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tv   BBC News  BBC News  April 14, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm BST

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israel has vowed to respond to iran's attack, further raising fears of a major escalation of the conflict in the middle east. iran doesn'tjust iran doesn't just pose iran doesn'tjust pose a threat to israel, it poses a threat to the entire middle east. g7 countries "unanimously" condemn the iranian attack, and call on both sides "to exercise restraint". the white house urges israel not to strike back. whether and how the israelis will respond, that's going to be up to them. we understand that and respect that, but the president has been very clear, we don't seek a war with iran, we don't want escalation here, we will continue to help israel defend itself. and i'm lyse doucet injerusalem, on a night where israeli officials are saying that they will respond to
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iran's unprecedented attack, at a time and in a manner of their own choosing. in tehran — some supporters of the iranian government celebrate the attack. iran says it has no intention of further strikes, but threatens a heavier assault if israel launches reprisal. hello, i'm samantha simmonds — welcome to the programme. we start with the latest developments. the white house has said it doesn't want to see the crisis in the middle east escalate after iran carried out its first ever direct attack on israel. a us security spokesman, john kirby, said washington was not seeking a wider war. he told meet the press on nbc that it would be up to israel whether or how to respond — but the us wouldn't take part in any attack on iran. the israeli war cabinet has been meeting to discuss its response to the attack. a senior minister, benny gantz, said
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israel would exact a price from iran in its own time and fashion. the defence minister, yoav gallant, said the confrontation with iran wasn't over, and israel must prepare for every scenario. iran has warned of a much bigger response if israel retaliates. a meeting of g7 leaders, called by president biden, has "unanimously" condemned the iranian attack and called on both sides "to exercise restraint". the group said they stood �*ready to take measures�* in response to further destabilisation by iran. the israeli military has announced it will be calling up two reserve brigades for operations in gaza. in the last hour, a spokesperson for israel's defence forces, daniel hagari held a news conference on those attacks. let's have a listen. last night, a defensive collation of israel and its international partners successfully thwarted a large—scale attack from iran. iran and its proxies launched
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approximately 350 suicide drones, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles and rockets from iran, iraq, yemen and hezbollah in lebanon towards israel, with approximately 60 tonnes of warheads and explosive materials, but the threat from iran was met with aerial operations, technological and intelligence supremacy of a united defensive coalition of international elements, led by the united states, together coalition of international allies, led by the united states, together with great britain, france and other partners. together, we intercepted 99% of the threats towards israel. together, we thwarted iran's attack. iran's unprecedented attack was met with an unprecedented defence.
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this was the first time that such a coalition worked together against the threat of iran and its proxies in the middle east. even while under attack from iran, we have not lost sight, not for one moment, of our critical mission in gaza, to rescue our hostages from the hands of iran's proxies, hamas, of our moral duty to do everything in our power to bring 133 hostages back home. hamas recently rejected a hostage release proposal offered to them by the mediators. hamas and iran want to ignite the middle east and to escalate in the region. we are still on high alert and assessing the situation.
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over the last few hours, we have approved operational plans for both offensive and defensive action. we will continue to protect the state of israel and together with our partners, we will continue to build a more secure and stable future for the entire middle east. let's cross now to jerusalem and our chief international correspondent, lyse doucet. yes, that was the most detailed statement yet from israel on what was involved in iran's unprecedented assault against israel in the early hours of the morning. now saying it was 350 suicide drones, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles. israel declaring success, saying that not only did 99% of the projectiles were brought down but that israel did it notjust with its own defence systems, but with the backing of key allies. also to note
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in those comments by daniel hagari, the chief military spokesperson, is he made it clear that israel had plans for both defensive and offence of operations. in other words, some kind of retaliation isn't off the table. we heard earlierfrom a member of the war cabinet which has been empowered to make a decision on whether or not israel retaliates, benny gantz said israel would respond in a time and manner of its own choosing. saying that its retaliatory attack for israel's attack on its consulate in damascus on april one which killed a senior commander of the iran revolutionary guard corps was a success and achieved all its objectives and iran which showed that it is able and willing to carry out this kind of attack. iran, of course, warning that if israel does retaliate, iran
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would respond in an even greater fashion. let's look at the extreme during moments of the last 2a hours from our middle east correspondent in lucy williamson. radio chatter. last night, for a few hours, israel lived in its skies — fighterjets battling waves of iranian drones and missiles fired at israeli targets. the middle east's most dangerous conflict, dropping its mask. from the ground, israel's air defences rose to meet threats by the dozen, a perilous display. watched from jerusalem. tel aviv. israel's defence minister called it one of the most dramatic nights israel had ever experienced. in iran, the launches were celebrated one after the other on national television.
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punishment, iran said, for the strike on its consulate in damascus two weeks ago. translation: there is no intention to continue this operation. - but if the zionist regime takes steps against the islamic republic on its soil or against areas linked to us in the region, our next operation will be far greater than this. the attacks were celebrated by iranians outside the british embassy, too, seeing them as punishment for the war in gaza and calling for israel's destruction. iran's government has said it's not seeking to escalate the conflict. tonight, a member of israel's war cabinet said there would be a response. translation: faced with the threat i of iran, we will build a regional i coalition and collect the price from iran in a way and at a time that suits us. british planes helped shoot down
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dozens of the launchers. the prime minister has now joined israel's allies in calling for restraint. if this attack had been successful, the fallout for regional stability would be hard to overstate. and we stand by the security of israel and the wider region, which is, of course, important for our security here at home, too. what we now need is for calm heads to prevail. we'll be working with our allies to de—escalate the situation. last night was a test of israel's defences, but its leaders now face another political test over how to respond to this attack. a show of strength is needed, some argue, to maintain deterrence, but too much could push this region into a wider war. shoppers returned tojerusalem's main market today, shaken but sure of the response. i think if we react, it will show our strength and it will prevent the next attack.
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i hope. we can't live like this anymore. they shot a lot of missiles on us. it's the first time ever in the history of the world that a country throw so many missiles on another country at the same time. so we got to respond, of course. others here believe israel faces a dangerous turning point and that alliances, rather than weapons, offer its best chance of protection long term. right now, all the west and all moderate muslim nations in this region do understand that, all right, this is a new game. and in this new game, it's about being moderate and willingness to move forward with some sort of a reconciliation process in this region, in this troubled region. this attack marked new territory
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in an old battlefield. much hangs on the response. no chink in israel's armour last night, but the door to war is still open. there have been calls for restraint across this region. we've had more reaction from the us. the american president conveying to the israeli leader that he should see israel's response as a success, see israel�*s response as a success, but see israel's response as a success, but to draw a line under this to avoid a much wider escalation. john kirby, the white house's top national security spokesperson, told the nbc�*s — meet the press programme that the united states will continue to help israel defend itself, but does not want
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a broader war with iran. know that the president is working the diplomatic side of this personally. in fact, today, just a little bit later today, he's going to call the g7 together to talk about a diplomatic response here. nbc news is reporting that president biden talking about the diplomatic outreach, told prime minister netanyahu that the united states will not participate in offensive operations against iran. can you confirm that? i won't go into the greater detail of the conversation with the prime minister. they did have a good chat last night. what was the message? what was the broad message? it was very clearly, you know, we stand with you in your self—defence. that was the main message that the president delivered to the prime minister. he congratulated the prime minister and the idf for the extraordinary job they did, knocking things out of the sky. but i won't go into more detail. again, ijust go back to what the president has said time and time again. we don't seek an escalation. we don't seek a wider war in the region. so did he warn israel not to respond? did he say "take the win,"
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as has been reported? i think the president was again very clear with prime minister netanyahu about the success that they enjoyed last night and the impact that that success ought to have. john kirby on this absolutely pivotal relationship and indeed through the last six months of the israel gaza war we have seen there are moments where israel and in particular prime minister netanyahu does respond to the urging of the warnings coming out of washington. and sometimes he doesn't. let's get more insight into american thinking about this relationship. let's get more from will vernon, our correspondent in washington who's keeping across reaction there. john kirby, the white house national security spokesman, he's been doing a round of interviews this morning on the sunday shows, and he's been talking about what mr biden is thinking, suggesting mr biden wants to calm tensions. he said every decision, every discussion that he's had is all designed to not let this become a broad regional war. and that's where his head still is.
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and we saw that statement last night, didn't we, from joe biden following his phone call with the israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, where he said that he was going to convene this g7 leaders�* discussion — we�*ve just been hearing about it there — saying that he was going to co—ordinate a unified diplomatic — a united, sorry — diplomatic response. and we also had a statement last night from the us defence secretary, lloyd austin, in which he talked about de—escalating tensions, urging iran to de—escalate tensions. and i think that�*s the tone, the flavour of what people are thinking here in washington. it�*s one of de—escalation, one of calming tensions. i don�*t think america wants to rush into any military response to this, certainly not to get dragged into any direct military confrontation with iran.
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and that is will vernon. yet again, the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is coming under pressure from many friends including the far right wing ministers in his own government, one calling on him to use hit is expression, to "go berserk" in response to this unprecedented attack from iran. there are others that say israel should make the most of this moment in so many in the west are now standing with israel, even the calls for restraint across this region, and we�*ve heard from benny gantz from the war cabinet saying that israel would now try to build a coalition against iran. iran, though, has its own allies in the region and some of them did actually participate in the strike in the early hours of the moaning. so there�*s a bit of relief here that there�*s a bit of relief here that there wasn�*t an immediate retaliation from israel, but this crisis isn�*t over, not yet. we�*re going to continue to keep an eye on all the developments, but back to
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you in london. let�*s speak now to jonathan conricus, who is a former international idf spokesperson, and a seniorfellow at the foundation for defende of democracies. welcome to you, jonathan. thank you for being with us. we spoke to year—round the same time last night as offence were starting to unfold. now we know the scale of the attack. what�*s your assessment of this operation? i what's your assessment of this operation?— what's your assessment of this 0 eration? ~ ., ., operation? i think that iran tried, and they tried — operation? i think that iran tried, and they tried quite _ operation? i think that iran tried, and they tried quite seriously - operation? i think that iran tried, and they tried quite seriously to i and they tried quite seriously to inflict damage on israel, and they failed miserably in this attempt. unprecedented in scale, both the attack and also this success in defending. and i think it will be a lot of studies in international war colleges and air defence schools around the world how to defend effectively against missiles. and i�*m very happy about that, i�*m very
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happy and thankfulfor happy and thankful for international support. now, where the sleeves israel is with a dilemma, because this aggression, i think, cannot go unanswered. and the question is, how to answer at best from an israeli perspective. israel has the option here of, shall we say, translating the currency from an iranian currency to perhaps of focusing on getting more international support on finishing thejob in kaboza, that�*s one option. in the second option would be focusing on iran itself, focusing on the source of much of of what is wrong in the middle east, and much of the violence and terrorist activity in the middle east. i think the key for israel is to get american support or at least approval to go at it and to address the very sincere, serious topic we have here, iran, and then topic we have here, iran, and then
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to have a strategy in place where it�*s not only about retaliating for the sake of retaliating, but it�*s retaliating as part of a strategy in order to come in my mind, undermine iran�*s ability to continue to hold his release hostage with their proxy organisations along our borders. let�*s break those things down. you talk about gaining international support, as lyse doucet wasjust saying, the united states says they are committed to helping israel defend itself but... what kind of an irrational support do you think that israel needs to go after iran, as you put it. i israel needs to go after iran, as you put it— you put it. i think that the only thing that's really, _ you put it. i think that the only thing that's really, really - you put it. i think that the only l thing that's really, really needed thing that�*s really, really needed is an essential is us support and approval. that is what really israel relies upon. anything beyond that is great, and i think that we saw lives
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saved yesterday, civilian and probably military lives saved in israel yesterday, thanks to a more regional and global support by the uk and france and others, by the way jordan as well. so i think the more the better, the bare minimum would be the us, and i don�*t think that israel is asking for anybody to do its fighting, israel is very happy and accustomed to fighting on itself, by itself in defence of its own civilians. so i don�*t think that israel is asking for friends or uk —— france or uk service meant to be in harms way, not at all, but what israel needs is a coalition and i think there is an opportunity here for a better and more peaceful middle east, because much of the destabilising actions that iran has been doing can be folded back and undone if israel is clever enough to build a regional coalition with the
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saudi�*s, withjordan, with the emirates, of course under american leadership, and that changing the balance. but leadership, and that changing the balance. �* ., , leadership, and that changing the balance. ., , , leadership, and that changing the balance. �* ., , leadership, and that changing the balance. ., , ., ., balance. but any focus on iran would in the short — balance. but any focus on iran would in the short term _ balance. but any focus on iran would in the short term at _ balance. but any focus on iran would in the short term at least, _ balance. but any focus on iran would in the short term at least, lead - balance. but any focus on iran would in the short term at least, lead to i in the short term at least, lead to a lot more instability. the prospect or possibility of a far wider were bringing in, dragging and many other countries, when you say focus on iran, what do you think that should look like, what would an operation against iran, in your view, do to be effective? ~ ~ ., ., effective? well, i think that iran, for way too _ effective? well, i think that iran, for way too long, _ effective? well, i think that iran, for way too long, for _ effective? well, i think that iran, for way too long, for decades, i effective? well, i think that iran, | for way too long, for decades, has enjoyed almost impunity while it has funded, armed and equipped proxy organisations, and it has very successfully from an iranian point, build an effective noose around israel�*s neck. with hezbollah in lebanon, and hamas in gaza, over ten different roxy organisations in syria, and they are trying to
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destabilisejordan as well. for far too long this has been going on and iran hasn�*t really been forced by israel to pay a price for that, and as long as iran will continue to enjoy... but what does that price look like? . ., ., , ., look like? receive a far stronger resonse look like? receive a far stronger resoonse from — look like? receive a far stronger response from them. _ look like? receive a far stronger response from them. while i i look like? receive a far stronger i response from them. while i would caution the — response from them. while i would caution the iranians, _ response from them. while i would caution the iranians, i _ response from them. while i would caution the iranians, i think- response from them. while i would caution the iranians, i think the i caution the iranians, i think the day after they fired more than 300 missiles and rockets, the best, almost all of the best type of weapons they have an arsenal to be talking making stronger attacks, i would choose my words more carefully and they wouldn�*t be as belligerent as that statement. they tried, they failed, no israel will retaliate and i think that the target that would be the most appropriate ones would be the most appropriate ones would be the most appropriate ones would be the targets that allow iran to fund their regional campaign of terror and instability. the targets
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that, through which iran generates money, and iran is very reliant on the export of oil and of petrochemical products, they use that money not for the benefit of the iranian people, but they use it in order to fund and arm proxy organisations that are aimed at israel. they are aimed at the us and they are aimed at saudi, it�*s high time that iran has been held accountable for their destabilising activities in the middle east and probably israel will have to do the early stages of it.— early stages of it. thank you very much forjoining _ early stages of it. thank you very much forjoining us. _ early stages of it. thank you very much forjoining us. thank - early stages of it. thank you very much forjoining us. thank you. | let�*s speak to elad benjamin rubin, an israeli resident living in mevo beitar, just outsidejerusalem. he and his family saw the iranian drones. welcome to you, thank you very much for being with us. tell us what you experience last night.— for being with us. tell us what you experience last night. thank you for havin: us, experience last night. thank you for having us, having _ experience last night. thank you for having us, having me. _ experience last night. thank you for having us, having me. last - experience last night. thank you for having us, having me. last night i experience last night. thank you for having us, having me. last night at| having us, having me. last night at about five minutes to two, i woke to
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explosions and frankly it was a bit confused, we rely on the homeland command app that would give us alerts if there were air rates, but specifically were i�*m in, we�*rejust about a mile away from a village... we are also worried about the location and explosions were nothing like i�*ve ever heard before. we are used to the rockets, we can pick them out, if it�*s an intersection, if it�*s a hit, this sounded very close to the ground. it sounded like almost inside the village. and so my initial response was of snatched my kids off their beds and run to the hideout. so i went out and heard the explosions, the house was shuddering
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and within about 30 seconds realised we are not being attacked from the ground. so i ran back and picked up the kids and ran for the bomb shelter. �* ., the kids and ran for the bomb shelter. �* . ., , ., ~ the kids and ran for the bomb shelter. ~ . ., , ., ~ ., shelter. and what was that like, how fri . htenin: shelter. and what was that like, how frightening was _ shelter. and what was that like, how frightening was it? _ shelter. and what was that like, how frightening was it? him... _ i was relaxed about it but i didn�*t know how things would progress. i had great confidence in the defences and... ., , ., had great confidence in the defences and... ., , . ., ., and... there was an expectation in israel for and... there was an expectation in israel for the _ and... there was an expectation in israel for the past _ and... there was an expectation in israel for the past two _ and... there was an expectation in israel for the past two weeks i and... there was an expectation in israel for the past two weeks thatl israel for the past two weeks that there may be some kind of iranian response, did you anticipate that it would be a direct strike on israel? yes. i do think, i did think it would be smaller, may be about 50 missiles, i didn�*t think it was going to go —— i did think it was going to go —— i did think it was going to go to a military base. maybe that�*s why i was kind of
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perhaps more relaxed. i was very worried about what was coming next and this is just one thing, worried about what was coming next and this isjust one thing, i can�*t say i... and this is 'ust one thing, i can't sa i... ., , ~ ., and this is 'ust one thing, i can't sa i... . , ~ ., ., say i... last night. we heard from the idf say i... last night. we heard from the w in — say i... last night. we heard from the w in the _ say i... last night. we heard from the idf in the past _ say i... last night. we heard from the idf in the past hour _ say i... last night. we heard from the idf in the past hour or- say i... last night. we heard from the idf in the past hour or so i the idf in the past hour or so saying that israel remains on hire alert and they have approved operational plans for both offensive and defensive action, no more details about what that could mean. what would you like to see happen next? ., �* , ., what would you like to see happen next? . �* , . , what would you like to see happen next? . �*, . , , ., what would you like to see happen next? . �*, ., , , ., �* what would you like to see happen next? ., �*, ., , , ., �* ., next? that's a big question, i'm not a general. — next? that's a big question, i'm not a general. i'm _ next? that's a big question, i'm not a general, i'm not— next? that's a big question, i'm not a general, i'm not an _ next? that's a big question, i'm not a general, i'm not an official, - next? that's a big question, i'm not a general, i'm not an official, i'm i a general, i�*m not an official, i�*m just a citizen. the way i see it, we are fighting for our survival, to me it�*s very simple. if we lose... i�*m sorry to put it on air, you see what happened. if we lose in this war, there�*s not much... we haven�*t been
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attacked it�*s very clear this whole war is financed, led, armed by iran andi war is financed, led, armed by iran and i think eventually it�*s pretty clear, is maybe like 1938. the word is inevitable.— is inevitable. thank you for “oining us and magi is inevitable. thank you for “oining us and taking us i is inevitable. thank you for “oining us and taking us through i is inevitable. thank you forjoining us and taking us through what i is inevitable. thank you forjoining us and taking us through what you j us and taking us through what you experience last night. this is the scene injerusalem right now. as i was saying, the idf has said that they remain on high alert after iran�*s mass drone and missile attack. they are assessing the situation, in the past few hours they have approved operational plans for both offensive and defensive action.
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all hello. the warm spell of weather has come to an end, it�*s much fresher today and the outlook is pointing to frequent showers with hail and thunder and very windy weather for tomorrow. here�*s the weather map as we see that transition in 2a hours from the calm conditions we have had recently to this big low sitting on top of us, dragging in colderair from the northern climes and making it feel colder than it recently has been. onto the forecast — temperatures in the middle of the afternoon hovering around the mid—teens in the south—east of the country, barely making double figures across the north, where we already have showers sweeping across. the winds are freshening and the showers through the night generally confined to more northern and western areas. towards the end of the night, perhaps reaching central england but the south—east will stay dry. north or south, temperatures up to eight celsius in most major towns and cities. tomorrow, a band of showers sweeping across the country, gusty winds,
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showers could be torrential with hail and thunder, sunshine in—between and those gusts up to 50mph or more on coastal areas and not far off that inland. a turbulent day with dramatic cloudscapes and changeable weatherfrom hour to hour. the lowest temperatures between 10—12 celsius. that low will be barrelling across the uk and into the north sea through the course of monday evening. tuesday, it will still have a sting in its tail, so stronger winds and showers across the north sea coast, anywhere from yorkshire to east anglia. gusty winds of up to 50mph here but towards the west, the weather will be drier and brighter and the winds not quite as strong, not quite as chilly. but still around eight celsius in stornoway and typically 11—13 elsewhere across the uk. towards the end of the week, another weak front moving across uk, bringing cloud more than rain and also this high pressure nosing in, an indication the weather should dry out. the main message for now is a very blustery day on the way tomorrow with big shower clouds but also sunny spells.
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bye— bye.
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this is bbc news, the headlines. iran launches an unprecedented attack on israel, launching more
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than 300 drones and missiles.


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