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tv   Verified Live  BBC News  April 23, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm BST

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and that is produce more quickly, and that is white this investment is notjust good for our security, it is good for british jobs at home and across the union as well. let's turn to khan sky. g the union as well. let's turn to khan sky-— the union as well. let's turn to khan sky. a question few both, lease. khan sky. a question few both, please- you — khan sky. a question few both, please. you talk _ khan sky. a question few both, please. you talk about - khan sky. a question few both, please. you talk about europe | khan sky. a question few both, - please. you talk about europe being at a turning — please. you talk about europe being at a turning point— please. you talk about europe being at a turning point and _ please. you talk about europe being at a turning point and the _ please. you talk about europe being at a turning point and the spending. at a turning point and the spending putting _ at a turning point and the spending putting the — at a turning point and the spending putting the uk_ at a turning point and the spending putting the uk on_ at a turning point and the spending putting the uk on a _ at a turning point and the spending putting the uk on a war— at a turning point and the spending putting the uk on a war footing, i putting the uk on a war footing, have _ putting the uk on a war footing, have we — putting the uk on a war footing, have we entered _ putting the uk on a war footing, have we entered a _ putting the uk on a war footing, have we entered a pre—war- putting the uk on a war footing, have we entered a pre—war era? putting the uk on a war footing, - have we entered a pre—war era? you talk about— have we entered a pre—war era? you talk about the — have we entered a pre—war era? you talk about the axis _ have we entered a pre—war era? you talk about the axis of— have we entered a pre—war era? you talk about the axis of authoritarian . talk about the axis of authoritarian states _ talk about the axis of authoritarian states working _ talk about the axis of authoritarian states working together, - talk about the axis of authoritarian states working together, we - talk about the axis of authoritarian states working together, we have i states working together, we have known _ states working together, we have known about _ states working together, we have known about their _ states working together, we have known about their hostility, - states working together, we have known about their hostility, it - states working together, we have i known about their hostility, it has something — known about their hostility, it has something changed _ known about their hostility, it has something changed suddenly- known about their hostility, it has something changed suddenly that known about their hostility, it has . something changed suddenly that is especially— something changed suddenly that is especially concerning _ something changed suddenly that is especially concerning you? - something changed suddenly that is especially concerning you?- especially concerning you? thanks for those questions. _ especially concerning you? thanks for those questions. people - especially concerning you? thanks for those questions. people will. for those questions. people will call this different words and i quoted churchill earlier, but we have to recognise that the world is in a more dangerous place than it has been since the end of the cold war, and this is not something new,
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our integrated review anticipated this and talked about the increasing competition from state —based threats and identified these things, but as i said, what is new is the pace and intensity of where we aren't seeing these threats emerge, and i commend to everyone the chatham house speech which talked about this as well —— where we are seeing these threats. asjens stoltenberg highlighted, the interconnectedness when you have state supporting each other and working together, that is what we have to recognise has changed. that is why it is important we make the investment and make it now and i believe it is the right thing to do. what was your second question? inaudible that is the main thing, but the one thing i would point out, because we have been talking a lot about it, we
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should approach the question from a position of strength and confidence. ukraine is a good example of that. if you think back a couple of years, and i'm sure this would be echoed by jens, special operation undertook by russia was meant to be over in a couple of weeks, everyone was meant to go home after ukraine was subjugated, but if you take a step back, vladimir putin has absolutely failed in all of his big strategic objectives, and you can see that in a lot of different ways. half the land that russia initially took has been recaptured by the ukrainians, incredible bravery, and if you look at what is happening to russian armoured vehicles, they have had thousands and thousands that have been lost, which will take them years to recover that capability. if you look at what is happening in the black sea most recently, this is a country that did not have a functioning navy properly which has
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taken up 25% of vessels in the black sea and now is exporting more grain through the black sea than it did through the black sea than it did through the black sea than it did through the black sea grain initiative and pretty much back to prewar levels. and more strategically, asjens can speak to, the allies are united and defence spending is growing and nato has a couple of new members, so russia has not succeeded on any of these measures, it has been a huge strategic failure for russia. there is talk about the geography and the territorial gains, but to put this in context, to places that russia just made some progress in geographically, yes, but to give you a sense of scale, one is the size of basildon and one is about the size of eastbourne. so that is the sum total of the russian gains over the
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past nine months of fighting and that has come at a cost of tens of thousands of injuries or russian soldiers who have lost their lives. so yes, there are more threats and we should approach the situation from a position of strength and confidence because we have been making the right investments and nato is strong and the alliance is strong and people are doing the right thing and so on those objectives russia has not succeeded but we cannot be complacent and that is why we have made the announcement today. in is why we have made the announcement toda . , ., , ., today. in terms of the prewar eriod, today. in terms of the prewar period. well. _ today. in terms of the prewar period, well, we _ today. in terms of the prewar period, well, we live - period, well, we live in a more dangerous world, and we see that russia _ dangerous world, and we see that russia is— dangerous world, and we see that russia is willing to use military force _ russia is willing to use military force against their neighbour ukraine _ force against their neighbour ukraine to achieve their goals and at the _ ukraine to achieve their goals and at the same time it we need to rememher— at the same time it we need to remember that nato has won a core purpose. _ remember that nato has won a core purpose. to— remember that nato has won a core purpose, to prevent war and preserve peace, _ purpose, to prevent war and preserve peace, and _ purpose, to prevent war and preserve peace, and that is why nato was established and why we exist, and
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nato has _ established and why we exist, and nato has successfully been able to prevent _ nato has successfully been able to prevent any armed attack against any nato aliv— prevent any armed attack against any nato ally over 75 years, even in the most _ nato ally over 75 years, even in the most difficult period of the cold war, _ most difficult period of the cold war. we — most difficult period of the cold war, we preserved peace. ouraim is to continue _ war, we preserved peace. ouraim is to continue to — war, we preserved peace. ouraim is to continue to do so and i'm confident— to continue to do so and i'm confident that we will be able to do that as _ confident that we will be able to do that as long as we stand together, north— that as long as we stand together, north america and europe, we have allies— north america and europe, we have atties tike _ north america and europe, we have allies like the uk which is now investing _ allies like the uk which is now investing more and taking this seriousty~ _ investing more and taking this seriously. so that applies to authoritarian powers who are becoming more closely aligned, and because _ becoming more closely aligned, and because we take that seriously which was why— because we take that seriously which was why we — because we take that seriously which was why we address in nato and why we are _ was why we address in nato and why we are investing more but again, 'ust we are investing more but again, just a _ we are investing more but again, just a nato— we are investing more but again, just a nato allies, we are 50% of the military power in the world, the strongest _ the military power in the world, the strongest military power in the world — strongest military power in the world and if you then add our partners. _ world and if you then add our partners, japan and south korea, which _ partners, japan and south korea, which i _ partners, japan and south korea, which i very— partners, japan and south korea, which i very much with us in addressing these challenges, we are
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safe, as _ addressing these challenges, we are safe, as long as we stand together -- which _ safe, as long as we stand together -- which are — safe, as long as we stand together —— which are very much with us. what i —— which are very much with us. what i can— —— which are very much with us. what i can tell— —— which are very much with us. what i can tell you — —— which are very much with us. what i can tell you is— —— which are very much with us. what i can tell you is that if we stand together— i can tell you is that if we stand together we will be able to protect and preserve peace for nato allies. i am and preserve peace for nato allies. i am up _ and preserve peace for nato allies. i am up against the clock a bit so i will try to go through a couple more. now we have gb news. secretary—general, you said that we cannot— secretary—general, you said that we cannot expect — secretary—general, you said that we cannot expect america _ secretary—general, you said that we cannot expect america to _ secretary—general, you said that we cannot expect america to always - secretary—general, you said that we i cannot expect america to always hear the burden— cannot expect america to always hear the burden and— cannot expect america to always hear the burden and pay— cannot expect america to always hear the burden and pay up, _ cannot expect america to always hear the burden and pay up, and _ cannot expect america to always hear the burden and pay up, and althoughl the burden and pay up, and although donald _ the burden and pay up, and although donald trunrb — the burden and pay up, and although donald trump but _ the burden and pay up, and although donald trump put it— the burden and pay up, and although donald trump put it very _ the burden and pay up, and although donald trump put it very bluntly, - the burden and pay up, and although donald trump put it very bluntly, he | donald trump put it very bluntly, he is right— donald trump put it very bluntly, he is right that — donald trump put it very bluntly, he is right that poland _ donald trump put it very bluntly, he is right that poland is— donald trump put it very bluntly, he is right that poland is paying - donald trump put it very bluntly, he is right that poland is paying their. is right that poland is paying their way and _ is right that poland is paying their way and the — is right that poland is paying their wayand the uk_ is right that poland is paying their way and the uk is _ is right that poland is paying their way and the uk is but _ is right that poland is paying their way and the uk is but there - is right that poland is paying their way and the uk is but there are l is right that poland is paying their- way and the uk is but there are many members— way and the uk is but there are many members of— way and the uk is but there are many members of nato _ way and the uk is but there are many members of nato not _ way and the uk is but there are many members of nato not paying - way and the uk is but there are many members of nato not paying the - way and the uk is but there are many members of nato not paying the 2%, | members of nato not paying the 2%, so how _ members of nato not paying the 2%, so how do— members of nato not paying the 2%, so how do you — members of nato not paying the 2%, so how do you get _ members of nato not paying the 2%, so how do you get them _ members of nato not paying the 2%, so how do you get them actually - members of nato not paying the 2%, so how do you get them actually to l so how do you get them actually to pay their— so how do you get them actually to pay their fair— so how do you get them actually to pay theirfair share? _ so how do you get them actually to pay their fair share? and _ so how do you get them actually to pay their fair share? and also, - pay their fair share? and also, prime — pay their fair share? and also, prime minister, _ pay their fair share? and also, prime minister, a _ pay their fair share? and also, prime minister, a lot- pay their fair share? and also, prime minister, a lot of- pay their fair share? and also, prime minister, a lot of bravel prime minister, a lot of brave service — prime minister, a lot of brave service men— prime minister, a lot of brave service men and _ prime minister, a lot of brave service men and women - prime minister, a lot of brave service men and women here| prime minister, a lot of brave - service men and women here today, but there _ service men and women here today, but there is— service men and women here today, but there is a — service men and women here today, but there is a crisis _ service men and women here today, but there is a crisis in _ service men and women here today, but there is a crisis in recruitment. but there is a crisis in recruitment of the _ but there is a crisis in recruitment of the military, _ but there is a crisis in recruitment of the military, so _ but there is a crisis in recruitment of the military, so how— but there is a crisis in recruitment of the military, so how do - but there is a crisis in recruitment of the military, so how do you - but there is a crisis in recruitmentl of the military, so how do you that and how— of the military, so how do you that and how you — of the military, so how do you that and how you encourage _
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of the military, so how do you that and how you encourage people - of the military, so how do you that and how you encourage people toi and how you encourage people to realise _ and how you encourage people to realise that — and how you encourage people to realise that this _ and how you encourage people to realise that this is _ and how you encourage people to realise that this is a _ and how you encourage people to realise that this is a career- and how you encourage people to realise that this is a career worth| realise that this is a career worth having? — realise that this is a career worth havin: ? , ., ., , ., realise that this is a career worth havinu? , ., ., , ., ,, having? first of all, several us presidents _ having? first of all, several us presidents have _ having? first of all, several us presidents have called - having? first of all, several us presidents have called for- having? first of all, several us| presidents have called for more defence — presidents have called for more defence spending from nato allies in europe _ defence spending from nato allies in europe and canada, and we had a call from john— europe and canada, and we had a call from john kennedy asking european allies to _ from john kennedy asking european allies to pay more and it was president _ allies to pay more and it was president biden at the cardiff summit, _ president biden at the cardiff summit, that is when we agreed to spend _ summit, that is when we agreed to spend more — summit, that is when we agreed to spend more as allies together at that summit, and president trump also expressed is very strongly to nato _ also expressed is very strongly to nato allies as president biden has done, _ nato allies as president biden has done, so — nato allies as president biden has done, so this has been a consistent us message, and a uk message that allies us message, and a uk message that atties were _ us message, and a uk message that allies were spending less than 2%, that they— allies were spending less than 2%, that they should be spending more, and the _ that they should be spending more, and the good news is that we have had a _ and the good news is that we have had a significant increase. i will give _ had a significant increase. i will give you — had a significant increase. i will give you final numbers injuly ahead of the _ give you final numbers injuly ahead of the nato — give you final numbers injuly ahead of the nato summit but i expect it will be _ of the nato summit but i expect it will be two thirds of allies who
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will be two thirds of allies who will be — will be two thirds of allies who will be at _ will be two thirds of allies who will be at 2% which is not all of them _ will be at 2% which is not all of them but — will be at 2% which is not all of them but significantly better than 'ust them but significantly better than just a _ them but significantly better than just a few years ago. i expect all allies— just a few years ago. i expect all atties who — just a few years ago. i expect all allies who are not at 2%, first of allies who are not at 2%, first of all they— allies who are not at 2%, first of all they have moved closer to it, and every — all they have moved closer to it, and every ally has increased, and expect— and every ally has increased, and expect that those allies who are not at 2% _ expect that those allies who are not at 2% will _ expect that those allies who are not at 2% will have clear plans in place to be _ at 2% will have clear plans in place to be there — at 2% will have clear plans in place to be there very soon. therefore, we have a _ to be there very soon. therefore, we have a much— to be there very soon. therefore, we have a much fairer burden sharer amongst — have a much fairer burden sharer amongst the allies injust have a much fairer burden sharer amongst the allies in just a few years— amongst the allies in just a few years ago _ amongst the allies in just a few years ago. —— burden sharing. the amongst the allies in just a few years ago. -- burden sharing. the uk is doinu years ago. -- burden sharing. the uk is doing its— years ago. -- burden sharing. the uk is doing its part _ years ago. -- burden sharing. the uk is doing its part and _ years ago. -- burden sharing. the uk is doing its part and it _ years ago. -- burden sharing. the uk is doing its part and it is _ years ago. -- burden sharing. the uk is doing its part and it is right - is doing its part and it is right that we demonstrate to our american friends that we are prepared to make the sacrifices and invest in our own security, as we did in 2014 we have stepped up and lead by example to help galvanise others to do the same and make sure continued american support for our security as well. i'm very privileged, my constituency is in north yorkshire and i have a great privilege of representing a
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garrison which is our largest army base, and also raf leeming, and i have at the enormous privilege of representing everyone here and maybe some of you, and i have the enormous privilege of representing all of the armed forces in my currentjob, we are very lucky, everywhere i go i hear nothing but praise for the professionalism of the armed forces. they are the people that everyone wants to work with and they are very excited when they are on joint exercises with all of you, which i'm sure jens exercises with all of you, which i'm surejens will exercises with all of you, which i'm sure jens will attest to with all our nato partners. i spent the night on one of our for our nato partners. i spent the night on one of ourfor it our nato partners. i spent the night on one of our for it destroys some time ago and they had just been on a nato exercise —— frigate destroyers. everyone was talking positively about what was brought to the table but it is important that we continue to support you, because yes, it's about pay and making sure that you
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are paid properly but making sure that the accommodation that you and your families live in that the accommodation that you and yourfamilies live in is fit that the accommodation that you and your families live in is fit for standard and i acknowledge that has not always been the case and i'm sorry about that and we know the reasons why that is but what i can assure you is that myself and the chancellor are determined to put that right and i'm pleased we are investing something like £4 billion over the next decade to improve accommodation back home and around the world and i think we are currently at about 97% of accommodation which meets the standard that we would expect but of course we need to get 200% and that is what we are doing and we are making sure we get the other support to people so we retain staff, we have the review which we are in the process of responding to, which i have lots of particle suggestions about, but what i am pleased about, in january, about, but what i am pleased about, injanuary, the last about, but what i am pleased about, in january, the last set about, but what i am pleased about, injanuary, the last set of numbers we have had, we have the highest number of applications to join the
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army and about six years so hopefully the things we are doing our right and we need to make sure we give you the support you need because we are lucky to have your service. the other week i was hosting an event for veterans and it is important that the uk is the best country in the world to be a vector in it's notjust supporting you while you are in service but when you leave, as well —— the best country in the world to be a veteran and it is notjust supporting it. often we talk about the support that often we talk about the support that veterans need whether it is with mental health, physical health, housing, and johnny mercer and myself were there and we announced a new programme on making companies realise that the best business decision that they can make is to hire one of you when you leave the armed forces because you bring an incredible amount of skills and resilience and experience to bear and we need to make sure the national asset is recognised by all of our companies and that we can support you into fantastic arrears if you choose to leave the forces at
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some point. —— fantastic arrears. i care about this and i have seen this first—hand as an mp for many years in the military area so it is an enormous privilege to be your prime minister and i'm determined to make sure you get the support you need from us. very briefly, and then we will have to wrap up. first we have the sun newspaper. fin will have to wrap up. first we have the sun newspaper.— the sun newspaper. on your announcement _ the sun newspaper. on your announcement today, - the sun newspaper. on your announcement today, whatl the sun newspaper. on your l announcement today, what do the sun newspaper. on your - announcement today, what do you say to those _ announcement today, what do you say to those who _ announcement today, what do you say to those who are — announcement today, what do you say to those who are resisting _ announcement today, what do you say to those who are resisting calls - announcement today, what do you say to those who are resisting calls to - to those who are resisting calls to the 2%_ to those who are resisting calls to the 2% ptedge _ to those who are resisting calls to the 2% pledge and _ to those who are resisting calls to the 2% pledge and will— to those who are resisting calls to the 2% pledge and will now- to those who are resisting calls to the 2% pledge and will now thinkl the 2% pledge and will now think that you — the 2% pledge and will now think that you are _ the 2% pledge and will now think that you are doing _ the 2% pledge and will now think that you are doing this _ the 2% pledge and will now think that you are doing this in- the 2% pledge and will now think that you are doing this in an - that you are doing this in an election— that you are doing this in an election year— that you are doing this in an election year and _ that you are doing this in an election year and do - that you are doing this in an election year and do you - that you are doing this in an| election year and do you and that you are doing this in an - election year and do you and the secretary—general, _ election year and do you and the secretary—general, reports- election year and do you and the secretary—general, reports that i secretary—general, reports that germany — secretary—general, reports that germany is _ secretary—general, reports that germany is not _ secretary—general, reports that germany is not happy— secretary—general, reports that germany is not happy with - secretary—general, reports that germany is not happy with the i secretary—general, reports that - germany is not happy with the level of defence — germany is not happy with the level of defence spending _ germany is not happy with the level of defence spending by _ germany is not happy with the level of defence spending by the - germany is not happy with the level of defence spending by the uk, - germany is not happy with the level of defence spending by the uk, so i of defence spending by the uk, so is that a _ of defence spending by the uk, so is that a fair— of defence spending by the uk, so is that a fair criticism _ of defence spending by the uk, so is that a fair criticism from _ of defence spending by the uk, so is that a fair criticism from a _ of defence spending by the uk, so is that a fair criticism from a country. that a fair criticism from a country which _ that a fair criticism from a country which had — that a fair criticism from a country which had been _ that a fair criticism from a country which had been slacking - that a fair criticism from a country which had been slacking in - that a fair criticism from a country which had been slacking in its - that a fair criticism from a countryl which had been slacking in its nato commitments— which had been slacking in its nato commitments until— which had been slacking in its nato commitments until recently? - which had been slacking in its nato commitments until recently? i'm . commitments until recently? i'm looking _ commitments until recently? i'm looking forward _
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commitments until recently? i'm looking forward to _ commitments until recently? i'm looking forward to seeing - commitments until recently? i'm looking forward to seeing olaf. looking forward to seeing 0laf schotz— looking forward to seeing 0laf scholz tomorrow. _ looking forward to seeing 0laf scholz tomorrow. germany i looking forward to seeing 0laf| scholz tomorrow. germany and looking forward to seeing 0laf - scholz tomorrow. germany and the uk are the _ scholz tomorrow. germany and the uk are the largest — scholz tomorrow. germany and the uk are the largest defence _ scholz tomorrow. germany and the uk are the largest defence spenders- scholz tomorrow. germany and the uk are the largest defence spenders in. are the largest defence spenders in europe, _ are the largest defence spenders in europe, the — are the largest defence spenders in europe, the countries— are the largest defence spenders in europe, the countries which - are the largest defence spenders in europe, the countries which have . europe, the countries which have been _ europe, the countries which have been at _ europe, the countries which have been at the — europe, the countries which have been at the forefront _ europe, the countries which have been at the forefront of - europe, the countries which havej been at the forefront of providing support— been at the forefront of providing support ukraine _ been at the forefront of providing support ukraine and _ been at the forefront of providing support ukraine and i'm - been at the forefront of providing | support ukraine and i'm confident that we'll— support ukraine and i'm confident that we'll continue _ support ukraine and i'm confident that we'll continue and _ support ukraine and i'm confident that we'll continue and we - support ukraine and i'm confident that we'll continue and we are - support ukraine and i'm confident that we'll continue and we are in. that we'll continue and we are in the process— that we'll continue and we are in the process of— that we'll continue and we are in the process of strengthening - that we'll continue and we are inj the process of strengthening our defence — the process of strengthening our defence and _ the process of strengthening our defence and security— the process of strengthening our defence and security with - the process of strengthening our defence and security with the . defence and security with the germans _ defence and security with the germans i'm _ defence and security with the germans i'm looking - defence and security with the germans i'm looking forward| defence and security with the . germans i'm looking forward to having — germans i'm looking forward to having good _ germans i'm looking forward to having good conversations - germans i'm looking forward to having good conversations on l germans i'm looking forward to. having good conversations on that tomorrow — having good conversations on that tomorrow and _ having good conversations on that tomorrow and there _ having good conversations on that tomorrow and there is _ having good conversations on that tomorrow and there is also - having good conversations on that tomorrow and there is also good i tomorrow and there is also good collaboration _ tomorrow and there is also good collaboration between _ tomorrow and there is also good collaboration between our - tomorrow and there is also good . collaboration between our defence industrial — collaboration between our defence industrial bases _ collaboration between our defence industrial bases which _ collaboration between our defence industrial bases which again - collaboration between our defence industrial bases which again i- collaboration between our defence industrial bases which again i will. industrial bases which again i will be speaking _ industrial bases which again i will be speaking about _ industrial bases which again i will be speaking about tomorrow. - be speaking about tomorrow. cooperation _ be speaking about tomorrow. cooperation has _ be speaking about tomorrow. cooperation has been- be speaking about tomorrow. cooperation has been very i be speaking about tomorrow. - cooperation has been very strong and i cooperation has been very strong and i play— cooperation has been very strong and i play tribute — cooperation has been very strong and i play tribute to — cooperation has been very strong and i play tribute to the _ cooperation has been very strong and i play tribute to the german - i play tribute to the german chancellor _ i play tribute to the german chancellor for _ i play tribute to the german chancellor for that - i play tribute to the german chancellor for that and - i play tribute to the german chancellor for that and the i chancellor for that and the significant _ chancellor for that and the significant increase - chancellor for that and the significant increase in- chancellor for that and the . significant increase in security chancellor for that and the - significant increase in security and investment, — significant increase in security and investment, big _ significant increase in security and investment, big change _ significant increase in security and investment, big change in - significant increase in security andj investment, big change in german policy— investment, big change in german policy and — investment, big change in german policy and he _ investment, big change in german policy and he deserves _ investment, big change in german policy and he deserves enormousl policy and he deserves enormous praise _ policy and he deserves enormous praise for— policy and he deserves enormous praise for the _ policy and he deserves enormous praise for the leadership- policy and he deserves enormous praise for the leadership shown l policy and he deserves enormous. praise for the leadership shown on that issue — praise for the leadership shown on that issue and _ praise for the leadership shown on that issue and we _ praise for the leadership shown on that issue and we have _ praise for the leadership shown on that issue and we have a _ praise for the leadership shown on that issue and we have a good - praise for the leadership shown on that issue and we have a good andj that issue and we have a good and positive _ that issue and we have a good and positive relationship. _ that issue and we have a good and positive relationship. regarding i that issue and we have a good andl positive relationship. regarding my approach. _ positive relationship. regarding my approach. you — positive relationship. regarding my approach. you talk— positive relationship. regarding my approach, you talk about _ positive relationship. regarding my approach, you talk about 2021, - positive relationship. regarding my approach, you talk about 2021, i. positive relationship. regarding myl approach, you talk about 2021, i was approach, you talk about 2021, i was a chancettor— approach, you talk about 2021, i was a chancellor who _ approach, you talk about 2021, i was a chancellor who was _ approach, you talk about 2021, i was a chancellor who was very _ approach, you talk about 2021, i was a chancellor who was very much - a chancellor who was very much looking — a chancellor who was very much looking at — a chancellor who was very much
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looking at the _ a chancellor who was very much looking at the defence - a chancellor who was very much looking at the defence budget, i a chancellor who was very much i looking at the defence budget, and at every— looking at the defence budget, and at every fiscat — looking at the defence budget, and at every fiscal event _ looking at the defence budget, and at every fiscal event we _ looking at the defence budget, and at every fiscal event we have - looking at the defence budget, and at every fiscal event we have had . at every fiscal event we have had since _ at every fiscal event we have had since i_ at every fiscal event we have had since i have — at every fiscal event we have had since i have been— at every fiscal event we have had since i have been prime - at every fiscal event we have had since i have been prime minister| at every fiscal event we have had i since i have been prime minister we have continued _ since i have been prime minister we have continued to _ since i have been prime minister we have continued to invest _ since i have been prime minister we have continued to invest more in . since i have been prime minister we| have continued to invest more in our defence. _ have continued to invest more in our defence. and — have continued to invest more in our defence, and crucially— have continued to invest more in our defence, and crucially in— have continued to invest more in our defence, and crucially in rebuilding l defence, and crucially in rebuilding stockpiles — defence, and crucially in rebuilding stockpiles and _ defence, and crucially in rebuilding stockpiles and also _ defence, and crucially in rebuilding stockpiles and also strengthening i stockpiles and also strengthening our nuclear— stockpiles and also strengthening our nuclear deterrent _ stockpiles and also strengthening our nuclear deterrent and - stockpiles and also strengthening i our nuclear deterrent and investing more _ our nuclear deterrent and investing more in _ our nuclear deterrent and investing more in that. — our nuclear deterrent and investing more in that, not— our nuclear deterrent and investing more in that, notjust _ our nuclear deterrent and investing more in that, notjust on _ our nuclear deterrent and investing more in that, not just on the - our nuclear deterrent and investing | more in that, notjust on the armed forces— more in that, notjust on the armed forces but— more in that, notjust on the armed forces but also— more in that, notjust on the armed forces but also in _ more in that, notjust on the armed forces but also in barrow— more in that, notjust on the armed forces but also in barrow to - more in that, notjust on the armed forces but also in barrow to make l forces but also in barrow to make sure that — forces but also in barrow to make sure that barrow— forces but also in barrow to make sure that barrow can _ forces but also in barrow to make sure that barrow can handle - forces but also in barrow to make sure that barrow can handle the l sure that barrow can handle the growth — sure that barrow can handle the growth that _ sure that barrow can handle the growth that we _ sure that barrow can handle the growth that we need _ sure that barrow can handle the growth that we need from - sure that barrow can handle the growth that we need from it - sure that barrow can handle the growth that we need from it in i sure that barrow can handle the . growth that we need from it in the coming _ growth that we need from it in the coming years _ growth that we need from it in the coming years and _ growth that we need from it in the coming years and decades - growth that we need from it in the coming years and decades but - growth that we need from it in the | coming years and decades but also buitding _ coming years and decades but also building partnerships— coming years and decades but also building partnerships around - coming years and decades but also building partnerships around the l building partnerships around the world. _ building partnerships around the world, whether— building partnerships around the world, whether it _ building partnerships around the world, whether it is— building partnerships around the world, whether it is building - world, whether it is building fighter— world, whether it is building fighteriets. _ world, whether it is building fighterjets, or— world, whether it is building fighterjets, or the - world, whether it is building fighterjets, or the truly- world, whether it is building - fighterjets, or the truly historic agreement— fighterjets, or the truly historic agreement that _ fighterjets, or the truly historic agreement that is _ fighterjets, or the truly historic agreement that is aukaus - fighterjets, or the truly historic agreement that is aukaus to - fighterjets, or the truly historic . agreement that is aukaus to build the most — agreement that is aukaus to build the most advanced _ agreement that is aukaus to build the most advanced nuclear- agreement that is aukaus to build - the most advanced nuclear submarines the most advanced nuclear submarines the world _ the most advanced nuclear submarines the world has— the most advanced nuclear submarines the world has ever _ the most advanced nuclear submarines the world has ever seen. _ the most advanced nuclear submarines the world has ever seen. that - the most advanced nuclear submarines the world has ever seen. that is - the most advanced nuclear submarines the world has ever seen. that is my. the world has ever seen. that is my record _ the world has ever seen. that is my record on— the world has ever seen. that is my record on these _ the world has ever seen. that is my record on these things _ the world has ever seen. that is my record on these things and - the world has ever seen. that is my record on these things and when i the world has ever seen. that is my record on these things and when iti record on these things and when it comes— record on these things and when it comes to — record on these things and when it comes to ukraine, _ record on these things and when it comes to ukraine, we _ record on these things and when it comes to ukraine, we have - record on these things and when it| comes to ukraine, we have worked together— comes to ukraine, we have worked together for— comes to ukraine, we have worked together for the _ comes to ukraine, we have worked together for the last _ comes to ukraine, we have worked together for the last 18— comes to ukraine, we have worked together for the last 18 months, i comes to ukraine, we have worked. together for the last 18 months, and we have _ together for the last 18 months, and we have been— together for the last 18 months, and we have been at— together for the last 18 months, and we have been at the _ together for the last 18 months, and we have been at the forefront - together for the last 18 months, and we have been at the forefront of- we have been at the forefront of making — we have been at the forefront of making those _ we have been at the forefront of making those decisions - we have been at the forefront of making those decisions to - we have been at the forefront of making those decisions to get . making those decisions to get ukraine — making those decisions to get ukraine more _ making those decisions to get ukraine more support, - making those decisions to get. ukraine more support, whether making those decisions to get - ukraine more support, whether that is the _ ukraine more support, whether that is the first— ukraine more support, whether that is the first country— ukraine more support, whether that is the first country to _ ukraine more support, whether that is the first country to do _ ukraine more support, whether that is the first country to do main -
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is the first country to do main battte — is the first country to do main battte tanks _ is the first country to do main battle tanks or— is the first country to do main battle tanks or the _ is the first country to do main battle tanks or the first - is the first country to do main i battle tanks or the first country is the first country to do main - battle tanks or the first country to say that _ battle tanks or the first country to say that we — battle tanks or the first country to say that we would _ battle tanks or the first country to say that we would train _ battle tanks or the first country to say that we would train aircraft. say that we would train aircraft pitots — say that we would train aircraft pilots in — say that we would train aircraft pilots in the _ say that we would train aircraft pilots in the first _ say that we would train aircraft pilots in the first country- say that we would train aircraft pilots in the first country to - pilots in the first country to provide _ pilots in the first country to provide long—range - pilots in the first country to . provide long—range weapons, pilots in the first country to - provide long—range weapons, like storm _ provide long—range weapons, like storm shadow, _ provide long—range weapons, like storm shadow, which— provide long—range weapons, like storm shadow, which has- provide long—range weapons, like storm shadow, which has been. provide long—range weapons, like| storm shadow, which has been an enormous — storm shadow, which has been an enormous success. _ storm shadow, which has been an enormous success. it _ storm shadow, which has been an enormous success. it was - storm shadow, which has been an enormous success. it was the - storm shadow, which has been an enormous success. it was the uki storm shadow, which has been an . enormous success. it was the uk that made _ enormous success. it was the uk that made these _ enormous success. it was the uk that made these decisions _ enormous success. it was the uk that made these decisions ahead - enormous success. it was the uk that made these decisions ahead of- made these decisions ahead of everyone — made these decisions ahead of everyone else _ made these decisions ahead of everyone else working - made these decisions ahead of everyone else working closelyl made these decisions ahead of- everyone else working closely with jens and _ everyone else working closely with jens and we — everyone else working closely with jens and we have _ everyone else working closely with jens and we have done _ everyone else working closely with jens and we have done this- everyone else working closely with jens and we have done this for- everyone else working closely with jens and we have done this for the| jens and we have done this for the last jens and we have done this for the tast18 _ jens and we have done this for the tast18 months _ jens and we have done this for the last 18 months of _ jens and we have done this for the last 18 months of this _ jens and we have done this for the last 18 months of this is— jens and we have done this for the| last 18 months of this is something i last 18 months of this is something i have _ last 18 months of this is something i have atways — last 18 months of this is something i have always taken _ last18 months of this is something i have always taken very— last 18 months of this is something i have always taken very seriouslyl i have always taken very seriously and this— i have always taken very seriously and this is— i have always taken very seriously and this is the _ i have always taken very seriously and this is the right _ i have always taken very seriously and this is the right moment- i have always taken very seriously and this is the right moment to i i have always taken very seriously . and this is the right moment to make this announcement— and this is the right moment to make this announcement for— and this is the right moment to make this announcement for the _ and this is the right moment to make this announcement for the reasons i i this announcement for the reasons i have outlined — this announcement for the reasons i have outlined. the _ this announcement for the reasons i have outlined.— have outlined. the uk has been leadin: have outlined. the uk has been leading by _ have outlined. the uk has been leading by example _ have outlined. the uk has been leading by example both - have outlined. the uk has been leading by example both when l have outlined. the uk has been | leading by example both when it comes— leading by example both when it comes to — leading by example both when it comes to defence spending, and when it comes _ comes to defence spending, and when it comes to— comes to defence spending, and when it comes to supporting ukraine, and i it comes to supporting ukraine, and l welcome _ it comes to supporting ukraine, and i welcome the significance of the announcement today of spending 2.5% of gdp _ announcement today of spending 2.5% of gdp on _ announcement today of spending 2.5% of gdp on defence, which will make a difference. _ of gdp on defence, which will make a difference, and it will demonstrate the leading role of the uk in the alliance — the leading role of the uk in the alliance and will add to the many capabilities you are providing to our shared security and defence, and i our shared security and defence, and i also _ our shared security and defence, and i also welcome the fact that germany has now— i also welcome the fact that germany has now started to step up and is
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spending — has now started to step up and is spending 2% of gdp on defence this year _ spending 2% of gdp on defence this year in _ spending 2% of gdp on defence this year. in totality that makes a huge difference — year. in totality that makes a huge difference because the uk is the biggest — difference because the uk is the biggest european defence spender and then germany the second largest so together— then germany the second largest so together this is a big moment which matters _ together this is a big moment which matters for— together this is a big moment which matters for the alliance. 0n ukraine. _ matters for the alliance. 0n ukraine, first on main battle tanks and the _ ukraine, first on main battle tanks and the position strike and the training of ukrainian soldiers and pilots. _ training of ukrainian soldiers and pilots, this is a reason why uk is a staunch _ pilots, this is a reason why uk is a staunch and — pilots, this is a reason why uk is a staunch and perfect nato ally. lastly, — staunch and perfect nato ally. lastly, we go to the polish media. i'm from the press agency. are there any talks— i'm from the press agency. are there any talks with — i'm from the press agency. are there any talks with nato _
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i'm from the press agency. are there any talks with nato countries - i'm from the press agency. are there any talks with nato countries about l any talks with nato countries about expanding — any talks with nato countries about expanding the _ any talks with nato countries about expanding the nuclear— any talks with nato countries about expanding the nuclear sharing - expanding the nuclear sharing programme? _ expanding the nuclear sharing programme?— expanding the nuclear sharing roaramme? ., ., , ., , ., programme? there are no plans to exand programme? there are no plans to exoand the — programme? there are no plans to expand the nato _ programme? there are no plans to expand the nato sharing _ expand the nato sharing arrangements, no plans to deploy any more _ arrangements, no plans to deploy any more nuclear weapons in any additional nato countries. perfect. thanks forjoining _ additional nato countries. perfect. thanks forjoining us. _ additional nato countries. perfect. thanks forjoining us. i— additional nato countries. perfect. thanks forjoining us. i look- thanks forjoining us. i look forward to meeting some of you in a little bit. ,, , ., , , , little bit. studio: that press conference — little bit. studio: that press conference in _ little bit. studio: that press conference in warsaw - little bit. studio: that press | conference in warsaw wrapping little bit. studio: that press - conference in warsaw wrapping up, quite a few questions and answers given at the end of that announcement by rishi sunak, the headline will be that the uk is increasing defence spending up to 2.5% of gdp and the guide has been around 2% but that is now an expected minimum and if countries do not hit that... but the uk is
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expected to hit 2.5% by 2030, of gdp spent on defence. we can go to our correspondent. helen catt. it had always been when economic conditions and out of this, so the fact rishi sunak said it will be by 2030, that will be warmly welcomed by those who have been pushing for this and you heard the warm reception it got from jens stoltenberg, suggesting the uk was leading the way, and may be setting a future benchmark for other nato allies and there has been discussion in the uk and pressure in recent years to get to that 2.5%. but there are also going to be some questions and it was interesting to say that rishi sunak was very clear that in his view they were doing this from a position of strength, that troops
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were already well equipped and battle ready and this was just more to add, but there will be questions asked about this, not least how is it going to be paid for? we note the money that goes to ukraine comes out of treasury reserves but how is the rest of the increase going to be enacted and paid for? there were questions about, well, does that mean that other spending like education and health would have to take a hit? rishi sunak talk about choices and said it was possible because of the management of the government of the economy but the forecast for the uk economy are not forecast for the uk economy are not for it to grow in a massive way so there will be questions and we know there will be questions and we know the government has a focus on cutting taxes, that is a political choice, so there will be questions on the details of this and how the spending is going to be put in and where is it coming from. but it is a big announcement, interesting he chose to make a big domestic
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announcement on that visit, and also it was pretty clear that it starts to draw a dividing line, or trying to, in terms of a general election coming in the uk, and laboursaid they would match that 2.5% but again it was said as soon as resources allow, so there are questions that will be put to labour, well, are you going to match doing that by 2030? that is the main thing which we took away from the speech. just that is the main thing which we took away from the speech.— away from the speech. just briefly, what about your _ away from the speech. just briefly, what about your thoughts - away from the speech. just briefly, what about your thoughts on - away from the speech. just briefly, what about your thoughts on the i what about your thoughts on the geopolitics of this, talking about a generational change of investment in defence and putting phrases out there like a bore footing. what did you make of that? —— war. it there like a bore footing. what did you make of that? -- war.- there like a bore footing. what did you make of that? -- war. it has not come out of — you make of that? -- war. it has not come out of the _ you make of that? -- war. it has not come out of the blue _ you make of that? -- war. it has not come out of the blue and _ you make of that? -- war. it has not come out of the blue and we - you make of that? -- war. it has not come out of the blue and we have i come out of the blue and we have heard language like this in recent
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months so it feels like this is an extension of that and because we have seen those incidents recently with iran and with the houthi rebels, the cyber threats from china and what has happened with russia, so it will not come as a huge surprise that the prime minister is talking in this way because we have been seeing the government preparing the ground for that for some time now. ., «a the ground for that for some time now. ., ., the ground for that for some time now. ., «a ., ., , now to the deaths in the english channel. 0ur correspondent was at a beach in france and saw the boat as it tried to leave. take a look.
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there is a real battle going on and the police are trying to stop them from getting into the water. we will see what is going on. we can see the smugglers who, some of them have sticks and they are trying to protect the migrants as they head towards the sea. we protect the migrants as they head towards the sea.— protect the migrants as they head towards the sea. we have some more ictures towards the sea. we have some more pictures from — towards the sea. we have some more pictures from the _ towards the sea. we have some more pictures from the beach. _ towards the sea. we have some more pictures from the beach. our- pictures from the beach. 0ur correspondent talking us through what happened and he said these people ran from the sand dunes in the dark. dragging the inflatable boat that they then got into. the police tried to stop them but once
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they got in the boat, the french police did not do any more. there were french maritime boats circling it at the time. we did not know there were going to be deaths on the vessel, which we found out later. here is a french state official. translation: the consequences were severe with five _ translation: the consequences were severe with five people _ translation: the consequences were severe with five people reported - severe with five people reported dead, seven—year—old girl, woman and three men, and the boats that sailed with an unprecedented 112 people on board. a few hundred metres from the coast, the engine stopped and several people fell into the water. the patrol boat was tasked with the maritime prefect to rescue the ship and its crew.
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this is where it is happening. our home affairs correspondent tom symonds was on a beach near calais this morning and watched as migrants set off from france for the uk. a large group of around 40 migrants with the children came across the sand and they are trying to get onto the boat which was already crowded before they arrived and tried to climb on board. they are trying to
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pushit climb on board. they are trying to push it back to the waves but that will be very difficult. this push it back to the waves but that will be very difficult.— will be very difficult. this is bbc news. hello there. it was a chilly start to the day for many of us and many places will stay chilly, particularly across the east of the country. we will have more cloud. but in fact, the next few days, temperatures will be below par for the time of year with the best of any sunshine out towards western areas. this arctic air has been working its way southwards across the country this week and it's going to loiter around until we get into the weekend. then we start to see something a little bit warmer moving up from the south, but it'll be moving up from the south with low pressure. here's the pressure system today — high pressure to the west, lower pressure out towards the east, feeding in a lot of cloud on this northerly wind into the eastern side of the country. best of the sunshine,
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western scotland, northern ireland, western wales and this is where we're likely to see the mid teens here, but distinctly chilly along the north sea coast. single figures i think for most, 6—9 celsius. similar story as we head into tonight. we hold onto the breeze across north sea coasts. one or two showers here, maybe wintry over the high ground, driest and clearest further north and west. and this is where we actually have the lowest temperatures. touch of frost again across the far north of england into scotland. wednesday, similar story, not much change. we hold on to the northerly wind, brisk again along north sea coasts where there will always be more cloud or maybe the odd light shower. it'll be chilly there. best of the sunshine northern and western areas again, the low to mid teens here. otherwise it's single figure values once again. so that's wednesday out of the way. by thursday, start to see some subtle changes. you notice the pressure charts just changing. we've got lower pressure starting to build on either side of the country. so that will change the wind direction certainly across the south. we're looking more of a westerly
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developing here, but increasing cloud through the day as those low pressure systems develop with an increasing chance of showers to particularly england and wales into northern ireland. temperatures could be up to around 13 degrees in london area, but there'll be limited sunshine once again. it's going to stay quite cool for most. as you move through friday into the weekend, low pressure looks like it's going to take over, i think, and it's going to bring us some windier weather and also more cloud with showers or even longer spells of rain. but one thing you will notice, temperatures will begin to creep up as we move through the weekend into next week. but it will come with some rain.
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this is bbc news. five people, including a child, have died attempting to cross the channel from france to britain. a bbc team was on the beach south of calais as the boat set off. there is a real battle going on on the beach here, must be more than 100 migrants trying to get to the water. they are letting off firecrackers to try and keep the police away from them. this comes as the uk parliament passes a controversial bill that aims to send some asylum seekers to rwanda. rishi sunak promises to increase uk defence spending to 2.5% of national income by 2030. he is in poland for
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security talks. fits income by 2030. he is in poland for security talks-— security talks. as we make our commitment — security talks. as we make our commitment to _ security talks. as we make our commitment to increase - security talks. as we make our l commitment to increase defence spending, we will move past this stop start piecemeal way of backing ukraine. donald trump's back in court, where prosecutors are calling for thejudge to punish him for making public attacks on witnesses and jurors. welcome. we will start with our main story. five people trying to cross from france to the uk have been killed, among them a young girl. they left from a beach in france and our correspondent andrew harding was on that beach as people tried to leave. there's a real battle going on on the beach here. must be more than 100 migrants trying to get to the water.
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they're letting off firecrackers to try and keep the police away


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