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tv   BBC News  BBC News  April 14, 2024 2:00am-3:01am BST

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on that breaking news that iran has launched an attack against israel. iran's revolutionary guards have confirmed that the attack was in part a response to a deadly israeli airstrike that destroyed an iranian diplomatic compound in syria earlier this month. here's what we know about the situation in israel at the moment. israel's military says that it is not advising residents of the country to prepare to take shelter, revising on an earlier alert. air sirens have sounded in multiple locations in israel. there have been explosions overjerusalem according to witnesses on the ground. israeli media say they are from aerial interceptions. there were drones are fired towards from iran. israel's defence forces say one
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girl has been injured so far and that light damage was caused to a military base but we do not have details of which base. the idf�*s spokesman says the 10—year—old girl who was injured by schrapnel from falling debris is being treated by paramedics. let's take a look at the world's response to the attack: the united nations secretary general antonio guterres released a statement saying: "i strongly condemn the serious escalation represented "by the large—scale attack launched on israel "by the islamic republic of iran this evening. "i call for an immediate cessation of these hostilities. "i am deeply alarmed about the very real danger "of a devastating region—wide escalation. "i urge all parties to exercise maximum restraint to avoid "action that could lead to major "military confrontations on multiple fronts "in the middle east." that from the chief of united nations. in the us, president biden
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posted this picture on x, formerly twitter, saying that he just met with his national security team for an update on iran's attacks against israel. he says, "our commitment to israel's security "against threats from iran and its proxies is ironclad." we go live to james landale, diplomatic correspondent. what's the latest that you are hearing? what's the latest that you are hearin: ? ~ �* ., hearing? we're hearing here the israeli authorities _ hearing? we're hearing here the israeli authorities that _ hearing? we're hearing here the israeli authorities that the - israeli authorities that the number of drones and missiles that were fired from iran towards israel tonight was in the number of about 200 in all. we're also hearing that the vast were intercepted and most of those that were intercepted outside of israel's borders which represents, if that's true, a substantive success in
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the allied attempt to try and neutralise as many of these missiles and drones as possible outside. at the moment indications are that quite a few of them were shot down over jordanian territory. but we are also hearing that some did get through and the israelis are saying that there is a light damage to one military airbase in the south of israel. that's where we are at the moment here injerusalem it is quiet in the middle of the night. we had sirens early in the night with iron dome rockets, air defence rockets fired into the night sky and there were explosions that we have not had more of that we have not had more of that for a few hours. figs that we have not had more of that for a few hours.- that for a few hours. as you mentioned, _ that for a few hours. as you mentioned, it _ that for a few hours. as you mentioned, it still - that for a few hours. as you mentioned, it still middle i that for a few hours. as you | mentioned, it still middle of the night and we're getting all the night and we're getting all the details but do you have a sense where you are in jerusalem that that might be the end of the attacks are now or are there warnings and preparations you are hearing about the could be another wave
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of attacks or more drones for missiles fired by iran? we don't know _ missiles fired by iran? we don't know yet _ missiles fired by iran? we don't know yet if - missiles fired by iran? - don't know yet if this is over. we don't know whether or not the last missiles have reached or attempted to reach their target. we at the israeli military at the moment are not wanting everybody to stand by and get to their shelters if they possibly can. it is possible that there is at least a pause but we don't know that definitively. we know that some of israel's allies in the region have attempted to join in this attack, there were some reports of missiles being fired from the houthi rebels, the protein running group that control large parts of yemen —— protein running group. there are limited reports of iran's
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proxies, part of what they call the axis of resistance, above all the hezbollah militia, armed group in lebanon, they have not so far as we can tell joined this in running attack tonight, so to that extent that is the dog that has not barked, but as far as we know right now, there is at least i think a pause. now, there is at least i think a pause-— a pause. james landale reporting _ a pause. james landale reporting in _ a pause. james landale reporting in jerusalem l a pause. james landale l reporting in jerusalem for a pause. james landale - reporting in jerusalem for us, reporting injerusalem for us, our diplomatic correspondence. thank you. with me is christina ruffini, former state department correspondent. i want to talk about what we and set the scene. maybe 200 drones and missiles fired by iran towards israel. what you make of what had been telegraphed many days by iran about the response on the way it took place tonight. it about the response on the way it took place tonight.— it took place tonight. it was very slow-moving, - it took place tonight. it was l very slow-moving, deliberate very slow—moving, deliberate response. there is a reason that those screens were used.
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these drones we have seen a lot in ukraine being used by the russians, they are not sophisticated, they don't have an on—board guidance system, you set them, put on a gps target and they go and if nothing stops them they were hurt when you tell them to. they are not sophisticated but can be effective but are also very slow, had a long way to go on as you saw on social media people could look in the sky and hear the distinct buzzing i knew they were coming which meant israel and its allies they were coming and that was probably deliberate. you they were coming and that was probably deliberate.— probably deliberate. you think that what the _ probably deliberate. you think that what the deliberate - probably deliberate. you think that what the deliberate move by iran? it that what the deliberate move b iran? , ., ., ., by iran? it similar to what the us did in _ by iran? it similar to what the us did in february _ by iran? it similar to what the us did in february when - by iran? it similar to what the us did in february when he i us did in february when he wrote in proxies has full i had a facility injordan and had american forces. the us had to respond, or politics are domestic, the us has to account with population when americans are killed or hurt so we heard from american officials leading up from american officials leading up to that that we would hit iran under after the proxies and do this and reporters kept saying when will you do it? they said there is a weather
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but it was something similar that they were telegraphing to arrive so they could get most likely personnel out of the way so this did not escalate so the us could strike back without going further again. that's probably what we saw from iran today, they had to fight back today, they had to fight back to the israelis and the strike on syria weather took up a general. but iran doesn't really want to get a fight with united states so they responded in a way that they said iran said after the attack today the matter can be deemed concluded. the problem is the israeli spokesperson then sat israel is indecisive. spokesperson then sat israel is indecisive-— indecisive. moving back to the war of words _ indecisive. moving back to the war of words as _ indecisive. moving back to the war of words as we've - indecisive. moving back to the war of words as we've seen i war of words as we've seen before tonight. you mentioned you think that the us response, we saw of course tonightjets in the air and various bits of military equipment moved into the region stop to what extent do you think that might have played a role in lessening the impact or lessening the actual
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response from iran? i impact or lessening the actual response from iran?— response from iran? i think there are — response from iran? i think there are no _ response from iran? i think there are no spots - response from iran? i think there are no spots when i response from iran? i think| there are no spots when you response from iran? i think- there are no spots when you get through the iron dome and what isn't and i think it knows exactly what the playbook will be if it releases this kind of attack against a us ally. this was probably expected and i think some damage might have, there is noise a chance one or two can get there and that's what we were all watching for, it only takes one to hit the population centre to escalate this to something none of us want to come will be in the region for but this was very predictable even by those of us who have covered it, it's a tit—for—tat proportional response that could in theory finish tonight but now it looks like israel is saying it will strike back. the other thing to look at it as it is very rare for iran to directly strike israel, usually see this through a proxies and even the rhetorically iranian authorities have said we are done and this is it, we are satisfied, this is concluded, that does not mean we won't see other more dangerous attacks
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from iranian proxies throughout the region from yemen to lebanon to gaza.- the region from yemen to lebanon to gaza. hearing as you said some _ lebanon to gaza. hearing as you said some words _ lebanon to gaza. hearing as you said some words from _ lebanon to gaza. hearing as you said some words from israeli - said some words from israeli officials that could be another response. what do you anticipate from israel, how will they go about their discussions within the wall cabinet, prime minister benjamin netanyahu, what will be the only agenda under anthony calculus about whether to respond or if indeed they do, in what way?— to respond or if indeed they do, in what way?- to respond or if indeed they do, in what way? one thing i won the last _ do, in what way? one thing i won the last few _ do, in what way? one thing i won the last few months - do, in what way? one thing i won the last few months as l do, in what way? one thing i won the last few months as i should not try to predict what benjamin netanyahu or the israeli government will do or how they respond because there is a lot of factors that go into that and it's not always the perspectives or sometimes different even among us officials and israeli officials as there is a lot of diplomatic back and forth especially between antony blinken and the secretary of state to get israel to hold back and allow more humanitarian aid and that emotions are so fraught that it is, you are operating on a different set of almost facts when going into these debates i
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don't want to went about. the wall cabinet has already been empowering netanyahu and other officials to make the decision on how they want to reciprocate for this attack and you have to wonder netanyahu is incredibly unpopular right now, even among the constituents who voted for him, many conservative israelis blame him for the security lapse on 7 october and many hostage families think he is not enough their loved ones back and he has this indictment looming over his head that goes into effect when he is no in office so he does benefit by staying in office and there is not likely to be an election while this conflict is going on so not to be the most cynical person in the world but those of the factors at play so you have to think all of that is being taken into consideration in addition to israeli security geopolitics and what israeli leaders in the country and people's persecuting interests. christina ruffini, stay where you are. joining me live is karim sadjadpour. he isa
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he is a senior fellow at the carnegie endowment for international peace and we've been talking a lot about the israeli point of view. i want to get into iran now and how tonight's events are maybe playing out within iran and iran's leadership.- iran's leadership. may i distinguish _ iran's leadership. mayl distinguish between - iran's leadership. may i| distinguish between the iran's leadership. may i - distinguish between the regime of iran and the population of iran because this is the situation in which you have a government whose ideological prerogatives and revolutionary ideology i would say are not aligned with the national interests of iran since 1979. iran has been fighting this cold and a hot war with israel and united states. but there is not a natural geopolitical and mentally between iran and israel. this is really the prerogative of iran's revolutionary leaders, as christine mentioned. all is in
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the past, iran had attacked israel, the first time they have lodged attacks from iranian soil against israel and we will see in a few hours whether the attacks were made to actually do real damage in israel or whether they were meant to be merely symbolic as a deterrent. but i can tell you that iran has a population which is not interested in fighting war with israel, not interested in being in a state of conflict with united states and we saw last year the large population of iran took to the streets in protest of the government and the women life freedom movement, people in iran see the primary obstacle between them and a better future to be their own government, not the government of israel or the united states. interesting to hear you say that because there was the impression of course that there were some pressure on the iranian regime to respond here.
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where do you think the pressure comes from and was that part of the calculus when it comes to, as you said, this being an attacks carried out from iran itself and not from one of its various proxies in the region? to some extent, yes, they have to save face to their people, to save face to their people, to members of their own regime, but i would say more importantly they have to save face for the people in the region and there arab proxies. since 7 october, 30,000 palestinians have been killed and the hope of hamas and maybe some palestinians was that iran was going to directly involve itself and it has not. iran's proxies also have not really been able to defend the palestinians in any way, so i
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think that if they were to simply have sat on their hands while some of the top generals were killed by israel, the supreme leader, that could have well rejected weakness and invited even more israeli strikes, but i don't think that they are doing this to appease their own population because as i mentioned, this is an iranian population which is really tired of constant state of conflict and this revolutionary ideology which is really what the country nothing more than a misery. to what extent do you think there might be to what extent do you think there might be making preparation by israel? we heard some rumbling coming out of leaders and israel say that they could be a response to this attack, is that something you think iran might be preparing for or already prepared for to see some sort
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of response after this attack? there is hoping that they can throw this punch and release a statement through the united nations are saying, after this, we would like to put this to bed but that's not their decision, obviously, that's the government of israel and iran has to be prepared that israel is going to retaliate and respond, i think arana will try to pass signals to the united states in the hopes that united states in the hopes that united states will exercise some restraint of israel but obviously, iran has to be prepared that is real, several years ago have something called the israel was not going to respond to your runs technicals in the region, whether that be
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11 on, —— lab anon. and i think ii on, —— lab anon. and i think as christie mentioned, israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu is under enormous internal scrutiny and he made calculate for domestic political experience even though the guys have been a great success, taken the fight to iran but actually, at home. you mentioned the various different arms of that octopus, that hezbollah has been exchanging rockets across the border with israel, we have seen the houthis attacking shipping in the straight, what comes next there? will this embolden any ally or proxy of iran to go ahead and launch their own attacks on israel? you know, both the proxies, i think the one that is in so
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early faces of its revolutionary ideology are the houthi in yemen so, i wouldn't be surprised to see the houthis launching strikes against israel or israeli assets that have been done in the past. you know, lebanese, has blah is also in a precarious situation with its population stop —— has paul r. they have been decimated economically and has blah would actually like to avoid the outcome with what's happened in gaza. but again, we are now, we entered uncharted waters, they had not ever attacked israel from its own soil and it remains to be seen what damage the strikes will do. we'll know a lot more by tomorrow morning. and based on that, whether or not israel will choose to respond. mil
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will choose to respond. all ri . ht, will choose to respond. all right. let's _ will choose to respond. all right, let's turn back to here in the studio, karim sadjadpour thank you for that. we saw those images of the situation of us presidentjoe biden with secretary blinken, with lloyd austin, defence secretary, what kind of conversations might be taking place there tonight and what might be at the us looking out for is this continues to ourfault? out for is this continues to our fault?— our fault? have a similar conversation _ our fault? have a similar conversation that - our fault? have a similar conversation that we - our fault? have a similar conversation that we all| our fault? have a similar. conversation that we all are which is what happens next? you've got the statement from iran saying that this is concluded, they are doing that because the exact same thing we are, looking at the proxies, hezbollah looking at the houthis especially and seeing, are they gearing up? looking to attack and the other part of this is what do they say to the israelis? obvious that the white house said that president biden and jeanette will speak later tonight, the conversation will involve a lot of vows of
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solidarity. —— benjamin netanyahu. and that has a relationship has been framed in recent weeks, we have seen democratic members of congress who are part of israel to criticise the lack of humanitarian aid and tonight may change a calculation slightly. and mib temporarily if this holds and that is in further conflict but if this begins to spiral, into an israeli iranian conflict, what karim said is very true, that could change the dynamics of this and as we mentioned earlier, like any family, internalfights but if earlier, like any family, internal fights but if someone comes to your door, you are all the same side and that's essentially what could happen here if this fight with iran escalator so i imagine in the situation room, they are trying to figure out how to signals israel, let it go. let this one right but they have not had much influence over the prime minister in the last week. it
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was interesting to hear from karim saying that there is little appetite among the population of iran, lebanon for any for the conflict, what about in the us? the president biden not exactly and his position here, he's been getting criticism from his own party from members the left over his dealings with the war in gaza, humanitarian situation, if this were to escalate into something bigger and we don't know exactly what will happen, we have to let the events of tonight play out but politically, how much appetite is there in the us within the biden administration for a larger role militarily by the us? , �* ., us? president biden from the bearinnin us? president biden from the beginning has— us? president biden from the beginning has been _ us? president biden from the beginning has been very - beginning has been very reticent to get the us involved on the ground in any conflicts, we saw that with the afghanistan, the ukraine almost immediately despite a lot of rhetoric and vocal support for ukraine, he said they will not be us troops on the ground in ukraine and he stopped by the policy. it's really nothing to
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talk about politics when you're talking about a conflict where people are dying and striving but there is the reality of that and for the biden re—election campaign, there is nowhere to go here. if the spirals into a larger conflict with israel and iran, spirals into a larger conflict with israeland iran, in addition to israel in gaza, his life only gets more difficult because you will start to see the republicans who are really broke israel start to criticise him for not supporting israel more when he's also got a lot of our democrats in michigan who are very against what we have seen in gaza and starting to lose both from young liberals there so that quizzes him further and they are on such a small margin, our to —— ourtop such a small margin, our to —— our top two candidates that it could be something like the american boat of michigan that turns a table or thejewish republican vote in new york that turns the money there that trans election so this would not be good politically for the
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biden re—election campaign but more importantly, it would not be good for the people of the middle east, not be good for humanitarian to see more bloodshed and more food and security in the region that is quite frankly had more than enoughin quite frankly had more than enough in the past decade. figs enough in the past decade. as much conflict as a has—been between president biden and prime minister netanyahu, we are hearing tonight that the israeli prime minister will be speaking to us president biden after an israeli security cabinet meeting, that news just coming in so that's not unexpected see those. that's -ical, unexpected see those. that's typical. anytime _ unexpected see those. that's typical, anytime you - unexpected see those. that's typical, anytime you have - unexpected see those. that's typical, anytime you have a i unexpected see those. that's i typical, anytime you have a big incident and they allies, us and israel are allies, you would expect to presidents to talk and expect the head of the cia to be talking to them as well. an secretary asking and secretary blinken many phone calls, i don't think he has slept in the last couple of months. and i don't think it
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would be unexpected either to see the secretary of defence of secretary of state getting on a plane very soon and heading back to the middle east. we have seen lincoln doing a period of seven days with six of seven different states. meeting with everyone, trying to hold this very fragile they timed, i don't think you could even call it a piece from escalating, i would expect his on the phone now and see him on a place very soon.— a place very soon. very busy man, a place very soon. very busy man. want _ a place very soon. very busy man, want to _ a place very soon. very busy man, want to mention - a place very soon. very busy man, want to mention we'rej man, want to mention we're alive images of tel aviv, with different shots within israel, showing jerusalem as well, it seems as this attacked willie has, for the most part, been held up by israel's defences, we have not been getting much work of casualties on the ground or damage, will continue to monitor that as the night goes on. i want to convince talk about international community and we did together will be a special meeting of
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the un security council coming up the un security council coming up very shortly in the next day or so, we have seen some interesting movements there, they have been several resolutions put forward to demand a ceasefire, we saw one pass, is that a role for the united nations here? it's like neighbour norma is powerless to have any kind of effect on the events that have been unfolding over the past several months? the un has become almost more pr avenue than an actual effective mechanism and what i mean by that is even tonight is a good example, you saw the iranian mission where we got the statement saying we believe this is concluded, this is where we are done for the time and was so immediately the israelis saying they called for an emergency un security council meeting because they've been attacked and that was saw the iranians say we are acting under the correct article under self defence because our mission was hit in syria. there you and tends to be used as a
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platform more than a mechanism of security these days and both these two countries use it when it's convenient to them and dismiss it when it's not a little bit like another country that we know we might be in. that is been the back—and—forth there at the un in new york, we are getting some new news coming out of israel, from daniel, he is the spokesperson of the israel defense forces, let's take a listen to what he said just moments ago. tonight, beeron launched _ said just moments ago. tonight, beeron launched a _ said just moments ago. tonight, beeron launched a large-scale . beeron launched a large—scale of co—ordinated attacks on israeh _ of co—ordinated attacks on israel. the regiment in iran, they— israel. the regiment in iran, they have _ israel. the regiment in iran, they have a massive swarm over 200 _ they have a massive swarm over 200 kiiier— they have a massive swarm over 200 killer draws — macular drones— 200 killer draws — macular drones and ballistic missiles towards _ drones and ballistic missiles towards a state of israel. together with our allies and partners _ together with our allies and partners across the region, we are operating at this very moment to defend israel from iren's— moment to defend israel from iran's attack. so far, we've intercepted a vast majority of
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incoming _ intercepted a vast majority of incoming missiles by israeli systems, so far, we've intercepted and continuing to intercepted and continuing to intercept dozens of attacked france — intercept dozens of attacked france as well as cruise missiles _ france as well as cruise missiles and ballistic missiles outside — missiles and ballistic missiles outside of israel's border. a number— outside of israel's border. a number of iranian missiles fell inside — number of iranian missiles fell inside israeli territory, causing _ inside israeli territory, causing minor damage to a mititary— causing minor damage to a military base with no casualties. only one little girl— casualties. only one little girl has _ casualties. only one little girl has been hurt and we hope she will— girl has been hurt and we hope she will be well. the iranian attack — she will be well. the iranian attack is _ she will be well. the iranian attack is ongoing. our plans are in— attack is ongoing. our plans are in the _ attack is ongoing. our plans are in the air, tonight, widescale attacks by iran is a major— widescale attacks by iran is a major escalation. together, with— major escalation. together, with our— major escalation. together, with our allies and partners, we are — with our allies and partners, we are operating at full force to defend the state of israel and the _ to defend the state of israel and the people of israel. we
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will continue to fulfil this mission. will continue to fulfil this mission-— will continue to fulfil this mission. . . mission. that was the idea spokesperson _ mission. that was the idea spokesperson speaking - mission. that was the ideal spokesperson speaking just moments ago with me, christina, former state department correspondent, interesting to hear, some of that we knew, the numbers there, 200 drones and missiles interesting to pick up on some of the language that are used, he said that this was are used, he said that this was a major escalation on behalf of iran and he also said that the attack is ongoing so it is possible that we could see more missiles or drones on their way? missiles or drones on their wa ? . �* , missiles or drones on their wa ? ., �* , ., missiles or drones on their wa? ., ., missiles or drones on their wa ? ., �*, ., , ., ., way? that's what stood out to me, the attack _ way? that's what stood out to me, the attack on _ way? that's what stood out to me, the attack on going - way? that's what stood out to me, the attack on going and l way? that's what stood out to | me, the attack on going and is that our plans are in the air. keepin that our plans are in the air. keep in mind, this is their messaging so in order to strike back, if they are getting pressure from the us or uk or european or hold their fire, they want to assert that they are still under attack because that further justifies their need to strike back it again. the other thing we have to think about is all of this
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messaging that we are hearing, it has two purposes, it is for the international community but also for domestic audiences. that messages is for us and people in tel aviv and something karim said earlier, there was accurate but i picked up there was accurate but i picked up on was that some of the iranian messaging and the strike back, may not necessarily be for the people in taylor ryan, it might be for these proxy groups who they need to keep their loyalty. they are audiences to the region that these different messages are aimed at and they are not always exactly who you think they are targeting, but the obvious choice.- the obvious choice. reading between the _ the obvious choice. reading between the lines _ the obvious choice. reading between the lines and - the obvious choice. reading | between the lines and which audience is meant for, domestic or international but in terms of what they just said, reading between the lines, what do you make of it? is that the tone of the country that is ready as you said previously? to let this go or is that one that's still a bit on guard and waiting to see what might
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happen and what kind of response might shape up? iran has been anomie _ response might shape up? i'afi has been anomie number one response might shape up? i'm has been anomie number one for benjamin netanyahu for decades. this was the big falling out between him and president obama. netanyahu was against this, he didn't think a runner should be trusted or the agreement should happen and helped undo it with the help of the administration. there was a big victory frame. for years and years and years, he wanted the us and global committee to be harder on iran, he will not back down now. he cannot. he is too far out on that letter so what you have to look at is do they do another strike that is essentially what iran just did? is it a strike we see a proxy kit or warehouse head but as we've seen in the last couple of months, that doesn't really seem to be the idf style, they are going for maximum damage and a lot of these areas in gaza, it will have to see where they choose to head. the attack, this is not overfor us, if i was sitting on the
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situation room with the president and the secretaries, i would have a lot of screens trying to see where we think they are going and they are on a lot of phones trying to the escalators as much as possible. you mentioned netanyahu has been one of the biggest hawks when it comes to be right anderson bring a lot of foreign policy with what the us is doing. how willing do you think israel might be to prolong this and use the moment militarily to maybe aim at certain iranian proxies and we have been hearing from some people tonight i began this is all just speculation and analysis but they could be an opportune moment if you are a netanyahu's shoes to continue to strike certain targets, to get you to take advantage of such situations and with orders two weeks ago israel striking a diplomatic compound in this area in the middle of a very tense situation when they might have known that they would have
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gotten a response from iran but israel went ahead anyway. thea;r israel went ahead anyway. they also struck _ israel went ahead anyway. they also struck hezbollah _ israel went ahead anyway. they also struck hezbollah in - israel went ahead anyway. tie: also struck hezbollah in beirut and in a densely belated urban area. it is going to be interesting to see where they go with this. the convocation with this conflict other thing i heard from middle eastern diplomats, gulf state diplomats who are in the room and some of these negotiations when they try to get the ceasefires, one of the biggest problems is the stated goal of this war from the israeli side, netanyahu said they will keep fighting until hezbollah is eradicated but who decides what the definition of eradicated is? they could just keep moving the upper until they say it is done and from diplomats i have heard that the biggest obstacle to getting these two sides to the table as they keep moving that line and at such an amorphous goal but it can be moved to whatever political goals they have at the time so if, as you say, this gives them a chance to expand that, they could tie
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hezbollah's eradication to iranian proxies�* eradication hezbollah�*s eradication to iranian proxies�* eradication to the to israel medication and keep going. the army has been called up and they are going. it is not, it is not unfathomable to see them expand the war but hopefully good heads will prevail and i will not happen. heads will prevail and i will not happen-— heads will prevail and i will nothauen. �* , ., ., ., not happen. we've seen a ma'or untoward not happen. we've seen a ma'or withdrawal from i not happen. we've seen a ma'or withdrawal from idf i not happen. we've seen a ma'or withdrawal from idf forces in h withdrawalfrom idf forces in gaza so we know the troops are at the ready. christina ruffini, thank you. stay where you are. for those of you joining us, i want to bring you up—to—date on the latest we know at this point on the breaking news that iran has launched an attack against israel. israel has called for un security council meeting as we were saying, that will be tomorrow and we are told by vanessa benjamin netanyahu will stick to us presidentjoe biden after that meeting. iran revolutionary guards have confirmed that that attack tonight how was in part a response to that thing is
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really a strike that destroyed an iranian diplomatic compound in syria that was earlier this month. here is what we know about the situation within israel tonight. the military says it is not advising any residents of the country to prepare to take shelter. that�*s revising an earlier warning. srn sirens have been found in multiple locations across israel and there were explosions overjerusalem according to several witnesses and israeli media who say they are from aerial interceptions. the israel defense forces say one girl has been injured so far and that light damage was caused to military base which we do not have the details of. we had the confirmation from daniel hagari earlier about some of that damage. the idf said the ten—year—old girl who was injured by shrapnel from falling debris is being treated currently by paramedics. let�*s bring in our bbc persian reporter, siavash ardalan, in
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london. great to have you. i won�*t ask about developments we�*ve been hearing and what�*s your reaction to what we heard from daniel hagari, the spokesperson from the idf? really, we have to wait for another few hours to get a proper tally of exactly how all this played out in terms of how many missiles and drones were launched towards israel versus how many were intercepted, how many were collided versus how many were collided versus how many collided with their intended targets. it seems like both sides are making their own claims. the israelis are saying it was a total of 200 drones and missiles and they intercepted 98% of them but a lot of the videos that the irgc telegram channel is showing is a dramatic footage of its rays and missiles overwhelmingly is really our defences and we can
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see several impacts there are, more thanjust see several impacts there are, more than just what the israeli claims would be. the iranian tv is running some fake videos of an attack and moment of impact that belong to the ukrainian war which seems very odd. it seems to be that the conclusion of this military operation by iran for this phase of the operation, i think the wall of narratives is now beginning and iranians and now, it is approaching morning time in iran, they will wake up to a new reality, those who have slipped through all this, waking up to see what has happened and they will be closely watching the diplomatic efforts at deescalation and hoping that this does not invite and is rarely, massive israeli retaliation.— israeli retaliation. you mentioned _ israeli retaliation. you mentioned the - israeli retaliation. you i mentioned the different narratives. watch the narrative
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now in iran and we have a guest earlier saying there is little appetite in the country�*s citizens for a larger scale war against israel?— against israel? that's a very fair. iranians _ against israel? that's a very fair. iranians don't - against israel? that's a very fair. iranians don't want - fair. iranians don�*t want another wall. most iranians, a survey has not been done, but a large number of iranians are very resentful of their government in the wake of all these massive crackdowns, deadly crackdown is conducted against the woman lie freedom protests a few years ago add these opposition movements are still ongoing and the government is still embarking on a massive crackdowns —— like life freedom. he does not have a strong popular base at the moment and people are notjust against government and the clerical establishment but also their policies. one of which, one major tenant of the policy has been not recognising
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israel, the enmity against israel, the enmity against israel and they are questioning that movement to begin with, why do we have to pay the price of the ambition of the iranian clerical establishment who had their own agenda so the warmup be popular and i would imagine that in israel�*s response, it would have more support or less opposition to this retaliation if it only targets the ir ogc which is resented by a lot of the because of its deadly crackdown on the people and opposition rather than heading civilian populations —— irgc. what do you make tonight some of the untucked unfolding, and interestingly many people could track, these slow—moving endurance for the most part that were aimed at israel and many of them, as we had from the idf spokesperson, were taken down outside israeli territory. was the attack, do
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you think, primed and co—ordinated to move slowly and potentially give israel and its allies the chance to defend itself and cause what as bsc believed to be minimal damage? that was probably what went into the iranian thinking. yes, part of it, the first phase was to send out the drains and ballistic missiles. we received some images showing that the ballistic missiles are being fired from different parts of the rhine towards israel. i think the calculus in iran was really assertive rather inflicting damage to show what it is capable of, to affect israel�*s calculus in terms of how it wants to respond. we have sent you 200 euros and missiles if you want to retaliate, keep in mind that we are tens of thousands of these
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drones and missiles that we can fire back at you. i am not a military analyst but i would imagine israel now has to think if it wants to respond whether it wants to make a symbolic response or whether it really wants to go after these military locations where it suspect that these missiles might have been stored and whether it can do that on its own, whether the us would get involved, these are all questions we probably will find out soon, but the diplomatic track now with the un security council meeting convened tomorrow and divided address to the nation which we expected a few hours, byjoe biden, would probably indicate what many iranians inside the country can expect. iranians inside the country can exect. ~ , ,., , iranians inside the country can exect. , ,,., expect. absolutely, siavash ardalan, — expect. absolutely, siavash ardalan, our— expect. absolutely, siavash ardalan, our bbc— expect. absolutely, siavash ardalan, our bbc persian i ardalan, our bbc persian reporter up all night reporting for us in london. thank you for
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your insights. we want to bring in retired but in a general mark schwarzer who served as us security co—ordinator of the israeli and palestinian authority. thank you for being with us to help understand what�*s going on. i want to ask about the attack and whether you are surprised that this came from within izzy wright itself, from iranian territory, rather than one of its many outposts or proxies in the region? outposts or proxies in the re . ion? �* , outposts or proxies in the reuion? v outposts or proxies in the reuion? �*, .,, region? it's good to be with ou. i region? it's good to be with you- i don't _ region? it's good to be with you. i don't think— region? it's good to be with you. i don't think it - region? it's good to be with you. i don't think it was - region? it's good to be with you. i don't think it was a l you. i don�*t think it was a surprise that iran decided to launch capabilities from its own sovereign territory. if you look back to qasem soleimani and his death in a raack that when united states struck him, iran launched missiles into iraq against us personnel, us bases, so while it was not the head of the irgc force killed
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in damascus killing two general officers and provide additional forsythia leaders, iran had to respond first and second. i think it was clear from the israeli point of view and from the us point of view, based on the us point of view, based on the preparations that took place after i april that the preparations that took place afteri april that iran would launch an attack from its sovereign territory.— would launch an attack from its sovereign territory. we've been heafina sovereign territory. we've been hearing the _ sovereign territory. we've been hearing the latest _ sovereign territory. we've been hearing the latest update - sovereign territory. we've been hearing the latest update we're| hearing the latest update we�*re getting from the idf spokesperson that they were about 200 euros and missiles lodged, apparently the vast majority, according to the idf, weight intercepted and many of them outside the borders of israel, there is been some minor damage stop in terms of looking at those points and how this attack is played out in the aftermath, what is your assessment of this excess, if you are wrong on the attack on
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the success for israel in terms of defending it? for the success for israel in terms of defending it?— of defending it? for iran, i think domestically - of defending it? for iran, i think domestically and - think domestically and certainly for the regime, they had to respond and demonstrate that they were not going to blame or be afraid of israel�*s reactions if they did response with strikes coming from iranian territory. i think certainly from the iranian regime perspective, this was a successful operation, and i think as christina mentioned earlier on the programme, the iranian people, just like the palestinian people and other populations that have been at war and conflict and through strategic tension for decades, the last thing they want is to see an escalation and illegal activity particularly inside, in the case of iran, in their own country. so i was not
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surprised by that. with respect to israel, they should be cautious, but i think very satisfied with the integrated air defence system that resides inside israel, in some cases alongside us air defence systems but i�*ve heard many patriot launches for instance coming from israel in terms of open source reporting but also david slade, which is a capability that developed with us, in concert with israel, another very successful weapon system to go after specifically ballistic missiles and crews missile and of course you have the well—known iron dome which is prominently used for slow flying drones are certainly and also the engagements that come out of and have been coming out of lebanese hezbollah from
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southern lebanon, very effective as well against hamas in the early days of the gaza that israeli war.— that israeli war. we've been heafina that israeli war. we've been hearing a — that israeli war. we've been hearing a lot _ that israeli war. we've been hearing a lot of _ that israeli war. we've been hearing a lot of very - that israeli war. we've been hearing a lot of very loud i hearing a lot of very loud statements by united states telling all the players involved here that they want to see a deescalation. what kind of conversation do you think is taking place behind the scenes? we know netanyahu has been holding talks with president biden. ~ . biden. what might the conversations - biden. what might the conversations be - biden. what might the conversations be like? j biden. what might the l conversations be like? i biden. what might the - conversations be like? i think in this instance it is an affirmation of us support, as you�*ve reported, committing general from the us central command has been in israel and as recently as thursday, secretary austin has met multiple times over the phone and a couple of in person meetings with delegations from it is as early military defence with minister guide should talk about integrated defence in
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preparation for the attacks so i think that is going to be the conversation that will take place between the prime minister of israel and president biden. i don�*t think it changes towards the attack is playing out over the last several hours, it doesn�*t change the insistence by the us administration and by the defence apartment of israel continuing to prosecute its offensive inside of gaza to limit the amount of unneeded civilian casualties, that have occurred after this point don�*t think this gives israel a pass in any way in terms of the expectations of the us and us military�*s advice on how to go about continuing the operations
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to defeat and ultimately, remove hamas as a capability and governing body. interesting to take this _ and governing body. interesting to take this attack _ and governing body. interesting to take this attack tonight - and governing body. interesting to take this attack tonight and l to take this attack tonight and look a bit broader now because they were so many different moving pieces when it came to what was going on and the potential invasion of roughit when it came to the ceasefire talks between israel and hamas. how do you think, first of all, the attack tonight my defect though ceasefire negotiations? is that likely to arrange into those continue to see the somatic efforts continue? —— rafah. i somatic efforts continue? -- rafah. ., somatic efforts continue? -- rafah. ~' somatic efforts continue? -- rafah. ~ , ., ., rafah. i think both israel and the us want _ rafah. i think both israel and the us want to _ rafah. i think both israel and the us want to see _ rafah. i think both israel and the us want to see the - rafah. i think both israel and i the us want to see the dialogue continue, i don�*t think we�*re any closer of not anything with further away based on what transpired here over the last six — eight hours. you have to look back to earlier this week
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when the announcement, three of his sons as a result of very effective strikes by the israelis inside of gaza strip, there is no — if the political leadership of hamas doesn�*t even blink when the loss of life of his own family, let alone as a graphic in loss of palestinian life, there is not a lot of room right now, i think, for optimism in terms of any type of negotiation. and the conditions that both israel and hamas have put forth in terms of what is necessary for exchange of release of hostages in exchange for palestinian prisoners that have been tried and convicted an israeli judicial system, there is a long tough road ahead and this current crisis as to that. i do want to ask _ current crisis as to that. i do want to ask you _ current crisis as to that. i do want to ask you before - current crisis as to that. i do want to ask you before we i current crisis as to that. i do want to ask you before we let you go, they have been so much
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discussion about a potential israeli and invasion of a rough, where so many hundreds and others, more than a million palestinians are sheltering, with this damn military action by iran obviously israel is a tension may have shifted a bed? it may not be looking intensely at its current situation in gaza, do you think that this now, plus the idf where it may not be considering an invasion of rafah as a prime minister benjamin netanyahu said? he said he had a date set for the invasion?— invasion? yes, i believe that date still _ invasion? yes, i believe that date still exists. _ invasion? yes, i believe that date still exists. i— invasion? yes, i believe that date still exists. i think - invasion? yes, i believe that date still exists. i think the i date still exists. i think the key take away from your question is that the force and capabilities that were arrayed in preparation and for the execution of this attack coming from iran and even if the lebanese hezbollah piles on over the course of the next six - 12 over the course of the next six — 12 hours to try to add it to
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this ongoing attack, the forces and capabilities that are defending israel, against those types of attacks are different than what i needed inside of the gaza strip so it�*s predominantly now a ground campaign, they are still using both maritime interdiction as well as, from the air, the israeli air force but different forces, think of abilities in many ways and ideally, well, we haven�*t seen a publicly, ideally, israel is listening now and coming up with the plan to carry out, they can reposition the large amount of civilian palestinian civilians in rafah, covenant in rafah city to allow offensive operations to continue while reducing the likelihood that we will kill innocent palestinian
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civilians. ., . will kill innocent palestinian civilians. ~' ., ., civilians. luke tennant, former us security _ civilians. luke tennant, former us security co-ordinator- us security co—ordinator between israel and the palestinian authority, thank you so much for your analysis, thank you very much. i want to come back to the studio, cbso department correspondent, interesting to hear and looking at the border situation now, we have been anticipating an imminent invasion by israel of rafah, the prime minister angela netanyahu said that there was a date said and that was something that president biden was set against and now that we have seen these attacks the by orion, what do you think happens any broader plans that after do with hamas and the territory of gaza? after do with hamas and the territory of gaza ?_ after do with hamas and the territory of gaza? again, i do want to try — territory of gaza? again, i do want to try to _ territory of gaza? again, i do want to try to prescribe - territory of gaza? again, i do want to try to prescribe what| territory of gaza? again, i do | want to try to prescribe what i think the israeli military is going to do but i�*m not sure the two are related, i�*m not sure what happens tonight or what happens in the value of these iranian proxies versus israel will have any impact on
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whether or not they decide to go forward with this plant operation in rafah, it�*s also — it�*s changing what we are all talking about a little bit because just this week, last week, time is going very quickly these days but we had this horrendous attack on the humanitarian convoy, the world central kitchen, i worked with some of those people in ukraine, we�*ve seen them in the field, they gave me my first hot meal in like a week and you�*re starting to really get an uproar from you�*re starting to really get an uproarfrom people you�*re starting to really get an uproar from people who don�*t usually criticise the government and israel quite this loudly over that strike and of the lack of communitarian aid and people starting to really, really question whether or not the us should be supplying weapons to israel in light of the humanitarian situation. all of a sudden, you have this. this is what will be focusing on and this is what they will be focusing on and what the israeli government and communications staff is going to try to get the will of the
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focus on away from that strike, away from the desk and a military crisis. it may be very wildly continue to go forward with that, isjust wildly continue to go forward with that, is just one of looking at it quite as much as they would have been if they were the only thing going on. getting worried that president biden and prime minister netanyahu have spoken by phone, we should be getting more detail about exactly what was said during that phone call, we get an official paperwork that details what was in the conversation but these were two leaders who were at an idea when it came to a relationship, they were publicly adults with a direction that israel should be going in, events like this though, sometimes have an effect, at least militarily bringing nations closer together. what do you think this will do to the relationship between biden and netanyahu and the us and israel that has not been as strong as we have seen in the past? thea;r we have seen in the past? they ut the we have seen in the past? they put the iiriden — we have seen in the past? iis: put the biden administration we have seen in the past? "iiez1. put the biden administration in a tougher spot if that�*s possible because the bite administration is under a lot
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of pressure from democrats, from young domestic voters to stop this conflict to get aid into gaza to put pressure into israel to end this, that�*s going to be harder now because the other side of that voter baseis the other side of that voter base is very pro—israel so he has to try to find this thin line between going to bat for your ally when they�*ve been attacked by a foreign power which is the narrative we are seeing al of tel aviv summit tenuously, holding that allah accountable for one even other democrats are referring to as humanitarian atrocities in gaza. the white housejobjust got more complicated and the bided re—election campaign is going to be a week as long as the rest of us trying to figure out how exactly they deal with this because this will have an impact on local domestic politics as everything does and that�*s something that they will be talking about as well. we did see those _ be talking about as well. we did see those images tonight, they were posted on president biden twitter account, showing the scene inside of the situation room which is where
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the leaders go when there is... it's the leaders go when there is... it�*s a working weekend and there�*s been a lot of those this year. president biden, if you cover him, you know he loves to go to delaware on the weekend. he loves to go to delaware on the weekend. . , loves to go to delaware on the weekend. ., , ., loves to go to delaware on the weekend-— weekend. he was on his way, wasn't it? _ weekend. he was on his way, wasn't it? every _ weekend. he was on his way, wasn't it? every time - weekend. he was on his way, wasn't it? every time is - weekend. he was on his way, i wasn't it? every time is coming back, wasn't it? every time is coming back. you _ wasn't it? every time is coming back, you know— wasn't it? every time is coming back, you know his _ wasn't it? every time is coming back, you know his serious - wasn't it? every time is coming back, you know his serious and j back, you know his serious and treating it seriously and if you look in the photo, everybody is there, everybody is in the room and that�*s because as we�*ve been talking about, any kind of conflict between these two players will not stay a conflict. the meat is golf is already on tenterhooks because of the israeli—gaza conflict, because of everybody having a site, so many proxies and different governments involved and there is tensions and passions are so high. even people i�*ve dealt with that i consider middle of the road on both these issues, israeli diplomats are new in washington all the fixes i know and love and on our tel aviv, the ones who you think you could have rational competitions about this topic
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with at the moment, it is so fraught and so passionate that logic is not applying anymore and that�*s something you have to remember when you look at how these different groups react to these attacks, react to the events on the ground, they are so personal and passionate that we are seeing from the outside sometimes and the reaction from the inside is a little bit more and that�*s what it makes it wider conflict to resolve. what it makes it wider conflict to resolve-— to resolve. many of those tensions _ to resolve. many of those tensions and _ to resolve. many of those tensions and motions - to resolve. many of those tensions and motions willj to resolve. many of those i tensions and motions will be running even higher tonight, we think is so much for all of your analysis, former cbs state department correspondent, thank you very much, we have plenty more on our website and live page, that is bbc .com/ news, had therefore all of our updates from our correspondence on the ground in the region. stay with us ready on bbc news, plenty more coming up. hello there. you might remember that friday had been the warmest day of the year.
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temperatures reached 21.5 degrees celsius in greater london at both northolt and also at st james�*s park. but that figure didn�*t last very long. it was beaten on saturday. we�*ve got temperatures up to 21.8 degrees celsius at rydell in essex. that now is the highest temperature recorded so far this year. we�*ve got a big drop in temperatures on the way, though, across england and wales. and in some places those temperatures will be dropping by around seven degrees celsius. you will notice the change as cooler air that we have had across scotland and northern ireland works southwards. now over the next few hours we�*ve got a few showers around. they tend to become confined to northern and western areas of scotland. otherwise, the skies are clearing. it�*s going to be a cold start to sunday morning with temperatures for quite a few places down at around four degrees celsius. might be chilly, but there will be plenty of early morning sunshine, clear, blue, sunny skies in many cases. but there will be some coastal showers in western scotland. and through the day, showers become extensive. scotland, northern ireland and a few getting into parts of western england and wales. some of the showers will be heavy with some hail mixed in and those temperatures,
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yes, will be coming down 15 degrees in london, seven degrees lower than the temperatures we had on saturday, but actually smack bang on average for this time of the year. now for monday, low pressure is going to be moving southwards and eastwards across the uk. it�*s going to be a day where we�*ll see a band of heavy rain move south and eastwards, followed by showers. it�*s a windy day with gusts of wind reaching around 40—50 miles an hour, quite widely, but 60 in places. and those strong, gusty winds will blow in frequent showers. again, some of them will have hail mixed in. if anything, temperatures a little bit below average, but factor in the strength of the wind. while i think it will start to feel a little on the chilly side. tuesday and wednesday still see some showers or maybe a few longer spells of rain diving in from the north—west. temperatures probably quite close to average, really. so tuesday, a showery day against some of the showers with hail. the heaviest downpours and most frequent downpours for parts of scotland, northern ireland and the far north of england. temperatures around 11—13 degrees celsius or so. and really, we keep those rather showery weather conditions.
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i think through wednesday and thursday, there�*s a trend to seeing something a bit drier as we get towards friday and into the following weekend as well. bye for now.
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live from washington, this is bbc news. very good you happy with us. we can bring you the latest that we know at this hour on this breaking news that iran has launched an attack against israel. run�*s revolutionary guard has confirmed the attack was in part response a deadly israeli air strike that destroyed and are running in syria earlier this month. here is what we know about the situation in israel at the moment. israel�*s military says it is not advising any residence to take shelter, revising an earlier alert. efavirenz sounded in multiple locations in israel. we also know that there are explosions overjerusalem according to witnesses and israeli media day that they are from aerial interceptions. israel�*s defence forces say that one girl has been injured
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and that light damage was caused to a military base.


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