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tv   Newsday  BBC News  April 14, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm BST

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crimes. they made unsuccessful attempts to use lies, manipulate the narrative, spread disinformation and engage in a destructive blame game. g7 leaders unanimously condemn iran's attack on israel which saw the launch of hundreds of missiles and drones. hello, i'm loqwesa burak. world leaders are scrambling to prevent the crisis between israel and iran from spiralling into a wider conflict. these are the key points this hour. in the last hour, the united nations security council has been holding
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an emergency session in new york. to step �*back from the brink�*. the g7 group of wealthy countries says iran's first ever direct attack on israel has risked uncontrollable escalation in the middle east. in a statement issued after an online meeting, the group's leaders called for restraint on all sides. israel says the vast majority of more than 300 drones and missiles launched by iran have been intercepted. the attacks marked the first time iran has targeted israel directly from its own soil. the israeli war cabinet has been meeting to discuss its response to the attack. a senior minister, benny gantz, said israel would exact a price from iran in its own time and fashion. the defence minister, yoav gallant, said the confrontation
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with iran wasn't over, and israel must prepare for every scenario. iran has warned of a much bigger response if israel retaliates. (gfx response if israel retaliates. the white house has said it doesn't want to see the crisis in the middle east escalate. a us security spokesman, john kirby, said washington was not seeking a wider war. let's pick up our coverage with this report from lucy williamson in jerusalem. radio chatter. last night, for a few hours, israel lived in its skies — fighterjets battling waves of iranian drones and missiles fired at israeli targets. the middle east's most dangerous conflict, dropping its mask. from the ground, israel's air defences rose to meet threats by the dozen, a perilous display.
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watched from jerusalem. tel aviv. israel's defence minister called it one of the most dramatic nights israel had ever experienced. in iran, the launches were celebrated one after the other on national television. punishment, iran said, for the strike on its consulate in damascus two weeks ago. translation: there is no intention to continue this operation. - but if the zionist regime takes steps against the islamic republic on its soil or against areas linked to us in the region, our next operation will be far greater than this. the attacks were celebrated by iranians outside the british embassy, too, seeing them as punishment for the war in gaza and calling for israel's destruction.
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iran's government has said it's not seeking to escalate the conflict. tonight, a member of israel's war cabinet said there would be a response. translation: faced with the threat i of iran, we will build a regional i coalition and collect the price from iran in a way and at a time that suits us. british planes helped shoot down dozens of the launchers. the prime minister has now joined israel's allies in calling for restraint. if this attack had been successful, the fallout for regional stability would be hard to overstate. and we stand by the security of israel and the wider region, which is, of course, important for our security here at home, too. what we now need is for calm heads to prevail. we'll be working with our allies to de—escalate the situation. last night was a test of israel's defences, but its leaders now face another political test over how to respond to this attack.
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a show of strength is needed, some argue, to maintain deterrence, but too much could push this region into a wider war. shoppers returned tojerusalem's main market today, shaken but sure of the response. i think if we react, it will show our strength and it will prevent the next attack. i hope. we can't live like this anymore. they shot a lot of missiles on us. it's the first time ever in the history of the world that a country throw so many missiles on another country at the same time. so we got to respond, of course. others here believe israel faces a dangerous turning point and that alliances, rather than weapons, offer its best chance of protection long term. right now, all the west and all moderate muslim nations in this region do understand that, all right, this is a new game.
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and in this new game, it's about being moderate and willingness to move forward with some sort of a reconciliation process in this region, in this troubled region. this attack marked new territory in an old battlefield. much hangs on the response. no chink in israel's armour last night, but the door to war is still open.
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toa to a regional word that can escalate to a world war. sadly no action was taken and last night the world represented a escalation that is the clearest proof what happens when the warnings aren't heated. israel is not the boy who cried wolf. we have been screaming from the rooftops for years, trying to wake up the international community but to no avail. if only this counsel would have internalised my words, it would not have needed the bone rattling explosions of last night's attack to wake it up. colleagues, last night,
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iran proved again that it cares nothing, nothing for islam or muslims. . nothing, nothing for islam or muslim-— muslims. that was israel's ambassador, _ muslims. that was israel's ambassador, straight - muslims. that was israel'si ambassador, straight after muslims. that was israel's - ambassador, straight after that iran spoke, the ambassador to the united nations accusing israel and the united states of double standards. spread disinformation and engage in a destructive blame game. respond to the fundamental principle of international long, the
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believability of diplomatic representative premises moreover they ignored the underlying root causes of the current situation in the region. for causes of the current situation in the region-— causes of the current situation in the reuion. ., ., , ., , ., the region. for our six months and outcome of — the region. for our six months and outcome of these _ the region. for our six months and outcome of these countries - outcome of these countries especially the united states have shielded israel from any responsibility for the gaza massacre. while they have denied iran inherent right to self—defense against the israeli armed attack on our diplomatic premises, at the same time, they shamefully justified the israeli massacre and genocide against the defenseless palestinian people under the pretext of self—defense. they made a cynical attempt tojustify and cover up the atrocities of the israeli regime against the people of palestine by arbitrary and misleading interpretation of self—defense. madam president, following the israeli regime cowardly terrorist we have also heard from the us
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envoy, robert wood, who said the un must take a tough stance in the wake of iran's attack. also supports its exercise of its inherent — also supports its exercise of its inherent right to defend itself in the face — inherent right to defend itself in the face of this attack, and as president _ the face of this attack, and as president biden stated, we will remain— president biden stated, we will remain in— president biden stated, we will remain in close contact with israei's _ remain in close contact with israel's leaders. let me be clear, if iran— israel's leaders. let me be clear, if iran or— israel's leaders. let me be clear, if iran or its — israel's leaders. let me be clear, if iran or its proxies take actions against the _ if iran or its proxies take actions against the united states or further action— against the united states or further action against israel, iran will be held responsible. we note secretary generai— held responsible. we note secretary general gutierrez statement. the united _ general gutierrez statement. the united states is not seeking escalation. our united states is not seeking escalation. 0uractions united states is not seeking escalation. our actions have been escalation. 0ur actions have been purely— escalation. our actions have been
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purely defensive in nature. the best way to— purely defensive in nature. the best way to prevent such escalation is an unambiguous condemnation from the councii— unambiguous condemnation from the council of— unambiguous condemnation from the council of around's unprecedented large—scale attack and an unequivocal call on it and its proxies— unequivocal call on it and its proxies and partners to refrain from further— proxies and partners to refrain from further violence. proxies and partners to refrain from furtherviolence. our proxies and partners to refrain from further violence. our goal is to de—escalate. and then get back to the issue — de—escalate. and then get back to the issue at hand. securing an end to the _ the issue at hand. securing an end to the conflict in gaza, by giving a cease-fire — to the conflict in gaza, by giving a cease—fire in gaza through a hostage deal as— cease—fire in gaza through a hostage deal as well— cease—fire in gaza through a hostage deal as well as humanitarian assistance to palestinians in need. that was— assistance to palestinians in need. that was the us envoy speaking at the un security council in new york a short time ago. our north america correspondent nada tawfik has been following developments from the un in new york — she said the speeches to the security council were all on—message from each this went how everyone may have
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expected. the secretary—general decided to be the first one to brief councilmembers because he reiterated the warning he has been given, giving, really, in the last six months since the escalation after october seven, the war in gaza, warning that this could all lead to a massive escalation, or all out war in the middle east on multiple fronts, so he had one key message coming to the security council today, de—escalate, exercise maximum restraint. then we really heard from israel's allies reiterating their condemnation of iran's retaliatory attack, and stating that they would stand by israel but the same message that they want to see a de—escalation as well. and then from iran's allies, russia and china, again saying there has been double standards and hypocrisy from the likes of the us and the uk, saying
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that the root cause of all of this is the war in gaza and that needs to be addressed, there needs to be an immediate cease—fire there in order for the tensions in the middle east to calm down. essentially saying the middle east has always had the palestinian question is a key driver of instability, china saying the two state solution has to happen. there are kind of the divides that we have seen all along on the council, certainly expected as well was the fact that israel and iran, bitter enemies in the region, the hostility that was shown by both sides, israel coming and saying they want sanctions placed back on iran for its nuclear programme. but they want to see the iranian, the irg seed designated as a terrorist organisation, that they reserve the right to retaliate. whereas we heard from iran that they don't want a war
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with the united states. that they come of the us in the uk have failed to bring stability to the region by not getting a cease—fire in gaza, but again, that they reserve their right to self—defense if needed but they are not seeking a wider war. iran may have hoped to overwhelm israel's air defences with multiple waves of drones and missiles. but israel's advanced defence system destroyed most of them in the air — with the help of its western allies. our defence correspondent jonathan beale explains. including more than 170 armed drones, 30 cruise missiles and 120
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ballistic missiles which can travel twice the speed of sound. most of those who were fired from iran itself, the first time iran's directly attacked israel from its own territory. but the us says some were also launched from iraq, syria and yemen. were also launched from iraq, syria and yemen-— were also launched from iraq, syria and yemen. ., ., , ., , ., ., , and yemen. iran has demonstrated has and yemen. iran has demonstrated has an a- etite and yemen. iran has demonstrated has an appetite for — and yemen. iran has demonstrated has an appetite for risk, _ and yemen. iran has demonstrated has an appetite for risk, but _ and yemen. iran has demonstrated has an appetite for risk, but it _ and yemen. iran has demonstrated has an appetite for risk, but it doesn't - an appetite for risk, but it doesn't have an appetite for much risk. they wanted to impose a cost on the other side without necessarily triggering a broader escalation and an all—out confrontation. 50 a broader escalation and an all-out confrontation.— confrontation. so how were they steppedmack— confrontation. so how were they stoppedmack both _ confrontation. so how were they stoppedmack both israel - confrontation. so how were they stoppedmack both israel the - confrontation. so how were they stoppedmack both israel the us| confrontation. so how were they - stoppedmack both israel the us were prepared. american destroyers positioned in the eastern mediterranean shot down several ballistic missiles. raf typhoons flying from cyprus, jot down a number of drones. as did usjets and fighters from jordan. israel itself has some of the world's most advanced air defences, providing
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layers of protection. it's missiles capable of intercepting ballistic missiles from hundreds of miles away, the sling is the next defence with a range of 100 miles, then its shorter range iron dome. these pictures overjerusalem show the iron dome and action. itruiith pictures overjerusalem show the iron dome and action.— pictures overjerusalem show the iron dome and action. with the help of its allies very _ iron dome and action. with the help of its allies very much _ of its allies very much neutralised what might have been a more consequential attack.- what might have been a more consequential attack. most of what iran fired was _ consequential attack. most of what iran fired was destroyed _ consequential attack. most of what iran fired was destroyed even - consequential attack. most of what | iran fired was destroyed even before it reached its territory. here's one that was shot down over iraq. there was one exception, and iranian missile did get through its dimensions, hitting an air base, confirmation it was targeting military sites. in this case, it caused limited damage. this was a calculated attack by iran using just
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a fraction of its firepower. enough to send a message, but not enough to overwhelm israel's air defences. i spoke earlier to roubez parsi, who is the head of the middle east and north africa programme at the swedish institute of international affairs. he said that israel is trying to maintain the line that they have "freedom of action". particularly important for them right now because they're under severe pressure to not react in a way that will trigger a new round and thereby escalate the situation. so they're trying to basically fend off everyone by saying that we do have the inherent legal right to respond. but at the same time, of course, what they need to take into consideration is how and when, because they will not have the same kind of support that they have in defending themselves if they go on an all out attack on iran. yes, we heard about the the discussions
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or what we were told following the war cabinet discussions earlier today, the israeli war cabinet discussions. just how much pressure is prime minister netanyahu under at the moment, particularly when it comes to the right wing section in the country, but also israelis? daniel hagari was speaking earlier and that narrative was very much couched around along getting the hostages back. there's a lot of pressures, aren't there? absolutely. i mean, netanyahu holds a very shaky coalition, as it were, especially considering some of the extreme right ministers that he has who definitely want to go all out, both in in gaza and against iran. at the same time, of course, at least he is mindful of the fact that there is a limit to how much the americans are going to take in terms of him not listening to them. so there is that definitely. and at the same time, i think the israelis are in a somewhat novel position that they're not used to,
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which is that they have to show restraint because there is now a power who reciprocates what they do. you know, israel is used to being able to use its military superiority rather unpunished. but now iran is saying and partly showing that it is capable and willing to answer each step. and that, of course, means that the price for israel will also rise if it does something. what did you make... i just want to go back to to what happened on saturday evening. you could argue that what happened and what took place by iran could be seen as something of a probing strike. they launched an attack from their territory directly onto israeli territory. they now know exactly how israeli missile defences work. what have they learned from last night? well, i'm not a technical expert, but i'm sure, as you say, that they have learned quite a few things. but in the same vein,
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you can say that whatever the israelis downed, they can also try and pick apart and see what it is that the iranians actually have. and so far that that is unknown to israel. but i think the more important point for the iranian side was that by advertising that was going to happen, they made sure that they could at least try to make their own move, not look escalatory. and that makes it more difficult for israel to respond in the kind of over—the—top way that they usually do as part of their defence doctrine. yes, you could argue that it was a symbolic action that that iran took. but when we look at the israeli mindset, is it offensive or defensive? i think the israelis are used to being always on the offensive as a way of being defensive. and i think they they don't see the iranian move. especially if you look at societal level, i don't think they see the iranian move as being symbolic or defensive.
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they see it as being offensive. and this is, in essence, the very problem of the dynamic that we always found ourselves in, which is that one side's deterrence is the other side's escalation. now, the question is whether anyone can hold them back from the brink. and the right now the ball is in netanyahu's corner. and the only one who can hold it back effectively is biden. our team at the bbc verify hub has been looking at all the images and videos that have come out overnight. our verify reporter merlyn thomas has more. for the first time, iran has carried out direct strikes against israel. an israeli army spokesperson said that overnight, hundreds of drones, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles were launched against israel. israel says 99% were intercepted and destroyed with one child reportedly injured by shrapnel. we verified several videos showing intercepts. this one is filmed from the al—aqsa mosque injerusalem. in this next video, you can again see missiles or drones heading
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for targets in israel and air defences intercepting them. this is a still from the video ijust showed you earlier, and we've match that with this publicly available image, which is on the outskirts ofjerusalem. israel set a handful of ballistic missiles weren't intercepted and hit the nefertim air base which is here, and it caused minimal damage, they said. we've synchronised three different videos taken from social media reporting to show iranian missiles hitting that airbase in israel. we've not yet verified these videos, but they all clearly show the same event. israel released this footage showing a fighterjet returning to the airbase, and emphasised that it continues to be fully operational. we haven't yet been able to verify whether this was filmed today. we don't know which of iran's ballistic missiles hit the airbase, but iranian state tv has been showing one of these caused the mr missile. now, that type of missile has a range of 2000 km, and this map shows you just how far that sort of weapon can reach.
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and we've also seen videos from a run of missiles from iran of missiles in flight, like this one. this video was sent to bbc persia, and they've checked the file data to established it was filmed in shiraz, in southern iran. and the moment of heightened tensions, misinformation has been circulating. iran's state tv repeatedly aired a video of a fire in chile, claiming it was footage of missiles successfully hitting targets in israel. we found the original version of the clip which was posted to tiktok in february. and the israel defense forces posted this video compilation on acts of iran's retaliatory at attacks. most of the clips are of the attack, but there is one old clip here, right at the end of the video, and that's from nearly ten years ago of a russian rocket launcher. this is a moment of heightened tensions in the middle east, as we wait to see how israel will react. at verify, we'll continue to monitor the situation closely. general lord richard dannatt is former head of the british army. he shared his analysis
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on where to start in terms of de—escalating this situation. well, i think some of the escalation comes with the amount of back negotiation that goes on between the united states and iran to the extent that's possible with other players in the region to try and get international diplomats on all sides to reflect on what is actually in everybody�*s real interests. and i think precipitate action that escalated the violence will actually only make this worse. and i don't think it's in anybody�*s interest. and the bottom line is, i don't think it's in iran's interest. iran as the sponsor of hamas, hezbollah, the houthis can dial this up or dial it down. and i think what the what we've seen with their relatively cautious, well telegraphed attack that was ultimately defeated, the iranian attack on israel. they're saying we're not
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going to be taken lightly, but actually we're going to be very careful not to provoke a majorwar, particularly with the united states and, of course, with israel as well in the wider region. let's bear in mind, netanyahu's government is not popular, is under pressure. the iranian regime is not popular and is under pressure. everybody�*s walking a tightrope here. all quiet, beautiful night. diplomatic discussions and efforts continue after what took place on saturday evening, the latest we understand is the us secretary of state has been speaking with the saudi foreign minister, we don't seek an escalation. meanwhile, of course, the war in gaza continues, he also spoke with the egyptian foreign minister is saying we need to get aid in. this is bbc news. giving heavy, thundery and intense
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showers, standing water so tricky conditions on the roads particularly the strength of the wind. look at the strength of the wind. look at the isobars, there will be gale force winds buffeting the uk during much of monday and tuesday, and it's coming down from the northwest. in fact is we head towards tuesday it starts to come down from the north. so it will feel much colder than it has come at temperatures below average. we have some heavy showery rain, pushing way southwards. lots of heavy showers falling behind and cooler air so snow over the mountains. it takes longest to get to southern and eastern areas but temperatures hold up above freezing because of the strength of the wind which takes us to the day today. this line of really intense rain has given some tricky travel conditions, picking up to strong gale force around the coasts of the west on the south, and lots of showers with hail with thunder, with snow over the hills and mountains, across northern ireland, scotland, possibly the pentagon's. look at the temperatures, just 9—12 c and it
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will feel colder still when you add on that wind buffeting the uk. squally wins continuing well into the night, by that stage are low pressure is moving out into the north sea. the winds come down from the north, again enough of it we think to prevent frost in many areas, just in the morning the glens of scotland, really. but that cold northerly wind will continue to feed showers into, particularly central and eastern areas, fewer further west but there will be because of the northwesterly, some coming into the northwesterly, some coming into the west of scotland and into northern ireland, but perhaps fewer showers in the west, generally could come prepared with monday, but a bracing wind in the north sea coast, 40-50 bracing wind in the north sea coast, 40—50 mile—per—hour gusts of wind, holding onto the likes of east anglia, it will full feel cold despite. outside the wind, with the showers it will feel a little bit more like mid april, we have to get to the end of the week to feel a high pressure building in. with that low—pressure and charge toward the
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east, these weather fronts low—pressure and charge toward the east, these weatherfronts rounding areas just giving patchy rain or drizzle things started to settle down later, things pick up as we head towards friday as well.
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now it 5 time for today 5 sunday episode of newscast — focussing on all of today's news surrounding that wave of iranian attacks — with laura kuenssberg, paddy 0 connell and the bbc�*s
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international editor, jeremy bowen. newscast from the bbc. hello, it's pa in newscast from the bbc. hello, it's patty in the _ newscast from the bbc. hello, it's patty in the studio. _ newscast from the bbc. hello, it's patty in the studio. and... - newscast from the bbc. hello, it's patty in the studio. and... jeremy| patty in the studio. and... jeremy is here in the studio. patty in the studio. and. .. jeremy is here in the studio.— patty in the studio. and... jeremy is here in the studio. good old jack from jerusalem. _ is here in the studio. good old jack from jerusalem. a _ is here in the studio. good old jack from jerusalem. a little _ is here in the studio. good old jack from jerusalem. a little sitting - from jerusalem. a little sitting room, the studio. you can hear we need a fireplace.— need a fireplace. let's start with what actually — need a fireplace. let's start with what actually happened - need a fireplace. let's start with what actually happened because j need a fireplace. let's start with i what actually happened because it need a fireplace. let's start with - what actually happened because it is a really sober moment. as simply as you can, for people coming to this fresh, what do we know about actually happened last night? late last niuht actually happened last night? late last night the _ actually happened last night? late: last night the iranians launched 300 explosive devices, projectiles of different sorts, drones, cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, deadly. but the israelis who've got very formidable air defence


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