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tv   BBC News  BBC News  May 13, 2024 11:00am-11:31am BST

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a warning from rishi sunak — the prime minister will say britain stands at a crossroads ahead of potentially dangerous years. the us secretary of state tells israel an all—out attack on rafah will provoke anarchy without eliminating hamas. riot police in georgia move in to clear thousands demonstrating through the night against a controversial new law. and donald trump's hush—money trial continues, with his former lawyer, michael cohen, due to give evidence. hello, i'm lauren taylor. we start here in london, where the uk prime minister will argue, in a major speech in the next hour, that britain stands at a "crossroads" ahead of what he will call some "dangerous years", in which almost every aspect of life will change. we're expecting rishi sunak to argue that his "bold ideas" can "create
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a more secure future" for britons, ahead of an election expected later this year. it comes days after the conservatives�* bleak showing in local elections. we can cross live to westminster and our political correspondent hannah miller. it's been a difficult time in the last couple of weeks for the government because of those election results. presumably he'll want to change the subject now. yet another change the sub'ect now. yet another attem -t to change the subject now. yet another attempt to reset _ change the subject now. yet another attempt to reset the _ change the subject now. yet another attempt to reset the dial _ change the subject now. yet another attempt to reset the dial and - change the subject now. yet another attempt to reset the dial and talk . attempt to reset the dial and talk about what people can expect if conservatives get another term in office. rishi sunak is not even hiding that this beach is about a general election. he will stand there as prime minister and has the power to make changes and do the things he wants to do, but he is talking about the five years beyond whenever that general election will be held. we are not aware of any new policy that we are expecting to hear from him when he makes this speech
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in the next few minutes, but it is more about the framing of the state of the country, domestically and internationally. he wants to be seen as the person who can offer security. downing street have offered some parts of the speech in advance to get people talking about it and capture the headlines. he will say that almost every aspect of our lives is going to change over the next few years and pointed dangers at home and abroad and an increasing global immigration. and also talk about what he sees as a threat to the country's shared values. we are also expecting him to try and paint something of a dividing line between the conservatives and the labour party when it comes to defence spending. rishi sunak has pledged a few weeks ago now to increase defence spending to 2.5% of national income by 2030. labour have also said that that will be their aspiration, to meet that
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target, but they crucially haven't set a date as to when that is likely to be. i think we can expect to hear rishi sunak talking about that painting himself as the person who is going to make national security a priority. labour is saying security cannot fix the country's problems because they are saying they are the problem. this is one of the arguments that rishi sunak will want to take to the general election when it comes. �* , , ., ., ., it comes. besides the national icture, it comes. besides the national picture. do — it comes. besides the national picture, do met— it comes. besides the national picture, do met domestically l it comes. besides the national| picture, do met domestically it it comes. besides the national - picture, do met domestically it has been tricky for rishi sunak because of a couple of defections. the conservatives _ of a couple of defections. the conservatives now _ of a couple of defections. tue: conservatives now kind of a couple of defections. tte: conservatives now kind of of a couple of defections. tt2 conservatives now kind of trying to... , conservatives now kind of trying to," , ., conservatives now kind of trying to... , ., , �*, to... sorry to interrupt. let's listening — to... sorry to interrupt. let's listening to _ to... sorry to interrupt. let's listening to the _ to... sorry to interrupt. let's listening to the prime - to... sorry to interrupt. let's i listening to the prime minister. to... sorry to interrupt. let's - listening to the prime minister. as he listening to the prime minister. sis he said, listening to the prime minister. is he said, is a proud alumnus i'm delighted to be back. at some point, in the second half of this year, we
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will all go to the polls and make a choice, notjust about conservatives versus labour or rishi sunak versus kier starmer. it will be a choice about the future in the past. i remain confident that my party will prevail. not because of our record, but but because we will be the only party really talking about the future, and not with vague lofty platitudes, but with bold ideas and a clear plan that will change our society for the better and restore people because with confidence and pride in our country. ifeel a profound sense of urgency, because normal change in the next five years than in them that last 30. i'm convinced that the length next few years will be some of the most dangerous yet most transformational that our country has ever known. the question we face today is this, who has the clear plan and bold ideas to deliver a secure future for you and your family? deliver a secure future for you and yourfamily? the danger is
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deliver a secure future for you and your family? the danger is that threaten our country are real. they are increasing in number. access of authority in states like russia, north korea and china is working together to undermine us and our values. while his return to europe, with our nato allies warning that if putin succeeds in ukraine, they might be next. israel defends itself against not only the terrorists of hamas, but the barrage of missiles fired directly from iran. right now in africa, conflicts are being fought in 18 different countries. put in's recklessness has taken us closer to dangerous nuclear —esque x collation at any point since the cold war crisis. disrupting goods destined for our high street. here at home, china has conducted cyber targeting of a democratically elected mps. but she has pointing to
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people with chemical weapons. when putin cut off the gas supplies, it had a devastating impact on people's lives and threatened our energy security. and in this world of greater conflict and danger, 100 million people are now displaced globally. countries like russia are weapon amazing immigration for their own ends. criminal gangs keep finding new routes to crust european borders. illegal migration is placing an intolerable strain security and sense of fairness. we act now and act boldly this is going to grow. extremists are also exploiting these global conflicts to divide us. people are abusing our liberal democratic values, the freedom of speech, right to protest, to intimidate, threaten and assault others, to sing anti—semitic chants on our streets and to weaponised the evils of anti—semitism or
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anti—muslim hatred in a divisive and ideological attempt to separatism in britain. to gender activists hijacking children sex education to cancel culture, groups are trying to impose their views on the rest of us. they are trying to make it morally unacceptable to believe something different and undermine peoples confidence and pride in our own history and identity. scottish nationalists are even trying to tear our united kingdom apart. but for all the dangers ahead, few are felt more acutely than people's sense of financial insecurity. we have been panned by a series of once in a generation shucks, the worst financial crisis since the great depression in the 1930s. the first global pandemic since the spanish view flow, the third biggest energy shack since the 1940s. yet they are
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hitting our living standards here and at home. they must be met with robust plans and greater national resilience to meet this time of instability with strength. people sense of insecurity is only heightened by the fears about new technologies like aia. the imf says 40% ofjobs could be affected hundreds of leading experts say the risk could be on a par with pandemics or nuclear war, where children are exposed to bullying, sexualised context or even self—harm online. people want to know they have got someone in charge who understands these dangers, because only if you understand what is happening can you be trusted to keep us safe. but the paradox of our age is that the role of the profound dangers we face, right now, we also hold in our hands and opportunity for human progress that could surpass the industrial revolution in speed and breadth. technologies like
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ai will do for their 21st—century what the steam engine and electricity did for the 19th. they will accelerate human progress by complimenting what doing and speeding up the discovery of new ideas and assisting almost every aspect of human life. think of the investment they will bring, the jobs they will create, and the increase in all our living standards they will deliver. credible estimates suggest ai alone could double our productivity in the next decade. in doing so, it could help us create a world of less suffering, more freedom, choice. just imagine every child in school with their own personalised tutor and every teacher free to spend more time personally developing each student. new frontiers in medical diagnostics or a single picture of your eyes cannot only detect blindness but predict other diseases like heart attacks or parkinson's. counterintuitive as it
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may seem, throughout human history, the greater breakthroughs in learning have often come at them greatest moments of danger. at first electronic computers were developed by british codebreakers in the second world war. solar technology went from powering pocket calculators to a viable commercial technology following the energy crisis of the 19705. the fastest development and deployment of a vaccine in history came during the covert pandemic —— covid—19 pandemic. it is incumbent upon us to make this period notjust a period of great danger but of great progress as well. that is why we launched a bold plan to make 5cience launched a bold plan to make science and technology are new national purpose. we are rightly proud of britain's 5pirit purpose. we are rightly proud of britain's spirit of productivity and entrepreneurship that made us the leading nation that might be can be just as proud, optimi5tic of our future and our pro5pect5 just as proud, optimi5tic of our future and our prospects to lead
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again in this new industrial age. in doing so, we will enrich our lives and create good well paying jobs here at home. at the same time, new and fast—growing economic superpowers and fast—growing economic 5uperpower5 like india, and fast—growing economic superpowers like india, indonesia, nigeria as significantly reshaping the global economy. just as this ever more interconnected world creates new dangers, it also creates new possibilities. the united kingdom is uniquely placed to benefit. we have always been an open, trading maritime nation and brexit has given us the opportunity to trade even more. we prevent discover and produce new products and services that the world wants to buy. to financial services, to incredible cultural exports like film, music and tv spots like the premier league. everywhere from morocco near to the cityscapes of south korea, people stay up at all times of the day and night to watch
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their favourite british team. times of the day and night to watch theirfavourite british team. it's no wonder that brexit britain has leapt above france, japan and the netherlands to become the four worlds fourth biggest exporter. the more we export, the better our businesses will do, the morejobs will create, the more wells will generate right across our country. this is the opportunity before us. a world transformed by technological progress, huge global markets hungry for goods and services. we can see it all around us. two brothers from merseyside sat around the kitchen table and built car store, £1 billion sportswear business, taking on global giants like nikkei and adidas, their kit now worn by formula 1. british companies and workers across the country are pioneering offshore wind and exporting it around the world. already we have built the worlds first floating offshore wind farm,
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and our interventions have helped reduce the cost of wind energy by around two thirds and increase the side of the —— the sides of the turbines with blades bigger than big ben. you can see the opportunity as well in health care, giving people longer, healthier lives. in denmark, the sm pic drug was created, not only helping to tackle chronic disease globally, but single—handedly grew denmark's entire economy last year. all of this progress should show us that while this is one of the most dangerous period we've ever known, it will also be one of the most transformational. if we make the right choices, if we have a bold and efficient, then we should feel confident, proud and optimistic that britain's future is secure. 0ur britain's future is secure. our country stands at a crossroads. 0ver country stands at a crossroads. over the next few years, from our democracy to our society to our
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economy to the highest questions of war and peace, almost every aspect of our lives is going to change. how we act in the face of those changes, not only to keep people safe and secure, but to realise the opportunities as well, well this term and whether or not britain will succeed in the years to come. and there is an important choice facing there is an important choice facing the country. because despite having 14 the country. because despite having 1a years with nothing to do but think about the future, labour have almost nothing to say about it. they have no plans for our border, no plans for our energy security, our economy neither. and their principles neither. he has gone from supporting jeremy corbyn to natalie elphicke. labour have no ideas, what they did have that you turned on. they have just one thing. a calculation that they can make you
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feel so bad about your country that you won't have the energy to ask what they might do with the incredible power that they seek to yield. i'm not saying the past does not matter. i know people are feeling anxious and uncertain, that their sense of confidence and pride in this country has been knocked. i understand that. i accept it and i want to change it. but what i cannot accept is labour�*s idea that all the worries you have are because of 1a years of conservative government. that all you need to do is change the people in office and these problems will magically disappear. it is just not true. in the last 1a years, we have made progress in the most difficult conditions any government has faced since the second world war, a world leading economy. we see in the third highest growth rate in the g7 and created 4 million jobs, growth rate in the g7 and created 4 millionjobs, 800 a day. we took difficult decisions to restore our
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country's national security and control national debt which allowed us to support their country through covid—19, deliver the fastest vaccine roll—out in the world and protect pensions with the triple lock. we've reformed welfare by capping benefits and introducing universal credit by helping people into work. we've reduced absolute positive —— absolute poverty, child poverty. we've maintained our position as nato was like second defence power. with halved violence in neighbourhood crime and british schoolchildren notjust the best readers in the uk but in the western world. we've legislated for equal marriage and it is now not even surprising that people from ethnically diverse backgrounds to lead scotland, wales and the united kingdom. the economy now decisively has momentum. inflation down from over 11% to 3%. wages are rising
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faster than prices, and over the first quarter of this year, we grew faster than france, italy, japan and even america. the plan is working so we must stick to it and not go back to square one. and when labour ignores the achievements of the last 14 ignores the achievements of the last 1a years, or try to reduce the last 14 years, or try to reduce the last 14 years, or try to reduce the last 14 years, or try to reduce the last 14 years to 49 days, remember what they are actually doing is trying to distract you from the thing that matters most, the future. i'm playwright enough to admit that yes maybe they can depress their way to victory, with all their talk of doom loops and gas lighting and scaremongering about pensions. but i don't think it will work, because at heart, we are a nation of optimists. we are not blind to the challenges and threats we face. we just have an innate belief that whatever they are we can overcome them. as we have to in so many times in our history. and create a secure future for you and
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your family. create a secure future for you and yourfamily. so let me create a secure future for you and your family. so let me tell you more about my vision for how i would lead this country through this time of danger and transformation. the highest priority of a conservative government is to keep our country safe. we have proudly taken the generational decision to increase defence spending to a new baseline of 2.5% of gdp by 2030. yet labour have refused to match our pledge. keir starmer supported a former labour leader who wanted to abolish the army and withdraw from nato. labours covenant —— labour's current deputy leader and shadow foreign secretary and many others voted against our nuclear deterrent, the ultimate guarantor of our security. they want to pretend it is all history, ancient history, but it is not and it should worry us. because the defence of our country and our values requires seriousness of
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purpose, moral clarity and a willingness to make big choices and sacrifices elsewhere to fund it. either you believe the world is more dangerous, oryou either you believe the world is more dangerous, or you don't. either you believe the world is more dangerous, oryou don't. eitheryou have the strength to lead, or you don't. and, yes, the global displacement of 100 million people is a new and defining challenge of our age, is a new and defining challenge of ourage, but is a new and defining challenge of our age, but we can and will protect ourselves against illegal migration. because only we conservatives have the strength to challenge conventions and do something different about it. tinkering just won't work, that's why we are pioneering the rwanda scheme. when people see that if they come here illegally, they will be swiftly detained and removed. there will be deterred from making that perilous journey, stopping the boats and saving thousands of lives. i know that our international frameworks are outdated, so there may be flash points ahead with the echr, and if the strasbourg court make me choose
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between the echr in the country's security, i will choose our country's security every single time. applause and nor will i ever compromise in defending our values, our history, our way of life against those who seek to undermine them. t am seek to undermine them. i am unapologetically _ seek to undermine them. i am unapologetically proud - seek to undermine them. i am unapologetically proud of- seek to undermine them. t —n unapologetically proud of who we are. and under my leadership, ours will be a country where people can disagree in good faith and where they must do so with respect and decency for others. a country where the benefits of belonging to our union are self—evident with the overwhelming majority of our people. a country where we protect the greatest institution of all, the family. better protect children from the harms of the online and off—line worlds. and do more to protect single sex bases. a country where we
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celebrate the small acts of kindness that bind our society together. and where we actively work to build civic pride that have always formed part of our culture. a country where we are not those prepared to pay the highest price for our freedoms as we make the best place in the world to be a veteran here at home. a country where we properly respect the older generation who have contributed all their lives. whatever the triple lock costs, it is morally right to give older people dignity in retirement. but as well as strengthening national security and restoring pride in our national culture, we will also protect you from the dangers of a moral and stable world by giving you greater peace of mind over your financial security. people have been struggling to make end meet. i know that. in the last few years, you have seen rising energy bills, mortgage rates, the cost of a weekly shop, and i hope i have shown through my time in office that from
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furlough to support with your energy bills, the government i lead will always be there for you. but that is only possible if we take the tough decisions to strengthen the country public finances and control debt. and you can trust me to do that. when i stood for the leadership of my party and my opponents�*s policies imperilled our financial strength, my party and my opponents�*s policies imperilled ourfinancial strength, i imperilled our financial strength, i was imperilled ourfinancial strength, i was in a prepared to lose than abandon what i believe is so deep he is right for our country. ifeel the same about net zero. in a more unstable world where dictators like putin have failed us to ransom over energy prices, i reject the ideological zeal of those who want to adopt policies that go further and faster than any other country, no matter what the cost of disruption to peoples lives. that is exactly labours approach. they act like a pressure group and not a would—be government. the conservatives will governing the
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national interest, leading us to net zero in a serious, hard—headed way that priorities our energy security and financial security of hard—working families. even as we strengthen our security, our sense of pride and confidence in ourselves, i also feel a sense of urgency about readying our country to succeed in a world transformed, and that starts by giving all the young people, wherever they live, whatever their background, the skills and the knowledge to succeed. building on the success of the last 14 years, we will create a truly world class education system. the advanced british standard is the most far—reaching reforms to education for 16 to 18—year—olds in a generation. we are tearing down the artificial barriers between technical and academic education. increasing time in the classroom and
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unapologetically saying that every single child must leave school, not just literate but numerate as well. i know that this will not when universal acclaim, i know that this will not when universalacclaim, but i know that this will not when universal acclaim, but maths will be fundamental to our children's life fundamental to our child ren's life chancesin fundamental to our children's life chances in this new technological age. it is our duty to give them those skills and more will end rip—off to grades and expand their apprenticeships because degree is not the only path to success in a modern economy. and we will make sure that everyone has the funding they need to retrain or learn new skills at any point in their lives, because in the future, education won't stop when you walk out of the school gates. but for britain to finish first in today's world, we don't just finish first in today's world, we don'tjust need the skills to succeed, we need to create a dynamic, innovative economy fuelled by progress so that we the industries of the future and future and you and yourfamily industries of the future and future and you and your family become wealthier and more economically secure. the government i lead is
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creating the conditions for a new british dynamism by investing in the new infrastructure of the future, not just new infrastructure of the future, notjust roads, railways and buses, but gigabyte broadband, computing power, by helping to create hundreds of thousands of good, secure, well—paid and highly skilled jobs that will level up opportunity right across the country. and by taking the necessary conditions to build the necessary conditions to build the right homes in the right places to support thosejobs. the right homes in the right places to support those jobs. chewed british dynamism won't come from the state below, it will come from you. it will come from the ingenuity and creativity of the british people, given the support, the opportunities and there is boards to have, pursue and there is boards to have, pursue and realise big ambitions. if you have a big idea, iwant and realise big ambitions. if you have a big idea, i want you to build it. if you are passionate about solving a problem, i want you to pursue it. and if you are simply worried about setting up on your own, i want you to get out there and
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do it. you will find britain out there in our country. so the government i lead will create their commissions are people themselves to try to build and invent, yes, sometimes to fail, but more often to succeed. that's why we are cutting taxes directly on investment. we are cutting taxes to encourage innovation and we are seizing the freedom and possibility of brexit. we in the uk now have the chance to be more agile, so that rather than stifling innovation and growth we encourage it, in everything from financial services to agriculture, from health care. above all, we will reward hard work. you don't get anywhere in life without hard work, so we are making the tax system simpler, fairer and more rewarding, cutting national insurance by £900
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for the rich worker, increasing the state pension by £900 this year. we are increasing the national living wades which, and our safety net is fair to those who pay for it. not least forgiving people support to get off welfare and into work if some purpose, dignity and hope. it is also the only sustainable way to cut legal migration. so a world—class education system, a dynamic economy, hard work valued and rewarded, that is how britain will succeed in the future. that is how we will grow the economy and transform public services as well. imagine a welfare system where new technologies allow us to crack down on the fraudsters, exploiting the hard—working taxpayers who fund it. imagine the huge opportunities to cut crime through new technologies like facial recognition wanting to help police catch criminals. imagine
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our nhs still free at the point of use, but transformed for the future. a service staffed by tens and thousands more doctors and nurses thanks to our long—term workforce plan. backed by years of fiscal discipline and with far greater choice over where you can receive your care, made as simple as choosing what to watch and iplayer. i believe there will be no more powerful example of what all the forces of british dynamism, innovation, scientific discovery and technological process can achieve than this, to address finally the fear of one word that still lurks in the back of everyone's mains, that touches almost every family in the country, and that envelops our whole world if we are a loved one hear it, cancer. even here, if we are bold enough, there can be cause for new hope. we already know we can prevent
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most lung cancers, the uk leading cause of cancer deaths by stopping smoking. that's why i took the important decision to create the smoke—free generation. in huge breakthroughs in early diagnosis and mris for skin cancer, i believe we can bejust as bold mris for skin cancer, i believe we can be just as bold and ambitious mris for skin cancer, i believe we can bejust as bold and ambitious in improving ways of cancer survival. if we can bring together my vision of a country transformed with our world—class education system that trains phd oncologists and apprentice lab tech technicians and our dynamic economy that attracts economists and investors, our post—brexit regulatory freedoms to approach trials in a safe but fast away and the scale of our nhs to help us trial those drugs in a way that no other country can, then just one example of the incredible achievements this country can make would be to make a generational
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breakthrough against this cruel disease and fundamentally change what wit it will mean for our children and grandchildren to hear the today i have set out my vision for how britain can succeed in one of the most dangerous yet transformational —— transfer marginal areas we have known. the values that lie behind that vision is a new patriotism, confident in ourselves and all we can achieve. i refuse to accept the cynical narrative of the client that my opponents hope will depress people into voting for them and i reject those who insidiously question our history and identity. i believe that innate confidence in ourselves that has always run through our island story, and just as we are proud of all that we created, invented and discovered in our past, so we can be confident and optimistic about what we will achieve in our future. confident and optimistic about what we will achieve in ourfuture. my pledge to you is that i will create
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the conditions to


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