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tv   BBC News  BBC News  May 18, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm BST

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health officials in the southwest of england say they expect an increase in sickness, after a parasite enters the water supply. and shocking footage emerges of an assault by the rap star sean diddy combs on his then—girlfriend cassie ventura. hello. ukraine's president volodymyr zelensky says his country only has about a quarter of the amount of air defences it needs to fight off russian attacks. he said ukraine needed up to 130 of the western f—16 fighter jets. dozens are due to arrive sometime this yearfrom european donor countries, and ukrainian pilots are currently being trained. let's speak to our ukraine correspondent james waterhouse in kyiv.
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we've heard repeatedly from president zelensky about the need for more ammunition and the need for more weapons. can you tell us what the situation is this time?— the situation is this time? well, he has alwa s the situation is this time? well, he has always plonked _ the situation is this time? well, he has always plonked air— the situation is this time? well, he has always plonked air defences i the situation is this time? well, he has always plonked air defences at | has always plonked air defences at the top of his wish list. that's been the case for the last year or so because of two things, really, russia has continued to launch missile attacks on cities across ukraine but also russia has become far more superior, more dominant in the air right across the front line. so you have exhausted, thinly stretched ukrainian troops trying to defend cities and russian fighter jets flying in and dropping missiles and glide bombs and as for the situation in the north—east where the incursion is taking place, we are hearing from the authorities around the town on the border, they
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are saying thousands of glide bombs have been dropped which reflects russia's ability to mount these kind of strikes unchallenged, so president zelensky has been quite specific on what he both needs and lacks. he wants more air defence systems and says he's got a quarter of what he needs and he has specified how many f—16 fighter of what he needs and he has specified how many f—16fighterjets you would like. despite ukrainian pilots being trained by western allies, in the uk for example and others promising them, not one has been used operationally by ukraine and it was once predicted they would arrive last year but that hasn't happened and here we are halfway through 2024 and no fighterjets yet, but he's clearly not giving up on that yet. yet, but he's clearly not giving up on that yet-— on that yet. there has also been several other _ on that yet. there has also been several other warnings - on that yet. there has also been several other warnings from - several other warnings from president zelensky, when it comes to the fact that russia could increase its attacks in the north—east as well as morale amongst his army.
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yeah, i think it's a reflection of how serious things have become over the past week when you have presidents zelensky admitting that the morale of his troops is not where he would like it to be. it is in the main you have soldiers who've been fighting for the best part of two years without a long rest, so he is trying to address that with a controversial new mobilisation law where there are tougher penalties for those who avoid the draft and an omission of any limit of service you would have to serve, but he is also fearful that this attack could be a wave of whole new salts where russia tries to make the most of exhausted ukrainian troops, as discussed, but also the delayed arrival of billions of dollars of american ammunition and weaponry and long—range missiles. it's clearly trying to stretch the ukrainians and if we see attacks further into the kharkiv region as presidents zelensky
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suggests, then very quickly the pressure builds on cities like kharkiv itself as well as kyiv as it once again faces a full—scale invasion on even more front after 18 months of it being mostly fought in the east and south.— months of it being mostly fought in the east and south. james, thank you for that update. _ the former chief of staff to the russian opposition leader alexei navalny has said the fight to change the country must go ahead, despite mr navalny�*s death in february. speaking to the bbc�*s laura kuenssberg, leonid volkov reiterated navalny�*s call for his supporters never to back down and backed his widow yulia to lead the opposition campaign against president vladimir putin. alexei was a close friend, a great guy, an inspiring personality, a true hero, and a great and very capable political leader.
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there is no substitution for him, and this loss will always be just like an open wound in our hearts, in the hearts of his colleagues and friends. but we also know that he asked us to never give up and. like to continue our work and to build this to defeat putin and to build this beautiful russia of the future that alexei dreamed of for so many years. it is the only practical way to preserve his legacy and to make his ultimate sacrifice not to be in vain. yulia is also a very strong personality and a charismatic leader. she never wanted to be in this public role, and she was always a very close political advisor to alexei and for us. as for me, navalny�*s organization,
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the teams that navalny organized, gathered together, ot�*s very clear and natural that our task in this situation is just like to support yulia and all her endeavors in everything that she does. and that's what we are doing now, course. and viewers in the uk can watch all of that interview on sunday with laura kuenssberg on bbc one tomorrow morning at 9am. a story we've been following the last few days. slovakian officials have given an update on the condition of prime minister robert fico. they say his condition remains serious , but there is a positive prognosis. it follows the assassination attempt that sent shock waves across europe. the suspect charged with trying to murder mr fico is appearing in court, for a hearing to decide whether to hold him in pre—trial detention. the 71—year—old was brought to the court complex northeast of the capital bratislava in a police convoy.
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0ur europe correspondent bethany bell has been following the story from bratislava. the health minister said that his condition appears to have stabilised following the surgery he had yesterday to remove dead tissue. she said that we can speak of, in her words, a positive prognosis for the prime minister but he still remains in a very serious condition in hospital and we were told by the deputy prime minister that it is unlikely they would be able to move him from the hospital where he is in central slovakia back to bratislava in the next coming days. the deputy prime minister also said it was possible to communicate with mr fico within the limits of his condition. we now know that the man who has been charged with attempting
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to assassinate the prime minister has arrived in court. what is the mood now in the country given there was this attack which shocked many around the world? a very shocked and quite concerned atmosphere here among many, many people. the country had already been going through a period of political turmoil, but this has just increased fears of increased polarisation in this country. and there are accusations on both sides that people are making the situation, rather than the interior minister accusing the opposition and media of creating an atmosphere of hate. critics on the opposition side would say that mr fico is known for his confrontational and aggressive attitude,
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but what the slovakian president has said is that this hate speech had got to stop. many slovaks are waiting to see whether the temperature will start to calm down. health officials in devon, in southwest england, say the tank which was infected with a parasite causing sickness in south devon has now been drained, and will be thoroughly cleaned on saturday. a total of 46 cases of cryptosporidiosis have been confirmed so far — with more than 100 other people reporting symptoms. south west water has said it's �*truly sorry�* for the outbreak and that the company will not stop working until the situation is resolved. 0ur climate and science reporter esme stallard has been following the story from brixham. well, as you said, they said they're sincerely sorry. and part of that investigation, which they think is caused by an air valve up by hillhead reservoir here and they think some animal manure got in by this faulty valve.
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so what they've started to do is to drain that reservoir. and they're saying that once they've done that, they'll do further tests to make sure that it's all cleaned up. i mean, as you said, they've been criticised heavily from the fact that early in the week they denied there was a problem and then said there was and they're trying to respond to that. so they increased the amount of compensation being offered to people here to £115. and they've also set up a dedicated business line. but some people still remain angry. they said that £115 is an insult, in particular to businesses who obviously have been severely hit by people staying away as a result of this issue. well, esme, as you said, people are angry. this must have really shaken the residents and the businesses confidence in the water. what's the advice that they're getting? so at the moment, residents here remain under a boil water notice. so as you can see behind me, we're at a water distribution point. so residents are being advised to allow any water they consume, whether it be for drinking
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or for cleaning your teeth, either to make sure the water is rolling boil, so that means that it's approaching 100 degrees, or to be using this bottled water here. but as you said, people are very much shaken. you know, they were falling sick last weekend and they were told everything was fine and then suddenly actually everything isn't fine. so i think people don't have a lot of trust right now in south west water. and esme, this, you know, the wider context of this, there has been a number of issues and concerns when it comes to water across the uk, haven't there? there has been. absolutely. i mean, last week we heard that bbc news reported about a sewage spill into lake windermere, which was the responsibility of united utilities. and this comes off the back of an investigation that's ongoing at the moment by the environment agency and also the water regulator 0fwat into all nine water companies in england about their performance in terms of sewage and also their infrastructure.
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so i think that's the sort of background for this crisis. and so i think people here are just they think this is an example of lack of investment in the infrastructure by water companies. the father of an israeli hostage whose body has been recovered from gaza, has told the bbc of his relief that she can now be buried. 22—year—old shani louk was killed in the attacks by hamas on october the 7th, and her remains were taken back through the border fence by militants. it comes as heavy fighting has once again engulfed jabalia in northern gaza, which israeli forces said had been cleared of hamas fighters months ago. 0ur diplomatic correspondent paul adams reports from jerusalem. street battles injabalia. israeli forces have been fighting here for days. hamas, they say, is back and needs to be dealt with. this is dangerous urban warfare at close quarters. the israelis were here months ago and moved on. these, some warn, early signs of an insurgency that could last months.
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and last night, a reminder of how all this began. three hostages, captured at a music festival in october. their bodies retrieved somewhere in the wreckage of gaza. shani louk was declared dead months ago. her father now finally able to say goodbye. we are relieved that now we are going to bury her, this beautiful girl, and actually i saw yesterday the picture of this amazingly beautiful woman, you know, the one that brought light into ourfamily, into our friends, family, and into israel and into the world, really. back in gaza, aid is now starting to flow along america's new maritime corridor. these the first shipments to arrive yesterday. the compound just south of gaza city, controlled by israel. it's a welcome new route, but no substitute for bringing aid in by land. more than 600,000 palestinians have fled the south over the past two
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weeks, seeking refuge further north along the along the coast. the new aid coming in includes shelter as well as food, but the need is colossal and growing. away from gaza, another front in israel's war — a rare air strike last night onjenin in the west bank, killing a key figure in one of the city's armed groups. israel says he was involved in attacks onjewish settlers. his followers have vowed revenge. paul adams, bbc news, jerusalem. now it's time for a look at today's sport with 0llie it's the final day of the women's super league season. chelsea are top of the table but only on goal diference from manchester city. let's head live to old trafford where chelsea are playing manchester united. jo currie is there for us.
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simple for the reigning champions, theyjust have to match what manchester city do at villa. absolutely. the goal difference, better _ absolutely. the goal difference, better goal difference of two could better goal difference of two could he vital _ better goal difference of two could be vital. someone who knows exactly what it's _ be vital. someone who knows exactly what it's like to win a title on the final_ what it's like to win a title on the final day— what it's like to win a title on the final day of— what it's like to win a title on the final day of the season is former liverpool — final day of the season is former liverpool and everton striker liverpool and eve rton striker natasha _ liverpool and everton striker natasha dowie liverpool and everton striker natasha bowie and it went twice your way with _ natasha bowie and it went twice your way with liverpool and once with everton — way with liverpool and once with everton it — way with liverpool and once with everton it didn't, but how close will it _ everton it didn't, but how close will it he — everton it didn't, but how close will it be today? it everton it didn't, but how close will it be today?— everton it didn't, but how close will it be today? it will be tight. man united _ will it be today? it will be tight. man united are _ will it be today? it will be tight. man united are on _ will it be today? it will be tight. man united are on a _ will it be today? it will be tight. man united are on a high, - will it be today? it will be tight. | man united are on a high, really good _ man united are on a high, really good performance, _ man united are on a high, really good performance, winning - man united are on a high, really good performance, winning thel man united are on a high, really. good performance, winning the fa man united are on a high, really- good performance, winning the fa cup and they— good performance, winning the fa cup and they are _ good performance, winning the fa cup and theyare here— good performance, winning the fa cup and they are here at— good performance, winning the fa cup and they are here at their— good performance, winning the fa cup and they are here at their home - and they are here at their home ground — and they are here at their home ground and _ and they are here at their home ground and they _ and they are here at their home ground and they will _ and they are here at their home ground and they will want - and they are here at their home ground and they will want to - and they are here at their home l ground and they will want to spoil emma _ ground and they will want to spoil emma hayes's _ ground and they will want to spoil emma hayes's party. _ ground and they will want to spoil emma hayes's party. i— ground and they will want to spoil emma hayes's party. i know- ground and they will want to spoil emma hayes's party. i know they| ground and they will want to spoil. emma hayes's party. i know they are fighting _ emma hayes's party. i know they are fighting for— emma hayes's party. i know they are fighting for fourth— emma hayes's party. i know they are fighting for fourth spot _ emma hayes's party. i know they are fighting for fourth spot but _ emma hayes's party. i know they are fighting for fourth spot but that - fighting for fourth spot but that will he — fighting for fourth spot but that will he the _ fighting for fourth spot but that will be the big _ fighting for fourth spot but that will be the big motivation, - fighting for fourth spot but that will be the big motivation, to l fighting for fourth spot but that. will be the big motivation, to spoil the chelsea — will be the big motivation, to spoil the chelsea party. _ will be the big motivation, to spoil the chelsea party-— the chelsea party. chelsea controlling _ the chelsea party. chelsea controlling their _ the chelsea party. chelsea controlling their emotions| the chelsea party. chelsea i controlling their emotions not the chelsea party. chelsea - controlling their emotions notjust controlling their emotions not just because _ controlling their emotions not just because a — controlling their emotions not just because a title on the line but also because _ because a title on the line but also because their manager 12 years is leaving _ because their manager 12 years is leaving. how difficult is it for a play _ leaving. how difficult is it for a play on — leaving. how difficult is it for a play on a — leaving. how difficult is it for a play on a big occasion like this? it's play on a big occasion like this? it's so _ play on a big occasion like this? it's so hard _ play on a big occasion like this? it's so hard. it's hard enough when you are _ it's so hard. it's hard enough when you are fighting _ it's so hard. it's hard enough when you are fighting for— it's so hard. it's hard enough when you are fighting for the _ it's so hard. it's hard enough when you are fighting for the title - it's so hard. it's hard enough when you are fighting for the title on - you are fighting for the title on the last— you are fighting for the title on the last game _ you are fighting for the title on the last game of— you are fighting for the title on the last game of the _ you are fighting for the title on the last game of the season i you are fighting for the title onl the last game of the season but you are fighting for the title on - the last game of the season but when you have _ the last game of the season but when you have a _ the last game of the season but when you have a manager— the last game of the season but when you have a manager that _ the last game of the season but when you have a manager that is _ the last game of the season but when you have a manager that is leaving. you have a manager that is leaving who's— you have a manager that is leaving who's been— you have a manager that is leaving who's been there _ you have a manager that is leaving who's been there so _ you have a manager that is leaving who's been there so long, - you have a manager that is leaving who's been there so long, it - you have a manager that is leaving who's been there so long, it is - who's been there so long, it is
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tough — who's been there so long, it is tough but _ who's been there so long, it is tough but these _ who's been there so long, it is tough but these players - who's been there so long, it is tough but these players are i tough but these players are exoerienced _ tough but these players are experienced and _ tough but these players are experienced and like - tough but these players are experienced and like i- tough but these players are experienced and like i said, they 'ust experienced and like i said, they just want— experienced and like i said, they just want to _ experienced and like i said, they just want to get _ experienced and like i said, they just want to get the _ experienced and like i said, they. just want to get the whistle—blower and get _ just want to get the whistle—blower and get the — just want to get the whistle—blower and get the game _ just want to get the whistle—blower and get the game started, - just want to get the whistle—blower and get the game started, the - and get the game started, the build-up— and get the game started, the build-up is— and get the game started, the build—up is the _ and get the game started, the build—up is the worst - and get the game started, the build—up is the worst part. - and get the game started, the. build—up is the worst part. they 'ust build—up is the worst part. they just want— build—up is the worst part. they just want to _ build—up is the worst part. they just want to start _ build—up is the worst part. they just want to start playing - build—up is the worst part. they just want to start playing a - just want to start playing a football _ just want to start playing a football match. _ just want to start playing a football match.— just want to start playing a football match. , ., ., ., football match. chelsea are level on oints with football match. chelsea are level on points with manchester _ football match. chelsea are level on points with manchester city - football match. chelsea are level on points with manchester city and - points with manchester city and playing — points with manchester city and playing at villa park and city will be kicking themselves because a couple _ be kicking themselves because a couple of— be kicking themselves because a couple of weeks ago this was all in their hands— couple of weeks ago this was all in their hands because of the goal difference, two down on chelsea, they know — difference, two down on chelsea, they know they need goals. they absolutely do. _ they know they need goals. they absolutely do. the _ they know they need goals. they absolutely do. the arsenal game is a real turning — absolutely do. the arsenal game is a real turning point. _ absolutely do. the arsenal game is a realturning point. i— absolutely do. the arsenal game is a real turning point. ithink— absolutely do. the arsenal game is a real turning point. i think city- real turning point. i think city deserved _ real turning point. i think city deserved to _ real turning point. i think city deserved to win _ real turning point. i think city deserved to win the - real turning point. i think city deserved to win the league . real turning point. i think city. deserved to win the league and they've — deserved to win the league and they've played _ deserved to win the league and they've played the _ deserved to win the league and they've played the best - deserved to win the league and| they've played the best football deserved to win the league and - they've played the best football but they've played the best football but they are _ they've played the best football but they are in — they've played the best football but they are in that— they've played the best football but they are in that situation _ they've played the best football but they are in that situation where - they've played the best football but they are in that situation where you had to— they are in that situation where you had to win — they are in that situation where you had to win by— they are in that situation where you had to win by three _ they are in that situation where you had to win by three goals _ they are in that situation where you had to win by three goals and - they are in that situation where you had to win by three goals and it's . had to win by three goals and it's so hard _ had to win by three goals and it's so hard managing _ had to win by three goals and it's so hard managing the _ had to win by three goals and it's so hard managing the game. - had to win by three goals and it's so hard managing the game. we| had to win by three goals and it's - so hard managing the game. we were talking _ so hard managing the game. we were talking on— so hard managing the game. we were talking on the — so hard managing the game. we were talking on the sidelines _ so hard managing the game. we were talking on the sidelines they - so hard managing the game. we were talking on the sidelines they were - talking on the sidelines they were or do— talking on the sidelines they were or do we — talking on the sidelines they were or do we need _ talking on the sidelines they were or do we need more, _ talking on the sidelines they were or do we need more, do- talking on the sidelines they were or do we need more, do we - talking on the sidelines they were or do we need more, do we needl talking on the sidelines they were - or do we need more, do we need less, do we _ or do we need more, do we need less, do we need _ or do we need more, do we need less, do we need to— or do we need more, do we need less, do we need to defend _ or do we need more, do we need less, do we need to defend or— or do we need more, do we need less, do we need to defend or attack - or do we need more, do we need less, do we need to defend or attack and - do we need to defend or attack and that's— do we need to defend or attack and that's why— do we need to defend or attack and that's why i'm — do we need to defend or attack and that's why i'm so— do we need to defend or attack and that's why i'm so excited _ do we need to defend or attack and that's why i'm so excited about - that's why i'm so excited about watching — that's why i'm so excited about watching today, _ that's why i'm so excited about watching today, tactically - that's why i'm so excited about watching today, tactically howl that's why i'm so excited about i watching today, tactically how the game _ watching today, tactically how the game evolves _ watching today, tactically how the game evolves with _ watching today, tactically how the game evolves with what's - watching today, tactically how the game evolves with what's going . watching today, tactically how thel game evolves with what's going on watching today, tactically how the . game evolves with what's going on in the other— game evolves with what's going on in the other games _ game evolves with what's going on in the other games. if— game evolves with what's going on in the other games.— the other games. if you are a manager— the other games. if you are a manager at — the other games. if you are a manager at one _ the other games. if you are a manager at one of _ the other games. if you are a manager at one of these - the other games. if you are a manager at one of these two | the other games. if you are a - manager at one of these two teams, would _ manager at one of these two teams, would you _ manager at one of these two teams, would you let your players look at the mobile phone at half time. it�*s the mobile phone at half time. it's auoin to the mobile phone at half time. it's going to happen, regardless of the phones. _ going to happen, regardless of the phones. they— going to happen, regardless of the phones. they will— going to happen, regardless of the phones, they will be _ going to happen, regardless of the phones, they will be talking - going to happen, regardless of the phones, they will be talking about| phones, they will be talking about what's _ phones, they will be talking about what's happening. _ phones, they will be talking about what's happening, they— phones, they will be talking about what's happening, they will- phones, they will be talking about what's happening, they will have i phones, they will be talking about . what's happening, they will have to. and the _ what's happening, they will have to. and the fans — what's happening, they will have to. and the fans will _ what's happening, they will have to. and the fans will let _ what's happening, they will have to. and the fans will let them _ what's happening, they will have to. and the fans will let them know - what's happening, they will have to. and the fans will let them know as l and the fans will let them know as well, _ and the fans will let them know as well, trust —
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and the fans will let them know as well, trust me. _ and the fans will let them know as well, trust me, there _ and the fans will let them know as well, trust me, there will- and the fans will let them know as well, trust me, there will be - and the fans will let them know as i well, trust me, there will be 60,000 on their— well, trust me, there will be 60,000 on their mobile — well, trust me, there will be 60,000 on their mobile phones _ well, trust me, there will be 60,000 on their mobile phones letting - well, trust me, there will be 60,000 on their mobile phones letting theml on their mobile phones letting them know _ on their mobile phones letting them know. ., ., ., ., know. en'oy the game and thanks for 'oinin: know. enjoy the game and thanks for 'oinin: us. know. enjoy the game and thanks for joining us- kick— know. enjoy the game and thanks for joining us. kick off _ know. enjoy the game and thanks for joining us. kick off here _ know. enjoy the game and thanks for joining us. kick off here and - joining us. kick off here and everywhere across the country on the final day _ everywhere across the country on the final day of _ everywhere across the country on the final day of the season is at three o'clock _ final day of the season is at three o'clock. ~ ., , final day of the season is at three o'clock. n, , ., phil foden is the premier league's player of the season. he's scored 17 league goals and provided eight assists, his best season to date. foden said he was extremely proud, and happy with the way he'd been playing. it comes a day after winning the football writers' award. city will win an unprecedented fourth league title in a row if they beat west ham tomorrow history will be made in saudi arabia on saturday night, the superfight between tyson fury and 0leksandr usyk will see one of them become the first undisputed four belt heavyweight world champion. there were the usual pre—fight theatrics after the weight in as they had to be separated. at 15 stone 13 lb, usyk is almost three stone lighter than fury. the ukrainian holds the wba, wbo and ibf belts. fury is the wbc champion.
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i'm going to make this short and simple and i want to thank god for the victory i've received already and i want to thank everybody involved in putting this massive event on and i want to thank uysk for turning up event on and i want to thank uysk forturning up and event on and i want to thank uysk for turning up and challenging me. and that's about it, and thanks to the fans who travel to support me and i know it's tough times and money is hard, and i aim to put on a show. thank you very much. god bless. world number one scottie scheffler is three off the lead at the halfway point in the uspga championship despite being arrested hours before he teed off in his second round. he was involved in a traffic incident and detained for almost three hours and faces four charges including second—degree assault of a police officer. he shot 66 and is on nine under. xander schauffele still leads the second major of the season — after his record—equalling 62 in the opening round, he added a 68 to move to 12—under—par, just one shot clear of colin morikawa the field. rory mcilroy sank some great putts, but he's seven shots off the pace, as he looks to win his first major in ten years, that came
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in the same tournament on the same course in 2014. and that's all the sport for now. cctv footage has emerged of the rapper sean 'diddy�* combs physically assaulting his then—girlfriend cassie ventura in the corridor of a hotel in 2016. ms ventura made allegations of rape and physical abuse against him in a lawsuit that was settled last year. combs is at the centre of several civil lawsuits accusing him of sex offences. this report from emma vardy has some distressing images. cassie ventura claims she suffered years of abuse in her relationship with p diddy, one of the most influential artists in hip—hop. in the cctv footage, she is seen leaving a hotel room. sean combs appears to run after her, before carrying out a violent assault.
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the full tape shows her being kicked as she lies on the ground. after taking her items, next, the rapper seems to be seen throwing an object towards her. the video — obtained by the american news channel, cnn — has not been independently verified, but lawyers for cassie ventura, who has not objected to it being shown, say it confirms p diddy�*s disturbing and predatory behaviour. last month, homes linked with sean combs were raided by police in what they said was an ongoing investigation into sex trafficking. 0fficers searched properties in beverly hills, new york and miami associated with his production company. cassie ventura had previously brought a lawsuit against sean combs in relation to the incident in the video, said to be at a los angeles hotel. she settled out of court, but since then, several others have come forward, accusing him of sexual abuse. sean combs has previously denied
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all the allegations. in march, his lawyer called it a witch—hunt. today those lawyers said they no longer represent him. the video appears to corroborate one of the incidents described in cassie ventura's case. her accusations and others against p diddy — a self—proclaimed bad boy — now part of a dramatic downfall for one of hip—hop's biggest names. emma vardy, bbc news, los angeles. now to the plight of unpaid carers in the uk, who look after elderly or disabled relatives. more than 100,000 unpaid carers are being forced to repay an average of £1800, or almost $2300 each, money that many of them say they don't have. radio 4's moneybox reporter, dan whitworth has more. unpaid carers do an incrediblejob caring for a loved one, often day—in day—out, week—in week—out, with few if any breaks,
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but many tens of thousands of them have unwittingly or accidentally received overpayments of carer�*s allowance and now they have been asked to pay it back. people like karina moon, whose daughter, amber, requires round the clock care. she told breakfast three weeks ago that she is having to pay back £11,000 after unknowingly earning slightly over the claim limit at her part—time supermarketjob. at the moment i pay £60 a month and i have been repaying that for the last four years to repay my overpayment which was the £11,000. and i will be paying that until i am 73. so i have another 11 years of paying the £60 per month, which takes money out of our income. it is money that would help me run the car, help pay bills, put food on the table, all of those things.
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0r people like gina who has also been landed with a bill. i was presented with a bill and that obviously i had been overpaid. and it was a sum of £7,600. receiving that bill was a huge blow because it is a big debt by anyone's standards. even though i was only working part—time and for me it was huge. these latest figures show £251 million is currently owed by more than 134,000 carers, which works out at an average debt of nearly £1900 each. liberal democrat leader, sir ed davey, who is a carer for his teenage son, has previously called for these debts to be cancelled. it is just unbelievable that the government should be clawing back this money and blaming the carers when it is the government's own incompetence and the government's flawed system. there is something seriously wrong here. people work hard, they pay their taxes, they look after their loved ones —
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the government should be incentivising work, helping these carers, and it is doing the reverse. if unpaid carers care for someone for more than 35 hours per week, they are entitled to carer's allowance worth £81.90 a week but they are not allowed to earn more than £151 per week take—home pay. if they do, even byjust a few pence, they lose the entire allowance, but because they don't realise or are not informed for months or even years, some carers keep receiving overpayments and unwittingly racking up debt. it is really tough. they are shocked and horrified when they get a notice that they have been overpaid and it is devastating for their mental health and then feels really tough paying that back sometimes as well. the department for work and pensions says the total owed by carers includes historical debts, compares to a forecast budget
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of £4.2 billion on carer's allowance this year alone, and that it is committed to fairness in the welfare system. dan whitworth, bbc news. stay with us here on bbc news. we have several moving stories like the health condition of the slovakian president robert fico, so stay with us here on bbc news. good afternoon. there will still be a lot of dry weather to be enjoyed through the rest of the weekend but there are complications. we have low pressure close by on the weather front has brought patchy rain and now we are seeing storm development and we have a week weather front towards the north—west. the storms will bring the majority of the
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rainfall through the rest of afternoon and this evening. slow moving because there is a little bit of wind to move them on so the possibility of flooding and a warning out for it and you can find more details on the website but most likely the storms across the south—west and wales but also the central highlands and south west of scotland. 0ne central highlands and south west of scotland. one or two elsewhere perhaps later on in east anglia and the south—east. those will bring the temperatures down but for most of us it's another pleasantly warm day, away from the sea fog in eastern areas on the irish sea, and there is more cloud in the north—west of scotland and for northern ireland increase further in overnight and the storms ease away and the sea fog returns widely to central and eastern areas and one or two patches for the irish sea coast. a fresher night and a rather murky start to sunday morning, but again the misty start should clear away and it looks like there will be a lot of dry and sunny weather for many and fewer showers. probably more cloud on
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balance across scotland under—across the west of northern ireland and we start with lots of mist and fog and some low—lying fog elsewhere which will take some time to clear away and it might persist for some parts of north—east england and scotland. you can see elsewhere, fewer showers, there will be the odd one as the sun is strong and we will get temperatures perhaps a little higher than today across england and wales as a result. still in eastern parts of northern ireland and the central belt a bit lower than today as well. same sort of story going into monday, misty, murky weather is slow to clear away, very isolated showers. just a bit of a northerly drift coming in so temperatures are not so high, but bear in mind even if it is not quite as warm, it is still strong, the sunshine. as we head towards the middle of next week, the low pressure might bring in something more significant, wind and rain wise but the devil will be in the detail that far away but it looks at that stage as if it will turn more unsettled again after
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today's storms and a bit windier too.
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this is bbc news, the headlines... president zelensky has admitted that ukraine's lack of military manpower is sapping its forces' morale. he was speaking to the french news agency on the eve of the implementation of a new law which will extend kyiv�*s powers of conscription. mr zelensky reiterated his country's need for better air defences.
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the uk health security agency's expecting the number of people with a parasite that causes diarrhoea to rise, following the contamination of drinking water in the south—west of england. so far 46 cases have been confirmed, but officials say hundreds of people have reported symptoms of cryptosporidiosis. the man charged with trying to murder slovakia's prime minister, robert fico, is appearing in court for a hearing to decide whether to hold him in pre—trial detention. the country's deputy prime minister says mr fico had stabilised but still remained in a serious condition. now on bbc news... ronda rousey: more than a fighter. no—one can touch me, no—one can beat me, no—one could even get close to me. everyone's always going to define me by my failures but i know that i created the most efficient fighting style that ever existed and i'm proud of that.


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