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tv   BBC News  BBC News  April 30, 2024 1:45pm-2:01pm BST

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in the face". video posted on social media shows a man with a large knife, which the police described as a sword. a 36—year—old suspect is now in custody. officers say they don't believe the incident is terror—related. roads in the hainault area remain cordoned off, and there remains a big police presence. when the incident happened this morning the local tube station was shut and bus services re—routed. the local mp wes streeting has said the whole community is devastated by the heartbreaking news that a 13—year—old boy was killed in what he called the horrific sword attack. stuart bell is a chief superintendent for the metropolitan police, he gave us this update from the scene. you will be aware that serious incident occurred here at this location this morning. police and ambulance services were called and deployed to a number of casualties.
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it is with great sadness that i confirm that one of those injured in the incident, a 13—year—old boy, has died from their injuries. he was taken to hospital after being stabbed and sadly died a short while after. the child's family are being supported firstly by my local officers and now with some specialist officers and everyone across the met is keeping them in our thoughts at this unimaginably difficult time. the events of this morning are truly horrific. and i cannot even begin to imagine how those affected must be feeling. my thoughts are with the injured, their families and the wider community as we all begin to come to terms with what has happened and try to understand what has happened here. i know that there will be, clearly and understandably, a desire for answers and an explanation as to what happened. our investigation is in its very early stages, and my officers are working right now to establish
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the full facts as a priority. and we will share what we can, when we can with the wider community and, of course, with yourselves. a 36—year—old is currently in custody. he was tasered here at the scene and arrested 22 minutes after the first call was made to police. shortly before 7am this morning. i want to confirm at present that we do not believe there is any ongoing threat to the wider public and we're not seeking any other persons. the incident does not appear to be linked to any act of terrorism. we know now that during the incident, five people were injured, three members of the public and two of my local officers who were responding to the call. two of those members of the public remain in hospital. thankfully, their injuries are not believed to be life threatening. the two met police officers are also currently in hospital with stab wounds. both require surgery and have
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significant injuries. but we believe at this stage that they are not life—threatening. i commend the incredible bravery of notjust the police officers, but the other emergency responders who came to this scene this morning. i would ask anyone with information or any footage that would help us with this investigation to share that and call 101, please. i know the families of those involved, the local and wider community, and many across london will want to know why this terrible incident occurred. and it's ourjob to find that out. and we will. i am committed to providing those answers when we can. and i would ask for some patience while this important work is carried out. thank you for your time. chief superintendent stuart bell of the metropolitan police talking in the metropolitan police talking in the last hour. let's speak to our correspondent mark lobel, who's in hainault. sad news that a 13—year—old boy has died.
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that's right, it has really changed the nature of this investigation, it is now murdering quarry. it really was the news that residents here would have feared the most, that a teenager that early in the morning on these quiet roads where residents say these things don't happen was tragically stabbed and he died of his wounds in hospital. it really underlines the shock this community and it's going to resonate for some time to come. i don't know if you can see behind me but between the two buses over there, we havejust seen forensic officers going up—and—down, first photographing the scene, before the do further inquiries. it is the two side roads between the buses there where most of the incidents took place, just to the left of hainault station that you can probably see there. the update we received in the last hour is given us more information about
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the suspect and the victims. in terms of the victims, this 13—year—old boy tragically dying in hospital, and we also know two other members of the public remain in hospital, but their injuries are not said to be life threatening and two police officers, we had stuart bell there commending the bravery of the officers. we had sadiq khan, the mayor of london, commending the bravery of the officers. two of them will require surgery for stab wounds, a reminder of how dangerous and policing incidents like that can be. in terms of the suspect, some interesting details, a 36—year—old man with a knife was arrested by police, we understand there was around 22 minutes from when the police got the first quarter when they arrested him but that could have been a mad time, as we have seen from some of the unverified footage of what was going on command as you said, climbing on top of a car garage and lots of shouts going on from police and passers—by for people to avoid the suspect. we also know that this was not a targeted
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attack but when the police were askedif attack but when the police were asked if the suspect had been known to the police or there had been any previous arrests they didn't answer. thank you, mark lobel at the scene. the mayor of london, sadiq khan spoke to the media. let's take a listen to his statement. i've been in constant contact with the police commissioner and other members of the police service from early this morning. this attack is devastating and appalling. i'm sure i speak on behalf of the entire city when i say our thoughts and prayers are with this young child and his family. what i do know is that the police and emergency services responded very quickly to the call—out from members of the public. the police and other emergency services were well aware this was a dangerous man with a sword. they ran towards him, not thinking about their own safety to protect other members of the public. in addition to this child
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losing his life, two members of the public have been injured. they were both taken to hospital. two police officers have been very seriously injured, are in surgery now. it shows the dangers our police officers face every day. and can i thank them as well for their bravery? yeah, what do you think of the police officers' actions? well, i know from speaking to the commissioner and other members of the met police service that they were well aware this was a dangerous man. they were aware he had a big sword. they were concerned about the safety of members of the public. they were aware they were risking their own personal safety. and it breaks my heart not only that this child has lost his life, but two members of emergency services have risked their own safety to make sure others weren't injured as a consequence of this man's actions. and i think it demonstrates to all of us the everyday bravery of police officers in london and indeed across the country. you say you've been in touch with the met commissioner, sir mark rowley
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constantly through the morning. what has he been telling you? has he been able to tell you about how events unfolded and how the investigation is going? well, the key message to local residents is if they've recorded on their door bell or on their phone anything that happened, please pass it on to the police. the police have confirmed they're not looking for anybody else. they have confirmed there is no ongoing, wider threat to the community. and they've also confirmed this is not a terrorist—related incident. members of the public, not unreasonably, will be quite scared in that community. in hainault, i know it very well, it's a tight—knit community. additional uniformed officers will be present not simply to reassure members of the public, but also in case members of the public have any intelligence, any information. i'd encourage members of the public in redbridge to ring 101. if they have information they can ring crimestoppers. and i appreciate how terrifying this was. they can also contact victim support who can provide assistance to those residents who will be traumatised, i'm sure, by what happened this morning. you talk about the local
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community, there it is. i mean, it's truly shocking, isn't it, that this can happen early morning on the streets of london, someone with a sword going door to door? apparently, it seems. i'm keen not to talk about the actual incident for obvious reasons you'll appreciate. but i've been in touch with the leader of the council, the excellent local member of parliament wes streeting. and both of them are as shocked as i am. both of them have talked about how wonderful this community is. they're sure this community will come together and the entire community, like london, is sending their thoughts and prayers to this child and his family. what reassurance can you give, or will the police be giving, on the ground over the coming days? well, the area commander has already disclosed as much information as he can at the moment. people will be aware an arrest has been made. there could well be a charge and a trial. we'd all kick ourselves if we inadvertently said things during the course of today that could prejudice that trial. the really important thing for members of the public in hainault and redbridge is there are no ongoing threats to members
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of the public because an arrest was made swiftly by our police. this isn't being treated as a terrorist—related incident. not unreasonably, members of that community will want reassurance. that's why there'll be additional police officers present during the course of the day and the course of the next few days. it's worth just all of us reflecting on the loss of life. this is a child. this is a family that are grieving. the police have reassured me not only are there specialist officers there with them this morning, but there'll be experienced family liaison officers helping them during this really difficult time. this attack comes just a couple of days before the london mayoral election, and central to that campaign has been the issue of knife crime, with your opponents saying it is out of control in london. and you haven't done enough. you know, since i received the first phone call, i've not thought about the election genuinely. this really isn't about the election. there is a family who have lost a child, and i think that should
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be where our focus is. i'm reassured there's no ongoing threat. we've got two officers who are who are in surgery right now. that should be our focus for their well—being. and those other two members of the public. that's the mayor of london sadiq khan reacting to the events in hainault. he said the death of a 13—year—old broke his heart. with more on this let's talk to our reporter courtney bembridge. we have had a statement in the last half an hour from the local mp, courtney? yeah that's right. i'm in the newsroom where teams are working to update the live page you can see behind me, all the latest lines and reaction is being published there, including an updated statement from the local member of parliament wes streeting. ijust want the local member of parliament wes streeting. i just want to read the local member of parliament wes streeting. ijust want to read to you some of what he said. "our whole community will be devastated by the heartbreaking news that a 13—year—old boy was killed in the horrific sword attack in hainault this morning that saw five others
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injured, including two metropolitan police officers. he goes on to say i can't imagine what that poor boy's family are going through and they have my deepest heartfelt condolences. my prayers are also with the other victims of this horrific attack and their loved ones. the statement goes on to say, "i want to thank the emergency services for the courageous response, particularly the heroic metropolitan police officers who put themselves in harm's way to protect others." he ends that sentence by saying, "they are the best of us." so lots of praise for the emergency services there today who in the words of sadiq khan ran towards that danger to try to help them. we have heard and seen lots of the videos taken from bystanders at the time, talking about the terror they felt. in one video we can hear a man yelling to other local residents to lock their doors, to close their doors as the police tried to apprehend the suspect. so a
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terrifying morning. we have been speaking to lots of the witnesses and we can take a listen now. he was runnina and we can take a listen now. he was running around _ and we can take a listen now. he was running around still _ and we can take a listen now. he was running around still after _ and we can take a listen now. he was running around still after the - running around still after the police officers came with the sword in his hand looking for victims. after two minutes, one lady came outside _ after two minutes, one lady came outside and was frightened, and please, — outside and was frightened, and please, please come he is in my house — please, please come he is in my house her_ please, please come he is in my house. her husband, may be, or her brother, _ house. her husband, may be, or her brother, i_ house. her husband, may be, or her brother, i don't know, went outside and the _ brother, i don't know, went outside and the hand was red. 30, brother, i don't know, went outside and the hand was red.— and the hand was red. so, a terrifying — and the hand was red. so, a terrifying morning _ and the hand was red. so, a terrifying morning in - and the hand was red. so, a l terrifying morning in hainault. and the hand was red. so, a - terrifying morning in hainault. this all unfolded at around seven o'clock this morning and police still have a heavy police presence at that scene and they are doing patrols at the local —— in the local area to reassure the public and looking for eyewitness accounts and crucial video to work out what happened. you can see the live shot of police forensic teams doing their work collecting evidence. could studio: absolutely. this is
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the live scene in hainault where the investigation continues after that sword attack in east london. if you're just sword attack in east london. if you'rejustjoining us on bbc news, a reminder that in the last hour the police have confirmed that a 13—year—old boy has died from his injuries after that incident. four other people, two of them, police officers, are injured, in hospital but their injuries are not thought to be life—threatening. the two officers had stab wounds and have had surgery but the met police say they don't think their injuries are thought to be life—threatening. a 36—year—old suspect has been arrested. you can get more on the bbc news website and app where we have a special live page up and running. stay with us now on bbc news for bbc news now with my colleague lucy hockings. live from london, this is bbc news. 13—year—old boy has died and others
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are injured in a sword attack in london. king charles iii is the public engagements with a visit to a cancer treatment centre. donald trump is back in court. we will bring you the latest. can your braces forth catastrophic flooding as nearly 170 people die across the country. a 13—year—old boy has died after a sword attack in east london. five people were injured in the attack, including two police officers. they're being treated for serious stab wounds. officers were called just before 7am uk time this morning, when they were told a car had been driven into a house near hainault underground station. a 36—year—old suspect is now in custody. police say they don't believe the incident is terror—related.


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