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tv   Verified Live  BBC News  May 2, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm BST

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police moving to remove an has. as police moving to remove an encampment. dozens of students have been detained, some reportedly injured, after hundreds of officers descended on the camp. a man charged with murdering schoolboy daniel anjorin in a sword attack in london appears in court. as india prepares to head to the polls, 18 million people will be voting for the first time. we'll get a taste of what they think. and recreating a face from the past. meet the woman who lived 75,000 years ago. sport and for a full round up, from the bbc sport centre, here's lauren.
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protesters have tried to block the coach sent to collect migrants to be transported to the bibby stockholm barge. the code to temporarily stopped from leaving peckham by those demonstrators. the coach is now left but the protests are continuing. let is go to our corresponding, simonjones. what has been happening over the last hour or so? the situation remains pretty tense. there are a lot of protesters and a lot of police. we can walk appear and get and a lot of police. we can walk appearand geta and a lot of police. we can walk appear and get a bit closer. at about eight o'clock this morning, a coach turned up to take a small group of asylum seekers from a hotel that they had been staying in here in south—east london and protesters arrived and basically block the coach from leaving saying that the people didn't want to go to the bibby stockholm barge. they said they had become members of the
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community here. the coach was stopped from leaving. you can see one of the police vehicles here. the police have been moving people are trying to move people away from the road. after the coach was stopped from leaving, the police eventually moved in a move the protesters away from the coach. they then started to sit in on the road here. the police have had enough of that after several hours and have decided that they will move in and clear the road. the protesters have been moved away from this site. they are having away from this site. they are having a sit in just along there. the police line moved in a move the people away. we saw a number of people away. we saw a number of people being pinned down onto the ground by the police and also being arrested. tensions still remain high here. simonjones there in pack.
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thank you for that update. we will get more from simon in the coming minutes. we are keeping an eye on that in peckham. let us return to our short story. police have broken down the barriers in california and entered the encampment. the demonstrators had refused orders to leave. these are live pictures at the scene. we saw a different feed of pictures a short while ago. a lot of pictures a short while ago. a lot of police officers are still there on campus. there are much quieter scenes and there were a few hours ago. but sisters are protesting at dozens of universities across the united states. we are expecting joe
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biden to make a statement. that is the feed from the white house. we should hearfrom the feed from the white house. we should hear from the the feed from the white house. we should hearfrom the us president in a little while. let's talk to the professor of middle east at ucla. you made of the scenes overnight last night? i you made of the scenes overnight last niuht? . ., ~ i” last night? i am horrified. when you see a protest _ last night? i am horrified. when you see a protest on _ last night? i am horrified. when you see a protest on campus, _ last night? i am horrified. when you see a protest on campus, you - last night? i am horrified. when you see a protest on campus, you can i see a protest on campus, you can expect the worst results possible. it took the administration one week to bring in the police. the columbia protest in 1968 lasted for a month.
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the administration decided after a week to do something. [30 the administration decided after a week to do something.— the administration decided after a week to do something. do you think the made week to do something. do you think they made a — week to do something. do you think they made a mistake? _ week to do something. do you think they made a mistake? was - week to do something. do you think they made a mistake? was it - week to do something. do you think they made a mistake? was it right l they made a mistake? was it right that the police moved in to try to disperse those people still there? what i saw 2a hours before was that the protesters were not doing anything except getting beaten that. it was thanks from outside the university who came deliberately provoke the provoke the situation. the police waited on the sidelines while the confrontation went on. then they decided after three hours that they would move in. it is fairly clear what the ministration once. they want the protest to end. if they could be taken apart the night before, they would be taken apart by the police. you night before, they would be taken apart by the police. you mentioned a coule of apart by the police. you mentioned a coume of times _ apart by the police. you mentioned a couple of times a _ apart by the police. you mentioned a couple of times a people _ apart by the police. you mentioned a couple of times a people have - apart by the police. you mentioned a couple of times a people have comel couple of times a people have come from outside the city. just for
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clarity, i was talking to democrat, who said that many of these people were anarchists. how would you characterise the people who were there overnight?— characterise the people who were there overnight? these people are very committed — there overnight? these people are very committed to _ there overnight? these people are very committed to their— there overnight? these people are very committed to their ideals. - very committed to their ideals. their ideas have nothing to do with anarchy. they wantjustice their ideas have nothing to do with anarchy. they want justice for the palestinians. they are concerned about who is doing business with israel. ucla is not like columbia. it is not like many of the other places where they are having these protests. this is a public university. these are ordinary californians who are fed up of what is going on and fed up by the the
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rules at the gate universities playing by. rules at the gate universities playing by-— rules at the gate universities playing by— playing by. your answer is interesting. _ playing by. your answer is interesting. do _ playing by. your answer is interesting. do you - playing by. your answer is interesting. do you think. playing by. your answer is i interesting. do you think that playing by. your answer is - interesting. do you think that by zeroing in on the disruption, the threats that we have seen at different universities in the last weeks, do you think that potentially it is a way of avoiding confronting some of the issues here? are the protesters asking the administration of those universities to actually consider these things and mark we are discussing a protest movement and we are discussing their police. what we are not discussing it said 34,000 what we are not discussing it said 311,000 people had died in gaza. many people are also facing famine.
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they have called women's clubs and democratic party headquarters to try and convince people rather than polarise them. what we have seen is that from the 1960s, that campus protests are a sideshow. real politics take place off—campus. people have to realise that. i politics take place off-campus. people have to realise that. i know this is a difficult _ people have to realise that. i know this is a difficult question, - people have to realise that. i know this is a difficult question, but - people have to realise that. i know this is a difficult question, but do | this is a difficult question, but do you think that this is the end of the protest or do you anticipate in the protest or do you anticipate in the coming days that they will reappear on your campus and perhaps others as well? the? reappear on your campus and perhaps others as well?— others as well? they undoubtedly will reappear. _ others as well? they undoubtedly will reappear, but _ others as well? they undoubtedly will reappear, but probably - others as well? they undoubtedly will reappear, but probably in - others as well? they undoubtedly will reappear, but probably in a i will reappear, but probably in a different form. they may close down the campus go on strike. there are all sorts of things, this is a
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continuing story. it is not the end of the story. continuing story. it is not the end of the story-— of the story. good to talk to you aaain of the story. good to talk to you again thanks — of the story. good to talk to you again thanks for _ of the story. good to talk to you again thanks forjoining - of the story. good to talk to you again thanks forjoining us. - of the story. good to talk to you i again thanks forjoining us. thank you for being with us as we go back to those live pictures from the couege to those live pictures from the college campus. it is much quieter now. compared to a few hours ago when we saw the police dismantling the encampment. there was stun grenades being used. that went on for hours. i much quieter scene at the moment with many police officers still there on campus. we continue to watch those scenes and we return throughout the course of the day. let's move on. the ukrainian port city has been hit almost every day.
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our correspondent has been looking 0ur correspondent has been looking into the evidence. 1a people have been reported injured. it happens here in the city of 0desa. a ukrainian postal company confirmed on wednesday evening that is one of their distribution centres had been hit. i has been targeted daily this week. some see this as a russian offensive. this is a building on fire. it is known as the harry potter castle. it was hit by a russian missile on monday. six people were killed. ukraine's prosecutors office posted this video. here is a photo of a diffuse
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cluster bomb. these are very controversial because they detonate in the air. this can put civilians at risk. the video that was this needs by ukraine so show cluster munitions dispersing and exploding. reports of also be coming in from russia. here is a video we verified earlier. this was a suspected drone attack. local authorities say that civilian energy structures were targeted. this was a 300 kilometres away from the ukrainian border. this is the second time the region has been hit recently. we have marked the attacks in blue on this map. here is an oil depot near belarus.
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it was targeted last week. you can see the damage is pretty visible on the satellite image. since january, we have been tracking reports of drone strikes on oil refineries in russia. we have found 21 so far. this is from russian media reports. these are marked in red here. some of this area has been targeted more than once. these attacks are likely to continue. just last week russia promised to step up attacks. that was 0lga robinson. you're watching bbc news.
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it looks likejohn it looks like john swinney it looks likejohn swinney would be the next leader of scotland. humza yousaf face a vote of no confidence in his leadership. iam i am stepping forward to bring the snp together. to build a better future for everyone in a modern and dynamic and diverse scotland. i want to unite scotland for independence. in the right everyone in the snp who wants tojoin me on in the right everyone in the snp who wants to join me on thatjourney to do so now. short time ago we spoke
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to our corresponding gordon. kate forbes has ruled himself out. kate forbes has ruled himself out. kate forbes was — forbes has ruled himself out. kate forbes was seen _ forbes has ruled himself out. kate forbes was seen as _ forbes has ruled himself out. kate forbes was seen as one _ forbes has ruled himself out. kate forbes was seen as one of the front runners for thisjob. there has been a lot of speculation that she would throw our hat into the ring. she stood for the position last time. she narrowly lost out to humza yousaf. she was the candidate for change. in an extensive statement released in the last half hour, she said she had listened very carefully to the vision thatjohn swinney had set out this morning for scotland. it was clear that he was determined to return the snp to governing from the mainstream, earning the trust of the mainstream, earning the trust of the people. that was a vision that she's set out and she was convinced that was john swinney was offering as well. johnson said she looked
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forward to playing her role in making that happen. john swinney in his statement this morning held out an olive branch to kate forbes. he said that he hoped she would play a significant role in team snp. he said she was intelligent, thoughtful and creative. we know they have been having a lot of chats over the last few days. we can read from that that ifjohn swinney is the only candidate for this position, he will give kate forbes a significant role in his cabinet. she was finance secretary when she lost out to humza yousaf. he loved her role in his cabinet, but it was a significant demotion. she sat on the backbenches for a while. but they have been talking and she has listened to what he had to say this morning and she is convinced by the vision that he is convinced by the vision that he is offering and she has decided that
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she is not going to go for the top job after all. to india next where the general election is under way. all this week the bbc has been speaking to influential voting blocs. amongst them, more than 18 million new, first—time voters heading to the polls. samira hussain reports. this is really delicious. are you talking with your friends about the election? and what are you guys talking about? decrease in the constitutional rights of indian people. major issue facing in this election is confusion - to which party i need to vote. this is my first thought. so i don't want to waste that vote by giving a corrupted party. - yeah. everything is kind of... everyone is doing that, working for their own benefit. what is something that you want to see changed in your country? due to the lack of a financial
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structure the wealth distribution is unequal. right to vote is a constitutional right for me. i don't want to waste that right. i need to change caste discrimination from the country. i feel like this is the age that we start to form - our political opinions. we can actually vote for the first time right now and see how- it's going to unfold. so that is very exciting. what for you is the most important election issue? india lacks infrastructure on a huge ground. there have been times where i was kind of like sexually harassed and there was... so i think that our government should focus on giving us such public transport where women can feel safe. if government are providing security to the women - and the female students, - then there will be more educated people in the remote areas of india. if you go to small villages,
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people have to travel a lot to get a better treatment. and plus the government hospitals are not so much developed. there is some kind of dictatorship that is going around in the country, promotion ofjust one religion. so that should not be done. so does anyone else feel like that? having a clash between two communities, it is going to be really messy. political party should not support any other any particular community or religion. we all have the right to profess our religion or culture. i we all have the right to profess our religion or culture.— religion or culture. i want india to unite again- _ a 75,000 year old neanderthal skull, made up of more than 100 fragments of bone, has been painstakingly put back together, and used to create a 3d reconstruction. the remains were discovered
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in a cave in the kurdistan region of iraq which archeologists believe may have been a burial site. 0ur science editor, rebecca morelle, has more. revealed for the first time, a face from the ancient past, a female neanderthal who lived 75,000 years ago. she's been called shanidar z. her face was recreated from this skull unearthed six years ago. we can say that she's neanderthal from various features, so perhaps the most obvious one is this quite large brow ridge that runs across above the eyes, but also things like the shape of the nose. so the nose is quite wide at the top. a detailed analysis suggests she was probably around her mid—40s with particularly worn teeth. by the time the teeth are getting this worn down, chewing is not as effective as it would have been, so she's not able to eat in quite the same way. we've got some other indications of sort of poor dental health, some infections, some gum disease as well. probably by the time the skeleton and the teeth are this kind of worn,
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you're actually getting to the natural end of life. the skull was found like this — in profile and completely flattened into a two—centimetre thick layer. transforming the crushed skull into what you can see here has been astonishingly difficult. it's made from hundreds of fragments of incredibly fragile bone that have been painstakingly pieced together. it's like the ultimate 3d jigsaw puzzle. it's taken the best part of a year to complete. the skeleton was discovered in a cave in the kurdistan region of iraq. the excavation was followed by a documentary team. archaeologists have been unearthing neanderthal remains there since the 19505. they found bones from at least ten individuals. they think it's a burial site where different groups of neanderthals brought their dead over many years. i think it means that they must have cared for each other. they were looking after other members of the group, and that care went on after they died.
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because they were carefully placed and probably covered. there's absolutely no doubt that they maintained a tradition over several hundred years of, "this is where you put grandma." since the first excavations, the cave has been transforming our understanding of neanderthals. the species disappeared about 40,000 years ago, while modern humans — that's us — thrived. but now there's evidence from the cave they used tools, built fires, and cooked together. you're getting into a world where you can see neanderthals sitting around, preparing food, heating them up, some kind of simple cooking going on, and presumably that beginning of socializing in ways. so that's just another example of they're more and more like us. she might have been turned down for her school choir but thankfully it didn't stop dua lipa from pursuing a career in music. the grammy—award winning pop superstar has got a busy summer
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ahead with a main slot at glastonbury and her third album is released tomorrow. our music correspondent, mark savage, has been to meet her. # you can fly away with me tonight, you can fly away with me tonight...#. four number one singles, seven brit awards... this is sick. ..a starring role in barbie, and, later this year, a headline slot at glastonbury. how much does that occupy your thoughts on a day—to—day basis? 50% of my thoughts goes to glastonbury, and then the rest, every other day task. it lives and has lived in my mind since the very beginning. # 0oh, it's amusing...#. before glastonbury comes dua lipa's new album. on this album, i think your focus has grown again. you are thinking more powerfully, i think, and your upper register is stronger. it's so much stronger.
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i mean, voice, it is a muscle. i trained it for a whole year, every night, while basically running at the same time. it with such an energetic show, i was dancing nonstop for an hour and a half, i had to really grab my breath control. # now i'm grown, i know what i deserve...#. dua lipa's new album comes out at the same time as releases by ariana grande... beyonce, and taylor swift. # i love you.#. the singer says it's notable that female artists aren't being pitted against each other. i think we definitely growing up. i think people are being held accountable for the way they choose to portray women and competition. we are in a moment in time where there is so much, marjorie, we are in a moment in time where there is so much camaraderie. and i think it is working in ourfavour and i think it's
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amazing to see so many women at the same time. # i'm not here for long, catch me before i go, houdini...#. glastonbury reflects that shift. for the first time ever this year, there'll be two female headliners. jump, jump! dua lipa says it's herjob to make the pyramid stage feel as intimate as this show from 2017. need to figure out a way to make 150,000 people feel like they're in a small little nightclub, somehow! got to do it, if there is one place to do it, it's going to be glasto! # i could do this dance all night.#. we'll find out in june. stay with us here on bbc news. joe biden is going to talk from the white _ joe biden is going to talk from the white house about the student protest — good afternoon. it was stormy across the south of england last night with around 4,000 lightning strikes recorded and the threat of thundery downpours this afternoon and tonight and tomorrow. more sunshine around today, always best in the north and west.
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for the rest of the afternoon it's quite cloudy across england and wales, dry in the south—west with the threat of thunderstorms breaking out into east anglia and wales. north sea coasts, cloudy and cool here, the best of the sunshine for northern ireland and scotland, reaching 22 degrees in north—west scotland, still warm for east anglia. this evening and overnight this waving front brings cloud and outbreaks of rain across england and wales. still misty for north sea facing coasts and this low pressure could bring some more thunderstorms. on friday this waving front pushes further north. we have an area of low pressure bringing thundery downpours north and west as we head through the day, lots of cloud spreading in and brightening up
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towards the south of england by the end of the afternoon, turning cloudy for northern ireland and scotland seeing some of the best of the sunshine with highs towards the north and west, 21, possibly 22 degrees. turning cloudy here and cooler as we head through the bank holiday weekend. on saturday, this waving front continues to push north bringing cloud and rain with it, and cooler air behind it so a dip in temperature for most of us. through saturday we could see showers across the south of england and wales but it's generally sunny and because we are at the beginning of may it will feel warm in the sunshine, temperatures lower than they have been at 13—18 . through the rest of the bank holiday weekend it's quite messy so keep an eye on the forecast. when the sun shines it will feel warm but expect some showers and longer spells of rain and it will feel a little cooler. goodbye.
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live from london. this is bbc news dramatic scenes at a california campus after police in los angeles move in to remove student protests against the gaza war.
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hundreds of demonstrators remain at the university of california — despite a police order demanding they leave. dozens of students have been detained after hundreds of officers descended on the camp. another day in court for donald trump , as prosecutors argue the former president should be held in contempt. and the great ape just got great, orangutans are spotted using the same medicinal plants as humans. hello, i'm matthew amroliwala, welcome to verified live, 3 hours of breaking stories, and checking out the truth behind them. we start in the us, and dramatic scenes at the university of california in los angeles, where police moved in, to clear the encampment of student protests aganst the war in gaza.


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