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tv   BBC News  BBC News  May 2, 2024 11:45am-12:01pm BST

11:45 am
the 19705, they are different in the scale of those was far greater. hundreds of people come in some cases, a few thousand. in the 19705 it was many, many ten5 cases, a few thousand. in the 19705 it was many, many tens of thousands out on the streets and unified in their anti—war approach. these prote5t5 are their anti—war approach. the5e prote5t5 are a lot smaller and more divisive. yes. in terms of scale, clearly, they are smaller but if you speak to those people, they will say they haven't seen anything like that moment since then. so it has taken how many decades to arrive at this point. ye5, how many decades to arrive at this point. yes, there is polarisation in this debate, in this country. i think it is difficult for people to have conversations. you can see by the fact these 5ides have conversations. you can see by the fact these sides as a separate even here on university. there is a great level of discomfort i think about talking about this. 0bviously
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thatis about talking about this. 0bviously that is not the same for everybody. people i have been 5peaking that is not the same for everybody. people i have been speaking to including members of the faculty engaged in this protesters say there are also people inside, remember, who arejewish, and who are there as part of a multi—faith prote5t, saying we also do not support the way this war is being carried out in israel. but it is fair to say those numbers are smaller than people on either side of this debate, saying where is the limit between freedom of expression, the right to protest? and something that goes from being uncomfortable, to being something that feels a threat to security. there are students who say, as jewish students, that goes beyond the feeling of discomfort and makes them feel their security is being threatened. what have the ucla authorities said?
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they have declared this encampment illegal and the police have been called in. how are they trying to calm tensions? they have been saying people have the right to protest but what they don't have the right to is what they say is unlawfully disrupt campus life, and occupy an area. that is the distinction being made. protesters on the other side who are chanting and so on. and this group here which has erected this barricade as you can see, has prevented access to the library for example, has disrupted academic life. we know classes were not able to go on today, exams also cancelled. 0ther campuses have seen graduation ceremonies and commencement speeches go on hold. that is the distinction university has made. they say they appreciate
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the right to protest. they also say, we appreciate most of the protesters had been peaceful. but they are drawing the line at this encampment. we did see university administrators are taking to the megaphone trying to reason. saying, you now face the prospect of arrest. faced the potential of an injuryjust being inside looking at that level of commotion. and seemingly they took their cue from what we saw across their cue from what we saw across the country today. a number of encampments were taken down. they decided it was time to call time on this one. this has become the latest flashpoint in this debate right across america. let us listen into the chanting. shouting.
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we have seen people being led away by hand —— with hand ties. how does the police response, as they remove some of that plywood put up by the demonstrators on the outside of the encampment, how does their response and the sheer numbers, compared to the other protests and the dispersal we have seen? it is difficult to fully say because i'm not able to see what is going on inside the encampment right now. if you think about the scenes we saw on columbia university in new york a couple of nights ago. we saw please take on the campus at hamilton hall,
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and the next morning the people who were there including student reporters who had been there monitoring the situation, and colombia has a world—renowned journalism programme, simply tweeted a photo of the cleared out lawn in front of hamilton hall, saying, what protesters? this is a private university. it was remarkably clear. this is the early hours. more reinforcements coming in. it would be difficult to sayjust looking at the fact it is aam, that tomorrow morning this will be looking squeaky—clean. because you can see the sheer scale of this encampment that they are taking two pieces right now. that us have another look at the shot from inside the encampment where there are lots of people still on the steps. many dozens still
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waiting it out. when we look at those pictures, you were saying since the police were called in, you think the numbers have increased, that lead to more support for this? yes. it was really interesting. we saw what administrators had called horrific acts of violence last night. just to remind people what we saw, it was counter demonstrators, a lot of them are believed to be from outside the student body, wearing masks. they had sticks in their hands, they attacked the perimeter, they attacked the pro—palestinian demonstrators inside, we saw one person hospitalised. people who are inside that campus said it was terrifying, there were some gruesome, bloody scenes. 0ther gruesome, bloody scenes. other students have set up a medical camp on the other side saying anyone who
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needs medical attention, get over here. that is the scale of what we saw last night. now you can just see another metal barricade completely tossed to one side. you can still see the palestinian flag the being waved. 0f see the palestinian flag the being waved. of course, some people are just adamant they are going to be there until the last—minute, until they are dragged away. we have now seen, we can't confirm numbers, a number of arrests. i would say over 20 people who have been led away so far. what impact will protest like this, as pictures are beamed around the world, will they have in the us? i think there is definitely shock. speaking from a personal point of view when we saw colombia, people were texting each other saying, turn on the tv right now, they are moving
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on the tv right now, they are moving on the tv right now, they are moving on the campus, look at what is happening. people who remember the protests in the 19705 here as well. i think even to the average american, this is a shocking moment. just take a look at the seams behind me. i can see at least three people, four people on their knees right now, five people with their hands zip tied behind their backs. 0bviously, these are not usual scenes for universities here in the united states. you can see that smoke continues to billow out of that encampment. just really extraordinary scenes here tonight. and the police, they will obviously have to bear in mind using proportionate responses because they will be under huge scrutiny right now.
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that is the watchword. because of the events, firstly, their duty, but secondly because of the events of what we saw last night, and there's recriminations including from the governor of this state, saying police were numb —— were too slow to act, and in a country where any allegations of police brutality as well are closely watched as well. so it will be about using proportionate force. officers i have been speaking to say they recognise that people have the right to protest peacefully. but we will have to get the accounts of people as well later upon leaving that encampment to see exactly how this unfolded. thank you. in the past a0 minutes dozens of riot police moved into this
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encampment at the university of california, a pro—palestinian protest there, demanding that the university divest all its financial links from israel. and they have moved in, they have started arresting some of the dozens of protesters who have been there for hours if not days. there have been some clashes. a5 helena was saying, police will be careful for a proportionate response. stay with us here on bbc news. we will continue to monitor developments. hello again. we have had thousands of thunderstorms across parts of southern england and south wales this morning, they are easing up but even into the afternoon we still could catch one or two sharp showers across the south.
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the mist and murk across central and eastern parts of the country pushing towards the north sea, the lion's share of the sunshine in scotland and northern ireland with some showers in northern ireland, the highest temperature is 22 degrees in scotland and east anglia, 21 in liverpool, cooler along the north sea coastline. through this evening and overnight the weather front producing thunder is with us, basically waving north and south. further north, clearer skies but more mist and low cloud coming from the north sea across central and eastern areas but no issues of frost. heading into tomorrow, this is the weather front. eventually it will move northwards during the course of friday, taking cloud and thundery downpours with it. you see the progress it makes, cloudy across england and wales and the thundery downpours moves
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northwards, clipping eastern scotland, not all of us will hear the odd rumble of thunder and the lion's share of the sunshine in the north—west and it should brighten up in the south. top temperatures in the sunshine, 21 degrees in western scotland, cooler again along north sea coasts. on saturday, still a fair bit of cloud, still producing some patchy light rain across the northern half of the country, dry in the south until later and we see rain coming in across the far southwest. temperatures down but still western scotland could see 18 degrees. on sunday, this is what is bringing in the rain across the south. an area of low pressure with attending fronts, not much in the way of wind so we start with cloud and patchy rain across parts of scotland. a lot of dry weather, low pressure coming in bringing more rain across southern counties of england, extending potentially into wales.
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temperatures 11—17 degrees north to south.
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live from london, this is bbc news. this is the scene, live right now in california, as police have recently broken through the barricades, moving in on a pro—palestinian sitting, to disperse the protesters at the ucla campus. i’m
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sitting, to disperse the protesters at the ucla campus.— sitting, to disperse the protesters at the ucla campus. i'm here on the camus, at the ucla campus. i'm here on the campus. where _ at the ucla campus. i'm here on the campus. where you _ at the ucla campus. i'm here on the campus, where you can _ at the ucla campus. i'm here on the campus, where you can see - at the ucla campus. i'm here on the i campus, where you can see behind me, the police are continuing their operation it to dismantle the encampment and make arrests. hello. welcome to the programme. we take you straight live to los angeles. straight to los angeles and the ucla campus, where police have moved in to disperse a pro—palestinian protest camp. that has been happening in the last hour or so. you can see there, the flashing lights, should give you a couple of mornings, straight at the beginning of the programme, clearly there will be flashing images like this on the live feed, we are not in complete control of that, they could also be bad language and distressing scenes at any point, because clearly, these are live pictures. we have a number of different live feed
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from the campus.


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