the iranian revolutionary guard, that possibly wouldn�*t draw as much opposition or resentment as an attack on residential or civilian population centres similar to what happened in gaza, that would immediately perhaps turn the page on iranian public mood. whether or how much the iranian authorities are prepared, they must have thought about this in advance. this was a decision taken by iran�*s high national security council which is the highest authority in the country after the supreme leader having in mind that this attack completely changes the rules of the game, has been observed by both sides over these past ten, 15 years of this covert war between iran and israel, this rhetoric which saw israel constantly attacking iran, iranian forces in serial and
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proxy groups in lebanon —— syria. never taking response ability, assassinating iran�*s nuclear scientist and so on and so forth, the iranian regime whether it expects a positive outcome from this, whether it�*s prepared for this attack or not, it felt it had to do something because if it didn�*t, that breakdown of iran�*s deterrence, in the iranian�*s mind, there was no telling when israel would stop. it could be the higher commander or the head of the forest, head of iran�*s revolutionary guard, it could be the supreme leader itself. iran felt it had to do something and it did. that had to do something and it did. at this very hour, of course everybody is having conversations with their partners, with their international allies right now. we know of course israel is in close contact with the united states. ijust want to now bring you up—to—date with the latest that were learning about the
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response now to the drone attacks sent from iran. 0ur response now to the drone attacks sent from iran. our partners at cbs are reporting that the us military has shut down some drones that iran has shut down some drones that iran has sent towards israel. according to two us officials.and the britich ministry of defence said in a statement that "in response to increased iranian threats and the growing risk of escalation in the middle east, the uk government has been working with partners across the region to encourage de—escalation and prevent further attacks. we have moved several additional royal air force jets and air refuelling tankers to the region. these will bolster operation shader, which is the uk�*s existing counter—daesh operation in iraq and syria. in addition, these ukjets will intercept any airborne attacks within range of our existing missions, as required. we will continue to cooperate closely with our regional partners in the interest of de—escalation."
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let�*s go back to jerusalem with ourjames landale two. ican i can tell you that in the last few minutes we have had a number of explosions in the skies over jerusalem. we have seen what appeared to be the air defence missiles fired by uranian air defences in some capacity. the sirens have now stopped, the air defence missiles we�*ve seen in the night sky seemed to have stopped. what that means though is that there is a potential threat notjust against a just military targets but
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also potentially other places. which i think is an indication of the comprehensive nature of the attack that israel is under at the moment. israel, israeli spokesman for the last couple of hours are talking mainly about their having been a drone attack, but they�*re also concerning that there is also a missile attack, too. iran has been saying that for some time but israel is not confirming that, too. in other words, this is notjust a small—scale attack that is limited, it is pretty broad in its deployment.— it is pretty broad in its deployment. it is pretty broad in its delo ment. , deployment. and, james, you were mentioning — deployment. and, james, you were mentioning there _ deployment. and, james, you were mentioning there sirens _ deployment. and, james, you were mentioning there sirens going - deployment. and, james, you were mentioning there sirens going off. l deployment. and, james, you were mentioning there sirens going off. i just wonder if he could remind us locally what that means for the population when they hear the sirens.
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everyone is advised to have the app on the phone so they can get advice to what to do. you can get for people in ukraine, essentially what it does is it gives you localised information about the nature of the threat in that locality and what you should do if you hear a siren, how long you should remain in a shelter, things like that. it also gives other information about what things you are advised to do, what things have been banned to try and keep you safe. so that is what the advice that�*s coming out of the government at the moment here, trying to tell everyone to stay safe, to stay calm, live the advice. the streets are relatively calm. i can see some police cars from where i am but not many cars on the streets at all. it is obviously the middle of the night, it�*s about 2am in the morning so you won�*t expect massive amounts
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of traffic. but ijust repeat. 0ver of traffic. but ijust repeat. over the city ofjerusalem tonight we have heard we have seen your defence missiles and we have heard a siren. james, where many people talk about the history of enmity between israel and iran, often they talk about iranian forces playing the long game with israel essentially going all the way back to 1979. why, in your assessment, do you think iran has taken the decision now to launch this attack?— this attack? well, that is a fascinating _ this attack? well, that is a fascinating question - this attack? well, that is a l fascinating question because this attack? well, that is a - fascinating question because it is one that the israelis did not anticipate. all the israeli briefing has been that they expected that it iran would once again launch a direct attack on israel, that has changed, iran is launching a direct
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attack from iranian soil on israeli soil. foryears, this attack from iranian soil on israeli soil. for years, this has been a shadow conflict, iran using its proxy militias and supporters in the region to launch deniable attacks against israel. that is now gone. this is iran saying no, we consider the attack, the air strike on iran�*s consulate in damascus almost two weeks ago, they are treating that as an attack on their soil. they are saying that�*s why they are retaliating. there are signals from the iranians that they want to pretend, suggest this is a limited strike, their mission at the united nations it says once the initial attack has been launched, then iran would see the matter is closed. i doubt israel will share that analysis, i doubt israel�*s allies will show that analysis but we are in uncharted waters here now. a war
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that has been a


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