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tv   Verified Live  BBC News  May 15, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm BST

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this is the moment the alleged attacker was apprehended and arrested at the scene. reports say the prime minister was hit several times. in slovakia as president has expressed her shock as she addressed the nation. �* ,, �* expressed her shock as she addressed the nation. ~ ,, ~ a, the nation. translation: i am shocked. we're _ the nation. translation: i am shocked. we're all _ the nation. translation: i am shocked. we're all shocked - the nation. translation: i am shocked. we're all shocked by l the nation. translation: | am | shocked. we're all shocked by the terrible and vicious attack on prime minister robert fico. this is scene now in handlova — as more details are still emerging about the incident. many, many questions. we will try and answer them here in the next 60 minutes. hello i'm matthew amroliwala.
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breaking news out of slovakia. an assaniation attempt on the prime minister of slovakia. robert fitzo has been shot and injured an incident which happened earlier this afternoon. theses pictures show the immidiate aftermath of the attack, with the prime minister being dragged into a car. his official facebook page says he was shot several times. from a different angle at the scene, we can see a man being arrested by people who appear to be police officers. we still don't know anything about the man being restrained. it is reported he is 71 years old. does the pictures from his arrest. the government says prime minister fico is in a life—threatening condition. these are pictures of him being rushed from a helipcopter to a nearby hospital for treatment. being rushed from a helipcopter those being rushed from a helipcopter are the key eleme
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pictures those are the key elements, the key pictures in terms of what has happened through the past few hours. we saw in some of those pictures in open square, he was having a meeting inside of a building when he had come out and eyewitnesses describe what they heard and what they saw. translation: i heard three shots. it was quick, one by one, like if you throw firecrackers on the ground. i saw a scratch on the prime minister's head and then he fell next to the barrier. it's a nightmare. russia's vladimir putin in the last few minutes talking about what has happened to the slovak prime minister saying this hideous crime can have no justification for that that one of the sentence. increasingly over the last few months greater ties between slovakia and russia. let others try to
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actually go through the variety of questions and updates over this next 60 minutes. let's head to bratislava, bethany bell is our correspondent they are. just bring us right up to speed. what are you hearing officially about the condition of the prime minister, first of all? we're told he's in a life—threatening condition after being shot several times. reports say he was shot in the abdomen, inlaid, in the arm. we're waiting for confirmation as to the exact extent of his injuries. we understand that according to one hospital spokesperson when he arrived at the first hospital he was conscious. but then we got the message a little bit later from the government saying that he was in a life—threatening condition. here in bratislava there is a real sense of shock. 0ne bratislava there is a real sense of shock. one man told me this sort of
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thing doesn't happen in this country. and people are waiting very much to hear what the extent of the investigations into this incident are. we saw that video footage of police trying to pin down a man, a bearded man, reports a 71 years old. he is thought to be the suspect but we're waiting for confirmation on that. , . ., ., , we're waiting for confirmation on that. , . ., , that. yes, that detail has been reported- _ that. yes, that detail has been reported- we _ that. yes, that detail has been reported. we will _ that. yes, that detail has been reported. we will show - that. yes, that detail has been reported. we will show those i reported. we will show those pictures of the man being detained because we've been watching them over the last few hours. these the pictures of the prime minister being crushed by his security detail into the car. but you will see the camera arc around in the next few seconds because it ends up, here it is, a clutch of security personnel, bodyguards around the suspect a different angle coming in put up eventually you will see the same thing with a man pinned to the
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floor, his hands cuffed behind his back. as he is detained, he is arrested, 71 years old. that is all we know about the suspect. we wait for further detail about that. but bethany, we will talk about the politics and all of that in more detail in a moment. just tell me more about the shock. i know that parliament was suspended, they were talking in the chamber about this being an attack on democracy right at the fundamentals with an attack on their prime minister in the streets in public.— on their prime minister in the streets in public. yes, it's been widely condemned. _ streets in public. yes, it's been widely condemned. there - streets in public. yes, it's been widely condemned. there is - streets in public. yes, it's been | widely condemned. there is this streets in public. yes, it's been - widely condemned. there is this an enormous sense of shock that something like this could have happened here in slovakia. robert fico is a populist politician but the people i have spoken to said
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nobody could imagine that something like this could be occurred. there has been widespread condemnation, not only here in slovakia but across europe from senior members of the european union, president putin, from ukrainian leader volodymyr zelensky. there has been a widespread absolute condemnation of this for the people are waiting on tender hooks to see what medical condition of robert fico. i suspect that may take _ condition of robert fico. i suspect that may take a — condition of robert fico. i suspect that may take a wild _ condition of robert fico. i suspect that may take a wild to _ condition of robert fico. i suspect that may take a wild to get - condition of robert fico. i suspect that may take a wild to get in - that may take a wild to get in update if one assumes perhaps he's in surgery as we're speaking. —— may take a while. we await to get information from hospital officials. we mentioned politics because absolutely we've had a sense of the last few hours as we talk to various politicians and those who know slovakia and politics well and they
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all point to the way that society politics has become so deeply divided they are.— politics has become so deeply divided they are. very polarised indeed here _ divided they are. very polarised indeed here in _ divided they are. very polarised indeed here in slovakia. - divided they are. very polarised indeed here in slovakia. robert| divided they are. very polarised - indeed here in slovakia. robert fico came to power, he returned to power last year and he returned to power on a message of stopping military aid to ukraine. this was something that voters responded to, he's always denied being pro—russian. but it was very much the sense of you don't want to send any more money to ukraine's military aid. it has to be said, back in 2018 he was prime minister previously but his political fortunes faded then when an investigative journalist was shot by a contract killer for
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investigating corruption. that led to a law of protests and robert fico was eventually forced to resign. he is a controversial figure. was eventually forced to resign. he is a controversialfigure. as i say, what people are telling me here in bratislava is nobody could've imagined that people, somebody would attempt to shoot him.— attempt to shoot him. bethany, stay there. i attempt to shoot him. bethany, stay there- i will— attempt to shoot him. bethany, stay there. i will be _ attempt to shoot him. bethany, stay there. i will be back— attempt to shoot him. bethany, stay there. i will be back to _ attempt to shoot him. bethany, stay there. i will be back to you in - attempt to shoot him. bethany, stay there. i will be back to you in a - there. i will be back to you in a while. bethany describing some of the background in terms of the politicaljourney the background in terms of the political journey that robert the background in terms of the politicaljourney that robert fico has made over the last few decades. let's spend the next few minutes looking at how he came to prominence in slovakia. which was a soviet satellite state what was known as the iron curtain. he studied law, eventuallyjoining the communist
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eventually joining the communist party eventuallyjoining the communist party in 1986. he continued his career in politics in left—wing parties. he then founded his own as an er party, which translates into english as direction, social democracy. by 2006 as an er was the biggest single party in terms of share of the vote at the general election. he became a prime minister leading left—leaning parties and stayed in power until 2010. he became prime minister again between 2012 and 2018 and took up the office once again in 2023 in terms of policy... he seen as being a populist internationalist. saying he would not accept mandatory quotas. he condemned russia's invasion of ukraine back in 2022 but has been
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critical of the eu sanctions against moscow. he is also opposed ukraine joining nato. that isjust some of his background. that is some of his politicaljourney. the president of slovakia has been speaking about what we have seen happen today. let's have a quick lesson. translation: i am shocked- — have a quick lesson. translation: i am shocked. everyone _ have a quick lesson. translation: i am shocked. everyone is _ have a quick lesson. translation: i am shocked. everyone is shocked - have a quick lesson. translation: i i am shocked. everyone is shocked from the attack on robert fico the seriousness of today's act is something that we can't fully comprehend. as a goal attack on prime ministers is first and foremost attack on a human being. it is an attack on democracy. any form of violence is not acceptable. hateful speech which we're witnessing in our society leads to hateful acts. witnessing in our society leads to hatefulacts. please, witnessing in our society leads to hateful acts. please, we need to make it stop. police got the shooter and they will provide us with more information once possible. until
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then we need to refrain from making quickjudgment and thinking about what matters the most and so robert fico makes a full recovery.— fico makes a full recovery. slovakia is president — fico makes a full recovery. slovakia is president speaking _ fico makes a full recovery. slovakia is president speaking in _ fico makes a full recovery. slovakia is president speaking in the - fico makes a full recovery. slovakia is president speaking in the last - is president speaking in the last hour. let's speak live now. thank you for being out on bbc news. i wonder if i can ask you whether you've heard three of various sources any sort of update about the prime minister. we're just waiting. we update about the prime minister. we'rejust waiting. we have update about the prime minister. we're just waiting. we have a couple of sources at the hospital that he is being treated but we don't have any update other than he is in a life—threatening situation. and we're so as journalist trying to make sense of whatjust happened. and many of us the memories bring back the day after our colleague was murdered. and in the same way at
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that time we feel that this country is coming to a crossroad. and how serious and how earth shaking a trial is for this country. that serious and how earth shaking a trial is for this country.- trial is for this country. that is interesting — trial is for this country. that is interesting that's _ trial is for this country. that is interesting that's what - trial is for this country. that is interesting that's what it - trial is for this country. that is interesting that's what it feels j interesting that's what it feels like earth shattering just as slovakian citizen, notjust a newspaper editor but that's what it feels like. just give us a sense of the sort of conversations you've had with other people for the how they are viewing this. i with other people for the how they are viewing this.— are viewing this. i will start with my colleagues _ are viewing this. i will start with my colleagues. the _ are viewing this. i will start with my colleagues. the first - are viewing this. i will start with i my colleagues. the first response was worried. a lot of worry about how some of the political players might abuse this tragedy for their political goals. 0n the other hand, we also as journalists were thinking
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how to do even more to try to reconcile society. because we had been feeling over the past couple of years how much hate is in society. even i personally i notice that since the elections, the last election the volume of hate i was receiving in my mailbox or at messages was incomparably more and more intense than ever before. so we all after this tragedy, we all realize, it was almost palpable how much hate is in the society. and we're with much worry they are following some of the first reactions that came from the ruling parties. we already heard that some politicians are blaming the media for the situation because they say that we were blindly attacking
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robert fico and this is the consequence. it's a very complicated situation for us. we also had to be careful not to rush into speculation about the population of the person who shot the prime minister. and we will really have to wait for the investigation to be able even to think about what led this person to attack the prime minister. yes. attack the prime minister. yes, we've had _ attack the prime minister. yes, we've had absolutely _ attack the prime minister. yes, we've had absolutely no - attack the prime minister. yes, we've had absolutely no detail. there been reports he 71 years old but that is all that is been reported. all of us wait to find out more about that man. we see the pictures of him being detained. he is at an interesting thing about the initial political reaction in part that we've seen. i was talking a short while ago to a previous slovakian prime minister who said it is absolutely vital in the coming
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hours, the coming days that slovakia's politics didn't actually put on a unified front i'm a go in front of cameras and say the same thing for the how likely do you think that is? i thing for the how likely do you think that is?— thing for the how likely do you think that is? ., , ., �*, ., think that is? i worry that it's not very likely- _ think that is? i worry that it's not very likely- as— think that is? i worry that it's not very likely- as i _ think that is? i worry that it's not very likely. as i said, _ think that is? i worry that it's not very likely. as i said, i— think that is? i worry that it's not very likely. as i said, i worry- very likely. as i said, i worry about the ruling parties using this tragedy to be even harsher, to take even harsher approach to journalists. even today they don't communicate with us. they are not responding to questions put up that's my worry. however, the first press conference ijust saw led by one of the major politicians of the ruling party. he actually said he made an appeal to the society to try
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to find the ground at which we can be more united and how we can reduce the hate which we all feel for the i also noticed that the interior minister also spoke in a similar tone that it's so crucial that the society calms down and the politics returned to normal communications. 0ver returned to normal communications. over the past couple of months the normal communications... when you listen to some of the press conferences, it was mostly attacking the political rival. in an almost aggressive way of sending messages to each other. that aggressive way of sending messages to each other-— to each other. that is what it's been like _ to each other. that is what it's been like over _ to each other. that is what it's been like over the _ to each other. that is what it's been like over the past - to each other. that is what it's been like over the past few . to each other. that is what it's - been like over the past few months. just in terms of now as we're speaking, who is in charge? is it
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clear to people there who is actually in charge of the government, who is publicly putting out information, talking to journalists, talking to the public? it's still not completely clear. we have seen the president elect who had came to eight get back from a trip abroad, several members who were not at the place where robert fico was shot and trying to come to bratislava and get coordinated. right now we don't have all the information we need of who will be information we need of who will be in charge. the press conference i mentioned, it was one of the key leaders of smer party. he was delivering messages but it is not certain if he will be the one taking over robert fico's responsibilities.
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we have to leave it. thank you so much forjoining us live on the program. thank you for giving us a sense of how this news is being seen where you are for the and all the while over the past few hours, as soon as we had that breaking news, the pictures, we've had reactions from world leaders. the latestjust coming in, the un secretary—general also condemning what he describes as also condemning what he describes as a shocking attack on slovakia does prime minister, thatjust coming from the un, adding his voice to all the other voices we've heard over the other voices we've heard over the last few hours. we will have more on that breaking story here on the programme ina programme in a minute or two. around the world and across the uk. this is bbc news.
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you are live with bbc news. live with breaking news coming into us
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over the last few hours, we've seen so much reaction, so many of the pictures. let me take you back, rewind a few hours and show you the moments when slovakia was prime minister was shot, a number of shots ringing out. there his security detail two detail assuring him into the car. whisked away seconds later as the camera pans around for that you will see in a moment or two a man being pinned to the his hands cuffed and he was detained, arrested. all we know about this man is that he is apparently 71 years old. no other detail being reported by the slovakian authorities at this stage. no indication at all about what possibly motivated the alleged attacker. a little while later, i think this is about a0 minutes later in terms of the timeline, the prime minister being helicopter would to a
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hospital nearby. there was initial thought he would be taking to bratislava but that was a considerable distance. so given his injuries and a seat on the screen, it is been described by the government life—threatening injuries. he was taken to this nearby hospital. we wait to hear in update from hospital authorities in terms of the exact condition, in terms of the exact condition, in terms of the exact condition, in terms of injuries suffered by the prime minister and any surgery that is taking place as we get any sort of update we will bring it to you. let's speak on the programme to the director of slow back foreign policy association who joins us from bratislava. thank you for being here. just your thoughts on the extraordinary events of the last few hours. �* , , ., extraordinary events of the last few hours. �*, , ., , ,, extraordinary events of the last few hours. �*, , , ., , hours. it's been a shock. some years auo hours. it's been a shock. some years ago slovakia — hours. it's been a shock. some years ago slovakia had _ hours. it's been a shock. some years ago slovakia had the _ hours. it's been a shock. some years
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ago slovakia had the reputation - hours. it's been a shock. some years ago slovakia had the reputation of i ago slovakia had the reputation of being a quiet place, a calm place. it changed dramatically in 2018 with the assassination of the journalist and his fiancee just two years ago. we had here in bratislava and attack actually committed against the members of the lgbt community and we have the attack against, and assassination attack against the prime minister. definitely the image of the country has changed. 0f of the country has changed. of course this is going to have both domestic and international consequences. i domestic and international consequences.— domestic and international consequences. i will come to international _ consequences. i will come to international consequences l consequences. i will come to | international consequences in consequences. i will come to i international consequences in a moment. i wasjust international consequences in a moment. i was just talking to the editor of one of the newspapers they are in your country who was describing the levels of hate and how it was obvious the levels of hate. is that something that you have been aware of it as well?
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definitely. it has gradually increased. it didn't start to increased. it didn't start to increase even after the parliamentary elections because we also had presidential elections some weeks ago for that we're ahead of the elections to the european parliament. so we lead in the election campaign, i would say. in the campaign actually divides the politicians into camps, basically. 0ne politicians into camps, basically. one that is supported through the prime minister and the governing party and then the opposition. not only the political scene but population has been polarised dramatically. there are no signs that this polarisation will end soon. i worry that this is going to happen. soon. i worry that this is going to ha en. ., . ~' . happen. you talked about international _ happen. you talked about| international ramifications happen. you talked about - international ramifications and consequences. what do you think those are?—
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those are? definitely it's not uncommon _ those are? definitely it's not uncommon that _ those are? definitely it's not uncommon that in _ those are? definitely it's not uncommon that in the - those are? definitely it's not uncommon that in the eu . those are? definitely it's not - uncommon that in the eu member states there is an assassination attempt against the prime minister. so i think this is a shock also for political leaders. i would say representatives of the government not only from neighbouring countries but also from the eu headquarters and beyond. ithink but also from the eu headquarters and beyond. i think that this will make it appeal on how to actually consider our way of thinking about the hate speech, the consequences of the hate speech, the consequences of the hate speech, how to actually breach the polarisation that not only in slovakia but also in other countries, the representatives of the political elite should actually take responsibility for this without
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hearing slovakia these are the representatives of some governmental parties but also some of the opposition parties. definitely there are more stakeholders to be blamed. stayed with me. i'm going to pause you there. president biden hasjust put out a statement saying... i'm alarmed to hear reports on the slow back prime minister. jill and i are praying for a swift recovery and our thoughts are with him and his family and the people of slovakia. we condemn this horrific act of violence. 0ur embassy is in close touch with the government of slovakia and ready to assist. the latest reaction, international reaction, this time the us president adding his voice to all the other voices we've heard in terms of the condemnation of the shooting of the slow back prime minister. —— slovakian prime minister. you
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watching bbc news with the latest world leader to voice their alarm and concern about what they have seen. doctor, let me bring you back in. you talked about the hate, in terms of anything significantly changing in the coming hours, what is your analysis, what is your take on that? i is your analysis, what is your take on that? , ., on that? i wish that the assassination _ on that? i wish that the assassination attempt l on that? i wish that the | assassination attempt of on that? i wish that the . assassination attempt of in on that? i wish that the - assassination attempt of in the prime minister has been the signal for political leaders to stop the polarisation of society, not to speak about... i understand that emotions are still there and there is a lack of information. we don't know how the prime minister, how long it will take for them to recover, what will be the next steps and so on. still i think with the people need to hear for the and so on. still i think with the people need to hearfor the moment is the appeal of a peaceful solution
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on reconciliation. but i worry and i shared the views of the editor in chief who spoke prior to me that some of the leaders might actually abuse the situation for their own political purposes. and actually fuel even more their nationalist populace views that would lead to an even deeper polarisation. it's really difficult to explain what else should happen in order to stop this kind of polarisation and division of our society. really interesting — division of our society. really interesting for _ division of our society. really interesting for that _ division of our society. really interesting for that rather - division of our society. really. interesting for that rather than unify the various political parties you think that there may be those who choose to exploit the situation? that is quite worrying. yes. there are some signals that some might do that. because the attacker was a
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local writer. that. because the attacker was a localwriter. he that. because the attacker was a local writer. he belonged to a local artistic society in a small town in southern slovakia definitely by some political leaders this might be used as an argument against the representatives of cultural society and slovakia. media and civil society, definitely. we can worry about theirs. still i think there is also the possibility and some of the voices from the government prove that for the moment what we really need is a peaceful solution. and we have to wait in peace in the future for further developments and not actual poor more oil into the flame. just in terms of public reaction, you talked about politicians how do
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you talked about politicians how do you gauge that? i you talked about politicians how do you gauge that?— you talked about politicians how do you gauge that? i think that people would be scared _ you gauge that? i think that people would be scared because _ you gauge that? i think that people would be scared because this - you gauge that? i think that people i would be scared because this image, slovakia not only internationally but also domestically, slovakian is like to call themselves the peaceful nation. this is really very offensive attack against the politician, against the family figures. i think that this is already actually evoked some reactions that actually are more about fear and possibly also about hatred and revenge. but it's the role of political leaders the developments, the situation properly in order to actually bring more calmness into the discussions and into the society.— into the society. thank you very much forjoining _
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into the society. thank you very much forjoining us _ into the society. thank you very much forjoining us here - into the society. thank you very much forjoining us here live - into the society. thank you very much forjoining us here live on| into the society. thank you very - much forjoining us here live on bbc news from bratislava. welcome to bbc news. let me take you through the main headlines. slovakia's prime minister is in a life—threatening condition. the ministry says it was an assassination attempt. this was the moment the alleged attacker was apprehended and arrested at the scene, with reports saying the prime minister was it several times. the president has expressed her shock and horror. let me show you the latest live pictures from the scene. investors try to work out why it
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happened and what happened. he will continue to bring


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