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tv   BBC News  BBC News  May 1, 2024 2:00am-2:31am BST

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bbc news. israel doubles down on its rafah offensive. this is the scene live at columbia university. and a judge find donald trump —— find donald trump with a gag order. reacting to the war in gaza, the situation at universities remains tense with clashes between pro—palestinian protesters and authorities. these are live pictures. this is a scene at columbia university. it isjust is a scene at columbia university. it is just past 9pm local time. you can see protesters and a large police presence. traffic has been shut down in both directions along broadway. some speculations
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that authorities might be about to clear these demonstrators from their place, especially those who have been occupying a campus building. ito local radio reports, students have been told to shelter in place and according to a university e—mail, they could be non— disciplinary action. this happens after administrators threatened to expel students who occupied a building. dozens of demonstrators seized hamilton hole, defying a deadline to dispose. they say they plan to remain at their until the us cut financial ties to israel's. protists must be peaceful and lawful according to a statement. taking over buildings is not peaceful but wrong. demonstrations have erupted from coast to coast,
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many resulting in arrests including at the university of excess in austin. police clash with protesters. the deal has been made with protesters if they pack up. a governing body holding a vote. let's go right to our correspondent who is just outside the campus at columbia university where we have been watching some of those that live pictures. you are in the thick of things. what is happening where you are? i what is happening where you are? ., ., , what is happening where you are? . ., , . , what is happening where you are? ., .,, ., are? i am outside city college in new york. _ are? i am outside city college in new york, around - are? i am outside city college in new york, around 30 - are? i am outside city college i in new york, around 30 minutes away from columbia. i also want to warn that it is a very hectic situation and people are very tense and you might hear some swear words and ijust want to apologise for that beforehand. this is around 30 minutes away from columbia university. it feels like the
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nypd is targeting all the protesters. this opened upjust a few days ago. so... we apologise for that. i do not know if you can see how, we have a line of police. did try to speak to one police officer and asked them what was happening. let'sjust move and asked them what was happening. let's just move away a little bit further away. sorry. as you can sense and as you can see, people are really angry about the police being here and i apologise again for any swear words that you heard. the police have been lining up here, ready to take action and what that action is we do not know yet. i spoke to one police officer and asked them what their plan was for tonight. we have seen social media video bill is going in and there being a bit of a ruckus going on with student protesters. the
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police officer said i cannot tell you what we're doing but stay safe. barricades are going up, police are lining up. we're just getting a little bit closer but as of yet we do not know exactly what police are planning to do here. and people don't make that being heckled as you can imagine. protesters have been chanting at them and it is really confrontational at the moment. i it is really confrontational at the moment.— it is really confrontational at the moment. i can sense that and it seems _ the moment. i can sense that and it seems tensions - the moment. i can sense that and it seems tensions are - and it seems tensions are running high. can you give us an idea about what the university and college have said about this? have they said anything? said about this? have they said an hinu ? , ., ., anything? they have not said an hinu anything? they have not said anything that _ anything? they have not said anything that i _ anything? they have not said anything that i have - anything? they have not said anything that i have seen - anything? they have not said anything that i have seen sol anything that i have seen so far. we know that the university, particular columbia university, particular columbia university, has been cracking down on protesters, following the seizure of one of the buildings last night, the
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administration for columbia university said that people would face expulsion. already we are seeing lots of students suspended. they set a deadline yesterday at 2pm local time for them to clear out and that deadline passed. there was a sense when i was at columbia compass yesterday that perhaps the police would move in and some students expressed concerns about that, others that they would be really angry and shocked at columbia university did that. i was here over the weekend when it was set up very peaceful and calm but i do not know exactly what the administration here has said. one student that i spoke to at the city college said they were having negotiations with the administration in order to try and see if they could meet their demands, the same demand students have been demanding at universities across the country which is to cut economic and academic ties
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with israel. it seems negotiations have collapsed in the same way they have a columbia university and now it would appear that admissions here a columbia university have decided exists for the police to go in. i decided exists for the police to no in. ., , decided exists for the police to no in. . , , to go in. i really tense university _ to go in. i really tense university and - to go in. i really tense university and city - to go in. i really tense - university and city college in new york. we will let you go and of course, stay safe. we will come back to you later during the course of the evening. ijust want during the course of the evening. i just want to take another look at some of these pictures from columbia university right now. you can see police appeared to be moving in. we're not exactly certain what is happening at this but as we had, this is what we had heard speculation about a columbia university about a columbia university about earlier today. again, the background of this is that some of the protesters from the encampment occupied hamilton
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hall and what appears to be happening on the screen is some of those police officers moving in. we're going to try to get a better idea of what is happening there at the moment but right now, what we know is protesters have vowed to stay at columbia university until their demands are met. 0f their demands are met. of course the demands being they want to see the university divest from any ties to israel. going to keep our eye on those pictures as we talk to evan ringle, a phd candidate at the university of carolina and he researches on first amendment and civil rights. the university of north carolina being another university where we saw scenes of protest and i want to ask you first of all, if you are following and watching what we are seeing in new york and what you make of these scenes? i new york and what you make of these scenes?— these scenes? i think it is a microcosm _ these scenes? i think it is a microcosm of _ these scenes? i think it is a microcosm of scenes - these scenes? i think it is a microcosm of scenes all. these scenes? i think it is a - microcosm of scenes all around the country. like you said, i
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am in my office in campus and things are very quiet here but thatis things are very quiet here but that is a juxtaposition from earlier today where we had a similar encampment to columbia and police swept the campus this morning. there were a series of flagpoles on campus where the palestinian flag was temporarily raised and taken down. we had reports from a student newspaper talking about peppe" student newspaper talking about pepper spraying of protesters, classes were cancelled. this is a scene we're seeing all over the country a university campuses. the country a university campuses-_ the country a university camuses. ~ ., ., campuses. we are continuing to look at some — campuses. we are continuing to look at some of— campuses. we are continuing to look at some of these _ campuses. we are continuing to look at some of these pictures, | look at some of these pictures, at columbia university, live. it is just past 9pm and we heard speculation that officers would moving in. at least that is what we had from some of the protest camps. we have not heard from protesters
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themselves. we're trying to get information from on the ground as well, of course. what do you think some of the communication has been from the universities under this? you talked about ufc and you have been following how your university has been communicating to staff and sure. ., , , communicating to staff and sure. . , , ., ., , ., sure. campus administrators at ou and sure. campus administrators at you and see — sure. campus administrators at you and see said _ sure. campus administrators at you and see said they - sure. campus administrators at you and see said they were - sure. campus administrators at you and see said they were in l sure. campus administrators at you and see said they were in aj you and see said they were in a dialogue with protesters. encampment started on friday. places like texas a little later. in columbia, when protesters re—elected their tents on a sunday, they allegedly cut of dialogue with administrators and left university with no choice but to sweep the camp and some students have contested the characterisation. some criticism of universities today. the police conducted a sweep this morning at 6am this morning and protesters received a letter shortly before, about
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half—an—hour before, signed by the chancellor and a statement issued about unc media relations in behalf of the university administrations but students and faculty did not receive direct communication from the university, as is typicalfor this sort of from the university, as is typical for this sort of event, until almost noon and folks found that frustrating, both students and faculty. he described what happened emphasise the commitment of the university to free speech but suggested the protesters had violated restrictions. there was also a sense that i know some folks found a little strange, they talked about work the police had done to restore the police had done to restore the historic and beautiful campus by sweeping the protesters and removing the encampment. i think it is notable that was subsequently removed, that sentence when it was released on social media. also criticism of what students have characterised both here
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and around the country as a disproportionate police response to the protest. whether breaking up the protest, police armed with peppe" protest, police armed with pepper spray and in riot gear. we are discussing unc and at the same time looking dramatic images from columbia university where we understand from the student radio station that two columns of nypd are marching towards the campus entrance and we are hearing they are wearing riot gear and amassing outside hamilton hall, the place where protesters occupied earlier today we are hearing protesters are forming a human chain outside of the hall. you are talking about police response. these really has been an example of universities grappling with the need to protect the right to the freedom of speech, of course, but also safety and you can you tell us or talk to us about how universities across the country have been grappling with this?
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it is really difficult, obviously. we have seen that. the first amendment applies to public universities like you nsc and that means it is bound by the first amendment in how it regulates or punishes a speech. public universities have rules that either explicitly ties that free speech protection to first amendment free—speech amendments or reference in some way protections of students and faculty free—speech generally. that leaves a very broad protections for student speech, even speech that may come across as offensive or hurtful and that is a pretty foundational principle of first amendment law allowing even speech that we disagree with, potentially even vociferously. universities can make tabs as speech at the first amendment that are unpredicted, like an incitement, and they can also
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impose restrictions involving for example policies against tents on campus, flying certain flags and the university is likely not violating the constitutional rights of students in that context but there is still pushback about how those policies are in force evenif how those policies are in force even if the universities not violating constitutional rights. violating constitutional riahts. �* , violating constitutional riahts. r ., ., ~ violating constitutional riahts. a . ., ~ rights. as we are talking about some of the — rights. as we are talking about some of the restrictions - rights. as we are talking about some of the restrictions that l some of the restrictions that exist on free speech, we have spoken tojewish students who are part of the encampment in colombia and a supportive but also those who feel threatened and harassed and intimidated. talk to us about some of the challenges. some protesters saying these are outside groups that have co—opted our message. from a first amendment perspective, there isjust protection for even hurtful speech. hate speech is not
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unconstitutional. it does not violate the first amendment unless it falls into other categories of unprotected speech something like a truth read where somebody is at least reckless in how they communicate what is perceived as a threat by the audience or something like incitement where a person makes a statement that is both designed to imminently cause lawless action and that is likely to cause that action. 0ur is likely to cause that action. our first is likely to cause that action. 0urfirst amendment jurisprudence defines protected speech narrowly and it can cause problems. i should note, i attended a talk last week from a leading first amendment scholar that argues that students like more of those first amendment rights on couege first amendment rights on college campuses. that universities should have a broader latitude to restrict speech if it does or does not comport with the educational mission of the university and thatis mission of the university and that is a debate even first
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amendment scholars do not agree with. ., , , with. really interesting conversation. - with. really interesting conversation. thank . with. really interesting| conversation. thank you with. really interesting - conversation. thank you again forjoining us on bbc news. thank you for having me. as we look at those pictures again, a reminder of what we're looking at. possibly some arrests. dozens of nypd in right here entering columbia university. a big police presence. they are apparently amassing outside hamilton hall. there appears to be someone being arrested. we are not sure who that is but lots of speculation the police would try to move in. protesters had earlier in the day occupied hamilton hall, a building site columbia university and we understand they are moving into possibly try and clear protesters from that building and the encampment. columbia university earlier saying protesters who have barricaded themselves inside the building could face
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expulsion. we are going to keep a close eye on these pictures. this is a fast developing situation and we will bring you up—to—date on any developments. israel's prime minister has threatened to invade rafah. the white house says just two days ago the presidentjoe biden talked to benjamin netanyahu. he previously called the invasion of rafah a redline. an assault on rafah would be an unbearable escalation according to antonio guterres. in a meeting with relatives of hostages, benjamin netanyahu said he would invade rafah with or without a ceasefire. international criminal court is prepared to release an arrest
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warrant for benjamin netanyahu and other military leaders. in response, benjamin netanyahu said his arrest would be a scandal of an historic scale. frank gardner is injerusalem. a lot of things are happening or about to happen here in this part of the world over the coming hours and days. antony blinken, the us secretary of state, has arrived here. he's only spending less than a day in israel but he will be pushing for the ceasefire deal. i do not think he would be too impressed by the statements coming out of prime minister netanyahu today, talking about going into rafah whether or not there is a ceasefire deal, a true deal, because the us is opposed to israel going into rafah. you have also got the icc. this is a real threat being taken very seriously
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by prime minister netanyahu and his cabinet. this is the threat by the international criminal court that israel believes is about to issue arrest warrants for a number of senior israeli military and political figures, including prime minister netanyahu for or at least in relation to israel's treatment of palestinians both in gaza and in the west bank. prime minister netanyahu is absolutely livid about this. he has issued a furious rebuttal to it, saying this would be a historic mistake but he is clearly very worried because even though israel, like the us, is not a signatory to the icc, if these warrants were issued, that is 124 countries that he cannot visit and it would essentially make israel something of a pariah state. against the backdrop of all of this, you have hamas studying
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the text of the ceasefire deal and they could well be announcing their acceptance or rejection of it in the next 2a hours. if the deal was signed and we started seeing israeli hostages coming out, let out peacefully from gaza, in return for large numbers of palestinian prisoners, then it is unlikely that the rafah operation would go ahead, at least not immediately, and that would give everybody some breathing space, something that gaza desperately needs. frank gardner reporting. around the world and across uk, this is bbc news. to another story making headlines. a 14—year—old boy has been killed and a number of others, including two police officers, have been injured after a man went on a rampage with a sword in north east london. police were called after a van was driven at speed into a house just before 7:00 this morning. a 36—year—old man is in custody tonight but is not well enough to questioned. police say the attack was not believed to be
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targeted or terrorism—related. 22 minutes after they were called, officers tasered him. this was the dramatic moment police finally brought him to the ground and arrested him on suspicion of murder. this witness witnessed the attack and the moment officers stopped him. ., , , ., him. people were trying to fiuht him. people were trying to fight the — him. people were trying to fight the guy- _ him. people were trying to fight the guy. one - him. people were trying to fight the guy. one of- him. people were trying to fight the guy. one of the l him. people were trying to i fight the guy. one of the guy got stabbed and he was holding his neck like that saying he had been stabbed. the other victims are — had been stabbed. the other victims are all— had been stabbed. the other victims are all in _ had been stabbed. the other victims are all in the - victims are all in the hospitals. there were around 250 fatal stabbings in england and wales last year alone. you are watching bbc news. we want to take it back to the scene at columbia university now in new york. some live pictures we're bringing you at this hour. nypd police officers are on the campus and they have confirmed
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the operation at columbia university has commenced. students have been told to shelter in place and we have seenin shelter in place and we have seen in these pictures coming across that some people have been arrested. both direction of traffic along broadway have been shut down. speculation amongst protest groups all evening that police would try and clear the protesters, especially those in hamilton hall. that appears to be what is happening. police have moved on the campus. we are trying to get more information from on the ground but we saw two columns of nypd police officers living in a little bit earlier. officers have moved some demonstrators away and we will continue to watch at the scene to see what develops in the coming minutes and hours, of course.
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the international court ofjustice has ruled that it will not order germany to stop arms sales to israel. nicaragua brought the case to the un's top court. it argued the germany had breached the un genocide convention by sending military hardware to israel. germany denied that israel had broken any international laws and it also said that it had not sent any artillery shells or munitions to israel since october, when the latest conflict in gaza began. hannah holligan sent this report for near the hague. haiti's transitional council has appointed the new president. they/ prime minister. ariel henry was ousted by gangs in late february. the resulting power vacuum plunged the country into a deadly gang warfare. limited
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authority to act independently, the position of haiti head of state is invested in the council. elections will be held in 2026. officials in kenya say more than 160 people are now known to have been killed by weeks of flooding and a landslide following heavy rainfall. more rain is forecast and officials are warning dams are ready precariously full in parts of kenya. around 50 people died when an overflowing reservoir flooded a town. its president said anyone living in areas at risk must be moved to safer places. we saw a woman in front of us suddenly doubled over crying because she had heard that her child's body had
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been found. she would not speak to us, understandably. it was a very terrible moment for her. we spoke to another man who had just returned from the morgue where he had seen the body of his nine—year—old son and his daughter told us their story, how the water had rushed into house. the daughter who was a 17 had been carried away with it but held onto a branch. the father was hit in the head and let go of the sun, the nine—year—old boy and he drowned. the search for the bodies is a bit of closure. it tells you the numbers and that sort of thing but it is just such a tragedy. we want to take you back again to the live pictures at columbia university if we can. we have seen some pretty dramatic developments over the past half hour so we see police, nypd having moved into columbia campus. nypd
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police officers saying their operation on columbia university campus has commenced. we understand that they are trying to clear hamilton house, a building on the campus where protesters who are calling for the university to divest from all ties with israel occupied earlier in the day. protesters camped out on the campus for about two weeks after several were arrested during protests. within the protests continue to grow and leading to this point. columbia university telling those protesters today that anyone who occupied a building would be expelled and it appears the nypd is clearing that building. we will follow the latest on all this at the top of the hour. thank you for watching bbc news. hello. well, it has been gradually warming up over the last couple of days, at least for most of us. the weather, on the other hand, a little hit and miss.
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and in fact, that is the outlook for the next few days. some warm sunshine, yes, but also a chance of catching some rain. now, weather fronts are close by — you can see it here on the satellite picture — and that also means some damp weather through the early hours and into wednesday morning, particularly around the irish sea coasts and also around the north sea coasts. but for most of us, it's a dry start to the day, a little misty and murky in places. here are the temperatures first thing — around 9 in london, 8 in belfast, maybe the glens of scotland around 11—5 celsius. now, many of us will wake up to some sunshine, maybe hazy skies in places. and i think it should stay generally dry through the day, although a few showers are possible inland in central parts of the uk, and also damp conditions at times are possible along the north sea coast where it'll be coolest. temperatures in newcastle, only 1a degrees — deeper inland it'll be closer to 18, perhaps 20. and then wednesday night we're expecting some heavy rain to come in from the south. this could be thundery rain and downpours are likely almost anywhere across southern england, perhaps into the midlands and also southern parts of wales,
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and flashes of lightning certainly a possibility. so that's how we start thursday. then here's that weather front, which could bring the thundery weather for a time across some southern parts of the uk. now, the air�*s relatively warm — it's actually coming in out of the east—south—east. but because the north sea is quite cold, see that wind blowing off the north sea? it will actually drag in that cooler air to the north sea coasts. so that does mean that places like newcastle and hull could only be around, say, 13, 1a, 15, whereas out towards the west it could be as high as 20 degrees celsius. so that was thursday. this is friday, still a possibility of some showers brought in by that easterly breeze, maybe the odd crack of thunder as well. the best of the weather probably in western parts of scotland on friday. and in one or two spots we could even see highs
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reaching 20 degrees celsius. the north sea coast, once again, will be fairly chilly. so that outlook then, yes, it is going to be a bit of a mixed bag. it's not going to be particularly cold — temperatures, in fact, closer to the average for the time of the year. that's it for me. bye— bye.
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binance's founder is sentenced to four months in prison for breaking us anti—money laundering laws.
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the international monetary fund sees a further slowdown in china, as it grapples with an ageing population. we'll have more from the imf�*s asia pacific boss ahead. hello and welcome to asia business report. i'm steve lai. before we get all the business news to tell you about the day, you are seeing colombia university. it is where police are now on campus trying to disperse pro—palestinian protesters. nypd officers have entered the university, where students protesting israel's war in gaza have occipied hamilton hall. moments ago police and that the hall. the police department acted after receiving a letter from the administration authorising them to go into the campus.
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we'll have more on this developing story right here on bbc news.


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