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tv   BBC News  BBC News  April 14, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm BST

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and call on both sides "to exercise restraint". the white house urges israel not to strike back. whether and how the israelis will respond, that's going to be up to them. we understand that and respect that, but the president has been very clear, we don't seek a war with iran, we don't want escalation here, we will continue to help israel defend itself. help israel defend itself. in tehran — some supporters of the iranian government celebrate the attack. iran says it has no intention of further strikes, but threatens a heavier assault, if israel launches reprisals. this is the scene live injerusalem. we'll have all the latest, as benjamin netanyahu's war cabinet meets to decide its response. hello, i'm matthew amroliwala.
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israel is warning that it will retaliate after iran fired a huge barrage of drones and missiles at israel. the israelis say that 99% of the projectiles were shot down — with military support from the united states, the uk and other countries. it's believed nobody was killed. but a seven—year—old girl is said to have been critically wounded in one attack. in total, more than 300 missiles and drones were launched — it's the first time that iran has �*directly targeted' israel from its own soil. iran says its actions were in response to a missile strike earlier this month in syria, that killed several of its military commanders. iran's foreign minister has said it has no intention of prolonging what it described as "defensive" operations, but that it wouldn't hesitate to safeguard its own interests. it has warned against an israeli retaliation. but benny gantz, a member of the israeli war cabinet, promised to build a regional coalition and exact a price from iran at a time �*right for israel'.
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the g7 has "unanimously" condemned the iranian attack and called on both sides "to exercise restraint". this hour we'll bring you the latest updates from washington — and analysis from general richard dannatt — former chief of general staff of the british army. we start with this report from hugo bachega. after days of threats, the attack. more than 300 iranian drones and missiles directed at israel. injerusalem at around 2am, the air—raid sirens went off. this was the view from my hotel as the israeli military shot down iranian objects in the sky. but the attack wasn't a surprise. for almost two weeks, iran telegraphed what it was planning to do. a response to this air strike on its diplomatic compound in damascus that killed several military advisers. it blamed israel for the attack, saying this was the equivalent
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to a strike on its own soil. but when its missiles and drones did come, most were intercepted by the israeli army. there was only minor damage to one military base in the south. the us military helped intercept the drones and missiles that also came from iraq and yemen and raf jets were sent to the region. translation: the iranian threat meets the idf's aerial _ and technological superiority, combined with a strong coalition which together has downed the vast majority of threats. we have intercepted 99% of the threats towards israeli territory. this is a very important strategic achievement. this morning in israel, relief... we are very happy with the alliance that helped us because most of the aircraft have not arrived lsraeh — we hope that there will be a stop to this escalation.
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..but also calls for revenge. "i think that iran's attack should not go quietly," this woman says. "we have to respond." what happened last night was unprecedented. for the first time ever, a direct iranian attack on israel, marking a major escalation in the middle east. but things can get worse. allies are urging restraint and israel says it is analysing its options. president biden spoke with prime minister netanyahu overnight and reaffirmed america's iron clad commitment to israel. but from the commander—in—chief of iran's armed forces, a warning. a large response if there is an israeli retaliation. back in israel, things seem to be getting back to normal. the airspace that was shut last night has re—opened and the airport is back up and running. but many wonder how, or if,
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this country will respond. in the last hour, we've had more reaction from the us. john kirby, the white house's top national security spokesperson, told the nbc�*s — meet the press programme that the united states will continue to help israel defend itself, but does not want a broader war with iran. know that the president is working the diplomatic side of this personally. in fact, today, just a little bit later today, he's going to call the g 7together to talk about a diplomatic response here. nbc news is reporting that president biden talking about the diplomatic outreach, told prime minister netanyahu that the united states will not participate in offensive operations against iran. can you confirm that? i won't go into the greater detail of the conversation with the prime minister. they did have a good chat last night. what was the message? what was the broad message?
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it was very clearly, you know, we stand with you in your self—defence. that was the main message that the president delivered to the prime minister. he congratulated the prime minister and the idf for the extraordinary job they did, knocking things out of the sky. but i won't go into more detail. again, ijust go back to what the president has said time and time again. we don't seek an escalation. we don't seek a wider war in the region. so did he warn israel not to respond? did he say "take the win," as has been reported? i think the president was again very clear with prime minister netanyahu about the success that they enjoyed last night and the impact that that success ought to have. let's speak to our correspondent will vernon who's in washington dc. he heard they arejohn kirby is saying that the us does not want the war to escalate, they've been saying that right since october the 7th. the trouble is things are getting harder. ., �* , ., the trouble is things are getting harder. . �* , ., , ., ., harder. that's right, and you heard it there didn't — harder. that's right, and you heard it there didn't you? _ harder. that's right, and you heard it there didn't you? that's - harder. that's right, and you heard it there didn't you? that's the - it there didn't you? that's the
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official line coming from washington todayis official line coming from washington today is that the us stands by israel but wants to avoid escalation, that's the general flavour of what people are saying here. combing tensions, de—escalating, john kirby you heard him there, he's been doing the rounds doing several interviews today, suggesting mr biden wants to ease tensions. he said in another interview every decision and every discussion his head is all designed to not let this become a broad range of that's where his head is. we had the statement last night, did we come after that phone call with mr netanyahu. joe biden basically commending the israelis, saying they demonstrated remarkable capacity to defend against and defeat unprecedented attacks. is that perhaps mr biden telling netanyahu, this is a win for you, you know, take that win. and leave it at that. but we also had a statement from the us defence secretary, by the way, lest i come a lloyd austin. he was
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urging the iranians to de—escalate. we had several reports of unnamed us official speaking to us media today saying and that biden netanyahu phone call is like the us president urged the israelis not to carry out a military response, and said that america wouldn't support israel if it attacked iran in response. so i think i may know, those unconfirmed reports and there are many of them taken together with the subtle tone of the language in these official statements, i think we can safely say that america is urging israel to de—escalate. but this was an unprecedented large—scale attack on america's most important ally in the middle east directly in its territory from iran. there is already a debate going on about what exactly washington, the white house should do about it. there are hard—line republican saying america should hit back hard against iran, but, you know, there will be a
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debate, especially after all the diplomatic meetings in the coming hours and days ahead. about to what extent america should offer its support, orto extent america should offer its support, or to what extent should it rain in the israelis. i think america obviously does not want to get itself into a situation where it is somehow embroiled in a direct military confrontation with iran, that would be the nightmare scenario. eversince that would be the nightmare scenario. ever since october the 7th, when the war in gaza began, that has been the fear here that some sort of escalatory tit—for—tat conflict will ignite a wider regional war.— conflict will ignite a wider reaionalwar. ., �* regional war. what joe biden once that is very _ regional war. what joe biden once that is very clear, _ regional war. what joe biden once that is very clear, i _ regional war. what joe biden once that is very clear, i suppose, - regional war. what joe biden once that is very clear, i suppose, that| that is very clear, i suppose, that the basic problem here is can the white house control benjamin netanyahu's strategy because they have struggled and at times failed in the war in gaza, so that is the critical question, can they control what israel actually does? that critical question, can they control what israel actually does?- what israel actually does? that is the vital question, _ what israel actually does? that is the vital question, isn't _ what israel actually does? that is
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the vital question, isn't it? - what israel actually does? that is the vital question, isn't it? and i the vital question, isn't it? and that's... something that america has struggled with recently. this comes at us extremely sensitive time in is us is really times. there been disagreements over the conduct of the war in gaza, there was that tense phone calljust a couple of weeks ago between the two leaders, where mr biden said to mr netanyahu, you need to take concrete steps to improve the humanitarian situation in gaza, otherwise us policy will change, thereby threatening to withdraw some sort of us support to israel. so i think officials here will be very keen, matthew come out to market a clear distinction between on the one hand, those differences of opinion over the conduct of the war in gaza, and on the other hand, american support for israeli security more generally, especially in regard to iran. imilli especially in regard to iran. will vernon come — especially in regard to iran. will vernon come alive for us there in
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washington, thanks very much. the reuters news agencyjust reporting that the israeli military says it will be calling up to reserve divisions for operations in gaza over the next few days. so that line just breaking, the israeli military saying they'll be calling up to reserve divisions for operations in gaza over the next few days. a lot of focus before all those events with iran about the potential of a rough operation, so that news just emerging, we'll keep an eye if more news comes. i spoke to danny danon, israel's former ambassador to the un, from tel aviv. he gave me his reaction to what he saw overnight. it was phenomenal last night, what happened, you know, to see the amazing capabilities of our defense system — beyond expectations, you know, we were lucky, we were lucky, we were prepared. and we are grateful for the air defense system and our allies that stood with us.
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but we have to look at the intentions of the iranians, you know, sending 300 projectiles into israel, with the goal to attack civilians, military capabilities, even our capital. you know, we saw the picture of the iron dome, you know, under attack. so we know that the intentions were to create major damage in israel, and we were able to stop it. i think the next thing is to show our capabilities in offence and to retaliate. we have no other choice. we have to send a message that we cannot accept the equation that iran is trying to create, that then they will decide when to attack israel and when to stop the conflict. well, tell me more about that. how will israel respond, or how should israel respond? so that's actually being discussed as we speak. we have a few options. we can attack the proxies, or we can attack iran. but i think we have to pay attention that iran chose last night to send
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those rockets from iran. they could have sent the proxies, like they did in the last few months, but they actually chose to go to another level of the conflict, to escalate the conflict, and to send the rockets from iran. my personal opinion is that we should attack the facilities or the areas from where we were targeted last night. so in your view, i hear what you say, which is the war cabinet are having those discussions, but in your view, there should be a retaliatory strike on iranian soil. that's what should follow from what we saw last night, is that what you're saying? absolutely, absolutely. we have to build the deterrence, otherwise in our neighbourhood, if you show weakness, it will happen again. they will find another excuse or reason to attack israel, and all of a sudden we will be in the same situation we were last night, when millions of people were waiting to see
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what will happen, we slept in shelters. that's unacceptable. but would escalate things again, wouldn't it? because iran has made it absolutely clear that if there was an israeli response along the lines you're saying, their response would be using considerably more force. that is what they've already said on the record. well, i think they will have to decide if they want to escalate or not. we were not the ones who was sending rockets to another country. and let me ask you that, matthew. can you name one country in the world that would have actually observed an attack like we had last night, with 300 rockets and missiles and uavs, that will not retaliate? that's unacceptable. so iran should look at the decision process that they had and not come and send new threats against israel. what about whatjoe biden has been saying to your prime minister,
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saying "take the win," the defences worked, the the allies helped israel, and actually you should draw a line in the sand now? no — first, we are grateful for the support and the cooperation with the with the us. but, you know, in the middle east we speak a different language. you know, our enemies, they will not appreciate the fact that we actually decided to sit idly by. joe biden understands the middle east — his basic line is it is time for israel to stop, take the win, he says, draw a line in the sand. well, a win is when we attack, not when we observe hundreds of rockets. that's not the language we talk here in the middle east. so we have to do what's good for israel. and when you look at the history, when we took the right decisions, on the long run, it was good for the us as well. when we attacked the reactor in iraq in the 805, the us condemned us — back then it was president reagan — but it was a smart decision. when we attacked the nuclear reactor in syria, we were condemned by the us. so we should do what's good for us, even if it's not acceptable
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or popular among the leaders in other countries. at the end of the day, it's our security, it's our future, it's my children, so we have to do what's right for us. benjamin netanyahu has always said that iran was the threat to israel. it is interesting, because the white house has said thatjoe biden has told benjamin netanyahu the us would not participate in a counter—offensive against iran if israel launches one. so you accept, do you, that if there was retaliation, you'd effectively on be your own here? well, we are prepared for all scenarios, but i think in order to create more stability and security in the region, we have to retaliate, not only for the security of israel or the security of other countries in the region. i have been speaking with... benjamin netanyahu has obviously talked a lot about the iranian nuclear potential.
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do you have that in your sights as well now, as a result of what you've seen? absolutely, you know, we have a good memory. we remember what happened last time when a radical leader used the power of his regime to to destroy the jewish nation. so today, when we see what they are doing in iran today, and we listen to the threats coming from tehran, we take it very seriously. so we cannotjust wait for the day when they will have nuclear capability and then they will send rockets into israel. and last night was a major development, the fact that they actually sent rockets into israel, that's a threat to our security, to our wellbeing, and we cannotjust accept it. does this underline how reckless it was for israel to actually hit that consulate in damascus, killing seven revolutionary guard? well, first, we haven't taken responsibility for that attack. but, you know, between the lines,
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what's been said, you know that the israelis carried that out. was that, given the backdrop here of everything that's happening in the middle east, wasn't that reckless? you didn't even tell the americans. second, matthew, it wasn't a consulate. it was a building next to a consulate and next to the canadian consulate as well, but it wasn't part of any consulate. you didn't even tell the americans. do you not think that that attack was reckless? let me answer your question. and third, there is nojustification for sending ballistic missiles, ballistic rockets with warheads. you know, the amount of of responding to that attack you know, the amount of of... ..responding to that attack ..warhead that was sent to israel last night, you know, hundreds of kilos were sent to our population. so there is nojustification for a ballistic missile attack.
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but the question i'm asking you, and it's a really straightforward question, wasn't it reckless to launch that attack, given what we've seen in response, given what you're now outlining in response to the response? so i answered your question, and i think iran would have found another opportunity to attack israel. they calculated their actions, and i think they looked for an opportunity to be involved in a direct attack against israel. so maybe you can claim that someone gave them that opportunity, but they would have done it regardless. they want to be involved to show their superiority, but they are mistaken. last night, we proved to them that they have no superiority over our defence system, and i believe that soon they will understand that they also have no superiority when they need to defend their own facilities. a final question to you, then. given everything you've said about the potential here, what you would like to see in terms of an israeli response, where does that leave your fight in gaza that is going on? because as your own prime minister has said, you've not completed the mission there. we will continue. we have 133 hostages.
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we are aware of what's happening there, the ongoing atrocities, the raping, the tortures. we are committed to bring them back home. and you think you can do both at the same time, do you? we will continue with that, and i expect that the next stage will be to evacuate rafah, to allow the civilians to move out of rafah to different locations and to fight against the remaining hamas battalions. we almost completed the job. the mission is not completed, but we are determined to complete it. the israeli military says it will be calling up to reserve divisions for operations in gaza over the next few days. let's speak to barbara slavin — distinguished fellow at the stimson centre, a nonpartisan think tank that analyses global conflict and peace. barbara, welcome here to bbc news. in terms of your reaction to what we've seen over the last 2a hours,
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how dangerous a moment is this, do you think? it’s how dangerous a moment is this, do ou think? �* , , how dangerous a moment is this, do ou think? 3 , ., ., , you think? it's hugely dangerous. i mean, you think? it's hugely dangerous. i mean. i've — you think? it's hugely dangerous. i mean. i've just _ you think? it's hugely dangerous. i mean, i've just been _ you think? it's hugely dangerous. i mean, i've just been listening - you think? it's hugely dangerous. i mean, i've just been listening to l mean, i've just been listening to denny denton, who claims israel is not responsive, well we know what israel did. i think what is really ominous is that for more than a decade, we've had a shadow war between israel and iran, and that shadow war is over, it's now out in the open. israel may not claim responsibility officially for killing those seven iranian officers, but we know that cross the line for iran. it's notjust israel where people feel the need to respond or retaliate, the supreme leader has been harshly criticised for iran's failure to respond directly to israel over many years, israel began assassinating iranian nuclear scientists in iran a in
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2010. has been picking off by rgc generals, hezbollah, and that accelerated after the gaza war started. 0ne accelerated after the gaza war started. one can say that iran had been exercising strategic patience and after the attack on april one which was on a building that iran says was a diplomatic facility and which was next to its embassy in damascus, in a diplomatic area, i think the pressure was just too great and he felt he had to respond directly. great and he felt he had to respond directl . �* ., ~' directly. and where do you think it leaves that — directly. and where do you think it leaves that us _ directly. and where do you think it leaves that us hope _ directly. and where do you think it leaves that us hope of _ directly. and where do you think it leaves that us hope of not - leaves that us hope of not escalating this conflict in the middle east, holding that line? it obviously makes things much more difficult and many of us who have been calling for a cease—fire in gaza for months and months and months, we are doing that notjust because we cared about the
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palestinians who were being killed and starved in gaza, and the israeli hostages who weren't being freed, but because we feared exactly the sort of scenario, inevitably this conflict would spread and up until now we've had attacks by iranian proxies and partners, hezbollah, the houthis, this marks a paradigm shift in those long conflict between israel and iran, the question is whether it will continue to escalate and whether it drags the rest of us in. i hearthat and whether it drags the rest of us in. i hear that british planes were involved in shooting down some of these drones, and of course jordanian, american. so coming in a very perilous moment. i jordanian, american. so coming in a very perilous moment.— very perilous moment. i know, it's a very perilous moment. i know, it's a very difficult — very perilous moment. i know, it's a very difficult question _ very perilous moment. i know, it's a very difficult question as _ very perilous moment. i know, it's a very difficult question as we - very perilous moment. i know, it's a very difficult question as we are - very difficult question as we are talking now, but where do you sense this goes, what are the potential good options, and what are the very
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bad ones? the good options, and what are the very bad ones? ., ., .,, ., , ., good options, and what are the very bad ones? ., ., ., , ., , ., ., bad ones? the good options are that israel does not _ bad ones? the good options are that israel does not immediately - israel does not immediately retaliate for the retaliation, and the efforts are redoubled to get a cease—fire in gaza, get the israeli hostages out, feed the starving people of gaza, find some sort of political process for the israelis i hope that there will be more efforts to get new elections, to get rid of a government that has proven to be incredibly incompetent and reckless. and in that it failed to anticipate the october seven attacks by hamas, and reckless in the way that it has pursued the war against hamas since then. we fortunately still have joe biden in the united states and i think he has done the bestjob that he could under the circumstances. he heard the comments of his spokesman about how israel should essentially take the wind, israel should be very proud of how these drones were shot
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down, encouraging restraint. i'm not sure we would have the same kind of tone if we had somebody else in the white house. so this all needs to be worked on. we need to continue to pass messages between the united states and iran directly and indirectly that we don't want a war between the us and around to emerge out of this conflict. what is going to be very, very touchy for some time to come.— to be very, very touchy for some time to come. there was a report over overnight — time to come. there was a report over overnight in _ time to come. there was a report over overnight in the _ time to come. there was a report over overnight in the united - time to come. there was a report. over overnight in the united states thatjoe biden with those conversations with netanyahu was very aware of the prospect of the us being dragged into a wider conflict by israel. do you think that is a realistic prospect here? i by israel. do you think that is a realistic prospect here?- by israel. do you think that is a realistic prospect here? i think the united states _ realistic prospect here? i think the united states will _ realistic prospect here? i think the united states will do _ realistic prospect here? i think the united states will do everything i united states will do everything possible not to let that happen. but, you know, it's very clear the us will continue to defend israel, but the us has said, i think and we've seen some reports that it would not be part of any and
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iranian, or, i'm sorry, israeli retaliation on iran. the us is it israel's main supplier of weapons, offensive and defensive, so the us cannot say it's not involved, not complicit in everything that's been happening. just complicit in everything that's been ha eninu, , ., complicit in everything that's been hauuenin, , ., ., complicit in everything that's been haueninu. , ., ., ., complicit in everything that's been haueninu. , ., ., . , happening. just one or two sentences if ou could happening. just one or two sentences if you could come _ happening. just one or two sentences if you could come at _ happening. just one or two sentences if you could come at one _ happening. just one or two sentences if you could come at one or _ happening. just one or two sentences if you could come at one or two - if you could come at one or two reserves have been called up in gaza over the next few days, does it strike you that we are going to now see an operation in rafah, just briefly? see an operation in rafah, 'ust briefl ? ., ., , ., briefly? that would be one way for israel to respond, _ briefly? that would be one way for israelto respond, it _ briefly? that would be one way for israel to respond, it would - briefly? that would be one way for israel to respond, it would of - israel to respond, it would of course make a horrible situation even worse. 0ne criticism i have of iran, i wish they had been more restrained because israel was very isolated and national opinion, and now, of course, israel can say it's a victim. ~ ., ., ., a victim. we have to leave it there, but thank you _ a victim. we have to leave it there, but thank you so _ a victim. we have to leave it there, but thank you so much _ a victim. we have to leave it there, but thank you so much for- a victim. we have to leave it there, | but thank you so much forjoining us here on bbc news. i'm back with more thanjust a moment here on bbc news. i'm back with more than just a moment or two, don't go away.
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hello. the warm spell of weather has come to an end, it's much fresher today and the outlook is pointing to frequent showers with hail and thunder and very windy weather for tomorrow. here's the weather map as we see that transition in 2a hours from the calm conditions we have had recently to this big low sitting on top of us, dragging in colderair from the northern climes and making it feel colder than it recently has been. 0nto the forecast — temperatures in the middle of the afternoon hovering around the mid—teens in the southeast of the country, barely making double figures across the north, where we already have showers sweeping across. the winds are freshening and the showers through the night generally confined to more northern and western areas. towards the end of the night, perhaps reaching central england but the southeast will stay dry. north or south, temperatures up to eight celsius in most major towns and cities.
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tomorrow, a band of showers sweeping across the country, gusty winds, showers could be torrential with hail and thunder, sunshine in—between and those gusts up to 50mph or more on coastal areas and not far off that inland. a turbulent day with dramatic cloudscapes and changeable weatherfrom hour to hour. the lowest temperatures between 10—12 celsius. that low will be barrelling across the uk and into the north sea through the course of monday evening. tuesday, it will still have a sting in its tail, so stronger winds and showers across the north sea coast, anywhere from yorkshire to east anglia. gusty winds of up to 50mph here but towards the west, the weather will be drier and brighter and the winds not quite as strong, not quite as chilly. but still around eight celsius in stornoway and typically 11—13 elsewhere across the uk. towards the end of the week,
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another weak front moving across uk, bringing cloud more than rain and also this high pressure nosing in, an indication the weather should dry out. the main message for now is a very blustery day on the way tomorrow with big shower clouds but also sunny spells. bye— bye.
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live from london, this is bbc news.
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iran strikes at israel, with an unprecedented attack involving more than 300 drones and missiles. almost all them were intercepted before they landed. g7 countries unanimously condemn the iranian attack and call on both sides to exercise restraint. the us warns it doesn't want the crisis to escalate into a wider war but says it's up to israel how to respond. it says it won't take part in any attack on iran. in tehran, some supporters of the iranian government celebrated the attack. iran says it has no intention of further strikes but threatens a heavier assault if israel launches reprisals.
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welcome back to bbc news. let's just recap where we are after last night's attack, because israel is warning it will retaliate after iran fired a huge barrage of drones and missiles at israel. i want to show you the pictures from israel, where the more cabinet met earlier in the day, discussing how israel will respond to that barrage of drones and missiles. israel has the opportunity, says the defence minister, to form a strategic alliance against iran after that attack, and benny gantz, a member of the war cabinet, saying earlier that israel will exact a price to iran on its own time and fashion. so some of the early indications, but no exact comment yet about how israel will respond, orwhen comment yet about how israel will respond, or when it will respond. iran launched more than 300 drones
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and missiles towards israel. some 99% of the incoming wave of strikes was intercepted, either outside israeli airspace or over the country itself. 0ur defence correspondent jonathan beale explained how israel was able to thwart the wave of attacks. the first thing to say, it was telegraphed, so they knew it was coming and they had preparations in place, both israel and the us. so the us has had a carrier strike group in the red sea dealing with houthi missiles being fired from yemen, which are being provided, the us says, by iran. so they've had practice. clearly, israel has had practice with its iron dome, with rockets fired on a regular basis and at the same time from gaza into israel over a number of years. so i think iran would have known that those air defence systems were up and running and that they would take out quite a lot of what they were firing. now, obviously, it's more difficult to take out a ballistic missile
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than it is to take out a drone. but israel has layered air defenses, so it doesn'tjust have the iron dome, which is for shorter range targets. it also has arrow, arrow 2 and 3 to take out ballistic missiles. us ships have been taking out ballistic missiles fired by houthi rebels, anti—ship missiles, so they would have known that that capacity was there. that said, iran does have an arsenal of missiles and drones, which it's been providing to other proxies, but its own massive arsenal which could have overwhelmed the defences of both the us in the region and israel. but they didn't. so most, from what we're being told, were shot down. it seems like one or two may have made their way through. so i think there was a calculation by iran. and it's a gamble to work out what israel might do next. the us has made clear it's not going to respond
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against iran directly. shashankjoshi is defence editor for the economist. he gave his assessment of iran's tactics with this latest attack. i think there were about 331 projectiles fired. of those, about a third were ballistic missiles. ballistic missiles fly in very different ways, they fly in parabolic arcs, unlike cruise missile or drones, which fly flat trajectories within atmosphere, much more slowly. ballistic missiles are much more likely to penetrate air defences and get through and they leave much less warning time. but i think it's notable that only a third of these weapons were ballistic missiles. they were probably targeted at israeli military bases, including the base israel used to launch the f—35 planes that conducted the original attack on the iranian consulate in lebanon.
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there was a symmetry to this, but had iran really wanted to cause more damage, to overwhelm israeli defences, i think they would have used a much higher proportion of ballistic missiles, and they didn't, and i think that tells us something of note. i think it was in line with satisfying the iranians need to restore deterrence, but also calibrated enough, limited enough to avoid inflicting such serious harm that it may have provoked a larger conflict. notably, ithink that it may have provoked a larger conflict. notably, i think the most significant thing here is the length of time that iran waited before responding, allowing israel and its allies to muster a response, evacuate air bases, prepare their radar facilities and all of these other things, and i think iran would have known that most of these
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missiles would probably be intercepted. i'm joined now by general lord richard dannatt, former head of the british army. thank you so much for being with us, your reaction to what we have seen in the last 18 hours.— in the last 18 hours. well, the last two speakers _ in the last 18 hours. well, the last two speakers summed _ in the last 18 hours. well, the last two speakers summed up - in the last 18 hours. well, the last two speakers summed up the - in the last 18 hours. well, the last - two speakers summed up the situation pretty well. the iranians telegraphed what they were going to do, they were calibrated about the method of the attack, and it enabled israel and its allies, particularly the united states, and i think the united kingdom as well, to make sure the damage was limited. that said, we should take nothing away from the fact that, rather like the russian attack in ukraine in 2022, this was attack in ukraine in 2022, this was a sovereign state, iran, attacking another sovereign state, israel, and should condemn it absolutely roundly, and with the greatest degree of outrage. that roundly, and with the greatest degree of outrage.— roundly, and with the greatest degree of outrage. that is exactly what has come _ degree of outrage. that is exactly
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what has come out _ degree of outrage. that is exactly what has come out of _ degree of outrage. that is exactly what has come out of the - degree of outrage. that is exactly what has come out of the g7 - degree of outrage. that is exactly - what has come out of the g7 meeting, i think we can put on screen the first pictures of the call that was made with those leaders, the g7 unanimously condemning the iranian attack, calling on both sides to exercise restraint, no surprise in terms of that being the outcome, but your assessment, terms of that being the outcome, but yourassessment, lord terms of that being the outcome, but your assessment, lord dannatt, terms of that being the outcome, but yourassessment, lord dannatt, of how dangerous a moment we have arrived at. ~ , ., ., ., , arrived at. well, it is a dangerous moment. arrived at. well, it is a dangerous moment- i _ arrived at. well, it is a dangerous moment. ithink— arrived at. well, it is a dangerous moment. i think the _ arrived at. well, it is a dangerous moment. i think the other - arrived at. well, it is a dangerous i moment. i think the other question is to ask why iran decided to mount this attack directly against israel, and not act, as it has been doing, through its proxies, so in this case hezbollah. i think the answer to thatis hezbollah. i think the answer to that is we know that his parlour has around 150,000 missiles or rockets that could strength the length and breadth of israel and would undoubtedly overwhelm the iron dome and other air defence systems. i think had that happened, and certainly in briefings to me from idf headquarters in the past, they
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have made it quite clear that hezbollah attacks in that way, they would mount a massive counteroffensive against southern lebanon and probably strike iran itself. and a rant knows that, and that was one of the reasons why they held back from encouraging hezbollah to have a go at israel, because they didn't want an israeli counterattack. but nothing gets away from the fact that this is an outrage, it is one sovereign country attacking another sovereign country, and frankly within the structure of the united nations, that is quite unacceptable and the g7 is right to condemn it. unacceptable and the g7 is right to condemn it— unacceptable and the g7 is right to condemn it. ., ., ,., ., condemn it. you mentioned hezbollah, one leader said _ condemn it. you mentioned hezbollah, one leader said the _ condemn it. you mentioned hezbollah, one leader said the attack _ condemn it. you mentioned hezbollah, one leader said the attack could - one leader said the attack could usherin one leader said the attack could usher in a new stage of these conflicts, and that is the fear going forward, but in terms of the basic line from washington, trying not to let this conflict since october the 7th escalade, bit by bit, it is, isn't it? you have got gaza, you have got all the actions
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from the houthis, you have had that shelling over the lebanese border constantly going on, week after week, we have reached a fork in the road, have we not?— road, have we not? yes, we have. i think the israelis _ road, have we not? yes, we have. i think the israelis will _ road, have we not? yes, we have. i think the israelis will do _ road, have we not? yes, we have. i think the israelis will do well, - road, have we not? yes, we have. i think the israelis will do well, as i think the israelis will do well, as i'm sure they are considering, to put what has happened in the last 36 hours in the wider context of the last six months. there were quite right to attack hamas in gaza, but there is a lot of criticism about there is a lot of criticism about the way they have conducted that operation. now, if the israelis were to mount a massive counter unto iran, and let's face it, the iranian air defence system is nothing like the israeli air defence system, if the israeli air defence system, if the israelis were to strike tehran and targets, nuclearfacility and targets, nuclear facility targets, and targets, nuclearfacility targets, they could cause enormous destruction and loss of life. and put themselves once again under the cosh of international opinion. so i think the israelis would do very well to pause, to think, to be nuanced about it, and exercise massive restraint.—
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massive restraint. there are pressures — massive restraint. there are pressures on _ massive restraint. there are pressures on benjamin - massive restraint. there are - pressures on benjamin netanyahu, aren't they? pressures of exactly what you're describing, pressures of restraint, and all those lines coming out of the white house, and yet you have a hoax within his administration, he himself has talked for many, many years about the threat from iran. he will be under pressure to actually take this moment to address that thread, won't he? , , ~' . he? yes, he will, but i think he and his war cabinet _ he? yes, he will, but i think he and his war cabinet have _ he? yes, he will, but i think he and his war cabinet have got _ he? yes, he will, but i think he and his war cabinet have got to - he? yes, he will, but i think he and| his war cabinet have got to consider whether taking everything in the round, that is the right thing to do, and it may well be that to, as i suggest, to be more nuanced about it, to reflect for a while. of course, they will continue the operation against hamas in gaza, and thatis operation against hamas in gaza, and that is a related but separate issue, but think very carefully what they stand to gain and what they stand to lose if they were to attack iran directly and because what i think would be a considerable loss of life against relatively immature
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and comparatively ineffective air defence systems that iran has. hosp defence systems that iran has. how do ou defence systems that iran has. how do you de-escalate _ defence systems that iran has. how do you de—escalate this? defence systems that iran has. how do you de-escalate this? well, - defence systems that iran has. how do you de-escalate this? well, i - do you de-escalate this? well, i think a certain _ do you de-escalate this? well, i think a certain amount _ do you de-escalate this? well, i think a certain amount of- think a certain amount of de—escalation comes with the amount of back negotiating that goes on between the united states and iran, to the extent that is possible, and other players in the region, to try and get international diplomat on all sides to reflect on what is actually everybody�*s real interest, and i think precipitate action that escalated the violence would actually only make this worse, and i don't think it is in any party's interest. the bottom line is that it is not in around's interest, they can dial this is not in around's interest, they can dialthis up is not in around's interest, they can dial this up and down through their proxies, and i think what we have seen with relatively cautious, well telegraphed attack was ultimately defeated and the iranian attack on israel, they are saying, yeah, we will not be taken lightly, but we will be very careful not to provoke a major war with the united
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states, and of course with israel as well, in the wider region. let's bearin well, in the wider region. let's bear in mind that the netanyahu government is not popular, is under pressure, the iranian regime is not popular and is under pressure. everybody is walking a tightrope here. ., . ~' everybody is walking a tightrope here. ., ., ~ ., . ., , ., here. you talk of back channels, and there were — here. you talk of back channels, and there were reports _ here. you talk of back channels, and there were reports that _ here. you talk of back channels, and there were reports that iranian - here. you talk of back channels, and there were reports that iranian back| there were reports that iranian back channels to washington were telegraphing these attacks, but also saying that perhaps they wouldn't be carried out ifjoe biden was able to actually get a ceasefire in the gaza conflict, yet the american president wasn't able to actually make israel perhaps pivoted a strategy, was he? not yet, and i'm quite sure that your biden and the americans will continue their pressure on netanyahu to moderate their activities. clearly, you know, we come back to the basic objectives above the hamas
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and the israelis, hamas has vowed to destroy the israeli state, and the israelis want to destroy hamas, so thatis israelis want to destroy hamas, so that is a pretty non—negotiable situation. but the other major factor is the 33,000 plus casualties and fatalities that have occurred in gaza and a negative effect that has on world opinion and any support thatis on world opinion and any support that is really a —— that is residual still for israel. netanyahu would be well advised, one hand, still for israel. netanyahu would be welladvised, one hand, knowing still for israel. netanyahu would be well advised, one hand, knowing that he has to keep pressure to get the hostages released, but also not to alienate remaining and residual world opinion that might still be to a degree in support of israel. exactly on that point, it is interesting, in the last 20 minutes also, reuters has reported the israeli military says it will be calling up two reserve divisions for operations in gaza over the next few days. people will obviously look and
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say and think whether an operation in rafah is going to go ahead, as the israelis have said, you know, all of the direction at the moment is the wrong direction, isn't it? it is the wrong direction, isn't it? hit is the wrong direction, isn't it? hit is the wrong direction, isn't it? hit is the wrong direction, and i'm afraid, not that this is helpful, if the israelis were to be honest about their operational campaign plan for their operational campaign plan for their ground war in gaza, they got this back to front. by going for gaza city first, thinking they can strike the leadership of hamas, that turned out to be fundamentally wrong. it could well be argued they should have gone for rafah earlier, where there was a larger concentration of hamas fighters. the fact of the matter is we are where we are, and they perfectly reasonably, in their own logic, if they are determined to root out hamas, root and branch, they have got to go into rafah and finish the job. but on the other hand, coming back to world opinion, 33,000 fatalities, a population that is starving, they have to make sure
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that the people who have a right to food to get food, even when they continue pressure on the terrorists. lord dannatt, thank you for talking to us live on bbc news, thank you for your time. our team at bbc verify has been checking images and videos shared on social media in relation to iran's attack. 0ur reporter merlyn thomas took me through it earlier on the programme. for the first time, iran has carried out direct strikes against israel. an israeli army spokesperson said that overnight hundreds of drones, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles were launched against israel. now, israel says 99% were intercepted and destroyed, with one child reportedly injured by shrapnel. we verified several videos showing intercepts, and this one is filmed from near the al—aqsa mosque injerusalem. and in this next video, you can again see missiles or drones heading for targets in israel and air defences intercepting them. and this is a still from the video ijust showed you.
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and we've matched that with this publicly available image, which is on the outskirts ofjerusalem. and israel has said a handful of the ballistic missiles weren't intercepted and hit an air base, which is here, and it caused minimal damage. this is a satellite image of the base from august last year. and we have several videos purporting to be of the base being hit, but most of the footage is taken in the dark, and we're still working on verifying these. israel released this footage showing a fighterjet returning to the air base to emphasise that it continues to be fully operational. we haven't been able to verify whether this was filmed today. and we don't know which of iran's ballistic missiles hit the air base. but iran's state tv has shown this and called this one an emad missile. now, that type of missile has a range of 2,000km and this map shows you just how far that sort of weapon can reach. and we've also seen videos from iran of missiles in flight like this one. this video was sent to bbc persian
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and they've checked the file data to establish that it was filmed in southern iran. and at moments of heightened tension, misinformation has been circulating. now, iran state tv repeatedly aired a video of a fire, claiming that it was footage of missiles successfully hitting targets in israel. we found the original of the clip, which was posted to tiktok in february, and the israel defense forces posted this video compilation of iran's retaliatory attacks, and most of the clips are of the attack, but there's one old clip right at the end of the video here, and from that is actually from nearly ten years ago of a russian grad rocket launcher from this video. now, this is a moment of heightened tensions in the middle east as we wait to see how israel will react. at verify, we'll continue to monitor the situation closely. let's get more on that
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international reaction. i just want to bring you those pictures again of the g7 leaders' video call. the group condemned iran's attack against israel and reaffirmed its commitment to israel's security. in the last few hours, the uk's foreign secretary has held a call with his iranian counterpart and has demanded tehran de—escalate. lord cameron said he "formally condemned in the strongest terms iran's attack on israel." joining me now from downing street is our correspondent nick eardley. nick, all of that follows on from what we heard from rishi sunak a little earlier. the what we heard from rishi sunak a little earlier.— little earlier. the concern in downing — little earlier. the concern in downing street _ little earlier. the concern in downing street has - little earlier. the concern in downing street has really . little earlier. the concern in i downing street has really been growing over the past few days, and friday appears to have been the critical moment, and it was at that point that the prime minister
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summoned key ministers to discuss a response, they came up with a plan, and that led to the raf getting involved in shooting down some of those drones last night. now, the uk response has been in line with its international partners, but there is no doubt that this is a significant moment in london, the government here does have the ability to make these decisions on its own, it doesn't need the approval of parliament, and parliament here has not been sitting over the past couple of weeks, so they wouldn't have been able to ask anyway. but the prime minister has made it clear that the priority now is de—escalation. this is what he told broadcasters earlier. last night, iran launched a barrage of missiles and attack drones across the middle east towards israel. this was a dangerous and unnecessary escalation which i've condemned in the strongest terms. thanks to an international, coordinated effort, which united kingdom participated in, almost all of these missiles were intercepted, saving lives notjust in israel but in neighbouring countries like jordan as well.
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the raf sent additional planes to the region as part of our existing operations to counter daesh in iraq and syria. i can confirm our planes shot down a number of iranian attack drones. i want to pay tribute to the bravery and professionalism of our pilots flying into the face of danger to protect civilians. stu d e nts students there will be questions in the uk parliament when it returns to work tomorrow, and i get the feeling that the major parties in westminster are behind the government. the labour party has said that it thinks the raf was right to get involved in shooting down those drones, the liberal democrats have backed the strategy too. there are some mps who i have spoken to have some questions about how the decision was reached, and i
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suspect the new prime minister makes a decision tomorrow, they will feature prominently. at the main concern more broadly in uk politics is about the fear of escalation, the fear that any reprisals for what happened last night could lead to things spiralling out of control in the middle east, i suspect that is what will dominate the debate here over the next few days. hick. what will dominate the debate here over the next few days. nick, thank ou ve over the next few days. nick, thank you very much- _ over the next few days. nick, thank you very much. and _ over the next few days. nick, thank you very much. and on _ over the next few days. nick, thank you very much. and on that - over the next few days. nick, thank you very much. and on that final i you very much. and on that final thought from nick, reuters is reporting that king abdullah of jordan has received a call from joe biden on the latest developments, the king telling the us president that any escalation from israel will widen the conflict in the region. so thatjust being reported there in jordan, the king having received a call from the us president. earlier, noga tarnopolsky, an independentjournalist who specialises in the middle east, walked through biden's response and what the situation means for israel.
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i think that the question really is very much in the air. as american media reported, biden said to netanyahu, this could be a moment for netanyahu to take a victory lap, to say we protected you, israel was able to defend itself, no casualties in israel, very few penetrations, that is whatjoe biden is asking netanyahu to do. certainly not to attack in the way that the previous correspondents just described, which would be an overt israeli attack against iranian soil and that would be again, we are using this word a lot — a game changer. 0n the other hand, the reason that netanyahu is not thanking the united states, for which he has been criticised overnight, saying that we deterred them, on the other hand, he's not
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saying anything concrete, he's playing a very difficult political game inside israel. and he has encouraged his own most extremist ministers to speak up about a powerful response. this was said by several people while the iranians launches were en route. they will have to try and square this circle and come up with at least a possible way to move forward that will satisfy these conflicting demands. speaking in st peter's square, pope francis expressed his sorrow and concern for the worsening situation in the middle east. he called for dialogue and peace. translation: i follow in prayer, and with concern, even pain. the news that has come in the last hours about the worsening situation in israel,
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due to the intervention by iran. i make a heartfelt appeal for every action that could fuel a spiral of violence to be stopped, with the risk of dragging the middle east into an even larger war. no—one should threaten the existence of others. all nations should stand for peace and help the israelis and palestinians to live in two states, side by side, in safety. it is their legitimate desire, and it is their right. we are going to take a short break. i can say that our chief international correspondent is waiting to give us the latest from jerusalem, that is coming up with all the latest headlines from a variety of people, don't go away, many more to come. hello. the warm spell of weather has come to an end, it's much fresher today and the outlook is pointing to frequent showers with hail and thunder and very windy weather for tomorrow.
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here's the weather map as we see that transition in 2a hours from the calm conditions we have had recently to this big low sitting on top of us, dragging in colderair from the northern climes and making it feel colder than it recently has been. on to the forecast — temperatures in the middle of the afternoon hovering around the mid—teens in the southeast of the country, barely making double figures across the north, where we already have showers sweeping across. the winds are freshening and the showers through the night generally confined to more northern and western areas. towards the end of the night, perhaps reaching central england but the southeast will stay dry. north or south, temperatures up to eight celsius in most major towns and cities. tomorrow, a band of showers sweeping across the country, gusty winds, showers could be torrential with hail and thunder, sunshine in between and those gusts up to 50mph or more on coastal areas and not far off that inland. a turbulent day with dramatic
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cloudscapes and changeable weatherfrom hour to hour. the lowest temperatures between 10—12 celsius. that low will be barrelling across the uk and into the north sea through the course of monday evening. tuesday, it will still have a sting in its tail, so stronger winds and showers across the north sea coast, anywhere from yorkshire to east anglia. gusty winds of up to 50mph here but towards the west, the weather will be drier and brighter and the winds not quite as strong, not quite as chilly. but still around eight celsius in stornoway and typically 11—13 elsewhere across the uk. towards the end of the week, another weak front moving across uk, bringing cloud more than rain and also this high pressure nosing in, an indication the weather should dry out. the main message for now is a very blustery day on the way tomorrow with big shower clouds but also sunny spells. bye— bye.
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live from london. this is bbc news. iran strikes at israel with an unprecedented attack involving more than 300 drones and missiles. almost all them were intercepted
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before they landed. g7 countries "unanimously" condemn the iranian attack, and call on both sides "to exercise restraint". the white house urges israel not to strike back. whether and how the israelis will respond, that's going to be up to them. we understand that and respect that, but the president has been very clear, we don't seek a war with iran, we don't want escalation here, we will continue to help israel defend itself. and i am leased to set injerusalem, then against says israel will respond to in a time and manner of its choosing, we're still waiting to hear the decisions made in war cabinet. in tehran — some supporters of the iranian government celebrate the attack. iran says it has no intention of further strikes, but threatens a heavier assault, if israel launches reprisals.


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