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tv   Verified Live  BBC News  May 1, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm BST

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university of california. i'm nomia iqbal in new york, where police entered an occupied building, and arrested several demonstrators. the 14—year—old killed in tuesday's sword attack in london has been named. a 36—year—old man was arrested on suspicion of murder. i'm azadeh moshiri in hainault, where flowers have been left for daniel anjorin, who died from stab wounds shortly after being taken to hospital. america's top diplomat says he's determined to secure a ceasefire deal in gaza, accusing hamas of being the only remaining obstacle. and the greatest thing since sliced bread — scientists are developing a new white loaf that's just as healthy as wholegrain.
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hello, i'm matthew amroliwala , welcome to verified live, three hours of breaking stories, and checking out the truth behind them. we begin in the us and the student protests sweeping the country against the war in gaza. overnight, these were the scenes on campuses on the west coast and east coast. clashes between rival student groups and clashes with police who were called to both the university of california in los angeles, and columbia university in new york. at ucla, there were skirmishes between pro—israeli and pro—palestinian protesters, with the vice chancellor calling in police after what she described as "horrific acts of violence". scenes like this went on for hours with pepper spray being used. at columbia university, where the protests started, police moved in, to disperse students from the encampment that had built up over weeks. officers dressed in riot gear also cleared students from hamilton hall,
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which had been taken over yesterday. the demonstrators have demanded that the university cut ties with israel. they were really dramatic scenes at both those universities overnight, weren't they?— both those universities overnight, weren't they? tensions have been bubbfinu weren't they? tensions have been bubbling for _ weren't they? tensions have been bubbling for some _ weren't they? tensions have been bubbling for some time _ weren't they? tensions have been bubbling for some time on - weren't they? tensions have been i bubbling for some time on university campuses. even before october the 7th. pro—palestinian protesters —— universities decided that they were going to crackdown on protesters and they called in the police to do that on both sides of the country. as the darkness came, so did the violence. the tension between the pro—palestinian protesters
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encamped at ucla and the pro—israel demonstrators boiled over. screams ring out as fireworks are let off in the dense encampment. pieces of plywood turned into weapons. thankfully i am physically safe. a lot of my peers are not physically safe. it's not clear yet what sparked the fighting. the los angeles police were called to the scene at the request of the university. the vice chancellor has condemned the events as a horrific act of violence. on the other side of the country, at columbia university in new york, where the protests originally started, police entered the campus. it comes nearly two weeks since they last went in, sparking huge controversy. and a day after some demonstrators seized a building inside campus, breaking the windows
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and barricading themselves in. for the university it was a red line. dozens have been arrested in this new police raid. dozens of riot police are behind us here. we are at columbia university, the actual entrance to the campus is just to my left. you cannot get anywhere near it. the police have blocked it off entirely. just earlier we saw some students being arrested. they had their hands behind her back, with white zip ties, being loaded onto buses and further to the right to have more student protesters, more pro—palestinian protesters on the other side of the barricade shouting, "shame, shame, shame" at the police. university are set a deadline of monday to clear the
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encampment. students who did not agree are now being suspended. dozens have been arrested in this new police raid. protesters told us they were hopeful talks could still continue with the university. their demands included cutting off economic and academic ties with israeli institutions. but given this latest police action, hope for reconciliation seems even further away. nomia iqbal, bbc news, new york. this morning we had been getting more of an update. the crop pest conference has taken place with the police. the details of last nights were talked about. they said that this was not about cracking down on free speech. have a listen.
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free speech is a cornerstone of our society. we know that there weren't those who were never concerned about free speech. they are concerned about chaos. it is about external activities hijacking peaceful protests. there is nothing peaceful about barricading buildings, destroying property or dismantling security cameras. figs destroying property or dismantling security cameras.— security cameras. as well as hundreds — security cameras. as well as hundreds of _ security cameras. as well as hundreds of that _ security cameras. as well as hundreds of that been - security cameras. as well as - hundreds of that been arrested, more than a hundred students have been suspended as well. many of them are angry as are some of the professors over what they describe as a heavy—handed response by the universities. the president of the university, called in the police to because this is private property. the president has asked for the
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police remain on campus until the 17th. we will get more from columbia university and a moment or two. let's speak to james gelvin, professor of middle east history at ucla. he was at the encampment yesterday. what is the last 2a hours be like? it has been chaos on campus. there has been _ it has been chaos on campus. there has been a — it has been chaos on campus. there has been a peaceful protest on campus— has been a peaceful protest on campus since thursday. last night, there _ campus since thursday. last night, there were — campus since thursday. last night, there were several provocations. things— there were several provocations. things came to a head last night. i hate to— things came to a head last night. i hate to use — things came to a head last night. i hate to use the cliche, outside agitators, _ hate to use the cliche, outside agitators, but they were ad outside agitators _ agitators, but they were ad outside agitators on the campus. a large number— agitators on the campus. a large number of— agitators on the campus. a large number of them from the israeli—american counsel. they
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it has been an inconvenience at worst. and myself. areas were barricaded off of the campus. areas were blocked to students and non—students. mainly a peaceful protest but things came to a head three nights in a row. unfortunately, the two sides could not be separated. it was not the two side that had to be separated. the assault on the income and had to be ended. , ., , , ., ., ended. give me a sense of what it has been like. _ ended. give me a sense of what it has been like. it _ ended. give me a sense of what it has been like. it has _ ended. give me a sense of what it has been like. it has been - ended. give me a sense of what it has been like. it has been a - has been like. it has been a difficult balance for the authorities. you had manyjewish students talking about feeling unsafe on campus. you had to be
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pro—palestinian demonstrators trying to make their point in the most powerful way possible. give me a sense of what it has been like trying to navigate your way through that. for trying to navigate your way through that. ., ,., ., “ trying to navigate your way through that. ., ., ~ , , ., that. for someone like myself who teaches about _ that. for someone like myself who teaches about conflict. _ that. for someone like myself who teaches about conflict. this - teaches about conflict. this situation is more polarised now than it ever has been in my experience. it has to do with the fact that... on the one hand, you have the pro—israeli students, who are trying to say that people who are protesting in favour of palestine are pro—hamas which they certainly aren't. on the other hand, you have the rhetoric on the palestinian side, the pro—palestinian side also being escalated at the same time. it is a very divisive situation on—campus. it has been taken advantage of by people from
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off—campus as well to make a political point and to score political point and to score political points. abs, political point and to score political points.— political point and to score political points. a final quick thou~ht, political points. a final quick thought. can _ political points. a final quick thought, can you _ political points. a final quick thought, can you see - political points. a final quick thought, can you see these | political points. a final quick- thought, can you see these protests actually bringing about any kind of fundamental change at the universities or broader change because much of it is also aimed at the us government. trio. because much of it is also aimed at the us government.— because much of it is also aimed at the us government. no, there is no wa that the us government. no, there is no way that this _ the us government. no, there is no way that this is _ the us government. no, there is no way that this is going _ the us government. no, there is no way that this is going to _ the us government. no, there is no way that this is going to bring - way that this is going to bring about any change whatsoever. if the students are interested in change, they will get off—campus and they would talk to their local democratic party machine, women's groups and trade union groups and so on and so forth, they can put political pressure on local and state and federal authorities. that is the way things are going to happen is. what happens on—campus stays on—campus. thank you forjoining us. . let's cross to columbia university. we can now speak to richard hall, the senior us correspondent at the independent. he was at university and saw some of those scenes overnight. what was it
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like? , ., , ., , ., like? the nypd had shut down several ci blocks like? the nypd had shut down several city blocks and — like? the nypd had shut down several city blocks and swarmed _ like? the nypd had shut down several city blocks and swarmed the _ like? the nypd had shut down several city blocks and swarmed the area - city blocks and swarmed the area with hundreds of vehicles, police with hundreds of vehicles, police with zip ties, they used machinery to enter the floor of hamilton hall that the students were occupying. it felt like a war zone and you could see the reaction from students, they felt as though they were in a different country. i felt as though they were in a different country.— felt as though they were in a different country. i was reading an article that — different country. i was reading an article that he _ different country. i was reading an article that he wrote _ different country. i was reading an article that he wrote over- different country. i was reading an article that he wrote over the - different country. i was reading an article that he wrote over the last | article that he wrote over the last 24 article that he wrote over the last 2a hours. you spoke to many students taking part you wrote about the echoes of the
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what is your take on the impact of what we are seeing? it is what we are seeing? it is interesting _ what we are seeing? it is interesting in _ what we are seeing? it is interesting in this - what we are seeing? it 3 interesting in this election year in the us, obviously everyone is thinking about how this will affect that, but obviously i think biden needs people to vote for him, for many years, but i think he is going to have a hard time convincing people he has the right person to
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run the country when they see images like this, of heavily riot geared police going into campuses and washing protests. politically i don't think it will have a huge impact on the national or political scene, but it will do or might do is teach these kids a lesson in censorship and the limits to what they can say without being targeted by police. abs. they can say without being targeted b olice. �* ., ., they can say without being targeted b olice. ., ., , , by police. a final thought because i think the police _ by police. a final thought because i think the police have _ by police. a final thought because i think the police have been - by police. a final thought because i think the police have been invited i think the police have been invited where you are to be actually on—campus for a couple of weeks to get to graduation day. do you see this lasting through a summer of protests? we got the democratic national convention coming up in chicago. do you think this potentially can last all the way to chicago? potentially can last all the way to chicano? ~ , , , , potentially can last all the way to chicao? , , , , , chicago? absolutely, yes. this is where the _ chicago? absolutely, yes. this is where the echoes _ chicago? absolutely, yes. this is where the echoes of— chicago? absolutely, yes. this is where the echoes of 1968 - chicago? absolutely, yes. this is where the echoes of 1968 to - chicago? absolutely, yes. this is where the echoes of 1968 to get| chicago? absolutely, yes. this is| where the echoes of 1968 to get a bit creepy because it yesterday was on the exact same day that the 1968 protests were raided by police, the exact same day, april to 30th. and
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in the summer of 1968, these protests led up to a huge violent protests led up to a huge violent protest at the democratic national convention, which caused a huge embarrassment for the democrats had led to the election of richard nixon, so yes, i do see this continuing. students are getting off for summer now, they have lots more time on their hands and i don't think they will be going home anytime soon.— think they will be going home an ime soon. . ., ., ., anytime soon. richard hall, thanks ve much anytime soon. richard hall, thanks very much for— anytime soon. richard hall, thanks very much for bringing _ anytime soon. richard hall, thanks very much for bringing us - anytime soon. richard hall, thanks very much for bringing us the - anytime soon. richard hall, thanks| very much for bringing us the latest fare from new york. plenty more from the campuses here in a moment or two. you are watching bbc news.
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you are live with bbc news. let's return to the middle east because america's top to diplomat antony blinken has met with israel's benjamin netanyahu and other leading figures ofjerusalem. this on the last day of his middle east tour. discussions included getting more
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aid into gaza and the ceasefire proposals which hamas has yet to respond to. antony blinken says he is determined to get a deal to secure the release of hostages and the only obstacle to that is hamas. let's go live now to our security correspondent, frank gardner, who is there injerusalem. frank, are you getting any indication where you are ofjust how getting any indication where you are of just how close getting any indication where you are ofjust how close they may be to any sort of new deal. we are closer than we have been before. the fate of the hostages and the whole deal hangs in the balance. antony blinken while he has been has made no of his belief that people is in hamas's court. he said israel has made an extraordinary degeneracy offer, in his words and now it is up to hamas to accept it. if the deal., it is on hamas. they have hamas has that they have not finished studying the deal and they will respond. the
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sticking point is that hamas want a deal that is an end, a full ceasefire, an end to hostilities in gaza. israel, orat least the israeli government of benjamin netanyahu, is not ready to do that. they consider they have got unfinished business in rafah. if you remember yesterday, unfinished business in rafah. if you rememberyesterday, he unfinished business in rafah. if you remember yesterday, he was saying that israel is going to go into rafah at some stage with or without a ceasefire deal and they believe that that is where the last battalions of hamas had —— hiding out, below ground probably and they want to go to flush them out and finish it. there is still a bit of a gap between the two sides. but we are closer than we have been before than we have been to a deal. the pressure on mr netanyahu is ramping up pressure on mr netanyahu is ramping up from the hostage families whom antony blinken has met and they have been welcoming his visit because they think that he is possibly more
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interested in making certainly more noises about getting the hostages out than mr netanyahu. meanwhile, antony blinken _ out than mr netanyahu. meanwhile, antony blinken has _ out than mr netanyahu. meanwhile, antony blinken has repeated - out than mr netanyahu. meanwhile, antony blinken has repeated the - antony blinken has repeated the message of getting more aid into gaza. i have lost count of the amount of trips that he has made to the region. i have also lost count of the amount of times he has asked israel for exactly that. there is clear frustration that that message, action has not followed through on the key demand.— action has not followed through on the key demand. well, the answer is, this is his seventh _ the key demand. well, the answer is, this is his seventh trip _ the key demand. well, the answer is, this is his seventh trip to _ the key demand. well, the answer is, this is his seventh trip to the - this is his seventh trip to the region since the 7th of october attacks by hamas in southern israel. you are absolutely right, the us has been very frustrated. i think the high point of that frustration came when israel admitted that it had done a drone strike on the world central kitchen aid workers that were killed —— that killed seven people including three britons a few weeks ago. on this trip, antony
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blinken has paid some tribute to the improvements israel has made. he is visiting the port of ashdod in southern israel which is opening to allow aid to come in, a massive container terminal with a huge amount of aid coming through. there are other entry and exit points to gaza which if they are opened and there is allowed a free flow of goods, that will probably mean that they don't need this hugely expensive offshore terminal that is being built at vast cost of hundreds of millions of dollars to ship stuff in from cyprus that would then be off—loaded into gaza which some militant groups have said they would attack if it involved western troops bringing aid assure, even though it is aid that is coming ashore, not guns. is aid that is coming ashore, not runs. . ~' is aid that is coming ashore, not i uns. ., ~' is aid that is coming ashore, not 0 “hs. ., " ., " is aid that is coming ashore, not runs. ., ~' ., 4' ,., is aid that is coming ashore, not iuns. ., ~' ., 4' y., , guns. frank gardner, thank you very much for nova _
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the 14—year—old boy — killed in a sword attack in east london yesterday — has been named as daniel anjorin. he went to bancroft�*s school — the same as grace o'malley—kumar, who was killed in nottingham last year. the police officers wounded in the incidents yesterday suffered horrific injuries, according to the metropolitan police commissioner — with one officer — coming close to losing her hand. let's speak to our reporter azadeh moshiri — she's in hainault. residents have said this is not the kind of neighbourhood where something like this happens and yet in the aftermath of yesterday's sword attack, a 36—year—old suspect has been arrested, a 14—year—old boy has been arrested, a 14—year—old boy has died, four people have been injured and two of them were police officers. as you mentioned, we now have the identity of the ia robber who lost his life, daniel anjorin. next to me, flowers that families have been laying for daniel, as well as his family. as you mentioned, the
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school that he attended, bancroft�*s school in woodford green, was somewhere where grace o'malley kumar was also a pupil. she was killed last in a knife attack in nottingham. the bbc has also seen a copy of the statement that the head of the school has sent to parents. it reads, "more details will be forthcoming over the coming hours and days but for now, ourfocus is on supporting the members of our community and particularly those who knew daniel well." it goes on to say, "it seems scarcely believable that less than a year on from the terrible death of grace o'malley kumar in the nottingham attacks, we are facing fresh sorrow." that sorrow is very much felt by the residents of this area in hainault as well. i spoke to one of them a short while ago. my wife woke me up and she said there _ my wife woke me up and she said there were — my wife woke me up and she said there were helicopters going round again— there were helicopters going round
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again and _ there were helicopters going round again and again. i told her not to worry— again and again. i told her not to worry that — again and again. i told her not to worry that it was a routine matter. but when — worry that it was a routine matter. but when i — worry that it was a routine matter. but when i looked outside my window, at the _ but when i looked outside my window, at the road. _ but when i looked outside my window, at the road, there were a lot of policeman _ at the road, there were a lot of policeman. i thought it may be a usual— policeman. i thought it may be a usual matter so i wasn't worried. but it— usual matter so i wasn't worried. but it was— usual matter so i wasn't worried. but it was too many police officers there _ but it was too many police officers there. �* , ., but it was too many police officers there. �* i. but it was too many police officers there. �* , ., ., but it was too many police officers there. �* i. ., ., ,., there. and then you saw that on your cctv there. and then you saw that on your ccw footage- -- _ there. and then you saw that on your cctv footage... i— there. and then you saw that on your cctv footage... i came _ there. and then you saw that on your cctv footage... i came down - there. and then you saw that on your cctv footage... i came down and - cctv footage... i came down and checked my _ cctv footage... i came down and checked my cctv. _ cctv footage... i came down and checked my cctv. at _ cctv footage... i came down and checked my cctv. at that - cctv footage... i came down and checked my cctv. at that time, i cctv footage... i came down and i checked my cctv. at that time, you know _ checked my cctv. at that time, you know, nothing was on the tv, it was still normal, — know, nothing was on the tv, it was still normal, but later on, when i checked — still normal, but later on, when i checked it. — still normal, but later on, when i checked it, a man with a sword was coming _ checked it, a man with a sword was coming from — checked it, a man with a sword was coming from hainault station towards that road. _ coming from hainault station towards that road, and i saw a european man running _ that road, and i saw a european man running away, because he saw that man with _ running away, because he saw that man with the sword, and it was very scary _ man with the sword, and it was very scary but— man with the sword, and it was very
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scary but we — man with the sword, and it was very scary. but we realised it later on. and what— scary. but we realised it later on. and what was your reaction once you learned that a ia—year—old boy, a neighbour of yours, was killed and that there were others injured, including two police officers who were trying to protect your neighbourhood?— were trying to protect your neighbourhood? every life is important. _ neighbourhood? every life is important. you _ neighbourhood? every life is important, you know. - neighbourhood? every life is important, you know. i- neighbourhood? every life is important, you know. i wasl neighbourhood? every life is - important, you know. i was scared. my grandson — important, you know. i was scared. my grandson and granddaughter, they come every week to me and they want out, and _ come every week to me and they want out, and now— come every week to me and they want out, and now we are scared. we are very sorry— out, and now we are scared. we are very sorry for — out, and now we are scared. we are very sorry for the policeman who were _ very sorry for the policeman who were hurt — very sorry for the policeman who were hurt. but they have done a very good _ were hurt. but they have done a very good job _ were hurt. but they have done a very goodjob. later, it was were hurt. but they have done a very good job. later, it was all over the tv, and _ good job. later, it was all over the tv, and when we saw how the police tackled _ tv, and when we saw how the police tackled him. — tv, and when we saw how the police tackled him, especially that lady who used — tackled him, especially that lady who used a taser, it was much appreciated. who used a taser, it was much appreciated-— who used a taser, it was much a- reciated. �* ., , ., appreciated. and do you feel safe toda ? appreciated. and do you feel safe today? you _ appreciated. and do you feel safe today? you know, _ appreciated. and do you feel safe today? you know, we _ appreciated. and do you feel safe today? you know, we believe - appreciated. and do you feel safe | today? you know, we believe that life is as long _ today? you know, we believe that life is as long as _ today? you know, we believe that life is as long as god _ today? you know, we believe that life is as long as god wants - today? you know, we believe that life is as long as god wants you, l life is as long as god wants you, but we _ life is as long as god wants you, but we have to take care of the
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things — but we have to take care of the things i— but we have to take care of the things. i am safe, like, but we have to take care of the things. lam safe, like, when but we have to take care of the things. i am safe, like, when my god upon _ things. i am safe, like, when my god upon me. _ things. i am safe, like, when my god upon me. he — things. i am safe, like, when my god upon me, he will take me away. would you believe _ upon me, he will take me away. would you believe i_ upon me, he will take me away. would you believe i am 76 years old? and i am very— you believe i am 76 years old? and i am very active, by the grace of god, and that— am very active, by the grace of god, and that is— am very active, by the grace of god, and that is a — am very active, by the grace of god, and that is a blessing. and it should — and that is a blessing. and it should be _ and that is a blessing. and it should be a blessing for everybody because _ should be a blessing for everybody because life is very important. asl because life is very important. as i mentioned — because life is very important. as i mentioned in _ because life is very important. as i mentioned in the _ because life is very important. " i mentioned in the introduction, the met commissioner has been speaking over the last few hours. obviously, great shock from him but getting more details about the police officers, the public involved yesterday. tell us more about those comments. 5ir yesterday. tell us more about those comments. ,, ~ yesterday. tell us more about those comments. ,, ,, ., , yesterday. tell us more about those comments-— comments. sir mark rowley, the metropolitan _ comments. sir mark rowley, the metropolitan police _ comments. sir mark rowley, the l metropolitan police commissioner, said that the injuries that those two police officers sustained were really horrific. we did not know much about it before. we knew that they said they were significant but not life—threatening. now we understand that one of them in particular could be life changing. one male police officer had his hand
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badly injured. sir mark rowley said he is in good spirits now and that a surgeon spent painstaking hours preparing some of that damage. a female police officer, however, may have to face months, potentially years, is what sir mark rowley said, of recovery in order to regain full control of her hand. the consequences are very evident by those injuries. sir mark rowley and the mayor of london sadiq khan have said that this is a clear show of the danger police officers face when they are protecting communities like they are protecting communities like the one here in hainault.— the one here in hainault. thank you for “oinin the one here in hainault. thank you forjoining us- _ the one here in hainault. thank you forjoining us. we _ the one here in hainault. thank you forjoining us. we are _ the one here in hainault. thank you forjoining us. we are going - the one here in hainault. thank you forjoining us. we are going to - the one here in hainault. thank you forjoining us. we are going to take | forjoining us. we are going to take a short break in the moment but i want to show you the pictures coming into our flight from paris because may day protests and marches their in the french capital, and we have seen skirmishes over the last few
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minutes. i was watching this picture feed from a couple of different agencies that i can see coming into the bbc. a few skirmishes but calming down the nasty moments. that is what is happening in paris. we will keep an eye on that and return if there is more to show you on. but we will take a short break. i am back with more of the day's deadlines injust back with more of the day's deadlines in just a back with more of the day's deadlines injust a moment back with more of the day's deadlines in just a moment or two. hello there. most of the misty, low cloud has been lifting this morning, leaving more sunshine for most of the country. it will feel quite warm in the sunshine, temperatures in east anglia up to 20 degrees. warm in the northwest of england and western scotland. some cloud heading our way
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producing the odd shower. rain in wales and the southwest tends to fade away but a lot of cloud is coming from the near continent, over the channel, bringing rain across these areas in the afternoon. wetter across southern england, wales, the midlands, we are going to take you lightweight police press conference that is taking place right now. —— live to a police press conference. inaudible inaudible
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while these events concluded in a swift arrest, it will no doubt cause ongoing concern. if you are red and would not discuss what has happened, please do not hesitate to contact of this. we are here to make you feel safe in your local area. i am also aware of some unhelpful content circulating on social media related to this incident. please refrain from posting this footage or
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speculation on social media, as this will be harmful to our investigation. many thanks for your understanding and cooperation. ijust wanted i just wanted to ijust wanted to thank all of our students — ijust wanted to thank all of our students and staff who helped manage the situation this morning and the staff who — the situation this morning and the staff who helped prioritise the safety — staff who helped prioritise the safety and well— being of all of our students — safety and well— being of all of our students i— safety and well— being of all of our students. i want to thank... inaudible and all of the families inaudible and all of the familie ., and all of the families and local community. _ and all of the families and local community. we - and all of the families and local community. we will reopen tomorrow— local community. we will reopen tomorrow as usual and we do look forward _ tomorrow as usual and we do look forward to— tomorrow as usual and we do look forward to seeing our students and families— forward to seeing our students and families then. 0. forward to seeing our students and families then. q.— forward to seeing our students and families then. q._ -- i families then. q. thank you. -- thank you- _ families then. q. thank you. -- thank you. just _ families then. q. thank you. -- thank you. just a _ families then. q. thank you. -- thank you. just a short - families then. q. thank you. -- thank you. just a short police i families then. q. thank you. -- i thank you. just a short police press conference — thank you. just a short police press conference there _ thank you. just a short police press conference there and _ thank you. just a short police press conference there and also - thank you. just a short police press conference there and also hearingl conference there and also hearing from the head teacher after a 17—year—old boy has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder, with three people injured at a secondary school which went into lockdown earlier. children described to their
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parents how they were lying on the floor and hiding under the tables during the incident. but wejust heard an update, then, from police and we also heard an update from the head teacher. the police there asking people to refrain from posting footage online, refrain from online speculation as well, saying that would not be helpful. as for the head teacher there, saying her thanks and reassurance, but also saying the school will be open tomorrow. so it 17—year—old boy has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after three people were injured at a secondary school which went into lockdown. this is that the the birley academy in sheffield. on wednesday morning. a child was assaulted, two adults suffered minor injuries in the incident, involving a sharp object.


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