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tv   BBC News  BBC News  May 17, 2024 11:00am-11:31am BST

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south africa of distorting accused south africa of distorting reality during a hearing at the united nations top court. in response to south africa's call for an end to israeli military action in rafah. police in france have shot dead a man who tried to set fire to a synagogue in central rouen. 30 is recalled after seeing smoke rising from the building. south west water has apologised for an outbreak of diarrhoea in south—west devon due to a parasite found in the water. diarrhoea in south—west devon due to a parasite found in the water. hello. we begin in the middle east where the us officials say the uk, has helped to build and operate the pier, is expected this first shipment will provide enough
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provisions to feed 11,000 people for one month. washington is urging israel to do more to provide a sustained humanitarian access, and says it is deeply concerned about reports of imminent famine. officials who called for the rafah crossing to be reopened as soon as possible. egypt stopped allowing in supplies. the two countries have blamed each other for its continued closure. the us concern over the amount of aid getting into rafah has been echoed by the un. they are aid chief warmed that vernon is now an immediate threat and that un staff were struggling to help people displaced by the israeli offensive on the israeli offensive on rafah. we don't need to be a scientist to see the consequences of that lack of food. forfamine there see the consequences of that lack of food. for famine there are a lot of medical care and nutritional care, which is the precursor to simon,
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kills for a disease, as well as hunger. kills for a disease, as well as hunaer. , hunger. our correspondent is in jerusalem _ hunger. our correspondent is in jerusalem and _ hunger. our correspondent is in jerusalem and he _ hunger. our correspondent is in jerusalem and he has _ hunger. our correspondent is in jerusalem and he has given - hunger. our correspondent is in jerusalem and he has given us. hunger. our correspondent is in i jerusalem and he has given us the jerusalem and he has given us the latest on this new pier. it jerusalem and he has given us the latest on this new pier.— latest on this new pier. it has been operational — latest on this new pier. it has been operational just _ latest on this new pier. it has been operationaljust for _ latest on this new pier. it has been operationaljust for a _ latest on this new pier. it has been operationaljust for a few _ latest on this new pier. it has been operationaljust for a few hours - operationaljust for a few hours this morning. it enables larger ships to dock with aid consignments that are being shipped from cyprus and i then ferried to the shore. this is another route for aid to reach the hungry palestinian refugees of gaza. the emphasis by the us, the un and others involved in this operation is that this is a temporary measure, and it does not replace the aid flows that should be continuing through geyser�*s land borders. that has been serious issue in the last week, particularly with the rafah crossing being closed after the israelis have moved on into the gaza side of that border.
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even before the current conflict and the emphasis is that even though this is a positive step that will enable sun aid shipments to dark directly delivered to gaza sure is, the land borders need to be re—established, secured, and maintained so that proper aid, food, food, shelter and medical supplies can be brought in for the hundreds of thousands of palestinian refugees, particularly those from rafah itself who have been on the move again in the last week with the intensifying military operations around that city.— intensifying military operations around that city. they have “ust been talking i around that city. they have “ust been talking about it in i around that city. they have “ust been talking about it in the h been talking about it in the international court ofjustice, which land crossings are open and which land crossings are open and which are not. can you bring us up to date with the situation as it stands at the moment? getting in if it is not by this new pier?— it is not by this new pier? there are other _ it is not by this new pier? there are other land _ it is not by this new pier? there are other land crossings - it is not by this new pier? there are other land crossings apart l it is not by this new pier? there . are other land crossings apart from rafah. that is the crossing with
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egypt, which has been closed for close to ten days now. there are other land borders with israel, but they have been disrupted too in the last few weeks. on occasions, the israeli lawyers are saying that in the international court ofjustice this morning that the most serious disruption has been because hamas was firing on the border, they are trying to pin responsibility on that disruption on how hamas rather than israel. aid has stopped, slowed, there has been disruption because of protesters in israel who have blockaded some mean convoys heading to gaza, and the convoys that you make it are subject to delay while they are surged by israeli officials to check bodies being carried into gaza to make sure that aid is not reaching hamas fighters without weapons are not being smuggled in. a number of tracks being crossed into gaza have been reduced due to this
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conflict, it is not matching what was previously reaching palestinian refugees know what is needed to keep them from famine. the message consistently has been that aid needs to reach gaza, and even though israel has supported the construction of this dark, more still needs to happen and this issue is regarded only as a temporary measure in, and that a properflow of aid through the land routes needs to be ensured for the long term. this has been the focus of debate today in the hague, at the international court ofjustice, the question of this offensive on rafah, we heard that from the prime minister, basically saying that from the military perspective of israel, this assault on rafah is essential, critical, i think was the word that netanyahu used.—
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critical, i think was the word that netanyahu used. yes, he has been sendin: netanyahu used. yes, he has been sending that _ netanyahu used. yes, he has been sending that message _ netanyahu used. yes, he has been sending that message with - netanyahu used. yes, he has been sending that message with his - netanyahu used. yes, he has beenj sending that message with his own troops and with the israeli people. south africa's case at the international court ofjustice is that israel's entire campaign in gaza, but particularly the operation in rafah over the last ten days amounts to genocide against the palestinian people. israel rejects that, says it is not targeting palestinian people and that its focus has been entirely on eradicating her hamas and that the focus is now on rafah because that is the last hold out some of the remaining hamas battalion. that is where the israeli activity needs to focus in order to wipe out that thread and in order to secure gaza from that threat. when netanyahu talks about air pipes supplying her hamas, he means that tunnels under the rafah and egypt border that have been used in the past to supply
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weapons and ammunition. and to get supplies to her fighters. weapons and ammunition. and to get supplies to herfighters. that weapons and ammunition. and to get supplies to her fighters. that is what israel says its military activity is focused on, not targeting palestinian refugees. even so, they are disrupted enormously, hundreds and thousands of people have been uprooted, and even though the aid has fallen short, it has been limited. the aid has fallen short, it has been limited. now we will return to the international court ofjustice, but international court ofjustice, but i want to bring you some breaking news. the slovakian government says that robert fico remains in intensive care, that is the latest update on his condition. earlier it was said that the prime minister was able to speak again after being shot several times on wednesday. police have charged a side spiked with attempted murder in what was the first major assassination attempt on a european political leaderfor more
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than 20 years. ministers have said that the gunman acted alone and have described the attack as politically motivated, so once again, just to give you that update from the slovakian government. the prime minister robert fico remains in intensive care. now, let's return to their case in the international court ofjustice. lawyers acting for israel have been responding at the un's top quote to south africa's call to end israeli operation in rafah and across gaza. israel has complained that the international court ofjustice is being exploited by south africa. it says it did not want the gaza war and it is under attack and trying to defend itself and its citizens. it says they are biased and false claims have been presented to court. it insisted that israel acted in accordance with
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international law and its humanitarian obligations. south african lawyers told the court in the hague that israel had intended from beginning to destroy palestinian life. they said palestinians needed from genocide. here is what israel has told the court in response.— court in response. south africa resents court in response. south africa presents the — court in response. south africa presents the quite _ court in response. south africa presents the quite yet - court in response. south africa presents the quite yet again, l court in response. south africa i presents the quite yet again, for the fourth time within this gulp of less than five months, with a picture that is completely divorced from the facts and circumstances. israel is engaged in a difficult and tragic armed conflict. south africa ignores this factual context, which is essential in order to comprehend the situation. and also ignores the applicable legal framework of international humanitarian law. it makes a mockery of that he has charge of genocide. as israel has
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previously stated before this court, when dealing with the lark, facts matter. truth should matter. worries must delete— or calling something a genocide again and again does not make it a genocide. repeating a lie does not make it true.— does not make it true. israel's defence was — does not make it true. israel's defence was interrupted - does not make it true. israel's defence was interrupted by . does not make it true. israel's defence was interrupted by a i defence was interrupted by a protester during the hearing. let's take a look at the moment that happened. i take a look at the moment that happened-— take a look at the moment that ha ened, ., , ., ., happened. i now proceed to read israel's final _ happened. i now proceed to read israel's final submission. - happened. i now proceed to read israel's final submission. the - happened. i now proceed to read l israel's final submission. the state of israel request the court to reject the request further modification and indication of provisional measures submitted by the republic of south africa. liars.
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lets seak the republic of south africa. liars. lets speak to _ the republic of south africa. liars. lets speak to a _ the republic of south africa. liars. lets speak to a request _ the republic of south africa. liars. lets speak to a request abundant l the republic of south africa. liars. lets speak to a request abundant in the hague. outside and inside the court there, just to take us through what we have been hearing both today and yesterday when south africa performed its arguments. tote and yesterday when south africa performed its arguments. we got a flavour there _ performed its arguments. we got a flavour there of _ performed its arguments. we got a flavour there ofjust _ performed its arguments. we got a flavour there ofjust how _ performed its arguments. we got a flavour there ofjust how sensitive i flavour there ofjust how sensitive and complex it is. israel has described south africa's case as divorced from reality and from the facts. israel's lawyers accused south africa of exploiting the genocide convention and presenting outlandish allegations. the most repugnant among them, israel said, were claims that israel has created zones of extermination, invoking members of the holocaust. and also using language reminiscent of the holocaust, trying to link the situation in rafah with the genocide in other places. israel said no
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state committing genocide would allow the provision of humanitarian aid as they have done, and the fact that they have given days and weeks for the civilian population to leave rafah, israel says is evidence that it does not intend to harm the palestinian people but rather is intent on destroying the threat posed by hamas. you heard the protester inquired, israel only took one hour and a half of the two hours allocated to present their response to south africa's allegations. you can see the television crews behind. we did hearfrom the can see the television crews behind. we did hear from the south african delegation after israel had presented its case on the steps of the quota year, they said, in fact, what we are witnessing is a live stream of genocide in gaza. israel is asking us not to see what we are seeing with our own eyes. huge tensions here at court. though we
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awaited thatjudge pat the judge's decision. just awaited that judge pat the “udge's decision. , . . ~ awaited that judge pat the “udge's decision. , , ., ~ , awaited that judge pat the “udge's decision. , w , ., ., decision. just take us through that timetable if _ decision. just take us through that timetable if you _ decision. just take us through that timetable if you like, _ decision. just take us through that timetable if you like, so _ decision. just take us through that timetable if you like, so that - decision. just take us through that timetable if you like, so that both| timetable if you like, so that both sides have had a couple of hours to put forward their perspective and point of view, how long is it likely to be before we hear what thejudges had decided? the to be before we hear what the “udges had decided?— had decided? the “udges are dealing with this case — had decided? the “udges are dealing with this case as — had decided? the judges are dealing with this case as a _ had decided? the judges are dealing with this case as a matter _ had decided? the judges are dealing with this case as a matter of - with this case as a matter of urgency, as they do with provisional measures. this is like a request for an emergency injunction designed to stop the situation from deteriorating any further while the court considers the merit of the case. the fundamental accusation from south africa at that israel is committing a genocide in gaza, which israel has denied. we would normally expect this to take between one and two or weeks. just to remind you, the provisional measures south africa has requested that mac
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festival, the immediate withdrawal of troops from rafah and a ceasefire in gaza. also be immediate access for humanitarian aid workers, journalists, investigators in order to find and preserve any evidence if it exists at any genocidal acts, which israel has denied committing. so, within the next couple of weeks we expect to have another hearing here at the icj where judges will tell us whether or not they have granted south africa's request for provisional measures.— provisional measures. thank you. around the _ provisional measures. thank you. around the world _ provisional measures. thank you. around the world and _ provisional measures. thank you. around the world and across - provisional measures. thank you. around the world and across the i provisional measures. thank you. i around the world and across the uk, this is bbc news.
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let's go straight to northern france, to rouen. let's go straight to northern france, to rouen. france's interior minister says police have shot dead a man who had
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attempted to set fire to a synagogue in the north—western city of rouen. this was after police shot dead the man who attempted to set fire to a synagogue in rouen. police were called shortly after smoke was seen rising from the synagogue in central rouen. when they arrived at the scene they were confronted by a man wielding a knife and an iron bar. the mayor of rouen said the man had climbed into the synagogue via an upstairs window and thrown in a molotov cocktail. he said there was severe damage to the inside of the synagogue, but no people were hurt. our correspondent has more from paris. hello, ithink our correspondent has more from paris. hello, i think a daughter let's listen to what he has been telling us earlier. tote let's listen to what he has been
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telling us earlier.— let's listen to what he has been telling us earlier. we know a bit more detail. — telling us earlier. we know a bit more detail, the _ telling us earlier. we know a bit more detail, the police - telling us earlier. we know a bit more detail, the police were - telling us earlier. we know a bit. more detail, the police were called after smoke was seen at the top of the synagogue rate in the middle of rouen. at about 7:15am. they arrived quickly on the scene with firefighters. when they did, there was a man up on the roof or high up on the outside, and an upper story of the building, who came down and confronted them. they ordered him to surrender, he did not, he lunged at them with a long knife and at that point he was shot dead. then they are of the city spoke to camera crews afterwards and said that the man appeared to have gotten into the synagogue through an upstairs window, he had scaled the walls and how and threw in a molotov cocktail into the building. photographs have just been shown on french television that there is some damage, scratch marks on the walls, there was a fire
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in there. it did catch fire. but it does not look like it was too extensive, there will be some reparations that has to be done inside but it has not devastated the building. nonetheless, for the jewish community of rouen it is a huge shock. this is coming at a time of growing anxiety on the part of the jewish population of growing anxiety on the part of thejewish population of france as a whole, about the growing number of anti—semitic attacks and incidents. thank you. here in the uk — south west water says a faulty valve in a field containing cattle has been identified as a possible source of a parasite that's contaminated water supplies in south devon. 22 cases of crypto sporidiosis have been confirmed. aruna iyengar. the queue for bottled water stretched all the way down this road, 130,000 were handed out by south west water by 5:00 yesterday. we have got two children that have been ill last week because we're
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in the actual affected area, sort of high brixham. just keep being informed will be good, just about where it's going, how long it's going to be. it's not very good, really, is it? do you know what i mean? but the fact they're giving water out is a start i suppose. people here are angry about what they say is a lack of clear communication. for over a week, people in the fishing town of brixham have been falling ill with diarrhea and vomiting. on tuesday, south west water said the drinking water was safe. but by wednesday there was a u—turn when tests showed water found near this storage site was contaminated. south west water said they'd found traces of cryptosporidium, a microscopic parasite which can be carried in water. the company said an air valve possibly contaminated with animal faeces could be the problem. we've identified that there's a damaged valve on part of our network, which could be the cause. we're doing further work to make sure we're absolutely confident that's the cause and the only cause.
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we're working through operational procedures. in the meantime, we're also doing further sampling to make sure we're really confident in that cause. it's told 16,000 households and businesses not to use tap water for drinking and brushing teeth without boiling and cooling it first. jess blake was enjoying her holiday in brixham last week until she fell ill. you expect that when you go abroad, to have to boil water and drink bottled water, but you don't expect it when you go on holiday to devon in your own country. so, yeah, i think the water board need investigating. some schools have been forced to shut. eden park primary was one of them. some pupils were allowed in, but only to take their sats exams and then leave. they've got no drinking water, so i totally understand that they've got to close. but it's not really an acceptable situation for south west water to leave the school in. south west water says it did deliver water to all schools and it's offered to pay £115 in compensation to customers.
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but its chief executive admitted the service had fallen significantly short of what customers should expect. it could be a week before tap water here is back to normal. aruna iyengar, bbc news. almost one week after the deadly flash floods in afghanistan families are still searching for the bodies of their what loved ones. the number of casualties is expected to rise. earlier we spoke to caroline davies who's in afghanistan's baghlan province and she gave us the latest on this story. we followed the trail of devastation for miles, following where that body of water had come down, destroying homes, destroying livelihoods, wheat crops, livestock. and finally, we reached one of the villages that had been the worst affected. some of these villages further up in the mountainside
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are still entirely cut off because the roads to reach them have been swept away. the longer we spent with people there, the more we were able to get more information, more details, about exactly what had happened when that water hit. and we were able to find out about some truly incredible rescues. friday afternoon, the main street of this village is a raging torrent. on the roof noor ahmad and his family barely visible. minutes later, the building collapses. translation: when the wall fell i remember thinking, _ "i have lost everything. we are all finished." i was underwater and hoping, "oh, god, please take my life so my problems will be over." noor survived, clinging to an almond tree. his ten—year—old daughter had disappeared downstream. a few kilometres away, abdul ahad showed me where he spotted her, caught in the branches of an uprooted tree.
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his son pulled herfree. translation: my father and mother said don't go there, _ you will be taken by the flood. but my heart felt for her. there was a feeling i had in myself that i could do it. i took her on my back and i got her to our house. most parts of her body were injured. shaken, muddied, but alive. she is now recovering at a relative's house with no home yet to return to. this is the first time her father has seen the family that saved her. would you like to meet him? how do you feel now, meeting the people who saved your daughter's life?
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translation: right now i don't have anything. - if i give them the whole world it won't be equal with what they did for us. one corner of one village, those who did what they could to save others from the waters. one of the ongoing concerns here we've been speaking to charities, including save the children, are that it's difficult to get clean water to many of these villages, as well as trying to continue to get aid in to people who really need it. but there are also longer term questions as well about afghanistan's resilience to these sort of incidents. hundreds of people in indonesia have been forced to leave their homes after an increase in activity in a
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volcano. officials in mount ibu on halmahera island raised the alert to the highest level after two major eruptions within the span of a few days. before we go, some nice pictures to leave you with. for tiger cubs had been born in wiltshire. the week—old babies are currently being nurtured by their mum. it is important, as the species is currently listed as endangered. the hope is that visitors will be able to see them in the summer once they have had their inoculations. there you go, i told you they were nice pictures. stay with us here on bbc news. hello. after a rather murky start to friday, we have seen more sunshine develop and it will continue to do so for many through the day. big difference, really,
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for those across parts of northern england, the midlands and wales. a lot more sunshine around, but we'll see a few heavy showers form here and there as i'll show you. low pressure is still just about in charge. that's hence the showers are going up. but this is the old weather front from yesterday. it's been sitting across parts of southern scotland, northern england, north and west wales, continuing to produce quite a bit of cloud in these areas, misty over the hills and around some of the coasts. but away from that, a few showers brewing across england. wales nowhere near as wet as yesterday, but a few thunderstorms. and the highlands where we could get to around 23 degrees as we go into this afternoon. so a warm day where you've got the sunshine. pleasant evening for most. still a few showers and thunderstorms rumbling around, but they will fade away through the night. and then the story turns to some extensive mist and fog coming in off the north sea for the morning, maybe as far west as glasgow and birmingham as we start saturday morning. but it will be too chilly out there. temperatures probably at the lowest, around six or seven degrees, most in double figures as we start the weekend. so the chart for the weekend shows a bit of optimism for some that we've got high pressure trying to build in from the north and west, not fully with us yet.
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still low pressure dominating towards the south and east. and it's here where we're continuing to see a few showers roll in. also, lots of mist and fog to start a rather gray saturday in eastern areas could linger around some coast. showers will break out. but because, of course, that area of high pressure, it's wales, the south west in particular, where some of those could be heavy and thundery a quieter day for parts of western scotland and it's here, the highest of the temperatures, 23 celsius there around glasgow and the loch lomond area. then into sunday, more in the way of sunshine for england and wales. that area of high pressure toppling down again. it could be quite a misty, foggy start and some low cloud lingering around north sea coast, a lot more cloudy through central northern scotland. a few showers here expected, but for many a dry day on sunday and a fairly warm one again as well. temperatures maybe 20 to 23 this time across wales and the southwest likely to see the highest of the temperatures. that brief ridge of high pressure lasts into monday, but then low pressure starts to gang in from both sides as we go through next week. so do expect more in the way of showers after a fine start.
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but when the sun shines out, temperatures will still be a little bit above normal for the time of year. bye for now.
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china makes a big move to stabilise its property market, pledging to buy unwanted apartments. boeing hunts for a new boss to rebuild its reputation. shareholders are gathering
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for a tense meeting later today. and tesla's chair says it will be a struggle to get shareholders to agree elon musk�*s $56 billion pay package. welcome to business today, i'm tadhg enright. the government in china has announced what it describes as "historic" steps to stabilise its embattled property sector. the move should calm international nerves about what a chinese property crash would mean to the rest of the world. we've been reporting for some time now on the problem. real estate is the one investment that most people in china are able to make and developers have been building masses of new homes in expectation of that continuing, but investor confidence has faded. there is a glut of unsold homes and some big developers are at risk of going bust. beijing's housing ministry
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is planning to buy some of those apartments, relax the rules on mortgage


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