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tv   Verified Live  BBC News  May 16, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm BST

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president putin is given a red—carpet welcome on his state visit to china, signing a joint declaration with president xi, outlining the two countries�* close ties. and here in the uk, labour's keir starmer sets out his party's key messages ahead of the general election, insisting they have not �*scaled back�* on their ambitions. hello and welcome. a man has been charged with the attempted murder of slovakia's prime minister. robert fico was shot several times yesterday in while visiting a small town in the centre of the country. he's now in a serious but stable condition in hospital in bratislava. at a news conference, the slovak interior minister described the suspect as a lone wolf, who opposed the government.
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in the past few minutes the president elect peter pellegrini had this update from the hospital where roberto fico is receiving treatment. translation: the prime minister is now facing the most difficult and challenging days. ours, minutes, in orderfor him to challenging days. ours, minutes, in order for him to survive and i hope that everything will work out for the best. i really hope for us all to see his soon recovery and coming to see his soon recovery and coming to full strength. let's speak to bethany bell, our correspondent in bratislava. an update there, tell us more, bethany. an update there, tell us more, bethan . ~ ., ., , bethany. well, roberto fico remains in a critical condition _ bethany. well, roberto fico remains in a critical condition in _ bethany. well, roberto fico remains in a critical condition in hospital, - in a critical condition in hospital, earlier we heard from the deputy prime minister saying that the next few days would indeed be critical and that he was not out of the woods yet. that he has sustained what they
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call it extensive and complicated injuries. he was shot at very close range in the stomach among other places. we have heard from across the political spectrum here in slovakia which is for roberto fico's speedy recovery. there is a sombre mood in the country. there is also a sense of polarisation, political turmoil and confusion. we have also heard calls from mr pellegrini and also from the outgoing president of slovakia zoos and cut it over calling for calm as they continue with their investigations. what calling for calm as they continue with their investigations. what more do we know about _ with their investigations. what more do we know about the _ with their investigations. what more do we know about the suspect - with their investigations. what more do we know about the suspect and i with their investigations. what more do we know about the suspect and a| do we know about the suspect and a possible motive? we do we know about the suspect and a possible motive?— do we know about the suspect and a possible motive? we don't know very much about — possible motive? we don't know very much about the _ possible motive? we don't know very much about the suspect, _ possible motive? we don't know very much about the suspect, very - possible motive? we don't know very much about the suspect, very few - much about the suspect, very few details have been released but what of the interior minister said a little bit earlier today is that he appears to have been working alone,
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he was, in the words of the interior minister, a lone wolf, somebody who opposed the government, someone who had attended anti—government protests. also, that at the moment the details are very sketchy indeed that we have been given about this person and they have charged him with attempted premeditated murder. this was something he had planned to do in the words of the interior minister. �* . , do in the words of the interior minister-— do in the words of the interior minister. ., ., ., ~ minister. bethany, for now, thank ou. minister. bethany, for now, thank yom let's — minister. bethany, for now, thank you. let's return _ minister. bethany, for now, thank you. let's return to _ minister. bethany, for now, thank you. let's return to the _ minister. bethany, for now, thank you. let's return to the hague - minister. bethany, for now, thank i you. let's return to the hague where south africa is asking the un's highest court to instruct israel to stop its offensive in rafah. these are live pictures from the international court ofjustice, the hearing is the latest intervention by the south african government in its legal case against israel. it says as well as direct military attacks israel is starving palestinians in
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gaza by obstructing deliveries of food, fuel and medicines. israel has insisted that it is acting in accordance with international law and dismiss the attack has a baseless libel.— and dismiss the attack has a baseless libel. , . , ., baseless libel. israel is escalating its attacks on _ baseless libel. israel is escalating its attacks on palestinians - baseless libel. israel is escalating its attacks on palestinians in - baseless libel. israel is escalating its attacks on palestinians in gaza and in so doing is wilfully breaching the binding orders of this court. israel is similarly reaches the binding resolutions of the united nations security council, erroneously believing from the lack of countermeasures by the international community that it is exempt from having to respect international law. we exempt from having to respect international law.— exempt from having to respect international law. we have heard assurances _ international law. we have heard assurances that _ international law. we have heard assurances that israel _ international law. we have heard assurances that israel was - international law. we have heard assurances that israel was doing | assurances that israel was doing everything in its power to avoid civilian — everything in its power to avoid civilian deaths as it exercised its claimed — civilian deaths as it exercised its claimed right of self—defence. we
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have heard boasts that israel's army is the _ have heard boasts that israel's army is the most — have heard boasts that israel's army is the most moral army in history and we _ is the most moral army in history and we have _ is the most moral army in history and we have heard denials that there is famine _ and we have heard denials that there is famine in — and we have heard denials that there is famine in gaza. four months people. — is famine in gaza. four months people, particularly in the west, have _ people, particularly in the west, have appeared unwilling to accept that the _ have appeared unwilling to accept that the accusations are true. how could _ that the accusations are true. how could people who look like us and sound _ could people who look like us and sound like — could people who look like us and sound like us possibly engage in anything — sound like us possibly engage in anything like genocide? we were listenin: anything like genocide? we were listening to _ anything like genocide? we were listening to more _ anything like genocide? we were listening to more of _ anything like genocide? we were listening to more of those - listening to more of those proceedings in just a listening to more of those proceedings injust a moment but let's get the latest from our correspondent in the hague and following all the developments there. let's remind ourselves of why south africa is bringing this case. any country which has a member of the convention has a responsibility to ensure that there are no violations of that convention but secondly, south africa sees parallels between apartheid in south africa and the situation that
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palestinians in gaza are facing right now. we are an hour into this hearing and, as you heard, south africa's legal team are laying out their arguments. they are basically asking for thejudges their arguments. they are basically asking for the judges here at the un's highest court, the world court as it is often referred to, to issue three emergency rate measures. you cannot hear protesters this time round although it is the fourth time that south africa has made this request to the court for an order for israel to cease hostilities and to immediately withdraw. that is because this hearing was held up so quickly which is an indication of how seriously thejudges quickly which is an indication of how seriously the judges here are taking this. as well as asking the court to order israel to immediately withdraw from rafa, the south african legal team has said that un investigators, humanitarian aid organisations and journalists must be allowed in to ensure the
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provision of food, water and medical supplies. and also if there are any violations of the genocide convention taking place that evidence can be gathered for any future trials. they have also asked the judges to order israel to report back to the court within a week in how it is in preventing any measures and ijust want how it is in preventing any measures and i just want to give you how it is in preventing any measures and ijust want to give you some of the details that we have heard in court from the lawyers for south africa. israel's actions in rafa are part of the endgame this is the last step in the destruction of gaza. they also talked about apartheid and also made a link between what is happening now in rafah and what happened in srebrenica insofar as rafah is being seen as the last safe zone for palestinians in gaza. south africa says that if rafah is not protected it will make it very difficult if not impossible to
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rebuild gaza and preserve palestinian life in gaza. now and in the future. israel, of course, we should say we'll have a chance to defend itself in court tomorrow and will also have two hours and israel's legal team is in court and you can probably hear the rumble of engines outside the peace palace are now waiting to take people away. this is a hugely contentious case, it is properly the most sensitive case that the icj has ever dealt with and that is why it is generating so much attention full stop south africa has said that there is no other option, this is there is no other option, this is the last hope and that is why they are applying to judges here at the icj to issue these emergency measures to protect the palestinian life in gaza. �* . measures to protect the palestinian life in gaza-— life in gaza. anna, thank you very much. life in gaza. anna, thank you very much- let's _ life in gaza. anna, thank you very much. let's listening _ life in gaza. anna, thank you very much. let's listening now- life in gaza. anna, thank you very much. let's listening now to - life in gaza. anna, thank you very | much. let's listening now to those proceedings, a lawyerfor south africa is making further arguments... {iii africa is making further arguments. . ._ africa is making further arauments... , ., , ., arguments... of every palestinian who is suffering _ arguments... of every palestinian who is suffering at _ arguments... of every palestinian who is suffering at the _ arguments... of every palestinian who is suffering at the hands - arguments... of every palestinian who is suffering at the hands of. who is suffering at the hands of israel's relentless genocidal campaign. indeed, this court has
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held in bosnian genocide that quote it is sufficient to examine those facts that would illuminate the question of intent or illustrate the claim by the applicant of a pattern of acts committed against members of the group such as to lead to an inference from such a pattern of the existence of a specific intent. end quote. in these submissions, i show that israel's genocidal acts against palestinians in rafa form part of a continuing escalating pattern of conduct across gaza that provides persuasive and consistent evidence of israel's genocidal conduct. in light of these new facts, south
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africa seeks an order from the court, the only order, that will clearly protect what is left of palestinian life in gaza. it seeks an explicit order that israel cease its military activities, not only in rafah but throughout gaza. turning then to the genocidal acts, in my remaining time before you i will highlight the following features of the genocidal campaign by israel. first, israel has continued to kill palestinians in gaza including women and children at an alarming rate. second, as a result of israel's onslaught, palestinians in gaza are facing what the anderson industry
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general of the union described as the worst humanitarian crisis as he has seen in more than 50 years. third, israel's systematic targeting and bombardment of hospitals and medicalfacilities and and bombardment of hospitals and medical facilities and its throttling of humanitarian aid has pushed gaza's medical system to collapse. fourth, israel's direct attack and siege of gaza's biggest hospitals has led to the uncovering of mass graves evidencing israeli massacres of palestinians seeking shelter and medical treatment. finally, most recently, israel has intensified its attacks in the north while pressing on with its rafah
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offensive. leaving displaced palestinians nowhere safe to go. i will take these in turn. the first feature of the genocidal conduct, killing. since south africa appeared before the court on 11 january, 2024, at least 11,500 palestinians have been directly killed by israel. the majority of these casualties are women and children. in an enclave where nearly 50% of the population are children. this onslaught has occurred despite the binding orders issued by this court. and the binding security council resolution on 25 march, 2024, demanding an
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immediate ceasefire for the month of ramadan. in fact, immediate ceasefire for the month of ramadan. infact, as immediate ceasefire for the month of ramadan. in fact, as unicef pointed out, a double—digit number of children were killed within hours of that resolution. two mothers and four children are killed every hour. owner ahead philippe lazzarini, says there are no words left that can do any justice to the there are no words left that can do anyjustice to the people of gaza. the numbers of dead and injured defy comprehension at least 35,000 palestinians killed and 79,000 injured with 10,000 more reportedly missing or beneath rubble. up to 1.7 million displaced, most multiple times, and more than 70% of all
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housing stock in gaza and more than 80% are in parts of the northern region, damaged or destroyed. that is where we — region, damaged or destroyed. that is where we are _ region, damaged or destroyed. that is where we are going to leave proceedings at the international court ofjustice, just a reminder that israel will have its time to respond tomorrow. if you would like to continue to watch that coverage, just head to our website, you will find our live page on the case and you can watch the court proceedings live in and interrupted. 0r you can watch the court proceedings live in and interrupted. or you can watch them in their entirety as well. around the world and across the uk, this is bbc news.
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china and russia have put on a display of unity and mutual support during a meeting of the two leaders in beijing. there were smiles, handshakes
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and warm words from both xi jinping and vladimir putin at the start of the russian leader's two—day visit to china. our correspondent laura bicker sent this report from beijing. in the west he is seen as a pariah, but in china, president putin is a key partner, as beijing seeks a new world order, one not led by the united states. the red carpet was rolled out complete with a red army band welcome, as they walked together in a show of defiance against western pressure. mr putin needs china. it's become an economic lifeline for an isolated and heavily sanctioned russia. translation: china will always be your good neighbour- and good friend of mutual trust with russia. mr putin said he would inform president xi about the situation in ukraine. and he said he would welcome
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china's role as peacemaker. beijing put forward a 12—point peace plan more than a year ago, but it received a lukewarm welcome from both ukraine and russia. but while mr xi is trying to play peacemaker, he's also accused of helping to fuel russia's war. if the west wants to stop russia's advances in ukraine they know here is one place they can do that. beiking is not supplying moscow with weapons, but the west believes it is supplying russia with components that it can use in its war machine. the us has a raft of new sanctions at the ready, this time to target chinese banks, so president xi has a decision to make. beijing does need moscow. russia supplies it with cheap oil and gas. this soaring trade also helps shield mr putin from western sanctions. but there are ukrainians sheltering in beijing whose
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voices are growing louder. this woman translates news from her home country and puts it on social media. just let them know the truth about this war. it was tough emotionally, to be honest, and it took a lot of time, but 100 people were working hard to translate official news and speeches of president zelensky, so we decided to do this work, because who else? beijing is not likely to make any policy shifts. instead, the two pledged to deepen their partnership, but mr xi will be calculating just how much he's willing to pay for mr putin's war. laura bicker, bbc news, beijing. donald trump's former lawyer michael cohen will soon return to the stand for another day of testimony at a new york court in the former president's hush—money trial. he's already been giving evidence for two days with the defence attacking
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cohen's credibility, bringing up his many social media comments bashing trump. let's speak to jessica roth, professor of law at cardozo school of law. shejoins us from she joins us from new york, welcome to you, thank you being with us. take us through what we have heard for the past few days with his evidence on you make of it was yellow michael cohen on direct examination was an effective witness. he took the jury through the catch and kill scheme to catch and suppress stories that were negative about donald trump in the lead up to the presidential election. lead up to the presidential election-— lead up to the presidential election. ., ,, ., , election. the payment to stormy daniels that _ election. the payment to stormy daniels that he _ election. the payment to stormy daniels that he fronted, - election. the payment to stormy daniels that he fronted, that - election. the payment to stormy daniels that he fronted, that he l election. the payment to stormy i daniels that he fronted, that he was reimbursed for by donald trump and then the scheme to falsify the records of the trump organisation to conceal the true nature of those payments. he has provided the entire narrative arc of the prosecution's case. now he is on cross—examination
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which continues today and we will see his defence attorney to try to destroy his credibility so they can argue to the jury that they should not place weight on his testimony. what do you make of that argument? and how they have managed to construct it so far, have they been effective in destroying his coat ability because he is a crook proven liar? he ability because he is a crook proven liar? , ., , ., ., ., , liar? he is a proven liar. he has committed _ liar? he is a proven liar. he has committed various _ liar? he is a proven liar. he has committed various finance - committed various finance allegations amongst other crimes. so far, it does not appear that the defence attorneys are doing an effective job of destroying his credibility. his allegations have already been brought out on a prosecution by their prosecution. they need to do more to bring out times when he has lied and show how he did so whenever he perceived it to be to his advantage to do so and then to suggest to the jury that he
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is lying now because he thinks it is to his advantage to do so given his current position. i think they will also need to do a more effective job of persuading the jury that he is biased towards the former president because he has essentially now lost so much on account of his prior loyalty to the former president and as a consequence he is really not being careful about the details of what precisely donald trump was involved in and what he wasn't because the defence would suggest that michael cohen is so bent on bringing down donald trump. just remind us what is at the heart of all this, donald trump pleaded not guilty to 34 counts of fraud, hasn't he? . ., , ., ,': guilty to 34 counts of fraud, hasn't he? the charges are 34 counts of falsification _ he? the charges are 34 counts of falsification of _ he? the charges are 34 counts of falsification of business - he? the charges are 34 counts of falsification of business records l falsification of business records with the attempt to conceal another crime. part of the prosecution's case is weakest and most dependent on michael cohen a's testaments pets destiny is connecting falsification to business records. the only people who are involved in the discussions
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about the falsification of the records were michael cohen, alan weisel berger, the cfo of the organisation and according to michael cohen, donald trump. but one of those is not testifying as a witness and that's why his credibility is so critical on that issue. . ~' , ., , credibility is so critical on that issue. . ~' , . credibility is so critical on that issue. ., , . g , ., issue. thank you very much. just a reminder to _ issue. thank you very much. just a reminder to our _ issue. thank you very much. just a reminder to our view _ issue. thank you very much. just a reminder to our view is _ issue. thank you very much. just a reminder to our view is that - issue. thank you very much. just a reminder to our view is that all - issue. thank you very much. just a reminder to our view is that all the developments on that court case, you can find them on the bbc web page we have a live page covering all of the twists and turns. to head to that. here, the labour leader ks keir starmer has set out the first steps would take if his party will to win the general election. he outlined six pledges, saying they're all fully costed, and ready to be delivered in the first term of a labour government. the conservatives called his speech �*yet another relaunch'. our chief political correspondent henry zeffman has the details. what you make of these pledges? the first what you make of these pledges? tie: first thing what you make of these pledges? tte: first thing you what you make of these pledges? tt2 first thing you should make of them
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is the manner in which this was all presented. it was all very much like a campaign event. you had keir starmer, sleeves rolled up, jacket off, tie off, standing there with his entire shadow cabinet behind him. these six steps that he wants to lay out, there were cards that were able to be handed out on a digital version on the phone and post is going up in key constituencies so it felt like a campaign event even if we are not in a campaign. it was all about sending a campaign. it was all about sending a particular picture and this message that here is a man, leader of a party, that wants to get to sleep rolled up and get stuck in and make changes. six key areas, these are not new things but labour is trying to hone in on new things that it can start delivering. not new pledges, not changing old ones but things like economic growth. nhs appointments, new teachers, that sort of thing. he a flavour of what he had to say. the
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sort of thing. he a flavour of what he had to say-— sort of thing. he a flavour of what he had to say. the big change that we need to — he had to say. the big change that we need to make _ he had to say. the big change that we need to make for _ he had to say. the big change that we need to make for our _ he had to say. the big change that we need to make for our country l he had to say. the big change that| we need to make for our country to take it _ we need to make for our country to take it forward to make it a better place. _ take it forward to make it a better place, long—term ambitions, credible plans, _ place, long—term ambitions, credible plans, fixing the fundamentals. and giving _ plans, fixing the fundamentals. and giving an— plans, fixing the fundamentals. and giving an incoming government are driving _ giving an incoming government are driving sense of purpose about the changes _ driving sense of purpose about the changes that we want to bring about. this is— changes that we want to bring about. this is going to be hard. sticking plasters — this is going to be hard. sticking plasters is — this is going to be hard. sticking plasters is easy, itjust does not woric _ plasters is easy, itjust does not woric but— plasters is easy, itjust does not woric but i_ plasters is easy, itjust does not work. but i have never shied away from _ work. but i have never shied away from tough — work. but i have never shied away from tough decisions. i ran a public service, we — from tough decisions. i ran a public service, we changed it, we are reformed — service, we changed it, we are reformed it. lots of you said you can't _ reformed it. lots of you said you can't do — reformed it. lots of you said you can't do it— reformed it. lots of you said you can't do it we had to press on. we have _ can't do it we had to press on. we have changed the labour party and put have changed the labour party and out it _ have changed the labour party and out it back — have changed the labour party and put it back into the service of working — put it back into the service of working people. country first, party second _ working people. country first, party second. the working people. country first, party second. ., , ., , ., ., . second. the conservatives have watch this and immediately _ second. the conservatives have watch this and immediately got _ second. the conservatives have watch this and immediately got their - this and immediately got their riposte in. they say that he was a man that has changed his policies and positions multiple times so you should not put store in what he says
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now. here is the chairman of the conservative party.— conservative party. look, this is keir starmer's _ conservative party. look, this is keir starmer's newest _ conservative party. look, this is l keir starmer's newest relaunching conservative party. look, this is - keir starmer's newest relaunching as many— keir starmer's newest relaunching as many months — keir starmer's newest relaunching as many months he's _ keir starmer's newest relaunching as many months. he's dumped - keir starmer's newest relaunching as many months. he's dumped every. many months. he's dumped every pledge _ many months. he's dumped every pledge that — many months. he's dumped every pledge that he _ many months. he's dumped every pledge that he made _ many months. he's dumped every pledge that he made in _ many months. he's dumped every pledge that he made in a - many months. he's dumped every pledge that he made in a labour. pledge that he made in a labour leadership— pledge that he made in a labour leadership campaign, _ pledge that he made in a labour leadership campaign, he - pledge that he made in a labour leadership campaign, he is- pledge that he made in a labour. leadership campaign, he is dumped every— leadership campaign, he is dumped every pledge — leadership campaign, he is dumped every pledge he _ leadership campaign, he is dumped every pledge he made _ leadership campaign, he is dumped every pledge he made when- leadership campaign, he is dumped every pledge he made when he - leadership campaign, he is dumpedl every pledge he made when he tried to get— every pledge he made when he tried to get jeremy — every pledge he made when he tried to get jeremy corbvn _ every pledge he made when he tried to get jeremy corbyn into _ every pledge he made when he tried to get jeremy corbyn into being - every pledge he made when he tried to getjeremy corbyn into being ouri to getjeremy corbyn into being our prime _ to getjeremy corbyn into being our prime minister, _ to getjeremy corbyn into being our prime minister, not _ to getjeremy corbyn into being our prime minister, not once _ to getjeremy corbyn into being our prime minister, not once but- to getjeremy corbyn into being our prime minister, not once but twice. ithink— prime minister, not once but twice. i think people — prime minister, not once but twice. i think people need _ prime minister, not once but twice. i think people need to— prime minister, not once but twice. i think people need to take - prime minister, not once but twice. i think people need to take with - prime minister, not once but twice. i think people need to take with an| i think people need to take with an enormous — i think people need to take with an enormous pinch _ i think people need to take with an enormous pinch of _ i think people need to take with an enormous pinch of salt _ i think people need to take with an enormous pinch of salt anything i i think people need to take with an i enormous pinch of salt anything that he is putting — enormous pinch of salt anything that he is putting forward. _ enormous pinch of salt anything that he is putting forward. it _ enormous pinch of salt anything that he is putting forward. it is _ enormous pinch of salt anything that he is putting forward. it is quite - he is putting forward. it is quite clear— he is putting forward. it is quite clear that — he is putting forward. it is quite clear that labour— he is putting forward. it is quite clear that labour do _ he is putting forward. it is quite clear that labour do not - he is putting forward. it is quite clear that labour do not have i he is putting forward. it is quite clear that labour do not have a| he is putting forward. it is quite i clear that labour do not have a plan and would _ clear that labour do not have a plan and would take _ clear that labour do not have a plan and would take the _ clear that labour do not have a plan and would take the country- clear that labour do not have a plan and would take the country back i clear that labour do not have a plan and would take the country back toi and would take the country back to square _ and would take the country back to square one. — and would take the country back to square one. i— and would take the country back to square one, i have _ and would take the country back to square one, i have no _ and would take the country back to square one, i have no idea - and would take the country back to square one, i have no idea why- square one, i have no idea why anyone — square one, i have no idea why anyone who _ square one, i have no idea why anyone who would _ square one, i have no idea why anyone who would believe i square one, i have no idea why anyone who would believe a i square one, i have no idea why. anyone who would believe a word square one, i have no idea why- anyone who would believe a word that he says _ anyone who would believe a word that he says when — anyone who would believe a word that he says when every— anyone who would believe a word that he says when every single _ anyone who would believe a word that he says when every single time - anyone who would believe a word that he says when every single time he's . he says when every single time he's a different— he says when every single time he's a different audience _ he says when every single time he's a different audience to _ he says when every single time he's a different audience to play - he says when every single time he's a different audience to play for i he says when every single time he's a different audience to play for he . a different audience to play for he changes— a different audience to play for he changes his — a different audience to play for he changes his tune, _ a different audience to play for he changes his tune, he _ a different audience to play for he changes his tune, he changes i a different audience to play for he i changes his tune, he changes what he is saving _ changes his tune, he changes what he is saving anv— changes his tune, he changes what he is saying any changes _ changes his tune, he changes what he is saying any changes what _ changes his tune, he changes what he is saying any changes what he - changes his tune, he changes what he is saying any changes what he says i is saying any changes what he says he stands — is saying any changes what he says he stands for~ _ is saying any changes what he says he stands for. the _ is saying any changes what he says he stands for. the 16 _ is saying any changes what he says he stands for. the 16 relaunches i is saying any changes what he says he stands for. the 16 relaunches in a matter— he stands for. the 16 relaunches in a matter of— he stands for. the 16 relaunches in a matter of a — he stands for. the 16 relaunches in a matter of a couple _ he stands for. the 16 relaunches in a matter of a couple of— he stands for. the 16 relaunches in a matter of a couple of years - he stands for. the 16 relaunches in a matter of a couple of years afterl a matter of a couple of years after four years — a matter of a couple of years after four years in — a matter of a couple of years after four years in oppositions - a matter of a couple of years after four years in oppositions is - a matter of a couple of years after four years in oppositions is not i a matter of a couple of years after four years in oppositions is not a i four years in oppositions is not a keenness— four years in oppositions is not a keenness of— four years in oppositions is not a keenness of plan, _ four years in oppositions is not a keenness of plan, i— four years in oppositions is not a keenness of plan, i think- four years in oppositions is not a keenness of plan, i think it- keenness of plan, i think it has everything _ keenness of plan, i think it has everything you _ keenness of plan, i think it has everything you need to - keenness of plan, i think it has everything you need to know. keenness of plan, i think it has. everything you need to know that keir starmer~ _ everything you need to know that keir starmer. keir— everything you need to know that keir starmer.— everything you need to know that keir starmer. ,, ., ., , ., ,~' keir starmer. keir starmer was asked about this he — keir starmer. keir starmer was asked about this he says _ keir starmer. keir starmer was asked about this he says no, _ keir starmer. keir starmer was asked about this he says no, what _ keir starmer. keir starmer was asked about this he says no, what he - keir starmer. keir starmer was asked
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about this he says no, what he is i about this he says no, what he is doing is changing the labour party, changing his focus is honing its policies and these are all arguments that you are going to hear played out much more in the coming months. phen—fen now thank you very much. do stay with us on bbc news, we will be back very shortly as we head to the middle east to talk about what is going on in israel and gaza and where the conflict might go from here would be back injust where the conflict might go from here would be back in just a few minutes, stay with us. hello. some places continue to bask under blue skies and warm sunshine but for others it is quite a different —looking day with some cloud and rain from one of our weather watches this morning in cambridgeshire in association with this frontal system, whether at the moment still being driven by low
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pressure centre to the south of aceh. we will see some outbreaks of rain continuing westwards across the midlands and into wales. some heavy foundry downpours up to the south of that. northern england and scotland, some decent spells of sunshine but even here, one or two heavy showers breaking out, temperatures in scotland up to 24 degrees. more generally, 17 to 21. always feel a bit cooler than that where you have the cloud and the rain. through the late afternoon and through the evening could turn very heavy indeed across parts of the west midlands and mid and north wales. they could be some rain forcing local flooding and travel disruption before that rain clears away westwards. he leads a band of cloud behind across wales and england and elsewhere there will be patches are missed and clear spells as well stop tomorrow morning, starts with temperatures between seven and 12 degrees. bands of cloud to start across northern england and northern well. some patches and mysterious elsewhere but a lot of that should lift and break up a lot of that should lift and break up and we'll see some spells of
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sunshine albeit with a scattering of showers, temperature —wise, of 21 to 22 and may be 23 degrees and one is location. into the weekend, we will continue to see some mist and fog particularly at night and in the mornings. also some spells of warm sunshine but with some heavy showers particularly, on saturday where you are closest to this area of low pressure. the centre just to the south of us could see some more persistent rain across south—east england and it will tend to clear in the southern parts will bear the brunt of the showers on saturday but further note we will see a lot of mr merck and low cloud first thing and some spells first thing creeping into northern ireland and the temperatures will be knocked back a little bit for some areas and into sunday mostly dry with some showers and the best of the sunshine to be across england and wales and more clad northern ireland and scotland. it certainly turns cooler across
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scotland and for the south highs of 20 degrees. live from london.
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live from london. this is bbc news, the headlines. south africa asks the international court ofjustice to instruct israel to stop its offensive in rafah. reports of civilian deaths in the sudan's el fasher city
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which is currently under attack by the paramilitary rapid support forces.


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