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tv   Verified Live  BBC News  May 15, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm BST

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the pictures straight back to the pictures because i want to show you the pictures from the immediate aftermath, after the shooting this afternoon of slovakia's prime minister. we still awaits to have official confirmation of the number official confirmation of the number of bullet wounds. we know at least three or four shots were fired. this, the picture of the suspect battled to the ground, surrounded by police that he has been detained. he has been arrested. let's go from these pictures did pictures of the prime minister himself because we know that we have seen how the security personnel whisked him, picked him up off the ground, we'll put theirs pictures on the screen in a second or two but they physically lifted him off the floor and actually got him into the carpet of apologies, these are pictures, obviously, the suspect as he was detained but there, the pictures i
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was referring to with the car surrounded by the bodyguards. that, after they've picked up the prime minister. there he is, picked up from the ground and put into the car. and just in no short few seconds, he is put into the car, then that convoy goes and, a little while later, he is switched into that helicopter we showed you a short while ago and the helicopter then taking the prime minister to this nearby hospital and that is important because, initially, it was reported that he would be taken to bratislava and then those reports of, well, the seriousness of his condition meant that he was taken to this hospital nearby and we await to get an update but, certainly, witnesses on the ground talk about a number of shots being fired and we
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wait to hear confirmation of where the prime minister was hit. there is talk of an abdominal injury and we also had reported that perhaps he was hit in the erm and the foot but, as we see, the pictures there of the prime minister arriving at the hospital. let mejust prime minister arriving at the hospital. let me just put onto the screen and eyewitness who spoke to reporters in the seconds afterwards. i heard three shots. it was quick, one by one like if you throw firecrackers on the ground. i saw a scratch on the prime minister must make head and then he felt annexed to the barrier. it is a nightmare. there, the witness. she talked at length to the report as they are on the ground and talked about how she had been waiting to see the prime minister. at the waiting outside of a building, and engagement in a small town to the east of the country. i'll put them up on the screen to give you an idea of
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geography because the prime minister, making that appearance in handlova and you can see bratislava which initially had been reported that that is where the prime minister would be taken to. that did not come in the end, transpire, because he was taken to hospital much closer to that incident, as we return to the pictures of the suspect being grappled to the ground and certainly, all the eyewitnesses talk about being there, outside of this building, waiting to see the prime minister and then, very quickly, in quick succession, a number of shots echoing out. a little earlier, i spoke to our correspondent in the region rob cameron who told us what he knew as we spoke then. 50 cameron who told us what he knew as we spoke then-— we spoke then. so far, we believe that a total _ we spoke then. so far, we believe that a total of _ we spoke then. so far, we believe that a total of four _ we spoke then. so far, we believe that a total of four or _ we spoke then. so far, we believe that a total of four or five - we spoke then. so far, we believe that a total of four or five shots i
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that a total of four or five shots rang out as robert fico was emerging from that government meeting in the central town of handlova. we believe two or three of those shots hit him and the latest information that we haveis and the latest information that we have is that he was injured in the abdomen and possibly in the arm and the foot. eyewitnesses, members of the foot. eyewitnesses, members of the crowd were there to greet him, described seeing him falling to the ground and being lifted off the ground and being lifted off the ground and being lifted off the ground and he was said to have blood on him. �* ~ ., , on him. and tell me. i know these are really only _ on him. and tell me. i know these are really only movements - on him. and tell me. i know these are really only movements so, - are really only movements so, obviously, it is a difficult question but is there any early thought about what to be possible motive is here, the motivations, we think, perhaps, is behind this? the visit. it is think, perhaps, is behind this? tue: visit. it is early. think, perhaps, is behind this? tte: visit. it is early. the think, perhaps, is behind this? tt2 visit. it is early. the report that i've seen suggested a 71—year—old man was arrested at the scene. he is the man that we have saw being pinned to the ground. at the motivation was we don't know.
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certainly, slovak politics are in an extremely feed royal estate at the moment. eversince extremely feed royal estate at the moment. ever since robert fico was re—elected in the autumn and formed a new government, a government which has really set its sights on the country's criminaljustice system. it launched plans to dismantle the public broadcaster, slovak television and radio, and also target ngos. those have led to hamas demonstrations across slovakia but those limitations have been peaceful and the oppositions and indeed their temperature of slovak politics while it does rise on occasion, so far, it has been fairly peaceful. so this incident is really quite out of the ordinary. it is an extraordinary development. this assassination attempt, we can say that now, for sure, the leader of the country, the prime minister.— sure, the leader of the country, the prime minister. that was rob cameron and he referenced _ prime minister. that was rob cameron and he referenced the _ prime minister. that was rob cameron and he referenced the assassination i and he referenced the assassination attempt because that is the phrase
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being used by the slovakian interior ministry. we wait for more details from them and we wait for more details from the hospital itself but it was suggested that abdominal surgery was one of the things that was a priority so we wait for an update in terms of the injuries themselves. initially, we were told it was not life threatening. that changed with both the reuters news agency and the afp news agency official saying he did have life—threatening injuries. let me bring in a former adviser to the deputy foreign minister of slovakia and now with the german council on foreign relations. thank you so much foreign relations. thank you so much for being here with us on a shocking day. just in terms of your headline thoughts and reactions. tl is day. just in terms of your headline thoughts and reactions.— thoughts and reactions. it is very difficult to say _ thoughts and reactions. it is very difficult to say something - thoughts and reactions. it is very difficult to say something alice i difficult to say something alice than this is not an isolated incident, unfortunately. the
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political climate in slovakia, in my home country, was very polarised for a number of years and i am sorry to say that this was coming. it is not the only, well, the prime minister was shot at so it is terrible news. at the same time, the other politicians that were receiving threats, including the current president, zuzana caputova. there were some investigations, some people were apprehended but now the political class needs to take it very seriously and, unfortunately, i am speaking to you from berlin. and the big news here is that there are attacks that politicians campaigning for the parliament elections, almost on a daily basis. something is happening in europe which is terrible and slovakia isjust happening in europe which is terrible and slovakia is just one case where it went very far. that terrible and slovakia isjust one case where it went very far. that is very interesting — case where it went very far. that is very interesting you _ case where it went very far. that is very interesting you say _ case where it went very far. that is very interesting you say that, - case where it went very far. that is very interesting you say that, just l very interesting you say that, just another screen, incidentally, with the live pictures there on the
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screen of the scene itself but very interesting what you say about your view that something is happening across europe because, if you look at the political reaction that there has been since news of this incident emerged, doesn't matter, really, the politics of the country but, universally, you have heard prime ministers and leaders condemning it and clearly shocked by what has happened because, isuspect, there are echoes, there is an understanding that common sense, they, too, do public meetings and gatherings and events like this and face exactly the same sorts of dangers and threats. absolutely. and robert fico is — dangers and threats. absolutely. and robert fico is a _ dangers and threats. absolutely. and robert fico is a dominating _ dangers and threats. absolutely. and robert fico is a dominating figure - robert fico is a dominating figure in slovak politics. he has been prime ministerfour in slovak politics. he has been prime minister four times. in slovak politics. he has been prime ministerfour times. he won the last elections, parliamentary elections in september, on a very
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emotional populist campaign throughout which he tried to dial up emotions on many issues, calling on the frustrations of the society and he also felt obliged to go closer to the people while in the office as prime minister so he was doing this, government session in small towns around the country. and this was one of them. where the attack took place, it is a mining town in central slovakia. normally one of the bastions of support of his party but we need to learn more. we need to wait for more information about the motives and i think it is super important how the political class, as such, will react to it, if these terrible incidents, terrible assassination attempt, which is probably what it was, would be another sort of fire on polarisation.— another sort of fire on olarisation. . , ., ,
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polarisation. that is a very important _ polarisation. that is a very important point _ polarisation. that is a very important point because . polarisation. that is a very l important point because we polarisation. that is a very - important point because we were talking to a freelance journalist in bratislava he was making the point that, in terms of the initial political reaction in slovakia, but across the political divide, some points being made that broadly there was unanimity in a condemnation. how important is that, do you think, for slovakia, given what we have seen? it is, i cannot overstate it, because it is a divided society, whether it is 50—50 or 55—45, it is a matter of dispute. they were presidential elections a few weeks ago in which the candidate of the ruling camp, the speaker of parliament was elected. he will assume the office of president in mid—june. in terms of the political stability, things are taken care of. the prime minister will be, but he is not able to perform his office, he will be supplemented or there
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will be one of the vice prime minister stepping in. will be one of the vice prime ministerstepping in. it is will be one of the vice prime minister stepping in. it is a stable coalition with a parliamentary majority but, again, it is a very divided society where these accusations, among the political camps, was part of normalcy, including my happy say, social media threats to politicians on both sides. so wait to see how the government and opposition and outgoing president will take this and what will emerge and whether the prime minister would be out of, with his life is not... what his health conditions are, whether he will be able to return to political life. he will be 60 years old in september. he had several bypasses, so his health was not very strong, even
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before. so i think it is very early to say more but i think it is one of the turning point in the country which suffered several terrible incidents of these kinds even in recent years, including the murder of an investigative journalist in 2018, that really, again, that shook the country. tt 2018, that really, again, that shook the country-— the country. it is on the screen, as ou the country. it is on the screen, as you speak- — the country. it is on the screen, as you speak. there _ the country. it is on the screen, as you speak. there are _ the country. it is on the screen, as you speak. there are the - the country. it is on the screen, as| you speak. there are the disturbing images of the prime minister, stretch by a blanket, totally surrounded by a number of emergency personnel as he is taken into the hospital. you were describing how important the situation is. in terms of how you would like to see the political classes respond, what do you think they should do in these immediate hours? t
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you think they should do in these immediate hours?— you think they should do in these immediate hours? i would expect the leaders of all — immediate hours? i would expect the leaders of all parties _ immediate hours? i would expect the leaders of all parties in _ immediate hours? i would expect the leaders of all parties in the _ leaders of all parties in the parliament to step up in front of the cameras and: their supporters to come down and unite in condemnation of this act and to stop with the threats against the lives of politicians or supporters and to step back from the brink. we are at the edge of an abyss. this terrible incident should be a wake—up call to step back from the abyss. and not only in my country, but i think, throughout europe and the western world. . ~ , ., , world. that the prime minister has obvious enemies, _ world. that the prime minister has obvious enemies, do _ world. that the prime minister has obvious enemies, do you - world. that the prime minister has obvious enemies, do you think? i world. that the prime minister has| obvious enemies, do you think? of course.
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obvious enemies, do you think? qt course. he obvious enemies, do you think? (ztt course. he was the obvious enemies, do you think? ttt course. he was the most polarising figure in slovakia, in the slovak politics, for a number of years. and politics, for a number of years. and in terms of — politics, for a number of years. and in terms of what _ politics, for a number of years. and in terms of what you said, right at the start, you said you could see this coming. just tell me why, i know you talk about the polarisation in society but what convinced you that we could end up in a situation like we've ended up in today? because threats on social media to politicians became too frequent, became too normal. and there was not enough action against that in terms of the investigation, in terms of come again, leaders from both camps, the government and the opposition, sort of speaking against it. haifa. the government and the opposition, sort of speaking against it.— sort of speaking against it. now, in terms of the _ sort of speaking against it. now, in terms of the politics _ sort of speaking against it. now, in terms of the politics of _ sort of speaking against it. now, in terms of the politics of slovakia, i terms of the politics of slovakia, we have talked about that, butjust give me a sense of how something
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like this is going to be viewed just amongst ordinary people? because the shock waves will be reverberating notjust shock waves will be reverberating not just found shock waves will be reverberating notjust found european capitals but within your own country. fih. notjust found european capitals but within your own country.— within your own country. oh, it is... within your own country. oh, it is- -- imagine — within your own country. oh, it is... imagine that _ within your own country. oh, it is... imagine that it _ within your own country. oh, it is... imagine that it is - within your own country. oh, it is... imagine that it is a - within your own country. oh, it is... imagine that it is a smalll is... imagine that it is a small country of 5 million people, but it is polarised at such a degree that i would not hesitate to compel it to break that britain. and this will be the first emotions in shock that there could be more hatred and accusations across the aisle. i think it is a new territory, of course. i think it is very important what notjust course. i think it is very important what not just the course. i think it is very important what notjust the political leaders but the church leaders, the other figures of public statutes, how they will take it. and i think, also, slovakia was a country with a very
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high penetration of this information in the media. this will have a life of its own with all kinds of consideration of theories. we are at the first hours after the assassination attempt but this is, this will change politics in slovakia and in the whole region of central and eastern europe, maybe throughout the eu. there were already reactions and condemnations from other leaders, prime ministers of other european countries, and let's not forget that prime ministers of european union, member states, meet regularly at the european council. so these are... these are partners to robert fico, regardless of whether they are in the same camp or not, well, i think, have to take this, i think, the european level. in the similar way to the french president emmanuel macron warning that we are in unusual times and that things went
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very far, i would say. we unusual times and that things went very far, i would say.— very far, i would say. we were “ust showin: very far, i would say. we were “ust showing pictures i very far, i would say. we were “ust showing pictures a i very far, i would say. we were “ust showing pictures a moment i very far, i would say. we were “ust showing pictures a moment or i very far, i would say. we were just showing pictures a moment or two j very far, i would say. we were just - showing pictures a moment or two ago and we will go back to them in a second, the live pictures from the hospital because we wait for an update on the prime minister's condition but it certainly looks serious in terms of the detail. we have learned so far. what are your thoughts? i don't know if you've seen the pictures of the moments after the attack but there certainly seemed to be a lot of security personnel, as you would expect, but a clear breach, something has gone horribly wrong here today. absolutely. i would not comment at this stage. it also would refrain from commenting more about domestic politics and also political life and the style of the prime minister's political party. i would just say that he was considered a radical
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left—wing populist. his party was suspended from the party of european socialists and the european parliament after he formed a coalition with the far right nationalists and robert fico was exploring the opposition running for elections, he was exploring very controversial issues including anti—vaccination protest. anything that got him more support from frustrated parts of society, he was not afraid to play with and to explore so he benefited politically from more polarisation, and dialling up from more polarisation, and dialling up emotions. playing with fire and unfortunately, he is one of the victims of that fire but it has to be put down and himself, and he will be put down and himself, and he will be back in his office but he is also
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an important challenging role, how he will take this in terms of basically saying, this is too far, too much, it is not only about one political leader. d0 too much, it is not only about one political leader.— too much, it is not only about one political leader. do you anticipate, at all, i political leader. do you anticipate, at all. i know— political leader. do you anticipate, at all, i know this _ political leader. do you anticipate, at all, i know this is _ political leader. do you anticipate, at all, i know this is difficult - at all, i know this is difficult because we are in the early hours, but you anticipate at all any sort of pit it, change of direction to everything that you've just outlined that he has overseen over the last few months?— that he has overseen over the last few months? , ., , ., ., , few months? very controversial laws into parliament _ few months? very controversial laws into parliament being _ few months? very controversial laws into parliament being debated. - into parliament being debated. foreign agent was similar to the one thatis foreign agent was similar to the one that isjust approved foreign agent was similar to the one that is just approved in georgia. there is a law about public television. there were supposed to be a protest organised by opposition parties. this evening in bratislava.
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it now called up against the law on public television, which would put it under more political control. these issues, i think, will be put aside for some time but then politics will come back. first need to wait at what condition can help condition, the prime is. but he will be, but he will recover. and how he will decide to continue in what political line he will take because he is, as i said, a dominating figure of slovak politics since 2006 when he first became prime minister. he was in powerfor most when he first became prime minister. he was in power for most of the time. there is no party without him and i expect that the other leaders, including from his own party, will have several meetings together, and i would hope that there is a united
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line in how to move forward in parliament. in fact, line in how to move forward in parliament. infact, parliament interrupted its session today parliament. in fact, parliament interrupted its session today and had already meeting a parliamentary leaders. ~ , ., leaders. were “ust weeding out the comments leaders. were just weeding out the comments when _ leaders. were just weeding out the comments when that _ leaders. were just weeding out the comments when that session - leaders. were just weeding out the comments when that session got i comments when that session got interrupted and of course they were underlining absolutely stressing that today, the terrible nature of this attack on the democracy of slovakia so there was unanimity in terms of the approach, the analysis of what has actually happened. we have to leave it there but thank you so much forjoining us. thank you for giving us that perspective on the story as we continue to stay with it and learn more detail. let's go back to sarah who is a journalist based in bratislava who has been talking to us, taking us through a lot of the detail in these last few hours, detailas lot of the detail in these last few hours, detail as it has been
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emerging and, sarah, thank you for being with us again. tell me, give me an update in terms of what you are hearing. me an update in terms of what you are hearing-— are hearing. what i have heard in the ast are hearing. what i have heard in the past few _ are hearing. what i have heard in the past few minutes _ are hearing. what i have heard in the past few minutes is - are hearing. what i have heard in the past few minutes is a - are hearing. what i have heard in the past few minutes is a speech | the past few minutes is a speech that was given out by the president, ljy that was given out by the president, by the ex—president, actually, of slovakia. it condemned the attack. i have also seen new videos of the attacks on social media and i have also seen some photographs of the ruse about hospital where robert fico is actually being treated. i have also seen what looks like the police guarding the hospital. i imagine to ensure more protection for robert fico. but to my knowledge, we do not know more about the attack just yet. knowledge, we do not know more about the attackjust yet. i'd vote for anybody who is joining the attackjust yet. i'd vote for anybody who isjoining us, and we have got live pictures of the
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hospital, exactly as you are describing, in the early minutes, we did not know where the prime minister was being taken to. there were conflicting _ minister was being taken to. there were conflicting reports. _ minister was being taken to. there were conflicting reports. for - minister was being taken to. there were conflicting reports. for people who do not know the geography of slovakia, where is this hospital in relation to where this attack actually happened? so relation to where this attack actually happened?- relation to where this attack actually happened? relation to where this attack actuall ha ened? . ., . ~ ., actually happened? so the attack on the hosital actually happened? so the attack on the hospital are _ actually happened? so the attack on the hospital are both _ actually happened? so the attack on the hospital are both in _ actually happened? so the attack on the hospital are both in the - actually happened? so the attack on the hospital are both in the central. the hospital are both in the central part of slovakia. slovakia is a relatively small country. i presume there are there because it is the town closest to where the attack took place. it is about may need two and a half hours away from bratislava by car. we and a half hours away from bratislava by car.— and a half hours away from bratislava by car. we will be back to ou bratislava by car. we will be back to you and _ bratislava by car. we will be back to you and a _ bratislava by car. we will be back to you and a second _ bratislava by car. we will be back to you and a second but - bratislava by car. we will be back to you and a second but i - bratislava by car. we will be back to you and a second but i want i bratislava by car. we will be back to you and a second but i want to j to you and a second but i want to bring in rob cameron, our correspondent. because we talked to him in the early minutes after the attacks and let's bring him back in. rob, welcome back to the programme. tell us about what more you are
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hearing. tell us about what more you are hearinu. ~ ., , , , tell us about what more you are hearin~.~ . , , , . hearing. well, that is pretty much it, as ou hearing. well, that is pretty much it, as you suggested, _ hearing. well, that is pretty much it, as you suggested, you - hearing. well, that is pretty much it, as you suggested, you said - it, as you suggested, you said there. — it, as you suggested, you said there, that there were initial reports — there, that there were initial reports that he had not been taken by helicopter to bratislava and that was soon _ by helicopter to bratislava and that was soon corrected, he has in fact been _ was soon corrected, he has in fact been taken — was soon corrected, he has in fact been taken to this big central city in the _ been taken to this big central city in the middle of slovakia and some are suggesting again, with no confirmation of this, that this was a measure. — confirmation of this, that this was a measure, response of the gravity of his— a measure, response of the gravity of his injuries, that there wasn't lime _ of his injuries, that there wasn't time to— of his injuries, that there wasn't time to take him to bratislava so they took— time to take him to bratislava so they took him to the nearest hospital. _ they took him to the nearest hospital, the nearest big hospital, which _ hospital, the nearest big hospital, which was — hospital, the nearest big hospital, which was here. we are hearing a little _ which was here. we are hearing a little bit _ which was here. we are hearing a little bit more about the attacker but again. — little bit more about the attacker but again, not much. 71 years old, from _ but again, not much. 71 years old, from a _ but again, not much. 71 years old, from a small— but again, not much. 71 years old, from a small town, village, really, in centrai— from a small town, village, really, in central slovakia. the pistol that he fired, _ in central slovakia. the pistol that he fired, the shots from, was reportedly legally held. it is quite a common gun ownership in this part of the _ a common gun ownership in this part of the world — a common gun ownership in this part of the world both in slovakia and the czech — of the world both in slovakia and
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the czech republic, where i am now. but in _ the czech republic, where i am now. but in terms — the czech republic, where i am now. but in terms of the motive for the attack— but in terms of the motive for the attack and — but in terms of the motive for the attack and crucially, robert fico's condition. — attack and crucially, robert fico's condition, we don't know more yet because _ condition, we don't know more yet because the — condition, we don't know more yet because the initial reports that these — because the initial reports that these injuries that he has suffered when not — these injuries that he has suffered when not life—threatening, were later— when not life—threatening, were later corrected by the government office _ later corrected by the government office who — later corrected by the government office who said his life was in danger— office who said his life was in danger and there office who said his life was in dangerand there are office who said his life was in danger and there are reports that have _ danger and there are reports that have been— danger and there are reports that have been coming out now in the slovak— have been coming out now in the slovak media is that the next hours will be _ slovak media is that the next hours will be quite critical to robert fico's — will be quite critical to robert fico's health and his survival. tell me more about _ fico's health and his survival. t2tt. me more about what this political engagement was. where it was, what was happening to actually happening because the eyewitness talked about a crowd gathering outside, waiting to see the prime minster, waiting to shake his hand. tell me more about that. . shake his hand. tell me more about that. , , ., , .., shake his hand. tell me more about that. , , .,, .., ., that. , yes, well, robert fico made a oint, that. , yes, well, robert fico made a point. really. _ that. , yes, well, robert fico made a point, really, vicente _ that. , yes, well, robert fico made a point, really, vicente returned i that. , yes, well, robert fico made a point, really, vicente returned to| a point, really, vicente returned to office. _ a point, really, vicente returned to office. after— a point, really, vicente returned to office, after the elections in september, of travelling around slovakia —
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september, of travelling around slovakia with his ministers and holding — slovakia with his ministers and holding cabinet meetings notjust in the capital, bratislava, but smaller towns _ the capital, bratislava, but smaller towns to— the capital, bratislava, but smaller towns to bring the government commitment politics closer to the people _ commitment politics closer to the people. robert fico really is an incredibly— people. robert fico really is an incredibly canny, experienced political— incredibly canny, experienced political operator. 59 years old and he has _ political operator. 59 years old and he has dominated slovak politics for several _ he has dominated slovak politics for several decades now. he is really good _ several decades now. he is really good with— several decades now. he is really good with people. he is very, very adept— good with people. he is very, very adept at— good with people. he is very, very adept at talking to people and relating — adept at talking to people and relating to people. and he doesn't like to— relating to people. and he doesn't like to address big crowds and sports — like to address big crowds and sports stadiums and he is often greeted — sports stadiums and he is often greeted after these cabinet meetings and in _ greeted after these cabinet meetings and in fact any public meetings, by large _ and in fact any public meetings, by large crowds of supporters. most of especially _ large crowds of supporters. most of especially in rural areas, tend to be older— especially in rural areas, tend to be older people, people don't live in the _ be older people, people don't live in the cities. so that is the kind of politician that he is. obviously, this assassination attempt, and i think— this assassination attempt, and i think we — this assassination attempt, and i think we can call it that now, has taken _ think we can call it that now, has taken place — think we can call it that now, has taken place at a time when slovak politics— taken place at a time when slovak politics is— taken place at a time when slovak politics is incredibly factious and fee braille. a new small part down
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to robert— fee braille. a new small part down to robert fico's own policies that appease — to robert fico's own policies that appease a — to robert fico's own policies that appease a device politician. at the moment, — appease a device politician. at the moment, he is in the process of abolishing — moment, he is in the process of abolishing the public broadcaster and replacing it with a body that critics _ and replacing it with a body that critics say— and replacing it with a body that critics say will give their government better coverage. we had a coalition— government better coverage. we had a coalition of— government better coverage. we had a coalition of three parties. one of which _ coalition of three parties. one of which is — coalition of three parties. one of which is an— coalition of three parties. one of which is an ultra nationalist party so the _ which is an ultra nationalist party so the thrust of slovak politics means — so the thrust of slovak politics means that the political temperature in slovakia _ means that the political temperature in slovakia has gone up. considerably, in recent months, as robert _ considerably, in recent months, as robert fico — considerably, in recent months, as robert fico has set about trying to remake _ robert fico has set about trying to remake slovakia according to his model— remake slovakia according to his model and some say that that model is very— model and some say that that model is very much based on what has been done _ is very much based on what has been done in _ is very much based on what has been done in hungary. so taking aim at the public— done in hungary. so taking aim at the public media, at ngos, changing, making _ the public media, at ngos, changing, making quite radical changes to the country's _ making quite radical changes to the country's criminaljustice system. country's criminal justice system. that is—
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country's criminaljustice system. that is obviously been very controversial, there have been hamas demonstrations against those and so by those _ demonstrations against those and so by those demonstrations have been peaceful— by those demonstrations have been peaceful so what has happened today is all the _ peaceful so what has happened today is all the more shocking for it. and i was talking _ is all the more shocking for it. jim i was talking only a is all the more shocking for it. .£'.'t:c i was talking only a short is all the more shocking for it. f'.t:c i was talking only a short while is all the more shocking for it. f.“t:c i was talking only a short while ago to the former adviser to the deputy foreign minister of slovakia and he was making the point that he could feel, see something like this coming over the last few months. just the way the country has fragmented and been polarised. have you had that sense as well?— sense as well? well, i don't think an bod sense as well? well, i don't think anybody could — sense as well? well, i don't think anybody could have _ sense as well? well, i don't think anybody could have seen - sense as well? well, i don't think anybody could have seen what. anybody could have seen what happened today coming, to be honest. and, happened today coming, to be honest. and. given _ happened today coming, to be honest. and, given that all that, what i have _ and, given that all that, what i have said — and, given that all that, what i have said so far, gun ownership is quite _ have said so far, gun ownership is quite common, the current political temperature of slovak politics, you know, _ temperature of slovak politics, you know, running pretty high but, against — know, running pretty high but, against all that, we're just not used _ against all that, we're just not used to— against all that, we're just not used to this kind of event happening
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in this— used to this kind of event happening in this part _ used to this kind of event happening in this part of the world. generally, political meetings can be noisy and _ generally, political meetings can be noisy and boisterous and a demonstration can be noisy and boisterous but there is rarely any violence — boisterous but there is rarely any violence so — boisterous but there is rarely any violence so to see this assassination attempt held in a small— assassination attempt held in a small slovak town, i think, will have _ small slovak town, i think, will have everybody in slovakia shocked, including _ have everybody in slovakia shocked, including the people who hate robert fico, including, you know, the liberal— fico, including, you know, the liberal pro—western voters and many in the _ liberal pro—western voters and many in the media who absolutely despise him. in the media who absolutely despise him they— in the media who absolutely despise him. they are saying that this is an attack— him. they are saying that this is an attack on _ him. they are saying that this is an attack on our — him. they are saying that this is an attack on our whole country. it is an attack— attack on our whole country. it is an attack on _ attack on our whole country. it is an attack on democracy itself, in the words — an attack on democracy itself, in the words of the slovak president who only— the words of the slovak president who only has a few weeks left in the 'ob. who only has a few weeks left in the job so _ who only has a few weeks left in the job so it— who only has a few weeks left in the job. so it comes at a very bad time for stovak— job. so it comes at a very bad time for slovak politics, time, as you say, _ for slovak politics, time, as you say, when — for slovak politics, time, as you say, when that country with the is divided _ say, when that country with the is divided it's— say, when that country with the is divided. it's a terrible cliche but the bracket is divided and those divisions— the bracket is divided and those divisions can surely only get deeper after this— divisions can surely only get deeper after this incident today in the centre — after this incident today in the centre of— after this incident today in the centre of slovakia.—
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after this incident today in the centre of slovakia. thank you very much for the _ centre of slovakia. thank you very much for the latest _ centre of slovakia. thank you very much for the latest where - centre of slovakia. thank you very much for the latest where you - centre of slovakia. thank you very much for the latest where you are | much for the latest where you are and just that analysis of what we have seen emerge in slovakia in the last few hours. you are watching bbc news, welcome if you have justjoined you are watching bbc news, welcome if you havejustjoined us. i would like to recap what has happened, dramatic scenes in slovakia, a few hours ago, breaking news thatjust a couple of hours ago an assassination attempt on the prime minister of slovakia, robert fico, has been shot and injured. a post on his official facebook page says he was hit several times, we know a number of shots were fired. we have eyewitnesses describing seeing and hearing that. i want to show pictures of the aftermath, because they were filmed very quickly in the immediate aftermath, and you see the security detail simply pick him up and get him into his car before they
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whisk him


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