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tv   Take Me to the Opera  BBC News  April 21, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm BST

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below standards for mp5. the prime minister says he's �*appalled' by the way police treated a jewish man during a pro—palestinian demonstration in london. the man was steered away during a protest after an officer said he appeared �*openlyjewish'. now on bbc news, zeinab badawi meets sir bryn terfel, one of the most distinguished singers of our age. i've been an opera fan for decades, and i want to share my passion with you. so i'm on a mission to find out how opera is trying to attract new audiences and reinvent itself. this time, i meet welsh bass—baritone sir bryn terfel, a giant in the opera world, both in achievements and physical stature. sir bryn terfel is an artist who's just known all around
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the world. he's sung all the great opera roles. when he's on the stage, you cannot take your eyes off him. bryn has so many. fans who follow him, both physically and emotionally, around the world. _ bryn sings he's taking us behind the scenes, not only at london's royal opera house, where he's a regular star performer, but right back to where it all started, here in his native wales at the welsh national opera in cardiff. bryn terfel is a passionate advocate of music and culture, and nurturing the next generation of talent. for any welsh singer, bryn's a massive inspiration, and he's still at the top of his game. what sir bryn terfel�*s long and stellar career tells us about how to make opera fit for the future. let me take you to the opera.
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# bizzarra e in ver la scena # verra il buon vecchio, il buon vecchio...# sir bryn terfel has all the magic ingredients it takes to become a world—class opera star — incredible stage presence, amazing acting range from dramatic to comic and, of course, a rich bass—baritone voice that enthrals audiences wherever he performs. # sul maschio pie # sulfusto saldo...# i'm invited backstage ahead of bryn�*s performance in the barber of seville, a comic masterpiece by the 19th—century italian composer rossini. # la calunnia # e un venticello...# before getting into costume, bryn warms up his voice. # qualche favola che al pubblico # lo metta in mala vista # che comparir lo faccia... # leggermente, dolcemente...#
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hello! hello. we need you for make—up call. do you — now? yes. as if i'm not already fat enough, eh? he plays don basilio, a music teacher whose sole interest is in lining his own pockets. # ee—ee—ee—ee—ee—ee.# hello, sir bryn terfel. are you here for a singing lesson? i wish. you know, i admire people like you who can sing, but ijust can't sing myself. i can sing, but i can't teach singing... zeinab chuckles i'm glad you said no. that's good. well, excellent. excellent. so, here you are in the barber of seville. yes. and this is very much a comic role for you. yeah. imean... first of all, do you like all the getting into costume and being made up and all the rest of it? it's a crescendo. in rehearsal process, you have the rehearsals in the rooms, then you go onto the stage, then you have your costume fittings,
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and all of a sudden you're in your costume and you're in your make—up and you are portraying a character. so that's when the fun really does begin. do you ever get nervous? i think we have... well, i certainly think i have a nervousness that takes me to a certain limit that will not hamper anything that i have to do on the stage. so the adrenaline is a good adrenaline, and it's a good nervousness. you know, we're all warming up in our dressing rooms and excited to go on the stage, really. and is there anything that can beat performing in a live opera in costume for you? well, funny enough, you can see my palette for the next week. i've got gianni schicchi, which i'm singing in liverpool in a couple of days. by puccini. this is tonight's, of course. and then i've got an album of sea shanties coming along. we'll be recording that wales. in wales. just outside cardiff. really looking forward to that. can i come along and listen to you do that?
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of course you could! yeah, yeah. oh, thank you! he speaks in welsh gweld chi yng nghymru. bryn chuckles oh, what does that mean? i'll see you in wales. 0k, great. see you in wales. # nell�*orecchie della gente # s'introduce s�*introduce destramente # e le teste ed i cervelli e le teste ed i cervelli # fa stordire...# byrn�*s musical education at the guildhall school of music brought him to london for the first time. he won a coveted place there in 1984, and in his last year, he was awarded the school's top music prize — the gold medal. bryn vocalises hello, bryn. i made it to wales. croeso i gymru! come on! say croeso i gymru. croeso i gymru. hello, chaps. thank you so much. thank you for... terrific to be here.
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we're in the middle of recording an album full of sea shanties. mm—hm! so, we're going to rehearse and record today one of wales�*s most famous tunes, fflat huw puw. mm—hm. most probably we'll do a little bit of drunken sailor, as well. oh, that will be a bit of fun. # what shall we do with the drunken sailor? # early in the mornin�* with the drunken sailor? # way hay and up she rises with the drunken sailor? # early in the mornin�*...# with the drunken sailor? it is fantastic. with the drunken sailor? and what's the welsh song about? with the drunken sailor? fflat huw puw? with the drunken sailor? it's all about this wonderful ship that he's been cleaning and is making it look like his best parlour, and he's off to travel the world. but of course, he wants to come back home, as well. oh, but of course, to beautiful wales.
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like the character he's singing about, bryn travels around the world. # al capestro # l'altra fra le...# he's used to the dazzling glamour of top opera houses and the bright lights of the stage. but he prefers to live in the quiet of the welsh countryside. bryn grew up in rural north wales, where his father was a farmer, and his mother a special needs teacher who used music therapy in her work. so it was a musical household. my grandfather, my great—grandfather,
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they all had the love of singing. and, yes, my parents have great voices that are most probably guided towards being a part of a choir. my mum's in a female choir. my dad's in a male voice choir. so there was constant learning going on in the kitchen, words on the cabinets. a little bit of rivalry, as well, which is quite healthy. # i am dreaming of the mountains...# and there's still plenty of music for bryn at home. his wife is hannah stone, the renowned welsh harpist. # where in childhood iwould roam...# when i met her, she was the royal harpist for prince charles, which was, of course, something that queen victoria had. and this position was held for four years. so i had seen hannah play and i invited her for my christmas programme, and that's when we met. i guess it was love
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at first accompaniment. is it very special performing with her? zeinab, i don't have to tell you, i've sang with the harp since i was a young lad, so it's magnificent to have two musicians in the house. and i'm always intrigued by how these harpists can play that instrument of 47 strings and 7 pedals. it's dedication, hard work. and the hard work that she...sees does translate into me wanting to work harder, as well. # es weiss und rat es doch keiner # wie mir so wohl ist so wohl...# it was his beloved wales that set bryn onto the path of global success. in 1989, he won the song prize in the bbc cardiff singer of the world contest. applause but i was really nervous in that competition. and within the days of competing, as well, i was doing an opera as a student
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in the guildhall school of music and drama. so it was maybe an insight into how one's career would develop in the future. but, yeah, undoubtedly cardiff singer of the world gave you those steps up the ladder much quicker than expected. and it was with the welsh national opera that bryn made his professional operatic debut in cosi fan tutte by mozart. this is a knock—about opera that owes as much to the pantomime tradition as it does to opera. aidan lang, currently the welsh national opera's general director, oversaw that performance more than 30 years ago. to entrust someone who was barely out of college with a title role at wno was... ..not a risk, but it was an adventure for the company to take. we saw him at cardiff singer of world, and that's on an international platform. and being the welsh national opera,
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it seemed too good an opportunity to pass up. i worked with the highly eminent conductor sir charles mackerras, who's world—famous for his work in mozart. and after about a minute of his singing, charles leant over to me and said, "i don't think we're going to have "any problems with this," he said. and we knew. the rest is history, really. though, before bryn made it onto the stage for the wno, he was thrown out. just before he did his first professional engagement | with us singing in cosi fan tutte, he came in with a pal to watch i some of his pal's rehearsals. i didn't know who he was, . and all of our rehearsals are closed, and nobody who isn't within the company at the time is allowed. so i politely asked him to leave. it's caused a few giggles, subsequently, however. i bryn has got such wonderful humanity and humility. - i go back to that all the time. they're his calling cards, i
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if you like, in his persona. # gemma e gemma la pompa del tuo...# it was the welsh national opera that launched bryn's career and catapulted him onto the world stage. it was here in cardiff that he first performed one of his most iconic roles — that of falstaff, the opera by verdi, based on the shakespearean comic character. you can see that he wore a fat suit underneath... oh, gosh. can i touch it? yeah. ..which is... oh, my. ..padded with wadding, and it's got netting to create all the sorts of leg and varying areas to build him up as a bigger man than he already is. but i mean, that looks terrifically hot, and you're under all those lights and singing. you had to pat his brow down and make sure all was well whilst we did the change. five minutes' worth of four people helping him as we go. like a pit stop, everybody did their task, and then got him all dressed up to get back onstage.
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i mean, it really is very convincing, isn't it? judith chuckles gosh. i shall close this up and protect his modesty. what is it about the welsh and singing? i mean, you produce a nation of singers, it seems. what is it? mountains. the fresh sea air. the language, zaineb, is very important. we have seven vowels in welsh, a, e, i, 0, u, w, y.
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the hymns of wales... people love to sing. it's the air that we breathe. the welsh tradition of eisteddfods, singing and recital competitions that take place across the country, encourage a love of singing from an early age. children's singing overlaps among sir bryn's many charitable initiatives is a scholarship to develop the most promising young performers who come up through these competitions. it's something that was an important part of bryn's own success. any given village in wales can have an eisteddfod every weekend. so, my poor parents paid a lot of petrol to drive me, you know, north, south, east and west to compete. but they knew they saw something in their son, in their child. they saw the passion that he had. he loved singing. so, i think that drove them to encourage the singing that i had within me. so the eisteddfod is that wonderful shop window.
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i've come to llangadog, a village just outside swansea, where the local eisteddfod attracts young singers from the area as well as from all across wales. he sings in welsh i like performing in eisteddfods because i really like music and my ambition is to go to the sydney opera house when i'm older. he sings in welsh this is where it all starts for us welsh singers, . we start in the local eisteddfods. - this is where we learn the,
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sort of, the craft. - and when we go to london to study, or to the conservatoires, _ you can see the difference between welsh singers. . they've just got some sort of, i guess, confidence. - he sings in welsh so watching you judging these voices, what do you look for in a voice? well, i think for me it is the tone quality, and how the vowel sounds that they create is one of the most key things for me, is how the voice, sort of, resonates, and also the way that the voice works with text. i think that's really, really important. and of course, that's what bryn terfel is fantastic at doing, as well. now, you know sir bryn terfel. just describe his voice for us with your musical knowledge. what makes it so great?
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i think the resonance of that voice, and because he has such a large frame, i think that... it's like a beautiful double bass, isn't it? and then the sound that he generates is quite, quite incredible, but also — the control that he has on his voice. he can sing the most delicate pianissimo, as well. so, it's quite a unique voice, and he's very special. some of these young people are hoping they can achieve the fame and acclaim that sir bryn enjoys. however, he says success can also come at a cost. i've had injuries on the stage — my back has been a constant problem, especially with raked stages. so i've had to cancel some operas, and i've had some difficult patches with people talking about "should i have done this "or should i have not?" and people don't know the exact whole story of certain things that happen to you. it is water off a duck�*s back, but maybe it's that given swan
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on that lake, as well, paddling like mad. i mean, you cope very well with pressure because it is a very pressured world... yeah. ..performing at your level. one very famous mezzo from america called me a mack truck once. it was one of these big trucks, you know, that can carry anything. that ploughs through everything, any challenge put on your plate. i thought she was pretty correct in her description. # wo ist brunnhild', wo die verbrecherin?# during bryn's illustrious career, he has tackled roles from across the operatic spectrum, like wotan, king of the gods in wagner's epic ring cycle. # wie ihren wert von sich sie warf!#
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but, as much as sir bryn loves performing in the big opera houses, he's also passionate about reaching new audiences in concert halls. he's sung all the great opera roles, and also music theatre. but, to come and sing in a concert hall like the royal festival hall, well, that really is a special occasion, because you're somehow up close with this enormous musical presence. # ..behalten, doch auch nicht vergessen # und fass ich es ganz # kann ich�*s nicht messen! # doch wie soll ich auch fassen...# music: god save the king
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bryn's status as a national icon means he was personally chosen by king charles to perform at his coronation. cheering bryn terfel�*s towering presence and booming voice is also effective offstage. he's a big champion of the arts and relishes bringing music to the public. i think we're in a time when lots of cultural institutions and classical music itself, perhaps, is being called into question. what's the value of it? is it too elitist? and a figure like bryn is what we need — somebody who symbolises, really, the power of communication and music. it's about showing people how important music is in all of our lives. he embodies that, and that is the most powerful advocacy he can perform for music. singing continues everything he does conveys that love of singing, and it's completely infectious. and the fact that he is passing that on to young singers makes total
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sense to me because it's an absolutely compelling vision of how to live a musical life. do you think we're getting younger audiences in to opera houses? definitely. undoubtedly. and these are the people that you see, after giving performances, in the stage door. we saw in the run of the barber of seville, we had the royal opera house in covent garden. you could see it. my first opera, i loved it. i thought it was really captivating. i think more young people should see operas. - i think it's a great experience. as well as being unbelievably gifted in both the musical and acting categories, he really exemplifies how fun it would be to sing at his level. yes, there is an interest there. they're hungry for entertainment and it's wonderful to be a part of that as well. # wer meines speeres # spitze furchtet
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# durchschreite # das feuer nie!# applause bryn terfel is a welsh icon and a rare talent who cares not only about his own success, but also the future of opera — an art form which has brought him national as well as global recognition. and i'm really glad he's so optimistic about its enduring appeal.
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hello there. let's take a brief look now at the weather for the week ahead. april sunshine of course has a little bit more kick to it. so in the best of that, at this time of year, it doesn't feel too unpleasant. it will always be brightest and warmest out towards western spots of the uk as we head through the coming week. but some really cold air for most of us for this time of year and it's going to continue to feel chilly until we get to the end of the week with some frosty nights, but at least there will be a lot of dry weather around — high pressure largely dominant. it's been centred across the uk through the weekend, starting to pull its way further northwards and westwards. and this is the position of the jet
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stream just dragging that colder air down from the north around the area of high pressure, some chilly north—easterly wind still blowing towards north sea facing coasts. and it's still a cold start to the day across east anglia and south—east england as we go through monday morning. a warm front is pushing this cloud further southwards and eastwards. so with the cloud over top in the colder air, it's always going to feel chilly and damp for many. and there'll be further outbreaks of rain across the midlands, down into eastern wales and central southern england through the day, but further north and west then, it's quite a murky start for coats and hills, but some sunny spells for scotland i6 celsius, maybe for the central belt, a little cooler than on sunday across northern ireland, there will be more cloud here. behind our warm front comes a cold front that's going to be sinking southwards as we head through the day on tuesday. so it's a chilly start in the north, a milder start underneath the cloud further south. we still got that cold northerly wind,
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particularly for north sea facing coast, always more cloud and chillier conditions here, brighter, further west. and this is where we'll tend to see some higher temperatures. it won't feel too bad in the best of the sunshine. it's quite a quiet day of weather on tuesday. some rain for east anglia, but generally speaking, a lot of dry weather around as well. but we'll start to see an area of low pressure develop as we head through wednesday. and this could bring some more showery conditions, particularly across eastern coastal areas. and we've still got that chilly northerly wind blowing here as well. so it always cloudier here, always a little brighter further always a little brighter further west. temperatures again, really quite low for the time of year, but lots of dry weather around underneath the cloud, though it will be feeling rather chilly and damp still. and then we've got a more dominant area of low pressure starting to develop as we head through thursday. that's going to be rolling in from the south and the west. so we'll also see some showers get going here. meanwhile, our other systems still producing some showers across northern and eastern areas of scotland, perhaps into north—east england and some of those showers could turn out to be a bit wintry over the tops of the scottish hills as well. it's still feeling rather chilly on thursday. there will be some brighter skies
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here and there at times, but our low pressure feature out towards the south—west is going to start to allow these weather fronts to roll in as we head through friday and indeed into the weekend as well. they'll help to scoop up some milder feeling air. it's a rather messy picture on friday. more showers, certainly, some brighter skies at times, but still a lot of uncertainty to come in the forecast as we head into the weekend. but what we do think is that these low pressure systems will roll further northwards as we head through into next weekend, just bringing that milder feeling air our way. so temperatures will rise, but it's going to be unsettled, wet and windy at times. here's the temperature outlook for our capital cities as we head through the weekend and into the start of next week. so temperatures starting to rise in london to around 17 degrees celsius, back much closer to the seasonal average elsewhere. bye— bye.
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live from london, this is bbc news. president zelensky says a new $61 billion us aid package will give ukraine a chance of victory in its war against russia. translation: i think this support | will really strengthen the armed | forces of ukraine. israel's latest air strikes on rafah in southern gaza have reportedly killed at least 11! children. more than a million displaced people are sheltering in the area. british mp mark menzies quits the conservative party and will stand down at the next general election after claims he misused party funds. the prime minister says he's appalled by the way police in london treated a jewish man during a pro—palestinian march. the man was steered away
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during a protest after an officer said he appeared "openlyjewish." # stop right now, thank you...# and friendship never ends — the spice girls get back together to celebrate victoria beckham's 50th birthday. david beckham shared the moment on instagram. hello, i'm lukwesa burak. us officials say the next delivery of american military aid for ukraine could arrive within a week. after a delay of six months, the house of representatives finally approved the multi—billion dollar package last night. america already provides the bulk of international support for kyiv, having spent more than $74 billion in the first two years of the war. the new package is worth $61 billion, including money to replenish stocks of us armaments and $14 billion will pay
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for advanced weapons and defence systems.


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