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tv   Verified Live  BBC News  May 15, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm BST

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a man has been arrested we'll have more of the emerging details. a russia's offensive in the north—east of ukraine intensifies, as president zelensky cancels all future trips abroad. us secretary of state antony blinken states that they are rushing ammunition and air defense systems to the front line to protect, both soldiers and civilians amidst a renewed russian offensive. the prime minister promises no prisoner will be released early if they're a risk to the public, as new measures are due, to tackle prison overcrowding. let's start this hour with breaking news. local media in slovakia says, the prime minister, robert fico has
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been shot and injured, in an incident in the last hour. let me show you the pictures which havejust come in, they're taken in the immidiate aftermath of this incident. you can see a flurry of bodygaurds in the moments after shots were fired, the prime minister then rushed to hospital. the pictures also show a man being pinned to the floor and then arrested. let's speak to sara cincurova, a freelance journalist based in bratislava. thank you for being with us. there must be great shark at this news. thank you for having me. yes, indeed, this event sparked a huge wave of shock. in slovakia. both in terms of the general population but also with politicians who are,
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obviously, very shocked, and even the president has expressed her fear and her shock after this.— and her shock after this. horrible event. i want _ and her shock after this. horrible event. i want to _ and her shock after this. horrible event. i want to just _ and her shock after this. horrible event. i want to just put - and her shock after this. horrible event. i want to just put back - and her shock after this. horrible l event. i want to just put back onto the screen the pictures of the immediate aftermath because, these are moving pictures and you can see the emergency services setting into place but the still pictures that we will see in a second to showjust the immediate moments after. are seeing a man apprehended, pinned to the floor, a flabby activity and then around the prime minister's current motorcade, the efforts to get him inside of the car and then rushing him to hospital. what are you hearing about the whereabouts, the other prime minister, any sort of update in terms of his condition? yes, so, i have been following raking news on various slovak news websites. what we are hearing right now is that he has been transported
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to hospital in a town in the centre of slovakia. there have been several sources that confirmed to newspapers, namely one of the biggest slovak papers, that in spite of the fact that robert fico was injured in the abdomen and throat and arm, he should survive and these injuries should not be life threatening. however, there is a very recent post of robert fico's facebook account that says that he is still in acute danger and we will only know whether he will survive within the next few hours, depending on the treatment he will receive. let me just enter up to and apologies for that. i look about you and a second or but i want to put onto the screen you video that has just come into us. and these are
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moving pictures. and you can see, in those pictures, the frantic efforts of those bodyguards, the security teams, actually getting the prime minister into that vehicle, as the camera then spins off to show the man being detained and arrested. but i want to put those pictures again on a loop because they are very, very dramatic pictures of the prime minister. these literally are the moments after the shots are fired. then we show them again for the pier the other to begin see carried out. there were reports of bullet wounds to the abdomen and that would follow with just the position of the prime minister as he was carried there to the car and the latest we are hearing from the hospital, that it appears that he has been taken into intensive care and they are talking about him being shot and treated with winds, pleural. so that is a
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detailed coming from a hospital spokeswoman, that he has been treated for shot wounds so that suggests more than one wound from shots that are fired. it certainly seems from the pictures, only one assailant. but we wait for more on that. we had been hearing from a variety of political leaders in the last little while. we heard from prime ministers that of the uk prime minister rishi sunakjust also his first comment talking about shock to hear this awful news, all our thoughts are with the prime minister and his family. and that thought echoed by a variety of european leaders as more detail emerges of this attack. let's get the latest from our correspondent in the
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region. what more can you tell us that you are hearing? 50 region. what more can you tell us that you are hearing?— that you are hearing? so far, we believe that _ that you are hearing? so far, we believe that a _ that you are hearing? so far, we believe that a total _ that you are hearing? so far, we believe that a total of _ that you are hearing? so far, we believe that a total of four - that you are hearing? so far, we believe that a total of four or - that you are hearing? so far, we| believe that a total of four or five shots rang out, as robert fico was emerging from that government meeting in the central town of handlova. we believe two or three of those shots hit him and the latest information that we have is that he was injured in the abdomen and possibly in the arm and the foot. eyewitnesses, members of the crowd were there to greet him describe seeing him falling to the ground and being lifted off the ground and he was said to have blood on him but exactly how serious those injuries are, we don't know yet. a hospital spokeswoman said that he was conscious, he was being taken to a higher grade hospital, we believe it is the nearest big city in slovakia
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and that he was being receiving treatments and intensive care unit for those injuries. numerous sources have told slovak media outlets including a very reputable news outlet in slovakia, no friend of robert fico either. they said that his injuries are not life—threatening but that is the information that we have in his condition so far.— condition so far. and tell me. i know these — condition so far. and tell me. i know these are _ condition so far. and tell me. i know these are really - condition so far. and tell me. i know these are really early - condition so far. and tell me. i - know these are really early moment so, obviously, it is a difficult question but is there any early thought about what the possible motive is hair, the motivations, who we think, perhaps, is behind this? there isn't. it is early. the reports i've seen suggest that a 71—year—old man was arrested at the scene. the man that we have saw being pinned to the ground. at what
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the motivation was we don't know. it certainly, slovak politics are in an extremely feed real estate at the moment. eversince extremely feed real estate at the moment. ever since robert fico was re—elected the autumn and formed a new government. a government which has really set its sights on the country's criminaljustice system, he has launched plans to dismantle the public broadcaster, slovak television and radio and also target ngos. this had led to hamas demonstrations in cities and towns across slovakia but those limitations have been peaceful and the opposition, and indeed the temperature of slovak politics, but it does rise on occasion, so far it has been fairly peaceful so this incident is quite out of the ordinary, an extraordinary development, this assassination attempt, i think we can say that now for sure, the leader of the country, the prime minister. i for sure, the leader of the country, the prime minister.— the prime minister. i want to put some pictures. _ the prime minister. i want to put some pictures, images _ the prime minister. i want to put some pictures, images coming i the prime minister. i want to put| some pictures, images coming in the prime minister. i want to put. some pictures, images coming in all the time but this is just taken from
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a different angle and shows you the reaction from some of the crowds in the immediate aftermath and you can see the assailant just the immediate aftermath and you can see the assailantjust being wrestled to the ground and just being, there it is, just as he was being, there it is, just as he was being detained. tell me a little bit more about what this event was. was this something that the public knew that the prime minister would be attending. where was this? what was actually going on? yes. attending. where was this? what was actually going on?— actually going on? yes, they did. the slovak _ actually going on? yes, they did. the slovak government - actually going on? yes, they did. the slovak government under . actually going on? yes, they did. - the slovak government under robert fico has made a point of holding these government meetings in various towns and cities around slovakia. it brings him closer to the people, closer to his voters and, each time that the cabinet does meet in these towns, and this town was right in the centre of slovakia, quite far from the capital, bratislava, and he is surrounded by crowds of
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supporters. many of them who adore him, frankly and are very much in favour of the moves that he has unveiled in recent months. so, certainly, he does attract a certain following, i suppose that appears a lot of public support. it is also fair to say that he is a man who is very keen to burnish his public image. he is a strong social media presence on facebook. he is very, very quick to produce very slick videos whenever he is emerging from a government meeting or assignment at the european council, that sort of thing, to stress that he has been fighting for slovak sovereignty and defending the interests of slovaks so he is very canny. he is a very canny political operator put a piece of and forced to step down once commented thousand 18, following the murder of an investigative journalist who was looking at links between his party and organised
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crime but last year he made something of a remarkable political comeback and has now formed a fourth administration. we comeback and has now formed a fourth administration.— administration. we will come back to ou in a administration. we will come back to you in a moment _ administration. we will come back to you in a moment or— administration. we will come back to you in a moment or two _ administration. we will come back to you in a moment or two but - administration. we will come back to you in a moment or two but thanks l you in a moment or two but thanks very much. i want to bring in our europe regional editor who is in the studio with me. we will stay on these pictures because very, very dramatic pictures. they give you an absolute snapshot of the moments around shots being fired at slovakia's prime minister. we know a number of bullets hitting the prime minister and still pictures showing just in the moments after they get him back into the car before they rushed him to hospital, and i know you are looking at the latest in terms of his possible condition. what more are you hearing? you'll make this as just one report by reuters, the news agency, is quoting the slovakian government office as
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saying that robert fico is any life—threatening condition. we also have a rather strange statement which says robert fico's transport bratislava would take too long given the necessity of acute treatment. now, we were told he was taken to the capital. it is indeed a long way. this time for it happened is right in the middle of slovakia. to understand what this means. are they possibly suggesting that, if they are taken into slovakia, to put it euphemistically, not in order to treat him. it is very hard to follow. that the conflicting evidence. my reading of that was it underlined the seriousness of what has happened. that they haven't got a huge amount of time and so they've got to get him to the most appropriate facility as quickly as possible. appropriate facility as quickly as ossible. ~ ., , appropriate facility as quickly as ossible. a, , , ., appropriate facility as quickly as ossible. , , ., possible. may be they are saying that they did _ possible. may be they are saying that they did not _ possible. may be they are saying that they did not go _ possible. may be they are saying that they did not go to _ possible. may be they are sayingj that they did not go to bratislava as the initial reports were telling
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us because the treatment was so serious, the condition was so serious. as we say, we are in the realms of a certain amount of speculation at the moment but that is an official statement from the government office. apparently, robert fico is life—threatening condition and that suddenly go to the suggesting i think i heard you make only, is that he received two shots, one in the abdomen and possibly one of the chest which does sound more serious. and possibly one of the chest which does sound more serious.— sound more serious. and rob i think was addin: sound more serious. and rob i think was adding to _ sound more serious. and rob i think was adding to that, _ sound more serious. and rob i think was adding to that, talking - sound more serious. and rob i think was adding to that, talking about. was adding to that, talking about four or five shots being fired and some suggestions, perhaps, more than the two injuries. all of these details emerging. it is initial observation but it is interesting that, quite early detail is coming from the interior ministry, is coming from the government, is coming from the government, is coming from the hospital. so a clearer picture is emerging that tell us more about this man, the prime minister. i5 i tell us more about this man, the prime minister.— tell us more about this man, the prime minister. is i think rob has suggested. _ prime minister. is i think rob has suggested. he — prime minister. is i think rob has suggested, he was, _ prime minister. is i think rob has suggested, he was, to _ prime minister. is i think rob has suggested, he was, to say - prime minister. is i think rob has suggested, he was, to say the . prime minister. is i think rob has i suggested, he was, to say the least, a divisive figure and always set out
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to be able to bear in mind, slovakia is a pretty young country would have it and they came into existence in 1993 when czechoslovakia split up. and, in that time, democracy relatively new. only a few years since it emerged from the soviet bloc and in that time, slovakia has had a lot of what people euphemistically describe as colourful characters. but ideology may be not quite so important. robert fico himself started out being considered very left wing and he is now considered very right—wing. what has been consistent is this colourful personality. and is this colourful personality. and did he have _ is this colourful personality. and did he have obvious enemies? i| is this colourful personality. and - did he have obvious enemies? i would not want to name _ did he have obvious enemies? i would not want to name enemies _ did he have obvious enemies? i would not want to name enemies but - did he have obvious enemies? i would not want to name enemies but a - did he have obvious enemies? i would not want to name enemies but a man | not want to name enemies but a man as divisive and is brash and what he said would certainly have made enemies that i mean, this was a man who, i wasjust looking enemies that i mean, this was a man who, i was just looking for examples, when a journalist criticised him he said should i go over there and give you a slap? and on another occasion he referred to the media in general as a corrupt gang of swines. he did fulfil power because of allegations that he was
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involved in corruption. these allegations were never proved him, the journalist was investigating, allegations were never proved him, thejournalist was investigating, he was very involved in investigating corruption and organised crime and when he investigated the affair is going on with robert fico he was assassinated. so, as rob says, you know, politics in slovakia can be few braille. the election campaign at the end of last year saw brawls breaking out amongst actual representatives. as a people going out campaigning senior figures at the party getting to fistfights. i am watching, just a reviewers now, four or five different sources of pictures coming into us will stop new information, new images, new witness accounts coming in all the time that we will get onto the screens and update you with a soon as we can. i'm seeing them as i'm speaking, and i whenjust describing what she saw. she saw. she was right there at the scene so we account in a moment or two but great shock. i was reading out the brief statement
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from rishi sue neck but we have had a number of statements from a number of european leaders. huge shock that this should happen, you know, on european soil. it seems to be just an ordinary gathering. european soil. it seems to be 'ust an ordinary gatheringi european soil. it seems to be 'ust an ordinary gathering. some of them are rather pointed. _ an ordinary gathering. some of them are rather pointed. condemnation i an ordinary gathering. some of them are rather pointed. condemnation of| are rather pointed. condemnation of the attack from slovakia's president zuzana caputova. i should explain, she is politically at the opposite end of robert fico. very much opposes him but she has said she is shocked by this brutal and reckless attack. also i should have underlined. she said she strongly, the eu commissioner, she says, president of the eu commission, she says i strongly condemn this attack. such acts of violence have no place in our society. they undermine democracy. some members of the eu have also said and accused robert fico himself of undermining democracy but i don't have that was appointed comment. particular shock from the prime minister of the
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neighbouring hungary. he described it as a keenness attack against my friend. robert fico certainly is a friend. robert fico certainly is a friend of him. there have very similar politics and attitudes. and they share an affinity for vladimir putin. robert fico is seen as someone close to russia. he fought this election by saying i don't want is giving in more arms to ukraine. that would certainly have made him some enemies, i would have thought. some people very angry when he said that. , ,., some people very angry when he said that. , . _, some people very angry when he said that. , . u, ., that. there is so much coming in all ofthe that. there is so much coming in all of the time- — that. there is so much coming in all of the time. line _ that. there is so much coming in all of the time. line by _ that. there is so much coming in all of the time. line by line, _ that. there is so much coming in all of the time. line by line, image - that. there is so much coming in all of the time. line by line, image by| of the time. line by line, image by image. let's go back to the freelance journalist based in bratislava. in terms of the information that you are human, the latest, just bring me right up to date. latest, 'ust bring me right up to date. ,., ., ., date. right, so, what we are hearing. _ date. right, so, what we are hearing. apart _ date. right, so, what we are hearing, apart from - date. right, so, what we are i hearing, apart from politicians, european and slovak leaders condemning the attack, we are
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hearing that the shooter was a 71—year—old man from the town in the area. he would have shot them to make with a weapon, pistol that he was holding legally. the cause of the attack is not yet fully known. i am just hearing that she love underlying has also condemned the attack as well as the slovak president. in terms of his condition, a europe editor he was telling us about the reuters one line that he was in a life—threatening condition. interesting as you finish that final sentence, where hearing another news agency quoted government sources saying exactly the same thing. that the slovakian prime minister is in hospital with a life—threatening condition so this is incredibly
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serious. 50 condition so this is incredibly serious. ., , condition so this is incredibly serious. . , ., ., serious. so i have been following news reports _ serious. so i have been following news reports from _ serious. so i have been following news reports from several - serious. so i have been following i news reports from several different media. there was news maybe 20 minutes ago suggesting that the injuries were not life—threatening however, since then, robert fico's facebook page and the spokesperson of the government confirmed that the injuries were life—threatening, that he was in intensive care and we are essentially waiting on the treatment that will determine whether or not he will survive. tell that will determine whether or not he will survive.— he will survive. tell me a little bit more about _ he will survive. tell me a little bit more about what _ he will survive. tell me a little bit more about what this - he will survive. tell me a little | bit more about what this event he will survive. tell me a little - bit more about what this event was that the prime minister was attending. it that the prime minister was attending-— that the prime minister was attendinu. . , ., attending. it was a government meetin: attending. it was a government meeting that — attending. it was a government meeting that was _ attending. it was a government meeting that was held - attending. it was a government meeting that was held in - attending. it was a government meeting that was held in the i attending. it was a government - meeting that was held in the slovak town which is a small town in the centre of slovakia. these meetings in different slovak towns were
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regularly held and robert fico was frequently travelling to diverse slovak regions. it seems that the shooting occurred when robert fico got out of the meeting that was being held in the house of culture and, while he was surrounded by people, and supporters, he would have received four or five gunshots. and he was injured in the abdomen and probably also one arm and one leg. we and probably also one arm and one let. ~ ., , . , leg. we are getting new pictures cominu in leg. we are getting new pictures coming in and — leg. we are getting new pictures coming in and let _ leg. we are getting new pictures coming in and let me _ leg. we are getting new pictures coming in and let me just - leg. we are getting new pictures coming in and let me just show. leg. we are getting new pictures i coming in and let me just show you leg. we are getting new pictures - coming in and let me just show you a slightly different angle of that image that we showed you before. seconds after shots were fired. i'm going to put the pictures on again, actually, becausejust going to put the pictures on again, actually, because just the going to put the pictures on again, actually, becausejust the beginning of this sequence i think, is important, because i think what is coming up shows you the prime
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minister on the floor. before, as you saw, him being scooped up by security officials. these are the pictures of the aftermath with the assailant but i will put these pictures i am describing on the scene now. have a look at this. well, just a slightly different angle and slightly more of those pictures that we saw before where the security services scoop up the prime minister from the floor and go straight into his car and then, moments later, you see the convoy actually speed away and we've been trying to piece together both with the people that in the region, with paul here who was with the, exactly where the prime minster has been taken to but increasingly the lines coming from government spokesmen say that the prime minister has got life—threatening conditions. there,
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the assailant brought to the floor. you can see his hands cuffed behind him so it appears, certainly, from those pictures, only one person involved in that shooting but we wait for any sort of confirmation and terms of what is behind this, you might be behind this, who that person actually is that paul, let me bring you back in because, whilst we see all of these pictures, of course, the obvious question is, the security around the prime minister. certainly the numbers there but quite obviously, serious failings here. , ., ., , , ., here. yes and no in the sense of clearl a here. yes and no in the sense of clearly a failing _ here. yes and no in the sense of clearly a failing of— here. yes and no in the sense of clearly a failing of security - here. yes and no in the sense of clearly a failing of security but . clearly a failing of security but robert — clearly a failing of security but robert fico is a man who likes to burnish _ robert fico is a man who likes to burnish his— robert fico is a man who likes to burnish his populist credentials, nonulist — burnish his populist credentials, populist and that's perhaps the best way to— populist and that's perhaps the best way to describe as politics. people like that _ way to describe as politics. people like that you like to be seen out and about _ like that you like to be seen out and about. if you're going to be a man— and about. if you're going to be a man of— and about. if you're going to be a man of the — and about. if you're going to be a man of the people, you can't really hide behind the permanent cord and so perhaps—
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hide behind the permanent cord and so perhaps it wasn't uncharacteristic that he was out and about _ uncharacteristic that he was out and about in_ uncharacteristic that he was out and about in their small town and so it is a dilemma that any politician from _ is a dilemma that any politician from any— is a dilemma that any politician from any public figure has. if you want _ from any public figure has. if you want to— from any public figure has. if you want to be — from any public figure has. if you want to be out and about shaking hands _ want to be out and about shaking hands and — want to be out and about shaking hands and meeting people face—to—face, you are going to be exposed — face—to—face, you are going to be exposed. there was a limit to how much _ exposed. there was a limit to how much protection your bodyguards can -ive much protection your bodyguards can give you _ much protection your bodyguards can give you in_ much protection your bodyguards can give you in a — much protection your bodyguards can give you in a situation like that. as you — give you in a situation like that. as you say, _ give you in a situation like that. as you say, looking at it, does not seem _ as you say, looking at it, does not seem that — as you say, looking at it, does not seem that there was any particularly heavy— seem that there was any particularly heavy guard. people can walk around with bullet—proofjackets their entire — with bullet—proofjackets their entire lives so it perhaps, the speculation does go with a kind of character— speculation does go with a kind of character he wanted to be. he stood as a man. _ character he wanted to be. he stood as a man. i— character he wanted to be. he stood as a man, i am one of you, not like these— as a man, i am one of you, not like these elites — as a man, i am one of you, not like these elites that work the populist of the _ these elites that work the populist of the news and in this case it might— of the news and in this case it might have exposed him to the shooting — might have exposed him to the shooting which has taken place. we are shooting which has taken place. are getting shooting which has taken place. - are getting more comments coming in from all over the world. in europe, people condemning what is happening. in the olaf scholz talking about it saying how shocked he was. the nato secretary general saying he is
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shocked and appalled. i am also just looking at the map. we were initially told that he was being taken, robert fico, to the capital, bratislava. now, that hand with this happened, handlova in the middle of the country, the place he has been taken to, and i hope my pronunciation is correct, that is much, much closer. i am looking at it. about 20 or 25 kilometres as the crow flies. it is interesting you bring that thought in because we put them up onto the screen and you get just a sense of the geography that you are just describing and a sense of the distance between where this is happened in handlova and bratislava there, to be further west. pl. bratislava there, to be further west. �* ., ., ,., west. a quote from the government out there saying _ west. a quote from the government out there saying it _ west. a quote from the government out there saying it was _ west. a quote from the government out there saying it was too - west. a quote from the government out there saying it was too far - out there saying it was too far given his condition to bratislava given his condition to bratislava given the urgency which, again, to support that suggestion that he is in a more serious condition and we perhaps initially thought. are you
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are talking just now about the nato secretary—general talking about his being shocked and appalled at this attack. one more of europe has made leaders, the italian prime minister, slamming this as a cowardly attack on the slovakian prime minister. you are seen the — on the slovakian prime minister. you are seen the pictures from the immediate aftermath after this shooting incident for topping a number of bullets striking slovakia's prime minister. these are the moments afterwards as he is whisked away. we know he is injured and a couple of news agency reporting that he has life—threatening injuries. these are some of the latest pictures, some of the latest details as this news continues to emerge of this assassination attempt of slovakia's prime minister. you are watching bbc news. the assailant they are pinned
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to the floor. we wait to hear more about him. can i bring you back in? that freelance journalist and you've been so useful in terms of giving us some of the latest detail. your hearing there. are you hearing anything about the person we are seeing on our screens at the moment? handcuffed on the pavement, surrounded by police. ida. pavement, surrounded by police. no, the only thing that we know so far about— the only thing that we know so far about the — the only thing that we know so far about the shooter is that he is a 71-year-old _ about the shooter is that he is a 71—year—old man from a city in the west— 71—year—old man from a city in the west of— 71—year—old man from a city in the west of slovakia and that he was holding — west of slovakia and that he was holding this gun or this pistol illegally. what we know as well is that the _ illegally. what we know as well is that the ministry of health and the police _ that the ministry of health and the police will— that the ministry of health and the police will hold a press conference in the _ police will hold a press conference in the city — police will hold a press conference in the city where robert fico is actually— in the city where robert fico is actually in _ in the city where robert fico is actually in the hospital. the press conference — actually in the hospital. the press conference will take place at 5pm central _ conference will take place at 5pm central european time, so in half an
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hour _ central european time, so in half an hour. �* , central european time, so in half an hour. . , ., , central european time, so in half an hour. . , .,, i. central european time, so in half an hour. . , hour. and, sorry, i hope you can still hear— hour. and, sorry, i hope you can still hear me, _ hour. and, sorry, i hope you can still hear me, just _ hour. and, sorry, i hope you can still hear me, just a _ hour. and, sorry, i hope you can still hear me, just a slight - hour. and, sorry, i hope you can still hear me, just a slight drop i still hear me, just a slight drop out on the line there, but in terms of the prime minister, tell us more. because we've been hearing from our own correspondent, he has been as a divisive figure. tell me more about that. ,., divisive figure. tell me more about that. ., , _, divisive figure. tell me more about that. .,, _, .,, that. right, so, robert fico has been very _ that. right, so, robert fico has been very active _ that. right, so, robert fico has been very active and _ that. right, so, robert fico has been very active and a - that. right, so, robert fico has been very active and a prime i been very active and a prime minister— been very active and a prime minister on and off for almost ten years _ minister on and off for almost ten years he — minister on and off for almost ten years he is— minister on and off for almost ten years. he is seen by many people as a controversial figure. most recently— a controversial figure. most recently he has pronounced expressed pro-russian— recently he has pronounced expressed pro—russian views. he was even heard saying _ pro—russian views. he was even heard saying that _ pro—russian views. he was even heard saying that there is no war in the ukrainian — saying that there is no war in the
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ukrainian capital kyiv which is seen as a very— ukrainian capital kyiv which is seen as a very controversial statement by many— as a very controversial statement by many people. he is openly pro—russian and he was also known for exposing very unfriendly and threatening comments particularly towards _ threatening comments particularly towards journalists threatening comments particularly towardsjournalists and threatening comments particularly towards journalists and the media industry — towards journalists and the media industry. he has once treated journalists at a press conference, telling _ journalists at a press conference, telling them that they are dirty anti—slovak prostitutes which has been _ anti—slovak prostitutes which has been a _ anti—slovak prostitutes which has been a statement that has been obviously— been a statement that has been obviously very controversial. but we absolutely _ obviously very controversial. but we absolutely don't know what was the motivation of the shooter and we know— motivation of the shooter and we know nothing more about the attack because _ know nothing more about the attack because it _ know nothing more about the attack because it is so recent.— because it is so recent. thanks very much. do because it is so recent. thanks very much- do stay _ because it is so recent. thanks very much. do stay with _ because it is so recent. thanks very much. do stay with us. _ because it is so recent. thanks very much. do stay with us. i'm - because it is so recent. thanks very much. do stay with us. i'm going i because it is so recent. thanks very much. do stay with us. i'm going to bring paul back in. paul, as sara wasjust finishing those bring paul back in. paul, as sara was just finishing those thoughts, and i could see that you wanted to
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get in. and i could see that you wanted to net in. g , ., ., and i could see that you wanted to et in. , ., ., ., , get in. just a few more details. very little- _ get in. just a few more details. very little. we _ get in. just a few more details. very little. we gather - get in. just a few more details. very little. we gather that i get in. just a few more details. very little. we gather that he l get in. just a few more details. i very little. we gather that he was, robert fico was on an actual tour of the region and this explains why he was in that small town, getting round the country for the first time since he was elected. which, as i say, fits in with his populist image. there was also a planned protest by the opposition parties tonight against media changes. one small thing but at this unconfirmed but i have a report that this gives you an idea of the divisiveness, that's a member of the government has publicly pointed at the opposition and said, this is your fault. now, idon't opposition and said, this is your fault. now, i don't know who was pointing out who did that but if thatis pointing out who did that but if that is true itjust gives you another indication of what a divisive, feed rail atmosphere that is in slovakian politics.— is in slovakian politics. thank you for that. i know _ is in slovakian politics. thank you for that. i know you _ is in slovakian politics. thank you for that. i know you are _ is in slovakian politics. thank you | for that. i know you are monitoring all the lines and information as it comes in. do stay with me as we continue to monitor this year on bbc news. you are here is bbc news, the
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details of robert fico shot at an eventin details of robert fico shot at an event in a small town, i want to take you through some of the pictures from the scene from the immediate aftermath of the shooting. this is a man arrested at the scene, moments after shots were fired at the prime minister. we will put the still images on the screen in a moment or two, but let me take you through what we think actually happen, because as the prime minister was at this function, it's a small town, we have heard he was trying to meet people, speak to people, and these are the pictures. this is the moment, it mustjust be a few seconds, you see on being
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scooped up,


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