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tv   BBC News Now  BBC News  April 18, 2024 2:45pm-3:01pm BST

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' oppose 'oppose heating standards eppese heating standards and our now oppose heating standards and our efforts to tackle some of the most problematic emissions in scotland. meanwhile, their colleagues in the uk government are fighting to open coal mining in england, they are failing to deploy on an offshore wind and inexplicably refusing to progress into us and scotland. more than a hint of hypocrisy. as regards the very short question that was at the very short question that was at the end of his narration, and the timetable of the bill, i will work hard with the parliament have a timetable put in place. it will be expedited and when that legislation is brought forward, it will speak to both the climate change plan and the annual reporting of targets. l note annual reporting of targets. i note both the comments _ annual reporting of targets. i note both the comments you _ annual reporting of targets. i note both the comments you have - annual reporting of targets. i note | both the comments you have made annual reporting of targets. i “write: both the comments you have made and the presiding officer about this statement. thursday 18th april 2a
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will go down as a day that scotland officially went from being a world leader in climate targets to a world leader in climate targets to a world leader in climate targets to a world leader in scrapping targets. ambitious targets were not backed up by ambition action. the committee on climate change identify 19 policy areas where there snp green government has either no plan, an insufficient plan or need to take action to make the net zero by 2045 target. so can the cabinet secretary clarify whether any interim targets and legal reporting will be ditched in the bill she mentioned? she made a series of announcements about upcoming workbench hand we get the timescale and publication dates all the delayed strategies, the climate change plan, the green industrial strategy, the energy strategy and just transition plan. we are still waiting publication dates and can
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there cabinet secretary clarify what action the scottish government will now take to deliver affordable rail services, support local authority so we have the bus services people can use, not hundreds more cuts so that constituents can actually have a low carbon, affordable public transport choices they can make? when i first launched the climate statement in parliament in the early days, i reflected on the worst flooding in living memory in southern african states. we are now seeing extreme regular flooding states. we are now seeing extreme regularflooding in states. we are now seeing extreme regular flooding in scotland to bother cabinet secretary commit to annual reporting on climate change that we do not lose the momentum and the proper parliamentary scrutiny that we need to work together and tackle this climate change that crisis? i tackle this climate change that crisis? ., ,., ., tackle this climate change that crisis? ., ., ., , . ., crisis? i would point out a section i statement _ crisis? i would point out a section i statement where _ crisis? i would point out a section i statement where that _ crisis? i would point out a section i statement where that would - crisis? i would point out a section i statement where that would be | i statement where that would be retained as part of the wider move to carbon budgeting. i will bring forward more detail on the legislation when it is introduced to
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parliament. i would ask her not, i understand disappointment, i am disappointed in myself. my team and i have worked exceptionally hard not to have to make the change that we are making today but let's not overplay what is being done here. this is a minor legislative amendment, restating our 2045 goal but recasting the trajectory in line with what our independent advisers and the committee on climate change advise is achievable. sarah byatt, every party across the chamber, they understood when we passed the last legislation. the view that the 75% target was likely to be beyond what was achievable. and in fact, it is my and the government's efforts now to correct that with a narrow bell which will pay the way to the action that we have seek to demonstrate in
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previous years. find that we have seek to demonstrate in previous years- that we have seek to demonstrate in previous years— previous years. and an answer to a freedom of— previous years. and an answer to a freedom of publication _ previous years. and an answer to a freedom of publication request, . previous years. and an answer to a freedom of publication request, itl freedom of publication request, it has been stated... therefore, in playing an active part in the climate emergency, we must be honest but the fact that any scottish action to try to prevent climate change can only be a very small part of a much wider global challenge. does the cabinet secretary a grooming that it is important to acknowledge that scotland is already going further and faster than other countries in our efforts to reduce emissions and that today's statement confirms we will purposely continue to do so with ambition and credibility? does she agree with me that we must except the benefits of taking actions to reduce emissions, that they are least important as any
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positive environmental impacts that such measures was a zero may have? 0n the first part of his question, which i don't disagree with at all, i would say that scotland alone cannot solve the world was �*s problems when it comes to climate change. but the world's problems will not be sold without countries like scotland playing there for this part and that is exactly what this government intends to do. in 2019, the parliament agreed right across cross party lines to a highly ambitious set of targets. as i have said, we were advised at the time that there was not a clear path as far as the ccc could see it to achieving them. i don't think that was necessarily a bad thing. i think it has driven ambition and action in the period since but we have also learnt many lessons from them, including one harsh winters that affect annual targets, annual targets i don't necessarily affect
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how emissions reduction actually occurs over a long period of time, but i do absolutely agree with him that our journey to but i do absolutely agree with him that ourjourney to net but i do absolutely agree with him that our journey to net zero but i do absolutely agree with him that ourjourney to net zero must be delivered in a way that is fair, it must be just and must be a long pathway that aligns with expert guidance and advice was that that is why today i am announcing a package of measures that sits alongside the bold plan that we already had for this year and it is why i am making this year and it is why i am making this narrow amendment to the climate legislation as it stands so that we can get any to pursue that progress. this is an admission of failure and i am absolutely astonished that the two green ministers have not resigned in disgust but there they are, sat there on the front bench. the cabinet secretary described, she says, i can't even hear myself talk!
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we need to make progress, hear the responses, _ we need to make progress, hear the responses, please resume. so it was mr swinnev. — responses, please resume. so it was mr swinnev. a _ responses, please resume. so it was mr swinnev. a lot— responses, please resume. so it was mr swinney, a lot of— responses, please resume. so it was mr swinney, a lot of hot _ responses, please resume. so it was mr swinney, a lot of hot air... - mr swinney, a lot of hot air... please resume your question. the cabinet please resume your question. tue: cabinet secretary please resume your question. tte: cabinet secretary talks please resume your question. "tte: cabinet secretary talks about please resume your question. tte: cabinet secretary talks about a minor legislative amendment that targets were set in this act, the climate change reductions targets act 2019, the requirement to have climate change plan which is now overdue, was also in that act. can the cabinet secretary tell us what will remain in this act in her, in what she describes as a minor legislative amendment? tt’s what she describes as a minor legislative amendment? it's the intention of— legislative amendment? it's the intention of the _ legislative amendment? it's the intention of the government - legislative amendment? it's the | intention of the government that legislative amendment? it's the - intention of the government that the vast majority of what is in the act will be retained, subject those changes that i have set out today which are around the 2030 target and
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annual targets. which are around the 2030 target and annualtargets. i which are around the 2030 target and annual targets. i will continue to seek to bring the bill forward on an expedited basis. so that is the scottish net zero energy secretary confirming during that statement that the scottish government is scrapping a key climate change target. that is the one that is about reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 75% by 2030. she said 2030 was out of reach but she did reaffirm the government commitment to reaching net zero by 2045. let's go live to bbc scotland political correspondent andrew kerr, who was watching that. it was as expected, that klee climate change target is being scrapped. that klee climate change target is being scrapped-— being scrapped. bubbly quite a difficult statement _ being scrapped. bubbly quite a difficult statement for - being scrapped. bubbly quite a difficult statement for her - being scrapped. bubbly quite a difficult statement for her to i being scrapped. bubbly quite a - difficult statement for her to make there. in a sense there was a bit of political spin on it as he talked about recasting the trajectory to 2045 and that minor legislative amendment as well in terms of making
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the 2045 goal the legally binding one instead of 2030. so she was also setting out a package of measures there to try to reach that goal, that included trying to quadruple electric charge points for cars in scotland by 2030 and national integrated ticketing system across scotland's transportation system and aiming further reduction in car use as well. trying to take people along with you in those old fossil fuel industries. of course, the cabinet secretary was attempting maybe to pin the blame on westminster. she was saying they were doing this under difficult circumstances, that the uk government was backtracking on climate change. they were trying to transition with one hand tied behind their back. there were these budgetary restrictions to it, she
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called on opposition politicians are coming behind her and fight a 9% cut to the capital budget. she was promising that new legislation as well but we are hearing from the conservatives there, they were really trying to emphasise that this is embarrassing for the snp for the greens. that snp we were hearing from was saying why are the two green ministers and government not resigning? he was saying that the greens have ditched environmentalism for nationalism. so a pretty awkward statement in the chamber there for the net zero secretary.— the net zero secretary. thank you very much — the net zero secretary. thank you very much indeed _ the net zero secretary. thank you very much indeed for— the net zero secretary. thank you very much indeed for your - the net zero secretary. thank you | very much indeed for your analysis and a reminder if you want to continue following that story scotland's climate target, we are streaming it nonstop today on the bbc iplayer. just navigate to their news channel page where you can see all our available live streams. there is also a stream on prince william's return to public duties and the latest from the post of his
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inquiry. you can watch that on your tv, online or on the iplayer app. i just want to return to a story that we brought you earlier which was about the verdicts that were going to come and enter the inquest 48 people who died in a nightclub fire in dublin more than 40 years ago. let's quickly to our correspondent who has been following this. we have had some verdicts come in.— had some verdicts come in. breaking news from dublin _ had some verdicts come in. breaking news from dublin coroner's - had some verdicts come in. breaking news from dublin coroner's court, i news from dublin coroner's court, the jury has returned a verdict of unlawful killing in each of the cases of the 48 who died in the tragedy. that was a fire that occurred in north dublin in the early hours of valentines morning in 1981 stop the families of those 48 victims have long campaigned for a second inquest to find out more details about how and why their loved ones died. it has been the longest running inquest in the history of the irish state but also
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the tragedy itself, the deaths of those 48 young people, the average age of the victims was just 19, was the worst fire tragedy in the history of the irish republic. band history of the irish republic. and there is the _ history of the irish republic. and there is the verdict that a lot of there is the verdict that a lot of the families had wanted? absolutely. the 'u the families had wanted? absolutely. the jury returned _ the families had wanted? absolutely. the jury returned some _ the families had wanted? absolutely. the jury returned some details - the families had wanted? absolutely. the jury returned some details about| the jury returned some details about how the fire started. the cause of the fire was an electrical fault. the jury also concluded that the foam in the seating, the height of the ceiling in the nightclub, carpet tiles on the walls, all contributed to the spread of the fire and remember also that there were over 800 young people in that nightclub. the jury also concluded that some of the fire exits were chained or obstructed and the deceased were impeded in their ability to get
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through those emergency exits. that finding will come as a cold comfort to the families of the victims but they have long campaigned for such findings to be put in the public domain. 0nce findings to be put in the public domain. once and for all in light of what was an absolute tragedy in the early hours of that valentines morning in 1981 and it is something that has remained a source of much pain and also as a deputy irish prime minister described it earlier today, the stardust tragedy has been seared into the public consciousness in the irish republic. t just seared into the public consciousness in the irish republic.— in the irish republic. i “ust saying that the families h in the irish republic. ijust saying that the families cheered - in the irish republic. ijust saying that the families cheered and - that the families cheered and applauded as the verdicts were read out. thank you very much for the latest in that case as we said that happened back on 1981 on valentine's day. the verdicts of unlawful killing coming in on the last few minutes. we will have more on that
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on the bbc news website and app. stay with us now. live from london. this is bbc news. ukraine's prime minister warns the west of the threat of a third world war if they don't help to arm his country. if ukraine will fall, so the global system of security will be destroyed at all. and all the world will need to find, and will need to be looking for, a new system of security. i'm gordon corera — i'll have the latest, as two men are arrested, in bavaria accused of spying
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and planning attacks on us military facilities in germany — to undermine aid to ukraine. our other main stories: thousands of passengers are still waiting for flights at dubai international airport — after delays caused by the heaviest rain in more than 70 years. the scottish government ditches its target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 75% by 2030. we have reaction. prince william is given get well soon cards for the princess of wales as he makes his first appearance since her cancer diagnosis. hello, i'm matthew amroliwala, welcome to verified live, 3 hours of breaking stories, and checking out the truth behind them. the german foreign ministry has summoned the russian ambassador — after arresting two men — suspected of spying and planning sabotage attacks on military sites. german prosecutors accused the men
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of plotting an explosion


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