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tv   BBC News  BBC News  May 1, 2024 11:00am-11:16am BST

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police reveal the "horifically serious" injuries they suffered while trying to stop a london sword attack. a 14—year—old boy was killed. and the greatest thing since sliced bread — scientists are developing a new white loaf that's just as healthy as wholegrain. welcome to the programme. us university protests over the war in gaza have come to a head with angry and sometimes violent scenes at campuses on both the east and west coasts. these are pictures from the university of california, los angeles, early on wednesday morning. clashes breaking out between pro—palestinian and pro—israeli demonstrators.
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these are the pictures right now. the vice—chancellor of the university says there have been horrific acts of violence, adding the police have been called in. fireworks were reportedly thrown at one of the camps and pepper spray has been used as barriers surrounding the south were torn down. a pro—palestinian encampment has grown in size in recent days, as has the group of pro—israeli protesters. dylan winward is a student journalist at the daily bruin, ucla's student newspaper. he told me more about developments on campus. from 10.50 this evening, counter protesters turned up as they have been doing for the last couple of days to disrupt the encampment. we know as well they fired off fireworks towards the encampment and there has been tear gas used on site. one of our reporters got tear gassed this evening as well. so that is what is
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currently going on there. we know that campus has requested a police presence from across the city to come in and from the latest i've just heard, they arrived several hours later. interesting. let's go back to the beginning there. we have seen the big patch of land with lots of tents on. are we right in understanding that is the pro—palestinian group of students? how long have they been there and what have they been doing up until this evening? yes, the encampment is organised by students forjustice in palestine, they have been there since thursday morning. they have a number of demands that the chief among them is to have the university divest from companies associated with the israeli military. they have largely been protesting peacefully. they have held programming, speeches and chanting. from the first evening they were there, overnight they were harassed by increasingly large groups of counter protesters.
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we are aware it is over 100 this evening. some of whom have just been keeping them awake, shouting, playing music and in recent evenings, it's also become increasingly violent. that brings us up to about ten, 11 o'clock this evening. clearly it's very, very recent but what do we understand about what has happened, what changed in the mood and the atmosphere there? yes, so earlier on today, this afternoon, actually, a us congressional committee some and ucla university leaders to talk about anti—semitism in a hearing next month. in response, ucla leaders declared the income and unlawful assembly and students participating could face sanctions at the university. they stop short of saying they would arrest students on campus but they asked students to leave the encampment. this evening, at about ten or 11 o'clock, we then saw a large number of counter
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protesters turn up, as they have done in recent evenings. we know yesterday evening there was also an altercation but it was nothing like we have seen on the scale tonight. when they tried to breach the perimeter as they have done in the last few evenings and thus far, they have been repelled but i knew also they were throwing objects, they were throwing fireworks and a scooter, water bottles and tear gas towards the encampment as well. shoyu live pictures from the camp. things look pretty, right now but things have been kicking off and escalating. things have been kicking off and escalatinu. . ., , , escalating. there are white flashes with cameras _ escalating. there are white flashes with cameras and _ escalating. there are white flashes with cameras and also _ escalating. there are white flashes
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with cameras and also torches - escalating. there are white flashes with cameras and also torches and| with cameras and also torches and lights, to be aware of that. meanwhile, in new york, police officers have entered the campus of columbia university, ending the occupation of a building by pro—palestinian protesters. a long line of officers was seen climbing a ladder to enter hamilton hall. the university had told the students to leave, or face being expelled. 0ur north america correspondent nomia iqbal has this report. as evening struck, so did the police. targeting several campuses across new york. nypd, go to hell! at the city college, riot police lined up in front of angry crowds. the people united will never be defeated! social media footage showed a huge confrontation with officers inside the encampment.
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about half an hour away, at columbia university, where the protests originally started, police entered the campus. shouting it comes nearly two weeks since they last went in, sparking huge controversy, and a day after some demonstrators broke into a building inside campus, smashing windows and barricading themselves in. for the university, it was a red line. dozens have been arrested in this new police raid. dozens and dozens of riot police are just behind this line here. we are at columbia university, the actual entrance to the campus is just to my left, we cannot get anywhere near, it is about a two minute walk but the police have blocked it off entirely. just earlier, we saw some students being arrested, they had their hands behind their backs with white zip ties being loaded onto nypd buses.
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further down the right, you have more student protestors, more pro—palestinian protesters on the other side of these barricades shouting "shame, shame, shame" at the police. the university also set a deadline on monday to clear the encampment. students who did not move are now being suspended. protesters told us they were hopeful talks could still continue with the university. their demands included cutting off economic and academic ties with israeli institutions. but given this latest police action, hope for reconciliation seems even further away. nomia iqbal, bbc news, new york. these campus protests over the israelgaza war have been speading for weeks now. the team at bbc digital has been analysing how they've evolved.
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some problem with that, will bring change. to the middle east now and the us secretary of state, antony blinken, says he's determined to secure a ceasefire deal in gaza and the only obstacle now is hamas. the group, considered a terror organisation by the uk and us, has until wednesday evening to respond to the proposal. mr blinken is in israel and has met president isaac herzog in tel aviv. he's now due to meet the prime minister, benjamin netanyahu. mr blinken also met some of the families of the hostages being held by hamas in gaza. he told demonstrators outside the us will not rest until everybody is home. certainly, we're seeing some familiar themes coming up again on this trip. there is this deal that is currently on the table and you feel he is very
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much trying to keep up the pressure, putting the onus on hamas to accept what he says is an extraordinarily generous offer being made by israel. it would see, we understand, a a0 day ceasefire in gaza in return for more than 30 israeli hostages in the initial stages. those more vulnerable hostages being brought back home, in exchange for palestinian prisoners being released from israeli jails. you can sense the frustration of some of the israeli hostages' families. they were demonstrating outside the building where the us secretary of state was meeting the israeli president earlier. they really want america to use all its influence here. there have been calls from some far right ministers who are part of the israeli coalition government, really to prioritise an israeli military operation in rafah, in southern gaza, over what they describe as a reckless
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deal and the israeli prime minister has been commenting in a way that could complicate the deliberations being made by hamas leaders. he said that israel would go into rafah with or without a deal. of course, hamas has been pushing for a full ceasefire that would bring an end to this war. but mr netanyahu analysts say, does he not fully support the deal that is out there or is he trying to keep his coalition government together? because you have these thinly veiled threats from some of his ministers that they could quit the government if there was a deal that prevented israel from going into rafah, which it has said it needs to do to get rid of remaining hamas battalions and achieve a full victory over hamas. riot police in georgia have used water cannon and tear gas and arrested 63 people demonstrating in the capital, tbilisi. they're angry about
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the controversial "foreign influence" bill, seen as russian—inspired legislation targeting media freedoms and civil liberties. the georgian government plans to adopt the bill, despite protests and warnings from the european union that the law could derail the country's eu integration. let's speak to rayhan demytrie live in tbilisi. a lot of public anger about this? lot of public anger, indeed. these clashes between the demonstrators and police continued well into the early hours of this morning. at 5am, it was still going and it began just after midnight when the riot police was deployed to the area where i am now. behind me as the parliament,
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the focal point of this protest that has been going on for almost three weeks now here in georgia over this controversial bill on the transparency of foreign funding. last night, the clashes began after midnight. ride police were deployed and they were trying to clear the street in front of the parliament that was full of protesters. we came out and what we saw was that the protesters were not willing to disperse. they were not afraid of these water cannons being spied on them, orthe these water cannons being spied on them, or the tear gas. they would go away and then come back again with more anger and more vigour, shouting, russians! russians!, in reference to the police and of course to the government. what makes it so dramatic here in georgia is the fact that protesters believe that this government is acting in russia's interest. this is no country has it owned with russia in
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2008 and 20% of georgia's territory is occupied by russia. what 2008 and 20% of georgia's territory is occupied by russia. what happens next? in the — is occupied by russia. what happens next? in the parliament _ is occupied by russia. what happens next? in the parliament building - next? in the parliament building behind me. _ next? in the parliament building behind me, government - next? in the parliament building behind me, government mps . next? in the parliament building| behind me, government mps are next? in the parliament building - behind me, government mps are now having a plenary session. this controversial bill is being discussed. it is the second reading, which we expect that the mps will vote in today which means more protests because the demonstrators, they may demand the government to withdraw the bill but based on the statements that we have heard so far coming from the government, they are absolutely adamant to push through. they are saying the law is needed to ensure transparency and perhaps to ensure transparency and perhaps to ensure their victory in the upcoming elections in october this year. around the world and across the uk, this is bbc news.
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straight back to los angeles, we have live pictures and as a warning, there may be some violent scenes and flashing images, too. 0ver there may be some violent scenes and flashing images, too. over the last couple of hours, we have been monitoring the situation. there have been pro—palestinian demonstrations and clashes between them and counter demonstrations on campus. that tented group of demonstrators, pro—palestinian demonstrators who have been making their voices heard over the last couple of days about the situation and the war in gaza, it escalated at about ten or iipm last night. there were violent confrontations. that barrier that was separating the two sides seems to have been breached. since then, there have been plenty of noise and there have been plenty of noise and the police have been called in as well. there was local security
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