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tv   BBC News  BBC News  May 18, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm BST

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1&0 1h: nearer gi'sfe in march. he asked us to never give u . in march. he asked us to never give u- and to in march. he asked us to never give up and to continue _ in march. he asked us to never give up and to continue our— in march. he asked us to never give up and to continue our work- in march. he asked us to never give up and to continue our work and - up and to continue our work and build, to defeat putin and build this beautiful russia for the future. , a, , this beautiful russia for the future. , . , this beautiful russia for the future. israel says it has struck more than _ future. israel says it has struck more than 70 _ future. israel says it has struck more than 70 targets - future. israel says it has struck more than 70 targets in - future. israel says it has struck more than 70 targets in gaza l future. israel says it has struck| more than 70 targets in gaza in future. israel says it has struck- more than 70 targets in gaza in the past day as fighting intensifies in both the north and south of the territory. and they boil water notice has been lifted for thousands in and around brixham after no traces of parasite were found in the supply area. hello i'm nicky schiller. welcome to the programme. we begin this hour in ukraine, where president zelensky says his country only has about a quarter of the amount of air defences it needs to fight off russian attacks. he said ukraine needed up to 130 of the western f—i6 fighter jets. dozens are due to arrive sometime this yearfrom european donor countries —
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and ukrainian pilots are currently being trained. mr zelensky also said the military was still short of manpower and russia could increase its attacks in ukraine's north east following its recent gains near the city of kharkiv. translation: we need to staff the reserve. - there are a serious number of brigrades which a large number of them are empty. we need to do this so the guys can have a normal rotation, then their morale will be improved. our ukraine correspondent james waterhouse outlined how desperate this need is for air defences. well, he always plonks air defences at the top of his wish list, that's been the case for the last year or so, because of two things — russia has continued to launch missile attacks on cities across ukraine,
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but russia has become more dominant in the air, right across the front line. so that means that when you have exhausted, thinly stretched ukrainian troops trying to defend cities, you have russian fighterjets flying in and dropping missiles and glide bombs, and as in the situation in the north—east with this incursion, we hear from authorities around the town of vovchansk on the border, they are saying thousands of glide bombs have been dropped, which reflects, i think, russia's ability to mount these strikes unchallenged. so president zelensky has been quite specific on what he needs and lacks. he wants more air defence systems, he says he's only got a quarter of what he needs. he's also specified how many f—i6 fighter jets he would like. despite ukrainian pilots being trained and the jets
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being promised, not one has been used operationally by ukraine. it has not happened, we are halfway through 2024 and no fighterjets, but he's not giving up on that, clearly. james waterhouse in kyiv. ukrainian officials say nearly 10,000 people in the north—east have now been evacuated from their homes since russia launched a renewed offensive across the border. the governor of the kharkiv region, oleg synegubov, said there has been another two russian attempts to break through ukraine's defences. let's speak to glib mazepa, who is a resident in downtown kharkiv. thank you forjoining us on bbc news. i wondered thank you forjoining us on bbc news. iwondered if thank you forjoining us on bbc news. i wondered if you could explain to our viewers around the world what day—to—day life is like at the moment in kharkiv? world what day-to-day life is like at the moment in kharkiv?- world what day-to-day life is like at the moment in kharkiv? well, on a dail basis at the moment in kharkiv? well, on a daily basis we — at the moment in kharkiv? well, on a daily basis we have _ at the moment in kharkiv? well, on a daily basis we have a _ at the moment in kharkiv? well, on a daily basis we have a tax _ at the moment in kharkiv? well, on a daily basis we have a tax of _ at the moment in kharkiv? well, on a daily basis we have a tax of russian i daily basis we have a tax of russian air forces which launch the guiding air forces which launch the guiding air bombs from the territory of russia and they are flying towards kharkiv, like, this afternoon there
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was no exception and these bombs, i think there were two, they hit the residential area, five wounded including three kids. yesterday it was quieter, three killed, i think 28 wounded, and the fire was a strong and we saw the smoke from our balcony, all around the city. on the 5th of may, easter, here, was the next block from our house was attacked, also a residential area. three days ago a house which we can see from our windows was struck by the air bombs, so it's pretty much life in kharkiv right now. can the air bombs, so it's pretty much life in kharkiv right now.— life in kharkiv right now. can i ask ou wh life in kharkiv right now. can i ask you why you _ life in kharkiv right now. can i ask you why you have _ life in kharkiv right now. can i ask you why you have decided - life in kharkiv right now. can i ask you why you have decided to - life in kharkiv right now. can i ask you why you have decided to stay| life in kharkiv right now. can i ask. you why you have decided to stay in kharkiv, when all of that is going on around you?— kharkiv, when all of that is going on around you? well, this is not the darkest time — on around you? well, this is not the darkest time that _ on around you? well, this is not the darkest time that kharkiv _ on around you? well, this is not the | darkest time that kharkiv witnessed, actually, and we stayed here, like, our parents and us, during the whole
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war with a small, like, out of the city in the new year when several rockets came in our neighbourhood. well, generally speaking it's liveable here and it's a big city, it's more than i liveable here and it's a big city, it's more thani million inhabitants, and before the war it was 1.5. everything is working, you know? you just have to keep in mind that you can be attacked from time to time and we usually during the air alerts and if we are informed there are some kind of bombs coming to the city, we just go to our home—made shelter which is like a bathroom because there are two walls between you and the street and this kind of situation we are living, we decided to stay forth why and how concerned are you about this new russian offensive?
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everybody is worried in the city, of course. so the 9th of may, russia celebrates the victory in the second world war, right? and thenjust celebrates the victory in the second world war, right? and then just the day after, so it was a day, attacked the north of the kharkiv region. everyone is worried in the city off course and the thing is we of course do not consider the possibility that they will siege the city, they even didn't manage this in 2022, but if the russian army will advance close enough to establish their artillery and rocket artillery, let's say like 20 kilometres from the city, they will start to attack the city, so we already saw it, so everybody is afraid of this. so far they didn't manage, they entered our borders, entered the territory up to ten
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kilometres and right now they are stopped, yeah, so everybody is kind of nervous in the city, of course, but i wouldn't say that there is massive emigration or whatever you can call it now. people just used to the war. can call it now. people 'ust used to the war. ., ~ , ., can call it now. people 'ust used to the war. ., ~ i. can call it now. people 'ust used to the war. ., ~ . ., the war. thank you so much for 'oinin: the war. thank you so much for joining us. _ the war. thank you so much for joining us. i— the war. thank you so much for joining us. i do _ the war. thank you so much for joining us, i do appreciate - the war. thank you so much for joining us, i do appreciate your| joining us, i do appreciate your time. ., ~' ,, the former chief of staff to the russian opposition leader alexei navalny has vowed to never give up fighting against president putin, saying the fight to change the country must go ahead, despite mr navalny�*s death in february in a russian prison. in his first broadcast interview since he was badly beaten in a hammer attack in march in lithuania, which he believes was ordered by the putin regime, leonid volkov spoke to the bbc�*s laura kuenssberg. he reiterated mr navalny�*s call for his supporters never to back down and backed his widow yulia to lead the opposition campaign against president putin.
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he was a close friend, a great guy, an inspiring personality, a true hero, and a great and very capable political leader. there is no substitution for him, and this loss will always be just like an open wound in our hearts, in the hearts of his colleagues and friends. but we also know that he asked us to never give up and to continue our work and to build this to defeat putin and to build this beautiful russia of the future that alexei dreamed of for so many years, is the only practical way to preserve his legacy and to make his ultimate sacrifice not to be in vain. yulia is also a very strong personality and a charismatic leader. she never wanted
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to be in this public role, and she was always a very close political advisor to alexei, and for us, as navalny�*s organisation, the teams that navalny organised, gather together, it's very clear and natural that our task in this situation is just to support yulia and all her endeavours in everything that she does. and that's what we are doing now, of course. and viewers in the uk can watch all of that interview on sunday with laura kuenssberg on bbc one tomorrow morning at 9am. i want to bring you some breaking news from the uk. south west water has told thousands of households in part of brixham in devon that they no
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longer have to boil their water. south west water said around 111,500 households in the old stunt supply area can now use their tap water safely, although some 2500 properties in hillhead, other parts of brixham and kingswear should continue to boil their supply before drinking it. you can see the bottled water being handed out there. it's all after a parasite has affected the local supply and in some areas it is still unsafe to drink. the company says tests confirmed the presence of cryptosporidium, which is causes diarrhoea at a water tank at the hillhead reservoir. a total of 46 cases of cryptosporidiosis have been confirmed so far, with more than 100 other people reporting symptoms. earlier i spoke to ben woolvin, our correspondent in brixham, and asked him whether bouts of sickness were still being
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reported. yes, there is the reassurance there that one source of cryptosporidium has been successfully identified, thatis has been successfully identified, that is reassuring public health officials as you say, but the latest officials as you say, but the latest official line we have from the water company is that work to rule out any other possible sources of contamination does continue and even if they have successfully isolated all of the sources of this cryptosporidium in the water supply, we are still being told it will be a week before the notice to boil water is likely to be lifted. what week before the notice to boil water is likely to be lifted.— is likely to be lifted. what has been the impact _ is likely to be lifted. what has been the impact on _ is likely to be lifted. what has been the impact on the - is likely to be lifted. what hasj been the impact on the health services in the area? we been the impact on the health services in the area?— services in the area? we were heafina services in the area? we were hearing from _ services in the area? we were hearing from the _ services in the area? we were hearing from the director- services in the area? we were hearing from the director of. services in the area? we were - hearing from the director of health in torbay this morning that there have been three hospital admissions caused by people experiencing very
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severe symptoms of cryptosporidiosis. remember, most people will recover within seven days at the latest advice from the health services you should only report your symptoms if they are either very severe or if you have blood in your pool, which would count as a severe symptom, or if your symptoms last more than seven days. leading some people who live here to question how reliable the latest figures are. the latest figure for the number of confirmed cases we have is a6, with hundreds of people said be reporting symptoms. there is a community hospital in the area that is affected by this outbreak. there are 20 beds there. but we are told by the nhs they are managing to cope, along with everyone else who lives here, by boiling their water. the message from the tourism industry is that this area is still open for business, because if the water is boiled it is safe to visit.—
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boiled it is safe to visit. that's ben woolvin — boiled it is safe to visit. that's ben woolvin reporting. - the president of georgia has announced that she has vetoed a draft law on foreign agents, though the move is largely symbolic. she can still be overruled by parliament. on tuesday, georgia's parliament passed the transparency of foreign influence bill, despite mass protests in the capital tbilisi over the past few weeks. the law requires non—governmental organisations and media outlets with more than 20% of their funding coming from outside georgia to register as bodies "pursuing the interests of a foreign power". critics say the bill mirrors the foreign agents law that exists in russia and will stifle freedom of speech. the father of an israeli hostage, whose body has been recovered from gaza, has told the bbc of his relief that she can now be buried. 22—year—old shani louk was killed in the attacks by hamas on october the 7th, and her remains were taken back through the border fence by militants. it comes as heavy fighting has once again engulfed jabalia in northern gaza,
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which israeli forces said had been cleared of hamas fighters months ago. our diplomatic correspondent paul adams reports from jerusalem. street battles injabalia. israeli forces have been fighting here for days. gunfire. hamas, they say, is back and needs to be dealt with. this is dangerous urban warfare at close quarters. the israelis were here months ago and moved on. these, some warn, early signs of an insurgency that could last months. and last night, a reminder of how all this began. three hostages, captured at a music festival in october. their bodies retrieved somewhere in the wreckage of gaza. shani louk was declared dead months ago. her father now finally able to say goodbye. we are relieved that now we are going to bury her, this beautiful girl, and actually i saw yesterday the picture of
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this amazingly beautiful woman, you know, the one that brought light into ourfamily, into our friends, family, and into israel and into the world, really. back in gaza, aid is now starting to flow along america's new maritime corridor. these the first shipments to arrive yesterday. the compound just south of gaza city, controlled by israel. it's a welcome new route, but no substitute for bringing aid in by land. more than 600,000 palestinians have fled the south over the past two weeks, seeking refuge further north along the coast. the new aid coming in includes shelter as well as food, but the need is colossal and growing. away from gaza, another front in israel's war — a rare air strike last night onjenin in the west bank, killing a key figure in one of the city's armed groups.
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israel says he was involved in attacks onjewish settlers. his followers have vowed revenge. paul adams, bbc news, jerusalem. i want to take you life to israel now because being a saturday this has happened every saturday since the october the 7th attacks, the families and relatives of those hostages being held whole day raleigh, where they ask for more government action to release their loved ones and you can see on that poster that is being held up how they've crossed out the age of one of the hostages there, from 79, 280, showing he has had birthday since october the 7th, since he was first taken in those hamas attacks in israel and, as i said, the relatives do this every saturday now, where
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they hold a rally, to try and press they hold a rally, to try and press the government of benjamin netanyahu to do more to get their hostages released and this of course coming after the news that those three bodies of three hostages have been brought out of gaza over the last couple of days. so, that rally taking place there. you are watching bbc news and it's time to get a check on the day's sport, let's head to the sports centre and ollie foster. it's between chelsea and manchester city who wins the title. they are level on points, but chelsea, who are at manchester united, have a better goal difference so just need to match what city do at villa. they've got a much better goal difference now, about half an hour left to play, a little bit over that in all these games,
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chelsea 5—0 up. they are heading for their fifth title in a row. manchester city are winning as well, doing their part, but they have to score a lot more because chelsea's goal difference, they are now five or six better off than man city, city would have to win that seven or eight — zero if they are to overhaul chelsea and win the title. chelsea not done yet, 35 minutes left to play but looking good for the title and you see the other scores as well, arsenal in third, beating brighton, liverpool winning as well. west ham have just equalised against tottenham. some breaking news in the past hour. brighton have confirmed that head coach roberto de zerbi will leave the club after sunday's final
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premier league match of the season against manchester united. the italian took charge in september 2022 and led brighton to their highest ever top—flight finish when they came sixth last season. they're currently tenth in the league heading into their final game of the season. chairman tony bloom says that the club and de zerbi "have mutually agreed" for him to leave. he has two micro years left on his contract as well. phil foden is the premier league's player of the season. he's scored 17 league goals and provided eight assists, his best season to date. foden said he was extremely proud, and happy with the way he'd been playing. it comes a day after winning the football writers' award. city will win an unprecedented fourth league title in a row if they beat west ham tomorrow. they might not even need that. history will be made in saudi arabia on saturday night. the superfight between tyson fury and oleksandr usyk will see one of them become the first undisputed four—belt heavyweight world champion. ade adedoyin reports from riyadh.
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262lb for tyson fury! tyson fury facing the biggest challenge of his career, against fellow champion oleksandr usyk. the two going head—to—head in a fiery face off. a stark contrast to fury�*s public appearance a few days ago. i will keep this short. i want to thank god for the victory i've received already. i want to thank everybody involved in putting this massive event on. i want to thank usyk for turning up and challenging me. and that's about it. thank you to the fans who travelled to support me, because i know it's tough times at the moment and money is hard, so i aim to put on a show. thank you very much. god bless. fury is a master of mind games, but usyk is a tough nut to crack — the ukrainian unfazed by the shoving and shenanigans. my power, it's my family, my wife, my children. my power is my people, ukrainian people, who now support my country.
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my power here is my friend, my team. all chant: fury, fury! a carnival atmosphere with fury�*s legion of travelling fans in good spirits. how will it go? knock him out in eight rounds. going to nine. the belts are coming - back to morecambe bay. this is where they will settle their differences. both are champions, both undefeated, and both hoping to walk out of the ring having made history as the first undisputed champion of the world this century. saudi arabia is rapidly becoming a global hub for boxing. money has been the stumbling block for making these fights but has also provided a solution, with the kingdom splashing the cash. my name is oleksandr, nice to meet you. nice to meet you. a huge night for the sport and both fighters. a chance to find out who really is the best heavyweight of this generation. ade adedoyin, bbc news, riyadh. a quick update on our top story, chelsea still winning 5—0 at
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manchester united, looking very good for the women's super league title once again. one more goal would see them break the record for the most goals in a women's super league season. they are on 70 at the moment. we'll have an update for you a little bit later on bbc news. thanks very much, ollie foster at the sports centre. to slovakia next. the man charged with an assassination attempt on prime minister robert fico will be held in custody. the 71—year—old was brought to court in a police convoy. a court spokeswoman said the reason for his pre—trial detention is because of "concerns about a potential escape or that criminal activity may continue". doctors treating prime minister fico say they will not be able to transfer him to the country's capital, bratislava, because his condition is still too serious for him to be moved from the small town hospital near where he was shot on wednesday. our europe correspondent bethany bell is in bratislava. i spoke with her earlier and started by asking her about the latest on the prime minister's condition.
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we had a statement from slovakia's health minister earlier today, saying that mr fico underwent surgery yesterday to remove dead tissue from the gunshot wound, and that appears to have stabilised his condition. she spoke of what she called a positive prognosis but of course mr fico remains in a serious condition. as you said, he is not able to be moved yet from this hospital in central slovakia to the capital. and people have also said, the deputy prime minister said they are able to communicate with him within the limits of his condition, and for now they would not be appointing a caretaker leader. and the man charged with attempted murder is going to be kept in custody after his court appearance. yes. as you mentioned, the prosecutor had argued that there were concerns
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that this man might either try to escape or commit further criminal activities if he were not kept in pre—trial detention. we still know very little, the authorities have said very little as to the identity of this man. there are a lot of rumours and reports in local media and the internet, but the authorities have not officially named him yet. it is understood he is a 71—year—old man. the government has described him as being anti—government, that said he had attended a number of anti—government protests in recent months and they also described him as a lone wolf, acting alone. bethany bell reporting. finally, some great pictures of pope francis.
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he found himself surrounded by a group of nuns, as he attended a ceremony in verona. take a look at this. the nuns, who rarely leave their convents, were released for the special occasion, and took the opportunity to touch the pope's hands and kiss his crucifix. after the encounter, pope francis joked that "even cloistered nuns do not lose joy". ido i do think that he has a rather startled look on his face there, as he is taken by those nuns and kissing his crew to crucifix, some lovely pictures, stay with us, the news headlines are on the way for you. good afternoon, still some dry weather but some complications. we are seeing some storm development and a week when the front of the north—west as well. the storms will
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bring the majority of the rainfall throughout the rest of this afternoon and this evening. slow moving because there is little wind to move them on so the possibility of flooding and there is a warning out for it, you can find more detail on the website. most likely those storms across the south—west and wales but also the central highlands, the south—west of scotland. one or two elsewhere perhaps across east anglia and the south—east. those will bring the temperature down but for most of it's a pleasantly warm day away from the sea fog which is around some eastern areas in the round the irish sea coast and there is more cloud in the north west of scotland and for northern ireland. that creeps further in overnight. the storms either way. the sea fog returns quite widely to central and eastern areas, one or two patches for the irish sea coast so a fresher night and a rather murky start to our sunday morning, but again the mist and murk should clear away quite readily and i think it looks like there will be a lot of dry, sunny weather for many, there will be a lot of dry, sunny weatherfor many, and there will be a lot of dry, sunny weather for many, and fewer showers. probably more cloud on balance
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across scotland and again across the west of northern ireland. we start with lots of mist and fog and lowland fog elsewhere which will take a while to clear away and it might persist for some parts of north—east england and eastern scotland, see haar and sea fret, there will be fewer showers, particularly as the sun is strong and temperatures higher than today, still in eastern parts of northern ireland and the central belt lower than today as well. the same sort of story as we get into monday, misty, murky where the first thing, slow to clear away, very isolated showers, just a bit of northerly drift coming in so temperatures won't be quite so high but do bear in mind even if it isn't quite as warm it's still strong, the sunshine, just as strong, the sunshine, just as strong, and as we head towards the middle of next week this low pressure mightjust bring in something more significant, wind and rain wise but the devil is in the detail, that far away, but it does look as if at that stage it will turn more and settled once again
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after today's storms and a bit windier too.
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this is bbc news. the headlines: president zelensky says ukraine only has about a quarter of the air defences it needs to fight off russian attacks, warning that russia could increase strikes in the north—east of the country, following recent gains near kharkiv.
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a close ally of the late russian opposition leader alexei navalny tells the bbc he'll "never give up" fighting putin, months fter a brutal hammer attack outside his home in lithuania, where he lives in exile. the president of georgia vetoes a controversial draft law that's caused mass protests across the country. critics say it stifles free speech. she will almost certainly be overawed by parliament. a boil water notice has been lifted for thousands around brixton after no traces of a parasite were found in supply area. traces of cryptosporidiosis were identified on wednesday. more on all of those stories on the bbc news website or app. a full bulletin of news at five o'clock. now on bbc news, newscast. hello, you two. hi. hello. pleased to see me? no... you caught me by
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surprise a bit there. well, i was pausing out of politeness,


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