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tv   BBC News  BBC News  May 1, 2024 10:00am-10:31am BST

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police reveal the �*horifically serious' injuries they suffered while trying to stop a london sword attack. a 14—year—old boy was killed. thank you, blinken. thank you, biden. the united states top official meets the families of hostages in tel aviv. he says the only obstacle to a ceasefire now is hamas. we will not rest until everyone — man, woman, soldier, civilian, young, old — is back home. and the greatest thing since white bread — scientists develop a new white loaf that's just as healthy as wholegrain. hello, i'm lewis vaughanjones. welcome to the programme. we are
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going to start in the us. protests over the war in gaza have come to a head, with angry — and sometimes violent — scenes at campuses on both the east and west coasts. take a look at these pictures. these are clashes at the university of california, los angeles campus. this was the early hours of wednesday morning, just a a few moments ago. a pro—palestinian encampment has grown in size in recent days, as has the group of pro—israeli protesters. there have been clashes between the two sides. these pictures are not live but we have been watching these pictures over the last couple of hours as they have been fed into us here at the bbc. violence escalated around 11pm here at the bbc. violence escalated around ”pm local time. it is now a around ”pm local time. it is now a a few hours after that. these are some of the most recent pictures we have. dylan winward is a student journalist at the daily bruin, ucla's student newspaper. he told me more about what has
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happened on campus. from 10.50 this evening, counter protesters turned up as they have been doing for the last couple of days to disrupt the encampment. we know as well they fired off fireworks towards the encampment and there has been tear gas used on site. one of our reporters got tear gassed this evening as well. so that is what is currently going on there. we know that campus has requested a police presence from across the city to come in and from the latest i've just heard, they arrived several hours later. just heard, they arrived several hours later-— just heard, they arrived several hours later. interesting. let's go back to the _ hours later. interesting. let's go back to the beginning _ hours later. interesting. let's go back to the beginning there. - hours later. interesting. let's go back to the beginning there. we | hours later. interesting. let's go - back to the beginning there. we have seen the big patch of land with lots of tents on. are we right in understanding that is the pro—palestinian group of students? how long have they been there and what have they been doing up until this evening?— what have they been doing up until this evening? what have they been doing up until this evenin: ? , u, , , this evening? yes, the encampment is oruanised this evening? yes, the encampment is organised by — this evening? yes, the encampment is organised by students _ this evening? yes, the encampment is organised by students for _ this evening? yes, the encampment is organised by students forjustice - this evening? yes, the encampment is
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organised by students forjustice in - organised by students forjustice in palestine, they have been there since thursday morning. they have a number of demands that the chief among them is to have the university divest from companies associated with the israeli military. they have largely been protesting peacefully. they have held programming, speeches and chanting. from the first evening they were there, overnight they were harassed by increasingly large groups of counter protesters. we are aware it is over 100 this evening. some of whom have just been keeping them awake, shouting, playing music and in recent evenings, it's also become increasingly violent. that brin . s become increasingly violent. that brinus us become increasingly violent. that brings us uo _ become increasingly violent. that brings us no to — become increasingly violent. that brings us up to about ten, 11 o'clock this evening. clearly it's very, very recent but what do we understand about what has happened, what changed in the mood and the atmosphere there? yes. what changed in the mood and the atmosphere there?— what changed in the mood and the atmosphere there? yes, so earlier on toda , this atmosphere there? yes, so earlier on today, this afternoon, _ atmosphere there? yes, so earlier on today, this afternoon, actually, - atmosphere there? yes, so earlier on today, this afternoon, actually, a - today, this afternoon, actually, a us congressional committee some and ucla university leaders to talk
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about anti—semitism in a hearing next month. in response, ucla leaders declared the income and unlawful assembly and students participating could face sanctions at the university. they stop short of saying they would arrest students on campus but they asked students to leave the encampment. this evening, at about ten or 11 o'clock, we then saw a large number of counter protesters turn up, as they have donein protesters turn up, as they have done in recent evenings. we know yesterday evening there was also an altercation but it was nothing like we have seen on the scale tonight. they tried to breach the incumbent perimeter, as they have been doing for the last couple of evenings. thus far they had been repelled. they were throwing objects, fireworks, they threw a scooter, water bottles and tear gas towards the encampment. that brings us up to what we have been seeing, these night—time pictures from about 1am
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for about half an hour. there were periods where there were direct confrontations and then there would be a pause as people would step back. talk us through the geography, this line of tents. is this effectively the edge of the pro—palestinian camp where they have been for a while and that is the focus point of the counter demonstrators, is that right? yeah, what you are probably looking at is the central quad of the ucla campus. on one half of it, really, if the pro—palestine encampment. there was a barrier set up in between, with a buffer zone. there are 30 hired professional security guards hired by the university to separate protesters from counter protesters. we know this evening is the first time they actually withdrew away from the encampment site. we believe that is because they didn't feel they could safely hold it, allowing the two sides to clash directly. but previously, there had been a buffer zone.
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those barriers have since been knocked over by the counter protesters this evening. thanks to dylan for bringing us up to date with what is happening on the west coast. meanwhile, on the other coast, hundreds of new york officers have entered the campus of columbia university, ending the occupation of a building there. a long line of officers was seen climbing a ladder to enter hamilton hall. lots of arrests, apparently. the university had told the students to leave — or face being expelled. columbia university said the students had escalated the protest to an "untenable" situation and it had no choice but to call in the police. 0ur north america correspondent nomia iqbal has this report. as evening struck, so did the police. targeting several campuses across new york. nypd, go to hell! at the city college, riot police lined up in front of angry crowds. the people united will
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never be defeated! social media footage showed a huge confrontation with officers inside the encampment. about half an hour away, at columbia university, where the protests originally started, police entered the campus. shouting it comes nearly two weeks since they last went in, sparking huge controversy, and a day after some demonstrators broke into a building inside campus, smashing windows and barricading themselves in. for the university, it was a red line. dozens have been arrested in this new police raid. dozens and dozens of riot police are just behind this line here. we are at columbia university, the actual entrance to the campus is just to my left, we cannot
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get anywhere near, it is about a two minute walk but the police have blocked it off entirely. just earlier, we saw some students being arrested, they had their hands behind their backs with white zip ties being loaded onto nypd buses. further down the right, you have more student protestors, more pro—palestinian protesters on the other side of these barricades shouting "shame, shame, shame" at the police. the university also set a deadline on monday to clear the encampment. students who did not move are now being suspended. protesters told us they were hopeful talks could still continue with the university. their demands included cutting off economic and academic ties with israeli institutions. but given this latest police action, hope for reconciliation seems even further away. nomia iqbal, bbc news, new york. we are going to head to the middle east now.
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the us secretary of state, antony blinken, says he's determined to secure a ceasefire deal in gaza — and the only obstacle now is hamas. the group — considered a terror organisation by the uk and us —— have until wednesday evening to response the the proposal. mr blinken is in israel and has met president isaac herzog in tel aviv. he's now due to meet the prime minister, benjamin netanyahu. mr blinken also met some of the families of the hostages being held by hamas in gaza. he told demonstrators outside that the us will not rest until everybody is home. ijust had an opportunity to meet with some of the families of some of the hostages, as i have on every visit to israel and, of course, as president biden has done, so many colleagues have done. i just wanted to share with you what ijust shared with them. bringing your loved ones home is at the heart of everything we're trying to do. we will not rest until everyone — man, woman, soldier,
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civilian, young, old — is back home. there is a very strong proposal on the table right now. hamas needs to say yes and needs to get this done. that is our determination and we will not rest, we will not stop until you're reunited with your loved ones. so, please, keep strong, keep the faith, we will be with you every single day until we get this done. in the past hour, a hamas official says antony blinken's comments are an attempt to apply pressure on the group. they say it's still examining the terms of the ceasefire offer. 0ur middle east correspondent yolande knell has more on mr blinken's visit to israel. certainly, we're seeing some familiar themes coming up again on this trip. there is this deal that is currently on the table and you feel he is very much trying to keep up the pressure, putting the onus on hamas to accept
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what he says is an extraordinarily generous offer being made by israel. it would see, we understand, a a0 day ceasefire in gaza in return for more than 30 israeli hostages in the initial stages. those more vulnerable hostages being brought back home, in exchange for palestinian prisoners being released from israeli jails. you can sense the frustration of some of the israeli hostages' families. they were demonstrating outside the building where the us secretary of state was meeting the israeli president earlier. they really want america to use all its influence here. there have been calls from some far right ministers who are part of the israeli coalition government, really to prioritise an israeli military operation in rafah, in southern gaza, over what they describe as a reckless
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deal and the israeli prime minister has been commenting in a way that could complicate the deliberations being made by hamas leaders. he said that israel would go into rafah with or without a deal. of course, hamas has been pushing for a full ceasefire that would bring an end to this war. but mr netanyahu analysts say, does he not fully support the deal that is out there or is he trying to keep his coalition government together? because you have these thinly veiled threats from some of his ministers that they could quit the government if there was a deal that prevented israel from going into rafah, which it has said it needs to do to get rid of remaining hamas battalions and achieve a full victory over hamas. thanks to yolande knell for that. around the world and across the uk, this is bbc news.
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this is bbc news.
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here in the uk — police have revealed an officer nearly lost a hand while trying to end a fatal sword attack in london. a 14—year—old boy was killed — and four others, including two police officers, were injured in the attack. police described the injuries suffered by officers as "horrifically serious". a 36—year—old man is in custody — and it is hoped he will be well enough to be questioned today. 0ur reporter louisa pilbeam has been following developments. shouting. this was the extraordinary moment police officers cornered and tasered a man suspected of stabbing five people in a quiet residential area in an east london suburb, as rush hour began and families woke up to take children to school. 22 minutes after first receiving a 999 call, police surrounded the suspect, as firearms teams rushed tojoin them. easy, easy. shortly before police chased the man as he climbed on roofs and tried
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to get into people's gardens. lock your doors, lock your doors! a 14—year—old boy had already been stabbed. he died in hospital. two police officers were also stabbed and needed surgery. two other people had knife wounds, but they are not believed to be life—threatening. one of the guys got stabbed in the neck and he was holding his neck like that and he was like, "i've been stabbed. i've been stabbed." he tried to enter somebody�*s house, i think. and then where i saw, people were like, police were trying to taser him and that's where they got him down. locked in their homes, otherfootage shows him crouching down in front of people's windows. this is an incident which has clearly shocked everyone. and over the coming days, you will see a significant police presence in this area. the 36—year—old suspect is believed to have been injured when he allegedly crashed this van at the start of the attack. this door bell footage appears to show the van veering into someone
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in the top right hand corner. the suspect is now in hospital under arrest. as police prepare to question him, this community is searching for answers as to how a 14—year—old boy lost his life in such a brutal way and how others were injured in such a chilling attack. let's speak to our reporter azadeh moshiri — she's in hainault. just bring us up to date. people here in hainult _ just bring us up to date. people here in hainult are _ just bring us up to date. people here in hainult are adjusting - just bring us up to date. people here in hainult are adjusting to| just bring us up to date. people | here in hainult are adjusting to a new reality. this is a place that get described as safe, quiet, residential and yet now it's known for this tragedy that happened behind me. there is a large area that has been cordoned off. there is a large police presence as well, dozens of police officers are here. some have been here overnight. there are several vans and residents have been queueing up, trying to get in
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and out of the area and passing on their names to police as the investigation continues behind me. now, of course, this attack was a very serious one. a 14—year—old boy was killed. several others were injured. two of them were police officers. we now understood the details of how seriously these met police officers were impacted as they were protecting the community here. in fact, we can listen to the met police commissioner sir mark rowley giving small details. people say officers run towards danger. what you've actually seen on some of the videos that are out around social media and on news sites such as your own, you actually see what that really looks like. you've got officers running towards someone who's waving a sword. i went to the hospital yesterday to see the officers and their families. i saw the inspector whose hand is badly damaged. i saw him before the operation, he was in good spirits. i think that was partly the morphine, to be honest! right, 0k. but he's got a lot of patching up to be done on his hand,
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really serious injuries there. and i was talking to the family and colleagues of the officer, the woman officer, whose really badly damaged arm, really seriously damaged. the surgeon spent many, many hours sort of basically putting her arm back together. it will be a long journey of recovery. 0ne newspaper said of the female officer, it was actually close - to her losing her hand, - are you able to confirm that? that's not a million miles away. really horrifically serious injuries. of course, when you learn of an attack like this, one question does come up. could this have been prevented? now, the police have said that they are making urgent checks and that from what they can gather so far, there is no evidence that there was prior contact between the police and the suspect but they are continuing those urgent checks. for now, they are trying to get a bigger picture, a clearer picture of exactly something —— maggie has something like this could have happened. thank you for that. want to bring you some breaking news
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now from the world of formula 1 and the red bull team. we have an announcement that formula 1's most sought after designer, that man adrian newey, will leave red bull next year. he has been with red bull for19 next year. he has been with red bull for 19 years and red bull said in a statement and he said in a statement, for almost two decades, it's been my great honour to play a key role in red bull racing's progress from upstart newcomer to multiple title winning team. however, ifeel now multiple title winning team. however, i feel now is an opportune moment to hand that batten over to others and to seek new challenges for myself. so this coming to us from reuters new agency. confirmation that adrian newey, the design chief at red bull, will leave
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next year, 2025. this is not brand—new in terms of the speculation. this is the first official confirmation we have had about the speculation has been going on for a couple of weeks now. he, his future at red bull has been in the spotlight given the controversy is off the track on going at red bull. primarily around the accusations of sexual harassment and coercive abusive behaviour for christian horner, who is the team principal. christian horner denies those allegations and an investigation by the team cleared him of those allegations, too. but it has been an unsettling period off the racetrack for red bull. there has been speculation about this man's future, adrian newey. now we have confirmation that he is going. a huge contrast to red bull's performance on the track, of course. max verstappen, their star driver, absolutely dominant last season,
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winning 19 of 22 races. absolutely dominant display on the track but off the track at team at red bull, there is disquiet and now chief technical officer adrian newey announcing that he has left. he in that statement making no reference to any of that, though. just saying it has been an honour to have played a key role in red bull racing's progress from upstart newcomer to multiple title winning team. i feel now is an opportune moment, he says, to hand that batten over to others and to seek new challenges for myself. if those challenges remain in the world of formula 1, he will be hugely in demand. he is widely seen as one of the best at his role. so there may well be incoming offers from other rival formula 1 teams if thatis from other rival formula 1 teams if that is what he chooses to do next. we will wait and see if any more details come to light. next, here is
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one for the lovers of toast and butter. scientists are trying to create a new type of loaf that is just as healthy as wholemeal but looks and tastes just like white bread. the aim is to bring health benefits to the vast majority of the population who love their sliced white loaves. let's ta ke let's take a moment to talk about this. dr catherine howarth, lead researcher at aberystwyth university is with us. thank you forjoining us. good thank you for “oining us. good morning. — thank you forjoining us. good morning. what _ thank you forjoining us. good morning. what is _ thank you forjoining us. good morning. what is this - thank you forjoining us. good morning. what is this about? | thank you forjoining us. good i morning. what is this about? we thank you forjoining us. good - morning. what is this about? we know white bread is — morning. what is this about? we know white bread is delicious _ morning. what is this about? we know white bread is delicious but _ white bread is delicious but wholemeal bread is much more healthy and nutritious. so the object of this project is to see if we can make a white flour that has all the healthy parts of the wheat grain that are currently discarded, either by modifying how the wheat grain is milled or by adding other crops that are grown in the uk, such as oats or beans and peas.
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are grown in the uk, such as oats or beans and peas-— are grown in the uk, such as oats or beans and peas. what are the chances of this working. _ beans and peas. what are the chances of this working, becoming _ beans and peas. what are the chances of this working, becoming mass - beans and peas. what are the chances of this working, becoming mass scale | of this working, becoming mass scale and it being on everyone's plates? we have great hope for this. we are working closely with a miller. they are very keen for this to work and they supply quite a lot of large bakers, notjust for making bread but for making pizza bases as well. 0k, what about the argument that mass processed food, we should be moving away from all together rather than trying to tinker with it? bread is a aood than trying to tinker with it? bread is a good product. _ than trying to tinker with it? bread is a good product. white _ than trying to tinker with it? ee—r is a good product. white bread is perhaps not the ideal because it has a higher glycaemic index and so on and it does tend to be more widely manufactured, but i think there is a lot of scope for improving a bread thatis lot of scope for improving a bread that is available for everybody to eat. we can't all go to a baker and
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by a deluxe artisan loaf. so i think it is important that we consider bread that is available for everybody. is bread that is available for everybody-— bread that is available for eve bod. , ,, everybody. is there any assessment of 'ust how everybody. is there any assessment ofjust how much _ everybody. is there any assessment ofjust how much better, _ everybody. is there any assessment ofjust how much better, how - everybody. is there any assessment ofjust how much better, how much | ofjust how much better, how much people's health would actually improve with this switch? that people's health would actually improve with this switch? at the moment, improve with this switch? at the moment. we _ improve with this switch? at the moment, we eat _ improve with this switch? at the moment, we eat far— improve with this switch? at the moment, we eat far less - improve with this switch? at the moment, we eat far less fibre i improve with this switch? at the i moment, we eat far less fibre than we should and that is recommended. if we can incorporate more fibre into the bread, eitherfrom if we can incorporate more fibre into the bread, either from the wheat grain itself or using something like oats, which we know have a very high fibre content and unique fibre that has proven to be heart healthy and low cholesterol for example, then could we use this to actually improve our white flour? interesting. thank you very much for coming on the programme, thank you. let's show you the latest pictures we have in from los angeles because these are just, we have in from los angeles because these arejust, in we have in from los angeles because these are just, in the last couple
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of hours, protests spilling over into violence as you can see. there has been a camp there of pro—palestinian student demonstrators, angry at what is happening in the war in gaza. there has been a counter group of protesters, pro—israeli groups, and there have been clashes and violence in the evening. the police have been called in by the university. as i said, we are keeping across these pictures for you. these just in the last couple of hours. we are getting into pretty early hours in the morning in la now but we are keeping across events there. i'm lewis vaughanjones, this is bbc news. hello, again. for many of us, it's going to be a day of bright spells, sunshine and some showers. the early morning mist, low cloud and fog pushing back to the east coast where some of it will linger. but we've got some heavier downpours
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coming in from the south a bit later on in the day. now, pollen levels today are moderate or high for many of us. we're talking tree pollen, but also now some grass pollen in there as well. as we head on through the course of the afternoon, we still have a little bit of low cloud at times along the east coast, some showers getting into southeast scotland, possibly northeast england and northeast scotland. but we've got that mixture of drier conditions. but the cloud building in the south, introducing some rain by the end of the afternoon. temperatures 17 in stornoway, 18 in liverpool, possibly 20 in london. so it's through the evening and overnight we pick up some heavy, thundery downpours. they're moving northwards and westwards, getting into wales and southwest england. and at the same time we've got this low cloud, mist, and murk returning in from the east, pushing that bit further west. there will be clear skies, but it's not going to be a cold night. no issues with frost. 0ur overnight lows between six and 11 degrees. so this is the weather front that's bringing the thundery downpours.
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it will still be with us tomorrow. and in fact, we're still pulling in that easterly wind. so the temperatures in this chart show you that it still is going to be pretty warm for the time of year. some of us getting up to about 21 degrees or at least into the high teens. but we're also going to see the days start with low cloud, mist, and murk, some of that, as it pushes back, will linger across northeast england. in south east scotland. the thundery downpours clearing away from the west, but we'll be left with some residual cloud here. and we're also looking at some sharp showers. temperatures could reach 21. the west highlands, northwest england, and the far southeast. friday sees more widespread showers developing across england, some of them getting into southeast scotland, a lot of cloud for wales, but brighter skies in the north with our temperature range 12 to 15 degrees. so the temperatures slipping down a little bit, but the west highlands could still reach 19. and then as we head into the bank holiday weekend, well, this could change, but it's looking
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like we'll have rain at times. there'll be showers at times, but in between, there'll be some sunshine and temperatures returning to the seasonal norm.
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this is bbc news, the headlines... university protests turn violent in los angeles. pro—israel and pro—palestinian demonstrators clash on campus. in new york, dozens are arrested when police storm a columbia university building
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occupied by students protesting against the war in gaza. police reveal the "horifically serious" injuries they suffered while trying to stop a london sword attack. a 14—year—old boy was killed. shouting. the united states' top diplomat meets the families of hostages in tel aviv. he says the only obstacle to a ceasefire now is hamas. and the greatest thing since sliced bread — scientists are developing a new white loaf that's just as healthy as wholegrain. hello, welcome to the programme. a failed asylum seeker has become the first to voluntarily leave the uk for rwanda, bbc news understands. the man was flown on a commercial flight and given £3,000 to help relocate, as first reported by the sun newspaper. his departure is not part of the forced deportation policy the government announced
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two years ago. 0ur correspondent, henry zeffman, explained


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