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tv   BBC News  BBC News  May 1, 2024 9:00am-9:31am BST

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live pictures war in gaza. these are live pictures are from los angeles. protests that have been violent. pro—israeli and pro—palestinian demonstrators clash on campus. thank you, blinken. thank you, biden. the us secretary of state meets the families of hostages in tel aviv. he says the only obstacle to a ceasefire now is hamas. we will not rest until everyone — man, woman, soldier, civilian, young, old — is back home. police hope to question a suspect arrested in london, after a 14—year—old boy was killed by a man with a sword. hello, i'm lewis vaughanjones. welcome to the programme.
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we're starting in united states. a warning that there flashing images. these are pictures that are live, you can see things being thrown right now. these have been these flashing images from photographers down there at the scene, we presume. this was about 1am in the morning also in la. this is the university of california los angeles campus. there was a pro—palestinian group there, which has grown in size in recent days and a group of pro—israeli protesters. we have been keeping across a couple of these live picture feeds showing us these protests well under way into the night there, into the early hours of the morning now. meanwhile, we can head to new york, where police officers entered a campus of columbia university, ending the occupation of a building by protesters.
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a long line of officers were seen climbing a ladder to enter hamilton hall. lots of arrests made. the university had told the students to leave or face being expelled. columbia university said the students had escalated the protest to an "untenable" situation and it had no choice but to call the police. our north america correspondent nomia iqbal has this report. as evening struck, so did the police. targeting several campuses across new york. nypd, go to hell! at the city college, riot police lined up in front of angry crowds. the people united will never be defeated! social media footage showed a huge confrontation with officers inside the encampment. about half an hour away, at columbia university, where the protests originally
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started, police entered the campus. shouting it comes nearly two weeks since they last went in, sparking huge controversy, and a day after some demonstrators broke into a building inside campus, smashing windows and barricading themselves in. for the university, it was a red line. dozens have been arrested in this new police raid. dozens and dozens of riot police are just behind this line here. we are at columbia university, the actual entrance to the campus is just to my left, we cannot get anywhere near, it is about a two minute walk but the police have blocked it off entirely. just earlier, we saw some students being arrested, they had their hands behind their back with white zip ties being loaded onto nypd buses. further down the right, you have more student protestors, more pro—palestinian protesters on the other side of these barricades shouting
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"shame, shame, shame" at the police. the university also set a deadline on monday to clear the encampment. students who did not move are now being suspended. protesters told us they were hopeful talks could still continue with the university. their demands included cutting off economic and academic ties with israeli institutions. but given this latest police action, hope for reconciliation seems even further away. nomia iqbal, bbc news, new york. so that was the latest in new york. we will go back to the other coast of the us and check in with these live pictures we are getting. we have a couple of different angles of the protest. we have pro—palestinian student protesters out there, as you can see. we also have a group of pro—israeli demonstrators there and there have been clashes, there have been objects thrown and things look
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slightly more peaceful right at the second. it is about 1.00 in the morning in la. it is not, i should say, just this university campus. there have been protests and demonstrations over the last two weeks also at several university campuses right across the the us but those most notable flashpoints have been taking place at columbia university in new york and also right now, reports of fireworks or flares and objects being thrown and we have been keeping across this feed and a couple of others from los angeles over the last few minutes and things seem suddenly slightly calmer. but you can see there, some object was thrown and hit someone, so it is still very much an ongoing problem from a safety point of view for authorities there because those
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protesters and demonstrators very much out and still in the thick of it. we are going to continually keep across these pictures for you. we will be back here in the us to pick up will be back here in the us to pick up the very latest. we will keep monitoring those feeds to see if there are any developments later. to the middle east now and the us secretary of state, antony blinken, says he's determined to secure a ceasefire deal in gaza and the only obstacle now is hamas. there's still been no word on the latest proposals from the group considered a terror organisation by the uk and us. they had said they would respond to the terms of israel's revised proposal by wednesday evening. mr blinken is in israel and has met president isaac herzog in tel aviv. he's due to meet the prime minister, benjamin netanyahu today. he also met some of the families of the hostages being held by hamas in gaza. he told demonstrators outside that the us will not rest until everybody is home.
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ijust had i just had an ijust had an opportunity to meet with some of the families of some of the hostages, as i have on every visit to israel and as has president biden has done. ijust want to share with you what i shared with them. bringing your loved 1's home is at the heart of everything we are trying to do. we will not rest until everyone, man, woman, soldier, civilian, young, old, is back home. there is a very strong proposal on the table right now. hamas needs to say yes and needs to get this done. that is our determination and we will not rest, we will not stop until you are reunited with your loved ones. so, please, keep strong, keep the faith, we will be with you every single day until we get this done. let's speak to our correspondent
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injerusalem, yolande knell. what sense is there of any difference that antony blinken is making? i difference that antony blinken is makin: ? ., difference that antony blinken is makin? . . ., , difference that antony blinken is makin. ? . . . , . making? i mean certainly we are seeinu making? i mean certainly we are seeing some _ making? i mean certainly we are seeing some familiar _ making? i mean certainly we are seeing some familiar themes - making? i mean certainly we are - seeing some familiar themes coming up seeing some familiar themes coming up again on this trip. there is this deal that is currently on the table and you feel he is very much trying to keep up the pressure, putting the onus on hamas to accept what he says is an extraordinarily generous offer being made by israel. it would see a 40 being made by israel. it would see a a0 day ceasefire in gaza in return for more than 30 israeli hostages in the initial stages. there more vulnerable hostages being brought back home, in exchange for palestinian prisoners being released from israeli jails. you can sense the frustration of some of the israeli hostages' families. they were demonstrating outside the building where the us secretary of state was meeting the israeli president earlier. they really want
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america to use all its influence here. there have been calls from some far right ministers who are part of the israeli coalition government, really to prioritise an israeli military operation in rafah, in southern gaza, over what they describe as a reckless deal and the israeli prime minister has been commenting in a way that could complicate the decisions being made by hamas leaders. he said that israel would go into rafah with or without a deal. of course, hamas has been pushing for a full ceasefire that would bring an end to this war. but benjamin netanyahu, does he not fully support the deal that is out there or is he trying to keep his coalition government together? because you have these thinly veiled threats from some of his ministers that they could quit the government if there was a deal that prevented israel from going into rafah, which it had said it needs to do to get
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rid of remaining hamas battalions and achieve a full victory over hamas. ., ~ , ., and achieve a full victory over hamas. ., ~ i. and achieve a full victory over hamas. ., ~ . ., ., hamas. thank you so much, yolande knell. i hamas. thank you so much, yolande knell- i just — hamas. thank you so much, yolande knell. i just want _ hamas. thank you so much, yolande knell. i just want to _ hamas. thank you so much, yolande knell. i just want to explain - hamas. thank you so much, yolande knell. i just want to explain what - knell. i just want to explain what the pictures are that we are showing on the other half of the screen. i should give warnings about flashing images, as i did a few moments ago. these are live pictures, ucla university campus where there are protests ongoing right now. you can see objects being thrown and there is violence there. a warning about that. a couple of news lines to bring you. the los angeles mayor says police are responding immediately to ucla chancellor's request for support on campus. clearly the protests and demonstrations by pro—palestinians and pro—israelis on the site of the university campus in la, clearly above and beyond what the university can deal with itself and so the los angeles mayor saying police are responding immediately to the ucla
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chancellor's request for support on campus. this is as these clashes are ongoing, as you can see now. these are the live pictures. we have a couple more lines to bring you about the substantive issue of course in the substantive issue of course in the middle east. just an update on what yolande i was talking about. we heard from antony blinken as well saying hamas official says antony blinken�*s comments on the ceasefire are an attempt to put pressure on hamas and the quit israel. that is coming to us from reuters news agency. antony blinken saying that the owner is very much is on hamas, with regards to a ceasefire. hamas officials responding to that, saying this is an attempt by antony blinken to put pressure on hamas and quit israel. that from reuters news agency. also saying that hamas official saying the group is still studying recent ceasefire offer, which has been the case for a short
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time now. so hamas officials saying as well as responding to antony blinken�*s comments, saying they are considering that recent ceasefire offer. as i said, we will keep across those live rather dramatic pictures from ucla in los angeles, as those demonstrations have been violent. police are there and we're going to keep across that situation. a number of arrests, damage done, things like that. we will be chasing those details you. here in the uk — police are hoping they might today be able to speak to a man accused of killing a 1a—year old boy in north—east london. the boy was killed and four others, including two police officers, injured, when a man went on a rampage with a sword. police were called after a van was driven at speed into a house on tuesday morning. a 36—year—old man is in custody but has not yet been well enough to be questioned. 0ur reporter louisa pilbeam has been following developments. shouting.
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this was the extraordinary moment police officers cornered and tasered a man suspected of stabbing five people in a quiet residential area in an east london suburb, as rush hour began and families woke up to take children to school. 22 minutes after first receiving a 999 call, police surrounded the suspect as firearms teams rushed tojoin them. easy, easy. shortly before police chased the man as he climbed on roofs and tried to get into people's gardens. lock your doors, lock your doors! a 1a—year—old boy had already been stabbed. he died in hospital. two police officers were also stabbed and needed surgery. two other people had knife wounds, but they are not believed to be life—threatening. one of the guys got stabbed in the neck and he was holding his neck like that and he was like, "i've been stabbed. i've been stabbed."
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he tried to enter somebody�*s house, i think. and then where i saw, people were like, police were trying to taser him and that's where they got him down. locked in their homes, otherfootage shows him crouching down in front of people's windows. this is an incident which has clearly shocked everyone. and over the coming days, you will see a significant police presence in this area. the 36—year—old suspect is believed to have been injured when he allegedly crashed this van at the start of the attack. this door bell footage appears to show the van veering into someone in the top right hand corner. the suspect is now in hospital under arrest. as police prepare to question him, this community is searching for answers as to how a 1a—year—old boy lost his life in such a brutal way and how others were injured in such a chilling attack.
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let's ta ke let's take you back to the us. just to explain what we have been watching, quick warning, there have been flashing images in these live pictures. but what we have been seeing is protests from pro—israeli group, protests from a pro—palestinian group and there have been clashes between the sides in recent days. this was about 1.00 in the morning. the university campus have called in the police as the protests turned violent. there were objects being thrown, reports of flares and fireworks and you can see the police presence there, around the police presence there, around the university campus. this is following a couple of weeks now wealth protests, pro—palestinian protests against the war in gaza
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which have been running for a couple of weeks notjust here but across various different university campuses across the the us, coast to coast, colombia in new york a focus of protests as well. plenty of arrests there overnight as students went into a building and police then got them out. university authorities saying that incident, the protests are fine but the protesters took things too far to an untenable level. now here in la, before the police were involved, there were protests between the two rival groups on the university campus, pro—palestinian and pro—israeli. there were altercations between the two sides and then we heard from the mayor of la saying the chancellor of the university there called in, asked for their support on campus and that is why we now have the police presence there. sojust and that is why we now have the police presence there. so just in
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the last few minutes, things seem to have calmed down although last time i said that, things started kicking off a bit again. but there was apparently a barrier between the two sides which was breached. that started leading to some of the altercations. we have heard previously from the white house, asking effectively for peaceful protest, yes, but violence, no. hate speech, no. there have been condemnations of anti—semitic incidents which were reported there and the white house responded to that saying all the hate speech and threats of violence were being condemned by the white house spokesperson. so a little pause, it seems, just in the last 20, 30 minutes or so. we have seen big wooden pallets being thrown, people with sticks and there have been
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physical altercations between people there on the campus. it looks like a small pause there. let's go back to our reporter now. azadeh moshiri is in hainault. remind us of what happened there. i spoke to a former police sergeant here in hainult and he said this is an area of london where things like this don't usually happen. he described it as a quiet residential area. but there are clear signs now that something very tragic happened here yesterday. remember, a 1a—year—old boy was killed and four others were injured by a man wielding a sword. two police officers were severely injured as well. there are dozens of police officers here today. there are several police vans. there is a cordoned area at the scene of the
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attack behind me and residents of this area have to sign their names and give their names to police officers who are actually called in. that is parents taking their children to school, that is people carrying groceries. clearly the community here knows things are no longer the same. but of course, the met police, given the seriousness of some of the injuries these two officers sustained, have said it is a humbling reminder of the danger they face when they are protecting they face when they are protecting the public. in fact, the met police commissioner, sir mark rowley, gave some more details about what the police officers who responded to this attack and had to deal with. we talk, people say officers run towards — we talk, people say officers run towards danger. what you have actually — towards danger. what you have actually seen on some of the videos that are _ actually seen on some of the videos that are out — actually seen on some of the videos that are out around social media and news _ that are out around social media and news sites _ that are out around social media and news sites such as your own, you actually _ news sites such as your own, you actually see — news sites such as your own, you actually see what that looks like. you have — actually see what that looks like. you have officers running towards a man who _ you have officers running towards a man who is — you have officers running towards a man who is waving a sword. i went to hospital— man who is waving a sword. i went to hospital yesterday to see the officers — hospital yesterday to see the officers and their families. i saw
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the inspector whose hand is badly damaged — the inspector whose hand is badly damaged. i saw him before the operation, he was in good spirits. i think— operation, he was in good spirits. i think that — operation, he was in good spirits. i think that was partly the morphine, to be _ think that was partly the morphine, to be honest, but he has a lot of catching — to be honest, but he has a lot of catching up _ to be honest, but he has a lot of catching up to be done on his hand, realty— catching up to be done on his hand, really serious injuries there. i was talking _ really serious injuries there. i was talking to — really serious injuries there. i was talking to the family and colleagues of the _ talking to the family and colleagues of the officer, a female officer, whose — of the officer, a female officer, whose arm _ of the officer, a female officer, whose arm is badly damaged. the surgeon _ whose arm is badly damaged. the surgeon spent many, many hours basicatty— surgeon spent many, many hours basically putting her arm back together. basically putting her arm back touether. , , ., , together. one newspaper said it was close to her — together. one newspaper said it was close to her losing _ together. one newspaper said it was close to her losing her— together. one newspaper said it was close to her losing her hand, - together. one newspaper said it was close to her losing her hand, are - close to her losing her hand, are you able — close to her losing her hand, are you able to — close to her losing her hand, are you able to confirm _ close to her losing her hand, are you able to confirm that? - close to her losing her hand, are you able to confirm that? it’s - close to her losing her hand, are you able to confirm that? it's not1 million miles _ you able to confirm that? it's not1 million miles away _ you able to confirm that? it's not1 million miles away for— you able to confirm that? it's not1 million miles away for some - you able to confirm that? it's not1 million miles away for some really j million miles away for some really horrific— million miles away for some really horrific injuries. wheh _ horrific injuries. when something like this happens, a question comes up and that is, could anything have been done to prevent this? the police say they don't believe it is terror —related and nor was it targeted. they are doing urgent checks to find out whether there was any prior contact between there was any prior contact between the police and the suspect. so far, there has been no evidence of that. azadeh moshiri, thank you for that. around the world and across the uk,
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this is bbc news.
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you are live with bbc news. let's go straight back to los angeles and the pictures we have of student protests taking place there that have spilled over into violence. these are pro—palestinian protesters who have beenin pro—palestinian protesters who have been in camp there on that university campus, ucla, in la, for quite a while. there is a rival pro—israeli protesters as well and it is about 1am in the morning. these are live pictures and it has spilled over into violence. so we have been keeping across these live feeds. a quick warning, there are flashing images, lots of photographers and torches there, so you may well experience flashing images as we take these pictures live. there have been calls for calm from university authorities there
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but they have called in police. we heard from the mayor of la a little earlier saying they received a call from the chancellor of the university requesting support. you can see these tents, the protests against what is happening in the war in gaza. they have been there for a while and that has spilled over into violence. there are reports of childs and anti—semitism —— chants and anti—semitism and reports of violence between the two sides. so we have been watching over the last short while. police gathering vehicles nearby the campus and the blocks near here but there was a spate of activity about 20 minutes orso spate of activity about 20 minutes or so ago. every time we think it's just calmed down, there tends to be
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another little flare up, with people throwing objects and people throwing wooden pallets. people having sticks in their hands earlier. it seems to be flares or fireworks. we haven't seen that in the last half an hour or so. this not the only site of course of student demonstrations. from coast—to—coast, we have seen over the last couple of weeks pro—palestinians, students are protesting over the war in gaza, making various requests of their universities. things like financial debt entanglement, reviewing any investments universities have with israeli companies or connections with israeli universities. also demanding things like any students that are involved and arrested or disciplined, that they have amnesty for doing so. columbia university in new york, one of the main focuses,
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lots of arrests made their yesterday, given the fact that students went into a building and the authorities at columbia university they're saying it was untenable. so protests of course were fine, but that situation was untenable and so the police were called in. lots of arrests made there. this, though, is live in los angeles. it isjust there. this, though, is live in los angeles. it is just coming there. this, though, is live in los angeles. it isjust coming up there. this, though, is live in los angeles. it is just coming up to about 1.30 in angeles. it is just coming up to about1.30 in the angeles. it is just coming up to about 1.30 in the morning. we have seen this conflict between the two groups of protesters and two sides in these demonstrations. so we are going to have plenty more coverage live here in los angeles. you are watching bbc news. so we are going to stay with these pictures because we have been seeing periods of stand—off and stand still and people kind of vaguely
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dispersing away from that line of tents you can see and then they tend to crowd around again. we have seen objects thrown. it still looks like they are... 0bjects objects thrown. it still looks like they are... objects are still being thrown there. appeals for calm have come in from come yesterday from white house spokesperson. this has become a hugely political issue, obviously, notjust within the confines of universities and within debating halls between students. the white house responded yesterday saying demonstrations must remain peaceful. and the demonstrations we are seeing here have not been peaceful, there has been violence and there has been objects thrown.
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and the flashing images of photographers and torches has been pretty continuous. this has been a challenge notjust here but in different university campuses right across the us. we do have a camera feeds down on the ground as well, but they are not coming into us right now on the feeds. so we're going to leave these pictures just for a feeds. so we're going to leave these picturesjust for a moment. we feeds. so we're going to leave these pictures just for a moment. we will be keeping across them, of course. we will head straight back to these live images of los angeles shortly. a failed asylum seeker has become the first to voluntarily leave the uk for rwanda, bbc news understands. the man was flown on a commercial flight and given £3,000 to help relocate in kigali, as first reported by the sun newspaper. his departure is not part of the forced deportation policy
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the government announced two years ago. let's speak to henry zeffman. so explain this to us. this is not what we have been talking about for the last couple of weeks? it is what we have been talking about for the last couple of weeks?— the last couple of weeks? it is not what we have _ the last couple of weeks? it is not what we have been _ the last couple of weeks? it is not what we have been talking - the last couple of weeks? it is not what we have been talking about. the last couple of weeks? it is not i what we have been talking about the last couple of years. this is a rwanda scheme but not the rwanda scheme. the government for two years under three prime ministers and more home secretaries than i can count has been committed to forcibly relocating people who arrive in the uk in small boats across the english channel to rwanda. what happened on monday was not that. it was a separate scheme, which we have only known about for a couple of months, whereby they want to offer, and crucially that is the word, offer people who have applied for asylum here but been rejected the opportunity to move to rwanda should they wish. and to do so, the government is willing to pay them up to £3000. on monday, according to the sun newspaper, that happened for
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the sun newspaper, that happened for the first time. so a man who had made an asylum application here which had been rejected was paid around £3000 by the government to voluntarily get on a commercial flight to rwanda and now make his life there. . ~ flight to rwanda and now make his life there. ., ,, flight to rwanda and now make his life there. ., ~' , ., , . life there. ok, thank you very much, hen , life there. ok, thank you very much, henry. for— life there. ok, thank you very much, henry. for bringing _ life there. ok, thank you very much, henry, for bringing us _ life there. ok, thank you very much, henry, for bringing us up _ life there. ok, thank you very much, henry, for bringing us up to - life there. ok, thank you very much, henry, for bringing us up to speed i henry, for bringing us up to speed with that. we are cutting henry ever so slightly short because we are going back to la and these extraordinary images of the student demonstrations and protests that had spilled over into violence. we don't know at the moment when it comes to things like numbers of arrests or numbers of injuries. we are keeping across that but you can see a huge police presence. we heard from the mayor of los angeles, saying that the chancellor of the university asked for assistance. clearly a protest and demonstration is within what the university can deal with internally but once those protests turned violent, they felt the need to call in the police. you can see a
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significant number of police vehicles there. we are talking to our local affiliates and partners in the us, reuters news agency reporting that some... just on the timing of this. they say the violence escalated just before 11pm. as a crowd of demonstrators surrounded the pro—palestinian camp on the campus, basically the big line of tents, the group of tents that we were seeing a moment ago, there you can see, just as the camera zooms in. that huge area of tents we presume is the area that the reuters tv news agency is referring to. encampment of pro—palestinian camp and there has been a clash between them and pro—israeli camp. it escalated around 11pm. we area we are a few hours on at 1:30am.


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